The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Top Cop Slams Politicised ‘Hate Crime’ Obsession, Demands Focus on Real Crime

Most British people agree police have lost control of the streets because of politically correct government policies

One of the UK’s highest ranking police officers has attacked the government's policy of prioritising “hate crimes,” over serious crimes such as theft, vandalism, violence and fraud, calling for officers to be reassigned to investigate more burglaries and violent attacks by focusing on “core policing.”

National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Chair Sara Thornton CBE also said she did not want to see “misogyny” and offensive comments about women specified in law as hate crimes. One can only hope she feels the same about truthful criticisms of Islam, which glorifies misogyny, violence and rape.

Thornton suggested political pressure is being put on police to record “hate incidents” that do not qualify as crimes when resources are stretched, many traditional crimes against people or property are not being investigated and violent crimes has risen to record levels.

She said “investigating gender-based hate crime… cannot be a priority for a service that is overstretched” and that “core policing” has not “received enough attention in recent years.”

The outburst was on the same day as the government revealed plans to encourage reporting of even more trivial incidents as hate crime by launching a “new nationwide hate crime campaign aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of what constitutes a hate crime.”

This blog will tell them what constitutes hate crime. Nothing, that's what. If some straight guy kicks the crap out of a homosexual because he's homosexual, is it worse than if a thug kicks the crap out of a man who might or might not be homosexual, for the purpose of stealing his wallet and watch? Both are terrible crimes for which the perp should be punished equally severely.

However, beating someone up should not be put on a par with saying homosexuals should be pushed back in the closet because they are perverts. That is mildly offensive but can only hurt someone's feelings. And in the great scheme of things, an individual's feelings are no more significant than a gnat's fart in a hurricane.

Speaking at the NPCC nation annual conference, Ms Thornton said: “We do really need to refocus on core policing. The public expects an effective response to organised crime, to terrorism, to the focus on the vunerable.

“But, they also expect the basics: responding to emergencies, investigating and solving crimes, and neighbourhood policing. It is this core policing that is seriously stretched – This is surely part of the police covenant with the public. We are, however, asked to provide more and more bespoke services that are all desirable. But the simple fact is, there are too many desirable and deserving issues.

“For example, treating misogyny as a ‘hate crime’ is a concern for some well-organised campaigning organisations."

Some police forces already began treating “misogyny” and making offensive comments to women as hate incidents back in 2016 and London’s Metropolitan force revealed last year they are considering following suit. In violation of every long establishedd principle of British justice, “no evidence” is needed to report a hate incident. An accusation by a member of one of the anointed minorities is sufficient to establish guilt.

Ms Thornton appeared to suggest that certain “well organised” political activist groups and some officers with personal agendas (members of the Gay BLT police association?) wanted “non-crime” incidents recorded for political reasons and to pressure the government.

It has frequently been reported that some UK police forces are urging people to report “non-crime hate incidents” and “offensive” online comments to “re-emphasises the need” for officers to “tackle hate.” And they thick plods wonder why they have lost the trust of the public. Still that's what happens when you make a vocation into a degree entry profession - you end up only being able to recruit university brainwashed idiots.

Male Privilege Is A Myth (video)

The pushback against politically correct thinking, identity politcs and the hatred from feminists for all things male is probably overdue but it is coming. After the #MeToo campaign tried to return our view of justice to the equivalent of a medieval witch hunt by making accusation of a man by a woman sufficient evidence on which to convict, while the racists of black Lives Matter tried to bully lawmakers into accepting that requiring black and brown people to obey the law is racist, the populist movements in the USA and Europe. which have put Trump in The White House, taken Britain out of the EU and put anti -establishment governments in power in Poland and Italy continue to gain strength.

Dishonesty Of Mainstream Media Revealed

Since Donald Trump, frontrunner in the race to be nominated Rebpublican candidate in the 2016 US Presidental election made some unpolitically-correct comments about stropping followers of Islam entering the USA until a way can be found of identifying the ones who have been radicalised and trained to perpetrate acts of terrorism in the USA, they media have been getting their knickers in a right old twist.

White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White

Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.

Ugly Marxist Lesbians Demand Right To Menstruate In Public

The story of the militant femists munter who ran a marathon on the first day of her 'monthlies' without using a tampon or sanitary towel (they're a sexist symbol or the oppressive patriarchy donchakow) is not new. The London Marathon was run back in April and the story of Kiran Gandhi's brave stance against male oppression (along with pitures of the dark stain speading across the croth of her leggings) was ignored by mainsteam and alternative media alike.

Social Science Degrees Make Great Leaders? More Junk Science.

We've had junk science on climate change, genetically modified seeds, many types of medicines and social engineering. The junkiest of junk science however is always commissioned by public service organisations and is aimed at convincing the public that our public servants are doing a good job. Fortunately the public are not as gullible as our leaders suppose.

Adolescent Girl Raped By 60 Men In Asian Grooming Gang

A trial jury atThe Old Bailey, London, heard yesterday the harrowing ddetails of how two schoolgirls were groomed and raped by an paedophile gang based in Aylesbury, Bucks, while aged just 12 and 13. Eleven gang members, accused of carrying out the crimes between 2006 and 2012 face 49 criminal charges between them including statutory rape, child prostitution and creating child pornography, The Daily Mirror reports.

Poldark female star: Obsession with topless Aidan Turner is 'sexist and undermines the show'

The latest outburst has come in response to a few tabloid stories of actor Aidan Turner's 'topless' appearances in the BBC television series Poldark. The screeching sisters can't really complain about male chauvinism as it is women who are lusting for Ross Poldark. So the ladies (?) are upset because they can't go topless too.

More Swedish PC Madness. Art treasures declared pornographic and offensive to women and Muslims

Crazy California has for many years held the title of global capital of politically correct isanity, but recently Sweden, always a contender, has shown signs of taking the title. The latest example of PC fuckwittery from Sweden's politically correct in their efforts to sacrifice western civilisation to feminist self righteousness and Muslim extremism left suggests they might be ready to assume the title, craziest place on earth.

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Sweden's Ministry of Truth to ‘Gender-Adjust' History Books

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.

As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

">Mothers banned from breastfeeding at breastfeeding conference

‘Mothers invited to a Scottish Government-backed breastfeeding conference were left angry and bemused after being told that they would not be allowed to breastfeed their babies.

Labour's Cockfish Reveals How Mainfesto Will Piss You Off.

