The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Two Tier Justice Normalised In Two Tier Keir's Two Tier Nation - Being White, Christian and Heterosexual Is Now Proof Of Guilt


OK the headline is a bit of an exaggeration, but it made you look and that's what headlines are for. In fact,Judges in the UK legal system have been told to consider the background of ethnic minority  and sexual offenders before passing sentence in a move Conservative leadrrship contender Robert Jenrick has slammed as “two-tier justice” with an “anti-white and anti-Christian bias”.

According to guidance handed to magistrates and tial judges from the Sentencing Council, they should “normally consider” ordering a pre-sentence report on an offender if they came from “an ethnic minority, cultural minority, and/or faith minority community”. But there are no requirements for similar reports on offenders of any other ethnicity.

Pre-sentence reports are compiled by the probation service to provide courts with information that could mitigate against jailing an offender in favour of suspending their sentence or handing them a community punishment.Things like mental health and family circumstances are usually considered but race, sexual orientation, choice of pronouns or religious persuasion have previously not been. For the past 1200 years the principle of equality before the law, introduced around 890 AD in the Liber Judicialis of King Alfred the Great has always forbidden two tier or multi - tier justice in England at first and then throughout the expanding realm

Jenrick, the Shadow Justice Secretary, said the guidance was “completely outrageous” and enshrined a “double standard, two-tier approach to sentencing”.

“Under Two-Tier Keir our justice system is set to have an anti-white and anti-Christian bias,” he said.

Reform MP Rupert Lowe is singing from the same song sheet:

”Young white men must be looking at the country and thinking – what have we done wrong? What did we do to deserve this? The answer lads, is NOTHING.
You’re told that you’re racist for feeling patriotic, far right for going to the gym, bigoted for having a joke, chauvinistic for enjoying a beer and the football.

Blocked from certain jobs/courses in favour of ‘diverse’ candidates, even though you may well be best qualified.
Anti-white racism is absolutely thriving in 2025. Poisonous quotas and DEI, suffocating bright young men of the opportunities they deserve.

I dread to think what is being taught in schools across the country. Everything is stacked against you, and nobody will even discuss it.
The establishment now openly wants to give white men tougher sentences. Just because we’re white? male? What message are we sending here, honestly? It’s genuinely disgusting.

There is NOTHING wrong with being white.
There is NOTHING wrong with being male.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

My advice? Work hard, learn a proper skill, enjoy yourselves, play by the rules and keep plugging away.
This woke crap WILL end soon.
In the meantime? If you stay positive, stay determined, stay on the right path – you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. Keep going. It will get better.”

How could Christian, Jewish, Hindu or other religion  possibly expect justice in the UK court system for protesting against the gang rape and murder of British children by Pakistani Musims, when Starmer had just bizarrely appointed a Pakistani Muslim Activist as not only the UK Justice Secretary only a few weeks before the riots? And SHE CHOOSES THE MEMBERS OF THE SENTENCING COUNCIL HERSELF!!!

“Following the 2024 United Kingdom riots, Mahmood pledged that “the full force of the law would be brought against” the rioters, and those inciting them. She also remarked that the volume of cases relating to the riots would affect the UK’s justice system for years.”

“Mahmood says on her website that she is a passionate supporter of Palestinian rights. In 2014, Mahmood took part in a demonstration outside a branch of Sainsbury’s in central Birmingham. She said “We lay down in the street and WE LAID DOWN INSIDE SAINSBURYS to say we object to them stocking goods from illegal settlements – and that they must stop. We managed to close down that store at peak time on a Saturday. This is how we can make a difference.”

The Justice Secretary is a fucking criminal by her own confession, why is she even in the government.

How can anyone expect a Pakistani Muslim to care about Tommy Robinson being starved to death while suffering mental torture in long term solitary confinement in a Maximum Security Prison for a civil offence involving his objection to the preferential treatment of MUSLIMS in a British court? Was it she, rather than Starmer, who quietly ordered him to be treated so inhumanely, in violation of his human rights?

Look what happened in Scotland when the SNP decided it was a good idea to appoint a Pakistani Muslim as “Justice Minister”. This bigot tried to push a bill through through the legislature that would have given Sharia Law equal standing with British law in Scotland, even declaring that Scots could be arrested for saying hurty words about Islam even in the privacy of their own homes!

Our entire judiciary is infested by this kind of scandalous political activism by judges who hould be fired if they ever stray from strict impartiality for fuck’s sake! They should all be given the sack, and the Sentencing Council abolished.


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