The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Putin’s covert war on western decadence

 Earlier this month
young Russian activists turned out in the streets of Moscow to protest against western decadence. Standing in aggressive military poses and dressed in uniforms of ‘Officers of Russia: Executive Youth Wing,’ they blocked access to an exhibition of photographs of nude adolescents by American photographer Jock Sturges.

‘We are here to protect people from paedophilic influences,’ one young Officer of Russia announced to journalists. Another protester sprayed the offending photographs with urine. At the same time, Russia’s state–controlled radio networks were filled with senators, Rusian Orthodox priests and government officials denouncing the the exhibition (which shut down immediately after the protests) and demanding the organisers to be prosecuted.

The outcry came shortly after the Russian government banned two popular pornography sites, youporn and xhamster, on the pretext of protecting public morality.

According to some left wing commentators in the west, particularly those sympathetic to the moral libertines of the US Democratic Party and the UK's Labour party, which both have advocated of legalising sex between adults and children as young as four, Putin’s Russia is fast becoming a very puritan place. Ever since returning to the presidency in 2012, Putin, an active member of Russia's Orthodox Christian congregation despite his history as a KGB agent under the Soviet regime, has pursued an increasingly religious-conservative ideology both at home and abroad, defining Russia as a moral fortress against sexual licence and decadence, porn and gay rights.

This is true but should be viewed in the context of ideological puritanism in the west, where the Special Snowflake generation suffer attacks of 'the vapours' if they encounter 'microaggressions,' but a quite comfortable with the idea of allowing gay and transgender propaganda to be taught in schools to children as young as four.

Putin’s puritanism has developed under the influence of two of the most prominent conservative ideologues in Russia: his personal confessor Bishop Tikhon Shevkunov and the geopolitical thinker Alexander Dugin. Bishop Tikhon has long been a critic of the decadence of the modern western world — and his Every-day Saints and the Other Stories was the best–selling Russian book of 2012, rivalled for sales only by Fifty Shades of Grey. Dugin is the architect of Eurasianism, an ideology which holds that Russia has a special historical destiny to save the world from the corrupt moral values of western capitalism.

The influence of the Russian Orthodox church on public life is growing fast, thanks to Kremlin patronage. The church’s preferred instrument of control is a draconian law criminalising ‘offending the feeling of religious believers’ that was passed in the wake of a protest by the feminist punk group Pussy Riot in Moscow’s Christ the Saviour Cathedral in 2012. This may seem obnoxious to western liberals but should be seen as a parallel to European and American acts outlawing 'hate speech' which are just as oppressive and illiberal.
In March in Stavropol, south Russia, criminal charges were brought against Viktor Krasnov after he wrote ‘God does not exist’ on the VKontakte social network, Russia’s version of Facebook. Krasnov was ordered to spend over a month undergoing examinations in a psychiatric ward before he was finally deemed sane enough to stand trial, and the case continues. Now that is out of order, free speech must always be defended, but let's not forget that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, former British Prime Ministers David Cameron, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have all spoken of criminalising the criticism of climate change alarmism or government policy on globalisation and immigration.

Polls show that most ordinary Russians hold deeply illiberal views on social issues (for example, 21 per cent want to see homosexuals ‘liquidated’, and another 37 per cent advocate ‘separating them from society’ — while only 11 per cent believe homosexuality to be a ‘sexual orientation from birth, which merits the same rights as heterosexual orientation’). And historical polling data from the recently shuttered Levada research centre shows that Russian attitudes on gays, blacks, Jews, foreigners, capital punishment and the like have remained pretty unenlightened since the fall of the Soviet Union.

This echoes the disconnect in European Union members and other liberal democracies including the USA, between the estblishment (politicans and civil servants, academics, media luvvies and public sector professionals) and the masses. In Russia however they liberal fuckwittery is confined to intellectuals.

‘In this epoch of cyborgs, hybrids, mutants, chimeras and virtual reality, mankind will be saved only by tradition,’ Alexander Dugin said in his latest lecture on the Tsargrad TV station. According to him ‘all modernism — the idea of progress, development, the so-called scientific view of the world, democracy and liberalism [is] a Satanic idea that spells a death sentence for humanity… the only defence is asserting God, the church, the empire, the congregation of the faithful, the state, and the people’s traditions.’
Dugin, once a marginal figure, has come closer to the political mainstream as Russia has veered deeper into isolation and nationalism in the wake of the annexation of Crimea in March 2014. 

