The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, April 04, 2022

Western Sanctions on Russia Causing a Global Food Crisis - The Beginnings Are Already With Us

The dominant topic in print and broadcast news at the moment is the roceting price of fuel and essential foods. This cost of living crisis (because it has in the past few weeks become a crisis,) was already forming late last year. The failure of green energy policies and environmentalist virtue signalling by governments had already seen national energy grids struggling to maintain energy supply as 'sustainable' sources such as wind and solar proved they cannot sustain the steady output a large population in a technologically advanced country depends on. Governments faced with a choice of explaining blackouts to voters or angering the green lobby by cranking up the output from gas fired power stations and recomissioning coal fired generators, chose fossil fuels.

But now, as if the energy crisis was not enough for us to contend with  there is another major concern for us long suffering taxpayers as the food proce inflation predicted by this blog since day one of the Ukrainian conflict is starting to bite.

Picture: Getty Images
Both Ukraine and Russia happen to be leading exporters of agricultural products to North African and Middle Eastern nations while Europe also obtains a significant slice of its wheat, corn and edible oils from the countries involved in the war. 

The countries hardest hit in the near term will be in the middle east and North Africa. Many of these nations already face internal conflicts and have populations struggling to put food on their tables. In 2020,  80% of the wheat Lebanon imported came from Ukraine and the final figure for 2021 will be similar. Egypt, with close to 100 million population remains the world’s largest wheat importer, which places this North African country in a very delicate position because about 50 percent of its imports come from the Russian Federation, while another 30 percent come from Ukraine. Libya imports 40% of its wheat from Kiev, and Yemen gets around one third of its wheat from Ukraine, while 8% comes from Russia.

Looking further ahead, the effect will be global. 45% of Ukrainian exports are agricultural-related. It is a leading exporter of poultry, wheat, barley, and corn, and much of its wheat comes from the disputed territory in Eastern Ukrainian where most of the heavy conflict is going on. In fact, the Black Sea area – affected by the current military operations – exports over 12 percent of the food traded globally.

It gets worse. On March 9 this year, Kiev banned exports of grains and many other food items in order to prevent domestic food shortages because of the war, thus disrupting supply chains. This is quite alarming because the planting season is to start this month. The Russian Federation is the largest wheat supplier worldwide and one of the main producers of fertilizers but because of economic sanctions imposed by the west Russia can no longer supply western needs as its banks have been frozen out of the SWIFT international payments system so Russian exporters cannot be paid by customers in the west.

The worst consequence, though it has hardly been mentioned in mainstream media, is that this crude attempt to hamstring the Russian economy has provoked Moscow into banning fertilizer exports as a response to the heavy economic sanctions imposed on the country. In Latin America, for example, Brazil imports 95% of its nitrogen fertilizers, Moscow being its leading supplier (21% of the amount imported by Brazil comes from there). Brazilian harvests have been much damaged by droughts since 2020. In any case, the increase in fuel prices in itself affects food transport costs, thereby affecting agricultural production cost worldwide.

There is a global energy shortage crisis today, which is caused in part by green lunacy as mentioned in the opening paragraph and partly by government responses around the world in response to a virus with a 0.2% fatality rate, and is now being exacerbated by the global supply chain crisis caused by unnecessary sanctions on Russia. The ruling elites have shot their own countries in the foot, everything western political and business leaders have done in their quest for global hegemony has made life more difficult for the people these power drunk clowns are meant to serve.

 Iran has made a mockery of US sactions shipping fuel to countries such as Lebanon, Syria, and Venezuela, as part of its oil diplomacy as well as selling vast amounts of oil to China which uses lots of fossil fuel in manufacturing the cheap goods we in the ewest are so addicted to. Western Europe, in its turn, had already been facing its own energy crisis since the end of last summer as green wokery, pandemic related disruptions and dependence on Russian gas combined to create a perfect storm for consumers. It alol adds up to a potential global catastrophe.

By fuelling the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, which is a delayed result of the 2014 coup endineered by the USA, NATO and the EU, which replaced a democratically elected government with the current far right Russophobes, by encouraging its puppet regime in Kiev to provoke Russia by attacking ethnic Russian minorities in Ukraine and by sanctioning Moscow, the West is in fact punishing itself, but the truth goes beyond that: it is punishing the entire world in a futile bid to overthrow Putin and effect regime change in Moscow. This only shows that the foreign policy experts of the main western governments do not understand anything about Russia, its history or culture.

 The only way to get out of this mess before it escalates is through dialogue with Moscow. Is this likely to happen? the Western Political Establishment rather than seeking dialogue with the Kremlin,have  been trying to turn Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky into a kind of pop - star politician, spokesperson for the free world and cheerleasder for the nuclear war with Russia that demented Joe Biden and his White House team appear to be intent on starting. 

