The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Trans Pacific Partnership, Monsanto and Global Food Dominance

Dr. Evil and Mr. Gates (image source)

“Control oil and you control nations,” said US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the 1970s. ”Control food and you control the people.”

Global food control has nearly been achieved, by reducing seed diversity with GMO (genetically modified) seeds that are distributed by only a few transnational corporations. But this agenda has been implemented at grave cost to our health; and if the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) passes, control over not just our food but our health (see posts in Black Hat Biotech menu), our environment and our financial system will be in the hands of transnational corporations. And our governments of course already are.

Monsanto, the TPP and Global Food Dominance


Playing God In The Garden. The Risks Of Messing About With Nature.
As the corrupt politicians, greedy corporate businesses and insane scientists stepo up their efforts to assure the public that food containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is safe, why is public opposition growning. OK, recently exposures of corporate corruption, scientific fraud and politicical dishonest have destroyed trust but is there more to it than that?

Connecticut Governor signs first GMO labeling law in US - Gives Us All Hope
In the war against GM food being forced down our throats, it's the massed and massive budgets of corporate giants like Monsanto,Nestle, Dow and Syngenta versus a bunch ob loggers with laptops. It ought to be the biggest mismatch since David and Goliath, but the corporate fascists are actually outnumbered and outgunned. Let's go get those evil GMO food crops guys.

Geneticist Speaks Out Against GMOs - Humans Part Of An Experiment
When The Daily Stirrer speaks out against Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) we don't expect to convert many people, but when the science worshippers cult can ignore the warnings of eminent geneticists in favour of corporate propaganda from academic whores, society is in big trouble.

TV Documentary Tells Truth About Monsanto GM Food Scandal
For the first time mainstream media has examined the independent scientific research carried out of the safety of GM organisms and found the claims of biotech corporations such as Monsanto that genetically modified organisms pose no risk to the environment of human health do not stand up to examination.

Genetically Modified (GM) Organisms Playing Roulette With Humanity's Future
Another group of scientists collabotate to deliver a damning verdict on geneticall modified (g m)  organisms and the risks they pose to human health and the environment - risks the government, scientists and corporate bosses will never admit to

 The Dark Side Of Biotech Just Got Even Darker
Are vaccines involuntary cannibalism? They might be if governments are allowed to pass fascistic legislation making flue vaccines compulsory. Never mind all those do gooders bleating about saving lives, it is time the public knew what goes into vaccines

Global Impact of Devastating Consequences Of Genetically Modified Organisms & Glyphosate.
Some strong views from a Dily Stirrer staffer on GM crops and the dishonest propaganda being used to push them followed by an embedded paged from farm Wars about the way GM Corps are being sold as a solution to world hunger when really all they do is increase the power and profits of big corporations.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Miss Whiplash Call Girl Agency Owner has compromising picture of Cameron and Osborned, People's voice alleges

David Icke's People's Voice internet radio and television channel has quite an exclusive on another massive cover up my the media and the establishment of a scandal that should have derailed the careers of several top politicians long ago.
The allegations of senior members of the coalition government having been involved in activities involving drugs, prostitutes, gay sado masochism and sniffing bicycle seats while members of the elitist Bullingdon Club at Oxfor University should have been enough to consign them to obscurity. But the new ruling elite seem to think such degeneracy is a qualification for leadership.

Read all and see video of People's Voice contributor Sonia Poulton interviewing "Miss Whiplash" Natalie Rowe. 

 The Daily Stirrer - coalition politicians whiplash injury

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Global Warming Was A Money Making Scam - But Is Global Cooling A Serious Threat?

We would love to say that for years we were the lone voice of sanity crying out against the climate change madness, but the truth is that despite all that "the science is settled" bullshit there were always armies of ethical researchers, environmentalists and media commentator who saw the tax raising scam for what it was. Now the AGW scaremongers are in full retreat and every week new evidence of their fraud emerges.

The latest has been the extent of Arctic ice which we were told would disappear completely by 2012. Well in case you hadn't noticed, last year was 2012 and the Arctic ice sheet staged a modest recovery. And this year it has expanded with a vengence.

