The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Currency war can end global US dollar dominance & those who own gold have power

The world is facing a currency war and the only hedge against the crash of the US dollar is real gold, a precious metal analyst has said in an interview with RT. With geopolitical power shifting from West to East, US dominance may be ending. "But isn't this just one person's opinion?" you might well ask.

In this particular instance it is, but this page has spent enough time over the past few years reporting on the coming currency war, the move by China, Russia and a group of emerging economic powers including India and Brazil, to abandon the US$ as the reserve currency for international trades to convince even the most gung ho American patriots that something is going on that cannot have a good outcome for their country.

A significant sign that the USA is no longer regarded as the ultimate safe haven is the recent rush tp repatriate physical gold from the United States. In the past twleve months nations including Germany, Turkey, France, The Netherlands, South Korea and Japan have been taking their bullion home. The reason is the Cold War is over and despite the Russiagate scaremongering of neocons and the military - industrial complex, countries don’t see Russia as a threat anymore, says Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals advisor and Mises Ambassador.

The world has been living in crisis since 2008, while a currency war started even earlier, Grass said to RT. Central banks have been creating trillions of dollars out of thin air by issuing bonds, while central banks are coordinating the debasing of currencies, he said.

None of the money printing panic measures implemented since 2008 have made a significant difference, and with sovereign debt still growing it is obvious that the systemic problems still exist. The longer economies remain reliant on debt the greater the risks become and the more fragile the global economy is. More than 65 percent of all monetary reserves in the central banking system are held in the world currency reserve, i.e. in USDollar denominated treasury bonds. Therefore, holding physical gold is definitely the best hedge against a crash of any paper currency, and therefore also against a crash of the USD.

The global economy has become boged down in a “Monopoly-Game” system or a legalised Ponzi scheme that is based on debt and financial leverage.

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