The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Low-fat diet could kill you, major study shows

A major study has found that, contrary to 'the established science,'low-fat diets could raise the risk of early death by almost twenty five percent. The study of 135,000 adults, organised by medical magazine The Lancet and presented at the European Society Of Cardiology congress found those who cut back on fats had far shorter lives than those enjoying plenty of butter, cheese and meats.

Researchers said the study was at odds with the advice health professionals and researchers working for pharmaceutical corporations have been offering for the past fifty years. From government health departments to our local doctor, the advice has always been "cut down on fats and avoid saturated fats because they will kill you. For many years now however, independent research has shown that fats, including saturated fats, are healthy and beneficial and processed carbohydrates are the real villain, with white sugar at the top of the list

Following the official advice has let to people who thought they were eating healthily to eat far too much stodgy food like bread, pasta and rice while missing out on vital nutrients, the study reported.

Participants who consumed the highest levels of carbohydrates, especially the refined sugars found in fizzy drinks and processed meals, faced a 28 per cent higher risk of early death (as always we add a caveat about statistics, always ask percentage of what? In this case, because figures vary widely from study to study if we assume at around 25% (1 in 4) adults under 70 will have some kind of cardiovascular problem, then those who have a 28% higher risk (again 1 in 4 for the sake of simplicity) have a 28% of 25% higher risk.)

The research, presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, in Barcelona found those with low intake of saturated fat in fact had 13 per cent higher risk if early death compared to those eating plenty.

And consuming high levels of all fats while reducing refined carbohydrates cut mortality by up to 23 per cent.

The Canadian study tracked eating patterns and death rates across 18 countries.


Everything they said is bad for you is good for you

Red meat cancer link was scaremongering

Corporate food giants promote bad diets

Frying pan fascists

The Food Witch Hunt

The Dinner Plates Of Old England

Low Fat Diet Could Kill You, Major Study Shows

Red Meat Causes Cancer Says World Health Org. Scientists. They Are Lying Of Course

Science was ever fascism's whore; it has become a catchphrase of The Daily Stirrer over the years as week after week we report instances of scientists whoring themselves for research grants, produce results that serve the vested inerests of the organisations which provide their funding.

World Health Chiefs Say ‘Red Meat As Likely to Cause Cancer as Smoking’

Another way of looking at this article of course is to say that it is an admission by the WHO that cigarette smoking does not cause cancer, which while true is a dangerous thing to say because after non stop anti - tobacco propaganda for the past fifty years, such a statement would be open to being interpreted as meaning cigarette smoking does no harm.

Food health fascism: Salt, Sugar, Saturated Fat, Alcohol, Cheese, Fizzy Drinks, Chocloate, ... if you enjoy it, it will kill you - maybe.

We are all familiar with those health scare stories that seem to pop up in mainstream media at least once a week claiming this that or the other will kill us. Few people spot the irony in that a few days earlier the same sensationalist rag will have carried a story under a similar screaming headline, claiming that scientists have found the stuff being demonised is in fact good for us ...

The Bansturbator Diaries - Ban Everything And Tax It Too

Red Meat, fast food,, Pies, Pizzas, Cigarettes, Alcohol, and now sugar. The fun fascists are on the rampage everywere. Is there anything we can do to stop them? Yes. all we have to do is ignore them, especially the ones who try to claim some kind of authority by using the word 'science' far more than is necessary.

The science of saturated fat: A big fat surprise about nutrition?

After years of being told saturated fat is a killer and we should avoid it in favour of Big Food products that are the nearest modern chemistry can get to packaging arterial plaque, yet another scientific meta analysis shows the sat fat scare was based of fraudulent science and there is no evidence your steak is harming you.

Athlete's Feet Cheese Eeeuch and double Eeeeuch
Cheese made from athlete's foot bugs, is he having a laugh you might well ask. no I'm not.

Food Fascists Spread Fear and Panic About The Obesity PandemicIn another of our consciousness raising initiatives Greenteeth, the parent company of The Daily Stirrer, Little Nicky Machiavelli and Boggart Blog has created the Golden Orwell Awards. Today we award the Golden Orwells to Doctors, The NHS and the British Medical Association for their services to fascism in bending the truth about the health threats posed by obseity, alcohol and lack of exercise. We suggest the risks are not as great as will be posed by doctors withdrawing threwatment from those who do not obey.

Banning Words Like "Fatty" Is Not Being Caring And Nice, It's Fascism By StealthThe more desperate the Thought Police get because they see the tide in society not just tuining against their stupid, politically correct agenda but becoming a torrent, the more loony their ideas get. The latest Loonytoons notion is to ban the use of terms like fatty and speccy-four-eyes and introduce body image and self esteem classes in schools. Pupils who offend can then join the 80,000 kids, some as young as four, who are on the racism register for crimes as serious as calling a black child velcro - head.

Diabetes Blogger Censored By Web - For Beating DiabetesLittle Nicky is not a health blogger so when blogs about health related topics come up it is usually in relation to the politicisation of health. The censorship of blogger Steve Cooksey shows political and business interests curtiailing free speech on the web but also reveals that search engine giant Google and other big players like Facebook have developed far to cosy a relationship with government and big business and that is not healthy for us as individuals..

Bansturbators Hidden Agenda - Abolish Meat To Make Way For Grey Goo.The bansturbators of Nanny State and the neo-Fascists of the New World Order are set on devivering us into the Brave New World promised a hured years ago by those who decided democracy would have to be superseded by a scientific dictatorship. Replacing natural meat in our diets with stuff made from grey goo grown in laboratories is the latest item on their agenda to go public.

