The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

Macron's Dodges Press Conference - Says Mind 'Too Complex To Answer Questions From French Journalists

While EU leaders and globalists such as Angela Merkel are still celebrating (somewhat prematurely) the and of the upsurge in nationalism, many French voters are already regretting that they allowed themselves to be railroaded into voting for an untried candidate with little political experience, and tainted by association with Hollande's failed administration in which he was for a short time finance minister.

Recently elected French President Emmanuel Macron has cancelled the traditional Bastille Day (July 14) president's press conference because, he claims, his thoughts are 'too complex' for media questions.

We told you the Grandmotherfucker and former Goldman Sachs errand boy was an idiot.

Macron, whose position was only consolidated on June 19 when his 'party' (mostly members of former President Hollande's discredited socialist party government) won a majority in the national assembly, has earned the wrath of French journalists and television reporters, after he declined to take part in the traditional question and answer session on Bastille Day because the format "doesn't lend itself" to his complex thoughts.

A source in the Elysee Palace told the French newspaper Le Monde that Macron does not "baulk" at talking to journalists, yet that is exactly what he has done. Macron is of course one of those elitists who believe globalism and the uncontrolled immigration of even more unskilled, illiterate economic migrants from areas where societies are dominated by fundamentalist Islam is what France needs to tackle rising unemployment and.

"We thought about what form the speech should take, and the President chose a more stately form," the source explained.

Since the 1970s, French leaders have usually held a news conference on Bastille Day, the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille by thousands of Parisians in 1789, an event which freed political prisoners and effectively ended the hegemony of the French aristocracy..

The explanation for the snub was greeted with disbelief by journalists in France.

"I don't understand," Le Monde's political commentator Olivier Faye tweeted ironically, while Vivien Vergnaud, editor of Le Journal du Dimanche called it "the best excuse of the year."

Writer and journalist Michel Taube, founder of the "Opinion Internationale" website, said Macron's reluctance to face journalists' questions is a sign that he has no intention of trying to explain his ideas and policies to ordinary French citizens.

"This only reinforces the general impression that has been highlighted by all observers: the new President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, is so absorbed in presidential duties that he has in some way forgotten that he is a person."

"I think that journalists, especially those of Le Monde, Le Figaro and others — and with them the citizens of France — are able to understand the complexity of the international situation and the world problems that President sees himself as too important to to talk about, but citizens – have the right to expect words from the head of state. Words, not just pictures," Taube said." Taube said.

"In 2017, a political leader is obliged to speak – simply, precisely, strongly – about the problems he has to face in the name of the French people."

Macron is showing exactly the kind of mindset one would expect from the high earning elitists of the financial world. It seems the French President's strategy is to distance himself from the media and the people and communicate only through photographs of himself and his elderly wife grinning inanely as they greet other world leaders.

"Oh look, citoyens of France, your President is a very important man, he shakes hands with Arab despots, African tyrants, Russian oligarchs and American billionaires with silly haircuts, but he has no time to talk to you."

This blog's opinion is that will not be enough to convince french voters they have a competent president.

through a picture. I think that he prefers a picture to words, but a picture does not allow you to lead. Words are necessary to lead, and citizens – not the media,

Index of posts on France


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