In the last few decades the global elites have been pushing, particularly in the developed nations, to shift financial activity from cash and paper cheques towards a “cashless world,” a trend that continues to be promoted by government, financial institutions, big business and the media. Physical currency is under constant attack and the majority of the world’s money supply exists in intangible electronic form. Governments and financial institutions are actively promoting a cashless society, raising concerns about individual financial freedom and our ability to protect our saving and assets from seizure by spendthrift governments and predatory bankers.

The US Federal Reserve’s latest update on physical currency use reported about 2.2 trillion dollars in physical cash supply. This includes physical coins (dimes, quarters, dollars) and green Federal Reserve notes. Nevertheless, there has been a rapid shift towards electronic funds. In the current era, the total global money supply is predominantly composed of electronic funds, with physical currency representing a diminishing percentage.
A similar trend could be observed in UK and mainland Europe until 2022 when cash staged a modest recovery over 2021, with the number and volume of cash transactions increased slightly. With the recovery of cash expected to continue for 2023, suggested reasons for this reveral include citizens concern about their privacy in an increasingly digital world, and people finding it easier to plan and control expenditure when using cash.
The concept of creating Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) to replace physical cash over the past year is now being discussed openly. IMF Director Kistalina Georgieva commented in a speech last year that CBDCs have already been introduced in The Bahamas, Jamaica, and Nigeria, with over 100 additional countries (including the European Union, the United States and the UK) currently in the planning and design phase of creating their digital currencies.
This relentless progress towards a cashless society is often justified on grounds of enhanced security, with politicians and executives of NGOs like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), various United Nations agencies, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) and World Economic Forum (WEF) all support claims that electronic transactions deter terrorism, money laundering, and counterfeiting though this is clearly bollocks as there is no computer systemIt is much easier to perpetrate cybercrime than real world crime, and cycber crime is more difficult to detect.
So what is the push to go cashless really about? Under close scrutiny it becomes apparent that the primary objective is an attempt to gain control of all financial assets and bring citizens savings and pension funds within the control of national governments and banking systems. Reduced reliance on physical cash facilitates increased surveillance of financial transactions, centralised planning of economic activity and greater use of coercive methods to fore citizens to comply with unpopular and undemocratic policies..
It is worth noting that in both Europe and North America face value of the highest denomination
banknotes produced by the Central Bank is diminishing. In the US the highest note is the $100 bill, in the EU the €500 note is no longer issued and in the UK though the £50 note is still the highest value it has remained so for over 100b years despite the rampant inflation of recent decades. Another sign of the bid to remove cash from circulation is the imposition of strict limits on the amounts one may deposit withdraw in cash from a bank account in a single transaction or per day.
Governments aim to benefit from a cashless system as it allows for more draconian enforcement of unfair taxation and the extension of central planning, while banks see opportunities to increase fees and impose naegative Interest Rates.
A cashless society results in larger bank deposits, contributing to an expansion of the money supply through fractional reserve banking but the move towards a cashless world raises concerns about individual control over our personal wealth.Remember, at the annual World Economic Forum for billionaire psdychopaths at Davos a couple of years back, that organisation's president, Bond villain lookalike Klaus Schwab promised us, "In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy."
Is Switzerland About To Become First Country To Outlaw A Cashless Society?
As in neighboring Germany and Austria, cash is still king in Switzerland albeit a much diminished one. But the Swiss will soon have the chance to vote on whether to preserve notes and coins indefinitely.
Negative Interest Rates & The War On Cash, Part 3: "Beware The Promoters"
Bitcoin and other electronic platforms have paved the way psychologically for a shift away from cash, although they have done so by emphasising decentralisation and anonymity rather than the much greater central control which would be inherent in a mainstream electronic currency. Despite the loss of privacy, electronic currency is much favoured by techno-optimists, but not so much by those concerned about the risks of absolute structural dependency on technological complexity.
Beware the dangers of a cashless society
As the country celebrates tradition and prepares for change, one major shift is closer than ever – our move towards becoming a cashless society. It is hard to imagine money without the Queen’s profile proudly embossed, defining our Elizabethan generation in a centuries-old British tradition, but the monarch’s face is fast disappearing from our pockets.
War On Cash Gathers Momentum - Germany Unveils Cash Controls
On Monday (1 February, 2016) just two days ago, Bloomberg called on the central banks of the world to “bring on a cashless future” in an Op-Ed that calls notes and coins "dirty, dangerous, unwieldy, and expensive."
We can imagine it would be quite easy to harm someone by firing large coins at them from a gun and terrorists could probably stuff an improvised explosive device with small coins rather than nails or nuts and bolts. And if ...