Pasty Wars: Osborne's War On Pies Is War On The NorthThere is a growing cultural gap in Britain. When hapless Cancellor George Osborne delivered his budget for 2012 the effete southern media tried to stip up a controversty about the so called ganny tax. But here in the nothern heartlands, the true England, what pissed us off was Osborne's attempt to tax our hot pies.

Killer Red Meat Rport Was Faked By Health FascistsThe highly sensationalised research reported lkast week that identiufied red meat as a killer in our diet used manipulated data to distort the statistics, analysts have said. Good quality lean red meat in moderation (like anything else) does no harm. It is processed meat that causes problems. And who invented the processes that put the poison in our meat? Those conniving scientists of course.

Now Frying Pan Fascists Want To Steal Your Steak

Food Fascists, Meat Me HalfwayThe food fascists are on the march again, demonising healthy meat eating, promoting a diet high in starches, chemicals and all the foods evolution had not prepared our bodies to deal with. Forget the fake science, if you eat a happy meal it is the bun and fries that will kill you, not the burger.

Everything They Said Is Bad For You Is Good For YouJust when you thought it was safe to go back into the pleasuredome Nanny State's Politically Correct Thought Police are now using CAll Me Dave's Dave's nudger try to nudge us towards being better citizens, eating healthy options, drinking less booze, avoiding dangerous sports like bowls and tiddleywinks, driving less miles and being less idle ...

Latest Fear and Panic Strategy: They Tell Us We Are All Going To Starve
Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

And The Truth Is A Low Salt Diet Is A Health Risk?Conventional wisdom tells us too much salt in our diet is a health risk but many studies showing the opposite is true are not widely reported. Have health experts and medical scientists been taking lessonb of the climate change science crooks and liars?

Doctors Caught Lying Again - Long Term Paracetamol Use Can KillFor years doctors and health scientists have mocked fears that long term use of paracetamol can harm heath and even be fatal. A new study proved the punters were right and the doctors were lying again ...

In The Wake Of The Crusade Against Carbon Dioxide, the Jihad Ahainst Junkl Food - the case that carbon dioxide was the sole cause of climatre chaos and justification for massive fuel taxes has collapsed but in its wake comes the jihad against junk food with ... yes ... proposals for a tax on unhealthy food.

Acohol Abuse Will Kill 250,000 A Year Unless Governmnt Acts say Control Freak Doctors
The Health fascists have been out in force this week. With reports on the dangers of alcohol, meat, salt and obesity published our resistance is being tested. The Daily Stirrer is on your side whether you like a drink, a bit of meat, a sprinking of salt on your food or you are a shade overweight. We are always happy to expose the dodgy scence and rigged evidence behind theses control freak fear and panic exercises.

Scientists And Politicians Attack The Food We Love, But Is It Science Or Just Control Freakery
A sustained campaign of misinformation by politicians, scientists, bureaucrats and the media have tried to brand fat and salt as the twin demons of the modern diet. Both however are essential to our wellbeing. So what are the bureaucrats, government and science lobby up to. What is the politics of food fascism. Are they just behaving as control freaks must or are they softening us up for extra taxes and government regulation of our dinner plates and the food we eat.

Face It: Eating Shite Makes You Fat And Ill

Governments are worried that we as a nation are getting too fat. Bigger ambulances and bigger prison cells are needed. They blame the public for lack of self control. But we are being brainwashed by advertising and the food industry into eating toxic chemicals that make us gain weight. Hilreious comedy rant.

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Do Recent US Naval Disasters Confirm Russia's Electronic Weapons Claims

Two recent collisions in the South China Sea involving US warships and merchant vessels operating legitimately in the area have led to the US Navy cancelling all operations and standing down its fleet. What could have caused such a dramatic action, you might well ask. We wish we had a definitive answer but governments tend to remain tight lipped on such embarrassing stories.

When the USS John S McCain limped into Singapore, holed on the waterline after colliding with a tanker however, we were reminded of a story that resurfaced concerning a strange incident in 2014 involving a United States warship.

USS John McCain after collision (Image source: worpress)

The most disturbing part of this story for US military strategy was not the fact that ten American sailors were lost, although that is what grabbed the headlines. More sinister was that the incident came only two months after the US Destroyer The Fitzgerald collided with a cargo ship off Japan, with seven deaths resulting from the accident. And in May 2017 the cruiser Lake Champlain crashed into a South Korean fishing boat, fortunately no lives were lost on that occasion.

So what is going on. US Navy ships should have the most advanced naval technology in the world - apart from the British Navy of course :-) - and ought to have been aware of other vessels in the area in ample time to take evasive action.

According to a report first published in 2014, the USS Donald Cook experienced a total failure of its electronics systems, disabling weapons, tracking technology and navigation equipment after being buzzed by two Russian air force Sukhoi Su24 aircraft. Now the Su24 is an old design and by today's standards not a sophisticated warplane. According to Russian sources however, the attack jets carry electronic weapons that can cripple the US Navy's missile defence system.

Russia-1 television's Vesti programme claimed an electronic warfare device called "Khibiny" was used by a Russian pilot to completely deactivate the defence systems of the USS Donald Cook in a 2014 encounter in the Black Sea. In the past this blog has reported that we learned from an Iranian nuclear scientist who is a friend of one of our contributors that Iran had jointly developed with Russia and China, a range of Electronic Weapons based on technologies first proposed by the scientist Nikolai Tesla, after whom the Tesla car company was named, whose work was sidelined in the west because of the threat it posed to commercial interests.

