The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

At Last An End To The Irish Gay Cake Saga


 The Irish ‘gay cake’ saga is finally over, with the victory  for the Christian owners of Ashers Baking in Northern Ireland being hailed by Christian leaders as a landmark moment which will give Christians courage in standing up for their faith.
Boggart Blog and other Greenteeth Digital Publishing are not particularly Christian, editor Ian is a paganistic humanist, John says he was baptised before he was old enough to give informed consent and Xavier is a lapsed Catholic. However as supporters of free speech and personal freedom we celebrate this ruling from the European Human Rights court just as decades ago we celebrated the decriminalisation of homosexuality, the legalisation of abortion and other changes that buried the more oppressive aspects of religious dogma.

Gay Cake

Source: Photograph: Facebook/QueerSpace

In the current climate, with supporters of 'cancel culture' having been so active for the past few years, censorship of 'off - message' opinions and ideas both in mainstream and digital media, and social policies being framed to marginalise those who challenge official narratives, it has appeared that lawmaking bodies and courts have declared war on free speech and the civil liberties of those who do not support the 'progressive agendas of the far left are being continually eroded. 

While freedom to voice opinions from a more conservative or libertarian point of view is theoretically an inalienable human right, hate crime laws with the concept of a hate crime being so loosely defined that almost anything can be presented as offensive to some, anti racism laws that are so biased towards minorities it is almost impossible for people of the majority group to make even the most mildly critical comment, and rules relating to sexual identities forcing us to accept the unscientific idiocies of the transgedger movement, the freedom to express any unorthodox point of view is disappearing. 

But while free speech and freedom of thought remain under attack the outcome of the gay cake case which has run for years, is at last an important victory from a free speech perspective.

Most people probably believed the Irish Gay Cake saga  was over after the Supreme Court in England ruled in favour of the bakery. But the latest twist in this important story emerged yesterday when the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) dismissed an appeal by LGBT campaigner, Gareth Lee, against the UK Supreme Court’s decision in 2018. This means the snivelling little queer who organised what was nothing but a hit job on a business run by Christians has nowhere left to go.

To refresh your memory, in 2014 the Ashers Baking Co. in Northern Ireland turned down Mr Lee’s order for a cake bearing the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’. The McArthur family, who own and run the bakery, did so because of their Christian conviction that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Mr Lee took them to court over this decision, claiming their refusal to accept his order was homophobic, his case was backed by the taxpayer-funded Northern Ireland Equality Commission. Due to sensationalist coverage in the media the initial impression given was that the bakery had refused the order because it was for a same sex wedding.

It later emerged that Mr. Lee wanted a cake for a political even in support of same sex marriage rather than for the wedding of a same sex couple. This being the case lawyers representing the bakery argued tha to find in the plaintiff's favour would create a precedent by which political activists could force their views on businesses.

The case went all the way to the UK Supreme Court and, in October 2018, the court found in the McArthur’s favour, recognising that the family’s objection was to the message, not the man or his sexual preferences.

This point was the crux of the whole case: Mr Lee had been served by Ashers prior to his request for a cake celebrating same-sex marriage. The reason this order was turned down was because of freedom of conscience and religion. The McArthurs, understandably, did not want to make a cake celebrating something they disagreed with. Their decision was not related to Mr Lee's sexuality, it was simply a disagreement about a point of doctrine.

Now that the European Court of Human Rights has thrown out Mr Lee’s appeal to the ruling, it appears the saga is finally over. The principle that citizens should not be compelled to endorse messages they don’t agree with has been bolstered, to the benefit not only of Christian believers but everyone in UK society.

Source: Premier Christianity

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Psychologists say Government nudge unit ‘used grossly unethical tactics to scare public into Covid compliance’

The UK government's creation of a 'nudge' unit with the aim of persuading dissenters to comply with government directives, get vaccinated and accept endless 'booster' shots was always controversial because of it's similarities with the way tyrannical regimes in communist China, The Soviet Union, National Socialist Germany and fascist Italy used propaganda combined with coercive measures and strongarm tactics to enforce policy. Now Members of Parliament are demanding an investigation into  the unit's activities  launch investigation after a group of 40 clinical and academic psychologists published a letter criticizing the Behavioural Insights Team, as it is officially known, for its use of totalitarian tactics of ‘deploying fear, shame and scapegoating’ during pandemic 

The psychologists also denounced the way “images of the acutely unwell in intensive care units” were used on billboard and television adverts without any reference to the very high percentage of COVID patients who experience only mild symptoms and the nine out of ten who tested positive and had no symptoms at all. Also targeted for criticism was what the “macabre mono focus on showing the number of Covid-19 deaths without mention of high survival rate of those hospitalised with COVID, mortality from other causes  9people who died 'with' COVID rather than of COVID, or the fact that, under normal circumstances, around 1,600 people die each day in the UK”.

The use of 'images of the acutely unwell in intensive care units' on billboards was condemned
The use of 'images of the acutely unwell in intensive care units' on billboards was condemned in the letter: Credit: Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire

The signatories said it was “highly questionable whether a civilised society  should knowingly increase the emotional discomfort of its citizens as a means of gaining their compliance”.

The letter added: “Government scientists deploying fear, shame and scapegoating to change minds is an ethically dubious practice that in some respects resembles the tactics used by totalitarian regimes such as China, where the state inflicts pain on a subset of its population in an attempt to eliminate beliefs and behaviour they perceive to be deviant.”

The Government’s first “nudge unit” was established in the Cabinet Office in 2010 with the aim of applying behavioural science principles to public policy.  since then it has been used to encourage the public to pay their taxes, turn up in court and donate their organs when they die amongst other things.

Since its inception, like all governmental bureaucracies it has expanded into several quasi - autonomous units, the one involved in pandemic propaganda being devoted to public health matters.
Little is actually  known about how these “behavioural insights teams” operate, but like many government functions their work has been outsourced to service providers in the private sector, in the case of 'nudging' to influence public opinion to Public Relations companies which by definition are involved in the business of distorting information and misrepresenting facts.

Public Health England Behavioural Insights (PHEBI) describes itself as a team of behavioural scientists, including experts in behavioural economics, health psychology and evaluation, who work across PHE with local authorities and other relevant stakeholders to advise on policy and practice and apply and evaluate the evidence of behavioural science in public health. Which translates from the bullshit language of the public relations business to the science of telling lies in plain English.

