The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Is USA Trying To Draw Hezbollah Into Palestine-Israeli Conflict


On October 7, paramilitary forces of the Hamas terrorist organisation which is funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatart and the UAE, launched a cowardly assault on Israel that resulted in the deaths and captures of numerous Israeli civilians and military personnel and sparked an Israeli military response that targeted the entire Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip.

Hezbollah: well armed and trained, highly disciplined (picture: )

Lebanon based paramilitary group Hezbollah, funded mainly by Iran and Syria, immediately threatened repercussions against Israel if Tel Aviv moves forward with its planned ground campaign in the Gaza Strip, which Israel claims is necessary to destoy Hamas as a fighting force. Tensions on the Israeli-Lebanese border high with exchanges of artillery fire and missile strikes in both directions.

Israeli forces continue to bombard the Gaza enclave with aircraft and artillery, but if Israeli ground forces were brought into Gaza, the Hezbollah movement, a well organised irregular army with tens of thousands of well trained fighting men, will take up arms and invade Israel from the north.

Rustem Klupov, a Russian military intelligence veteran, contends that Iran will have a significant influence on whether or not Hezbollah joins the fight.

Although Hezbollah is unlikely to be capable of seizing control of a significant chunk of Israeli territory, Klupov claims that it is more than capable of annoying Israel’s security forces and that its rockets and missiles are capable of striking targets almost anywhere in Israel.

Klupov suggested that Hezbollah may be reluctant to “open a second front” in the northern parts of Israel because doing so would invite retaliation from both Israel and the United States, which “badly needs a short victorious war” and also has a sizable military presence in the area.

He also implied that a third party, like the US, would arrange a provocation that would involve Hezbollah in a fight. This is very dangerous as the USA would have to attack Iran to cut of Hezbollah's supply lines and as well as being a formidable military power in its own right, Iran's partners in a mutual assistance pact are China and Russia.

The Israeli conflict has dragged us a lot nearer to World War Three in a few weeks than Ukraine's war with Russia managed to in almost two years of conflict.



The American embassy in Baghdad has reportedly engaged inbound rocket attacks with its air defense system, the C-RAM which protects aerial threats against the Green Zone.
Some reports suggest the streets have finally grown calmer in the early morning hours (local time), but this is after an evening and overnight death toll of at least 15, including unconfirmed reports of police casualties. AFP citing local medical sources also says some 350 protesters were injured. Continue reading >>>

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U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth
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