Joe Biden’s visit to Poland also only added fuel to the fire and Boris Johnson's belligerent bluster about standing up to Russian bullying made things even worse. To sum it up, Western leaders have been irresponsible in failing to pursue diplomatic solutions and instead guaranteeing that Russia will become more intransigent over its demands in any negotiations. A cease-fire must be negotiated, but for that to happen Ukraine and the West must make concessions rather than making threats they cannot back up. As things stand, World War Three is being fought on the economic from and Russia is winning.   


Sanctions have failed, the Russian rouble is stronger than before the war

Looking at the financial data earlier today I noticed that the Russian rouble is now worth more against the US dollar than it was before conflict broke out in Ukraine. On the 22nd of February this year, one US dollar would exchange for just over 79 rubles. As of the time of writing, it is now 78 ...

Will Commodities Be The New Reserve Currency As The Death Knell Of The Dollar Sounds?
Many respected economists and market analysts who favour the free markets approach concur that we are heading towards a new economic reality that will see the collapse of the US$ as the default reserve currency, to be replaced not by any other fiat currency such as the Euro or the Renminbi, but by a system in which  commodities are the primary denominator of value. Should this turn out to be the case we can expect an acceleration of the shift in geopolitical power from west to East.

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay - So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions ... so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia's retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had ...

While Crazy Joe Biden Claims Victory Over Russia, NATO's Expansin Plans Have Been Derailed By PutinJoe Biden (or his handlers because we all know Joe's mind is gone,) have been trying to spin reports of Russian troops withdrawing from positions close to the Ukraine border as a diplomatic victory for the USA over Putin but in the geopolitical game things are seldom what they seem to be ...

Mainstream media's hyping of the threat to Ukrained posed by Russian aggression is the latest in a long line of attempts to lay blame for western foreign policy disasters at the feet of Russia. In fact had Joe Biden not started to babble about Russian aggression, talking up the threat of conflict, there would be no crisis ...

Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
Continue reading >>>While Joe Biden's handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems.

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

War with Russia? The latest scare story
As the COVID narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines do not work, masks are useless and lockdowns kill more than they save a new scaremongering narrative - or a revamped old one - is emerging as the threat of war with russia is the latest fear and panic vehicle to scare the people into compliance with tyranny. Continue reading >>>

Russia-Ukraine crisis will put more pressure on the global food supply chain, driving up prices around the world
After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.

Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine
Even though the leaders of Ukraine itself are talking down the threat of war with Russia over the breakaway region of Donbas, America and Britain are still beating the war drums and demonising Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russia insists they have no plans to invade Ukraine and one western leader at least, France's Emmanuel Macron, seems to be listening to messages coming out of the East European trouble spot...

Germany News Mag. Spiegel Asks "Is Vladimir Putin Right?" About NATO Expansion
As the confrontation along the border between Ukraine and Russia has escalated to actual shooting with ethnic Russian rebel separatists in Donbas reporting intensified shelling and initiating a "general mobilization" of military-age males, with Moscow denying they plan to invade and Ukraine's leaders accusing US, UK and French leaders of hysteria for talking up the threat of war, Germany's leading newspaper Spiegel asks the question fundamental to the entire conflict...

While Crazy Joe Biden Claims Victory Over Russia, NATO's Expansin Plans Have Been Derailed By PutinJoe Biden (or his handlers because we all know Joe's mind is gone,) have been trying to spin reports of Russian troops withdrawing from positions close to the Ukraine border as a diplomatic victory for the USA over Putin but in the geopolitical game things are seldom what they seem to be ...

Mainstream media's hyping of the threat to Ukrained posed by Russian aggression is the latest in a long line of attempts to lay blame for western foreign policy disasters at the fet of Russia. In fact had Joe Biden not started to babble about Russian aggression, talking up the threat of conflict, there would be no crisis ...

Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
While Joe Biden's handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems ... Continue reading >>>

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Boris and Biden Can't Blame Ukraine War For Energy Crisis
With typical arrogance and condescension towards the people who elected them Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and their respectiive presstitutes are trying to spin the energy crisis Europe and North America are currently facing as somehow being linked to the conflict in Ukraine and therfore blame is being attactched to Russia and Vladimir Putin. Do they really think we are stupid enough to believe such unmitigated bollocks? ...

Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay - So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions ... so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia's retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had ...

Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...

Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine
Even though the leaders of Ukraine itself are talking down the threat of war with Russia over the breakaway region of Donbas, America and Britain are still beating the war drums and demonising Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russia insists they have no plans to invade Ukraine and one western leader at least, France's Emmanuel Macron, seems to be listening to messages coming out of the East European trouble spot...

Germany News Mag. Spiegel Asks "Is Vladimir Putin Right?" About NATO Expansion
As the confrontation along the border between Ukraine and Russia has escalated to actual shooting with ethnic Russian rebel separatists in Donbas reporting intensified shelling and initiating a "general mobilization" of military-age males, with Moscow denying they plan to invade and Ukraine's leaders accusing US, UK and French leaders of hysteria for talking up the threat of war, Germany's leading newspaper Spiegel asks the question fundamental to the entire conflict...

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