The idea of 'nudging' is that instead of threatening people with laws and regulations, government can persuade people to change their behaviour through a constant stream of small, clever prompts. The techniques claimed successes include persuading homeowners to insulate their lofts, as well as changing the wording on HM Revenue and Customs letters, changing the tone from direct threats to  pseudo moralistic terms designed to generate guilt and thus ensure people pay their tax on time.

The method is controversial for many reasons, not least that it has its roots in some extremely unpleasant political philosophies, but little is known about exactly how it works, with some critics dismissing the unit as “simply a gimmick”.

Simon Ruda, a behavioural scientist, said there is a role for behavioural insight teams in driving improvements in public policy.

However in an article published by the news and comment website Unherd about the unit’s role during the pandemic, he said: “Nudging made subtle state influence palatable, but mixed with a state of emergency, have we inadvertently sanctioned state propaganda.”

It is beyond doubt that the unit was used in collaboration with The BBC and other broadcast and print news organisations by government to encourage compliance with coronavirus regulations during the pandemic. It is also becoming clear that those measures, which included lockdowns, social distancing regulations, mask mandates and the threats and coercive measures (for example vaccine passports) introduced by decree to avoid scrutiny by our elected representatives have failed as many of us involved in alt_news online who could be bothered to carry out impartial analysis predicted they would.

Let#s look at some of the fearmongering work of the nudge unit: One advert showed a close-up photo of an intensive care patient in a mask, with the caption: “Look her in the eyes and tell her you never bend the rules.”

Another said: “Look him in the eyes and tell him you always keep a safe distance”.

Actually these clumsy, heavy handed attempts to guilt trip habitual sceptics largely backfired, while respondents to opinion polls and participants in television or radio vox pop slots were cherry picked to give the impression that the public, by a huge majority, were supportive of government measures the reality in the streets was that most people were angry at the loss of freedom and damage to their lifestyles, their own experience was that few people they knew had been seriously ill with COVID and of those few the majority had been very old or had had pre - existing conditions which resulted in their auto - immune system being compromised. 

The letter drew attention to a government memo from March 2020, which suggested that “the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent” and called for more frightening messaging. If that is not evidence that the whole thing was a massive deception, a propaganda exercise from day one, a smoking gun next to a fresh corpse with a bullet in its head is not evidence of murder

Even mainstream media, until recently unfailingly loyal to the government narrative, are reporting that Parliament’s Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee will investigate the use of the behavioural insights team as part of its investigation into the Government’s activities during the pandemic. It will coincide with the second anniversary of the first lockdown. William Wragg MP, the committee’s chairman, said: “I think the central issue is how ‘nudge’ sits within parliamentary democracy and ministerial accountability.

“Normally, it's quite straightforward to know where lines of accountability are between the law, parliamentarians scrutinising the law and the public following it. And this is a wider question of how much, in a parliamentary democracy, sits outside of that approach.”

The psychologists also warned that “scare ads” have had unintended consequences.

“Shaming and scapegoating have emboldened some people to harass those unable or unwilling to wear a face covering,” they wrote.

“More disturbingly, the inflated fear levels will have significantly contributed to the many thousands of excess non-Covid deaths that have occurred in people’s homes, the strategically-increased anxieties discouraging many from seeking help for other illnesses.”

A damning conclusion, and though this site is not a fan of psychology in this case our own observations and investigations leave us no alternative than to agree. Propaganda is never to be welcomed, its purpose is to spread false information and deflect attention from the truth, and the propaganda we have seen throughout the pandemic is of the most unpleasant kind usually favoured by tyrannical regimes. It has no place in a democratic nation that values human rights and personal liberty.





Goodbye Freedom, Hello Global Governance.
If at any time during the chaos the past eighteen months you have wondered what kind of idiots are running the world and have gleefully trashed economies, disrupted social and commercial life and stripped citizens of their rights and liberties only to bring us, in late October 2021, right back to where we were in late February 2020 when the words pandemic and COVID crept into our consciousness ...Continue reading >>>

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.

University free speech society told free speech a 'red risk', external speakers must be vetted

Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.

French Intellectual Jailed for Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”
French intellectual Renaud Camus (above) has been conditionally sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for arguing that mass immigration in Europe represents an “invasion.” reports: The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.”

The Coronavirus Response Is The Biggest Assault On Freedom Since World War 2
Things have gone so far beyond what can be considered a rational response to an outbreak of a highly contagious but for most people relatively minor illness that I am starting to believe even the conspiracy theories I know I made up myself. Boggart Bloggers predicted weeks ago the current outbreak of coronavirus would see a massive hyping of the threat level leading up to an assault on our freedoms ...

Scientist who convinced Boris lockdown was the only way to beat coronavirus criticised many times for flawed research

The scientist whose mathematical models of how the coronavirus would spread in the UK and the wildly exaggerated estimates of how many deaths might result from the epidemic reportedly led to the decision to implement a countrywide lockdown and trash the economy has been criticised in the past for flawed research.

Has The World Health Organisation Been Helping Chinese Coronavirus Cover Up
Many people suspected as far back as January, when stories about an epidemic of a new virus began to leak out of China that we were not and would not be told the whole story. The virus infecting thousands of Chinese in the large inland city of Wuhan was, we learned, a strain of corona virus, the genre that infects us with the common cold, influenza and a host of other infections of varying seriousness.

Coronavirus deaths: Are The Authorities Deceiving Us?Yesterday we reported that a Canadian outfit had carried out an analysis of China’s response to Coronavirus and concluded that while politicians and academics (aka “scientists” or “experts”) are heaping praise on the way the regime in Beijing has contained and controlled its epidemic, the Chinese have actually been lying, the epidemc is still raging and numbers of infections and deaths from COVID – 19 are far higher than reported,

The science of mind control
Populist authoritarianism - the nice version of fascism? Online shills - a conspiracy to control opinion? Is free speech being abolished - or buried? The internet threat to intellectual freedom Don't Call Me A Conspiracy theorist

Friday, January 28, 2022

ONS debunks ‘spurious’ Covid deaths claim shared by David Davis By Telling Blatant Lies


<span>Photograph: Eddie Keogh/Reuters</span>
David Davis MP - Photograph: Eddie Keogh/Reuters

There's a right old kerfuffle going on about how many people habe actually died of COVID in the UK. The tpoic has always been controversial of course, with reports of government officials and staff at the Office of National Statistics colluding to inflate figures in order that COVID related fear and panic would serve to advance the government's globalist agenda by softening people up and providing an excuse for stripping citizens of a democratic nation of their rights and liberties ahead of the imposition of an authoritarian regime.

