The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, December 31, 2021

The Mystery Of Origin Of Omicron

 from Great Game India, 31 December 2021

The mystery of the origin of omicron strain of COVID-19 is raising new questions about the still undetermined origin of the coronavirus outbreak and whether it leaked from a Chinese research laboratory in Wuhan in 2019.

One common theory about abnormal mutations in the new variant Omicron suggests that it could have appeared from a person with an immunodeficiency after several months of incubation.

This could also explain the fact that the Omicron has no common origin with other strains of COVID whose last ancestors dated back to March 2020. While this theory prevails, there is worrying evidence of an alternate origin.

What you may not know are some key details from a Botswana press release that discussed the latest strain that was discovered (the oldest known case of the Omicron was discovered in Botswana).

The first known cases of Omicron discovered in Botswana were found in “foreign nationals on a diplomatic mission.”

One common theory about abnormal mutations in the new variant Omicron suggests that it could have appeared from a person with an immunodeficiency after several months of incubation.

This could also explain the fact that the Omicron has no common origin with other strains of COVID whose last ancestors dated back to March 2020. While this theory prevails, there is worrying evidence of an alternate origin.

What you may not know are some key details from a Botswana press release that discussed the latest strain that was discovered (the oldest known case of the Omicron was discovered in Botswana).

The first known cases of Omicron discovered in Botswana were found in “foreign nationals on a diplomatic mission.”  ... Continue reading >>>




A few weeks ago this blog reported a Swedish study which showed that natural immunity provides much better protection against infection by the SARS2-COV virus which causes COVID (COrona VIrus Disease,) than the Pfizer vaccine which is currently hyped as the most effective on the market, though it is no more effective than the others at provinding immunity. The more responsible voices in mainstream media that actually reported the story described by the news as “a bit of a bombshell”.

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Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group

Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ... Continue reading >>>

A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.
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Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.

23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.

21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians

New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?

Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.

Russia Fines Google With Record $100 Million For Corrupting Minors With Porn, Propaganda & Transgenderism

 from Humans Are Free, 31 December 2021

After repeatedly accusing Google of ignoring Russian laws on obscenity, Russia has dramatically escalated its long-running battle with major US-based internet platforms. On Friday a Moscow court imposed an unprecedented fine of almost $100 million on Google for corrupting minors with porn, propaganda and transgenderism.

The content like pornographic material, as well as posts that reportedly promote drugs and suicide is under the dispute and the state media regulator Roskomnadzor has demanded the removal of the same.

Crucially, Kremlin officials and the regulator have long charged Google with promoting politically subversive messaging with the intent to stir up protests in support of jailed dissident Alexei Navalny.

Furthermore, Silicon Valley-based internet companies have been accused by Russia of allowing themselves to be used as a hidden hand of US foreign policy inside Russia and promoting controversial content like transgenderism among Russia’s youth.

Showing sexually explicit and corrupting material to minors is outlawed under recent legislation.

This fine of 7.2 billion rubles, (or $98 million) is record-setting as compared to prior fines imposed on US social media companies. The clear objective of imposing such a huge fine is to send a resounding message and warning. ... Continue reading >>>



Servergate: Clinton Emails reveal how Google tried to help Obama Administration defeat Syria’s Assad
The unhealthily close relationship beteen Google and the US government has been known for a while, but despite having been caught in their incesteous coupling, the parent and child relationship seems to be getting more intense. The latest revelation from the Hillary Clinton emails shows how Google was involved in the bid to overthrow Assad in Syria

Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.
Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg.

What The controllers have In Store For Your Future
If you thought the book Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell was something else—even possibly off the wall when written—wait until you learn what’s planned for us by the year 2025! George Orwell, in retrospect, seems to have been able to tap into some sort of future-time-machine or a “worm hole” in physics—what’s known as an “Einstein-Rosen bridge,” because much of what he wrote about has come to realization.