Reports coming out of the weapons and military technology industry more recently have suggested there was substance to that claim.

The US' Aegis system, manufactured by Lockheed Martin, and carried by most modern American ships, is designed to protect a fleet against attacks by aircraft, and cruise and ballistic missiles. Other systems are in place to protect ships against less sophisticated weapons such as a boat pack with explosives being set on course to ram them.

But the Vesti broadcast (on Russian state controlled TV it should be noted) claimed the pilot of a Sukhoi Su-24 jet was able to deactivate "the whole ship's systems" with "powerful radio-electronic waves" during the fly-by incident three years ago, around the time of Russia's annexation of Crimea.

"You don't need to have expensive weapons to win [a war], powerful radio-electronic jamming is enough," the report concluded. At the time this was dismissed as kremlin propaganda in response to Obama's boasts about US technical superiority.

At the time the US military confirmed the Donald Cook, a guided missile destroyer, had encountered a pair of Su-24s that repeatedly flew near it in the Black Sea. But a spokesman, Army Col Steve Warren, said then: "The Donald Cook is more than capable of defending itself against two Su-24s."

Both President Donald Trump and his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, have hinted that relations between the countries hitting a low point may be in some way connected to these incidents.

During a meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, earlier this month, Tillerson said the world’s "two foremost nuclear powers cannot have this kind of relationship".

And before an off-camera meeting with Tillerson, Russia's President Vladimir Putin commented in an interview that "one could say that the level of trust on a working level, especially on the military level, has not improved, but rather has deteriorated".


HAARP: Have Scientists, In Their Quest For World Domination, Opened Pandora's Box Of Troubles

Levitation: Did Tesla Teach Us How To Get Ourselves Up

Science has always been for the terminally insane, the thing was some of the pointy headed insaniacs were actually very creative and clever. Recently though leaders of the scientific community have become more like the jesuits who conducted The Inquisition. Learn about the latest attempts to suppress the amazing inventions of Nikola Tesla.

The Amazing Hidden Science Of Scalar Waves

A infinite supply of cost free, clean electricity that has been know to the world for over a hundred years but never exploited? Is Ian talking about a science fiction story? you might well ask. Well no, I'm not. Scalar Waves, discovered by Nikola Tesler have that potential along with the potential to put the energy companies outr of business.

Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering - We Can Expect The Same

American scientists, egged on by a psychopath Prisident who boasts that he is good at killing people are pressing ahead with experiments in controlling the climate. They have no idea what the outcomes may be because as we know, mathematical models used to predict climate trends are hopelessly inaccurate. But when have scientists ever stopped to give a moments thought to consequences.

Conspiracy Of Lies: Is Weather The New World Order's Weapon Of Choice

Not so long ago we reported that according to recent research conspiracy theorists are perfectly sane, rational, critical thonkers, old fashioned sceptics (rather than skeptics who only doubt anything tha challenges official dogma. Now the BBC, one Britain's bastion of fair and balanced news reporting and analysis has published a rabid attack on "conspiracy theorists." Are they worried that their propaganda broadcasts aren't getting as many views as truth tellers on You Tube?

So Tinfoil Hats Are Not Such A Bad Idea After All

Yeah you all know the story of the guy who thought the government were beaming control signals into our brains from the dishes on cellular telephobe and radion masts, or if you don't, you should by now. The man was nuts, right? Bonkers in the head, mad as a box of frogs, a paranoid conspiracy theorist ...

In These Days Of High Unemployment People Need A Creative Hobby - Like Splitting The Atom

As we move inexorably towards a jobless economy, with industrial work migrating to low labour cost economies and robotization of the skilled workforce killing more of those high income blue - collar jobs, more and more people are finding they have too much time on their hands it is essential for the unemployed to keep their minds active ...

Atomic Verse

Quantum Metaphysics

Levitation: Did Tesla Teach Us How To Get Ourselves Up

Science has always been for the terminally insane, the thing was some of the pointy headed insaniacs were actually very creative and clever. Recently though leaders of the scientific community have become more like the jesuits who conducted The Inquisition. Learn about the latest attempts to suppress the amazing inventions of Nikola Tesla.

Was The Flooding Of The Somerset Levels Deliberate?

Whether the recent freak weather that has caused flooding in the Somerset Levels was caused by HAARP, The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program or by nature, there is a very strong business case to support the idea that the floods werer planned for business reasons.

U.S. Silently Tortures Americans With Cell Tower Electronic Neuroweapon
News is starting to leak out of a programme of social control being carried out by the US government on its own citizens. The Obama Administration is using Nikola Tesla's scalar wave technology to psychologically affect tranches of the population. When The Daily Stirrer blogged on Tesla a few years ago we said this application for his scalar wave technology was far fetched. Looks like I might have been too cautious.

Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering - We Can Expect The Same

American scientists, egged on by a psychopath Prisident who boasts that he is good at killing people are pressing ahead with experiments in controlling the climate. They have no idea what the outcomes may be because as we know, mathematical models used to predict climate trends are hopelessly inaccurate. But when have scientists ever stopped to give a moments thought to consequences.