All three main parties in the UK General Election are campaigning from a Politically Correct Consensus (i.e. Control Freak) platform. But whenm it comes to politically correct control freakery, Labour will always outdo the others. The main early thut of their campaign is a promise to criminalise sugary snacks and breakfast cereals, fatty foods and some fizzy drinks. And they're serious, they have handed the job of selling this idiocy to The Cockfish of British politics.

Oxford University Bans All Things Pig Related In Support Of Free Speech

When does being reasonable and open minded become cowardice? When academics who pride themselves on intellectual detachment cave in to threats from extremists and try to pass off their pitiful weakness by pretending they are showing sensitivity to the feelings of minorities. Don't send you little geniuses to Oxfor, they may and up with a PhD in spinlessness.

Liberal Says We Shouldn’t Prosecute Sexual Predators… if They are Black.

There are plenty of examples of the depths of stupidity to which 'liberals' or supporters of 'the progressive left' will stooop in order to curry favout from members of the darker skinned races, but few are as staggeringly idiot as this one.

The Feminist Witch Hunt That aims To Destroy Ched Evans

British Democracy In Terminal Decline - Voting Is Redundant And Civil Liberties Are So Last Year

When did democracy go out of fashion. I don't remember voting on whether we wanted to give up our civil liberties or be ruled by a dictatorship of unelected bureaucrats from Brussels, but that is where we are heading, along with the other free nations of Europe. And the USA, so-called land of the free is further along the road to fascism than Europe.

South Yorkshire Police Commissioner Shaun Wright Finally Resigns Over Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal

The man who bears most responsibility for failure to investigate the Rotherham child abuse scandal has finally resigned after three weeks of excuses and evasions. Police Commissioner Wright has been under pressure ever since a report by Prof Alexis Jay (see below) revealed a huge level of child abuse in the South Yourkshire town of Rotherham. The organised sex crime rings had been operating for ...

Rotherham child sex abuse scandal: More victims identifies, more cover ups exposed.

What immigration has been to the Conservative so the Child Sex Cover Up scandal is proving to be for Labour as the party gets set to tear itself apart. With similar scandals due to be exposed in Rochdale, Bradfor, Oxford and other big towns, the Rotherham case is gathering momentum. So indirectly it looks as if immigration and fear of being called racist will be the downfall of both major parties.

Tony Benn's inheritance tax dodge - another leftie hyocrite exposed

Remember the patron saint of loony lefties, Saint Anthony of Wedgewood - Benn, previously known as Viscount Stansgate? Agreeable sort of bloke, pip smokers, great speaker, utterly daft opinions as one would expect from an aristocrat who is so deluded he thinks he understands the working class?

Rotherham - Bad New For The Nation But It Gets Better And Better For The Kippers

All week I have been seeing blogs and comments written by lefties proclaiming idiotically that Douglas Carswell's defection to UKIP was the beginning of the end, that the UKIP bubble had burst and so on. Pretty much what they were saying in the days after UKIP had trounced the mainstream parties in the European Parliament elections.

Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’

In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.

Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football

As another football versus politiocally correct authoritarianist brings 'the beautiful game' even further into disrepute, we wonder is it time to kick politically correct authoritarianism out of sport.

The Hate And Prejudice The Bourgeois Left Find Acceptable

The neo - fascist left are quick to jump on any of the forbidden pejudices, racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia and so on. But as we have seen, they find pejudice and hated againt Christians and white Europeans quite acceptable. The bourgeois metropitan set might think that is acceptable but where I come from it's called hypocrisy.

Scots Wha Hae When Wallace Bled - A Boggart's view of Scottish Independence.

The Scottish Independence debate has failed so far to fire passions north of the border. Most Scots seem to be seeking evidence that Scotland will be no worse off as an independent nation, or is and will continue to be better off as part of the UK. Nobody in either London or Edinburgh is able to give a straight answer however. Her's our contribution ...

Pandemonium: UKIP Taken Over By Fiends From Hell?

UKIP are at risk of being engulfed in another "ism" scandal as Jake Baynes, prospective parliamentary candidate for Wells has resigned his candiacy and party offices, claiming the constituency party has been taken over by "Occultists"

Sunday, October 28, 2018

EU Parliament Passes Resolution On Ban Of ‘Neo-Fascist’ Groups, Lists Identitarian Movement

Image source: Christof Stache, AFP

The most undemocratic democratically elected body in the world, The European Union Parliament this week passed a resolution demanding that member-states ban ‘neo-fascist’ parties and groups and have intelligence agencies fully co-operate with ‘anti-racism’ NGOs. Ironically the 'anti - racism NGOs they mention are all offshots of globalist, anti - democracy organisations such as Open Society Institute and the Immigrant Defence Project.

The motion, which was introduced at the request of Italian MEP Eleonora Forenza, was passed by a vote of 355 MEPs. Many MEPs were not present in the 751-seat chamber for the vote.

The resolution cited several high-profile acts of violence including the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox in 2016, the murder rampage of Norwegian extremist Anders Brevik, along with other cases like the recent arrest this year of members of the Action des Forces Opérationnelles (AFO), who allegedly plotted to attack Muslims they deemed extremists. NOTE: MEPs, like the 'anti-racist NGOs' they voted to support do not seem in the least concerned about attacks on European Jews, Christians and secular citizens, or hate speech inciting such violence, by Muslims.

While most of the incidents listed in the report were acts of violence, the authors also added the French branch of the Identitarian movement Generation Identitaire, as members had been taken to court and convicted of ‘hate speech’, apparently for the heinous crime of arguing that the french government should protect French culture and values rather than pandering to Muslim extremists .

The EP not only the banning of groups like the far-right Italian group Casapound whose members attacked Ms Forenza in September but also recommended anti-hate crime units be set up in police forces across the EU, and that intelligence and law enforcement agencies should fully co-operate with anti-racism NGOs. We should remember that it is almost impossible to legally define what constitutes 'hate speech' when Muslim and leftist groups regularly call for violence to be used to suppress criticism of their ideals, and yet do not apply the same standards to their own supporters and fellow travellers.

The motion also calls for “the protection of community groups and civil society organisations that fight against fascism, racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.” Again we run up against the issue of hard legal definitions, fascism has no legal definition and is usually taken to mean hard line authoritarianism, but more recently has been used to mean any criticism of left wing ideology or Muslim theology.

In fact the only organisation in Europe of any significance that could be described as fascist is the European Union.

British independent MEP Janice Atkinson, vice-president of the populist Europe for Nations and Freedom (ENF) parliamentary group, who commented that the motion was “a very disturbing example of the growing tendency of shutting down free speech under the guise of claiming that the European Parliament is concerned about the growing acceptance of fascism, racism, and xenophobia.”


