On Wednesday this week Germany's tottering coalition government approved putting coal power plants back online until the end of March 2024 to ensure energy security for its citizens and businesses when natural gas supplies cannot meet the demand for electricity this winter, Reuters reports.
Though Germany has for at least a decade vied with Britain to claim leadership of Europe's ill - advised push for net zero, the Berlin government has been forced into this move because The Green Party contingent in the governing coalition forced through the colsure of Germany's last three nuclear power stations in April this year.
It is ironic that after years of screeching about the evils of Carbon Dioxide, it should be The Greens that forced this return to the the fuel that generates most Carbon Dioxide on the government, by allowing their misconceived hatred of CO2 free nuclear generating plant to override their critical thinking ability. Like all extremists, the self righteousness of Germany's Greens renders them immune to irony and so they just did not see the idiocy of their position when threatening to bring down the government and plunge Germany into political chaos (again) unless their demands were met.
Germany was more dependent on Russia for gas than the UK and they are paying for that lunacy now, but they already had the highest electricity prices in the world. Yet there are about 40,000 turbines in Germany.
Similarly The UK has a total installed capacity of 28 Gw from wind turbines, and as a rough average, demand of 38 Gw peak demand on business days. Yet on windless days all these turbines can be generating less than 10% of demand. And if a windless day also happens to in winter when daylight time is short and also a day with heavy cloud cover there will not be much coming from solar panels either (see screengrab from www.gridwatch.uk below. So how would we hear our homes, cook a meal or even make a hot drink on such days?
In the graph, for a day during the June heatwave of 2023, the grey like represent nuclear output and the orange is gas. Blue is wind and Yellow solar. The pink line towards the boittom of the graph and others below it all refer to electricity imported from abroad (mostly France and The Netherlands.)
If ever there was a failed experiment then this was it.
Of course most sane Germans will consider themselves lucky to have coal fired power plants that have not been already decommissioned. Should we experience a hard winter in Britain, we’ll all be wearing thermals and putting on extra layers through the dark days. Despite recent, and probably cosmetic moves to roll back some of the more impossible moves to achieve 'net zero' our government still appears to be hellbent on alienating voters by following policies that guarantee unaffordable electricity. While politicians self - indulgently talk of saving the planet little thought is being given to the old people who, being worried about not being able to afford their electricity bills, may make themselves ill or even die of hypothermia as a result.
While the great and good and the virtue signalling, unwashed crusties of Exstinktion Rebellion and Just Stop Oil demand we all give up our prosperous lifestyles, nobody considers how many the pubs, cafés, restaurants, independent shops and other small businesses will close early or not open at all and thus go bust as a result.
Imagine schools and hospitals where the heat has been turned down because there just isn’t enough power in the grid. These are of course extreme imaginings but let’s be honest: we were not all that far from such disasters last winter, yet our government and the main opposition party are so obsessed with reducing our CO2 emissions, (while those of China, India, Nigeria, Indonesia and the USA continue to grow exponentially are acting against the people through their lies about climate change.
The UK's total Carbon Dioxide emissions amount to less than 1% of the global total, even if we were to achieve net zero by the target date it would not make any differnce whatsoever, even if we assume 'The Science' is correct and CO2 emissions are the sole driver of climate change , ( it isn't and 'The Science' is nothing more solid that output from some dodgy mathematical models programmed by incompetent amateurs.)
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a drop in Russian gas imports to Germany and the rest of Europe due to economic sanctions and later the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, Berlin reactivated coal-fired power plants and extended their lifespans, with a total output of 1.9 terawatt hours generated last winter.
The Government said it will make proposals by next summer on how to ‘offset’ the increased carbon dioxide emissions the plants will generate this winter.
I wonder when they’ll twig they still need fossil fuels every winter, not just this year.
Unfortunately the Ukraine situation successfully camouflaged the absurdity of green energy non solutions to non problems. People seem to forget that the western world has pushed up it’s own energy prices because of the ridiculous drive to renewables which are expensive and unreliable, needing 100% subsidy and 100% backup from energy sources which can reliably generate steady and controllable levels of output 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, like nuclear, coal and gas.
