The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Leaked Texts Suggest Obama Administration, Dems In Plot To Launch Trump-Russia Probe

Congressional investigators looking into the origins of Special Counsel Mueller's Russia probe believe they've found a smoking gun that could justify the appointment of a special counsel to investigate whether the Obama administration exerted undue influence over the FBI.

The latest batch of ducuments leaked in relation to the Democrats role in initiating the inquiry into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian agents contains text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page suggest a possible coordination between high-ranking officials at the Obama White House, CIA, FBI, Justice Department and former Senate Democratic leadership in the early stages of the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to GOP congressional investigators on Wednesday.

The investigators who leaked the information to Fox said the texts between Strzok and Page "strongly" suggest coordination between the White House, two independent intelligence agencies, and a Democratic Congressional leader. That would "contradict" the Obama administration's claims of non-involvement.

The exchanges between Strzok and Page could justify the appointment of a distinct counsel to investigate no matter if the Obama administration exerted undue have an impact on over the FBI. They have revealed the involvement of Denis McDonough, Obama’s chief of workforce, John Brennan, Obama’s CIA director, and former Senate Majority leader Harry Reid in assisting create an atmosphere of paranoia that gave them the political cover to launch the Russia probe returned in the summertime of 2016.

The Hill reports: " President Trump vented his anger with the Russia investigation late Saturday night and Sunday morning, declaring that “they are laughing their asses off in Moscow” over the ongoing probe into Moscow’s interference in the 2016 election.

In a remarkable burst of tweets sent from his Mar-a-Lago resort, the president blamed the Obama administration for not doing enough to deter Russia and claimed he never denied the meddling took place — all while undercutting his own national security adviser who said Saturday that the interference is now “beyond dispute.”

“If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigations and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams,” Trump tweeted just after 8 a.m. “They are laughing their asses off in Moscow"

The EU can go and F*** itself!’ Italian Politician’s Outburst Rallies Support In Italy

The leader of the Lega party, formerly known as Lega Nord, Matteo Salvini claimed the European Union should stop interfering with Italian politics as the measures taken by the bloc have crippled the Italian economy for the past 15 years. Mr Salvini is the frontrunner in the upcoming Italian general election as Italy’s next Prime …

European sovereign debt crisis could cause Eurozone implosion – ex-BoE chief

Are government economists and mainstream media finally catching up with what The Daily Stirrer and Boggart Blog’s finance expert Phil T Looker has said since we started publishing? Former Bank of England chief Mervyn King has written an article warning that Eurozone deabt problems pose a bigger threat to the EU than a British OUT vote in the referendum

Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spin Machine
As we and almost everybody else predicted, David Cameron's deal to improve Britain's relationship with the EU is worthless. It changes nmothing, and can be vetoed once we have voted to stay in.

Cameron's Hopes For EU Membership Reforms For UK Torpedoed By Tusk

David Cameron’s hopes of winning serious concessions on sovereignty, border controls, contributions, trade agreements, human rights and labour laws so he could claim to have won a better deal for Britain by the time the in / out referendum starts next year European Union suffered an early blow when European Council President Donald Tusk warned that reaching a deal would be “very tough” ...

Italian Town ‘Taken Over’ By Nigerian Migrant Gangs
The former seaside resort town of Castel Volturno, to the north of Naples, has reportedly been taken over by Nigerian gangs who run drug and prostitution rings. The town has a total population of around 30,000 people, of which an estimated 20,000 are migrants, many of them in Italy illegallly, French news magazine L’Obs reports.

De-Dollarization Accelerates As More Washington "Allies" Follow Australia To China-Led Bank

For many years the dollar has been the currency in which the world's nations settled cross-border transactions and the so called petrodollar became the only currency in which oil could be traded. In recent years however, as other nations, particularly the BRICS group, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the leading nations outside the dominant US / European group, have been making moves to end the domination of the US dollar.

Why Iceland Recovery Is Being Ignored In Mainstream News
Iceland is a small country with less that half a million people so is not a good comparison with Britain. It's recovery from near bankruptcy in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis however is due to the rejection of politically correct, globalist politics so in that light it serves to illustrate that to suggest Britain (60 million people) cannot survive outside the EU is just globalist scaremongering.

It's Staring To Dawn On Economists That The Developed World's Economic Problems Are Structural.

When we look back from 2025, it will be painfully obvious that central bank policies exacerbated the systemic crises that brought down the global financialization machine. After all, "saving" the world from financial collapse 0f 2008 was relatively quick work; so what problems beyond imminent implosion have the central banks policies solved in the past 6 years

New World Order IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Deferring Redemption of Gov’t Debt.

Global Capitalism my arse, the dominant economic system is Naziism pure and simple. Who but Nazis or Communists (and they are truly different faces of George Orwell's Oligarchic Collectivism) whould propose stealing the pension funds we poor punters have worked all our lives to accumilate to pay for the stupidity, selfishness and irresponsibility of our masters?

Financial Crisis? The Dow Has Already Fallen More Than 1000 Points From The Peak Of The Market

The dramatic falls in world wide stock markets over the past week hows that the Daily Stirrer finance expert was correct in predicting this, such recovery in the global economy as has happened since 2008 has been the result of printing money and manipulating the markets. This latest action is part of a massive heist by the bankers to drain the value from our savings and pensions

Europe's Liberal Snowflakes In Meltdown As Renzi Says "Italy Has No Moral Duty To Take In Migrants"
The liberal mask behind which Europe's political elite hide their grand plan to undermine the working classes by flooding the continent with immigrants took a massive hit on Friday, when Italy's Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, said his country has "no moral duty to take in migrants", sharply toughening his stance over surging numbers of asylum seekers being ferried to Italian shores by by political action groups

Corporate Banker's $1.5 Quadrillion Conspiracy: EU Accuses 13 Banks Of Operating A Derivative Trading Cartel

Debt, how much of a threat to ordinary people is it? The truth might frighten you which is why bank bosses, government leaders and media pundits are not eager to tell the truth. What can we do? Not much in the short term, in the long term, reclaim the sovereignty of our nations and our individual sovereignty and tell the world view thinkers their crazy ideas have maxed out their credit

War On Cash Begins, It Is Not About Keeping You Or Your Money Safe From Muggers

Government and big busin.ess has been nudging us towards abandoning cash for electronic money for a long time. Now the Frech government has become the first to move towards making cash illegal (because government can't keep tabs on what you do with your money when cash passes from hand to hand ...

Ex-Scottish National Party Leader Says Democracy Requires Mainstream Brexit Case

As it becomes clear the Cameron Clowns and Euronazis of Brussels between them can only offer lifes, misrepresentations and scaremongering to support their emotional desire to keep Britain in the EU and then make us part of a Federal European Superstate esxtending into Africa and the middle east, a spilt appears to be developing in the Sottish National Party as many senior figures think an 'in' vote would see Scotland regegated to irrelevance in Greater Germany.

Cameron's EU Deal As Worthless As Neville Chamberlain's 'Peace In Our Time.'?

Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself.

EU Officials Say Europe Is "Going Down The Drain
Common sense could not slow the charge of politically correct globalist politiciand towards merging the 28 member states of the European Union into a single federal entity, but their attempt to destroy democracy by flooding the continent with illiterate third world peasants has finally awoken the spirits of Europe's ancient nations.

Backslider Cameron Pays £1.7 billion He Promised He Would Not Pay

Remember about this time last year, the EU demanded the UK pay an additional £1.7 billion to the Euronazi project, to prop up the Euro single currency system after the debacle of Greece's economic collapse and ensure the Bankers and Corporate businesses did not lose a penny on their bad loans to the Greek government because the whole debt could be transferred to British, German, Dutch and Austrian taxpayers (all the other EU member states are effectively bankrupt).