British MEP Reveals Undemocratic EU Stitch Up Of Top Jobs
Brexit Party MEP Alexandra Phillips angrily blew the whistle on the undemocratic election process for choosing the European Parliament’s highly influential Committee chairs. The Newly elected MEP claimed the Federalist bloc had organised a “stitch-up behind closed doors”. Phillips said she was “astonished” by the method the European Parliament uses to elect chairs of its committees.

Lord’ Sugar Sugar called ‘racist’ for Senegal World Cup team tweet (but it was funny)
Alan Sugar (one of Blair's dodgy 'lords' and front man of the UK version of ‘The Apprentice’ TV show, has come in for a shitstorm of criticism online after tweeting a typical market traders gag about the Senegal World Cup team. Sugar posted a photoshopped image of the Senegal players standing over a row fake designer sunglasses and handbags and gave it the caption “I recognise some of these guys ...”

White Privilege Now Inculdes The Privilege Of Being Fired For being White

Its should be obvious by now that the politically correct left, insaniac sociopaths that they are, have only one emotion at their disposal; hate. Bizarrely the hatered of these predominantly white, middle class people, while of themselves, is mostly racist in nature but directed at members of their own race.

The Race To Social Breakdown - Greenteeth & Daily Stirrer posts on race and racism issues
People to the left of the political spectrum would have us believe that raceism and racist issues are the most important problems we have to deal with, ahead of, for example, economic meltdown, the population explosion and disease epidemics. They would also have us believe all 'white people' are racist while all dark skinned people are saints. But how much of the left's case is Virtue Signalling and how much is part of a black supremacist agenda?

Ten Truths You Can’t Tell In Britain Without Being Accused Of Racism.

by Arthur Foxake The screenshot below is from an article written by Trevor Phillips, former head of the Equalities and Human Rights commission for The Daily Mail (or Mail On Sunday) Trevor Philips home truths on racism. Image source Finally, we?re having that open and honest debate about immigration and race everyone has been calling … Continue reading

White Girl Is Burned Alive, 17 Black Gang Members Arrested. Mainstream Media Blanks The Story
Remember how the Social Justice Warriors of the politically correct 'left' screamed when a young black man named Trayvon Martin was shot by Hispanic George Zimmerman, because it was assumed someone named Zimmerman would be white? Remember how they wailed and stirred up civil unrest when a black man was shot by white cops in Ferguson, Missouri, automatically assuming the the killing was racially motivated. more >>>

Politician Blasts Conviction For Speaking The Truth On Anti-Semitism In Europe

A Danish politician has been reprimanded for posting comments on Twitter about the resurgence of anti semitism in Europe. Apparently while hand wringing and breast beating about violent attacks on Jewish people is fine, stating the obvious by linking the Europe migrant crisis to this new wave of anti Semitism is a criminal offence ...

15 More Men of South Asian Descent Charged With Child Sex Offences

West Yorkshire Police have charged 14 men and a 16-year-old boy with sex offences including the rape of a girl under the age of 16 in Keighley, a small town in the old Woollen Industry distict of the county. The offences centre on one female victim, with one allegation involving a second who was also under 16 at the time.

Racist Student Union Officer says 'I Can't be Racist'

We have often made points about the hypocroisy of the left, but a Student Union diversity officer from London beats all comers. Having tweeted 'kill all white men' she justifies herself by saying that as an ethnic minority woman she cannot be racist or bigoted.

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity That's Enriching Your Life
Visit some parts of most British cities with large immigrant populations and you will be hard pressed to recognize it, certainly my granparents would struggle to recognize the towns they knew. Appeasement of foreigners has destroyed the character of our communities but as usual the political left advise solving the problem by doing over again the things that caused it.

US Soldiers Forced To Sit Through P C 'White Privilege Presentation. Not Happy Bunnies
The U.S. Army is investigating an unauthorized diversity training presentation on “white privilege” shown to hundreds of Georgia soldiers, USA Today reported, citing an Army spokeswoman. The Equal Opportunity training presentation was shown to about 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon on Thursday, according to Captain Lindsay Roman.

If a black person acts like a twat is it racist to say he's a twat.

Examples of US rapper Kayne West behaving in ways that show what a cupid stunt he is occur to frequently for mainstream media to report them any more it seems. Or maybe it's just that because Kayne is an African American those mainstream journos were afraid of being called racist if they report his latest fuckwittery.

The British Jihad, Islamism And The Curse Of Multiculturalism.

As the world recoils in horror at images posted on the internet of an American journalist being cruelly and brutally beheaded by an (allegedly) British terrorist fighting for the extremists of the Islamic State in northern Iraq, we ask is the left wing folly of multiculturalism coming home to roost.

Shock; horror. Human Barbie Doll has her own opinions

The human Barbie girl Valeria Lukyanova has become something of an online phenomenon and is regarded as a sex symbol by many young men of the kind who have more computers than friends. Personally I find her apearance bizarre and about as sexually alluring as cold porridge. Still each to there own, where would we be without diversity of opinion.

Immigration - the elephant in the political debating chamber

‘White Racism’
For too long the neo – Fascist left have been allowed to get away with dividing all of humanity into two racial groups, black and white. This has allowed those extremists who support the idea of an authoritarian, global government to dub white people generally as racist, because we have (again generally)been more successful throughout … Continue reading


Friday, October 26, 2018

Judicial Watch: Robert Mueller is Being PROTECTED by Rod Rosenstein over Trump/Russia Probe

The Mueller probe into President Trump's alleged collaboration with Russian government agencies, (which Democrats claim enabled his to steal the election from Hillary Clinton,) has now been running for two years and has so far failed to produce a single piece of evidence supporting the case against Trump.

All sorts of rumours are circulating in Washington, from the wishful thinking od Trump haters who believe Mueller will produce a bombshell piece of evidence and move to impeach Trump before the mid term elections (now only 6 days away,) across the pond to Republican hopes that Trump will fire Mueller and wind up the inquiry in the same timescale.

A player named Rod Rosenstein, an inhabitant of the swamp Trump pleadged to drain as now emerged as a key figure, but nobody seems to know which side he is playing for.

Judicial Watch offer perhaps the most intelligent view of the farrago in this video:

One has to remember that Rod Rosenstein was chosen for his job by President Trump. Therefore it’s not surprising that Trump invited Rod to his Air Force One, which Rod accepted. Inside that presidential jet is a very secure environment against any wiretapping. Maybe they were discussing some sensitive issues. ... such as the flimsy evidence that the special counsel Mueller has produced through all his efforts, for example by making a deal with former national security advisor Flynn.

