'General' Obama does a Custer, acts like an insecure adolescent and refuses to admit he screwed up (Image Source)
On Wednesday 17 February (unremarked by mainstream media in Europe and the USA), President Obama appeared to admit there is no chance of victory for the 'Syrian opposition' (i.e. Obama's beloved 'moderate rebels', the same people who earlier in the conflict were ripping vital organs from the still warm corpses of Assad supporters and Syrian Christians and noshing them, posting videos of the feast on YouTube) according to White House and Pentagin sources Obama thinks the
Speaking at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) conference in California on Wednesday, the US president was asked by Bloomberg reporter Toluse Olorunnipa whether he had been "outfoxed" by Russia's President Putin in Syria (to which the only honest answer would be, "Yes, totally.". Russia had managed not only to avoid getting caught in a quagmire (contrary to US expectations), but had succeeded in bolstering the Syrian government, whose army has been making major advances around Aleppo, while US-backed rebels have been on the retreat, Olorunnipa continued.
Put on the back foot, Obama blustered, insisting that actually, Russia would "absolutely" get involved in a quagmire, and that "about three-quarters of [Syria]…still under control of folks other than Assad." The President failed to mention or more likely just does not know that most of the rebel controlled territory is sparsely populated, and that about 80% of Syria's population is in areas controlled by the Assad regime.
More importantly, the president conceded that "yes, Russia has a major military. Obviously, a bunch of rebels are not going to be able to compete with the hardware of the second-most powerful military in the world."
WHAT! Not even with all the hardware and money the USA has thrown at them in a bid to depose Assad without and American bodies showing up on YouTube?
As a result of this, Obama suggested, "the only way to do that is to bring some sort of political transition."
Analyzing the president's words, Svobodnaya Pressa columnist Andrei Ivanov remarked that Moscow, for its part, has always been in favor of a peaceful settlement and that in fact, "it is the opposition which has disrupted the peace talks, by setting impossible demands, including that Bashar Assad step down."
"However," the journalist added, "Obama's words do mark an interesting change of rhetoric. Earlier, Washington had insisted that the opposition fighters they were preparing would simultaneously fight both the terrorists and overthrow Assad.
It is surprising that after his track record of failure, fuck up and total embarrassment (remember that time he tried to suck the King of Saudi Arabia's cock?) there are still a few people out there who think he's The Obamessiah. One tuned up in the comments thread on the site where I found my source info for this site:
Joseph Lobianco
President Obama wasn't "outfoxed" by Russia President Putin. The U.S.A. received no United Nation mandate to attack Syria. United Nation S. C. Resolution 2249 gave no country the right to bomb Syria. The U.S.A. Congress approves wars through a declaration of war. President Obama sought Congressional approval for military intervention in Syria and they voted NO. Obama was taught Constitutional law at Harvard law school. President Obama, is the first president since Frankin D. Roosevelt, to followed the Constitution.
To which I felt I had to reply:
Ian Thorpe ·
Your day job is stand up comedian, right?
Others took up the cause:
Terry Ross · Coventry, United Kingdom
Even the NYT admitted the CIA has been involved with supplying the terrorists for several years. The number of bombing attacks within Syria by the US has been made public on Pentagon website. There is no point trying to deny any of this Joseph.
Karl Bike
They didn't recieve a UN mandate to attack Iraq either but they did anyway in any case Syria is a Sovereign nation that happen to ask Russia for help so only they had a right to be there!
READ MORE ON: Assad >> ISIS >> military >> USA >> Syria >> Russia >> War
USA Has Told Assad He Needs To Commene Handover Of Power In Syria by August Or Face Consequences
Russia's Surprise Withdrawal From Syria? "If We Don't Go Away, We Can't Come back Again.