U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia

Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”
Financial Coup in Greece

From day to day mainstean and alternative media commentators speculate about when Greece will finally admit is is bankrupt and will have to leave the European Single Currency system, abandon the Euro and return to the Drachman, and the Euronazis of brussels admite they were wrong to bend the rules in order to get Greece to adopt the Euro, and stop piling more agony on the long suffering Greek people and help organize a painless exit.

Europe and the EU's bureaucratic democracy

Are the bureaucrats of Brissels trying to build an Empire

Euro, Euro, Uber Alles

Is Germany Ready to rebel against Euro expansionism?

European Federal Superstate - More national socialist than progressive liberal
German Anti-Islamisation Marches: What the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want You to Know

Europe being extended into Africa and middle east
Brussels Euronazis Message to the New Greek Government: We Don't Care About Humanitarian Issues

A Eurozone Nation Reports Record Poverty Levels

Cameron’s EU Deal Worthless. It Can Be Vetoed In European Parliament?

Who Fact - checks the Fact - checkers

The proliferation of “fake news” in manistream media (let's be honest, new media was always full of drek, readers had to engage their own bullshit filter,) many publications and readers have turned to self-styled fact-checker sites like Snopes, and PolitiFact although the objectivity these sites bring to their verdicts on the reliability of sources has been dhown on many occasions to be suspect. Snopes and Politifact have been exposed by conservative commentators as having a covert liberal bias while was founded by a supporter and political mentor of a certain Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.

This month the Media Research Center unveiled a new project entitled “Fact-Checking the Fact-Checkers,” which is designed to “ensure the fact-checkers themselves are reliable and unbiased, or exposed as liberal partisans if they aren’t.”

The Media Research Center explained in its announcement:

"Sometimes you have to check the fact-checkers."

With more major news outlets running down their news gathering operations and relying on “fact checkers” to, allegedly, ensure that news fed in by 'anonymous sources' is factual, and press statements are accurate it is essential that fact checkers be motivated only by a committment to real news and not by private political agendas.

Fact checking groups such as PolitiFact have been observed to routinely present the opinions of their left - leaning ownners as fact while failing to disclose their connections to left-wing and 'progressive' political campaigns. Mainstream media, most of which is left of centre, tries to cast these groups as neutral third parties when, in fact, they are part of the liberal echo chamber and offer a soddy service that relies on the discredited Google fact checker algorithm. A 2016 Rasmussen poll found that 62% of American voters think the fact-check-ers are biased.

Many people believe it’s time to turn the tables and give the public the real facts. While Americans attempt to separate truth from propaganda, especially in regards to politics.

“In an era of ‘fake news’ and inaccurate reporting, it is important now more than ever that the fact-checkers themselves are exposed for their biases,” MRC President Brent Bozell said in a statement.

“MRC routinely finds instances when fact-checkers bend the truth or disproportionately target conservatives,” Bozell continued. “We are assigning our own rating to their judgments and will expose the worst offenders. Americans deserve the truth. There must be accountability across the board, and that includes these alleged arbiters of fact and fiction.”

Emmy-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson recently gave a Tedx talk at the University of Nevada, on the subject of the “fake news” narrative that generated tremendous discussion during and following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, saying that “the whole thing smacked of the roll-out of a propaganda campaign.”

While Attkisson admitted that fake news has long existed in various forms, she said tha something different took root within U.S. mainstream media in 2016. Suspecting that the origins of this growing “fake news” narrative which heaped opprobium on Republicans and burbled enthusiatically about the wonderous wonderfulness of anything comnnected to those Democrats who supported Hillary Clinton were less than organic, Attkisson began researching found connections between the origins of this phenomena and a decidedly progressive non-profit organization called “First Draft,” which, she notes, “appears to be the about the first to use ‘fake news’ in its modern context.”…

Upon investigation, Attkisson discovered that one of the main financial backers and movers of First Draft’s anti-fake news coalition was none other than Google, whose parent company, Alphabet, was chaired by major Clinton supporter Eric Schmidt until Dec. 2017. Schmidt “offered himself up as a campaign adviser and became a top multi-million donor to Hillary's bid for the presidency. His company poured money First Draft around the start of the election cycle,” Attkisson said. “Not surprisingly, Hillary was soon to jump aboard the anti-fake news train and her surrogate, David Brock of Media Matters, privately told donors he was the one who convinced Facebook to join the effort.”

This was apparently a bid to swing the election for the Democrat candidate and secure a continuation of the Obama administration policy which saw Google executives sitting in on cabinet meetings in The Oval Office.

To learn more about the rise of the “fake news” narrative, watch Attkisson’s enlightening TedxTalk below:

The Globalist Pravda Network

Fake News is a phrase that is never far from the lips or fingertips of journalists and television pundits who are supposed to keep us informed about what is happening in the world. But how reliable are those who have appointed themselves the guardians of journalistic integrity. Not very reliable it seems, if The Guardian, a highbrow UK newspaper is anything to go by.

Fake News Alert: Trump Links To Russia Were Just Attempts By Friends Of hillary Clinton To Discredit Him: Congressional Committee
Obama Trumped As He Tries To Persuade Germans He’s Still PresidentAs the political system in Britain seems to be falling apart ahead of the election, the mess in America seems to get worse and worse because delusional Democrats just can’t accept that they lost the election last November Just as was predicted, based on the …

Fake News Alert: US Govt Puts Out Ten Year Old Propaganda

Source: Russia Today The Pentagon’s website no longer shows an “important intelligence” video obtained in a fatal Yemeni raid, since officials realized the footage has been available online for a decade. On Friday, the Pentagon posted a video to the Defense Video Imagery Distribution System (DVIDS) website they said justified the operation in Yemen which …

Fake News: Thousands Flee Aleppo to escape Assad troops. Real News: Thousands flee Aleppo to join Assad army’s advance.

The world’s biggest FAKE NEWS organisation, the BBC has kept the pro – war propaganda generator turned up to eleven all week with reports of terrified Syrians fleeing Aleppo before the army of President Bashar al Assad arrived to crush the brave, head amputating, vagina mutilating, human organ noshing barbaric scum suckers freedom fighters of …

Is ‘Fake News’ The New ‘Conspiracy Theory’?

For decades now, since soon after the assassination of JFK in fact, ‘Conspiracy Theory’ had been the standard official response to those who question the official version of events and whose evidence based speculations about what might really have happened get too close to the truth. In fact the knee jerk shouts of ‘conspiracy theory’ …

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

U S Senator Suggests The White House Bullied EU members Into Supporting Sanctions

by Ian R Thorpe

Sergei Skripal encounters a minor setback, the sort of thig double agents experience every day

As mainstream media in Britain goes into an orgy of sycophancy in response to the UK and USA's securing support of the twenty seven member union for its provocative actions in the Skripal case, Virginia State Senator Richard Black said The bloc is a “soft dictatorship” in which only key players need to be brougt onside.

Claims from The White House’s that it played a key role in persuading / bullying European countries act in unison against Russia by expeliing diplomats and threatening economic sanctions over the attempted murder of former double agent Sergei Skripal might not just be typical Trumpian bragging, Senator Black said.

It is far simpler to coerce a majority of the leaders 27 EU member states to join in the wave of diplomatic expulsions, started by the UK, than to convince 650 members of the British Parliament or 535 U.S. congressmen, Black argued, adding that once key EU nations [such as Germany and France] comply, it triggers a domino effect.

