The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

French Intellectual Jailed for Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”

Free Speech Is Now A Crime In France

Picture via Summit News

French intellectual Renaud Camus (above) has been conditionally sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for arguing that mass immigration in Europe represents an “invasion.”

Under the weird French legal sysyem Camus can only avoid prison time by paying 1800 euros to two far - left, “anti-racist” organizations, SOS Racisme and the LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism). reports: The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.”

The conviction stems from a November 2017 speech in Colombey-les-deux Eglises to the National Council of European Resistance in which Camus declared, “Immigration has become an invasion.”

“The irreversible colonization is demographic colonization, by the replacement of the population,” said the author, adding, “The ethnic substitution, the great replacement, is the most important event in the history of our nation since it has existed; as with other people, if the story continues, it will not be that of France.”

Whether you agree with the French author or not, his words could in no way constitute "“public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion,” in the mind of any reasonable person. The far - left are, as has been proved many times by their behaviour, the most unreasonable, intolerant, bigoted and racist people on the planet. One of their goals, which they are coming uncomfortable close to achieving thanks to politics, the legal system and law enforcement falling under the control of cultural Marxists, is to silence all dissenting opinions so their autgoritarian, ideologically driven, quasi - religious agenda of destroying European civilisation.
Camus also called for a “national consensus of resistance” to oppose Islamization in “the struggle for the salvation of our common civilization, Celtic, Slavic, Germanic, Greek-Latin, Judeo-Christian.”

The part of Camus’ speech that specifically garnered the attention of judges was when he talked about European people being replaced.

Camus said mass immigration “is the substitution, the tendency to substitute everything with its emulator, normalized, standardized, interchangeable: The original with its copy, the authentic with its imitation, the true with the false, the mothers with surrogate mothers, the culture with free time and entertainment.”

Immigration problems have plagued France for a long time due to immigrants from former colobies in Africa being encouraged to congregate and turn certain city suburbs into lawless ghettos. More recently the country has suffered Islamic terror attacks on such a routine basis that it’s barely even an important news story anymore. Muslim migrants are also known to be responsible for the upsurge in anti - Semitic attacks on synagogues, Jewish owned businesses and Jewish people. Many of those responsible for such attacks are young Muslim males radicalized by mosques that escape any police scrutiny because government policy forces police to prioritize the avoidance of anything which may increase inter - racisl tensions.

All this is well documented fact but Camus is being punished for his crime of having opinions the globalist government and its far - left, anti - white supporters are not prepared to tolerate.

Liberty is dead and free speech is a crime in France under the regime of Emmanuel Macron.


Why Accepting Illegal Immigrants Is Not Going To Help Them
Celebrities, 'influencer', woke idiots and far left political groups are creating a chorus of catawauling complaints about the deportation of illegal immigrants who are crossing The English Channel from France in increasing numbers. But will accepting them only encourage more to come and be exploited by people trafficking ccrime gangs? This article lifts the lit on the illegal immigrants racke

Residents Of Paris Suburb With Migrant Ghetto Feel ‘Abandoned’ as Crime Surges
In the areas where [ migrants ] have congregated, usually places with a surfeit of run down municipal housing the lawless behaviour in the migrant communities is causing problems for French people. Despite promises from government to increase police presence, residents of the 18th arrondissement of Paris say they feel abandoned as crime rises in the area.

French Prime Minister says: “Europe Is Falling Apart”

Illegal Immigrants In Paris No-Go Zone Suburbs Passes 400,000 Mark
A report from two members of the French National Assembly claims could be up to 400,000 illegal immigrants living in Seine-Saint-Denis department. According to their figures between eight and 20 percent of the population of Paris’s troubled northern suburbs may be constituted by illegal immigants and that many live on the streets ...

Two French Police Officers Escape Violent Death At The Hands Of Immigrant Mob On New Year's Eve
Police in Champigny-sur-Marne, France, had to intervene when two officers were violently assaulted as part of African immigrants New Year celebrations. The police had intervened to break up a rowdy gang of young immigrants. The officers, one female, became separated from the main force and were beaten by dozens of people.

German Green Party Urges Allowing 140 Million “Climate Refugees” To Migrate To West
The virtue signalling of lefties gets more and more insane. First they want to shut down all industry, transport and commercial activity in the developed nations “to achieve carbon neutrality,” then having exported all the work to south east Asia, they want to import all the people from south east Asia to the developed nations so they can say, “See how good and caring we are, all you horrible conservatives.”