‘This is a state that cynically uses Orthodox Christianity as a surrogate ideology to prop up its authority,’ argues Brian Whitmore, author of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s influential blog The Power Vertical. ‘It’s a state where fealty to the Orthodox church, or at least publicly proclaiming fealty, becomes a surrogate for patriotism… and it’s a state where challenging the authority of the church is akin to an act of treason.’

Whitmore is correct but fails to compare Russian religious authoritarianism with western ideological authoritarianism. Consider the vile attacks made by those in western societies who try to disguise their authoritarianism by claiming to be 'left wing' and progressive. British motormouth Katie Hopkins, UKIP leader Nigel Farage, TV presenter Piers Morgan, journalist and climate change sceptic James Delingpole, gay conservative writer Milo Yiannopolous, and glamour model Katie Price have all been subjected to hate attacks for expressing opinions that do not conform to the politically correct orthodoxy, in the USA anybody who supports Christian values or questions politically correct thinking is going to be crucified. So we are really looking at civilisations that are heading in opposite directions. And that does not bode well for future prospects of peaceful cooperation.  


California Legalizes Child Prostitution, Kids Can Now be Sex Workers

Governor Moonbeam has just decriminalized prostitution for minors in California.
He claims that it is meant to make life after human trafficking easier for those forced into it. But who says that the consequences of this move won’t make pedophilia more acceptable? Our government officials have forgotten that their actions will cause dire consequences for others. Or maybe they do know that and they just don’t care.

This is absolutely astounding. The liberal numbnuts who run the State of California just decriminalized child prostitution. There is no misinterpretation of what they’ve done here. It is no longer illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to engage in prostitution or to solicit money for sex. Like I said, kids in California are now able to legally work as prostitutes.
CBS Sacramento reports that space cadet Governor Jerry Brown signed SB1322 into law on Tuesday. Among other things, this bill exempts minors from the current California prostitution laws. In other words, a person under the age of 18 can no longer be arrested for violating prostitution laws that apply to adults.
I was thinking that maybe the news was reporting this wrong or perhaps they were leaving some stuff out that makes this sound less terrible than it is, but I read the actual wording of the bill and this is what is says:
Existing law makes it a crime to solicit or engage in any act of prostitution. Existing law makes it a crime to loiter in any public place with the intent to commit prostitution. This bill would make the above provisions inapplicable to a child under 18 years of age who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that would, if committed by an adult, violate the above provisions.

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Panama Papers: British Elite Linked to Corruption, yet Media Only Focuses on Putin
It is clear (and very easy to research) that many American elitists, including prominent political figures are involved in the Panama tax haven scandal. So why are British news organisations focusin on David Cameeron, the Conservatives and Vladimir Putin? Could it be the Gerge Soros funded group behaind the leaks have another agenda besides exposing (perfectly legal) tax avoidance?

Playing Poker With Obama: Putin’s Calculated Risk In Syria

I've said before that the reason Vladimir Putin outmanoeuvres the US State Department in every diplomatic skirmish is that while American's play poker, which is all about bluff, Putin plays chess which is all about strategy. Russian President Vladimir Putin had decided to risk the possibility of military clashes with the United States and its European Allies, Saudi Arabia, other major Muslim nations and Israel by intervening in Syria ...

Stupidity Of America's Lust For War With Russia

We have reported many times on the American attempts to provoke Russia's leader Vladimir Putin in the hope that Puting will then fire the first shot in the war the USA so desperately needs to revive its failed economy, unify its dysfunctional society and restore is to the position of dominant global superpower ...

Washington is pushing Kiev to military solution of Donbass conflict
The US is inciting Kiev to end the crisis in eastern Ukraine by force, said the Russian foreign minister citing US support of the recent Ukrainian law on the special self-governing status of Donbass, which Moscow says undermines the Minsk-2 deal.

Kiev Breaches Minsk Agreement Within Hours

We all knew the ceasefire agreed by Angela Merkel, Francoise Hollande, Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian Nazi leader Poroschenko would not hold. The people whose country stands to gain most from war, that is of course Barack Obama and John Kerry, President and secretary of State of the USA, the country that wants and needs perpetual war, were trying derail the fragile deal while the four leaders were still negotiating.