“The EU is rather a soft dictatorship of all the nations of Europe. All you have to do is you have to be able to influence the key people in the EU, and then you’re able to control all of the national states of Europe,” Black said, noting that “when you have Great Britain and the US acting in concert, they essentially are able to control the EU.”

While there are exceptions to this rule that refused to follow the lead of EU powerhouses in promptly expelling Russian diplomatic staff, the majority simply caved in to the pressure, he argued.

“Now I do know that Austria did break ranks and they say no, we’re not going to do this. Others have just fallen in line; they’re under too much pressure from the EU.”

Austria, along with Switzerland, Portugal, Luxembourg, Greece, Slovenia, and Slovakia, among others, have not joined in the Russian expulsion frenzy. The US has been leading the effort, ordering 60 Russian diplomats on Monday to leave the country, which accounts for nearly half of the total number of people set to be expelled by over 20 countries and NATO.

Turkey, EU Exploit Syrian Refugee Crisis: Create New ‘Slave Trade’

So how is that deal between the EU and Turkey to control the flow of illegal immigrants into europe playing out. Well as expected Tutkeys gangster president is doing little to slow the tide, but like all blackmailers is making more demands. And the EU look like giving in; well what do the bureaucrats care, it's only taxpayers money.

Patriotic Parties Rights Violated in European Parliament
The democratic rights of patriotic parties in the EU parliament are constantly violated, Belgian MEP Frank Creyelman said on Friday. "It is very difficult for patriotic parties to work in the EU parliament as their democratic rights are violated constantly," Creyelman from the Vlaams Belang party said.

Total Opacity Of 'The Most Transparent Administration Ever'

The US Freedom of Information Act, like its British equivalent, requires a response within 20 business days, but government departments easily sidestep that deadline by replying with a non committal acknowledgement.It's what bureaucrats do; when dealing with government departments in my role as a business consultant I would lay out my problem, followed by my suggested solution and conclude by saying if I had not received their reply within seven working days I would assumed they agreed with what I was proposing and go ahead ...

Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine
While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

Teacher Forced To Resign For 'Sharing' Material Critical Of Obama And His Beloved Muslim Terrorists

The supporters of the wannabe King of the American Empire like to describe themselves as 'liberal', 'progressive', and left wing. If they were really any of those things they would not be as fanatically committed to the idea of suppressing free speech as they are.

Libya, Syria, Yemen: Sectarian conflict threatens entire Middle East

Another failure of US foreign policy leads to threat of war as a coalition of 10 Sunni Arab states launches a military offensive against Shiite Houthi militants in Yemen, recently proclaimed by America’s president as a brilliant example of war on terror, but now catapulting the Middle East into the inferno of battle.

US Becoming Isolated As Key Ally Japan Considers Joining China-Led Investment Bank

Japan's foreign minister signaled cautious approval of the institution that the United States has warned against. The opposition to the AIIB began crumbling after Britain said earlier this month that it would join the institution, saying it was in its national interest. France, Germany and Italy swiftly followed suit.

The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela

Last week, President Obama signed an executive order declaring a “special state of emergency,” saying that the situation in Venezuela represents an extraordinary danger to U.S. interests and foreign policy.It is all total bollocks of course, for resons that are not entirely clear, Washington has decided that Venezuela will be the next nation to be destabilised in pursuit of the U.S. global hegemony agenda.

Venezuela's Maduro given executive powers to face U.S. 'imperialism'

We have learned via Reuters news feed that Venezuela’s National Assembly on Sunday (15 March) voted Sunday to grant President Nicholas Maduro powers to rule by decree in defense and security affairs amid an escalating confrontation with the US Government in Washington. The special powers were approved by a show of hands in the assembly after two hours of debate ...

Venezuelan Social Movements Take to the Streets to Oppose U.S. Aggression

And now, with the security situation more dangerous that any time in the past fifty years, the peacemaker and joybringer, Barack Hussein Obama, The Obamessiah, is looking to start yet another civil war and plunge another nation into failed statehood. This time, as we reported a few days ago, his target is Venezuela

Warmonger Obama Goes Looking For Another War, In Venezuela This Time

The Obama Administration, which in 2009 provided backing for the coup that overthrew the progressive democratic President of Honduras and put into power a junta of oligarchs; a rerun as it turned out for the bloody coup that replaced the corrupt but democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, ad installed in Kiev a rabidly anti-Russian, equally corrupt, right wing extremist Government ...

Warmonger Obama Goes Looking For Another War, In Venezuela This Time

The Obama Administration, which in 2009 provided backing for the coup that overthrew the progressive democratic President of Honduras and put into power a junta of oligarchs; a rerun as it turned out for the bloody coup that replaced the corrupt but democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, ad installed in Kiev a rabidly anti-Russian, equally corrupt, right wing extremist Government ...

Germany Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance On Ukraine

As the US pro war rhetoric pumps up the tensions between Russia, its allies and the west in Ukrain we revisit once more the truth about which world power has been relentlessly pushing for war since 2009. It isn't Russia or China, though they are not likely to back down.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Datapocalypse: Why Facebook's crisis is a turning point for privacy

by Ian R Thorpe

The strangest thing about the tidal wave of public revulsion about violations of privacy that have hit Facebook this week in the wake of revelations throughout this month of improper commercial exploitation of users data is the story of how an academic built an app to harvest the private data of people who took his 'personality test', and then sold his database to a public relations consultancty should have surprised nobody. I have been complaining in articles and blogs about abuses of privacy, not just by Facebook but a host of other tech firms for a decade.

It was, however, not Facebooks crashing share price, or the surge of people signing up to the “delete Facebook” campaign (itself quite possible a scam to capture users data), that came with it. Nor was it the five days that it took Mark Zuckerberg to personally respond to the crisis, strange as the chief executive’s silence seemed given his usual voluble style when talking about how Faceook makes our lives better.

No, what shuld have us all aking WTF is that the allegations levelled at the social networking giant express concerns at activities Facebook's business model is built on. There have been concerns about Facebook's privacy piracy had strayed from creepy to illegal as long ago as 2011 (when I wrote the linked article). In 2015 Facebook first faced accusations that it was failing to protect users’ data when newspaper reports emerged that a shadowy British data firm called Cambridge Analytica had harvested information from millions of profiles without their knowledge.

Back then the company, which uses not-particularly-clever caputre and analyse (C&A) techniques to build user profiles which facilitate targeted advertising or political campaigns, and which had been tasked with boosting Ted Cruz’s ultimately unsuccessful presidential campaign, was virtually unknown. The claims then were as serious as many of those made last week. But the story failed to reverberate around the world, nor did it cost the social network almost $60bn (£42bn).

The crucial difference is that while the facts have not changed, the world has. There are two important new factors. The first is that Cambridge Analytica struck up a relationship with Donald Trump's capaign team after he secured the Republican nomination. Trump's eventual victory in the 2016 presidential election has invited near-constant allegations of impropriety and vote rigging with the most serious allegations, of collusion with Russia, having been thoroughly discredited. There remain, however, a rump of Hillary Clinton supporters who simply cannot accept their candidate lost according to the rules as they applied in 2016.

It is these people who, having once idolised Mark Zuckerberg for his professed liberal principles (which it turns out are overridden by his lust for wealth and power, have now turned on moonface and his company, although in te whole scandal, neith Facebook not its clients has done anything that was not done in 2008 and 2012 by the Obama campaign and was hailed as genius by the same people who are calling it criminal because it helped Trump.