Google: Benefactor Of Mankind Or Evil Empire (or buch of idiotic nerds who got lucky?)
They way Google has come to dominate the internet just as the internet has come to dominate our lives can't all be down to good luck and careful planning can it? As this page develops you will see how sinister forces guided Google to their current position.

How Google Destroyed the Internet
The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas.

How Google Destroyed the Internet
The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.

Google a step closer to developing machines with human-like intelligence
Computers will have developed “common sense” within a decade and we could be counting them among our friends not long afterwards, one of the world’s leading AI scientists has predicted. Professor Geoff Hinton, who was hired by Google two years ago to help develop intelligent operating systems, said that the company is on the brink of developing algorithms with the capacity for logic, natural conversation and even flirtation.

I've been trying to warn you for years but would you tech heads and science heads listen?
A facebook friend, Mary Bladley McCaulay writes: Now I know for sure Google earth is following me. Went to the Dentist in Mufreesboro this AM. When I got back to my sons house and got online with my Kindle, first thing I saw was a Dental ad.

Who Runs America? US Federal Trade Commission Takes Orders From Google
Barak Obama runs America surely, you might well be thinking. We would argue that no US President since Eisenhower has truly run the USA. But the latest revelation of how cosy the Obama Administration has become with corporate business, to the extent that government departments are taking instruction from Google will shock even the most cynical Americans

Google Meets White House Officials Every Week, Why?
We have been very suspicious for ten years of the way Google with such apparent ease achieved a dominant position in web search. How did it happen, did Google do something evil, did they invoke the powers of darkness in their meteoric rise. Or were there even darker forces at work, powering Google to a position in which their internet technologies could dominate global information flows? Here's something cynics should read.

Cashless Society - The Resistance Begins Here
A seaside market town in Norfolk may be less than 100 miles from the world's financial capital, London, , it may be the commercial centre of West Norfolk’ as the town website boasts, it may be home to 45,000 people — but there, unlike in London, cash is king.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Rebel Rural Community In North-east Spain Fights Back Against Wind Farms

 30 December 2021

The medieval town of Albarracin in the province of Teruel in Aragon, Spain.
The medieval town of Albarracin in the province of Teruel in Aragon, Spain.   -   Copyright  ahau1969/ahau1969 / Getty

When during Spain's civil war in the 1920s and 30s the green glad fascists arrived in Albarracin a remote Aragonese hillside village their coming heralded the end of a way of life. Only very old people remember how as small children they spoke a native language - a mix of Catalan and Spanish known locally as chapureáo. That, another languages, such as the one now revived in the Basque region on modern Spain's north west coast, were banned by the Falangist regime of Il Caudillo, General Franco. The single language policy, like others which aimed to crush regional identity and culture, was intended to handicap the resistance. The dictator also tried to break up rural communities and marginalise dissidents living in the countryside.

This was the first of. a series of policies constructed to drive of people out of the countryside and into cities and conurbations. The trend continues today, not just in Spain all over Europe, notably in France and Italy. However Spain is the nest national community to use as an example as the nation was somewhat bypassed by the first stages of the industrial revolution and in years after World War One still had a largely peasant economy. Whether Spain's ruling elite have been desperately playing catch up out of an altruistic desire to see the people share the same levels of prosperity as have been enjoyed by the people of other large, commercially developed European Nations, or are simply crapping on the poorest citizens because that is what ruling elites do best, this push towards urbanisation  has led vast swathes of rural Spain being depopulated and formerly thriving, sustainable communities becoming ghost towns. The result is what is now referred to as España Vacía, or Empty Spain.

The old people, well some of them ast least, remember how parents, uncles, aunts and family friends continued to speak chapureáo in the privacy of their homes, to teach their children the folk lore an'd family histories of their region, to read forbidden literature in secret, to keep their lives, memories, culture  and values alive by living half their lives 'off - radar.

