The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, October 09, 2023

Attacks On Israel Raise Concerns Weapons Sent To Ukraine, Afghanistan, Fell Ino Terrorists Hands

Those of us who have observed the progress of conflict in Ukraine with the benefit of good peripheral vision which enables us to see the big picture and work out how that local war was playing into other geopolitical 'situations'. We reported this in the hope of promting sensible discussions about how the world was polarising and we were in danger of drifting into a wider, more general and infinitely more deadly conflict because of the intransigence of certain parties not directly involved in the war.

Once issue we Boggart Bloggers and many other alt_news commentators tried to highlight was the folly of the west;s supplying high tech weapons to the crooks and thugs who run that corrupt nation, (its had to single out one nation for the title of Most Corrupt Shithole In The World but Ukraine, both pre and post 2014 is certainly a contender so it was inevitable some if not most of those weapons supllied to Kiev would end up in the hands of whoever could afford the asking price. Our fears were not really prescient, it is exactly what happened when the USA's Biden administration prsided over the panicked and shambolic withdrawal from Afghanistan as the resurgent Taliban advanced on Kabul.

Our warnings were not heeded of course and now our predictions are being proved true (no wonder they call us 'conspiracy theorists', from the Kennedy assassination to the COVID hoax all our conspiracy theories have in the end plated out more or less as predicted.

And now, following the terror attacks on Israel by Hamas, a high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander has told Newsweek that Israel believes the Hamas terrorists were emboldened by the availability of weapons provided by the United States and other Western nations to Ukraine ending up in the hands of Israel’s foes in the Middle East, including Iran.

With other military experts echoing these worries, and adding that some of the $7billion worth of military hardware abandoned to the Taliban as the US military shat themselves made an orderly withdrawal from Kabul have found their way into the hands of Hamas and other terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, ISIS and Al Qaeda the situation could become the lastest chapter in a long legacy of U.S. arms shipments being mislaid and empowering adversaries of both Israel and the U.S.A. in one of the many conflict zones that have resulted from U.S. / NATO meddling in local politics. While the focus of Western governments has been dominated by the volatile conflict playing out in Eastern Europe, some highly dangerous situations have been brewing in other unstable regions.

The Israeli commander mentioned above said the diversion of weapons, such as the Javelin shoulder-fired anti-tank missile system, was being monitored from paramilitary forces operating on both sides of the Russia-Ukrainewarand that pro-Russian formations were motivated to transfer captured U.S.-supplied weapons due to the close defense relationship between Moscow and Tehran, while pro-Ukrainian criminal elements were largely motivated by money to smuggle arms to anyone who can pay. The commander said the primary route was via the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, and argued that the situation was “very dangerous”

Military equipment the US transferred to the Afghan government over the course of 16 years, left behind in Afghanistan after the US completed it’s withdrawal from the country and the Afghn national army disintegrated and ran for the hills, according to a congressionally mandated report from the US Department of Defense included: 

A total of 9,524 air-to-ground munitions, valued at $6.54 million….

Over 40,000 of the total 96,000 military vehicles the US gave to Afghan forces including 12,000 military Humvees…

More than 300,000 of the total 427,300 weapons the US gave to Afghan forces….

Less than 1,537,000 of the “specialty munitions” and “common small arms ammunition,” valued at a total of $48 million….

“Nearly all” of the communications equipment that the US gave to Afghan forces, including base-station, mobile, man-portable and hand-held commercial and military radio systems, and associated transmitters and encryption devices also remained..
“Nearly all” night vision, surveillance, “biometric and positioning equipment” totalling nearly 42,000 pieces of equipment…..

And “nearly all,” of the explosive ordinance disposal and de-mining equipment, including 17,500 “pieces of explosive detection, electronic countermeasure, disposal and personal protective equipment” also remained in Afghanistan, according to the report.

And now the terrorists are giving it back.


US Embassy Anti-Air Defenses Activated Over Baghdad As Death Toll Rises In Night Of Chaos
ero Hedge:
The American embassy in Baghdad has reportedly engaged inbound rocket attacks with its air defense system, the C-RAM which protects aerial threats against the Green Zone.
Some reports suggest the streets have finally grown calmer in the early morning hours (local time), but this is after an evening and overnight death toll of at least 15, including unconfirmed reports of police casualties. AFP citing local medical sources also says some 350 protesters were injured. Continue reading >>>

Turkey Kills Over 50 Syrian Troops, Russian Warplanes Intervene to Halt OffensiveTurkey Kills Over 50 Syrian Troops, Russian Warplanes Intervene to Halt Offensive
Conflict in Syria’s Idlib Province has escalated during the past week, with Turkish forces attacking the Syrian army and claiming to have killed over 50 soldiers. Russia, the main Syrian ally in the conflict, took the pressure off Assad and sent a clear message to Turkey’s President Erdogan by sending in warplanes to halt to Turkish assault ...

Has Biden's Afghan Surrender Handed The Future To China
5 September: The abrupt and ill - considered withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan ordered by President Joe (Dementia Man) Biden and the susequent return to power of Islamic fundamentalist The Taliban hands control of the vast Afghan litium reserves to China and is a blow to the green agenda of the G7 nations

Iran refuses to release black box data from crashed aircraft fuelling suspicion As we reported late last nigh (Ian has become a nocturnal creature,), the Boeing 737, a different model the 737 MAX which has been involved in two recent air disasters, a variation of the plane which has an excellent safety record, crashed over Tehran just minutes after takeoff, killing all 176 people onboard...

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US Bombers Ordered To Indian Ocean Base As Pentagon Denies Iraq Withdrawal As more than 3,000 US troops are readying to deploy to the Middle East this week following the killing of the IRGC's Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani, the Pentagon will additionally send major military hardware in the form of an additional B-52 strike force.