Conspiracy Of Lies: Is Weather The New World Order's Weapon Of Choice

Not so long ago we reported that according to recent research conspiracy theorists are perfectly sane, rational, critical thinkers, old fashioned sceptics (rather than skeptics who only doubt anything tha challenges official dogma. Now the BBC, one Britain's bastion of fair and balanced news reporting and analysis has published a rabid attack on "conspiracy theorists." Are they worried that their propaganda broadcasts aren't getting as many views as truth tellers on You Tube?

So Tinfoil Hats Are Not Such A Bad Idea After All

Yeah you all know the story of the guy who thought the government were beaming control signals into our brains from the dishes on cellular telephobe and radion masts, or if you don't, you should by now. The man was nuts, right? Bonkers in the head, mad as a box of frogs, a paranoid conspiracy theorist ...

So You Still Think It's A Good Idea To Get Involved In Syria?
As Barack Obama ramps up the war rhetoric in a desperate bid to involve America in the Syrian Conflict and (he vainly hopes) thus save his failed Presidency and David Cameron keeps his tongue firmly inserted in Obama's are, it's good to know somebody is in touch with reality.

Free Energy For Everyone? They Will Have To Bill Us For The Air We Breathe

You may not even have heard of Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla, or at best associate him with an Electric car you may know Tesla as the inventor of the Alternating Current system of distributing Electricity which moved us to the kind of grid networks we have today. But there is far more to Tesla than he is commonly given credit for. Let's start from ...

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Friday, August 18, 2017

The Centre Cannot Hold

“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.” W. B. Yeats wrote.

The funny thing is, we didn’t seem to miss the center all that much after it was gone. The people of the developed world are perfectly happy gathering at the extremes these days, especially the margins of thinking, as the gap between them widens, deepens and becomes an abyss

One of the things that held the centre together was tolerance, in public debate, argument and private opinion, tolerance of dissent, of diversity - even eccentricity in lifestyle. Tolerance and a little good will on both sides facilitated the coherent exchange of ideas. These days, the main political factions are typified by hatred of those who disagree with their world view. Their primitive chanting of slogans hardly adds up to an exchange of ideas, in fact when compared to the decorous disagreements on politics, religion and economics in the past, modern exchanges of views are more like two tribes of chimps screaming, baring teeth and throwing turds at each other over a scrap of desirable territory.

Behind the partisanship bordering on tribalism, that divides left and right is that eminence grise we are obliged, for want of an official appellation, to refer to as 'The Deep State,''The Shadow Government' or 'The New World Order,' and their front line actors, the quaintly misnamed "Intelligence Community." These birds, many of them lifers, are dedicated to making the public discussion of anything as incoherent as possible so as to prevent any change in policy that might curtail the growth of the Deep State, a version of John Steinbeck's monster that had to grow or else it died. Unlike the Steinbeck monster (the banks) that fed on money and debt, the deep state / shadow government / NWO feeds of power and control.

In order to gain ever more power and control the Deep State monster must keep those it would rule in the dark about what is really going on, to make sure those who are not afraid to question and challenge authority do not have the weapons, the information and the platform from which to address their audience, with which to challenge convincingly. This is why we read and hear so much about fake news and censoring internet content to remove fake news. Internet technology makes suppression of news unfavourable to The Powers That Be a simple affair, while the concentration of mass media in the hands of a few corporations facilitates building a narrative designed to limit our ability to question and form diverse opinions on the official versions of events.

Case in point, the Syrian aerial gas attack earlier this year in the town of Khan Sheikhoun. Elected officials were all over the cable networks selling the NSA’s story that Syrian president Bashar Assad bombed women and children with Sarin gas three days after State Department declared that it had a new policy of letting the Alawite (secular Muslim) regime of Bashar al Assad remain in power after decades of manoeuvring to remove him culminating in in the despicable deception by the NATO power of appearing to oppose the terrorists and Muslim fundamentalists fighting Assad while secretly arming and training them.

The gas attack and the outrage expressed in the media might have led to the end of the six-year-long Syrian civil war, which Assad seemed to be winning, finally — with Russian assistance.

The alleged incident led to new official calls for NATO to directly attack Syria and kick Assad out, presumably to be replaced by the kind of failed state chaos that has existed in Libya since Qaddafi was overthrown by a NATO bombing campaign. Nobody knows. The US Deep State thrives when chaos reigns in foreign lands. So much the better for their looting operations, such as the theft of Libya’s 141 ton gold reserves in 2011. And if not looting hard assets directly, the Deep State wins when its many black box vendors — the private security armies, materials suppliers, arms sellers — are raking in.

The interesting part of the Syrian gas bombing story is how readily the U.S. and European public swallowed it. The elected representatives of the people flocked to broadcast and print news organs to condemn the outrage and demand to know how the west could let a monster who would use chemical weapons on his own people to remain in power. the FUKUS axix (France, U.k., U.S.A., Intelligence Community "issued a consensus report" reporting the Syrian air force has dropped Sarin gas bombs on the hapless civilians. Nobody offered any actual evidence that this was so. Only those who already understood or took the trouble to learn of the properties of Sarin recognised that the photos of aid workers clad in T shirts, jean and open toed sandals, and handling affected civilians with bare hands just had to be fake. Anybody working in an area where Sarin is present would be wearing a full haz - mat suite, with a respirator and full body cover. These days however, mere assertions rule and the media were all singing off the same song sheet in the wake of the attack and the song they sang most enthusiatically was that tired old anthem, "Conspiracy Theory". It was left to veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersh to expose the gaping holes in the logic of the narrative some weeks later.