Did we say Trump was supposed to be ... um ... draining the swamp?

America’s Liberal Left Enforcing The Fascist Ideals They Preach Staunchly Against?
Last week,White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was kicked out of a Red Hen restaurant in Virginia because the owner, a pussy hat wearing liberal feminist, did not want to serve anyone who worked for the Trump administration. In a separate incident Protesters swarmed around Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s home on Friday. Florida’s Attorney General was confronted and heckled at a showing … Continue reading 

Weinstein scandal: What it tells us about celebs, American politics & Hollywood
The Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal which has rocked the Hollywood establishment and shocked America to its core, according to mainstream media should not have surprised anyone (if fact much of the shock and horror being expressed is typical Hollywood liberal hypocrisy.) And now the story has broken, it seems that as well as a … Continue reading  

Google Vs. Trump: “The Good Censor” On Collision Course With The Patriot President

Authored by ‘Washington Watcher’ via, The leaked internal Google briefing “The Good Censor” [PDF] has received suspiciously little attention from the Main Stream Media, but it represents the crassest statement yet of the Tech oligopolies’ intention to impose Silicon Valley Political Correctness on the U.S. As American Thinker Editor Thomas Lifson puts it: “I congratulate for the … Continue reading  

Top FBI Attorney Provided ‘Explosive’ Testimony Regarding Trump-Russia Probe

On a day that saw the latest nonsensical claims from the UK government about Russian government culpability for the Skripal assassination attempt back in March, we came across a story which shows how the other great “It’s The Russians fabricated narrative is falling apart. While NATO governments were getting their knickers in a right old … Continue reading

How US Department Of Homeland Security Created Fake News On Russia Hacking US Election
The narrative of Russian intelligence interfering with the outcome of U.S. elections has achieved near-universal acceptance among media and political organisations. But the real story behind that narrative reveals that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created an account of events that was designed to spread false information and cause fear and panic.

The Deep State Is Real..& They Don’t Like Trump’s Disruption
In his new book titled “The Deep State: How an army of bureaucrats protected Barack Obama and is working to destroy Donald Trump,” Jason Chaffetz alleges that the deep state is very real. His book, which is set to be published on September 18, details the lengths the intelligence community is going to in an attempt to undermine Trump.

“Hopelessly Compromised”: Judiciary Member Calls For Mueller’s Resignation Over Uranium One Scandal
Earlier this morning (November 4) House Judiciary Committee representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) submitted a resolution calling for Robert Mueller to resign as special counsel overseeing the FBI investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government saying that the former FBI director is “hopelessly compromised” as a result of his failed oversight of the controversial Uranium One transaction …
It’s the breaking news we all knew about over a year ago, the Democratic Party Primaries were as bent as a fisherman’s hook. This blog and most other unaligned news websites in New Media reported last year, supplying irrefutable proof it must be said, that the Democratic Party pirmaries which secured the nomination for Hillary Clinton were rigged.

Soros: The European Union Is Now In An “Existential Crisis” And Trump’s America Is A “Hostile Power”
June 1, 2017:

Speaking about the state of the European project in the wake of Brexit and the continuing advance of nationalism in EU member states, billionaire glabalist George Soros warned the European Union has plunged into an existential crisis as a result of “dysfunctional” institutions and undemocratic decisions imposed on members, and will require the bloc to …

“Watershed Moment” In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay … Continue reading

You’ll be surprised to learn everybody in America does not hate Trump
Read most UK mainstream newspapers or listen to BBC, Sky or ITN television news and you could easily go away with the impression that everybody in America hates Donald Trump. A moment’s thought would inform you that is nothing more than propaganda from the fake news industry of course, only three months ago Trump was … Continue reading

Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time? The airstrikes by a US led coalition that killed many Syrian soldiers fighting for the legitimate government of Bashar al Assad against the terrorist forces of ISIS has raised the level of hostile rhetoric between the USA / NATO coalition and the Russia / China / Iran alliance. The likelihood of war seemed to have receded through the summer, after it seemed possible early this year, that one stray shell or bullet could spread the war beyond the middle east.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Science Wins – Trump Administration Proposes Transgender Policy Based On Biology

The Trump administration has committed the unforgivable sin of being sensible. In a move guaranteed to trigger thousands of lefties and send snowflakes into meltdown, The White House has proposed the idea of recognizing “sex” as “biological sex” for purposes of Title IX, according to a draft memo leaked to the New York Times.

This seemingly innocuous proposal has sparked a firestorm with hate speech spewing from the mouths and through the fingers of university brainwashed idiots and their even more idiotic professors and lecturers as they leap to the decence of terminally confused individuals who believe people with testicles can be women and people with ovaries can be men.

First, a brief background.

Title IX prohibits discrimination “on the basis of sex” in federally funded programs. It was passed in 1972 as part of the Education Amendments Act to ensure that women have access to educational programs equivalent to men’s programs.

In 2016, in a blatant act of executive overreach, the Obama administration issued a guidance letter reinterpreting “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity. The letter required schools to “‘treat a student’s gender identity as the student’s sex for purposes of Title IX.” This drastic reinterpretation was done without an act of Congress or even the normal rule-making process for regulations. In other words the president who told Americans they must believe ‘the science’ on climate change, even though its conclusions are very dubious, was telling them in matters of biology they must inore thousands of years of scientific evidence and follow the diktat ofchicks-with dicks (like his ‘wife’?) or men who think having their dicks lopped off makes them women.

So ‘the science is settled’ on carbon dioxide, but not on what defines us as men and women. Well if certain rumours about Obama are true, there might be room for doubt in his case, but obviously Donald Trump has a better grasp of science.

Obama’s blurring of the lines that separate men from women spurred a frenzy of disputes over trans-sanity students claiming access to spaces restricted to the opposite sex—bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, dormitories, sports teams, and so on.

Then, in 2017, the Trump administration rescinded the Obama guidelines. But it left unclear just what the law does require. Hence the administration’s current effort to provide a clear, uniform definition of the term “sex.”

The memo suggests that “the sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.” In this way, sex will be determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.”

