Friday, October 11, 2024

In Defending 'Democracy' Zelensky Seeks To Silence All Dissent

 by Egbert Nohbakkon, 11 October 2024

In a shock departure from its usual eitorial policy the website of Ukraińska Pravda news organisation has accused the office of Ukrainian Dictator Volodymyr Zelensky of “long-term and systemic pressure” on journalists, claiming that representatives of the Kyiv government are no longer allowed to talk to the portal’s journalists. A statement on this attempt by government to control the news also makes clear that the organisation will make sure the international public knows about the situation. 

The office of Ukraine's unelected dictator Volodymyr Zelensky is putting pressure on Ukraińska Pravda to bring about the termination of advertising cooperation with the editorial office of the service.

“We draw the attention of our colleagues, partners and international organizations to the long-term and systematic pressure exerted by the Presidential Office on the editorial office and individual journalists of Ukrayinska Pravda,” the portal’s statement reads.

“We would like to remind you that the values ​​of Ukrayinska Pravda since its establishment in 2000 have been editorial independence, objectivity and the ability to speak the truth,” it added.

The journalists stressed that the behavior of the Ukrainian authorities is “exceptionally outrageous” during the aggression from Russia, they claim that the end goal is to discourage advertising on the site, i.e., making it impossible for the portal to operate. 

The editorial team noted an “openly emotional conversation” between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and journalist Roman Kravets in August, during which Zelensky tried to influence the editorial line of the website. 

This is not the first time Ukraińska Pravda has faced ire from authorities given their dedication to independent journalism, and it is not the first time the portal has found itself in the crosshairs of those in power. Back in 2016, one of their top writers, Pavel Sheremet, was killed in a car bomb. The case has never been solved, with numerous questions surrounding the investigation.

Because the media coverage of the conflict in Ukraine by western media has been shamelessly biased in support of Ukraine and Zelensky while deomising Putin and Russia, we should remind ourselves on reading that the toxic dwarf claims the slaughter of a generation of young Ukriainian males he has presided over is somehow a defence of democracy, since this war began, Zelensky has 'democratically' banned opposition parties, criminalised dissent, cancelled elections at the end of his statutory term of office and now rules as an unelected dictator. 

Human Rights Watch said back in 2017 that Ukraińska Pravda funder “Sheremet was known for his incisive journalism, raising issues of public concern – such as violence by volunteer battalions and investigations into corruption – that were often uncomfortable for the authorities.” The organization stated that he had been “harassed, threatened, and detained for his work.”

The journalists involved say they will not give in to attempts at censorship. They also called on the international community and all those who value freedom of speech to support the defense of the independence of Ukrainian media. 

“These and other non-public signals indicate an attempt to influence our editorial policy. It is particularly outrageous to realize this during Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, when our common fight for both survival and democratic values ​​is so necessary,” they stated.

When a country is run by an unelected  psychopathic dictator backed by gangsters and neo Nazis, and an entire, now unelected Rada assembly that have seized power, any conversation about democracy is a non-starter, it is time western media ceased playing hypocritical mind games on behalf of their governments and reported the reality, not only of what is going on at the front line but the mood of Ukrainian citizens in the general population.

Should they, and our political leaders summon the testicular fortitude to face hey are going to find out that one of Russia's main objectives of the Special Military operation is to remove this corrupt and hostile government that was put in power by a US / NATO / EU sponsored colour revolution in 2023 and replace the entire thing with something that works or is at least sustainable. Any peace process would have to involve the Toxic Dwarf's removal.

In March 2022, Putin offered to sign a peace treaty and withdraw from Ukraine, recognizing its existing borders.

The Terms:

Ukraine stops military hostilities against majority ethnic Russian provinces of Ukraine.

Ukraine adopts a politically neutral stance and abstains from military buildup.

Ukraine does not host military bases and offensive weapons of foreign countries.

Ukraine does not seek to join NATO.

Warmongers of the Biden administration, Boris Johnson and the NATO leaders bullied Zelenski into rejecting the peace offer and adpoting the ridiculous posture that Ukraine could defeat Russia if only the west would provide enough weapons, money and highly trained personnel.

That was almost $200 Billion and over 500,000 dead young Europeans ago. The destruction of Ukraine infrastructure is not even counted.

When your foreign policy is to 'bleed' another country of its young men, you are governed by ghouls.

And western politicians supported by mainstream media would have us believe Ukraiians want 4 more years of this?

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Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

Russia, Ukraine and the Petrodollar

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Germany Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance On Ukraine
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