Calaceite is another small Spanish town in the 'Empty Spain' Matarranya region of Teruel, a state which a decade ago was forced to remind the rest of Spain it was still there by running a marketing campaign called Teruel SI Existe (Teruel DOES Exist).

Teruel is comfortably the least populated state in Spain, known predominantly for black olives (Aragonesas), olive oil and almond production - as well as for the fact that few people live there and nobody goes to visit.

The Empty Spain regions are an extreme example of modern depopulation, but Spain is by no means alone, with an estimated 90 per cent of Spain;s available land having undergone a mass exodus of population, particularly young people in the middle of the twentieth century. Goveernment and European Union social engineering policies encouraged this internal movement, apart from cost-benefit reasons governments were also able to benefit economically by cutting services and resources allocated to these rural areas, an act which in turn drove more people to the cities, and continues to do so. As well as the obvious economic benefits however, there are political benefits, especially to regimes with authoritarian tendencies. A more tightly packed population is easier to control and manipulate, and members of urban populations are more likely to depend on welfare benefits and government services, which can be weaponised to coerce dissidents and malcontents to comply with human rights violating policies as we have seen in the way some countries have used vaccine passports to coerce citizens into accepting the clotshot.

The countryside in Teruel, Spain.Getty


To the industrial, holistic eye of government mechanics, these rural areas are now empty of society - a kind of terra nullius, and must be made to contribute to the national economy in other ways. Perhaps the biggest window of opportunity seen by successive governments across the political spectrum has been to open up these territories for the development of vast wind farm complexes.

The truth is, however, that Empty Spain is not empty at all, and continues to house historic communities across its territory, many of which have now developed themselves into models of local, sustainable economies - communities which in the national debate are struggling to get their voices heard.

Marcos Mateu
Teruel is known as 'Empty Spain'Marcos Mateu

Spain’s appetite for wind

Spain’s national energy demands are currently being fed by a variety of sources, but none is greater in importance than wind.

In 2021, according to the Spanish National Grid (Red Eléctrica de España), wind accounted for a quarter of all electrical production, and is growing one percentage point per annum.

This year, for the first time in the country, energy provided by wind overtook nuclear power.

In a European context, Spain’s wind production is second only to Germany, and currently runs at over 21,000 wind turbines, a statistic escalating weekly as the industry has been designated by the government as being a core driver of the COVID economic recovery.

The focus continues to be on satisfying insatiable urban appetites for energy instead of supporting more sustainable models of community living.

Proponents of wind generally state that it is a form of clean energy crucial to meeting the nation’s climate goals, that Spain has space and wind aplenty, and that its cities’ needs must be met from somewhere.

Wind turbines are being built without locals' permission in north-east Spain.Canva

Critics, on the other hand, are frustrated that in a time of climate change, the focus continues to be on satisfying insatiable urban appetites for energy instead of supporting more sustainable models of community living.

And, more than anything, they argue that for these parks to be built they require local consent, rather than imposition from central government in Madrid, something anathema to the standard operating procedure of mega industry, globally.

Globalists Audacious Plan To Impose Authoritarian World Government Using COVID Pandemic As Smokescreen

It will not come as news to people who follow developments via new media or alt_news sites that for many decades a cabal of multi-billionaire globalists have been planning to usurp power in the world's wealthiest and most prosperous nations, dismantle democratic systems of government and impose a global technocracy, the highest level of which will be made up of appointed academics, scientists and bureaucrats.  The people behind this idea, who include in their number household names like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey, Tony Fauci, George Soros and Warren Buffett and less wekk known names such as Klaus Schwab, Carlos Slim, Jack Ma, Roman Abramoitch and Sheik Hamdan Al Maktoum, and apart from their obscene wealth the one thing that links them is the belief that they are a superior kind of human being and that the vast wealth they have acquired by inheritance of dubious business methods somehow confers on them the right to decide how the 99.9999 percent of the rest of the planet should live, what freedoms should be available are rewards for those who meekly comply with government diktat, and what sanctions should be imposed on those who dissent.