There were the weasel words of course, the ruse of counting among COVID death statistics people who died 'with rather than of COVID, including notorious cases such as those of the young motor bike rider who lost control on a country road, wrapped his bike and himself round a tree suffering multiple broken bones and massive internal injuries and whom the hospital pronounced dead on arrival - cause ogf death: COVID, or the man who having set off for work in perfectly good health one morning, fell off a ladder in the course of his work and between his leaving the ladder and striking the concrete below contracted and died from COVID according to medics: or the case of the teenage boy stabbed multiple times in a street fight between rival gangs - cause of death: COVID. These are just a few of thousands of similar cases where truth was twisted to serve the agenda.

You may remember a few weeks ago we reported that the Italian Institute of Health had reduced that nation's advertised COVID death toll from over 130000 to under 4000.

This week a video made by the YouTube blogger Dr John Campbell challenged the ONS / Ministry of Propaganda figures, claiming that the true number of deaths in England and Wales caused by Covid could be as low as 17,000. Government and ONS sources dismissed the figure as “spurious” and factually incorrect. The  video was posted, refrenced and tweeted by thousands of alt_news sites and social media users including former government minister David Davis MP who tweeted: “Up to the end of September 2021, the official count of the deaths of people with Covid was 137,133.” He added a freedom of information (FoI) request indicated only 17,371 of those deaths occurred in people with no underlying causes.

The ONS responded that the figure 17,371 represented the death toll in people with no other underlying causes.  The FoI request to the ONS had asked for all deaths in which Covid had been given as the sole cause on the death certificate, which is about a tenth of the generally stated toll.

James Tucker, an analyst at the ONS, said that to suggest the lower figure “represents the real extent of deaths from the virus is both factually incorrect and highly misleading”. It was common for Covid victims to have had a pre-existing health condition, but that did not mean they were at “imminent risk of dying from that condition, or even considered to have reduced life expectancy”, he wrote in a blog.

Tucker's reference ti reduced life expectancy is rather strange as a large, some might say overwhelming majority of the claimed 140000 COVID deaths were in the age group 75 and over, with the total deaths for year 2020 (the only full year figures are available for) among people over 80 being double that of all other age groups (source: UK Government ONS). That being the case there is not much scope for reduced life expectancy. So once again, as we have seen throughout this pandemic, the official statistician would not recognise an honest statistic if it ran up to him and pulled his pisser. 

Diabetes was the most common pre-existing condition for those dying from Covid, but, he wrote, “this does not mean they were at risk of dying from it”. Well no, and full maks for stating the gobsmackingly obvious, people do not usually die of diabetes but of problems caused by diabetes (and COVID isn't one of them.) Most common among these complications are damage to blood vessels, damage to vital organs and blood clots.

In the case of COVID there is a huge range of pre-existing conditions that could be listed on the death certificate, from heart disease and cancers to obesity and heart arrhythmias and when we remind ourselves that cause death is recorded as COVID if the deceased died from any cause at all (even wrapping their motor - bike round a tree,) within 28 days of testing positive in a test that gives 80% false positives in its results.

The ONS distinguished “between deaths that are ‘due to Covid-19’ and those ‘involving Covid-19’ to provide the most comprehensive information on the impact of the disease on mortality”.

“More than 140,000 deaths have been due to Covid-19, meaning that it has been determined as the underlying cause. To exclude individuals with any pre-existing conditions from this figure greatly understates the number of people who died from Covid-19 and who might well still be alive had the pandemic not occurred,” Tucker wrote. This is complete bollocks, as much so as dismissing all of the approximately 2000 deatgs which have occurred shortly after the deceased was vaccinated against COVID as unfortunate coincidences. Perhaps we need a vaccine to immunise people to unfortunate coincidences.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

"The Global Elite Don't Care About Temperature, All They Care About Is Control"


quoth the raven's Photo
by quoth the raven via Zero Hedge
Thursday, Jan 27, 2022 - 14:00

This week, my kind friend George Gammon from Rebel Capitalist took the time to answer a couple of exclusive Fringe Finance questions for me. This interview is exclusive to Fringe Finance subscribers.

If you haven’t yet subscribed and want to view this interview, here’s a 22% off coupon that applies for life, to become a subscriber.

George is one of my favorite economic commentators and has been a friend of mine, and my podcast, for years. I often describe his podcast as similar to mine, just more well thought out, more educational and more useful with less childish humor.

I thought it would be a good time to tap into George’s head, given that the last time I spoke to George was well before the current market volatility.

George prepared two, twenty minute-long exclusive videos for my listeners and subscribers where he set out to try and answer the following questions I had asked of him:

  1. What's new with Rebel Capitalist. How are you guys changing your outlook for investing heading into this volatility this year?

  2. What sectors do you like? Staying outside the U.S. or anything domestically?

  3. Will Jerome Powell hold his nerve this year and taper as expected? If yes or no, what will the outcome be for equity markets?

  4. What's your bull case and your bear case for gold - and explain what brings prices to these points.

  5. Have you experienced YouTube or social media censorship since being on the front lines of the Covid truth movement? It looks like Rebel Capitalist is still up and running. Any close calls?

  6. What commentators and fund managers do you read/listen to when the market throws a shit fit like this, and why?

  7. What's your take on how the nation will navigate Covid this coming year? What effect will it have on markets?

  8. Since last we talked, have you noticed a pivot in the MSM narrative? What forced the change, if so?

  9. Is there any chance this crash becomes "the big one" for the dollar? What would a DXY collapse look like to you and what collateral damage would that cause?