Free Speech omnibus
France catalogue of posts
Immigration omnibus
A Chronicle of Decay (poem)
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Saturday, January 04, 2020

Greenhouse Gas Facts - Not For The Thunberg Cult

Paul Noel
Paul Noel, former Research Scientist 6 Level 2 UAH Huntsville Al. (2009-2014)

There are no such thing as “Greenhouse Gases”. No gas blocks the wind and no gas provides a selective frequency mirror for IR. Sorry but if a gas doesn’t do those 2 things it isn’t a Greenhouse Gas. That is the function of a greenhouse.
Methane is emitted into the atmosphere naturally by the billions of tons daily. It doesn’t build up because it degrades almost instantly by oxidation into CO2 and water. The rate is so fast in just over 4 hours it is only 1/1,000,000th of what it was. Sorry but if anyone tells you otherwise they are lying.

This is the graphic of methane detection from the greatest natural gas leak in US History. Note it doesn’t even reach the sea 20 miles away. Remember every sewer head in the city is leaking massive quantities of methane. NO DETECTION! In simple terms methane cannot ever be a problem. It isn’t one now either.

In fact the people who push this will not tell you the true role of methane in the atmosphere. In fact we wouldn’t have an ocean or an atmosphere without methane.

Methane rises in the earth from very deep within the earth. It encounters metal oxides such as Iron Oxide, Sodium Oxide, Calcium Oxide etc. When it does it undergoes Dehydrogenation synthesis. This process frees up oxygen and water while making oil and some CO2. The gases and oil continue to rise in the earth until they surface. TAR PITS HOMEPAGE . There they oxidize and form CO2 and Water. There is the source of the Oxygen in the Air and water in the oceans. Oxygen made into CO2 enters phytoplankton in the oceans and makes sugar and oxygen. The zooplankton eats this and through a bunch of cycles they secrete carbonate shells die and sink taking the carbon down to make limestone that is everywhere. At the same time it leaves the oxygen in the atmosphere. 

The accompanying gases of Nitrogen Argon and Helium 3 prove this cycle. Helium 3 leaves the atmosphere into space. Nitrogen is almost 80% of the atmosphere and Argon almost 1%.
Now Methane is not an insulating gas in fact it is a refrigerant gas(R50) as is CO2 (R744). This fact is used by the oil industry to make LNG for export with methane and many modern refrigeration systems use CO2 as the gas for cooling. Industrial CO2 Refrigeration Systems, the “New” Natural Refrigerant for Large Scale Refrigeration Projects… - CoolSys

Everything you are reading on this topic by the environmentalists ignores the fact that the temperature of the atmosphere is a function of air pressure. It is exactly what makes a diesel engine work!

There is absolutely no Greenhouse Effect from any gas. Water does insulate but only as a liquid not as vapor. CO2 and Methane are worthless as insulators

This is pure science and hard science. There is no opinion here. The people who object to such do not know what they are talking about.

Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...

Greta Thunberg Slams Australia for Coal Industry, Expands List of Climate Demands

Little Greta Thunberg, who was elected by nobody apparently now speaks for us all on matters relating to climate change. The Swedish climate change hustler who is making a fortune for her handlers from donations to her campaign, again castigated Australia for continuing to mine and export coal despite her previous complaints, adding a call for an end worldwide to the actibity to her list of climate demands to be delivered at the upcoming World Economic Forum in Davos ...

Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures

We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.

Fellow Slams The Royal Society as Nothing But a Lobby Group for Climate Change.

Another respected scientist comes out and denounces the science behind the climate change scare as a fraud. The whole thing has been a scam to justify punitive taxes on fuel and enable the rich to make fortunes trading carbon credits. Again it shows what a sack of rogues the climate science community really are.

Clean Green Power Sucks - China Goes All Out For Coal

The lying leftie paskudnyaks clean, green, save the planet machine and the worshippers of Greta Thunberg tell us that China is the world's biggest investor in sustainable energy and has more wind turnbines installed than any other nation. It is the worst kind of lie because it is true, but only tells half the story. And sometimes being told half the story creates completely the wrong impression ...

Another Kick In The Bollocks For Warmageddonists And CAGWARTS*

I've had many arguments with the Warmageddonists, the people who have been saying that if we did not shut down all coal, oil and gas related activites the earth was going to turn into a giant furnace and we would all burn. When the scaremongering first started, the deadline for frying was "after dinner". Then it got to "Tomorrow ...... or the day after tomorrow perhaps," then "next year", "before 2050," and eventually "soon."

What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?

If our view of reality is shaped by the mind and our perceptions of information, how successful are attempts to manipulate the perceptions of the whole populations through manipulated data, spin and assertions of authority likely to be. As scientists and politicians moan that the public no longer take sertiously climate change scare stories, we have to conclude, not very.