For decades this small self styled superior caste of individuals have  met at jollies like the c Bilderberg Group conference, various G7 and G20 summits and chiefly the World Economic Forum, a gathering in the exclusive and privacy-guaranteeingly expensive Swiss winter sports resort Davos where they formulate the policies their money will influence political leaders into adopting, and hatch their latest schemes to persuade / coerce sovereign nations to cede more power unto themselves by stripping private citizens of their hiard won rights and liberties.

  Always at the center of the latest plot for a globalist takeover, Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF and scion of a powerful German family which in the 1930s enjoyed considerable influence in the National Socialist (Nazi) party,  who is the architect of the current plan to use the COVID-19 pandemic as a smokescreen behind which certain moves to usurp national sovereignty to supra-national bureaucracies such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations Organisation, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) according to a new report exposing the scheme.

The RAIR Foundation USA, claims to have evidence that the plan is to create ‘COVID dictators’ justifying the suspension of democratic government by claiming it is a temporary measure necessitated by the need to ‘protect’ the public from a virus that in two years (an extraordinarily long period for a pandemic to last,) has proved far less deadly than past global health crises like the Spanish flu which broke out at the end of World War I (as if enough people hadn’t already died), and outbreaks of typhoid, cholera, smallpox and of course The Black Death.

We should ignore The Black Death as it happened long before reliable records were kept but all of the others, while having a much higher Infection to Fatality rate than COVID fell a long way short of being the kind of existential threat to humanity we are told the rebranded common cold virus driving the current crisis poses. 

But like myself, many people from various walks of life feel the tide is turning against the globalists, as if the creation of the ridiculous Omicron variant to pump up the fear factor and prolong the crisis at a time when trust in government, the medical professions, news and information media and the justice systems of the world was on the point of collapse was a lie too far.

German investigative journalist Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Klaus Schwab’s Hitler Youth "Young Global Leaders” movement that shed light on world events during the pandemic in a video for the German Corona Committee podcast. Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, but recently he has focused on exposing what he describes as the hidden agenda behind the authoritarian and medically irrelevant anti-Covid measures imposed by decree around the world, having bypassed the usual democratic processes.

Wolff offers the well - supported claim that the scheme centers around the WEF, which Schwab created in Switzerland in 1971 with the aim of advancing the case for undemocratic global governance.

“The WEF is best-known to the public for the annual conferences it holds in Davos, Switzerland each January that aim to bring together political and business leaders from around the world to discuss the problems of the day. Today, it is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately a thousand multinational corporations,” the report states.

Though the WEF initially only attracted economists, it has widened its scope in recent years, spreading to the super-elite within the fields of business, academia, entertainment and the media.

“In 1992 Schwab established a parallel institution, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school, which was re-established as Young Global Leaders in 2004. Attendees at the school must apply for admission and are then subjected to a rigorous selection process,” the report explains, going on to name early and recent graduates: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, as well as more recent grads California Governor Gavin Newsom and Biden Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Other grads include billionaires Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, the report notes.

“Given the growing discontent with the anti-Covid measures put into practice by the school’s graduates who are now national leaders, Wolff believes it is possible that these people were selected due to their willingness to do whatever they are told, and that they are being set up to fail so that the subsequent backlash can be exploited to justify the creation of a new global form of government,” says the report.

Wolff also observes that politicians with strong, independent personalities and original ideas that offer pragmatic local solutions to problems have become rare, and that the distinguishing character of the national leaders of the past 30 years has been their meekness and adherence to a strict globalist line dictated from above.”

It is true, try to name one leader in an economically significant nation who is not signed up to the climate change agenda, the ideology of multiculturalism and diversity which requires us to believe that the mass migration of ignorant, uneducated, third world peasants from backward, often medieval cultures, to the developed nations, where the demand is for educated, skilled, culturally assimilated workers is somehow economically beneficial and culturally enriching.