George responds in the first video by talking about:

  • His take on why lower inflation may not stop the bleeding for markets

  • Why prices aren’t going back down to where they were in 2019

  • Why midterm elections bode poorly for the Democrats and why the Biden administration may try to distract the voter with war

  • Why gold miners and hotels in New York City are his favorite types of investments

  • Why the Covid pandemic is coming to an end

  • Why he doesn’t think vaccine passports and mandates will be permanent

  • Where the U.S. economy is heading compared to places like the U.A.E. or Dubai

  • That he thinks climate change will be the next crisis that the global elite take advantage of

  • Why price controls are coming

Here’s Part 1 of George Gammon’s take...(WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW WITH GEORGE HERE).

One Of The Weaker NATO Members Goes Off Message To Prevent War With Russia


 Mainstream media has been singing in unison on the Ukraine crisis, just as it has been over the vastly exaggerated risks posed by the manufactured pandemic crisis. Russia bad, war good has ben the mantra throughout the last couple of weeks as the ruling elites tried to turn up the the fear-and-panic generator to eleven, maybe in an attempt to divert attention from the collapse of the COVID killer pandemic / vaccine messiah narrative. 

The whole Ukraine scare was as false as the pandemic, sympathies to those who lost loved ones or suffered serious illness due to COVID, but looking at the overall picture, as one must when commenting on a pandemic, the COVID virus did not exact as heavy a death toll as one would expect in a true pandemic of a serious illness.

The whole scare about an imminent invasion of Ukraine by Russia due to what the narrative described as "Putin massing troops along the Ukraine / Russia border. In reality the case is that Russia has had around 100,000 troops stationed close to the border since the US / NATO sponsored colour revolution of 2014 overthrew a democratically elected, pro Russian government and imposed an unelected, authoritarian, pro - western regime. 

Although NATO members are usually solid on policy regarding relations with Russia, the alliance has divided over how to respond to the Ukraine crisis. Ukraine. America, the U.K., Poland, and the Baltic states have sent weapons and what The Pentagon calls 'lethal aid' to Ukraine. But Germany refused to allow any German-made weapons to enter the conflict zone.

To make matters worse US President 'Dementia Joe' Biden put 8,500 troops on "high alert" – and warned he might deploy 50,000 to Eastern Europe. American political and military leadrs clearly expected would NATO to stand behind this ramping up of pressure. But it seems the threat of troop deployments on the border of the conflict zone and of severe economic sanctions are about to fracture the alliance?

President Milanović of Croatia

Graphiv via Zero Hedge

Earlier this week Germany's Navy chief Vice-admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach  resigned after arguing at a livestreamed event that Putin “deserves respect” and Kyiv will never win back annexed Crimea – comments that Ukraine’s ambassador in Berlin said “massively” called into question Germany’s trustworthiness.

Schönbach, who has led Germany’s naval force and represented it externally since March 2020, made his comments at a talk organised by a thinktank in Delhi on Friday.

Taking questions after a presentation, Schönbach tried to downplay the liklihood of  military conflict with Russia over Ukraine. “Is Russia really interested in having a tiny strip of Ukrainian soil, to integrate into their country?” he said. “Or is Putin is putting on pressure because he knows he can do it, he splits the European Union.”

What Putin really wanted, Schönbach argued, was respect. “He wants respect, and giving him respect is low cost. It is easy to give him the respect he demands, and probably deserves.”

The comments are particularly significant when German solidarity with NATO is under increased unprecedented strain. As we reporteed twice in the past few days, a US led invasion of Ukraine, supported by NATO would be catastropic for the EU, or the severe economic sanctions threatened by the loonytoons Biden administration  would hit America's allies in Europe harder than they would Russia,  Europe’s largest economy is increasingly isolated in its refusal to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons, a position the government reiterated on Wednesday last week.

The navy chief also said the annexed territories of Crimea were “gone” and would “never come back” to Kyiv, arguing in favour of closer economic ties with Russia to contain China’s rise. “Having this big country, even if it is not a democracy, as a bilateral partner … probably keeps Russia away from China.”

 The only other view of this situation to make any kind of sense is that Moscow is digging its heels in to discourage the west's pursuing its long term  strategy of surrounding Russia with NATO members and thus isolating the USA's only serious military rival east of the Himalayas.Should Ukraine be drawn into NATO it could easily be followed by Georgia and Kazakhstan which would leave Russia's southern border exposed to all sorts of threats. Anyone apart from Joe Biden who thinks Vladimir Putin will sit back and let this happen is a bigger fool than Joe Biden.


With Germany already having cold feet about joining America's rush to war and Croatia's President Zoran Milanovićn having said:"Croatia will not send any troops in case of an escalation,on the contrary, it will recall all troops [from NATO], to the last Croatian soldier!" it begins to look as if for once a significant number of NATO members have no appetite for the role of legitimising American expansionism

This is notable, because it isn't coming from a Eurosc.eptic right winger Milanović is a member of Croatia's center-left Social Democrat party, which is strongly pro-European. But many political leadrrs in the EU's smaller member states, while sympathetic to The European Union want no part of conflict with Russia.

Mr. Milanović went further, and made two points that are almost universally banned from discussion in the West.

1. He pointed out that the ongoing Ukraine conflict over the breakaway region of Donbas is happening on Russia's door step

2. He said that NATO "must reach a deal that will take account of the security interests of Russia."

These points go completely against the Western orthodoxy on the Ukraine conflict. It is forbidden to recognize that Russia may have legitimate security interests. It is anathema to propose reaching a diplomatic solution instead of fighting a proxy war. And  it is also impossible to suggest that Russia had a strong case for annexing Crimea in 2014 to prevent the neo - Nazi thugs the coup put in power in Kiev from understaking an ethnic cleansing campaign of ethnic Russians.

The reason Russsia had maintained a massive military presence along Ukraine's eastern border is to ensure the safety of people in the ethnically Russian Donbas region. Moscow is content to let the Donbas rebels slug it out with the Kiev government, but will not tolerate organised military action against non combatants.

Afterr his outburst Milanović, unsurprisingly, is now a target of the 'woke' neo - liberal globalist party. His own Foreign Minister is trying to have him canceled. "The president does not speak for Croatia, but for himself," FM Grlić-Radman said. "We are and will remain a loyal member of NATO."

