This blog reported organised moves by certain eastern nations to replace the US$ as the global reserve currency over ten years ago. Since then we have monitored developments in the so - called Currency Wars as they unfold, including China's launch of the Petroyuan as a rival to the Petrodollar, plans to return to a kind of gold standard economy to stabilise global trade in the face of increasing political instability and the unsustainable debt burden of the USA, and the rise of cryptos, digital currencies.
And as we write this note, things are hotting up:
from "RT, 18 December 2023
The sustainable development of financial relations and settlements within the BRICS organization is very important for all member states, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov has said.
The statement was made at the Russia-China Financial Dialogue forum in Beijing on Monday, where Siluanov met with his Chinese counterpart, Lan Foan.
The BRICS group of emerging economies – which currently incorporates Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – has been discussing ways to facilitate payments in local currencies between member countries. The bloc aims to reduce their reliance on the US dollar and the euro for accelerated growth.
“We need to further develop financial cooperation within the BRICS countries. Here we see opportunities ... to develop a payments system that would be independent of the infrastructure, which does not always fully fulfill the goals of individual countries,” Siluanov stated.
“Therefore, the sustainable development of financial relations and settlements on the BRICS platform is important for us, and we believe that it is necessary to work out such issues, and today we will consider a number of them,” he added.
Russia and its trade partners among developing nations, including fellow BRICS members, have started to switch to alternative currencies in mutual trade, after sanctions effectively cut Moscow off from the Western financial system. A growing number of nations are turning to national currency settlements in trade.
German MP Vows To End WHO / Billionaire Psycopaths Influence On Government Policy
German Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Christine Anderson last week delivered a speech to the Citizens Initiative in which she excoriated the World Health Organization, calling it a group of "globalitarian misanthropists" who she - and a group of seven other MPs, have vowed to dismantle in order to oppose the WHO supplanting democratically elected governments.
De - Dollarisation: China, Brazil Make Deal To Ditch US Dollar For Bilateral Trades
China and Brazil this week concluded a deal to conduct trade between their nations in their own in their own currencies, ditching the established reserve currency for global trade, US dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian announced said on Wednesday. This is Beijing’s latest strike against the almighty greenback in its currency war aimed at shifting the balance of geopolitical and economic power from west to east.
NATO Rhetoric About Russian Threat is 'Absurd'
The reasons being given for the latest NATO military buildup in Eastern Europe, the idea that the Russian 'Russian threat' to Eastern Europe grows every day is "simply absurd," according to former US diplomat and Senate policy advisor Jim Jatras. Effectively, Jatras says, the buildup is an attempt by the US to keep Germany and France on board with Washington's world domination agenda and ...
Naked Bankers Go For Gold
... That gold sale in 2013 was a naked short. The seller had no gold to sell. COMEX reported having gold only equal to about half of the short sale in its vaults, and not all of that was available for delivery (quite a lot of it belonged to the german government) In effect the naked shorting of gold could only work because really the right hand was selling to the left hand.
The Demise Of Dollar Hegemony: Russia Breaks Wall Streets's Oil-Price Monopoly In a move that went almost completely unreported in mainstream media, Russia has recently opened a market for the trading of physical and 'paper' oil (futures) in Moscow in Roubles. This is the most blatant challenge yet to the domination of the US dollar in world trade.
China launches global yuan payment system
China’s Central Bank has started a global payment system which provides cross-border transactions in yuan. The China International Payment System (CIPS) intends to internationalize the yuan and challenge the US dollar's dominance.
The European People’s Party (EPP) is the largest political group in the European Parliament, and they are unerringly supportive of America's efforts to start a war with Russia. “The time of talk and persuasion with Russia is over," MEP and Vice-President of the EPP told a meeting on Tuesday, 21 April, “Now it’s time for a tough policy, and concentration on defence and security ...”
This Is Why The US Just Lost Its Superpower Status According To Larry
The True Debt Disaster America Faces - Only A Fraction Of Government Debt Is Known To The Public
Politicians and the media talk about the $17 trillion debt the US Government owes to creditors. They are lying, the $17 trillion is a fraction of what america owes. The real figure is $200 trillon. And Obama's loonytoons economics are driving that up at an accelerating rate.
U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth
We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.
Does It matter If The Dollar Is Replaced?
"Without delving too deeply into Austrian economic and capital theory, just let me point out that money printing disrupts the structure of production by fraudulently changing the “price discovery process” of capitalism. Capital is allocated to projects that will never be profitably completed. Bubbles get created and collapse and businesses are suddenly damaged en mass, thus, destroying wealth. (Zero Hedge)"
What the BRICS plus Germany are really up to in the Currency Wars?
The move led by Russia and China to dump the Petrodollar has escalated into a currency war, not the kind of war we assciate Obama with but give him time. Some wars as in Ukraine, by proxy are not going so well. Others, like the one against Islamic State aka ISIS aka ISIL in the middle east are going worse. Disintegration of The American Economic Empire is manifesting itself in moves by wannabe global players towards creating a multipolar world ...