The invasion of Ukraine has given climate activists another string to their bow, having tolerated Saudi Arabia and many other usavoury regimes for decades thay now say we must abandoning oil and gas because it makes us dependent on nasty, human rights abusing tyrants like Putin.
Overlooking the fact that a certain Mr. Zelensky, is president of a nation with a tyrannical, human rights abusing regime, we should remind the Green blob they already wanted rid of gas before there was even a hint of an invasion of Ukraine.
Anywhere we look around the world, countries with the most 'sustainable' energy sources are the ones with the highest energy prices and that would true whether Ukraine was invaded or not. So much for free electricity from wind and sunshine.
Environmentalists Hype The Summer Heat, Ignore The Winter Chill And Call Ity Science
According to Daniel Turner, founder and executive director of the nonprofit climate change scepticism advocacy group Power the Future, who insists that environmental activists are hyping up heat events such as the hot weather parts of the United States and southern Europe seeing right now. While mainstream media reporters are whipping themselves into a frenzy over the summer's heat, the kind of temperatures being recorded should not be causing surprise ...
Scientists says Nuclear Is The Way Forward For Clean Energy - Do Ursidae Defecate In Sylvan Landscapes?
Scientists, politicians and media have been screeching, for the past 30 or so years, about the need to transition away from carbon based fossil fuels, (coal, gas and oil,) as a matter or urgency or risk destroying the life supporting ecology of our planet by overloading the system with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted from human activity. Next they'll be informing us, in their lofty and condescending way that yes, bears do actually shit in the woods.
How Germany's open door to migrants and mad dash to Net Zero Brought Down The Establishment
Friedrichstrasse in Berlin is one of Europe's most renowned shopping streets. Lined with glitzy stores, from Galeries Lafayette to Karl Lagerfeld it is on a par with Avenue des Champs-Élysées, London's Regent Street or Via Montenapoleone in Milan, teeming with shoppers eager to spend their hard earned or ill - gotten cash and flowing with cars, buses and taxis.
Implosion of Germany's Green Party Threatens To Destabilse EU
With the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 US election, the far left parties in Liberal Democracies celebrated the defeat of the far right. At around the same time it appeared that Germany's AfD party, Italy's Lega and and the Sweden Democrats had been discredited and surges in their popularity had been halted by negative propaganda campaigns while Germany's Green Party were at the height of their popularity and were hailed as Europe's great hope for a clean, net zero, woke, gay and trans friendly future.
The True Cost Of The Green Energy Boom Is Now Being Realized
For four decades we have been fed a constant stream of propaganda assuring us that green energy was the only way forward if we wanted to secure supplies of the energy essential to a modern society while preventing the environmental catastrophes that would be the inevitable consequence of climate change caused by the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted by human industrial, commercial and social activity. ... Continue reading >>>
Do We Have A Winter Of Civil Disobedience Ahead?
As many people in Britain slap on the apres sun gloop in the wake of what passes for a heatwave in these cool cloudy climes, our inept politicians caught with their pants down by unusual weather as usual have heard that that winter is coming and are making plans for a coldwave.
We are in the grip of an energy crisis at the height of summer. Last week, it was reported that the UK government is laying down plans for a “reasonable worst-case scenario” including blackouts for industry and even households. And this is as energy prices spiral out of control to new records every day.
A Mostly Wind- & Solar-Powered US Economy Is A Dangerous Fantasy
When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to "net zero" will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.
Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion
The war in Ukraine has not caused the global energy crisis of early 2022 byt merely exacerbated it. Currently the nations currently in conflict with Russia over its incursion into Ukraine are those which are most dependent for their energy needs on Russian oil and gas. And now their loonytoons 'net zero' green energy policies have failed they are biting the hand that feeds them.
Even If The War In Ukraine Ends, Sanctions Will Stay - So How Bad Will The Food Crisis Get?