There is a political divide in Croatia that mirrors the one developing in NATO, because Grlić-Radman is from a center-right party within Croatia. But there is a deeper divide: one about whether to mindlessly follow the Western consensus (aka The Washington Diktat,) or to be "Croatia First!" Milanović is in line with the resurgent nationalism that has been gaining grouns in Europe since 2015.

The question now becomes: How many other patriots are there in NATO? Will other heads of state speak out and declare that their countries have no appetite for war with Russia? Will soft nationalist parties such as The Sweden Democrats, Alternatif fur Deutschland, Podemloos in Spain or Italy's Lega continue to gain ground, or will the machinations of the globalist blob to keep these popular parties out of government lead to the rise of truly right wing nationalism?




Russia catalog

Failure Of US Democracy? Congress filled with ‘totalitarians’ who oppose ‘free market of ideas'?

In an interview with Russia Today, Daniel McAdams, executive director, Ron Paul Institute, set up by the maverick former congressman to further his libertarian ideas said there are members of Congress who don’t want anyone on TV saying America’s foreign policy is a disaster and it costs a fortune, RT. Investigative journalist Dave Lindorff reports.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2018, which passed the US Senate earlier this week, carries some added provisions that have little in common with the military, as well as some provisions that appear to have little to do with defence spending.

Is USA Preparing For War Against Russia In The Baltic Region?
The US government has been making preparations for a possible war against Russia in Europe’s Baltic States, German business newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reports (link goes to page in original German). The report claims that all the NATO war games organized in the region by Washington have been intended to prepare various military response scenarios.

As the COVID narrative crumbles under the weight of evidence that the vaccines do not work, masks are useless and lockdowns kill more than they save a new scaremongering narrative - or a revamped old one - is emerging as the threat of war with russia is the latest fear and panic vehicle to scare the people into compliance with tyranny. Continue reading >>>

Currency Wars - Now The Euro Challenges The Mighty Dollar
Our http://www, wars feature has taken a back seat these past two years as the COVID pandemic (or propaganda pandemic as some people might say,) has pushed all other stories aside. In our opinion however, the pandemic has served as a convenient smokescreen behind which all sorts of elitist skulduggery has been going on, hidden from the view of the general population. ... Continue reading >>>

Playing Poker With Obama: Putin’s Calculated Risk In Syria
I've said before that the reason Vladimir Putin outmanoeuvres the US State Department in every diplomatic skirmish is that while American's play poker, which is all about bluff, Putin plays chess which is all about strategy. Russian President Vladimir Putin had decided to risk the possibility of military clashes with the United States and its European Allies, Saudi Arabia, other major Muslim nations and Israel by intervening in Syria ...

WMD in Mayfair
Recalling yesterday's Machiavelli Blog which commented on events surrounding the unfortunate death of the alleged former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko, it seems the murder investigation has now found evidence of many caches (well OK, traces) of radio active toxins in various fashionable establishments in London's West End frequented by former Russian intelligence agents.

U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia
Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Covid Crimes Daily Roundup - 26 January 2022

Image: Israel now #1 in covid cases per capita, proving all the draconian vaccinations, lockdowns and restrictions are utterly worthless and stupid

(Natural News) Despite the fact that Israel has implemented some of the most draconian COVID-19 pandemic measures in the world, the country is now number one in the world in new cases, according to local reports.

According to the Times of Israel, a leading health expert in the country said that 0.6 percent of the population was testing positive daily for the virus — most likely the latest variant, omicron, which is highly contagious but also very mild.

Prof. Eran Segal of The Weizmann Institute said at that rate, Israel currently leads the world in per capita infection rates, even though the population is required to get the latest version of vaccines available and despite heavy quarantine and lockdown regimes.

However, Segal tried to excuse the high infection rate:

But Segal noted it was likely that Israel was not truly the country with the highest infection rate. Rather, he attributed the figures to Israel being a leading country in the number of tests performed each day, relative to its population size.

Israel is followed in the highest daily cases worldwide ranking by Mongolia, Peru, Canada and Georgia.

The fact is, either you’re the number one country, per capita, in daily infections — or you’re not. And right now, Israel is No. 1, period, no matter how you look at the data.

But instead of realizing that this novel coronavirus is not the world-ender that the world has been propagandized to believe, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is quadrupling down on idiot policies that have not worked yet and are never going to work (because viruses virus — that’s what they do and nothing humans do will stop them from spreading).


Fully Vaccinated College Campuses Are Seeing A Surge In COVID Cases

Mac Slavo
January 26th, 2022

The ruling class continues to tell everyone else that these “vaccines” are safe and effective. At this point, perhaps they don’t know the meaning of the word “safe” or “effective,” unless “effective” means something other than being able to stop the transmission of the virus.

Some rulers have actually said these shots are worthless now, while others have kept the propaganda going strong to maintain their grip on power over others.

CDC Director: “What Vaccines Can’t Do Anymore Is Prevent Transmission”

The mainstream media claims that cases are spiking on college campuses because, despite the rapid spread of the omicron variant, most schools are beginning their spring semesters in person. Just 14% of colleges are beginning the semester online, according to new data from the College Crisis Initiative. This time last year, before there were vaccines, about 40% of colleges started online.


COVID Vaccines a Spectacular Failure, Data Show

Covid Vaccines A Spectacular Failure Data Shows

from Childrens Health Defender

Data analyses from multiple countries show a negative correlation between COVID vaccination rates and worsening infection rates and other health trends.

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Story at-a-glance:

  • British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure, as COVID infection rates in the UK are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts.
  • Infection rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove that vaccine passports and mandates are completely pointless.
  • Data from Scotland show more of the same. Double-jabbed Scots are more likely to be admitted to the hospital for COVID than unvaccinated. Since Omicron became dominant, COVID case rates are also lower among the unvaccinated than among the single-, double- and even triple-jabbed.
  • Internationally, journalists are now starting to try to switch the narrative away from cases, hospitalizations and deaths by pointing out how unreliable these data are. What they don’t admit is that “dangerous misinformants” have highlighted these problems for two years already.
  • Omicron is blowing huge holes in the pandemic narrative, as it predominantly affects the vaxxed, thus proving mandates and vaccine passports are irrational and useless.

At this point, there is simply no question. The COVID shots are an abysmal failure in every way possible. Again and again, data analyses from around the world show a negative correlation between “vaccination” rates and worsening infection rates and other health trends.