De - Dollarisation: China, Brazil Make Deal To Ditch US Dollar For Bilateral Trades
China and Brazil this week concluded a deal to conduct trade between their nations in their own in their own currencies, ditching the established reserve currency for global trade, US dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian announced said on Wednesday. This is Beijing’s latest strike against the almighty greenback in its currency war aimed at shifting the balance of geopolitical and economic power from west to east.
U S Regional Bank First Republic Crashes As America's Banking 'Crisis In Confidence' Becomes Contagious
Shares in America's First Republic Bank's crashed when the New York stock market opened for trading this morning. The crash was triggered by a statement issued on Sunday night that sought to ease investor worries about the bank's liquidity situation in the wake of the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. Shares in the San Francisco based regional bank are down 60% on last week's close.
Negative Interest Rates - Final Nail In The Coffin Of Neoliberalism? Negative interest rates, in plain terms a situation in which we pay bankers for holding our money, are the latest ruse of politicians and economists to make uis start spending our investments and savings, thus kickstarting the global economy thy have screwed up.
Pupils Shut Out Of School Because They Refuse To Wear Gender Neutral Uniforms
Overshadowed somewhat by the idiocies in Parliament this week as Remain supporting, democratically elected MPs try to overturn the democratically expressed wish of the people and keep the UK in The Fourth Reich politely known as the European Union, the idiocy of politically correct, far left authoritarianism in education goes on...
The Elite’s Scheme to Eliminate Cash And Impose Negative Interest Rates
Politicians love inflation, it provides an easy way out of the financial mess they create, Bankers too love inflation because while they lend fiat money, the loans they issue are secured against real assets such as people’s homes and valuables. However both need “the punters they fleece to have faith in the value of the currency they hold or the numbers stored in computers that increasingly represent our wealth ...
Elites Losing The War On Cash? Sweden U-Turns On 'Cashless Society' Agenda
Sweden was leading the the War On Cash, the ruling elite had pushed the idea that a cashless society would protect citizens from crime and be more convenient. There was no mention that in a cashless society we would completely surrender control of our money to banks, and our privacy in financial matters to government security agencies...
War On Cash. If You Want To Buy A Car Or Appliance From A Friend For Cash, You Will Not Be Able To.
A geopolitical move by the globalist control freaks that began as a seemingly innocuous hypothetical discussion several years ago now appears to have become a deep state / corporate policy backed by a propaganda campaign involving some of the most powerful commercial and government agencies in the industrialized world. Throughout this omnibus web page we have called it the War on Cash. De-Dollarization Accelerates: Russia Launches SWIFT-Alternative Linking 91 Entities
Among the information revealed in The Great Leaks of 2013 were the documents that exposed the extent to which NSA and GCHQ had been secretly 'monitoring' the SWIFT payments system and recording details of cash flowing between nations and organisations. It appears the revelation was the last straws for Russia, China, and other sovereign nations ...
A Republic Always Decays Into Oligarchy. Here's Why
Almost a rehash of Schumpeter's warning, that capital alwaysd contains the seeds of its own destruction while socialism always leads to fascism. I guess the old Austrian economist was trying to tel us the only thing that works is chaos. I can live with that.
Even The BIS Is Shocked At How Broken Markets Have Become.
If the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) the bank where banks and governments do business is worried about the state of the markets, we are in bigger trouble than anyone is letting on.
Dark clouds of retribution are gathering over the hubris of economic optimism
If we listen to economically illiterate idiots like Barack Obama, George Osborne, Paul Krugman and the EU leaders Jean Claude Drunkard, Gauleiter Martin Schulz and Herman Van Rumpy Pumpy we might get swept up in the belief that global economic recovery is surging ahead. The statistics they recite suggest so. Unfortunately statistics are easily manipulated. The views of people who actually run businesses tell a different story.
Our government keeps talking about economic recovery, so does the Obama administration in the USA and the bureaucratic dictatorship of unelected penpushers in the European Union headquarters, Brussels. but in the perception of most people, things are not getting better, in fact they are getting worse. So where's this economic 'growth' they keep talking about. Well nothing is ever what is seems to be, all the economic growth is in prostitution, drug dealing, gun running and smuggling ...
New Global Crisis Imminen, New Geneva Report Warns The Geneva Report refers to a “poisonous combination of high and rising global debt and slowing nominal GDP [gross domestic product], driven by both slowing real growth and falling inflation”. The total burden of world debt, private and public, has risen from 160 per cent of national income in 2001 to almost 200 per cent after the crisis struck in 2009 and 215 per cent in 2013. “Contrary to widely held beliefs, the world has not yet begun to delever and the global debt to GDP ratio is still growing, breaking new highs,” the report said.
Cashless Society - The Resistance Begins Here
A seaside market town in Norfolk may be less than 100 miles from the world's financial capital, London, , it may be the commercial centre of West Norfolk’ as the town website boasts, it may be home to 45,000 people — but there, unlike in London, cash is king.
Establishment Pushing ‘Cashless Society’ to Control Humanity
The global establishment is increasingly pushing the notion of what it calls a “cashless society” — a world in which all payments and transactions would be conducted electronically, creating a permanent record for governments to inspect and track at will.Multiple governments from Africa and Asia to Europe and ...
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