To save yourselves the trouble of reading Hersh's article just ask one question. With support from Russia and Iran, Assad was on the point of victory, ISIS were in retreat in both Syria and Iraq and the people of Syria, who had by a considerable majority supported their government throughout the extremist uprising, were still loyal. Assad may be many things but he is not stupid so why would he order such an atrocity that he must have known would turn the world against him? As with the Ukraine colour revolution that deposed a democratically elected government, the removal of Honsi Mubarak in Egypt and the overthrow of Qaddafi (sic) the intent was so obviously to benefit American geopolitical interests and the execution so inept and amateurish, like most other Washington fireign policy adventures these had the CIA's fingerprints all over them.

We are still waiting to see some evidence that Trump’s campaign “colluded with Russia” to spin the election toward him and rob Hillary clinton of her entitlement to be first woman president of the U.S.. Those claims were also put out as "a consensus analysis" by the Intelligence Community. And after months of calls by the democratic Party and their friends and allies in the media in March 2017, just-retired NSA director James Clapper told NBC’s Meet the Press that his agency had no evidence of “Russian collusion” with the Trump forces. Four months later the calls to impeach Trump and have him removed from office continue but still no evidence of his collaboration with Moscow or of any interference by Russian hackers been presented. What has emerged is that the number one suspect for leaking thousands of emails harmful to Clinton and the Democrats to Wikileaks, a young Democrat campaign worker named Seth Rich, was murdered in Washington soon after the most damaging information in the emails began to be published.

Casual observers might be wise to adopt the most cynical attitude possible about "consensus reports" published by the U.S. Government's numerous intelligence agencies both overt and covert. Seasoned dissenters such as I gave up affording them any credibility decades ago. Britain and the other European powers are no better, and Russia? Well RT is not a bad news site for cynics in the west, itself.but don't consider it as a source for news on Russia itself. What it all adds up to is the snowballing incompetence, self - interest, malfeasance, and total dysfunction of the US government in general, in all its layers and branches has rendered the national government dysfunctional and unable to govern effectively.

This breakdown of order and the insecurity it generates is what is now driving the anger at the extremes. And with no centre to hold things together the outcome coulkd be catastrophic. The only way out is if We The People reject mainstream politics, mainstream media and the ideologies of the extremes. We are many, they are few, and more importantly than that, THEY CAN'T PUT US ALL IN PRISON.


US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

Child Abuse Cover Up In Sheffield Biggest So Far?

Sheffield and Rotherham sit next to each other in the old steel making area of South Yorkshire. Rotherham has already given us a major scandal when the cover up by police and local coucil officials of massive organised abuse of young girls in the local authority case ststem, and the pressures that were put of people who tried to demand a proper investigation of these crimes by politically correct Labour politicians and party managers was revealed

UK General Election, 2015: David Cameron Hugged A Hoodie but Nobody Wants To Hug A Tory.

So far, no matter what the political leaders do, the public are not responding to electioneering. The biggest losers from this disengagement with establishment politics are likely to be David Cameron's Conservatives who ned a five point lead over Labour to be un with a chance. So are the polls being distorted by the UKIP effect or is something more significant going on?

Death Of Democracy: Why We Can’t Get The Government We Deserve And Vote For.

In every election campaign, in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc. politicians spout about delivering 'change'. And yet every government we elect, no matter what label they wear or what coulour the use on campaign materials, seems just the same as the last, making the same promises and mistakes. Ever wondered why?

Luxembourg defends massive corporate tax dodging

Over the past week the whole media circus, mainsteam and broadcast, new media, bloggers, the world and his dog, was getting excited about the revelation that traditional tax haven but also founder member of the EU, Luxembourg has been facilitating wholesale corporate tax dodging and this 'business' was given the all clear by the then Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy,

Why Do The 'Progressive Left' Support Those Who Use Rape As A Weapon Of War

Rape as a weapon of war and genocide is not a pleasant subject but it is one that needs to be raise, like the issue of Female Genital Mutilation. Why visit such unpleasant topics? To expose the hypocrisy of the modern political left who have more in common with Hitler's Nazis, Mussolini's Fascist or Stalin's brutal Soviet regime that the supporters of traditional left wing values of individual freedom, free speech and equality before the law.

European Commission puts business profits before the needs of the world’s poorest.

While the left try to win elections by creaming 'racist' and 'bigot' at anyone who disagrees with their pro - EU, pro - globalisation, immigrant - loving, gay - loving, paedophile loving authoritarian agenda, thus pissing off the social class who make up the Labour Party's core vote, the thinkers amongs us are seeing the European Federalisation, Agenda 21, Global Government project for what it ius ... Adolf Hitler's dream come to fruition

Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right

Corporate powers and the United Nations are planning on privatising water resources including rainfall, yes you did read that right, privatising the rain. The CEO of food processing bastards Nestlé spoke of the plan last year when he said companies like his had a right to make money from sellling OUR water, now those Stalinisdt shits at the United Nations and The World Bank are planning to steal the stuff life depends on.

Giant Whitewash Slick Sighted In Indian Ocean

The Malaysian Airlines missing Boeing 777 mystery is over, the mouthpieces of the New World Orderr declare. Though no wreckage has been found and technological data points to a very different conclusion, the powers that be have decided we must all accept the boeing 777 few way beyond its range, into a remote area of the Indian Ocean well over a thousand miles from land where the pilot ditched it. and we can all stop asking dofficult question or else - see!