There’s no rationale for passports and mandates

Among the latest data sets to show this are official statistics from the UK government. Its “National Flu and COVID-19 Surveillance Report: 13 January 2022 (Week 2)” shows COVID infection rates in the UK are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts.

Infection growth rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove that vaccine passports and mandates are completely pointless and nothing more than a coercion tool. In no way do they reduce infection rates, hospitalizations or deaths from COVID.

Regardless of how many shots a person has received, they’re still getting infected and transmitting it. Plus, we know the jabbed are veritable incubators for mutating strains. Everything about this mass vaccination campaign is detrimental to public health.


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Fully Vaccinated College Campuses Are Seeing A Surge In COVID Cases

from Mac Slavo
January 26th, 2022

The ruling class continues to tell everyone else that these “vaccines” are safe and effective. At this point, perhaps they don’t know the meaning of the word “safe” or “effective,” unless “effective” means something other than being able to stop the transmission of the virus.

Some rulers have actually said these shots are worthless now, while others have kept the propaganda going strong to maintain their grip on power over others.

CDC Director: “What Vaccines Can’t Do Anymore Is Prevent Transmission”

The mainstream media claims that cases are spiking on college campuses because, despite the rapid spread of the omicron variant, most schools are beginning their spring semesters in person. Just 14% of colleges are beginning the semester online, according to new data from the College Crisis Initiative. This time last year, before there were vaccines, about 40% of colleges started online.


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Israel now #1 in covid cases per capita, proving all the draconian vaccinations, lockdowns and restrictions are utterly worthless and stupid

Image: Israel now #1 in covid cases per capita, proving all the draconian vaccinations, lockdowns and restrictions are utterly worthless and stupid

(Natural News) Despite the fact that Israel has implemented some of the most draconian COVID-19 pandemic measures in the world, the country is now number one in the world in new cases, according to local reports.

According to the Times of Israel, a leading health expert in the country said that 0.6 percent of the population was testing positive daily for the virus — most likely the latest variant, omicron, which is highly contagious but also very mild.

Prof. Eran Segal of The Weizmann Institute said at that rate, Israel currently leads the world in per capita infection rates, even though the population is required to get the latest version of vaccines available and despite heavy quarantine and lockdown regimes.

However, Segal tried to excuse the high infection rate:

But Segal noted it was likely that Israel was not truly the country with the highest infection rate. Rather, he attributed the figures to Israel being a leading country in the number of tests performed each day, relative to its population size.

Israel is followed in the highest daily cases worldwide ranking by Mongolia, Peru, Canada and Georgia.

The fact is, either you’re the number one country, per capita, in daily infections — or you’re not. And right now, Israel is No. 1, period, no matter how you look at the data.

But instead of realizing that this novel coronavirus is not the world-ender that the world has been propagandized to believe, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is quadrupling down on idiot policies that have not worked yet and are never going to work (because viruses virus — that’s what they do and nothing humans do will stop them from spreading).

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For About The Millionth Time We Told You So

 As the geopolitical tensions between the west and Russia over efforts to draw Ukraine, a vast nation in eastern Europe, which has a long border with Russia, into NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the military alliance of the USA with European nations and Canada, the news continues to shift from the COVID propaganda pandemic towards the possibility of a Russian incursion into Ukrainian territory triggering a refional or even global war western leaders continued today to run around like headless chickens, impotently threatening Russian leader Vladimir Putin with "sanctions like never before."

Its good to know the mainstream news cycle is catching up with Boggart Blog. Once upon a time we would be weeks, sometimes months ahead of them in our reporting but yesterday we confidently reported that if the economic and trade sanctions threatened by the USA's Biden Administration were imposed and Putin retaliated, it would hit America's allies harder that Russia.

And today this:

No SWIFT, No Gas: Russia Responds To Western Threats As US Tries To Orchestrate Workaround

from Zero Hedge:

While the situation along the Ukrainian border appears to be deescalating - aside from US/UK's panic coalition, a top Russian official says that if the West follows through on a threat to cut the Kremlin off from the SWIFT payment system, Europe won't receive Russian oil, gas, or metals.

On Tuesday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was in discussions to ban Russia from the Swift global payments system with the United States, calling it a "very potent weapon."

"I'm afraid it can only really be deployed with the assistance of the United States though. We are in discussions about that," he added.

Nikolay Zhuravlev, Vice Speaker of the Federation Council, responded to Johnson's threat - telling Russia's state-owned TASS that Europe would suffer the consequences of such a move.

"SWIFT is a settlement system, it is a service. Therefore, if Russia is disconnected from SWIFT, then we will not receive [foreign] currency, but buyers, European countries in the first place, will not receive our goods - oil, gas, metals and other important components of their imports. Do they need it? I am not sure," said Zhuravlev - who noted that while SWIFT is convenient and fast - it's not the only game in town when it comes to financial transactions.

"SWIFT is a European company, an association which involves a lot of countries. To make a decision on disconnection, a single decision of all participating countries is required. The decisions of the United States and the UK are definitely not enough. I'm not sure that other countries, especially those in which the share of trade with Russia is significant will support the shutdown," he continued.

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Couldn't be clearer, Putin does not care about sanctions because he knows they will not stick.  Politics in the USA, UK and EU operates in a series of contiguous bubbles, leaders are divorced from reality and while the west's major economies have been obsessing over sustainable energy follies, extending the reach of government into citizens private lives and promoting gay and trans rights, the old allies, Russia and China have been extending their influuence and simultaneously making the west dependent, on Chia for manufactured goods and Russia for oil and gas (the latter does not apply to the USA which is self sufficient in energy but has problems of a different sort, starting with societal breakdown.

The upside of this for us thousands of alt_news contributors who are sick to the back teeeth of COVID stories day after day is that 2022 promises to be a more interesting and varies than '20 or '21. Bring it on, as Vladimir Putin might say to NATO bosses.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Putin has got Biden over a barrel with Ukraine – and markets know it


 We’ve had a number of armed kerfuffles in Europe fairly recently but these were mostly centred on The Balkans and were local affairs, wars of independence, and ethnic conflicts. They always attracted plenty of media coverage because sensation sells, but none even came close to escalating ito wider European and global conflict.