Indoctrination with the groupthink mindset that afflicts university graduates and influences their careers explains why all of the leftists who have gone to the Young Global Leaders school never deviate from public “solutions” to the same problems and issues — like lemmings. They’ve been hand-selected through a process that identified them as ‘yes’ men and women for the globalist cause, people who would never question the directives passed down through the hierarchy but instead would respond in the way which they believed would most successfully advance their own career ambitions.

Take a step back from all the scaremongering, statistical jiggery - pokery, vaccines that do not immunise, mask that do not block or capture the virus, lockdowns that lock up people and trash national economies but do not contain the spread of the virus and the rest of the bullshit attached to the COVID pandemic and ask yourself why leaders of so many vastly differing nations chose the same measures to ‘slow the spread’ (none of which worked but all of which gave an unprecedented guide to exactly how compliant the general population is and how many people would prove eager to act as unpaid spies, informing on neighbours, accosting strangers and accusing them of murder because they were not wearing masks and so on).

“How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere?” one person noted in response to the report.

Thanks to Herr Wolff the message that I and many thousands more new media contributors have been shouting from the rooftops since long before COVID was a thing has reached the mainstream. The pandemic hoax, the vaccine that doesn't immunise against the disease that doesn't kill unless you are a million years old or at deaths door with some real illness, these are all part of a decades-long march to authoritarian globalism and COVID-19 is the delivery vehicle. Stop that vehicle in its tracks, prevent the delivery from being made, do not comply with any more idiotic, neo - fascist measures to test your obedience.


A few weeks ago this blog reported a Swedish study which showed that natural immunity provides much better protection against infection by the SARS2-COV virus which causes COVID (COrona VIrus Disease,) than the Pfizer vaccine which is currently hyped as the most effective on the market, though it is no more effective than the others at provinding immunity. The more responsible voices in mainstream media that actually reported the story described by the news as “a bit of a bombshell”.

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Study Reveals That Unjabbed Are Better Informed Than Jabbed
On the day we reported elsewhere that thousands of Germans had taken to the streets to protest against the latest fascistic measures imposed by their federal government Ulrike Guérot, a German political scientist has effectively shown that the so called vaccination opponents were far better informed on the CoVID vaccine effectiveness and adverse affects than the jabbed ones. Continue reading >>>

Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.The demonstrations were biggest in Mecklenburg, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 joined a demonstration. Continue reading >>>

Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group

Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
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Government To Weaponise Welfare Benefits To Enforce Vaccine Mandates
As evidence piles up showing that the COVID vaccines have failed, or at least are nmot what we were told they are, because data shows that the vaccinated rather than being ptotected from infection are actually more vulnerable to COVID, government and Big Pharma are growing more desperate in their efforts to coerce people into getting vaccinated. Continue reading >>>

Why have we doctors been silent? — by Lucie Wilk

AS an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history. I have watched as ‘the science’ has been presented on the national stage flanked by Union Jack flags as an unassailable truth. For something so apparently inviolable, it seems to shift and change disconcertingly from week to week ...

German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.

Pandemic - The Thief Of Time
A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...

Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections. Continue reading >>>

After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ... Continue reading >>>

The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying an high court injunctionAnti-civilisation activists chant 'we are unstoppable, another world is possible', as police officers lead them from the court to the cells.
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The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
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In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ... Continue reading >>>

A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

More hospital nurses blow whistle on “overwhelming” number of heart attacks, blood clots occurring in the fully vaccinated

from News Target, 29 December 2021
by Ethan Huff

More hospital nurses blow whistle on “overwhelming” number of heart attacks, blood clots occurring in the fully vaccinated

There is a wave of vaccine-induced illnesses sweeping Southern California hospitals, and a few brave nurses have come forward to talk about it.

In Ventura County, located to the north of Los Angeles, cases of “unexplained” heart problems, strokes and blood clotting are skyrocketing at area hospitals. And many local doctors are refusing to link these events to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections.