The move by governments to eliminate cash as a means of trading goods and services is moving faster than we imagined. With another global financial crisis looming according to financial journalists and investment experts this is as understandable as it is undesirable for us ordinary punters.
The Financial Times Calls for Ending Cash, Calls it a “Barbarous Relic”
Earlier this week, as the financial world was in turmoil following a rapid crash and recovery in financial markets. While we the punters shook our heads and wondered how the banksters get away with this kind of shit, The Financial Times published a dastardly little piece of fascist New World Order propaganda.
New Global Crisis Imminent, New Geneva Report Warns
The Geneva Report refers to a “poisonous combination of high and rising global debt and slowing nominal GDP [gross domestic product], driven by both slowing real growth and falling inflation”. The total burden of world debt, private and public, has risen from 160 per cent of national income in 2001 to almost 200 per cent after the crisis struck in 2009 and 215 per cent in 2013. “Contrary to widely held beliefs, the world has not yet begun to delever and the global debt to GDP ratio is still growing, breaking new highs,” the report said.Cashless Society - The Resistance Begins Here
A seaside market town in Norfolk may be less than 100 miles from the world's financial capital, London, , it may be the commercial centre of West Norfolk’ as the town website boasts, it may be home to 45,000 people — but there, unlike in London, cash is king.
Establishment Pushing ‘Cashless Society’ to Control Humanity
The global establishment is increasingly pushing the notion of what it calls a “cashless society” — a world in which all payments and transactions would be conducted electronically, creating a permanent record for governments to inspect and track at will.Multiple governments from Africa and Asia to Europe and ...
Globalist Bankers Make Plans To Rob Your Bank Account
Slaves To The Machine
Holy City (slam poem)
Living Within The Conspiracy
New World Order
E U Central Bank Digital Currency Is The Death Rattle Of A Failed Experiment
The announcement from the European Central Bank (ECB) that is is to intrduce an official European Union digital currency spells the end of the European Single Currency experiment and with it the ambition of "ever closer union until the EU's member states were merged into a single political entity Digital Currencies might not quite be Ponzi schemes but on appearances the difference can be compared to that between a horse and a pony.
Negative Interest Rates - Final Nail In The Coffin Of Neoliberalism? Negative interest rates, in plain terms a situation in which we pay bankers for holding our money, are the latest ruse of politicians and economists to make uis start spending our investments and savings, thus kickstarting the global economy thy have screwed up.
The age of financial privacy is over
Yes you read that right. The fascist regime in the USA has usurped to itself the right to raid bank accoutns anywhere is the world. At the moment they are only stealing money by way of tax demands from people who were born on US soil even if those people have not lived in the USA since childhood and have never be employed by a US business.
Plans to let the taxman take cash out of people’s bank accounts without their permission were condemned by MPs after Rebecca Benneyworth, of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, warned the department is ‘shooting itself in the foot.’ She told the ICAEW conference : ‘Public trust in HMRC would be eroded very quickly if cases come to light where funds have been incorrectly removed. ‘HMRC cannot afford to have public opinion turn against the tax system and those charged with administering it.’Accountants have warned HMRC cannot be trusted ...
Transhumanism: The Elite Total Control Agenda
Robot lovers, indestrictible soldiers with no mercy or compassion, everlasting life for beings that are part human, part machine, genetically modified humans with supernatural strength and endurance competing in future 'hungrer Games' style Olympic tournaments: the plot of some dystopian novel? No, actual items in the elite's agenda for total control
French Police Use Teargas As Freedom Convoy Brings Thousands Of Protestors To Paris
Inspired by Canada's freedom Convoy, a sponaneous protest by drivers of heavy trucks against the fasistic and oppressive curtailment of individual freedoms by Prime Minister Trudeau's regime, French truck drivers protesting President Macron's similarly authoritarian measures converged on Paris where they were met by riot police enforcing Macron's ban on protests against government policy ...
SStarmer Outs Himself As More Fascist Than Boris Bonkers or Dementia Joe Biden
The leader of the UK’s official opposition party, Labour, Sir Kier SStarmer after a year of starring in a remake of The Invisible Man has finally decided to let us see who he is. Responding to remarks made by Home Secretary Priti Patel, SStarmer said education authorities should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools ... Continue reading >>>
Goodbye Freedom, Hello Global Governance.
If at any time during the chaos the past eighteen months you have wondered what kind of idiots are running the world and have gleefully trashed economies, disrupted social and commercial life and stripped citizens of their rights and liberties only to bring us, in late October 2021, right back to where we were in late February 2020 when the words pandemic and COVID crept into our consciousness ...Continue reading >>>
Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.
University free speech society told free speech a 'red risk', external speakers must be vetted
Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.
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