The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Are Woke Governments Trying To Ban Hate Or Simply Trying To Abolish Dissent?


All around the developed world laws are being enacted which seek to criminalise, and thereby abolish, hate. Along with the ideological idiocies of the 'woke' wankerati who have insinuted their weird idesas into every level of government, the promotion of transgenderism, net zero trashing national economies,  support for mass migration, recently rediscovered enthusiasm for war, and the extreme reactions to those who challenge official narratives, it seems there is some sort of globalist cabal trying to redefine what makes us human.

 On gender, global warming, race, immigration, the approach is identical. Discussion is allowed within undefined subjective limits, but opposition or straying beyond those is made synonymous with hatred. Applying this approach to literature, which is something the woke wankerati are attempting, will completely destroy it as an art form. By making hatred taboo, it undermines one of the most important inspirations writers have and one of the most important emotions. 

Since the reign of Kig Alfred in the ninth century, English law correctly concerned itself only with the illegality of making specific threats or incitements of physical violence. Moving from that to policing general ‘hate’ expression is worse than fascism, since what counts as ‘hateful’ in general expression is subjective and not something that a free society should define. 

Laws pre-empting online hatred (for example, in Canada) resemble a plot thread from one of Philip K Dick's dystopian stories but now exist in reality and can be linked with ‘woke’ attempts to recreate humanity, especially the idea that asserting fundamental biological identity is hateful, whereas recognising someone’s self-proclaimed gender identity is a legal requirement. And we can be sure that very soon the government of Keir SStürmer will be following this lead, with the Home Secretary urging police forces to ramp up recording of ‘hateful but legal expression’.

Why wouldn’t the general population hate this such authoritarian governance from a bunch of far left bullies like The Labour Party? It’s likely the wannabe communist tyrants know that response is inevitable and as they showed in the early days of their government, they are quite prepared to release from prision people doing time for murder, rape, arson, theft and violoence in order to make room in the prisons for people who protest peacefully against government policies. 

As many have argued, the gvernment needs to prevent debate because they know their position is utterly indefensible. Small wonder they draw that conclusion. But they’re actively seeking to provoke, to flush out the largely fictitious ‘far Right’ haters they claim threaten society. And now they’ve achieved this, the real free-speech clampdown can begin.

This suppression of dissent is not so much about going against hate but about silencing criticism and dissenting opinions. Instead of addressing whatever happened to be said, it’s asserted that the content of the statement doesn’t matter because it’s really just an outburst of an intense, negative emotion way beyond the ability of the person who said something to control, or, in short. “These are but the utterings of a dangerous lunatic!”

This is not only disingenious but also logically invalid: Hatred for XY may well motivate someone to make perfectly trueful but not exactly complimentary statements about it: Someome who complains about a noisy pride-parade may well be driven by hatred for gays but this doesn’t mean the parade wasn’t a noisy nuisance, say, because of lots of people using compressed air horns all the time. The (usually unprovable) conjecture that such-and-such a thing was secretly driven by ‘impure’ motives doesn’t necessarily invalidate it.

Noteworthy: This is also emblematic of the puerility underlying the whole woke-thing. “You all just hate me!” she cried, storming out of the room and violently slamming the door behind her. is a classic, if not even hackneyed, rendering of a puberty trantrum. Grown up people are said to remain rational even in face of strong emotions. The woketurds don’t want to grow up.

The truly frightening thing about these hate laws is that they do not attempt a legal definition of what constitutes hate, but simply rely on the opinion of whoever has been offended by what has been said ir written.

Without Hate how could we ever recognise Love? The only form of Hate that is not positive is Ideological Hate; the irrational hatred of a group, or groups, purely because dogma demands it of the adherent. We see this in Starmer’s vicious demonstration of hatred towards pensioners which is driven by the fact they are the group that did most to keep Labour out of power. We have all read of Rayner’s foul mouthed rants about Tories; not because they are awful people, simply because her ideology demands she hates them.




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