There is no doubt that the withdrawal is not quite what it seems to be, but more likely a tactical move by the Russians. The Kremlin feels it has done enough to secure the regime of President Assad, the remnants of the Sunni Muslim Free Syrian Army are no longer capable of mounting a challenge and the Syrians, along with Shi'ite militias in Iraq and Kurdish irregulars, backed by Iranian Republic an Guard troops ought to be capable of dealing with ISIS
Propaganda War: US Officials Working to Keep Russia, Europe at Odds
Speaking to the US Senate Armed Services Committee this month, Breedlove said that " Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration from Syria in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve." These irrational remarks, and the mainstream media's ability to convey them with a straight face, are an indication of a broken system, experts suggest.
Obama: US and Iran have major differences.
So what happened to Obama's great deal with Iran? Didn't the great peacemaker and joybringer proclaim not long ago that he had created peace and understanding between the USA and Iran? Perhaps the Iranians worked out that every country with which Obama claims he has created peace and understanding is the next to be blitzed by American bombs and drone strikes
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
We reported a little while ago, in our series of posts chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton after the story of how, while Secretary Of State, she made use of personal IT equipment to handle top secret government material. The story broke just as Hillary's campaign ran into stormy waters when Bernie Sanders, originally written off as a fringe candidate began to gain momentum ...
Call The Hackers: US Superplane Grounded By Software Bug
... it was reported late last year during a particularly intense moment in US / Russian relations in the middle east that Pentagon officials had warned Obama not to risk triggering any direct conflict with Russia because the Russians could "obliterate US military capablities."
New Report Shows How Hillary Clinton Sold Obama on Regime Change in Libya
We have no compunction about lobbying against Hillary as responsible citizens of the world who put the interests of people in the USA, Europe and the third world ahead of the interests of a global wealthy elite who profit from war and are quite prepared to use financial muscle to make sure corporate profit wins out over public interest.
The Truth Of What Is Going On In Syria
The public in those nations involved directly or peripherally in the Syrian war are not being told the truth of what is going on in that country, and have not been told the truth since hostilities began in 1011. We have tried to report this many times on our main news site The Daily Stirrer
Fear and Panic: EU Defence Budgets Boom Amid ‘Russian Threat’ Paranoia
Sssssh. Do you hear that? The sound of two horses, their firey hooves drumming on the ground, eyes glowing like embers as at full gallop they draw the chariot of Mars, the war god. Their names are Phobos and Deimos, Fear and Panic. Paranoia over a supposed “Russian threat” and the fear of terrorism following the Paris attacks are causing panic among NATO and EU nations, causing governments to vastly increase their defense budgets:
War For The middle East - Why Islamic State Is Winning
The Obama Administration, and in particular The State Department which under the leadership of John (57) Kerry looks after foreign policy has all in all had a nightmare few months since the turn of the year. The unlikely (and unholy) Saudi Arabian - Israeli alliance in cahoots with U.S. neocons and military / industrial complex corporations have pressured the President into escalating U.S. aggression toward the secular government of Bashar Al Assad in Syria.
Obama and FUKUS Axis Air Strikes On ISIS Will Make Things Worse
The bombing of ISIS, the Islamic State is well under way in Iraq and Syria, and as predicted the American, Britis and French led campaign is already making things worse for civilians among whom the ISIS fighters are dispersed. And of course, far from making the west safer, it is stirring up more hatred against us in the Islamic world.
The Third Gulf War Has Started - Should Britain Get Involved
For the third time in twenty five years a British Prime ~Minister has led the nation into a war in Iraq. It's understandable that Iraquis might be a bit pissed off with us. This time the threat is not a brutal dictator like Saddam hussein or Muammar Gadaffi, the Libyan leader we helped depose, but Islamic State, a concept, an idea, but also a rabble of bloodthirsty maniacs funded by European and American money, aremed with European and American weapons and trained by European and American 'military advisers.
War In Iraq? Lard Bombs Away (SATIRE)
As usual Boggart Blog is totally against Britain becoming embroiled in another sectarian conflict in the middle east (the theme tune of which will be I Hate You Babe by Sunni and Shia.) But rather than send our clapped out, thirty year old warplanes to fire rockets and heavy calibre cannons and drop bombs on the IS, bearing in mind these guys are all fundamentalist Muslims we have a better idea. We can beat the Islamic State without shedding HUMAN blood.