A critical care nurse at a Ventura County ICU came forward to tell the Conejo Guardian that he is “tired of all the B.S. that’s going on” as the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

“It’s crazy how nobody questions anything anymore,” this person, named Sam, is quoted as saying.

Sam says that there has been a noticeable surge in young people experiencing these types of severe health problems after they get needled with the injections from Operation Warp Speed.

“We’ve been having a lot of younger people come in,” Sam added. “We’re seeing a lot of strokes, a lot of heart attacks.”

In one case, a 38-year-old woman came to the emergency room with occlusions, or blockages of blood flow, in her brain.

“They [doctors] were searching for everything under the sun and documenting this in the chart, but nowhere do you see if she was vaccinated or not,” Sam added.

“One thing the vaccine causes is thrombosis, clotting. Here you have a 38-year-old woman who was double-vaccinated and she’s having strokes they can’t explain. None of the doctors relates it to the vaccine. It’s garbage. It’s absolute garbage.” ... Continue reading >>>



Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group

Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
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Throughout history there have been sports players who suffered from multiple conditions who have “collapsed” on the field during practice and during live games. However, a recent article from the German newspaper, Berliner Zeitung has highlighted an “unusually large” increase in the number of these collapses recently, leading to much speculation. Continue reading >>>

The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
Continue reading >>>

Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections. Continue reading >>>

In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ... Continue reading >>>

A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ FailureThe USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.
Continue reading >>>

Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERSThe latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.
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Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

Why the well-informed young say No to the jab
ABOUT a third of those aged 18-29 in England are shunning the Covid vaccine, despite massive inducements. It’s interesting to speculate on why this is. The Government is pressuring them into taking the jab through exaggerated claims about its safety and effectiveness; through accusations that they are selfish to refuse it; through pop-up clinics at football stadiums, circuses and music festivals, sometimes offering free food, and through threats that their hesitation will make vaccine passports and a return to lockdown more likely

More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns
11 August: As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on Wednesday, WITH NEWS that the the EU's medicines regulator is looking into new side effects from the jabs INcluding skin reactions and kidney ailments. According to Reuters, three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna ...

FDA Reveals Serious Adverse Outcomes (including death) of COVID Vaccination
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

Germany: Thousands Protest New Vaccine Mandates and COVID Measures


Authored by Katabella Roberts Epoch Times via Zero Hedge,

Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.

The demonstrations were particularly rife in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets across several cities to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. 

In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 people took to the streets to demonstrate.

The city of Cottbus saw around 3,000 demonstrators, according to Tagesschau which cited police figures. Elsewhere in the east, around 9,000 demonstrators took to the streets at 16 locations across the south of Brandenburg. Hundreds more protested in the cities of Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, and various places in Lower Saxony, as per local reports. 

In Saxony, East Germany, police said on Twitter that they had officers patrolling areas in Görlitz, Bautzen, Hoyerwerda, Kamenz and Zittau.

“In Bautzen, Görlitz, Zittau, Weißwasser and Hoyerswerda, there are currently larger gatherings of people,” police wrote on Monday.

“Our emergency services will inform them of the violation of the current Corona emergency regulations and ask them to leave the area,” officials said.

Police later said they were attacked during the demonstrations in Bautzen.

“The emergency services were massively attacked with fireworks and bottles,” the police said in the evening.

DW reported that at least ten police officers were reportedly injured during demonstrations in Saxony.

Police were also deployed to break up gatherings in the Saxonian cities of Dresden and Leipzig, as per DW.