Representative government Is Being Replaced By A Global Technocracy

When Peter Mandelson, the architect of the New Labour project that gave Britain it's most authoritarian government in three hundred years and sold out national sovereignty to supranational bureaucracies, says that representative democracy is dying, he does not sound as if he will be one of the chief mourners. What can we do to rescue our democratic freedoms from smooth faced technocrats like Mandelson?

The Churches Are Burning
Bitter Fruit

FBI Collaborating With Deep State To Discredit Trump
Is ‘Fake News’ The New ‘Conspiracy Theory’?
US Gov’t Proves Loyalty To ISIS And Saudi Arabia
Days After Obama’s ‘Shadow Government’ Is Outed, an Even More Disturbing Discovery Comes to Light
An Elitist Shadow Government Running America

MK Ultra, Mind Control And The Micromanagement Of Society.

To be able to control the minds of the population has been a goal of governments from Nazi Germant and Stalinist Russia to leaders of the irnically described 'free world' today. Here is information on one of the social engineering programs governments are using, MK Ultra.

Globalisation And The Destruction Of Civilisation
Despite repeated assertions that this blog does not align itself with either of those anachronistic labels, left and right, our oppositions to globalisation (an attack on benefits the early trade union movement fought for,) and our support for controlled borders and strict vetting of immigrants we are often accused by those who like to label themselves 'left' (because it sounds cuddlier) ...

Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?

The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.

Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People

Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world?
The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"

Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response

Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy

Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.

The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion
The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace

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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Uber sex scandal as police accuse taxi firm of failing to report sex attacks committed by drivers

This is a story that has been waiting to break. Though overshadowed in recent months by the financial chaos, executive resignations, removal of the founder and CEO because of his increasingly erratic behaviour and ongoing battles with regulatory authorities, it was inevitable that news about the way Uber, supported by police authorities and mainstream media, have covered up news of sex attacks by their unregulated drivers of the unlicenced cabs that use the 'car sharing' app to operate illegally as taxis.

New feeds are reporting that Uber has been accused of covering up serious sex attacks by its drivers. Police say had the crimes been reported they could have prevented other sexual assaults from taking place.

As far as we know at the moment, the reports only connect to Uber's United Kingdom operation. London's Metropolitan Polce says the "safety and security" of the public has been put at risk by Uber failing to report crimes which have then escalated.

In one case a sex attack was not reported and the driver continued in his job and then went on to commit a more serious attack.

Inspector Neil Billany, leader of the Metropolitan Police's taxi and private hire unit, has expressed "significant concerns" that the firm is picking and choosing what crimes to report to the police to protect its reputation.

A company such as Uber, which has a licence to operate a cab service in London, but which operates only as a software app which allows people to hail cabs through their mobile phone, allows anybody to sign up as a driver, thous avoiding the extensive background checks officially licences London cab drivers undergo.

In a letter released under the Freedom of Information Act and leaked to the Sunday Times newspaper, Insp. Billany writes: Uber is "deciding what to report" and only informing police of "less serious matters" that would be "less damaging to its reputation".

He claims crimes police have not been informed of include six sex assaults on passengers, two public order offences and an assault.

"Had Uber notified police after the first offence, it would be right to assume the second would have been prevented," he wrote.

He said the victims had been given assurances by the firm that their attacks would be reported.

The letter was sent to Helen Chapman the Head of Taxis and Private Hire at Tfl.

Tfl has said it is "totally unacceptable" and says it will form part of a review into whether Uber's licence is extended. It was renewed in May and runs until the end of next month.

Uber responded with one of its usual evasive and self - justifying comments: "We were surprised by this letter as in no way does it reflect the good working relationship we have with the police. We advise people to report serious incidents to the police and support any subsequent investigations."

Saturday, August 12, 2017

China and Russia Move To Outflank Washington Hawks, Avert War In Asia

Events in recent days have given everybody in the world cause for concern. First it was revealed that renegade state North Korea how has nuclear capability to attack American interests in the Pacific and possible even targets on the US mainland. Then the war of words between the North Koreans and Washington took a nasty turn, opened up the throttle and seemed to be hurtling towards all out war.

Surely this could not be happening, we thought. Had Trump, who during his campaign said he wanted to normalise relations with the eastern block rather than continue along the route to nuclear destruction mapped out by the administrations of Barack Obama and George W Bush been completely outmanoeuvred by the Washington hawks and the Military / Industrial complex lobby? In a word, YES.

While Donald Trump is find how foolish it was to promise he would 'drain the swamp' without having learned how deep the swamp is (our sources say it's bottomless,) it looks like business as usual for the perpetual war party.

Fortunately Russia and China, still subtly waging their currency war against the US dollar have stepped up as they did when Obama was collaborating with ISIS terrorists in his desperation to remove the Assad regime in Syria:

There Is A Russian-Chinese Plan To Defuse Korea Crisis Says Russia's Foreign minister Lavrov

from Zero Hedge

In a glimmer of hope that a military conclusion to the North Korean crisis may yet be averted, Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said that "Russia does not accept a North Korea that possesses nuclear weapons", cautioned that there is an "overwhelming amount of over-the-top belligerent rhetoric on North Korea’s nuclear and rocket programs from Washington and Pyongyang", but most importantly said that there is a joint Russian-Chinese plan to defuse the North Korean crisis, according to which North Korea would freeze its missile tests, while the US and South Korea would stop large scale exercises.

"Russia together with China developed a plan which proposes 'double freezing': Kim Jong-un should freeze nuclear tests and stop launching any types of ballistic missiles, while US and South Korea should freeze large-scale drills which are used as a pretext for the North’s tests."

