The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Hillary Steals Iowa Caucus On Her Way To Jail?


In the Iowa caucus for the Democratic Party nomination six precincts were decided by the toss of a coin with Hillary Clinton's supporters winning all six by calling 'heads each time. Hillary won the nomination by 4 precincts. What a bunch of tossers.

While this blog has only taken the position of an impartial onlooker in the contests for Democratic and Republican nominations for the US Presidential elections, while Donald Trump has cause much hilarity but despite being beaten into ssecond place last still has the wind behind him as his lead among the republican hopefuls in opinion polls continues to increase, the Democrats contest is shaping up to be a much nastier affair.

In the first situation in which actual votes are cast, the Iowa caucus (I've no idea how a caucus differs from a primary, nor do I care) Hillary Clinton appears to have secured a narrow victory over rival Bernie Sanders by six tosses of a coin.

A typical result was recorded in the city of Ames, which is around 30 miles (48km) north of the state capital Des Moines, and is home to Iowa State University.

“A total of 484 eligible caucus attendees were initially recorded at the site. But when each candidate’s preference group was counted, Clinton had 240 supporters, Sanders had 179 and Martin O’Malley had five (causing him to be declared non-viable),” said David Schweingruber, a sociology professor at Iowa State University, who was present at the caucus and explained the situation to the Des Moines Register.

The discrepancy prompted the precinct leaders to call a Democratic Party hotline, in order to find out how the missing votes situation should be handled. Despite having the latest technology (a Microsoft vote counting app thaty was declaring Hillary the winner before votes were even counted) at their disposal, the Democrat Party hierarchy decided the best course of action would be to go back to basics and settle the dispute with a coin toss!

A supporter in the Clinton camp correctly called “heads” meaning that Clinton picked up five of the eight delegates in precinct 2-4 Ames.

However, this was anything but an isolated incident. Two precincts in Des Moines and one each in Newton, West Branch and Davenport all had to be decided by the toss of the coin.

Amazingly, Clinton managed to win each of these coin tosses, which helped her to eventually secure victory in the Iowa Caucus.

Democratic Party figures stated that Clinton won by just four delegates, in a result Sanders called a “virtual tie.” The Des Moines Register reported.

You might say this proves those commentators who said Hillary would rely on money to win the nomination were absolutely right.

It also proves the Democratic Party are a bunch of tossers.


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