The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Way Out Of The War In Ukraine And Why World Leaders Will Not Use It



At a press briefing on the situation in Ukraine on Thursday a US Department of Defese spokesperson spokesperson gave an alarming response to reporter whether who asked if Ukraine forces' use of American weapons in its ongoing Kursk incursion is "consistent" with US policy of what Ukraine can and cannot do with US weapons. It has become increasingly clear that Ukrainian military forces are using American weapons to attack troops, civilians, and infrastructure deep inside Russia's borders.

Spokeswoman Sabrina Singh answered unequivocally "yes it is consistent with our policy" and explained that Washington has supported the need for "crossfire" from Ukraine back across the border onto Russian artillery positions along the border from which it is being attacked, even if that is on Russian territory. She framed the incursion into Russia's Kursk oblastan offensive which has entered day fouras 'defensive' in nature.

Singh reiterated that it remains US policy for Ukraine to avoid striking deep into Russian territory using American arms; however, when pressed about the possibility of a direct attack on Moscow, she simply said: "I’m not going to put a specific range on it" and thus refused to rule it out. But she added that "we still don't support long-range attacks into Russia."

To attack Russia directly would be insane and would certaily result in nuclear wat.

When you live in an insane world, as it appears we currently do, you look for insane solutions. The question is how do we bring, 'sanity' back? War means death for multitudes of innocent people wh have done nothing wrong but get caught up in it.

What is the real issue keeping this pointless war in Ukraine alive? The real issue is we have no way to reconcile our conclusions one to another. So societies are simply places of intellectual chaos and cultures are meaningles in the great game of geopolitical hegemony. We have no measure of reason or logic on hich to base dialogue and so we begin the slaughter. All the while self-serving liars roll around in the paradise that is a logical chaos where they manipulate one and all for their own enrichment and enhancement of their power. 

We, nations of the west and east, must find a way to bring order to Society, it must be an order sustained by the use, participation and elevation of logical discussion. Without such open dialogue order can only be achieved by one side or the other by brute force and violence

If we continue in a World Dominated by Military Intelligence and our reliance on, "Leaders" then you can just have lulls of peace in between your wars and wars on either side of your peace, While liars run loose to prey on your family and society. 

 If we transition to a world dominated by reason, tolerance and clearly marked boundaries then war will not be the first option and in a sense obsolete as there will be no identifiable enemy. All perspectives are part of the larger perspective. Not a perfect perspective, not a God, just better than you would get from leaders whose aim is World Domination.




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