Who could object to science and objectivity? Lots of people, apparently, and most of them are among the demographic that claims to ‘believe’ in science and reason (the trouble with reason, I always find, is that it’s so irrational. The New York Times reported the story with the overheated headline “Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence.”
The New York Times reported the story with the overheated headline “Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence.”
Actually, no. The administration is merely saying that Title IX does not apply to trans people. No one is being defined “out of existence.” There are lots of laws that do not apply to you or me, and that fact does not deny our existence.

Jonathan Weisman, deputy Washington editor of The NYTlikewise indulged in histrionic overstatement, tweeting, “The Trump Admin has a new definition of sex that would render 1.4 million transgendered people legally nonexistent.”
Not exactly. The administration is saying that discrimination “on the basis of sex” means biological sex, not gender identity. Trans people still enjoy all the ordinary protections of other citizens, including the Bill of Rights and all other constitutional rights.
George Takei, the “Star Trek” actor, tweeted, “The Trump administration is trying to make trans people disappear by defining gender as only male and female, determined by genitalia at birth.”

Come back to earth, Mr. Takei. The administration is not trying to make people “disappear.” The fact is that Title IX was originally intended to apply to biological sex — which, by the way, is established not at birth but long before birth. Most parents use ultrasound to discover their babies’ sex before they are born.

Planned Parenthood panicked, tweeting, “This is horrifying. These inhumane, cruel, and discriminatory policies are dangerous.” (Ironic, considering that words like “inhumane” and “cruel” describe what Planned Parenthood itself does — tearing apart tiny babies.)

If we ignore the dramatics and the hissy fits of the Gay BLT lobby, the current administration is seeking to correct the Obama administration’s overreach. The lawmakers who passed Title IX in 1972 did not mean sexual orientation and gender identity. They wanted to protect women’s rights. Period. Including women’s rights to have periods withouty being sneered at by leering men. Privacy.
Ironically, Obama’s reinterpretation had precisely the opposite outcome. It undercut women’s rights by reducing biological sex to a social construct.

Trans ideologues claim what counts are not objective facts based on irefutable scientific evidence but subjective feelings although,  scientific evidence shows that in the great scheme of things an individual’s feelings are no more significant than a gnat’s fart in a hurricane. They insist that people with penises and prostate glands are “women” if they feel like women. Or that people with uteruses are “men” if they feel like men.

 That’s why we see misleading headlines like “Man Gives Birth to Healthy Baby” (in reality, a woman living as a man (with a facsimile willie) whose ovaries and womb is still intact). We should perhaps tell such people to go and fuck themselves. Watching the outcome could be hysterically funny.

If we can no longer define women by objective, scientific criteria, then we can no longer legally protect women as a class, which renders feminism redundant (this blog has always said feminism is a synonym of stupid,) and throws into chaos most of the equality laws passed in the lest few decades. We cannot legally protect a category of people if we cannot identify that category.

This was proved in a recent case with came to court in England, of a ‘transgender’ man who by claiming that on the basis of his feeling he is a woman was sent to a women’s prison, where he was soon arrested on several charges of rape and sexual molestation. He may have ‘felt’ like a woman but he looked like a man (an ugly man at that, and he raped like a man by forcing himself on his victims and penetrating them.
An individual’s feelings are important, but the law must apply to all equally, and therefore it must be based on scientific facts, not the half arsed whims of politically correct idiots..


13-year-old fights school policy allowing ‘trans girls’ into girls’ changing room
February 7, 2020 (Paul Smeaton, LifeSiteNews) – A 13-year-old UK girl is taking her local council to court after it issued guidance that would allow boys who identify as “transgender girls” to access girls’ bathrooms, changing rooms, and dormitory rooms on student trips.

The guidance was issued last year as part of the Oxfordshire County Council’s “Trans Inclusion Toolkit for School 2019” project.

Gay Rights Lobby Calls for Ban on LGBT Therapy After Finding Hundreds of Health Workers Believe in a Cure
The Daily Stirrer has noted many times that sheeple on the left of the political spectrum get very confused on finding not everybody agrees with their world view. but rather than accept they are bigots they turn on those who dissent. No surprise then that gay activist working in the NHS are turning on African, middle eastern and east Europan colleagues who believe homosexuality is a sin.

Bakery Sued For Refusing to Produce Pro-Gay Marriage Cake

A Belfast bakery has been threatened with legal action after its owners refused to accept an order for a cake with the words “support gay marriage” on it. Ashers Baking Company staff at first accepted the order but it was later reviewed by the owners who deemed the cake against their Christian beliefs.
Nonconformity and Freethinking Now Considered Mental Illnesses
We’ve been here before of course, shrinks and head quacks are now trying to say everything you do can be interpreted as a sign of mental illness. Its starange but the sickets, most dysfunctional people I’ve met have been psychatrists and psychologists – perhaps they want to make the rest of us as crazy as they are
How the gay-marriage campaign has unleashed a bureaucratic assault on people’s identities
Do gooders, progressives and bleeding hearts hurl hatred at those who question gay mariage. But these politically correct fools have as usual wallowed in their own self righteousness too long without thinking of the social consequences of this law which will devalue mainstream society to set up the gay community as a precious little elite
Homosexuality: As a liberal society we have a duty to tolderate, not celebrate
Even though the government has accepted a very limited definition of same sex marriage the gay lobby keeps raving on about the greates non issue of all time. But in a free society should we be subjected to bullying if we do not show enough enthusiasm for homosexual and lesbian relationships? When did indifference become a hate crime?
Gay and same sex marriage: The Bigotry And Intolerance Of Those Who Describe Themselves As The Liberal Left
With same sex marriage made legal in Britain we face the same kind of witch hunts against businesses that do not want to deal with beareded queens in bridal gowns as the liberal bigots and gay nazis are launching in the USA. As many of us new media common sense merchants predicted, once the principle was accepted in law, nobody would be allowed to opt out of supporting these bullies.
Primary School Teacher Forced Out For Teaching It’s OK To Be Gay
The thought police are well and truly embedded in the education system, the legal system, government and public services, everywhere you look in fact. Their dovtrines of multiculturalism and diversity and they sacred cows of human rights ad equality are suppressing freedom of speech and thought. But what do the politically correct thought police do when two of their sacred cows come into conflict …
Overeducated Elitist Snobs Go For World DominationWe have written many times with tongues in our cheeks of The New World Order but what are we talking about. Is it a conspiracy theory like The Illuminati, are there shape shifting lizards involved. We wish, but sadly it is just a concensus political movement that blurs the lines betwen old parties but hardens those betwee the political, academic and financial elite and the lowrer orders. Find out how it operates below …

These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech
When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.