If any good is to come out of this latest Facebook scandal it will be that mho have been prepaany users wred to put large chunks of their life online and reveal in depth personal date to social media and other "free" online services will now be prompted to develop a much better understanding of technology they were prepared to trust simply because it was 'cool'. We must all be aware also of the economics involved in providing the 'free stuff' that is thrown at us on the web. It costs fortunes to run server farms and rent commuincations network capacity and that must all be paid for somehow, and to now that somehow has usually meant advertising. If the service is presented as free, then users are not the customers, users and the personal data reveal and the habits and choices shown as they browse or shop online become the products being sold (to marketing/advertising companies). These companies don't collect data about users and their interests for academic research purposes, they collect it so that they can sell it. It is OK to use such services as long as one remembers that the services are not free, your profile is being sold to people whose business is to serve targeted ads to the pages pulled up on your screen.

It is also sensible for users to consider in which countries their data is held and under what legal jurisdiction(s) it is held - it should be in the Ts and Cs, but let's be honest, most people (me included) don't read them.

The downfall of Facebook should also be a turning point for publishing. Social media networks should be treated as publishers, with some responsibility for what appears on their pages. This would help to rein in the Wild West elements and also divert revenue to the traditional publishers who are being slowly destroyed by new media, because even well established newspapers, magazines and broadcasters find it hard to sell subscriptions when their products are hidden among so much worthless drek. A free press is an essential part of democracy. Facebook, Google and the rest should be paying the publishers for the content they scrape from real content publishers.

US-EU Privacy Shield Data-Sharing Agreement Blasted as Inadequate

The issue arises from the strict EU laws — enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — to the privacy of citizens personal data. As we all know thanks to the material leaked by Ed Snowden and others the United States National Security Agency (NSA) does not regard anything as private,

Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.

Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Philanthropic" Mark Zuckerberg Will Place Facebook Shares In A For-Profit LLC

Sorry to seem the The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but somebody has to blow the whistle on the latest self serving stunt of the self server in chief, Mark Zuckerbugger but the great act of philanthropy with which the Inyaface Datatheft Book chief celebrated the birth of his child is, like everything else billionaire philanthropists do, not quite as straightforward as it has been presented in mainstream media.

How Google Destroyed the Internet

The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.

Corporate plundering of the UK purse has to stop – Facebook pays zero tax again

Our finance expert looks at the latest tax avoidance scandal and wonders why the governments financial agencies are always to eager to go after small time tax and benefit fraud and yet year after year turn a blind eye to the blatant criminality of global corporations in their tax evasion techniques.

Has Zuckerbugger Been Messing With Your Mind?

It has been revealed that Facebook has been collaborating with the US government and creepier fringes of the academic community in carrying out experiments to manipulate users emotions. "Facebook users have reacted angrily to a "creepy" experiment carried out by the social network and two American universities to manipulate their emotions."

Facebook boss Zukerberg Wants To Own The Internet

Facebook's latest acquisition Whatsapp cost $19bn, that's $40 per user. Whatsapp charge their users $1 per year. That means it will take Facebook 40 years to recover their outlay. And people are buying shares in this company? Insane.

Facebook Are Nazis - We Told You So

All the Greenteeth Labyrinth pages have consistently warned that the most successful internet companies, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter etc. are led by people with authoritarian, even fascistic tendencies and a world domination complex which manifests itself as a desire to establish a monopoly position in their field. Facebook are at the forefront of this fascist cartel.

Facebook's Stockmarket Launch Fizzles Out

Facebook's much hyped stock market launch fell flat. We examine the folly of trying to pass off a social networking fad as a real, monrey making business.

Google's New Privacy Policy: 'All Your Base Belong Us'.Google has defended its decision to change the way it handles users' personal data as its new policy comes into force today. The internet search giant will now be able to use information about what people are entering into its search engine to target adverts according to users' interests under the changes.

Google Evil Empire In New Privacy ViolationOnce again the neo-Nazi nerds at Google are in trouble for playing fast and loose with our privacy. Google have bypassed browser privacy setting to track our movements on the web, the bettrer to target us with ads for poxy shite no sane person would buy. What is it these arseholes find difficult to understand about the idea that in the real world or cyberspace same rules apply ...

Facebooks Latest Violation Of Users PrivacyThe Daily Stirrer looks at Facebooks latest embarrassing climbdown after initially denying a new data mining scheme covertly violates users privacy ...

Google's Schmidt Tells US Senators "We're Not MocrosoftGoogle executive chairman Eric Schmidt, giving his testimony to the Senate Judiciary subcommittee that focuses on antitrust began by recalling a ghost of the committee's past: Microsoft. Schmidt never actually mentioned its arch enemy but it is clear ...

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Circular firing squad? Germany’s new coalition struggles as cracks appear

an intense discussion in the Bundestag
Angela Merkel has a full and frank exchange op opinions with Horst Seehofer (left) and the SDP's Olaf Scholz (source: Global Look Press)

The ink has hardly dried on the coalition agreement between Germany's CDU, CSU and SDP coalition government partners who finally agreed to form a new government after six months of wrangling following an inconclusive election, than the government leader engages in a bitter dispute with a key minister and a crucial ally. Such conflicts may prove fatal to the futures both of the ruling coalition and its members.

Days after German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s was sworn in for a fourth term and her ministers took their oaths of office, the perceived harmony (perceived by whom we wonder?) in Europe’s leading economic power was again disrupted – this time by newly appointed interior minister Horst Seehofer, who is also the leader of Merkel’s longstanding Bavarian allies the Christian Social Union (CSU). Seehofer provoked another bout of controversy by saying that “Islam does not belong to Germany, as we reported a week ago.

The minister’s statement immediately drew a rebuke from Merkel, who said that “Islam has now become a part of Germany.”

This provoked a barrage of criticism from CSU members and other German parties in the Bundestag. More significant, however, is that it seems to have revived an old dispute that has plagued the relations between the two German “sister-parties” and their leaders for several years.

Seehofer previously served as prime minister of the German federal state of Bavaria for some ten years. At the height of the refugee crisis, the south-eastern state found itself on the front line, accepting the massive inflow of asylum seekers travelling to Germany via the so-called Balkan route. Being the second-most populous German state, Bavaria also had to take in one of the largest quotas of refugees that came to Germany.

As a result of these developments, Seehofer seems to have adopted a much more hardline stance on immigration than Merkel, who stubbornly refuses to abandon her decision to open Germany's borders to criminals, beggars, the illiterate, people traffickers, members of organised crime networks and terrorist groups and general dickheads without carrying out any background checks or even asking for a valid passport or national identity card. For three years, the CSU leader has been regularly slamming his ally for her ‘open door’ policy. He has also long demanded a cap on new arrivals alongside with much stricter immigration controls.

Even though the CDU/CSU union won the most seats in the Bundestag at the last election, it still suffered a major setback by gaining just 33 percent of the vote, an all-time low in terms of public support since 1949. As a result, Merkel accepted some of Seehofer’s policy demands – including the refugee cap – but noe The Chancellor seems to be backsliding on her agreements and returning to the EU Commission's plan to flood Europe with cheap labour.

'Islam Doesn't Belong to Germany' - New Interior Minister

While mainstream media was hailing the political mastery of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel in negotiationg a new coalition deal to keep her in power for another four years, after Germany had been without a government for almost six months, The Daily Stirrer (and other alt_news sites to be fair) warned that the new government of Europe's most powwerful economy was fragile and full of holes. Only days after Merkel was sworn in for a fourth term, the holes in her coalition started to appear ... Continue Reading">

German Election: Will Another Term For Merkel destroy German Economy

According to the latest round of opinion polling ahead of the German elections, Angela Merkel looks set to become the joint longest-serving modern German chancellor, that’s despite having been accused of "putting problems on the back burner, and staved off several attempts to indict her on treason charges for her role in the immigrant crisis. Business organisations have also raised doubts about the economic consequences of re-electing her, warning that her new term may bring “stagnation” for Germany.

