The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Labour’s bacon Sandwich Fail Show They Are Unfit To Govern

Some people might think Boggart Blog has the same style of rabid hatred for all Labour politicians and Labour supporters and lefties reserve for Michael Gove.
WRONG! All politicians are wankers and Labour politicians tend to be more hypocritical than others, and are actually posher and more elitist than Conservatives, Lib Dems and UKIPpers but one should hate them all equally, not for who they are but for what they represent.
Sadly the leftist mindset is not up to the job of multitasking so hatred as to be directed at specific things, Gove, The Daily Mail, Rupert Murdoch and Jeremy Clarkson are all objects of left wing hate.
[ ... ]
Take for your example the infamous bacon sandwich incident on the day before the European elections. Warned that Labour were losing votes to UKIP because working class people felt the party was elitist and out of touch, some out of touch elitist in the Labour Public Relations team decided Ed, who is not religious but is Jewish all the same, should be pictured eating a working class breakfast, a bacon sandwich.
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Labour’s bacon Sandwich Fail Show They Are Unfit To Govern RELATED POSTS:

UK General Election, 2015: David Cameron Hugged A Hoodie but Nobody Wants To Hug A Tory.
So far, no matter what the political leaders do, the public are not responding to electioneering. The biggest losers from this disengagement with establishment politics are likely to be David Cameron's Conservatives who ned a five point lead over Labour to be un with a chance. So are the polls being distorted by the UKIP effect or is something more significant going on?

The Party Of Working People


Labour Leadeship Contest, Corbyn Comedy Caper

When Labour elected Ed Miliband as their leader in 2010 it was clear the party had a death wish. The 'broad church' Prime Minister Harold Wilson spoke of in the 1960s, the alliance of intellectuals and socially conservative industrial workers who made up the party's core vote managed to coexist. Then came feminism, politically correct thinking, New Labour factions as the party started to tear itself apart. It looks as if we are in the endgame.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Will Anti European Union Feeling Lead To More Integration

The European elite, the bueaucrats who run the European Union and show their respect for democracy by openly admitting the have no time for the people and prefer to make decisions in secret cabals behind locked doors, were thinking not so long ago that their project to abolish the sovereign nations that make up the membership and create a federal European superstate run by a bureaucratic dictatorship, appointed from within the ranks of the elite rather than being elected by the people was home and hosed.
Then the punters started to wake up to what was going on. The result was a huge increase in votes for the Eurosceptic and anti – federalist group in the EU Parliament .
Many people who are part of the media luvvieocracy seem to think the anti EU surge revealed in elections to the European Parliament earlier this week will lead to an intensification of the EU ruling bureaucracy push for the integration of the 28 European Union member states into a single federal superstate. A more realistic view is that many who voted for the status quo were not so much supportive of the pan – European project as fearful of what will happen when the EU falls apart … continue reading

Monday, May 26, 2014

How Can Mainstream Politics Respond To The Anti EU Surge Across Europe?

As the hysteria intensifies following the enormous anti EU swing in elections for the European Parliament, we look at what options are available to the mostly pro EU, pro federalisation leaders of the main European Union nations, that will not result in the citizens if Europe becoming further alienated from the political and technocratic classes.

The BBC have been annoying me all day by talking about the "swing to the far right". What utter bollocks, UKIP and the Danish Peoples Party are Libertarian, the big winners in Greece are communists as are the Spanish Eurosceptic party and the True Finns are anarchists.
Its the BBC and the rest of mainstream media who are swinging to the right, as I keep telling people, "right" means authoritarian government and the media while claiming politically correct credibility are lining up with the authoritarian bureaucratic dictators of Brussels.

Read more on the fight against creeping authoritarianism in Europe
 How Can Mainstream Politics Respond To The Anti EU Surge Across Europe?

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The basis of mass mind control

They're getting inside your brain (Image source)

Mass mind control focuses on two elements: image and feeling. By linking the two primary elements, it is possible to short-circuit thought and “cut to the chase,” when it comes to enlisting the allegiance of huge populations.

The idea of a scientific dictatorship and the use of pseudosciences such as psychology and public relations to influence the way entire populations think is not new of course. Only recently however have digital technologies made easy the levels of information control needed to totally regulate the thoughts of masses of people.

George Orwell foresaw it in his novel 1984, written in 1948 but the internet was decades away then.

Mass Mind control: How It Works And How The Elite Use It


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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ve Haff Vay Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left

The authoritarian left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be their core constituency to the substitution of smearing opponents because they have no credible policies, where there was an assumption of unassailability there is now an air of desperation.

 In the USA Obama has given up any pretence of ruling through the democratic process and declared himself emperor in all but name as popular support for his Marxist agenda evaporates.  In the European Election the Labour  party is a gaggle of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them. Yet all they can offer in place of inspiring leadership is childish attempts to smear the anti - European Union UK Independence Party (UKIP).

