The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cameron's EU Deal As Worthless As Neville Chamberlain's 'Peace In Our Time.'?

What has the EU done for us? (Image Source)

Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself.Should we regard polls as a reliable pointer after last years General Election and the Scottish Referendum?

Fears over privacy, raise by internet hacking and activist sites such as Wikileaks and general mistrust of the media have made many people reluctant to take part in polls, one polling organisation I read of had to call 22,000 people in order to select a representative panel of 2000 for a telephone poll.

The current situation in the EU polling as David Cameron desperately tries today to win concessions that will make staying in the EU acceptable to supporters of the Conservative Party he leads is that Britain has long received a “poor man’s offering” from what she views as a German and French-dominated bloc. Some even blames the unrealistic EU’s emissions rules for forcing the beloved Land Rover Defender 4×4 out of production.

Cameron’s plans to appease sceptical voters by cutting the benefits paid to EU migrants appealed to undecided voters  but looks to be a non starter among EU leaders who must approve the deal. European Parliment President Martin Schulz, who last year said that public opinion does not matter and EU bureaucrats will do as they please regardless of any votes, has stated that any deal offered to Cameron today cannot be legally binding.

Fair warning it seems that the EU will stab us in the back should we vote to leave.

The 'Leave' campaigns are not faring any better. Talk less about immigration and give more detail on whether Britain would be better or worse off outside the EU, many people in areas not much affected by mass immigration are saying.

Around one in five British voters tell pollsters they have yet to make up their minds. Many are middle-aged women who support Cameron’s Conservatives and live outside London and Scotland, two of Britain’s most pro-European areas.

If Cameron is to keep Britain in the bloc it joined in 1973, he will need to secure the vote of millions of people in rural areas and the old industrial towns of the north and midlands.

The game changer, should voters wake up to it, is that as UKIP leader Nigel Farage revealed, whatever deal Cameron wins over the next few days will be a fraud. The Prime Minister will present it to the nation as a done deal before the actual vote and should we vote to leave it will be binding on us.

Any changes to the terms of our membership however must be approved by the European Parliament and MEPs will certainly veto it, as the Parliament itself and its voting system (Qualified Majority) are heavily biased in favour of those nations that support ever greater integration until member states no longer exist as sovereign nations but only as administrative regions in a Federal European Superstate.

The rest of Europe is watching warily – Britain is the EU’s second largest economy, one of only to net contributors to EU funds, and one of its top two military powers.


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READ MORE ON: Britain >> EU >> Europe >> Immigration >> Military >>UKIP >> economy

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