The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Russia's Mid-East Takeover Continues As Afghanistan Requests Military Assistance From Moscow

Image Source: Army Times

Throughout the months of September and October a dramatic shift in the global power balance has taken place as the middle east related foreign policy of the United States of America has been exposed as incompetent and dishonest. The outcome is that Vladimir Putin has totally outflanked The Pentagon and now Russia is the major power in the region, while Assad, in spite of Obama's efforts to depose him is still in power in Syria, propped up by support from Russia and Iran with China willing to join the anti - American coalition should things escalate.

The new power structure has produced quick changes, despite the Obama administration announced that the US would not be pulling all of its troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 20i5 as scheduled, the Afghan government is turning to Moscow for protection as Islamic fundamentalist seditionists reconvene their reign of terror.

Under Obama’s original plan, Washington planned to withdraw most of the 10,000 troops still stationed in Afghan territory by the end of next year, leaving a force of just 1,000 'advisers'. Now, all American troops presently stationed there will remain for most of next year and 5,500 troops will remain in 2017.

The change has come about because some senior military officers are concerned about the security situation, following recent territorial gains by the Taliban. It has been predicted that the Taliban, having been given ample time to regroup, are poised to regain power once the American force is withdrawn. According to members of the United Nations peacekeeping force, insurgents now control more territory than at any other time since 2001 (so... "mission accomplished" Uncle Sam?).

The situation in Afghanistan is typical of outcomes which result when world powers decide to intervene in Mid-East affairs. It almost always goes horribly wrong because westerners do not understand the middle eastern mindset, and by the time everyone comes to their senses a decade has gone by and no one can remember why the intervention was undertaken.

The White House contends that this same dynamic will eventually plague Russia’s involvement in Syria and while that’s certainly possible, it’s worth noting that using Hezbollah and Irania Shiite militias to fight the ground war decreases the odds of Moscow getting mired in asymmetric warfare with an enemy they don’t fully understand, and therefore of the enemy simply melting into the civilian population only to re-emerge once the occupying forces withdraw.

As we commented when Obama announced that nearly 10,000 US troops would not in fact be coming home from Afghanistan, the timing of the strategy shift significant, coming just as Russian intervention put ISIS on the backfoot aster US and European efforts to check their advance had failed to achieve anything in over a year. It seems certain the move to keep a US military presence in the Mid-East has something to do with Russia and Iran’s stepped up role in Syria and theiur anticipated push into Iraq. The Pentagon, smarting from being made to look stupid by Obama's mishandling of foreign policy, wants to ensure that at the very least, there are American troops close by.

To be sure, this entire story is riddled with irony and all sides have exhibited a penchant for Einsteinian insantiy.

Russia also got bogged down in Afghanistan in the Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980s during which Washington backed the fighters who would eventually become America's nemesis, al-Qaeda. Now, Washington is allegedly providing support to al-Qaeda affiliated group al-Nusra in Syria, and the Sunni extremists fighting for control of the country have declared a jihad against Moscow. So essentially, this is just a rerun of what happened in the 80s, only this time it’s going on in Syria. Confused? You will be if you try to unravel the mysteries of middle eastern politics.

MAIN KEYWORDS: Islam >> Muslim >> Russia >> Terror

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