The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Obama's Posturing As Leader Of The Battle Against Climate Change Exposed.

The fact that US President Barack Hussein Obama is of mixed race continues to inspire those most illiberal of political activists, US 'progressive liberals' to idiocy as it has throughout the seven years of his Presidency. The US liberals, ignoring the wish of one of their heroes, that his children and grandchildren would live 'in a country where a man is judged not by the colour of his skin but the quality of his character' voted for Obama solely because of the colour of his skin, dismissing warnings that his meagre experience and abysmal record as an Illinois State Senator and then a first term US Senator marked him as a weak, vacillating man, more likely to abstain in votes on any difficult issue rather than commit to one side of the other.

Seven years in office have not changed him.

Although the Paris climate conference has been rendered irrelevant by the terror attacks (if it goes ahead at all many delegates will not attend because of security fears) China and India have already announced they will go on opening new coal fired power stations at an even faster rate than they have previously which renders any agreement about cutting Carbon Dioxide emissions meaningless. So Obama's posturing as self styled 'World Leader on Climate Change' look even more than his previous attempts to liver up to expectations.

At home in the USA, where his word does still carry some weight, if only by virtue of the fact that he is still their elected leader, after seven years of waffling (and somewhat under the radar but that is coincidence), Obama at long last rejected the proposed Keystone XL pipeline which would have transported over 800,000 barrels a day of low grade (dirty) oil extracted very expensively and energy - intensively from the Canadian tar sands through the US mid west states to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

Obama and The Keystone Pipeline (Image source)

If he had rejected the pipeline during his first term,as supporters called on him to do, his claims to be world leader on climate change might have stood up to scrutiny. But the vacillating Obama only vetoed the project once changing market conditions made it financially unviable. Low oil prices in world markets, and the geopolitical moves of Russia and the Arab oil producers, combined with falling demand due to the ongoing economic depression, resulted in a glut of crude oil on world markets. Making a show of cancelling Keystone now, ahead of the scheduled global climate talks in Paris, was pure theatre.

As alway, with politicians in general and the egomaniac Obama in particular, the White House propaganda machine made a bigger deal of this action than it ever could have been in reality.

"America is now a global leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight climate change," Obama speechified as he signed the executive order. "And frankly, approving this project would have undercut that global leadership."

What leadership? While European leaders have been hamstringing their national economies to meet unrealistic targets for reducing CO2 emissions, the USA has been planning to re-establish itself as the world's biggest exporter of oil and gas. While the Obama administration has been blowing hot air about reducing the nation's reliance on oil, gas, and coal the White House has distributed mining rights on huge areas of federal land to coal-mining companies, and triggered the collapse of the oil market by encouraging shale fracking which has resulted in a huge increase in oil and natural gas production. Obama's inherently contradictory "all-of-the-above" energy policy supports the environmentally damaging (and some say dangeroust) practice of hydraulic fracturing, pumping vast amounts of toxic chemicals suspended in water into the bedrock where it can pollute water resources from which drinking water is supplied.

Fracking isn't just dangerous for the people who live near the tapped oil and gas deposits: The heat-trapping pollution tied to natural gas isn't limited to what happens in smokestacks. Extracting the stuff releases methane, which traps 34 times more heat than carbon dioxide over a century.

Obama seems blind to this conundrum.

"The natural gas boom has led to cleaner power and greater energy independence," he averred in his 2013 State of the Union address. "We need to encourage that."

For several years the government has supported the export of natural gas in order to mainatin the illusion of economic recovery. Exporting gas increases demand (and has proved scientists vastly overestimated the likely yield from fracking wells) but lifts domestic consumer prices. And while 'Obama the climate activist' was posing as saviour of mother Earth by ditching the Keystone pipeline projects, political and economic analysts were finally allowed to read the official text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership 'free trade' treaty. If enacted this deal would bind US authorities to approve all gas exports, and of course, it has the full support of Barack Hussein Obama, the man with more faces than the Koh - I - Noor Diamond.


The ‘Colossal Unmentionable’ of the Climate Fraud

An incisive analysis from The Wall Street Journal that shows who and what will benefit from the great climate change scam (clue, it will not be the climateor the environment and it will certainly not be people like you and me.)

Posts tagged with Climate change, Obama, fracking
Climate conference Paris
Climate change: The economics and the reality
Climate change scare is part of a totalitarian agenda
Shale fracking: The lies
Shale gas fracking
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Shale fracking is a disaster environmentally and economically
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