Majority of Germans Favour Snap Election as Merkel Coalition Talks Stumble

There appears to be no end in sight to Germany's crisis of democracy as the European Union's most populous and economically powerful state continues to stumble along without an effective government. Coalition talks between Chancellor Merkel's CDU/CSU and the left wing Greens and classical liberal Free Domocrats have stalled over irreconcilable policy demands.

Germany Sees Fourfold Rise in Terrorism-Related Cases
According to a report in the Welt am Sonntag, Germany has experienced a huge rise in the number of terror-related cases in just one year, with prosecutors having dealt with more than 900 cases so far in 2017, compared with 250 cases initiated throughout 2016. Around 700 Islamic extremists now living in Germany have been identified by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as posing a potential terror threat.

A Week Before Election 30% Of German Voters Still Undecided

Polling companies in Germany are indicating that support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Party is still slipping with the election only one week away. More disturbingly perhaps for Hausfrau - Volkfuhere Merkel is the news that over a third of Germans are still unsure how they will vote. An opinion poll published today (15 September) on Friday showing the number of undecideds was not coming down fueled uncertainty about the kind of coalition that will emerge from an election on September 24.

Merkel Faces Crisis As German Ruling Coalition Collapses

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a crisis in her ruling coalition after Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer demanded she take steps to halt the tide of illegal immigrants entering the country. To have any chance of surviving, the government must present new initiatives for controlling illegal immigration, deal with the critical situation on the Austrian border ...

New German Coalition in Peril as Potential Partners Clash over 200,000 Annual Migrant Limit

Reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed a proposal from coalition partner and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Seehofer to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany to 200,000 per year to secure a ruling coalition may be somewhat premature. Other coalition partners are not as positive on the policy.

Merkel Calls for Beginning of Coalition Talks With Greens, Free Democratic Party

German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially announced on Saturday for the first time that her conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) will seek to form a coalition government with the centre right Free Democratic Party (FDP) and left wing loony Greens.

German Elections: Anti - EU party AfD 3rd In Polls
Elections take place in Germany this Sunday, September 24, for the federal assembly (Bundestag) and the presidency (Chancellor). While Angela Merkel looks set to win a fourth term as Chancellor and the most likely outcome of the election is another "Grand Coalition" between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats that coalition will be a much-weakened if late polls are to be believed.

Chechen Islamic Police Now Enforcing Sharia Law On Streets Of Berlin

A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to German police officers who are investigating a recent string of violent assaults in the German capital. The self-appointed religious police consist entirely of Salafists (Muslim fundmentalists) from Chechnya, a predominantly Sunni Muslim region in the Caucasus. The vigilantes are name-and-shame tactics and physical violence to intimidate Chechen migrants and dissuade them from integrating into German society;

Is USA Preparing For War Against Russia In The Baltic Region?

The US government has been making preparations for a possible war against Russia in Europe’s Baltic States, German business newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reports (link goes to page in original German). The report claims that all the NATO war games organized in the region by Washington have been intended to prepare various military response scenarios.

Controlled Media Blacks out German Mass Opposition to Nonwhite Invasion

U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia

Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”

Watershed Moment In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America

Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay their NATO subs, should they come under attack.

Brexit: Is Germany Dictating to Britain How We Will Trade With The World After-Brexit?
Germany offering Britain post-BREXIT access to the European market for an annual “fee”! Who do these sausage scoffers think they are? The German government might like to pretend otherwise but there are twenty six other EU member states involved in negotiating any post – Brexit trade agreement with the UK, and Germany is not overly popular with many of them.

Left Wing Hate Mob Protesting At G20 Turn Hamburg Into An Inferno.

Militant anarchists staged a second day of violent protests in Hamburg as the G20 summit in the city held its first sessions. According to local reports, at least 45 people have been detained and 159 police officers have been wounded in clashes. For the second day, police had to resort to water cannon to disperse protesters from various neo - fascist groups (OK, we know they call themselves anti - fascist but the pathetic little university dumbed down idiots do not understand was fascism is,) while buildings and dozens of cars were set on fire in the suburb of Altona.

EU Euronazis Raise Demand For Brexit ‘Compo’ To €100 Billion.

Tensions between the UK and Europe escalated overnight after EU negotiators increased their demand for compensation from Britain’s for the anticipated effects of Brexit to €100 billion, (You can imagine Juncker and Barnier, dressed in Mao suits, sticking little fingers in the corner of their mouth and in silly voices intoning “One – hundred – billion – Euros.) This latest attempt to bully Britain has only served to widen the divide between Brussels and London.

Frankfurt Becomes First German City Where Natives Are Minority

Non Germans now outnumber Germans in the city of Frankfurt, for the first time in a German city more than half of Frankfurt residents now have a migrant background, according to data from the city’s Office of Statistics and Elections.
Figures show that 51.2 per cent of people living in Frankfurt have a migrant background, the city’s secretary of integration Sylvia Weber said: Well that sounds like a recipe for conflict.

French Prime Minister says: “Europe Is Falling Apart”

After years of blythely ignoring years of economic stagnation, social deterioration, and an unemployment rate which stubbornly refuses to fall below double-digits for countries like Greece, Spain and Italy, Europe appears to have finally been shocked into recognising the reality of its situation by Brexit and the Trump election in the USA. Bureaucrats have responded with their usual tactic, scaremongering.

Somali Rapist Was Not Deported: Rapes Again.
As she campaigns to be elected leader of The Conservative Party and thus Prime Minister, Theresa May glibly promises to be firm in maintaining law and order and to address the problems caused by mass immigration by reforming immigration laws and enforcing border controls. But can she be trusted?

Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People

Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world? For years the Bilderberg Group denied its own existence. Now thanks to the diligent work of dedicated investigative journalists we know it is real, yet many ‘liberals’ ‘progressives’, globalists and university dumbed down idiots still insist it is all a conspiracy theory.

BoJo Was Correct – The EU Was A Nazi Idea
The biggest kerfuffle in the EU referedum campaign this week came when the University dumbed Down and brain dead, Labour voting sheeple got their knickers in a twist over comments Boris Johnson made about the E U having originally been a Nazi idea. Boris was accused of misrepresenting or exaggerating the comparison between the EU and the German Nazi’s plan for a union of Europe.

Will Merkel’s Migrant Disaster Drive Germany’s AfD Into Power?
Results from local elections held in Germany last weekend indicate that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in deep trouble. Her party, the Christian Democrats is losing votes to opponents from the right and left, largely because of the illegal immigrant crisis brought on by Merkel’s crazy ‘open doors’ immigration policy which ahas resulted in Germany admitting criminals, terrorists and many illiterates,

Friday, March 23, 2018

Court documents cast doubt on Boris Johnson’s claim nerve gas is in ‘no doubt’ Novichok

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and Prime Minister Teresa May have in the past two weeks both gone out on a limb to accuse the Russian government and Vladimir Putin himself of having engineered the chemical attack in Salisbury UK which almost claimed the lives of former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter and led to many people with no connection to the spy or security services in Britain or Russia needing hospital treatment. Johnson has insisted that British chemical lab Porton Down told him the nerve agent used to attack the Skripals was definitely Novichok. However, court documents from a case which grated permission for investigators to take further blood samples from the two main victims, suggest there is no such certainty.

In an interview with Deutsche Welle on Thursday, the UK foreign secretary claimed that analytical chemists working at the UK's chemical weapons facility at Porton were “absolutely categorical” in confirming to him that the source of the nerve agent, identified by the UK as A-234 – also known as Novichok – was Russian. Johnson said: “Let me be clear with you… the people from Porton Down, the laboratory… they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself, I said, ‘Are you sure?’ And he said there’s no doubt.”

