The rising popularity of Sharia courts in the UK is increasing concerns of a parallel justice system emerging. Authorities say they are conducting a review of the process. RT’s Eisa Ali looks at the arguments of those against and in favor of the system. Sharia councils in the UK say they deal strictly with family matters, such as marriage and child custody battles, but there is concern that they constitute a parallel legal system.
“We believe that Sharia courts discriminate against women and especially against Muslim women,” Nazira Mahmari, of the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation, told Russia Today.
“We want all women to have the right to access the mainstream system,” she added. Mahmari says she would like to close down all Sharia courts in the UK.
This view is shared by Robin Tilbrook, the founder of the English Democrats Party, who says the British government should be doing more to tackle the problem.
Read full report at Russia Today >>
"No civilised country can survive the disintegration of its legal system. As Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote over 2000 years ago, "Ever since our ancestors came out of the hills ten thousand years ago to live under the rule of law, it has been understood there can only be one law in a state."
He was and still is right. Suppose we allow this trend to continue beyond civil matter to crimes committed by Muslims in the name of Islam. Should a man be accused of the honour killing of his British born daughter because she dated a Christian boy, a Shaira court would find that he had acted properly.Are we prepared to tolerate murder in the name of multiculturalism?

Shafilea Ahmed, whose parents were convicted of murder in 2012, in one of the first honour killing cases to be successfully prosecuted in the UK (read more in The Times). Under Sharia Law, the family would not even have faced criminal charges. (Image source)
MAIN KEYWORDS: Britain >> Refugee >> Islam >> Muslim >> Sharia
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