Read full article:
Global Warming Was A Money Making Scam - But Is Global Cooling A Serious Threat?


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Global Warming Is Not Causing Any Polar Ice Cap Meltdown Says NASA

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Facebook Are Nazis - We Told You So

All the Greenteeth Labyrinth pages, which include the original Boggart Blog, The Daily Stirrer and Little Nicky Machiavelli have consistently warned that the most successful internet companies, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter etc. are led by people with authoritarian, even fascistic tendencies and a world domination complex which manifests itself as a desire to establish a monopoly position in their field. Facebook are at the forefront of this fascist cartel as their latest move shows.

FB are abandoning any pretence of net neutrality and blatantly changing the way their pages work to feed users only information from businesses willing to pay for traffic. We know that contrary to all the hype, Favebook has never really been a successful business venture but once people get wing of this we can see Mr. Cocksuckerberg's revenues and profits RELATED POSTS:


Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.

Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Philanthropic" Mark Zuckerberg Will Place Facebook Shares In A For-Profit LLC

Sorry to seem the The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but somebody has to blow the whistle on the latest self serving stunt of the self server in chief, Mark Zuckerbugger but the great act of philanthropy with which the Inyaface Datatheft Book chief celebrated the birth of his child is, like everything else billionaire philanthropists do, not quite as straightforward as it has been presented in mainstream media.

How Google Destroyed the Internet

The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.

Corporate plundering of the UK purse has to stop – Facebook pays zero tax again

Our finance expert looks at the latest tax avoidance scandal and wonders why the governments financial agencies are always to eager to go after small time tax and benefit fraud and yet year after year turn a blind eye to the blatant criminality of global corporations in their tax evasion techniques.

Has Zuckerbugger Been Messing With Your Mind?

It has been revealed that Facebook has been collaborating with the US government and creepier fringes of the academic community in carrying out experiments to manipulate users emotions. "Facebook users have reacted angrily to a "creepy" experiment carried out by the social network and two American universities to manipulate their emotions."

Facebook boss Zukerberg Wants To Own The Internet

Facebook's latest acquisition Whatsapp cost $19bn, that's $40 per user. Whatsapp charge their users $1 per year. That means it will take Facebook 40 years to recover their outlay. And people are buying shares in this company? Insane.

Facebook Are Nazis - We Told You So

All the Greenteeth Labyrinth pages have consistently warned that the most successful internet companies, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter etc. are led by people with authoritarian, even fascistic tendencies and a world domination complex which manifests itself as a desire to establish a monopoly position in their field. Facebbk are at the forfront of this fascist cartel.

Facebook's Stockmarket Launch Fizzles Out

Facebook's much hyped stock market launch fell flat. We examine the folly of trying to pass off a social networking fad as a real, monrey making business.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

In Bond - age to the twin demons

Bondage? (
Image source

I sometimes get accused of being unfair to science tits who are, as they like to remind me, a bunch of altruistic superior beings who devote their lives to a quest for truth and an effort to improve the miserable lot of humankind, often working for peanuts. In the highly paid industry I worked in it was often said, "Pay peanuts, you get monkeys". What does that say about people who work for peanuts?

The latest project to fall into the category of absolutely useless research unless its objective was to flush taxpayers' money down the toilet, is a report on what effects the lifestyle a typical secret agent (licensed to kill), which involves compulsory heavy drinking and smoking, regular encounters with skilled torturers and explosives experts and alluring women who keep stilettos in their stilettos would have on a man's body.

In what is probably the most useless piece of pseudo - scientific research ever, a bunch of OCD bell ends from the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trusthave discovered an adult male human cannot drink five bottles of spirits and ten bottles of wine a day, smoke seventy cigarettes an hour, get killed at least once a week and still be a secret agent (licenced to kill). That's the finding of researchers who say that they've plotted James Bond's alcohol intake across his career and that far from being a superhero, he was a physical wreck. OK, I know these blokes are scientists and we have to make allowances, but FFS, don't they realise James Bond is not a real person and that fact alone enables him to break all the rules. Fictional character drink as much as the author wants them to withour getting drunk, eat as much as the author wants them too withouir getting fat and have unprotected sex with millions of dodgy partners without geting any diseases. That's because its not real, it's fiction. The humorless nerds will be telling us next that having studied the aerodynamics of the Kryptonian body they conclude Superman can't fly.