A decision from a High Court Judge on Thursday, however, granted permission to take new blood samples from Sergei and Yulia Skripal for analysis by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

In his judgment, Justice David Basil Williams included a summary of the evidence, revealing Porton Down’s analysis. The judgment, which includes sworn court evidence from a Porton Down chemical and biological analyst, reads: “Blood samples from Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal were analyzed and the findings indicated exposure to a nerve agent or related compound. The samples tested positive for the presence of a Novichok-class nerve agent or closely related agent.”

Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray wrote in a blog post that the evidence therefore does not unequivocally confirm that nerve agent used on the Sripals is definitely Novichok (which is a relatively easy substance to produce,). Murray also claimed that scientists at Porton Down have failed to find evidence of Russian “culpability” as Novichok and similar substances can be produced from easily obtained materials by any comptent laboratory technician.

The judgment comes despite multiple affirmations from the UK government that the nerve gas came from Russia. The evidence given in court raises questions over the information provided by the government to parliament, the EU, NATO, the United Nations and the public.

May 'under incredible pressure’ from colleagues to blame Russia in ex-spy poisoning

In a scathing tirade, British Prime Minister Theresa May came as close as possible to blaming Russia for the murder of former double agent Sergei Skripal and the poisoning of the spy's daughter Yulia as possible without actually declaring war. The astounding attack is believed to have been a result of intense pressure put on her by members of her government and the political opposition eager to find a scapegoat and mainstream media hungry for sensation.

Poisoned Russian Spy Linked To Christopher Steele

The alleged Russian double agent poisoned along with his daughter in Salisbury, England last weekend has been linked to former British Spy Christopher Steele, who was paid by Hillary Clinton’s people to compile the dodgy dossier on Trump in the 2016 US election, according to financial news site Zero Hedge. Steel’s dossier led to the …

Top UKIP Official Trashes Allegations of Russian Meddling in Brexit

Unsubstantiated allegations of Russian interference in the Brexit referendum have kept the Euronazi ‘left’ and certain sections of mainstream media in a state of near hysteria since the result, a shock win for the Leave campaign, was announced in june 2016. Likewise, all the screeching about Trump collaborating with Vladimir Putin to steal the US …

Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine

While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

Italian Elections: It is the EU, Not Russia, Who is the Meddler

The harder the EU tries to impose its globalist agenda on people in some of its member states, the less willing they will be to toe Brussels’ line, Italian journalist Marco Fontana commented on Sunday’s election. “There is a great deal of outside meddling in Italian politics, but it is coming from EU leaders, like …

US Becoming Isolated As Key Ally Japan Considers Joining China-Led Investment Bank

Japan's foreign minister signaled cautious approval of the institution that the United States has warned against. The opposition to the AIIB began crumbling after Britain said earlier this month that it would join the institution, saying it was in its national interest. France, Germany and Italy swiftly followed suit.

Don’t Believe Mainstream Media: Russia Didn’t Attack US Troops in Syria

On February 16 Bloomberg published an article headlined: “Don’t Be Fooled: Russia Attacked U.S. Troops in Syria.” It was the start of the latest Russophobic shitstorm unleashed by the ‘liberals’ of mainstrteam media and social media in the USA against Russia. To give this story a little context, although under international law U.S. troops are …

Russian Involvement In Corrupt Deals With Obama And Clinton

Image source: the federalist papers The US election took place almost a year ago but Democratic Party Politicians, Hollywood luvvies (when they’re not busy accusing Harvey Weinstein of assaulting everybody in the world,) and the sycophants of mainstream media continue to obsess over a paltry $100,000 worth Facebook ads allegedly bought by Russian spies in …

Germany Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance On Ukraine

As the US pro war rhetoric pumps up the tensions between Russia, its allies and the west in Ukrain we revisit once more the truth about which world power has been relentlessly pushing for war since 2009. It isn't Russia or China, though they are not likely to back down.

OSCE saw no military hardware, weaponry crossing from Russia to Ukraine – mission head

One American attempt to raise worldwide support for military intervention in Ukraine was an allegation that US spy satellites had photographed Russian military convoys heading across the border into territory held by Ukrainian separatist rebels.

When challenged to provide proof the US government showed us some pictures so fuzzy and indistinct

Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine
While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

Russia, Ukraine and the Petrodollar

Russia Threatens UK: "One Does Not Give 24Hrs Notice To A Nuclear Power"

Following on from the above story of Teresa May's pointing fingers at the Russian government for the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, UK, and a similar accusation accomanied by veiled threats from Germany, and Germany's pressure this morning, Russia has cranked up their response to '11' on the Spinal Tap amplifier of global armageddon.

US Becoming Isolated As Key Ally Japan Considers Joining China-Led Investment Bank

Japan's foreign minister signaled cautious approval of the institution that the United States has warned against. The opposition to the AIIB began crumbling after Britain said earlier this month that it would join the institution, saying it was in its national interest. France, Germany and Italy swiftly followed suit.

De-Dollarization Accelerates As More Washington "Allies" Follow Australia To China-Led Bank

For many years the dollar has been the currency in which the world's nations settled cross-border transactions and the so called petrodollar became the only currency in which oil could be traded. In recent years however, as other nations, particularly the BRICS group, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the leading nations outside the dominant US / European group, have been making moves to end the domination of the US dollar.

Germany Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance On Ukraine

As the US pro war rhetoric pumps up the tensions between Russia, its allies and the west in Ukrain we revisit once more the truth about which world power has been relentlessly pushing for war since 2009. It isn't Russia or China, though they are not likely to back down.

De-Dollarization Accelerates: Russia Launches SWIFT-Alternative Linking 91 Entities

Among the information revealed in The Great Leaks of 2013 were the documents that exposed the extent to which NSA and GCHQ had been secretly 'monitoring' the SWIFT payments system and recording details of cash flowing between nations and organisations. It appears the revelation was the last straws for Russia, China, and other sovereign nations ...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Facebook Is Falling Apart So Fast We Can't Keep Up

Facebook Is Falling Apart so Fast We Can't Keep Up

Anyone who reads The Daily Stirrer regularly will know we have never been fans of Facebook, Google or any of the other multi - billion dollar internet corporations which operate business models based on abusing users privacy. We have always predicted retribution would one day be delivered when the public finally woke up to how these companies trick users into revealing personal information about themselves and all their friends and contacts, and then try to use that data to manipulate the way users behave.

It seems retribution has arrived for Facebook at least, after a year of alienating public opinion through a series of public relations disasters, a new scandal seems to be the straw that broke the Camel's back.

US Senator Demands Zuckerberg ‘Be Subpoenaed’ to Testify Under Oath

from The AntiMedia

As the damning details of Facebook’s largest-ever data breach at the hands of pro-Trump data firm Cambridge Analytica continue to pour in — and as the social media giant’s share price continues to plummet as a result—Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Monday called on CEO Mark Zuckerberg to “testify under oath” before Congress to explain why his company took so long to notify users that their information had been compromised.

“Zuckerberg ought to be subpoenaed to testify if he won’t do it voluntarily,” Blumenthal, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters late Monday, echoing demands of other lawmakers. “He owes it to the American people who ought to be deeply disappointed by the conflicting and disparate explanations that have been offered.”

Blumenthal’s request comes amid growing calls — both in the U.S. and overseasfor Zuckerberg to answer for his company’s failure to ban Cambridge Analytica in 2015, when the platform first, discovered that the personal information of millions had been harvested in violation of company policy.

