The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, January 04, 2016

1,000 British elite troops deployed to Libyan oil fields to ‘halt the advance of ISIS’

Another of those news stories which gives us chance to say "We told you so."

ISIS guerillas in Libya (Image source: NYT)

Leaders of the FUKUS axis (France, UK, USA) which launched an allegedly humanitarian bombing campaign on the regime of Libyan dictator Col. Muammar (Mad Dog) Gadaffi which removed the secular regime from office and the crazy dictator from the human race, but also succeeded in turning Libya from the most prosperous and most civilized nation in Africa into a failed state with three warring factions claiming to be the legitimate government, were ill advised by 'experts' as stupid and ignorant as themselves.
What makes western leaders and their armies of
arse lickersspecial asdvisers even worse than stupid is they do not learn from mistakes, they repeated the Libya regime change cock up in Syria and Ukraine but failed to pull off the same trick in Egypt, when after President Mubarak has been deposed by Islamic extremists, the military reasserted themselves, disposed of the Muslim Brotherhood regime and returned to business as usual.
And now we learn things are back to square one in Libya.
One thousand troops from British Special Forces regiments have been deployed in Libya to wrest back control of more than a dozen oil fields overrun by Islamic State guerillas according to news agency reports. 
In a ground operation that should have accompanied the bombing campaign of four years ago, approximately 6,000 European and US soldiers, including the British contingent  will be involved in a number of operations aimed at repelling  the advance of jihadist terrorists.

The operation will be led by Italian forces and supported mainly by Britain and France. Italy is the former colonial power in the north African state. UK Special Forces, including military close observation experts from the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, are spearheading a major coalition offensive against the jihadist group, according to Ministry of Defence press releases.

IS  now controls several oil fields in Libya and will be hoping to use the stolen oil laundering system established with the family of Turkish president Erdogan to raise funds from illegal oil trades. The Islamist group is also eager to win more control over the country, as the land could provide them with millions of dollars to fund terror attacks.

The terrorist network is now targeting the Marsa al Brega oil refinery, the biggest in North Africa.
If jihadists successfully capture the oil refinery, located between Sirte and Benghazi tn the east of the heavily populated coastal strip, they would gain full control of the country’s oil.


Pentagon Admits US Ground Troops Involved in Somalia Raid

Pentagon officials confirmed that US ground troops were involved in a raid against a town in Somalia held by fighters of the ISIS afilliated al-Shabaab terror group. The US troops arrived by helicopter to engage the terrorists in a raid which also involved Somali forces, and which they say killed “more than 10? fighters.

FUKUS axis troops (France, UK, USA) Unable To Halt ISIS March Towards Libyan Oil
The lastest news coming out of Tripoli is that The Islamic State (ISIS) force in Libya is taking on extra personnel faster than anyone can keep up with, some of these are raw recruits from north and sub Saharan Africa but many are experienced fighters (i.e, they know which end of a gun is dangerous) and is advancing towards Libya’s oil crescent, eyeing billions of barrels ...

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Obama Launching Massive Military Intervention In Libya And Iraq

Almost five years after the United States and its NATO allies launched a campaign in Libya to overthrow Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the United States is on the verge of massively escalating its military operations in the war-torn country.

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