The threatened bust up between Russia and the west over Ukraine is much more serious – potentially the worst inter-regional conflict since the cold war, with far reaching consequences for both geopolitical and economic stability if mainstream mediaeports are to believed.

Unfortunately after two years of non stop proaganda and scaremongering as mainstream media tamely parroted the official narrative over the COVID pandemic, with that narrative now collapsing under the weight of evidence that the vaccines don't work, lockdownds did more harm than good and COVID is not really a serious threat to anyone who is less than 150 years old and is not half dead already with some pre - existing condition, government and mainstream media have lost the trust of the public and have less credibility that the world champion liar.

It may even turn out to be the case that the massively hyped minor confrontation in Ukraine could escalate into global war is being exaggerated for the purpose of distracting from the colapse of the killer virus narrative.

Whether this scepticism is justified depends on the answers to two, interconnected questions; what does Putin have in mind and what will be the Western response to it?

For the moment the possibility diplomatic engagement suggests this is more a game of chess than Russian roulette. Putin has set out his list of demands, which amount to reconstructing the sphere of influence Russia then enjoyed before the break up of the Soviet Union. These demands include a ban on Ukraine entering Nato and a limit to the deployment of troops and weapons to Nato’s eastern flank, in effect returning Nato forces to where they were stationed in 1997, before their eastward expansion.

The USA has now ruled out full scale military retaliation, after demented president Joe Biden had promised a military response if Russia attacked Ukrain, then in the next breath appeared to condone what he called a limited incursion and ended up warning Putin of “sanctions like he’s never seen” should his troops attack Ukraine. In the event, the sanctions so far proposed are rather less scary than those promised. In any case, the list of potential sanctions detailed in the draft submitted by Democrats to the US Senate, and apparently commanding the support of the White House, are not going to much bother Putin, but as we hav pointed out previously will hit America's allies far harder than they will hit Russia.

“Russia has quite a high pain threshold”, says Charlie Robertson, chief economist at Renaissance Capital, a London based fund manager. “A robust external and fiscal position, abundant reserves, de-dollarisation and a well stocked counter-sanctions toolkit, make Russia a tough nut to crack”.

This is true, Russia has little trade with the USA and buys little from EU nations but as a major supplier of energy to E U states, chiefly Germany, Russia is in a powerful position to wreak havoc on the economies of NATO members and Vladimir Putin is aware of this. Fr sanctions to have real impact, the West would have to do the same as it did with Iran, banning its exports of oil and gas, and removing Russia from the Swift international payments system. Neither of these actions looks realistic as banning oild and gas exports by Russia would cripple Europe economically, while Russia and China set up their own system for cross border trading in 2017 and this is now supported by over 100 nations.

Now self-sufficient in energy, the US could possibly weather the storm, but the costs to the global economy in terms of higher, already stretched, international energy prices would be crippling. The pain would be most acutely felt in Germany, which is reliant on Russia for about 60pc of its natural gas. That dependency is being made worse by the imminent closure of Germany’s remaining nuclear power stations.

Small wonder that the German chancellery is incapable of deciding where it stands. It’s not just its dependence on Russian gas. Many Germans have a sense of affinity with Russia, “Russlandversteher” as it is called, which is deeply and culturally ingrained and at least as great as that felt for the West. More so than any other European country, Germany looks both ways.



The grim truth is that Putin has got the increasingly shambolic Western world over a barrel. Sadly the case is that through their idiotic commitment to 'green' policies, obsession with setting unachievable targets for reduction of CO2 emissions and blind faith in 'The Science', western leaders have handed their collective rump to Putin on a plate. The clowns who lead us did much the same for Xi Jinping's China by handing the Chinese most of our manufacturing sector due to crackpot economic theories of another bunch of pseudo - scientists And while western leaders rush to sell us a poor little Ukraine narrative they seem to forget Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe, a thuggish ethno-state where corrupt oligarchs play Game of Thrones, where the opposition leaders are in jail (Medvedchuk and Poroshenko), where the American and Nato coup produced a far-right fascist government which has begun a hate campaign against the language, culture and history of the Russian half of the population, where segments of the military openly display Hitler-era icons, flags, and symbols while being trained and funded by Nato, and where the land's connection to Russia and the sovereignty of the Russian population are being denied and cleansed out of existence.

Rather than turning away from this mess which is nothing to do with Britain our leaders, along with the Americans, are arming Ukraine's far - right government thus encouraging them to continue provoking Russia. Have the ruling elite of Nato learnt nothing from the similar experiment with the mujahadeen? This time these mujahadeen are literally on Europe's doorstep. 

The British media is also behaving irresponsibly as usual and has got to stop this misrepresentation of the Ukrainian situation. One influential figure, in parroting the official lines described Ukraine as "this aspiring little democracy" when a more accruate description since the US / NATO engineered 2014 colour revolution would be "the CIA approved government imposed after the CIA /MI6 /Soros Maidan revolution in 2014 "

Ukraine had a Russia leaning democratically elected government which interfered with the West's ambition to pick off Ukraine as yet another new NATO member which if accompanied by Kazakhstan would be game set and match for NATO.

Putin won't sit on his hands as the biggest and most aggressive military alliance the world has ever seen encircles Russia and threatens its existence.

The west used to have the old drunk Yeltsin who gifted the Davos boys the entirety of the Russian resources, Putin sent them to the siberian salt mines and reclaimed Russian resources from the crooks who had stolen them. He eliminated Russian external debt He acquired over 1000 tonnes of gold. Vladimir Putin is no fool. Meanwhile germany's newly installed Chancellor Scholz is absolutely terrified Putin turns off the gas tap, so the Germans as always look after No1. Macron is running round in circles shouting EU unity -- so there is NATO unity for you. RELATED POSTS:

Russia catalog

Is The Russian Threat To Invade Ukraine Real Or A Globalist Conspiracy Theory?
While Joe Biden's handlers in Washington and Boris Johnson In London talk up the threat of war should Russia invade Ukraine as they claim Moscow is preparing to do,Ukrainian leaders are dismissive, accusing the west of ramping up hysteria in a bid to divert attention from oither problems ... Continue reading >>>