Identities On ParadeEvery day we hear stories of the idiocies perpetrated by the Politically Correct Thought Police who in their zeal for being fair to ethnic, gender and sexual minorities only succeed in being unfair to everybody. This story of a Britisht army military tribunral and a case of discrimination against a woman soldier it is hearing reaches unprecedented levels of stupidity even for the Politically Correct idiots.

The Equalities BillThe Equalities Bill, passed by the previous Labour government before they were ejected from power becomes law today. This farrago is typical of the imbecilic mindset of the self righteous hypocrites who style themselves the progressive left. Presented as a law in support of equality in the workplace , in this era of pandemic joblessness and perpetual financial crisis it is nothing but an attack on the businesses that provide the real, wealth producing, revenue generating jobs in the private sector.

Is Criticising Black Gang Culture Racist

In Britain and America the left are always ready with the knee jerk reaction, crying raceism whjenever there is an opportunity. But do the facts justify the hysteria or is there more racism among poor black communities than mainstream society?
Broken SocietiesAn appraisal of Coming Apart: The State of White America 1960-2010 by Charles Murray. inequality is a very hot topic, Murray is one of the few people looking at it from a conservative point of view, which is strange when one looks at what is most likely causing this divide. Policically nations have never ben more polarised with conservatives and liberals both convinced the other is evil, while the gap between rich and poor widens, the middle class disintegrates and the working class becomes a state dependent underclass.
Liberal BigotsProgressive liberals, or the progressive left, or Trotskyites as the politically correct core of the Labour, Geen and Lib Dem parties would call themselves are quick to accuse their critics of being intolerant bigots. But take a closer look at the state of politics in Britain and you see it is not conservative, old Labour or classical liberals who are bigots but the neo facsists who want to impose their warped views on us by law. …

Equal Rights Campaigners Not Christians Are Imposing Their Belief On OthersWhen head of the Euality and Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips speaks we should termble. This nasty little race hustler is the de facto head of the thought police and sees his job as to stamp on racism, sexism, homophobia and anything else he and his cronies decide they are not going to tolerate. It is all in the name of tolerance of course, or divesity as Phillips would say. But how does telling people what they can and cannot think promote diversity?
Gay Marriage Row Set To Erupt AgainLed by that evil little crypto – Nazi Peter Tachell they Gay lobby are turning up the whineometer to extra loud as they once again demand that gays be given the same right as the rest of us enjoy, the right to marry. You might think gays already have the right to marry, after alo Hello Magazine is full of pictures of trud burlsar and rug muncher coulpes getting hitched every week. Sadly civil ceremonies are not enough for some …
the hate and hypocrisy of the left
liberal nazis
the flight from freedom
Thumpa and The Tyranny Of Human Rights
Hypocrites and CHIMPS
Bitter Fruit

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Syria; U.S.Still Only Pretends To Fight ISIS

by Moon of Alabama
The U.S. occupation force and its Kurdish proxy SDF in northeastern Syria are supposed to fight the Islamic State in its last hold out northeast of Euphrates. But the operations against the handful of towns ISIS (grey) still holds - launched only after long and unexplained delays - shows little progress. Last week it received a serious setback.
Red = Syrian Arab Army; Yellow = U.S./SDF; Grey = ISIS

After several days of sandstorms (vid) hindered U.S. air support, ISIS counterattacked on October 11 against the U.S. led SDF. Suicide bombers blew up SDF checkpoints as ISIS broke through the lines. It retook several villages and on October 12 raided a refugee camp for local civilians that the U.S. coalition had set up near Al Bahrah (on the upper left of the map). Some 130 refugee families with about 700 persons were taken prisoners and brought to Hajin, a small city at the northern end of the ISIS held area.
Through local tribal elders ISIS requested to negotiate with the U.S. coalition about an exchange of prisoners. It also demanded medical and food supplies in exchange for 90 captured women it had isolated from their families. The request was rejected. ISIS now threatens to kill ten of the abductees per day unless its demands are fulfilled.
Read all - Moon of Alabama >>>

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lancashire Bans ‘Cruel' Halal Meat From Schools, But Some Councils ‘Kow-tow to Islam’ and Serve Halal

In the most encouraging example of British politicians putting British values first that we have seen for a considerable time, councillors in the north - western countym, Lancashire, voted to cease serving meat from animals that are not stunned before slaughter in schools today (Thursday 18 October). Although it signals a step in the right direction after a decade in which politiucally correct pressure groups have pushed officials towards favouring Islamic communities over Secular and Christian citizens around one in 10 UK councils are still supplying sharia law-compliant halal meat to schools produced in a way considered cruel by major animal rights groups.

We were reporting the early stages of that to the Islamification of school lunches ten years ago.

So-called “non-stun” meat (i.e. from animals killed in the primitive way prescribed in ancient holy books,) is widely thought to cause unnecessary suffering to animals, and there is no obligation on schools or councils to inform parents of children when it is served. While some vegetarians would argue that all methods of killing animals for meat are cruel and unacceptable, the majority of Europeans feel the practice of stunning the animal before it is killed does not cause unnecessary suffering.

According to new research by the National Secular Society (NSS), around 18 councils are supplying at least 140 schools with non-stunned meat – most of which are not Islamic faith schools but have large proportions of muslim students. Fortunately a push a few years ago to ban the use of non halal meat in school kitchens, led by hard left extremists, has been defeated by parent power. The loony lefties claimed that non halal could not be used in schools which had Muslim pupils as according to extreme interpretations of the Koran, the mere presence of non halal food in a kitchen rendered all food passing through that kitchen unclean.

News of the Lancashire County Council move signals the end of a long political battle in an area where most towns have significant proportions of Muslim pupils. That battle has included calls by Muslim groups for boycotts of schools which refused to go halal only. The council voted in favour of stopping supplied non-stun meat to schools Thursday afternoon, with 49 vote sin favour and 23 against. Perhaps the councillors have got the idea at lat w=that whites have rights too.

Lancashire Council boss Geoff Driver said of the vote: “Today’s decision to ban the provision of meat from animals that were not stunned before they were slaughtered is purely an animal welfare issue. There is no other motivation. The county council will now work with the Lancashire Council of Mosques to mitigate against any unwanted and unwarranted consequences of this decision.”

Despite the vote, Lancashire council will continue to provide unstunned poultry meat to schools for now, but will “Undertake further investigations with the Lancashire Council of Mosques into the stunning of poultry before slaughter.”