They report in their humourless way, "This consistent but variable lifetime drinking pattern has been reported in patients with alcoholic liver disease". A person with this lifestyle would be impotent and he wouldn't be able to shoot straight. So less a case of Goldeneye than Blurred Vision. Really? Can't get it up, poor physical coordination, bad breath, tunnel vision? Sounds like if he could learn poor pesonal hygiene as well he'd make a great scientist.

Sadly these sexless science lovers are unfamiliar with Thorpe's law, that that the more dissolute your lifestyle the more sex you get and the better you are in bed.

What I loathe most about this type of scientists is the lofty tone they adopt when stating what is starkly effing obvious as if they are imparting some gem of wisdom non scientists could not possibly be aware of.

Do these guys think we mere mortals do not know Bond is a fantasy figure or that we are unaware a lifetime of heavy drinking and smoking is likely to ruin a person's health.

Do they not understand that while fully conversant with these things some people will choose to smoke or drink too much, drive fast cars, surf the biggest wave in the world, boff the local gangster's wife (It was a long time ago, OK) or try to ride an inflatable elephant down the black slopes at Val d'Isere because we are human and doing stupid things proves we are alive.

When will someone fund some research into why so many scientists find it impossible to GET A LIFE.


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Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Universe Is A Hologram - Step Forward David Icke

The Universe is a hologram according to a bunch of theoretical physicists in Japan. The same thing has been said by eccentrics such as David Icke of course and indeed the theory is not new, it was first proposed by scientific researchers in the 1980s. But these latest guys to publish their ideas on the theme seem to think they have proof. This theory is not confined to theoretical physicists of course, the ancient Hindu philosophical concept of Mya proposes that the physical reality around us is an illusion and reality is only found in The Oneness.

Read more:

Monday, December 09, 2013

Leaked TPP Documents Show The Extent Of Obama's Betrayal

Work sets you free, or as George Orwell put it in '1984' "freedom is slavery"

Ever heard of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)? Not many people have because the American and other governments negotiating the deal are being very secretive about what is supposed to be a free trade agreement. The reason for their cover ups is the TPP is really a massive transfer of power from elected government to corporate cartels, which will be immune from prosecution when their products or processes do harm and will be able to veto new law and challenge existing ones. And the USA is already engaged is negotiating a similar deal with the European Union, the TTIP

Leaked TPP Documents Show The Extent Of Obama's Treason

Read more on: TPP >> TTIP >> trade >>obama

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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Free Speech Under Threat

The New World Order, Illuminati, Scientific Dictatorship, Global elite, call them whatever you like, do not care for the idea of free speech. We have heard various rumblings from elitist gatherings like The bilderberg Group, G20 and G8 conferences, the world economic forums and the other expensive jamborees the elitists treat themselves to AT OUR EXPENSE - OH YES, about criminialising dissent, taking down websites and closing broadcast and print media outfits that argue against climate change, globalisation, redistribution of wealth (Most people mistakenly believe this means redistribution from the wealthy to the poor but everywhere socialism has gained power the redistribution has been from the poor, who became destitute, to the already wealthy and powerful, who not only had all the money but made sure they did not have to pay for anything).

The action in this war on free speech has shifted to Britain - The Editor In Chief of the left wing Guardian newspaper has been virtually accused of treason for telling the truth about governments spying on their own citizens accused.
The right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian elitists.  They pay lip service to left wing ideas like fighting poverty and working for peace but are actually more authoritarian in their political outlook than Hitler or Stalin. Their goal is absolute power and they know that while the right of free speech, the free press and free access to information exist they cannot succeed.

In politics the left is not about global government, it is about small government and maximum freedom for individuals. big government is fascism.

Read full post on Free Speech Under Threat 

Are Freak Weather Events In USA Are Due To Geoengineering?

