The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?

 The increasingly hysterical tone of propaganda coming from The USA's military headquarters, The Pentagon, and its much smaller equivalents in the rest of NATO's member states suggests that with the collapse of the COVID existential threat to humanity narrative those who believe global government and the imposition of police state regimes not much different to Big Brother, the oligarchical collectivism, the brutally repressive dictatorship envisioned by George Orwell in his dystopian novel '1984' are somewhat desperate as their influence wanes.

While many in the commentariat are engaged in the flagellation of a moribund equine (flogging a dead horse) as they try to prop up the deadly virus / vaccine messiah case others have been quick to sense the game is up for COVID and have set about creating a new scary monster, although what they have actually done is revive an old one in the hope that people have forgotten we've been down the same road many times before.

THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING is the new narrative, as military and political leaders on the FUKUS axis (France, UK, USA,)  talk as if Putin's troops have crossed the border and are already half way to Kiev. While it is true that The Kremlin has close to 100,000 troops stationed around Russia's long border with Ukraine the truth is a lot of them have been there for a considerable time.

It was 2014 in fact, soon after a colour revolution in Ukraine, engineered by NATO, the European Union and billionaire psychopath and political meddler George Soros, a mega - rich Marxist who has made no secret that he has worked to bring about the downfall of western civilisation, that Russia becan its military build up.

The revolution had replaced a highly corrupt, but democratically elected pro - Moscow Ukranian government with a bunch of neo - Nazi thugs who pledged to support Brussels and Washington in return for certain financial and military inducements. Two of the colour revolution's aims were to get Ukrain back on the path to joining NATO and gaining EU member status, both of which had been on the agenda before the democratically elected, corrupt, pro - Moscow government had defeated an even more corrupt, pro western government.

Yes, it is confusing, that's normal for east European politics.

Back in 2014 and 2015 this blog and our sibling publications were writing about Barck Obama whipping up hysteria over what he claimed was an imminent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, in an effort which fortunately failed, to drum up support for putting American and NATO troops into Ukraine. The justiification for that was somewhat stronger than the scare stories being peddled by poor, demented Joe Biden. In 2014, as the usurper regime in Kiev embarked on an ethnic cleansing programme to remove ethnic Russians from Ukranian territory, Putin annexed The Crimean Peninsula and massed troops along Ukraine's eastern border to deter Kiev from launching full scale military attacks on the beakaway, ethnically Russian region of Donbas. The region is still claiming independence from Ukraine and Russian trroops are still stationed along the border to ensure the Kiev government  do not get any ideas about a genocidal campaign against the rebels.

So will Russia invade, as Joe Biden and his propagandists suggest, (in fact The White House has suggested it is a question of when rather than if, with Wednesday 16 February 2022 emerging as the red hot favourite,) or is it the case that the globalist bid to enslave us all through lockdowns, mandatory vaccination and vaccine passports has crumbled because it became clear that the vaccines are at best totally ineffective and at worst dangerous to many people, while lockdowns and vaccine passports have cost more lives than they saved and they need a new bogeyman narrative to divert attention as they patch up their damaged credibility.

The jury is still split down the middle as of Monday evening. The USA and NATO are still insisting that Russia's invasion could be launched at any moment, Moscow consinues to insist that it has not intention of moving against the Kiev government. And we have little reason to believe either.

The idea that Putin has 100,000 troops at the border tells me nothing I did not already know, since the time of Ivan the Terrible Russian leaders have been paranoid about their southern border. When the incumbent US administration starts talking up the threat to American security from (_________, insert name of current US enemy,) that is jut business as usual, America is always at war with one nation, occupying another after a war and talking up the threat of war with yet another because the USA's Milistary / Industrial complext is too important to the economy for prolonged peace to be allowed. but the EU failing to evacuate Ukraine (despite the fact that the U.S. has) tells me another.

The EU has been sitting on the fence throughout because too many European nations are dependent on Russian gas, oil and coal supplies to risk The Kremlin cutting off supplies, or the USA imposing economic sanctions, which would hit US allies far harder than they would Russia. President Biden is supposed to speak with Vladimir Putin today - so m that’ll maybe yield further headlines, or who knows, I'm about to shut down for the night and go to bed. By the time I wake we could be caught up in World War 3.

On the other hand the latest updates on this story have diplomatic sources in the USA and UK suggest the two main cheerleaders for war are saying there is still hope for a diplomatic solution. From that we can surmise that the narrative for this threat is following the same path as the 2014 version of Imminent 'Invasion Of Ukraine By Russia,' i.e. after weeks of the NATO powers blustering about the threat posed to western civilisation by Russia having a large military force assembled on Russian territory lack of action will render the story no longer newsworthy and it will fade away.

The fact that Ukraine's leaders have been playing down the threat of conflict and without consulting Washington, Brussels or London have been working towards a negotiated settlement with Moscow tends to support this prognosis. There are of course many conspiracy theories in circulation, however most bear the fingerprints of propagandists working for people who feel they have something to gain by promoting the threat of war.


Russia catalog

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

War with Russia? The latest scare story
As the COVID narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines do not work, masks are useless and lockdowns kill more than they save a new scaremongering narrative - or a revamped old one - is emerging as the threat of war with russia is the latest fear and panic vehicle to scare the people into compliance with tyranny. Continue reading >>>

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

Failure Of US Democracy? Congress filled with ‘totalitarians’ who oppose ‘free market of ideas'?

In an interview with Russia Today, Daniel McAdams, executive director, Ron Paul Institute, set up by the maverick former congressman to further his libertarian ideas said there are members of Congress who don’t want anyone on TV saying America’s foreign policy is a disaster and it costs a fortune, RT. Investigative journalist Dave Lindorff reports.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2018, which passed the US Senate earlier this week, carries some added provisions that have little in common with the military, as well as some provisions that appear to have little to do with defence spending.

Is USA Preparing For War Against Russia In The Baltic Region?
The US government has been making preparations for a possible war against Russia in Europe’s Baltic States, German business newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reports (link goes to page in original German). The report claims that all the NATO war games organized in the region by Washington have been intended to prepare various military response scenarios.

Playing Poker With Obama: Putin’s Calculated Risk In Syria
I've said before that the reason Vladimir Putin outmanoeuvres the US State Department in every diplomatic skirmish is that while American's play poker, which is all about bluff, Putin plays chess which is all about strategy. Russian President Vladimir Putin had decided to risk the possibility of military clashes with the United States and its European Allies, Saudi Arabia, other major Muslim nations and Israel by intervening in Syria ...

WMD in Mayfair
Recalling yesterday's Machiavelli Blog which commented on events surrounding the unfortunate death of the alleged former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko, it seems the murder investigation has now found evidence of many caches (well OK, traces) of radio active toxins in various fashionable establishments in London's West End frequented by former Russian intelligence agents.

U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia
Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”

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