Monday, January 24, 2022

Covid Crimes Daily Roundup - 24 January 2022

Over 1,000 Scientific Studies prove the Experimental Covid Injections are Dangerous

from The Daily Expose

Save Us Now (“SUN”) has gathered over 1,000 scientific studies that prove the experimental Covid injections are dangerous. All those pushing this agenda are committing the indictable crime of gross misconduct in public office, SUN declared. 
SUN is a UK political movement which aims to counter the collusion and crony institutions and systems undermining freedom, the rule of law, democracy and the peace of the United Kingdom. “Our emblem is the white and red poppy. It’s in honour of all of those who fight and have fought for our freedom, democracy, rule of law and peace.” 
 Just over 12 months from deployment of the Covid emergency use experimental injections scientific studies in the thousands and reports of criminal complaints of assault and murder from the illegal, unlawful use of biochemical poisons made to police forces around the country, verify an assault on an unsuspecting UK population. 
Irrefutable science shows that the Covid injection is not safe and not effective in limiting transmission or infection from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pathogen. The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this injection, is a clear breach of duty. A public office holder is subject to, and aware of, a duty to prevent death or serious injury that arises only by virtue of the functions of the public office. 

NERVOUS system disorders following Covid vaccination are being recorded in shocking numbers, with reports to the UK’s Yellow Card Scheme of almost 300,000 injuries and 300 deaths.

Despite this, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), who run the Yellow Card scheme and review all suspected injuries, are sticking with their mantra that Covid vaccines are ‘safe and effective’.

Their message infuriates music manager Georgia-Rose Segal, 34, from Hertfordshire, a previously active fitness fan. Supremely healthy, and at low risk of contracting Covid-19, she was worried about getting the experimental jab, but decided to take it after being reassured by three GPs. She could then travel abroad for her job, about once a quarter, and visit family in Israel to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.

It is a decision she bitterly regrets as she is now a statistic, one of the 100,000 victims suffering with 300,000 neurological injuries reported up to January 5, 2022, which we have analysed in our special report below.

After her adverse jab reaction, Georgia, who is articulate, down-to-earth and had clearly made the effort to be well informed, was admitted to Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire – a spinal injury specialist – with symptoms which included lack of balance, dizzy spells, tremors, tics, short-term memory loss and brain fog.

Georgia had her first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccination on May 13, 2021 at Hemel Hempstead pop-up vaccine centre. It wiped her out. ‘I felt like I could have slept for a year. I felt like that for a couple of days,’ she said. She had her second dose on June 29. ‘Within four hours I felt dizzy and light-headed. I fainted that evening, then over the following days, I began fainting up to three times a day. Continue reading >>>

How COVID Vaccines Suppress the Immune System

from Childrens Health Defender 

In a preprint paper, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., described a mechanism of the COVID shots that results in the suppression of the innate immune system, and how that is leading to an increase in cancer cases in people who got the vaccines.

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Story at-a-glance:

  • In a non-peer-reviewed research paper last week, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., describes a mechanism of the COVID shots that results in the suppression of your innate immune system. It does this by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway.
  • The COVID jab can cause neurons in your brain to produce toxic spike protein, or take up circulating spike protein, and the neurons try to eliminate the spike protein by transmitting them through exosomes. The exosomes are picked up by microglia, immune cells in your brain, which activate an inflammatory response, which can contribute to degenerative brain disorders.
  • Two microRNAs, miR-148a and miR-590, are central in this process. These microRNAs — excreted in the exosomes along with the spike protein — significantly disrupt the type-1 interferon response in any cell, including immune cells.
  • On average, there are twice as many reports of cancer following the COVID shots compared to all other vaccines combined over the last 31 years.
  • The fact that the signal is that strong is even more remarkable when you consider that most people don’t think the COVID shot could be a variable in their cancer emergence, so they never report it.

In this interview, return guest Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT who has been at MIT for over five decades, discusses her latest paper, “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations. The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” co-written with Dr. Peter McCullough, along with two other authors, Dr. Greg Nigh and Dr. Anthony Kyriakopoulos.

Previously, Nigh and Seneff co-wrote an entire paper detailing the differences between the spike protein and the COVID jab spike protein.

In a non-peer-reviewed research paper published last week on the preprint service Authorea, they and their other co-authors delve deeply into the mechanisms of the COVID shots, showing how they absolutely, in no way, shape or form, are safe or effective. The shots actually suppress your innate immune system.

“I think McCullough is fantastic and I’m so happy to have him collaborate with me,” Seneff says. “I really hope we will be able to find a journal that is willing to publish it. We may have to seek some kind of alternative media to get it published.

“It’s really incredible the amount of censorship that’s going on right now. I’m in a state of shock all the time. I just keep thinking it’s not going to get any worse, and it’s truly going to get better, and it just seems to keep on getting worse and worse.

“I don’t know where the end is. It’s very discouraging … Pharma has so much money behind [them] and they’ve got it all set up to make sure that nothing gets past them …

“We’re hoping to put it up as a preprint, but … remarkably, they can reject it at the level of preprint as well. We’re working on that angle, but it’s not easy. When you’re writing something this radical, they really fight hard to keep it off the web.”

On Jan. 16, 2022, the pre-print service Authorea published this paper on its website, assigning it a Digital Object Identifier, thus making it official.

Exceptionally strong safety signals

As noted by Seneff, when you look at the various databases for adverse effects, you can see an exceptionally strong safety signal — and the COVID shot developers know that. “The numbers are out of sight,” Seneff says, and this goes for all levels of side effects, from mild to catastrophic.

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Police all around the world are standing up to covid tyranny

At least 600 law enforcement officers in Austria have written a letter to Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner requesting that proposals for forced Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” be withdrawn.

This cohort of police officers also wants the Austrian government to stop discriminating against the unvaccinated, who are now being treated like second-class citizens just for refusing to permanently modify their DNA with experimental Big Pharma chemicals.

“We do not want to face the population in a threatening manner during what are predominantly peaceful demonstrations which were organized due to the increasing dissatisfaction of the people with politicians,” the letter, written on January 10, reads.

The petition was signed by three law enforcement personnel who claim to represent hundreds of other law enforcement officials who oppose the mandates.

Over the weekend, some 20,000 protesters converged on Vienna to protest the government’s fascist dictate that all citizens over the age of 18 must get jabbed for the Fauci Flu in order to continue living normal lives like everybody else.