American scientists, egged on by a psychopath President who boasts that he is good at killing people are pressing ahead with experiments in controlling the climate. They have no idea what the outcomes may be because as we know, mathematical models used to predict climate trends are hopelessly inaccurate. But when have scientists ever stopped to give a moments thought to consequences. It is said of that breed, "Often in error, never in doubt." One day, as the smoke clears, there will be nobody left to say it.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

The Global Conspiracy?

The New World Order, Illuminati, Scientific Dictatorship, Global elite, call them whatever you like, do not care for the idea of free speech. We have heard various rumblings from elitist gatherings like The Bilderberg Group, G20 and G8 conferences, the world economic forums and the other expensive jamborees the elitists treat themselves to AT OUR EXPENSE - OH YES, about criminialising dissent, taking down websites and closing broadcast and print media outfits that argue against climate change, globalisation, redistribution of wealth

The action in this war on free speech has shifted to Britain - The Editor In Chief of the left wing Guardian newspaper has been virtually accused of treason for telling the truth about governments spying on their own citizens accused.
The right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian elitists.  They pay lip service to left wing ideas like fighting poverty and working for peace but are actually more authoritarian in their political outlook than Hitler or Stalin. Their goal is absolute power and they know that while the right of free speech, the free press and free access to information exist they cannot succeed.

In politics the left is not about global government, it is about small government and maximum freedom for individuals. big government is fascism.

Read full post on Free Speech Under Threat 

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Another study on obesity risks shows scientists will say anything if you pay them enough December

For years people have complained about the health industry’s food fascism and obsession with the entirely fallacious idea tha being overweight is the same as obesity. The ravings of doctors about obesity in the case of people who are a few pounds overweight really make their profession look stupid. Now, in response to surveys that show slightly overweight people live longer comes the science whore to tell us it’s impossible to be overweight and healthy.

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Monday, December 02, 2013

Scientists Launch Serious Debate On Robot's Rights

We’ve been telling you for ever that scientists are insane, devoid of ethics, totally detached from reality and hellbent on destroying humanity and the planet that supports us simply because we will not give them all the money in the world to buy new toys.

They are on about Robots being given human rights now, fecking eejits. Do they really think robots are going to be the cicddly, cute, squeaky voiced creatures of sci - fi films aimed at eight to eleven year old. When we consider that the people who will build robots are sociopathic nerds, then clearly robots will be bastards like the one pictured above.

Just before we get into the latest scientific madness, ask yourself what kind of people we are dealing with that would insist on making machines look vaguely humanoid in order to enable socially incompetent science heads to more easily form relationships with them. Why do robots have to look human? Why do they have to have little legs so they can walk like spazzas? Caterpillar Tracks would work much better?

I’ll tell you why; because the …
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Scientists debate Robots’ Rights

(Warning, this is not a politically correct post)


When The Robots Rule The World

Economist and humanity hater (apparently) Paul Krugman takes up a subject that as a former Information Technology professional I have long been mildly concerned about. In these two blogs Futurism and Policy and The Conscience Of A Liberal) Krugman discusses the rise of robotics. How a big government authoritarian like Krugman can put a title that includes the words 'liberal' and 'conscience' to one of his justifications of economic Fascism is a testimony to the fact that you don't have to be either intelligent or even literate to be a university Professor

A robot censor for your thoughts
Robotification - transhumanism
Robot Lover
Robot soldiers
Robots with feelings

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Sunday, December 01, 2013

Nature Gives Us Another Cancer Cure That Doctors Will Never Tell You About

Once again Big Pharma and the medical establishment are collaborating to hush up another low cost, natural cure for one of the debilitating and difficult to treat forms of cancer, this latest an easy to produce Japanese vegetable. There are many such substances that work on different kinds of cancer, the spice Turmeric is one that was recently in the news. Big Pharma Corporations are doing their best to keep a lid on information about these natrual therapies, some companies have even tried to patent wild flowers and herbs that have had a place in traditional healing for centuries. Cancer has become a highly profitable industry and the very last thing that industry wants is a cheap, simple cure.

Nature Gives Us Another Cancer Cure That Doctors Will Never Tell You About