We Will Destroy Islamic State In Three years Say Western Leaders
The NATO summit on Ukraine and ISIS wound up yesterday having achieved exactly what it was expected to achieve - nothing ... There was some kind of agreemant that Britain will join the US is launching air strikes against the Islamic State militias ... A war against ISIS would be a continuation of the war waged in Iraq from 2003, initially to overthrow the tyrant Saddam Hussein, and since his capture to restrain the wannabe tyrants queueing to replace him.
Another Obama Sponsored Genocide - not Alawi or Christians In Syria but Yazidi in Iraq.
While the west has been distracted by events in Gaza and Ukraine, and the neo - fascist 'left' have suddenly discovered the joys of anti Russianism and anti Semitism, the FUKUS axis sponsored genocidists of ISIS have discovered another inoffensive minority to exterminate now that the Syriac Christians have fled.
Lies Of The FUKUS Axis Of Evil Plan To Wage War On Syria Exposed
The FUKUS Axis Of Evil, warmongering nations France, UK, and US almost kicked off a global war with their plan to invade Syria. Fortunately when Russia, China and Iran stepped up to support their ally Assad in Syria, the plan did not seem quite so attractive. Now you can learn how Assad's alleged warcrimes and chemical weapons attacks were fabricated to justify invasion.
Why Are America's Leaders So Desperate To Start Another War?
For a politician who as a candidate promised to work for peace, understanding, unity and lots of joining hands and singing Kumbaya, Barack Hussein Obama has, as President, tirelessly worked for war. So why are he and members of his administration so determined to start world war three.
The Spoiled Of War - What Happens In Nations On Which The Emperor Obama Bestows His Blessing.
As Obama prepares to attack Syria and start World War Three for no better reason that to rescue his credibility, we show you what has happened in Libya, another prosperous secular muslim nation The Emperor Obama decided to liberate from its dictator.
p>What's The Point Of G20 If The Children Will Not Play Nicely Together
The G20 summit in St Petersburg should be hoding in depth discussions about global issues like Mutually Assured Destruction if America attacks Syria and Russia responds, Bee Apocalypse, Unemployment in the west, Hunger in the southern hemisphere, Same Sex Marriage, Miley Cyrus dry humping ...
Syria: Lies Of Obama And Kerry Cannot Hide Real Agenda
Humanitarian intervention my arse. The world's only terrorist state has been planning all out war in Syria since 2007, with Iran the next target once Assad's regine falls. Only the determination of Russian and China to stand up to American bullying can curb the genocidal imperial ambitions of The neo-Nazi Obama regime.
Al Jazeera Journalist Forced Out Of Job For Telling Truth About Syria.
Truth is the first casualty of any war it has always been said and it turns out that in these days of spin and deceit truth must die in order to gove warmiongers and mass murderers like Obama, Cameron &Co their excuse to go to war, as the Syria debacle shows ...
Intelligence Suggests Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack
As the clamour for war against Syria gets louder in Washington, London and Paris, s anybody surprised that that evidence stacking up points to last weeks gas attack in Damascus having been instigated by the rebels or a third party with Israel emerging as the top contender ...
As FUKUS axis of evil prepares to attack Syria, Russia and China put on war alert
Another world shaking story that the free world's mainstream media chose not to tell us about even though it should have dominated newspaper headlines and broadcast news bulletins for months. It tells of how Russia and China knew of Military / Industrial / Banking New World Order office boy Obama's plans to start World War Three back in 2011. Everything their intelligence predicted has happened
Global Nuclear War Seems Inevitable Now
The Daily Stirrer has been warning for long enough our current crop of genocidal idiots political leaders were steering a course that made war inevitable. well now the first shosts have been fired, a couple of limited nuclear strikes on Syria by Israel probably with American backing. Head for the hills everyone.
Songs Of Glory (Songs Of War)
As the situation nears breaking point in Syria, Russia, Iran and China are determined to to allow the Assad regime to fall, the rebellion has fragmented with factions turning on each other and the western powers are getting more desperate to install a puppet regime. Time then to resurrect this antoi war poem from 2003
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