It was not clear if Russia or China, had floated this plan with the US or S. Korea prior; the most likely answer is no.

Hoping that "common sense will ultimately prevail", Lavrov said that North Korea had once signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) but then withdrew from it. The result is a nuclear-armed N.Korea which Russia refuses to accept: "Now North Korea claims that it has legal rights to make nuclear weapons and has already done so,” he said. “But you know our position: we don’t accept the fact that North Korea could possess nuclear weapons."

He added that both Russia and China have a “range of proposals” aimed at preventing what could become “one of the deepest conflicts” and a “crisis with a big number of casualties.”

Still, Lavrov said that Moscow is worried about Washington's remarks on a preemptive strike on North Korea, and said that Russia is doing its best to prevent this from happening. READ FULL ARTICLE >>>

China Warns Trump: "We Will Prevent A North Korea Regime Change"

source: Asia Times Online

The Chinese government today dimissed President Donald Trump’s demands that Beijing do more to rein in its neighbour North Korea, a small, poor country which has been threatening to wage nuclear war on the USA. Following Trump's threat that if the North Korean leader Fat Boy Kim continued to talk of attacking US targets Beijing, through state-owned media, warned the US president that it would intervene militarily on North Korea’s behalf if the US and South Korea launch a preemptive strike to overthrow the North Korean regime, (regime change - usually with disastrous results - being the speciality of Washington's foreign policy makers,) according to a statement in the influential state-run newspaper Global Times.

"If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so," it said.

At the same time, the Chinese regime spelled out that its preferred outcome in this crisis would be a continuation of the status quo, warning Kim Jong Un that it would "remain neutral if North Korea were to strike first." The article, cited by Reuters, reiterated calls for a diplomatic solution. However, the possibility of talks between the two sides was looking increasingly remote as both Trump and Kim continued to exchange threats of nuclear annihilation, with Trump clarifying Thursday that his earlier promise to respond with "fire and fury" should the North continue to threaten the US may not have gone far enough.

It seems that after six months in the job, President Trump has not yet learned in foreign policy he cannot just point a short, slender finger at unruly leaders and say, "You're fired."


China US war?

China aims for new reserve currency

Russia - USA - War

Imminent Collapse Of The Petrodollar

Currency Wars

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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Pulitzer-Prize Winning Reporter:FBI Report: It Was Seth Rich, Not Russians, Who Gave DNC Emails to Wikileaks

Just as left leaning political pundits in the USA are starting to crow about the apparent chaos in The White House (OK, so Trump has fired three senior staffers within two week, big deal. It's what he does, it's in the job description. You're fired!) the fates once again conspire to knock the idiots who have not yet accepted they lost the election off their high horse.

As everyone is aware the main thrust of the Dems efforts to have Trump impeached have been trumped up (sorry, couldn't resist,) accusation that his collaboration with the Russian government was behind the alleged hack of Democrat campaign and Clinton Foundation computer systems which resulted in thousands of damaging documents being released to Wikileaks.

And like other blogs that reported the same thing, when Boggart Abroad revealed it was not the Russians, but a Democrat campaign worker disgusted at the way the party had cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination, who leaked the emails, we were called conspiracy theorists. Seth Rich, who was murdered soon after the leaks began to be published, was not even a hacker, he had legitimate access to the computer networks and released the information in the public interest as any responsible citizen should.

Well now it is out in the open, an FBI report (that's the post - Comey FBI of course) has identified Rich as the leaker. Which means if there is still such a thing as justice in Washington DC, some senior figures in the Democratic party should be looking at "Conspiracy To Murder" charges soon.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Has The U.S. Declared Full-Scale Trade War On Russia?

Just about the whole world, including the fifty (or is it 51 now, last I heard an extra one was about to be added?) states of the United States, and especially the member states of the European Union, which facing the departure of Britain's large contribution to the budget can't sand to lose one of its major export markets, agreed it would be insane for the USA to impose further economic sanctions on Russia.The latest sanctions are in retaliation for The Kremlin's refusal to end its annexation of Ukraine and are an initiative of the Washington Perpetual War Party which is made up of Democrat and Republican senators and representatives in the pay of the military - industrial complex.

Previous sanctions on Russia, imposed by the Obama administration, were totally ineffective against Russia, which can sell all its oil to China but extremely damaging to several of the weaker EU economies.

Only hours after President Trump officially signed the new sanctions bill into law  in spite of his reservations about the wisdom of such a move and his statement that while he favors "tough measures to punish and deter aggressive and destabilizing behavior by Iran, North Korea, and Russia, this legislation is significantly flawed", Russia responded with a strong statement from Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. On his FaceBook page Medvedev wrote that all hopes of improving Russian relations with the new US administration are dead, that the Trump administration demonstrated complete impotence by transferring executive power to Congress "in the most humiliating manner", and most notably, that the US just declared a full-scale trade war on Russia.

Here's the statement in full from Medvedev's facebook page:
The signing of new sanctions against Russia into law by the US president leads to several consequences. First, any hope of improving our relations with the new US administration is over. Second, the US just declared a full-scale trade war on Russia. Third, the Trump administration demonstrated complete impotence, and in the most humiliating manner transferred executive powers to Congress. This shifts the alignment of forces in US political circles.

What does this mean for the U.S.? The American establishment completely outplayed Trump. The president is not happy with the new sanctions, but he could not avoid signing the new law. The purpose of the new sanctions was to put Trump in his place. Their ultimate goal is to remove Trump from power. An incompetent player must be eliminated. At the same time, the interests of American businesses were almost ignored. Politics rose above the pragmatic approach. Anti-Russian hysteria has turned into a key part of not only foreign (as has been the case many times), but also domestic US policy (this is recent).