Since details of Cambridge Analytica’s exploitation of Facebook were published by the New York Times and the Observer over the weekend, the social media giant has downplayed the incident, argued that it doesn’t constitute a data breach at all, and maintained that Cambridge Analytica is solely to blame for the improper harvesting of personal data.

But privacy advocates have argued that while Cambridge Analytica should be held accountable for its actions, Facebook cannot be let off the hook.

Facebook Lost $50 Billion in Market Value In Two Days Over Privacy Scandal

The scandal that has hit Facebook over IT firm Cambridge Analytica using Facebook to trick users into revealing information in exactly the same way as Facebook itself pulls off the scam has hit Facebook investors where it hurts most — in their bank accounts.

Investor confidence hhas been hit too, as the world speculates on which of Facebook's many unethical business practoces will be put under the microscope next. Last Friday, before the full impact of the story was felt, the social media giant’s closing stock price was $185.09, making it worth about $538 billion, vastly overvalued for a company that has never paid a dividend, but but sanity and stock market valuations for tech corporations never had a working relationship. The scandal went viral over the weekend as it emerged thatdata consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, which worked with Donald Trump on the 2016 election, had allegedly obtained unauthorized access to some 50 million Facebook accounts.

The effects were felt immediately, and not just in the area of privacy concerns. Facebook shares tumbled nearly seven percent on Monday. That’s a loss of about $35 billion in market value, making it the worst day of trading the company has seen in four years.

The slide continued on Tuesday, spurred on by the news that the Federal Trade Commission will launch an investigation into the handling of user data and calls from lawmakers for Facebook executives to testify before Congress on the subject.

The further 2.6 percent drop, which put the stock price at around $168, means that Facebook lost roughly $50 billion in market value over the course of two days. That’s after slightly recovering from an even further dip of around six percent.

But it’s not just the company as a whole that’s hurting. The Cambridge Analytica debacle is affecting the man at the top, as well. CNBC reported on Tuesday:

“Mark Zuckerberg’s wealth status has changed — he’s lost more than $9 billion in stock wealth over the past 48 hours." Well it couln't have happened to a more deserving piece of shit.

Lawsuits Accumulate As #DeleteFacebook Movement Grows

After the mayhem of earlier this week, Facebook must have hoped things would start to stabilise on Wednesday as CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he would publicly address the company's relationship with Cambridge Analytica some time during the next 24 hours.

At the same time however, another lawsuit has been brought against the company, the second since the New York Times and the Observer reported over the weekend that the company had failed to stop CA from using data improperly gathered from tens of millions of users, a Maryland woman sued Facebook Tuesday in a San Jose, Calif. court. Her suit was filed on behalf of other Facebook users whose data were accessed by CA without their explicit permission, Bloomberg reported.

Zuckerberg, the company's founder and CEO said the delay in his making a statement was due to his desire to say something "meaningful" rather than delivering a quick, boilerplate comment, Axios reported.

On Tuesday, a group of Facebook investors filed a lawsuit against the company in a San Francisco federal court. The class action claims investors had suffered losses after the company disclosed that it had severed ties with Cambridge Analytica after blaming the company for "misleading" Facebook by saying it had deleted a cache of user data, when Facebook says it actually kept the data. CA has denied the allegations and said it didn't use Facebook data for its work on the 2016 Trump campaign. Investors who purchased shares of Facebook between Feb. 3, when it filed its annual report and cited security breaches and improper access to user data, and March 19, the Monday after the exposes were published, are eligible to join the lawsuit.

Throughout that period, “defendants made false or misleading statements and failed to disclose that Facebook violated its own data privacy policies by allowing third parties access to personal data of millions of Facebook users without their consent,” according to the complaint.

As Bloomberg explains, investors have a strong case so long as they can prove their decisions to invest in Facebook were based on false or misleading information released by the company. By not policing app developers' use of its users data, it could be argued that Facebook misled investors about how it handled and safeguarded private user data.

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has opened a civil probe into the company and Connecticut AG George Jepsen has sent a written inquiry to answer questions about Cambridge Analytica. The Federal Trade Commission has also opened a data-privacy investigation into the company.

European Union Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova plans to meet with Facebook officials in Washington on March 21. She called the data misuse "horrifying, if confirmed" and "not acceptable."

Four days after the allegations first surfaced, #DeleteFacebook started trending on Twitter late Tuesday as users complained about "trust issues" regarding how the company shares their personal data. It gained a notable booster when WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton tweeted that the time has come for Facebook users to delete their accounts.


US-EU Privacy Shield Data-Sharing Agreement Blasted as Inadequate

The issue arises from the strict EU laws — enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — to the privacy of citizens personal data. As we all know thanks to the material leaked by Ed Snowden and others the United States National Security Agency (NSA) does not regard anything as private,

Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.

Facebook Inc (FB.O) has commenced the Europe-wide censoring of posts and comments the ruling elite do not like, thus making good the promise given to Hausfrau – Volksfuhrer Merkel by the social media and data theft site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Philanthropic" Mark Zuckerberg Will Place Facebook Shares In A For-Profit LLC

Sorry to seem the The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but somebody has to blow the whistle on the latest self serving stunt of the self server in chief, Mark Zuckerbugger but the great act of philanthropy with which the Inyaface Datatheft Book chief celebrated the birth of his child is, like everything else billionaire philanthropists do, not quite as straightforward as it has been presented in mainstream media.

How Google Destroyed the Internet

The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.

Corporate plundering of the UK purse has to stop – Facebook pays zero tax again

Our finance expert looks at the latest tax avoidance scandal and wonders why the governments financial agencies are always to eager to go after small time tax and benefit fraud and yet year after year turn a blind eye to the blatant criminality of global corporations in their tax evasion techniques.

Has Zuckerbugger Been Messing With Your Mind?

It has been revealed that Facebook has been collaborating with the US government and creepier fringes of the academic community in carrying out experiments to manipulate users emotions. "Facebook users have reacted angrily to a "creepy" experiment carried out by the social network and two American universities to manipulate their emotions."

Facebook boss Zukerberg Wants To Own The Internet

Facebook's latest acquisition Whatsapp cost $19bn, that's $40 per user. Whatsapp charge their users $1 per year. That means it will take Facebook 40 years to recover their outlay. And people are buying shares in this company? Insane.

Facebook Are Nazis - We Told You So

Facebook's Stockmarket Launch Fizzles Out
Facebook's much hyped stock market launch fell flat. We examine the folly of trying to pass off a social networking fad as a real, money making business.

Google's New Privacy Policy: 'All Your Base Belong Us'.Google has defended its decision to change the way it handles users' personal data as its new policy comes into force today. The internet search giant will now be able to use information about what people are entering into its search engine to target adverts according to users' interests under the changes.

Google Evil Empire In New Privacy ViolationOnce again the neo-Nazi nerds at Google are in trouble for playing fast and loose with our privacy. Google have bypassed browser privacy setting to track our movements on the web, the bettrer to target us with ads for poxy shite no sane person would buy. What is it these arseholes find difficult to understand about the idea that in the real world or cyberspace same rules apply ...

Facebooks Latest Violation Of Users PrivacyThe Daily Stirrer looks at Facebooks latest embarrassing climbdown after initially denying a new data mining scheme covertly violates users privacy ...

Google's Schmidt Tells US Senators "We're Not MocrosoftGoogle executive chairman Eric Schmidt, giving his testimony to the Senate Judiciary subcommittee that focuses on antitrust began by recalling a ghost of the committee's past: Microsoft. Schmidt never actually mentioned its arch enemy but it is clear ...