Meteorologists Begin To Admit To Climate Engineering

The freethinkers and Libertarians of New Media have been questioning the pseudoscientific certainties of the global warming lobby for a long time. During that often acrimonious process (because the Global Warming lobby are ever bit as organised and as driven by blind hatred of those who question them as the Bearded Queens In Bridal Gowns lobby) and most of us have been accused of infanticide, genocide and worse. At last the respectable climate scientists (the ones who didn't sell their arse for the corporate dollar) are speaking, and the media are listening.

Mad Scientists Now In A Race To Create Human - Animal Hybrids

Scientists all over the world are busy creating extremely bizarre human-animal chimeras. Once again The Daily Stirrer has to say "We told you so". There is something very creepy and sinister embedded in the typical scientists desire to play God. It is a complete, psychopathic disregard for moral boundaries. If we can do it that ...

UK Offshore Windfarms Produce More Rust and CO2 Than Electricity
A private case going through a British court of arbitration at the moment involves two very large supply organisations.
Unfortunately the case is being heard away from the prying eyes and radar like ears of the media. A 1996 Act Of Parliament enabled such things as a way to free up Court time taken up by complex technical disputes…. And, perhaps, to keep embarrassing truths away from ...

Doctors may withhold treatment from patients with "green lifestyle issues."

A few weeks ago an item on the BMA's website linked to the "Doctors against climate change" group of the doctors' trade union. This body of medico-environmental socialist - utopians stated ...

The Two Faces Of The Politics Of Failure

What a mess the modern way of doing politics based on a politically correct consensus and social engineering has produced. The daily stirrer looks at how the bipolar left - right divide stops things getting better rather than helping get the developed world back on track.

Davos 2020: Trump slams "Prophets of Doom"

Iran Bombing: Trump Says US Not Seeking To Start A War

The assassination of a popular Iranian general in Baghdad could turn out to be the game-changer in the midle east after years of increasing tensions between between the deep state in Washington and the Ayatollahs in Tehran. Until now, mainly due to the looming presence of Iran's allies Russia and China hostilities have been confined to the proxy war, occasional terrorist outrages such as the attacks on shipping in the gulf and a lot of over the top rhetoric.

The Trump administration has however escalated the situation with with Iran to what is perhaps a point of no return on Friday by ordering a targeted air strike on a convoy leaving Baghdad airport, ostensibly a response to what The White House claims was an organised attack on the US embassy in Iraq by armed militiamen, but looked far more like a planned assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force.

(No linked sources here sorry, the information is all from TV news bulletins or internet news feeds not available to non subscribed users - editor)

The Iranian general and some say 2nd most powerful man in the country was blown up along with 11 other people, including a senior commander of an Iraqi militia backed by Tehran, when their motorcade was hit by US guided missiles.

A a destroyed vehicle on fire following a US strike on Baghdad international airport road in which top Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani was killed. ©Iraqi military via AFP

All day world media have speculated about how and when the inevitable Iranian revenge attack would happen. The government in Tehran must respond to the assassination of Soleimani or lose face internationally. Unconfirmed reports tell us Iranian missiles have hit Ain Al-Assad the largest US military base in Iraq. IRGC Telegram news channel reports 'massive explosions' at the installation. Bear in mind this is an Iranian domestic news source so information from it should be treated with scepticism until conformed by more reliable agencies.

President Trump on Friday said that America does not seek "regime change" in Iran, and that the United States "took action last night to stop a war" by killing Iran's #2 commander, Qasem Soleimani, on Thursday.

A similar report came from reporter Sina Toossi who notes that an Iraqi Twitter has posted a picture of the alleged missile attack on al-Ain base, and notes that Iranian outlet Mehr has also reported massive explosions at the Ain al-Assad military base in Iraq’s Anbar province, the largest US military base in the country.

Speaking from Mar-a-Lago one day after the strike, President Trump said that Soleimani "made the death of innocent people his sick passion."

"We caught him in the act and terminated him," said Trump, adding that The US is "ready and prepared to take whatever action is necessary."

"We took action last night to stop a war."


Iran refuses to release black box data from crashed aircraft fuelling suspicion

As we reported late last nigh (Ian has become a nocturnal creature,), the Boeing 737, a different model the 737 MAX which has been involved in two recent air disasters, a variation of the plane which has an excellent safety record, crashed over Tehran just minutes after takeoff, killing all 176 people onboard...

‘Islamic State’ kidnaps dozens of women and children from another Syrian minority
The war in Syria is not quite over yet. While forces loyal to Bashar al Assad are now in control of most regions, the Sunni Muslim fanatics of ISIS fight on in remote areas. Dozens of Druze women and children in Southern Syria were abducted earlier this month when their villages were attacked by IS...

Latest on Middle East: Daily Stirrer - January 2020

Minority Report on Douma attack exposes ‘compromised reporting & analysis’ by OPCW – MIT professor
The OPCW failed to include evidence on the Douma in its final report, so the resulting document is inherently compromised, an MIT professor said. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) claimed that gas was dropped from the sky on the Damascus suburb. It did not directly blame on the Syrian government, however.