Leaked email: Senior OPCW Official Orders “Delete All Traces” Of Dissent On Douma Gas Attack Narrative
... The official narrative was designed to justify military intervention by US and NATO in Syria’s civil war, but western leaders were dissuaded fro, this course of action by Russia’s Putin and China’s President Xi. Later it was revealed that a minority report actually considered the facts, which pointed to the gas attack on Douma being a false flag attack carried out by forces attached to terrorist group Al Nusra.

US Aiding Massive Genocide in Yemen at Behest of Saudi Arabia
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In Escalating War Of Words, Saudi Crown Prince Calls Iran’s Ayatollah “New Hitler Of The Middle East”
Saudi Arabia’s powerful, and controversial, 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as we warned earlier in the year when he was elevated to his currrent status, has in a few months has made more local (and foreign) enemies than most of his predecessors accumulated over a lifetime, appears to have decided he does not need to wait any longer for the final war that will cement the global supremacy of his particularly unpleasant brand of Islamic extremism.

UK Government Accused Of Covering Up Saudi Arabia Funding Of TerrorismA new report commissioned by David Cameron before he resigned as Prime minister has highlighted links between recent terror attacks in the UK and the funding of UK mosques by the extremist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia, which "is heavily involved in exporting an illiberal, bigoted fundamentalist ideology." The report criticises Cameron's successor for "kowtowing" to Saudi Arabia's king by suppressing another government report into the funding of extremism in the UK.

White House Says It Will Fake "Chemical Weapon Attack" In Syria
The White House claims that the Syrian government is preparing "chemical weapon attacks". This is clearly not the case. Syria is winning the war against the country. Any such attack would clearly be to its disadvantage. The White House announcement must thereby be understood as preparation for another U.S. attack on Syria in "retaliation" for an upcoming staged "chemical weapon attack" ...

US Gov’t Proves Loyalty To ISIS And Saudi Arabia Bill To ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ Gets Only 13 Supporters
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Saudi Arabia Bids For Islamic Globalisation
soon after the suicide bomb at The Manchester Arena, I felt obliged to defriend someone on facebook, whom I have known online for around ten years. So what did this sweet lady, who writes books on medieval witchcraft and calls herself a pagan, do to piss me off? She showed herself to be a hypocrite by posting a whinge about people reacting with anger and 'hate' to this latest atrocity; "I'm all about compassion, I will not stand by and see Muslims victimised because of this." Oh yeah? And what about the dead and injured victimised by a muslim extremist? *

Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine - US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable
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Terrorist Friendly Obama Doctrine In Foreign Policy Has Made The World More Unstable A highly critical look at the ongoing disaster of American Foreign Policy, in particular relating to the middle east, during the Obama administration. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are the main catastrophes, there are plenty of others.

To Join Obama's Proxy War Against Russia In Syria Would Be Cameron's Greatest Folly
A look at our prospects should tway - boy Cameron succeed in obtaining parliament's approval for his wish to join Obama's coalition ofg dodgy political opportunists in their attempt to overthrow Syria's President Assad. Given that Putin has said many times, Assad stays, our outdated war planes don't stand an ice cube in hell's chance against Russian S34s and Growler Surface to Air missiules (SAMs). And that's without factoring in China's pledge to support it's allies Putin and Assad.

Putin Lines Up The Big Guns As Obama 'Shoots Golf' And Kerry Vacillates
Things are getting serious (and very dangerous) in Syria. ISIS do not have warplanea and SAMs are not effective against ground troops so this latest Russian move can only be interpreted as a warning to the USA

Russia Takes Over The Mid-East: Moscow Gets Green Light For Strikes In Iraq, Sets Up Alliance With Jordan
Not long ago we were reporting on the way moves in the war against ISIS had shifted the global power balance from west to east, with Putin's decisive and efficiently executed moves to drive the Islamic State forces out of Syria and Obama's failure to repond in any intelligent way demonstrating to the world that the USA had surrendered its role as the dominant military power.

Regime Change As American As Thanksgiving
US President Barack Obama is someone to almost pity. For he has the unenviable task of standing before the nations of the world and blether the self — righteous lies of western propagandists, as he did again, during recent his address to the UN General Assembly.

Russian Warships Launch Missile Attack On Syrian Targets, Clearing Way For Iran Ground Invasion
In was always going to happen once the Russian air force had softened up ISIS and Al Qaeda positions in Syria. With the opposition on the run (and unconfirmable reports suggesting thousands of ISIS irregulars are desterting) thanks to five days of air bombardment from some of the most advanced strike aircraft in the world, we predicted Iran would ...

All Bombs Kill But Obama Only Denounces Russia's And Syria's Bombs
The U.S. government has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on Iraq alone in the last dozen years – and even hailed the start of the bombing campaign in 2003 as “shock and awe” – but now has coyly and repeatedly decried the Syrian government’s supposed use of crude “barrel bombs.”

Russia's action against ISIS in Syria outwits Obama Again
Europe’s intensifying migrant crisis and Russia’s increased military support for President Assad’s regime in Syria, including the establishment of a Russian military Syrian headquarters at Latakia have focused the attention of world media and those of us who like to be aware what is going on to dangerous situation now emerging from Syria’s protracted civil war.

Assad Says Europe Is Responsible For Refugee Crisis: "If You're Worried About Them, Stop Supporting Terrorists"
As the tide of refugees fleeing Syria’s bloody civil war, swelled by African economic migrants masquerading as Syrians continues to tear the European Union (EU) apart, and as Brussels struggles to formulate a coherent policy for handling the crisis as member states go their own way with measures to close border crossing points, divert migrants to other member nations, or ...

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