IBM Develop Computer Chips To Replicate The Human BrainTodays main story deals with an old chestnut that resurfaces ever two or three years. Some scientists dream of creating life in a test tube or growing human clones for spare parts. Others dream of using drugs or chip implants to turn us into unthinking automatons. And still more want to build machines that think like us and have human senses ...

Facebook's Privacy Priacy
Once again Facebook are in trouble over their contempt for users privacy. It is quite astounding that this upstart corporation that is quite open about its ambition to control the internet does not seem to understand there are lines that cannot be crossed when it comes to broadcasting or "sharing" details of users private lives.

Webupon Facebook - privacy issues

Internet Technology

Sunday, March 18, 2018

India And Pakistan: Inching Toward Their Final War?

Sourced from an article by Mohammed Ayoob

india pakistan conflict
The forgotten nuclear powers, India and Pakistan are edging towards war (Image source: LA Times)

India and Pakistan are the nuclear powers mainstream media tends to forget as they focus on USA, Russia, China and North Korea, but both have between 120 and 140 nuclear warheads, probably not equipped with the latest guidance and stealth technology, but good enough to do a lot of damage according to the Arms Control Association. A report published in 2015 by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Stimson Center claims that Pakistan may be outpacing India in terms of its nuclear stockpile, and may possess 350 nuclear warheads within the next five to ten years. A 2016 SIPRI report also concluded that Pakistan now has more nuclear warheads than India.

However, what should most concern us about the nuclear-weapons policies of the neighbouring states is not the size of the stockpiles, but their radically different nuclear doctrines.

The major difference between the two countries’ nuclear doctrines is that while India has renounced first use of nuclear weapons, Pakistan has refused to do so by reserving its right to use nuclear weapons in the face of India’s conventional superiority.

So far around the uncertainty Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities is preventing a major conflagration in South Asia. Pakistan’s refusal to reject first use, and its emphasis on building stockpiles of tactical nuclear weapons and short-range missiles can be explained in light of its conventional-force inferiority. It is in fact a mirror image of the American nuclear doctrine as applied to central Europe during the Cold War. The United States refused to disavow first use of nuclear weapons, and deployed tactical nuclear weapons in central Europe on a large scale, because of NATO’s presumed inferiority in terms of conventional power against that deployed by the Warsaw Pact.

But for Pakistan, the uncertainty introduced by its nuclear doctrine has delivered a bonus. The nuclear threat provided Pakistan with the shield behind which terrorist groups armed and trained by Islamabad, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad, can engage in casing havoc not only in Indian-administered Kashmir but also in other parts of India. The fear of provoking a nuclear response from Pakistan has prevented India from retaliating to these provocations, use of its superior conventional forces to inflict a crushing defeat on Pakistan.

India did not retaliate even when a massive terrorist operation launched from Pakistan targeted India’s financial capital, Mumbai, in November 2008. This attack lasted for more than sixty hours and left at least 174 people dead.

However, it seems that the logic of this deterrence is fast eroding. Attacks such as the one in Mumbai, and subsequent assaults on Indian military installations in Kashmir and elsewhere, have also provided justification for India’s hard-line Hindu nationalists to whip up support for a military response, thus putting pressure on the Indian government to abandon its policy of diplomatic responses. In the past few months, Indian retaliatory attacks have targeted not only terrorist bases but also Pakistani military facilities, causing significant casualties among Pakistani forces.

The escalation in the last two years in terror attacks, especially by Jaish-e-Muhammad, on Indian military targets in Kashmir and surrounding Indian states has made the situation very perilous. In the past several months, terrorist groups operating from Pakistan with the complicity of the government and military authorities have undertaken several major attacks, causing significant loss of life in India.

A major attack on the Uri camp in Jammu and Kashmir in September 2016, left seventeen military personnel dead and shocked the Indian government into reassessing its strategy in response to such attacks. On September 29, 2016, India launched a “surgical strike” against terrorist bases in Pakistan. Although there has been speculation that India conducted similar strikes before that, it was the first time Delhi indicated publicly that it was ready to launch major retaliatory attacks against targets in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

In the latest incident, in February 2018, Jaish terrorists attacked an Indian military camp in Jammu; five army personnel and four militants were killed. In retaliation, the Indian army destroyed a Pakistani army post with the help of rocket launchers, killing, according to Indian sources, twenty-two Pakistani personnel. This tit-for-tat exchange is reaching dangerous proportions.

The Pakistani military tends to downplay Indian incursions and retaliatory attacks, while bigging up their own, and true to form they refused to recognize the seriousness of the escalating cross border violence, mainly because it does not want to appear weak in the eyes of the Pakistani public which has a culture of honour and revenge, and is likely to clamor for retribution. However, as more and more Pakistanis get internet access the military cannot continue to downplay Indian attacks, or increasing fatalities. There is the danger that at some point, either by miscalculation or by design, an Indian surgical strike in Pakistani territory will push the Pakistani military to retaliate in force.

Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time?

The airstrikes by a US led coalition that killed many Syrian soldiers fighting for the legitimate government of Bashar al Assad against the terrorist forces of ISIS has raised the level of hostile rhetoric between the USA / NATO coalition and the Russia / China / Iran alliance. The likelihood of war seemed to have receded through the summer, after it seemed possible early this year, that one stray shell or bullet could spread the war beyond the middle east.

Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British Defence Secretary Lies

After an amazing outburst from the delusional Brack Obama left the United Nations General Assembly in stunned silence because Obama has accused Russia and China of all the recent breaches of international law of which the USA is demonstably guilty, the propaganda departments of western governments seem to have totally lost their grip on reality.

India’s Cashless Society set to fail but slide to fascism goes on

On 17th July 2017, India will elect a new President through a vote of the elected representatives. The contenders are Ram Nath Kovind and Meira Kumar. Few people outside his own family know who Kovind is and voters are only vaguely aware of Ms. Kumar. India will get a complete nobody as its next President. …

Have US tactics only helped to make ISIS more powerful?

We have questioned the US led efforts to defeat ISIS in the middle east many times, pointing out that every time the western alliance steps up opposition to the establishment of a news Islamic Caliphate, Islamic State seem to get stronger. 'Conspiracy Theorists', our critics yell. So let's look at opinion from around the world that concurs with ours.

The Business of War: Defence Sales Keep Economies Of Manufacturing Nations Afloat

Orwell knew a thing or two about human nature (Image source) Tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced due to ‘humanitarian’ interventions by the developed nations (led by the USA, France and the UKm the FUKUS axis) in the domestic politics of third world nation. Usually these interventions are justified by citing the …

Is USA Preparing For Nuclear War With Russia?
That headline might look like sensationalist click bait to you, but the nuclear scientists who contribute to Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists appear to think it is an accurate reflection of the US Government’s current strategic thinking. The august journal that serves as the newsletter for members of their profession carries some very worrying news …

EU and US talk of war with Russia

The European People’s Party (EPP) the largest political group in the European Parliament, nominated Luxemourgeois nonentity and alcoholic (allegely) Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission. The party has the support of some of Europe’s most powerful leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Made up largely of centre Social Democrat parties and centre right Christian Democrats they command an automatic majority in any vote taken by the European Parliament and are unerringly federalist, globalist and anything but democratic.

And they are unerringly supportive of America's efforts to start a war with Russia.

“The time of talk and persuasion with Russia is over," MEP and Vice-President of the European People’s Party (EPP) Jacek Saryusz-Wolski told a meeting of the European Parliament on Tuesday, 21 April, “Now it’s time for a tough policy, a realistic policy, and concentration on defence and security, because the eastern flank of the EU feels vitally, existentially threatened.”
Read More:
EU and US talk of war with Russia

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