A number of protestors in the Bavarian town of Schweinfurt received suspended prison sentences on Monday, while another was fined by the local court. ... Continue reading >>>



Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group

Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
Continue reading >>>

Government To Weaponise Welfare Benefits To Enforce Vaccine Mandates
As evidence piles up showing that the COVID vaccines have failed, or at least are nmot what we were told they are, because data shows that the vaccinated rather than being ptotected from infection are actually more vulnerable to COVID, government and Big Pharma are growing more desperate in their efforts to coerce people into getting vaccinated. Continue reading >>>

Why have we doctors been silent? — by Lucie Wilk

AS an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history. I have watched as ‘the science’ has been presented on the national stage flanked by Union Jack flags as an unassailable truth. For something so apparently inviolable, it seems to shift and change disconcertingly from week to week ...

German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.

Pandemic - The Thief Of Time
A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...

Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections. Continue reading >>>

After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ... Continue reading >>>

The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
Continue reading >>>

Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying an high court injunctionAnti-civilisation activists chant 'we are unstoppable, another world is possible', as police officers lead them from the court to the cells.
Continue reading >>>

The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.

Germany's ruling party split over how to respond to AfD
Germany's Christian Democrat party (CDU) is as deeply divided as Britain's Labour Party over how to respond to the upsurge of nationalism. Facing a serious challenge from the nationalist (but not far right please, they are not that,) Alternative for Germany party (AFD) the CDU seems pitifully unprepared for departure of the Chancellor Merkel at a point when Germany its facing most serious political and economic crisis for decades.

Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany's Political Establishment
After days of rumours as scandal erupted about a deal with right-of-centre AfD, Merkel's anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - better known as AKK - has confirmed she will step down as the leader of Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union that has ruled Germany for two decades, and won't run as the party's candidate to succeed Merkel during the federal election ...


German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million "Climate Refugees" To Migrate To West

The Green Party in Germany is currently putting forward as a policy that up to 140 million “climate refugees” should be allowed to migrate to the west and given citizenship. The question of where we would put 140 million people and what we would do with them is of course deflected. And the case that the 50 million climate refugees that were predicted tTo descend on the west, having been displaced by rising sea levels are apparently all hiding under Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility is ignored.

Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.

Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.

Germany Heading For Political Instability After EU Elections? it may be premature to write off the AfD because it is entirely possible their supporters suffered a bout of apathy with regard to the European Parliament, being aware the European Commission will not allow any nationalist grouping to gain influence in the parliament, the Left made some astonishing gains at the expense of Merkel’s CDU and its coalition partners the CSU and SDP. The always fragile coalition is now in even more trouble ...

Currency Wars: Former UN Under-Secretary-General Calls For One World Currency

In this page, we have covered US attempts to expolit its position as issurer of the global reserve currency, and the moves by China and Russia to resist that. Moves to establish the US$ as a true global currency began a long time ago with the creation of the International Monetary Fund at the Bretton Woods conference in the final months of World War 2, with Germany defeated and the world ready to split into capitalist and communist factions...

German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.

German Alarm Grows Over EU Determination To Punish Britain For Leaving
The business community and conservative politicians in Germany are becoming more annd more hostile towards the way Brussels is trying to force the UK Parliament to accept the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement as a fundamental failure of European statecraft that can lead only to a diplomatic catastrophe and long term animosity between the EU and one of Germany’s largest expot customers.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Study Reveals That Unjabbed Are Better Informed Than Jabbed

 source: GreatGameIndia 28 December 2021

On the day we reported elsewhere that thousands of Germans had taken to the streets to protest against the latest fascistic measures imposed by their federal government with the aim of using social exclusion to coerce intelligent, independent minded people into surrendering their liberty and accepting injerction with a 'vaccine' that will not immuise them against a disease that is extremely unlikely to make them ill,  Ulrike Guérot, a German political scientist has effectively shown that the so called vaccination opponents were far better informed on the CoVID vaccine effectiveness and adverse affects than the jabbed ones. 

This was demonstrated by citing a MAT conducted research which analyzed several tweets of the anti-vaxxers with extreme caution.