Christians Are Not Safe In Europe, European Parliament President Says

In a meeting on religious tensions in Europe today (3 December, 2015), European Parrliament (EP) President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians in Europe is under - reported and does not receive enough media attention, which has also meant that it "has not been properly addressed".

European Governments Hold "Secret" Meeting To Dismantle Borderless Travel
Since the spring of this year, when numbers of migrant flooding across the European Union's border illegaly began to rise exponentially we have predicted that the resultant crisis would bring about the end of the Schengen Agreement - under which 28 EU nations operate open internal borders, unravels in the face of the overwhelming flow of refugees fleeing the war-torn Mid-East

While Europe Is Still Reeling From The Paris Attacks Another Capital City Is Plunged Into Chaos

Following a warning last night of an "imminent" terror threat in Brussels security services raised the country's terror alert to the highest level, plunging Europe, still reeling from last weeks carnage in Paris and gripped by fear and panic due to the honest reporting (at last) that the EU's politically correct 'open doors' immigration policy has allowed extremists hostile to European culture and our way of life to infiltrate European societies ...

Council Of Europe Concerned At Rising Racism In Germay (but No Mention Of Violence And Sex Crimes Committed By Illegal Immigrants)

The European Union immigration crisis that is now affecting most of the EU's wealthy nations and some that are only just clawing their way out of poverty after independence from the Soviet Union or Yugoslavia, appears to be dividing societies more deeply and pushing many European societies towards civil conflict as the affluent, self indulgent elite, in their efforts to show how caring and politically correct they are, ...

Swedish Immigrant Street Wars Spread: Stockholm Grenade Attack Follows Kurd-Turk Migrant Clashes

Violence between migrant gangs of different ethnicities vying for territorial rights to run organised crime has become the norm in Malmo, southern Sweden. Now it appears that as a consequence of the Swedish loony left government’s insane policy of flooding the country with third world migrants without

German Authorities Claim Economic Migrants Are Saying They Are Syrian Refugees To Get Into The Country

The shock renewal by Germany of border controls was, it turns out, a consequence of Hausfrau Merkel's ill - advised decision to announce that all Syrians arriving in Germany would be welcomed, a stupid move, probably aimed at sucking up to the terrorist - loving Obama administration in the USA, that was doomed to end in disaster from the outset.

Opposition Party to Sue Austrian Government Over Complicity In People Trafficking
We have reported previously that in their eagerness to complete the genocide of Europe's white working classes, the political and business elites are prepared to make a mockery of their own laws. One way in which this has been done is by turning a blind eye to people trafficking so that the entry of illegal immigrants to Europe would not be slowed by national law. We can't claim credit for the action reported here, we have very few Austrian readers, but it's good to see oyhers are starting to think.

Fury as Macron ‘pits France against Europe’ to defend EU Immigration Policy

The Boy Macron looking increasingly isolated as the EU falls apart (Picture: Europe is struggling to tackle the mass immigration crisis, which was triggered by Brussels’ imposition of an open doors system what ordered member states to welcome all comers. common EU asylum policy. The authoritarian bureaucrats rammed the policy down the throats of … Continue reading 

Immigration To Spell The End Of Merkel’s Politically Correct Germany?

Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel facing potentially greater crisis today than she did when her efforts to form a ruling coalition repeatedly failed following an inconclusive election last September. A deep rift between Merkel’s CDU party which still clings to its ‘open borders’ immigration policy, and their traditional ally the CSU which favour strict immigration controls … Continue reading

Landmark Report Explodes The Myth Of Economic Benefits From Mass Immigration

That mass immigration boosts the economy of nations in which the highly skilled beggars and brush pushers are landing has long been presented as an established truth. It is the duty of every free thinkers in a democratic society to question established truths however. And when one Cambridge Profesor did question this established truth, guess … Continue reading

Mass Immigration Means Failing Hospitals, Schools And Overcrowded Cities

Mass immigration into Britain could lead to failing hospitals, overcrowded classrooms, water shortages and the need for hundreds of new cities, a new report warns. Metaphors involving bolting horses and stable doors spring to mind. This is of course exactly what Boggart Blog, UKIP bloggers and common sense merchants have been warning about for twenty … Continue reading 

The immigration story (omnibus post)

Death of democracy

Threat to free speech

How immigration impacts hospitals, schools and infrastructure

Immigration marginalises white working class

How the elite plan a global takeover

How Euopean bureaucratic dictators are planning to expand their Empire

Democracy will be sacrificed to European integration

Christianophobic’ Hate Crimes Treble in Five Years in Multicultural Paradise Sweden

Religious, racist, and xenophobic “hate crimes” are at their highest ever level in Sweden, with “Christianophobic” crimes seeing the fastest growth.A new report from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention reveals 2014 was a record year for so-called hate crime in Sweden. The Scandinavian 'multicultural paradise' experienced the highest level of hate crimes in recorded history.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The left’s identity politics falls apart ahead of US Midterm elections

As the US 2018 midterm elections loom ever larger on the horizon it is clear the US electorate has never been more implacably polarised, while the smearing, lying, backstabbing and name calling have never been more blatant. The Democrats know there is not only control of the Senate and House of Representatives at stake, but the outcome will have a huge influence on the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election when Donald Trump will seek a second term. Win control of both houses, and the Democrats will be able to effectively hamstring Trump’s presidency, win only the House of Representatives and they will be able to make life difficilt for his administration.

 Six months ago it looked as though The Democrats could gain control of both houses but since then they have been determined to show they can repeat hillary clinton’s trick of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The failed attempt to derail the conformation of Supreme Court nomineee Brett Kavanaugh by smearing him with an unsubstantiated accusation of a sexual misdemeanour which allegedly took place 35 years ago and was witnesses by nobody (not even the victim apparently, given her inability to remember accurately and details of the when and where,) seriously backfired on the party. This was followed by the debacle over claims made by 2020 presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren, who in a bid to gain support from minorities said she is a member of the Chreokee nation. Unfortunately Ms. Warren, whose claim dates back to her 2012 senatorial campaign, was pressured into taking a DNA test, and proved to be ten generations away from any Cherokee ansector.

The left’s assumption is that women and minorities Democrats because they perceive supporting the party’s liberal stance as being in their best interest while major cultural events back up that view. This is not entirely true, the Republicans have done as much on civil rights, while before World War 2 The Democrats were the part of slavery and segregation in the southern states , (it’s all documented.) Over the course of the past two weeks, since the conformation of Justice Kavanaugh, and the discrediting of ‘Fauxoontas’ Warren as Trump calls her, the left’s strategy of identity politics as a way to divide and conquer American voters has not only failed catastrophically, it’s backfired.