Germany Rejects Yazidi Asylum Seekers Fleeing Persecution By Islamic Extremists
The EU’s largest nation and most powerful economy, which righteously lecturs other EU member states on the need to take refugees and asylum seekers, is taking in fewer Yazidi refugees, according to a German newspaper report. The religious minority was terrorized by the “Islamic State” during the militant group’s campaign in Iraq and Syria and hundreds, possibly thousands of Yazidi women were raped and used as sex slaves by IsIS terrorists.

Have They Learned Nothing From Iraq?

After the debacles of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, not to mention the unfinished business in Yemen, one might hope the political establishments and the mainstream media might have learned something about military interventions to effect regime change in third world nations which are culturally millions of light years away from the liberal democracies.

Germany, Italy Refuse To Join Deep State's Syria Regime Change Coalition

As madness grips most members of NATO, with our own British Prime Minister Theresa May trying to out - Trump Trump in her displays of gung ho egomania, two nations at least are taking a more rational view. Italy and Germany have said they will not be involved in, or even support airstrikes on Syria.
Understandable, especially in the case of Germany which is right in the firing line if Putin decides to take out a few US East Coast townships ...

OPCW Investigators - "No Evidence" Of Chemical Weapons At Syrian Facilities Bombed By US
The independent inspectors commissioned by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) will probably take several months to publish their final report on the alleged gas attack in Douma (an attack for which journalists and other independent parties have failed to find evidence),

Don’t Believe Mainstream Media: Russia Didn’t Attack US Troops in Syria

On February 16 Bloomberg published an article headlined: “Don’t Be Fooled: Russia Attacked U.S. Troops in Syria.” It was the start of the latest Russophobic shitstorm unleashed by the ‘liberals’ of mainstrteam media and social media in the USA against Russia. To give this story a little context, although under international law U.S. troops are …

Mainstream Media Reports Truth: West No Match For Russian Military Hardware

US Aiding Massive Genocide in Yemen at Behest of Saudi Arabia

Civilians in Yemen are still in the grip of a major humanitarian crisis as Saudi Arabia's war on the impoverished republic continues unabated. Shocking numbers are affected including 7 million civilians facing severe malnutrition, and 19 million out of the country’s 27 million population "in need of some form of aid.

In Escalating War Of Words, Saudi Crown Prince Calls Iran’s Ayatollah “New Hitler Of The Middle East”

Saudi Arabia’s powerful, and controversial, 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as we warned earlier in the year when he was elevated to his currrent status, has in a few months has made more local (and foreign) enemies than most of his predecessors accumulated over a lifetime, appears to have decided he does not need to wait any longer for the final war that will cement the global supremacy of his particularly unpleasant brand of Islamic extremism.

UK Government Accused Of Covering Up Saudi Arabia Funding Of TerrorismA new report commissioned by David Cameron before he resigned as Prime minister has highlighted links between recent terror attacks in the UK and the funding of UK mosques by the extremist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia, which "is heavily involved in exporting an illiberal, bigoted fundamentalist ideology." The report criticises Cameron's successor for "kowtowing" to Saudi Arabia's king by suppressing another government report into the funding of extremism in the UK.

White House Says It Will Fake "Chemical Weapon Attack" In Syria
The White House claims that the Syrian government is preparing "chemical weapon attacks". This is clearly not the case. Syria is winning the war against the country. Any such attack would clearly be to its disadvantage. The White House announcement must thereby be understood as preparation for another U.S. attack on Syria in "retaliation" for an upcoming staged "chemical weapon attack" ...

US Gov’t Proves Loyalty To ISIS And Saudi Arabia Bill To ‘Stop Arming Terrorists’ Gets Only 13 Supporters

In a rare outbreak of common sense, a bill barring the US Federal Government from giving money and weapons to child murdering terrorists like the head amputators, slave dealers and human organ noshers of ISIS and Al Nusra (Barack Obama's beloved 'moderate rebels',) garnered hardly any support from either the Democratic Perpetual War Party, or the Republican War Is Good Business Party.

Saudi Arabia Bids For Islamic Globalisation

soon after the suicide bomb at The Manchester Arena, I felt obliged to defriend someone on facebook, whom I have known online for around ten years. So what did this sweet lady, who writes books on medieval witchcraft and calls herself a pagan, do to piss me off? She showed herself to be a hypocrite by posting a whinge about people reacting with anger and 'hate' to this latest atrocity; "I'm all about compassion, I will not stand by and see Muslims victimised because of this." Oh yeah? And what about the dead and injured victimised by a muslim extremist?

Syria catalogue

Middle east catalogue

Lawless Libya