Study Reveals That Unjabbed Are Better Informed Than Jabbed

In Germany, around 70% are vaccinated, 30% are not vaccinated and around 40% out of 70% chose to accept the vaccine not because they put their faith in the vaccines or believed the scaremongering propaganda campaigns, but because it was a mandate if they wanted to work and travel around without any restrictions.

Some have now found it was not a wise choice as they may be able to work although limited lockdowns are still in operation and are being extended, while travel restrictions were never fully lifted due to the fact that the vaccines do not generate immunity.

The MAT study showed that those who are not vaccinated not only have more knowledge (as we have just shown in the preceding paragraph,) but also will never be convinced to get vaccinated.

Guérot, a political scientist at the University of Bonn,  believes that compulsory vaccinations will soon be introduced in Germany through the back door of the 2G rules – which allow only those who have been vaccinated and recovered to participate in social life. This would follow in the footsteps of Austria, the birthplace of Naziism, where compulsory vaccinations has already been introduced, with fines, termiation of employment and exclusion from essential activities such as food shopping among the penalties for non compliance.

“The pandemic has absolutely divided society, a sorting process is in progress: You only invite the people to your home for spaghetti and wine who are on the same page when it comes to Corona.Ulrike Guérot commented.



Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.The demonstrations were biggest in Mecklenburg, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 joined a demonstration. Continue reading >>>

Vaccines Do Not Stop COVID-19 Spread As Governments Claim: Legal Advocacy Group

Vaccines are less effective effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19 that governments have claimed, an analysis of government narratives carried out by a constitutional rights group shows. The report was published Tuesday by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, found that claims made by governments promising vaccination will reduce or stop the spread of COVID-19 are not supported by either medical science or empirical evidence
Continue reading >>>

Government To Weaponise Welfare Benefits To Enforce Vaccine Mandates
As evidence piles up showing that the COVID vaccines have failed, or at least are nmot what we were told they are, because data shows that the vaccinated rather than being ptotected from infection are actually more vulnerable to COVID, government and Big Pharma are growing more desperate in their efforts to coerce people into getting vaccinated. Continue reading >>>

Why have we doctors been silent? — by Lucie Wilk

AS an NHS hospital doctor, I have had a front-row seat as the drama of the coronavirus pandemic has unfolded. It has been a year and a half of confusion, frustration and anger for me as I’ve watched our profession drawn into complicity with what I anticipate will be regarded as one of the most egregious public health disasters in history. I have watched as ‘the science’ has been presented on the national stage flanked by Union Jack flags as an unassailable truth. For something so apparently inviolable, it seems to shift and change disconcertingly from week to week ...

German Schoolchildren Subjected To 'Ritual Humiliation' Over Their Vaccine Status
December 12<
As this blog has been telling you for a few years now, The Nazis are back in Germany. With these sausage scoffing krauts it's not a case of 'do as we say, not as we do,' but "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WILL MARGINALIZE YOUR KIDS AND FINE YOU INO POVERTY. Only a matter of time until the National Socialist coalition's thugs start kicking door in and dragging those who are not fully vaxxed (two shosts plus all obligatory boosters,) off to internment camps. VACCINE MACHT FRIE.

Pandemic - The Thief Of Time
A pandemic polemic in verse. The narrative of an unseeable monster that poses and existential threat to humanity is eating the days and years of our lives ...

Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections. Continue reading >>>

After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ... Continue reading >>>

The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
Continue reading >>>

Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying an high court injunctionAnti-civilisation activists chant 'we are unstoppable, another world is possible', as police officers lead them from the court to the cells.
Continue reading >>>

The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

Austria Days Away From Imposing Lockdown On The "Shameful" Unvaccinated Says Chancellor SchallenbergAustria's globalist Chancellor Schallenborg said today that the government would shortly give the go-ahead for a lockdown of unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide [...] This would prevent people without proof of full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19 from leaving their homes except for essential reasons.
Continue reading >>>

In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ... Continue reading >>>

A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

MENU: Covid Vaccine Fascism