The sanctions codified into law will now last for decades, unless some miracle occurs. Moreover, it will be tougher than the Jackson-Vanik law, because it is comprehensive and can not be postponed by special orders of the president without the consent of the Congress. Therefore, the future relationship between the Russian Federation and the United States will be extremely tense, regardless of the composition of the Congress or the personality of the president. Relations between the two countries will now be clarified in international bodies and courts of justice leading to further intensification of international tensions, and a refusal to resolve major international problems.

What does this mean for Russia? We will continue to work on the development of the economy and social sphere, we will deal with import substitution, solve the most important state tasks, counting primarily on ourselves. We have learned to do this in recent years. Within almost closed financial markets, foreign creditors and investors will be afraid to invest in Russia due to worries of sanctions against third parties and countries. In some ways, it will benefit us, although sanctions - in general - are meaningless. We will manage.
We wait with bated breath for details of the European Union's promised retaliation.


USA, EU and Turkey are not going to like this Greece /Russia deal

“We indeed need access to the Mediterranean Sea bypassing Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, [the narrow straits that separate mainland Turkey from the Turkish enclave in Europe in which Istanbul is situated.] There is another alternative – a channel through Iran. This project, first conceived approximately a century ago, is now also on the agenda,”
NATO Rhetoric About Russian Threat is 'Absurd'

The reasons being given for the latest NATO military buildup in Eastern Europe, the idea that the Russian 'Russian threat' to Eastern Europe grows every day is "simply absurd," according to former US diplomat and Senate policy advisor Jim Jatras. Effectively, Jatras says, the buildup is an attempt by the US to keep Germany and France on board with Washington's world domination agenda and ...
Hypocritical Obama says US Foreign Policy Is Not about ‘occupying countries’ & ‘firing missiles’ Umm ....

"America’s world supremacy is not about the number of occupied countries and fired missiles. Its international strength relies on diplomacy, protection of human rights and cooperation with other nations. "The measure of strength is not by how many countries we occupy, or how many missiles we fire, but the strength of our diplomacy and commitment to human rights ..." so how many countries have you bombed Barry, one, two, more?"
Assad Says Europe Is Responsible For Refugee Crisis: "If You're Worried About Them, Stop Supporting Terrorists"
As the tide of refugees fleeing Syria’s bloody civil war, swelled by African economic migrants masquerading as Syrians continues to tear the European Union (EU) apart, and as Brussels struggles to formulate a coherent policy for handling the crisis as member states go their own way with measures to close border crossing points, divert migrants to other member nations, or ...
Refugee Crisis Or Existential Battle With USA for Europe

It has been clear for some years now that the USA, backed by its main NATO and EU military allies the UK and France (the FUKUS axis has been trying to provoke Russian into firing the shot that will be heard around the world and recognised as the startiung signal for World War Three.
Nothing is ever as it seems to be however, and views from middle east and far eastern journals suggest the USA is also working at destabilizing EU nations in order to force their support in its wars.
Is Russian Army Beginning to Engage in Syria
Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear (h/t some bloke called Jesus) have know of the involvement of US troops in Syria for a considerable time. Given that the American military are active in over a hundred nations around the world, Washington's meddling in the domestic politics of soveeign nations comes as no surprise. It is more disturbing to learn that Russian troops are getting involved in Syria, to support Assad in his struggle against American - backed revolutionaries ...

De-Dollarization Du Jour: Russia's Largest Bank Issues Yuan-Denominated Guarantees

Leading the charge to multipolarity and de-dollarization are Russia, resugent despite economic sanctions and the rising superpower in waiting, China. The downgrading of the dollar is clearly demonstrated in the launch of the BRICS bank and the establishment of the AIIB.
Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine

While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

Ukraine President Has Tripled His Wealth While In Office

Ukraine is in a mess, the civil conflict goes on, with sporadic outbreaks of violence. The economy is in tatters, unemployment and inflation are out of control and many Ukrainians cannot afford basics like food and energy.
The Mediterranean Boat People Crisis - How Does Europe Deal With The Mediterranean Migrant Crisis

The numbers of migrants trying to cross from the Libya on the coast of north Africa to one of the EU's southern nations is increasing. Europe's impoverished southern nations can't cope. And in the better off nations of northern Europe immigration is a toxic issue which is fuelling the rise of anti EU parties from France to Finnland in the north and Hungary in the east. What can be done?
This Is Why The US Just Lost Its Superpower Status According To Larry Summers

As more and more countries flock to join the Chinese led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank after Britain, France Australia, India and other traditional US allies defied Washington to associate themselves with China's initiative, conservative economic pundit Larry Summers once a contender for the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve delivered a sharp rebuke ...
Stupidity Of America's Lust For War With Russia

We have reported many times on the American attempts to provoke Russia's leader Vladimir Putin in the hope that Putin will then fire the first shot in the war the USA so desperately needs to revive its failed economy, unify its dysfunctional society and restore is to the position of dominant global superpower ...

Libya, Syria, Yemen: Sectarian conflict threatens entire Middle East

Another failure of US foreign policy leads to threat of war as a coalition of 10 Sunni Arab states launches a military offensive against Shiite Houthi militants in Yemen, recently proclaimed by America’s president as a brilliant example of war on terror, but now catapulting the Middle East into the inferno of battle.

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