Read about the way the tide is turning against the authoritarian and elitist left and how their response is turning more voters against them.
Ve Haff Vays Of Making You Konform 

Main Keywords: Authoritarian >> Elitist >> Racism >> European

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Pesiticides To Blame For Bee Extinction, Not Natural Causes

The problem of bee extinction has been with us for a few years now, yet those these indutrious pollinators are essential to maintaining life on earth, the scientists who should be looking for ways to prevent bee conony collapse seem more interested in protecting the profits of corporate entities that fund their research projects. 

Just as the seasons and the phases of the zodiac go in cycles, like the tides and the cycle of renewal, so the attempts to suppress scientific debate about ways in which scientists attempts to control nature are destroying the environment follow on in a seemingly unchangeable order. At this time of year it is bee colony collapse, next it will be extreme weather events and so on.

Read more on Pesiticides To Blame For Bee Extinction

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Feeling Sorry For Labour Supporters After ealing Comedy Party Political Broadcast - There's A First

A lot of people, on hearing that I don't like the Conservative are quite shocked to learn that I despise The Labour Party even more. Are we really turning into a nation of Sheeple. The only reason I have been writing blog posts supporting UKIP is because they offer the only chance of breaking the grip of the different-in-name-only parties and returning britain to Parliamentary Democracy.

So far in the European election campaign I have been able to slag off the three main parties for claiming UKIP only had one policy, to take Britain out of Europe. The three main parioes only had one policy between them and that was to smear UKIP as racist. And that smear only showed the pathetic inadequacy of the main parties. It is not in any way racist to support controls on immigration, in fact the politically correct Denmark, it is only immigaration controls that saved the economy from the idiocies of the left.

Read more on Labour meltdown in the absence of policies

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses

We've been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I've met have been psychatrists and psychologists - perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are ...
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Everything you do is a sign that you are mad

For years now the criteria defining mental illness have been steadily expanding. This has resulted in more and more people who were previously considered to be sane are now capable of being diagnosed as mad. Conditions like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Aspergers syndrome, depression, and even common anxiety are increasingly being diagnosed, particularly among children between the ages of three and 17.
And of course if you are the kind of organized person who stored your CDs in Alphabetical Order you are afflicted with OCD. On the other hand if you don't store your CDs in Alphabetical order you have issues with authority and need cognitive behvioural therapy. Do you see what is emerging?
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Manufacturing Madness: The Pseudoscience of Modern Psychiatry

Mental Illness. If we have not reached it already, we are close to the point at which any minor eccentricity or expression of individuality can be diagnosed as a mental health problem for which some kind of therapy (usually involving the toxic products peddled by Big pharma) is necessary. But is this any thing more that a sleazy scam to make us all patients for life?
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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Pfizer Preadatory Capitalism: Posh Boy Cameron Can't Explain What He Doesn't Understand

The hostile (we call it predatory) bid by big Pharma asset stripper Pfizer for UK based drug and phramaceutical company Astra Zeneca is being defended by some anything-but-free market enthusiasts in the political arena as capitalism at work. But Pfizer are not free market capitalists, they are corporatists and as one of the leading corporatists, David Rockefeller once said, "Competition is sin".

That just about sums up what is described as capitalism in the 21st century. Fiat money, debt, asset stripping and trading of stocks, bonds, options and derivatives. Anything in fact except the work of true capitalism which is to make stuff and sell it.

Read more on Pfizer and pred
The hostile (we call it predatory) bid by big Pharma asset stripper Pfizer for UK based drug and phramaceutical company Astra Zeneca is being defended by some anything-but-free market enthusiasts in the political arena as capitalism at work. But Pfizer are not free market capitalists, they are corporatists and as one of the leading corporatists, David Rockefeller once said, "Competition is sin".

That just about sums up what is described as capitalism in the 21st century. Fiat money, debt, asset stripping and trading of stocks, bonds, options and derivatives. Anything in fact except the work of true capitalism which is to make stuff and sell it.

Read more on Pfizer and predator capitalism

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Government's Illegal Spying on Citizens is Turning Democratic Nations Into Totalitarian States

As public outrage grows the politicians show how out of touch with reality they are by trying to use ever more intrusive surveillance and draconian sanctions on those who object to completely intimidate the population. Do the idiots know no history or have they been so barinwashed by academics that they really feel media lies can rewrite the past. If so, they are courting catastrophic social breakdown.

If you think current levels of surveillance and the collaboration of internet technology businesses and government in violating our human right to privacy is outrageous, wait until you see what they have planned for us.

Government's Illegal Spying on Citizens is Turning Democratic Nations Into Totalitarian States