The Hard-Core Nazis Who Rule In Kiev Were Put There By EU and USA

"Their children will hole up in basements!" screeched Ukrainian "President" Poroshenko, the oligarch and "Chocolate King." "This is how we will win this war!" He was talking about the children of the people of East Ukraine, whose cities are being bombed from the air by the US-supported Ukrainian military. Thousands have been killed, mostly civilians: Ukraine’s war on its own people has displaced nearly a million people ...

Are Europe And USA Drifting Apart Over Warmonger President Obama's Aggressive Attitude To Russia?

The entire foreign policy of the Obama Administration in the USA is based on having its European alliesd give a veneer of respectability to America's warmongering, economic imperialism and blatant bullying of smaller nations. But has the rent bot President overreached himself in trying to bully Russia's Vladimir Putin?

Russia along with three quarters of the world, is isolated

The latest EU sanctions announced today after last weeks NATO summit have left Russia increasingly isolated in the world according to mainstream media reports of the response from western governments.

Without American leadership, democracy is in peril? Not really.

Much of the corporate propaganda spouting mainstream media are forecasting a bad outcome from the current chaose in Ukraine, with ISIS aka ISIL aka Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and with other local conflicts that are part of a cultural war. The consensus is that the west is currently not winning because of the failure of American leadership. This is untrue, most of the problems exist because America is leading the world towards war.

The Latest Misinformation Out Of Kiev

Sometimes we think things are cooling down in Ukraine, media ficus on the propaganda war betweek the kiev government and its American and European backers and the pro Russian separatists, backed by The Kremlin distracts us from what is going on on the ground. But there is still plenty goig on on the ground

Funny Things Happen In Ukraine - The Destriction Of The Convoy That Didn't Exist

The Ukraine Government claimed they had destroyed a Russian convoy that entered their territory. East Ukrainian rebels denounced it as an atrocity. Two British journalists working near the Russia / Ukrain border said they had witnessed the carnage. Russia said there had been no convoy. Independent sources said satellite pictures showed no evidence of wreckage. WTF was that all about?

"Anti-Putin" Alliance Fraying: Germany, Slovakia, Greece, Czech Republic Urge End To Russian Sanctions

When I posted a blog yesterday, Game and set to Putin (it wasn't quite match) which commented on how while Russia has shrugged off the American and EU sanctions, European farmers were being hit hard by Russia's retaliatory ban on foodstuff from the EU, Mike St. Mark replied that while the Russian leader was running rings round the USA, EU and Ukraine, he didn't think it was quite game and set at that point. It is now ...

Game And Set To Putin - Sanctions Hit EU Economies

Do you remember how the lefties cheered just a short while ago when in retaliation for Russia not obliging the warmongers of the military / industrial complex by starting World War Three in response to numerous provocations. They praised ...

German Handelsblatt Releases Stunning Anti-West Op-Ed, Asks If West Rabble-Rousers Are On The Payroll Of The KGB

Up until this point in the Obama Administrations attempt to recreate events leading up to World War One, Angela Merkel and German media in general, had been firmly on the side of the west when it comes to dealing with Russia, Putin and realpolitik in broader terms. That changed dramatically today when Gabor Steingart, the chief editor of Handelsblatt, Germany's leading economic newspaper, came out with a stunning op-ed, in German, English and Russian, titled simply that "The West on the wrong path"

FUKUS axis imposes sanctions, Russian Oligarchs Shrug

So far in the Libyan crisis, the Syria crisis, the Iraq crisis and the Ukraine crisis, Obama and the European leaders have made a lot of noise and imposed a lot of meaningless sanctions (like confiscating the bus passes of retired Russian gengsters living in the west. And the Russians have just quietly got on with doing what they were doing.

FUKUS axis imposes sanctions, Russian Oligarchs Shrug

You have probably read a torrent of arse dribble in mainstream media about "Russia is becoming increasingly isolated" It's a meme that political leaders in the FUKUS axis, EU and NATO would like us to believe. It isn't quite the whole story however.

Snowflake Special: Snowflake Professor blasts students for walking out of patronising lecture.

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