Western leaders, desperate to show their own countries they were taking a firm stance on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, were quick to impose economic sanctions ... so quick in fact that they acted before they had though things through. While freezing Russia out of the global finance system they have exacerbated the wests energy crisis, while Russia's retaliatory ban on raw materials (fertiliser) exports will create extra problems on top of those we already had ...
Will Germany be the first to ditch its net zero commitments?
Things are not going well in Germany’s bid to reach net zero by 2045, five years earlier even than Britain’s own unrealistic target. For months, the German government has been trying to devise a way to save its heavy industry from high energy prices which are sending production fleeing to Asia. Last year, chemicals giant BASF announced that it would invest in a new £10 billion plant in China, due to the cost of energy.
The Offshore Wind Fiasco Sets New Records For Government Incompetence
In an article on wind powered generators last week a science & technology writer showed himself in need of remedial education in basic literacy:"Meanwhile, 14GW of installed capacity puts us second in the world behind China," he burbled
The problem here is inability to understand the meaning of 'installed capacity.' If it means a capability of generating 14GW of electricity, as it would if we were discussing gas, nuclear or coal that would be lovely ...
Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Push
No, they aren't urging elites to ditch their private jets for commercial, or not to burn 1,000 of fuel taking the yacht out for a jaunt. Chris Stark, head of the UK's Climate Change Committee, wants ordinary citizens to turn off their electric heaters (heat pumps) at night as part of a wider drive to deliver "emissions savings," which includes a shift away from gas boilers - which Chris, a hypocrite, still has.
Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
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We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
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Latest Bill Gates Insanity: Injecting Sulfur Into the Atmosphere Will Cause EnvironmentalDisaster
A study published in November by the University of Pennsylvania exposes the insanity of projects such as spraying particles of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere, self - anointed vaccime messiah Bill Gates' latest scheme to “save” the planet with "geoengineering" According to the mathematical modellers Gates pays hansomely to provide him with "scientific" data to persuade politicians to spend taxpayers money on projects run by companies his "charitable foundation" has invested in. Far from saving the planet this latest idiocy is actually destroying environments.
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We Told You So - Government-funded Report Confirms World’s Largest offshore Wind Farm is UnprofitableA report commissioned by the Norwegian government has contradicted Boris Johnson’s recent claim that offshore wind costs have fallen by 70% in a decade. The report also blows a huge hole in Johnson's grandiose pledges to the COP26 conference that offshore wind power would propel Britain to its net - zero target for Carbon Dioxide emissions well before 2050, the target set by the climate conference for achieving that target.
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Climate: The Science, The Lies, The Malfeasance and The Deep State
Climate change hoax COLLAPSES as new science finds human activity has virtually zero impact on global temperatures
We have previously highlighted this report from Finland which exposes the great flaw in "the science" of global warming. The link at the end of this extract takes you to a much more complete account of the research project which, not for the first time debunks the fake science on which the politically - motivate climate change scare.
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Scientists Blame The Volcano Goddess
Coal Fired Power Stations Win ReprieveIn what looks like a u-turn on green energy policy the coalition government have abandoned plans to support and subsidiese operators of sustainable energy generating plants. While environment activists and green campaigners are calling this a betrayal the case may well be that in the harsh reality of governing claims made by green energy firms look totally unrealistic ...
Will new clean energy process make coal the fuel of the future
Coal, you exclaim, throwing up your hands in horror, the stuff that covered buildings of industrial towns in black soot, the stuff that choked miners lungs and sent millions of people to early graves? Coal the filthiest fuel ever? How can you say it is clean? Well a new technology recently announced might change your mind. Unless you are a windmill worshipping Warmageddonist of course.
The Greens, fear and panic merchants, cap and trade profiteers, carbon warmageddonists and usual suspects have been in a funk about the Fukushima nuclear power station accident, demanding we shut down nuclear generation as well as coal mines and oil wells. But the lesson of Fukushima is we should stop worrying and learn to love the atom.
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