We saw this play out first with the fight to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. The narrative, created by the left and repeated by allies in the media, quickly became about women. Without distinction, it was declared that all women were on the side of Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

This was not true and it refelcts badly on The Democrats and feminism the assumption that ‘all women’ hold the opinion the liberal narrative on mainstream media assigns them can even be made. Hundreds of women who knew Kavanaugh came out publicly in his defense, saying that he had always behaved properly in female company. Scores of women wearing “I Stand With Brett” and “Women For Kavanaugh” T-shirts gathered on Capitol Hill to show their support for his nomination. Thousands tweeted #HimToo as a way to show support for due process and evidence to back accusations.

After years of pussy hats, #MeToo, college kangaroo courts and entirely spurious gay and trans rights cases, plus some particularly nasty outbreaks of fascist style street violence people don’t buy the liberal message about a right wing ‘war on women,’ the ‘rape culture’ or the need to ‘exterminate white heterosexual males.” These crude scare tactics are repeated at left wing events and rallies designed to grab the votes of women and ethnic / sexual minorities. But Democrats are making a huge miscalculation.

Conservatives are furious at the people purporting to speak for women, furious that what should have been an ordinary parsing of evidence (what little there is after 36 years) was turned into a Kabuki theater campaign ad for the Democratic Party, stressing their trope that the GOP is conducting a so-called war on women,” Stephanie Gutmann wrote in an op-ed for USA Today.

More importantly, this facile assumption that ‘all women’ supported #MeToo because ‘all women’ have faced sexual harassment from every man they meet, that ethnic minorities are constantly beaten down by ‘white racism’ or ‘white privilege’ and that gays are universal victims (when most have good careers and are accepted by most people, has encouraged conservatives to get ready to head to the polls and vote against Democratic Party candidates.

According to a survey conducted by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Polls, enthusiasm among Republican women jumped 12 percent since Kavanaugh was announced in July and that was further solidified during and after his confirmation.

Shortly after Kavanaugh was officially sworn in as a justice, President Trump held a meeting at the White House with rapper and cultural icon Kanye West.

With the cameras rolling, West lavished Trump with praise, talked about prison reform and explained why he loves what the president is doing. “He can speak for me any time he wants,” Trump said from the Oval Office. “He’s a smart cookie. He gets it.”

It was yet another cultural moment that derailed the left’s talking points: African-Americans are Democrats and could never align themselves with a Republican president has been the assumprion for several decades. The meeting was shocked many liberals, particularly those easily triggered snowflakes, the university students and spun many into a panic of egregious and racist insults.

“Kanye West is what happens when negroes don’t read,” CNN commentator Bakari Sellers said on Don Lemon’s show.

Since West showed support for Trump’s policies earlier this year, the president’s approval among African-American voters has been on the rise.

In a desperate attempt to somehow fit into the left’s narrative on race, the Warren fiasco further alienated minorities Complete with a video and extensive campaign website, the data shows she might be 1/1,024th Native American.

The fallout was swift and painful.

“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America,” Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. released in a statement. “Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. … Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”

Warren’s cultural and victim status appropriation not only further hampered her reputation, but threw a bomb into the waning “blue wave” just three weeks ahead of the midterms.

“Argue the substance all you want, but why 22 days before a crucial election where we MUST win house and senate to save America, why did @SenWarren have to do her announcement now? Why can’t Dems ever stay focused???” tweeted Jim Messina, former President Obama’s 2012 campaign manager.

The Democrats obsession with skin color and gender, and their fondness for Islam while they simultaneously denounce Christianity and are positively anti – Semitic (as are their fellow travellers the UK Labour Party,) is as a strategy, falling apart and recent events show why. Nov. 6 is just around the corner and the battle lines for presidential votes are already being drawn. For Democrats, those lines are being crossed as women and minorities vote on interest, not on identity politics.


America’s Liberal Left Enforcing The Fascist Ideals They Preach Staunchly Against?

Last week,White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was kicked out of a Red Hen restaurant in Virginia because the owner, a pussy hat wearing liberal feminist, did not want to serve anyone who worked for the Trump administration. In a separate incident Protesters swarmed around Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s home on Friday. Florida’s Attorney General was confronted and heckled at a showing … Continue reading 


Weinstein scandal: What it tells us about celebs, American politics & Hollywood

The Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal which has rocked the Hollywood establishment and shocked America to its core, according to mainstream media should not have surprised anyone (if fact much of the shock and horror being expressed is typical Hollywood liberal hypocrisy.) And now the story has broken, it seems that as well as a … Continue reading  

Google Vs. Trump: “The Good Censor” On Collision Course With The Patriot President

Authored by ‘Washington Watcher’ via, The leaked internal Google briefing “The Good Censor” [PDF] has received suspiciously little attention from the Main Stream Media, but it represents the crassest statement yet of the Tech oligopolies’ intention to impose Silicon Valley Political Correctness on the U.S. As American Thinker Editor Thomas Lifson puts it: “I congratulate for the … Continue reading  

Top FBI Attorney Provided ‘Explosive’ Testimony Regarding Trump-Russia Probe

On a day that saw the latest nonsensical claims from the UK government about Russian government culpability for the Skripal assassination attempt back in March, we came across a story which shows how the other great “It’s The Russians fabricated narrative is falling apart. While NATO governments were getting their knickers in a right old … Continue reading
How US Department Of Homeland Security Created Fake News On Russia Hacking US Election
The narrative of Russian intelligence interfering with the outcome of U.S. elections has achieved near-universal acceptance among media and political organisations. But the real story behind that narrative reveals that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created an account of events that was designed to spread false information and cause fear and panic.
The Deep State Is Real..& They Don’t Like Trump’s Disruption
In his new book titled “The Deep State: How an army of bureaucrats protected Barack Obama and is working to destroy Donald Trump,” Jason Chaffetz alleges that the deep state is very real. His book, which is set to be published on September 18, details the lengths the intelligence community is going to in an attempt to undermine Trump.
How Can US / NATO Claim Info From Syrian Rebels Is Reliable?
The problem with the latest attempt to justify intervention by the USA and its allies France and the UK has things in common with previous illegal weapons incidents in Syria for which no evidence of the involvement of Russia or President Assad’s government was found, and one in particular in which the culprits were identified…
China and Russia Move To Outflank Washington Hawks, Avert War In Asia
Events in recent days have given everybody in the world cause for concern. First it was revealed that renegade state North Korea how has nuclear capability to attack American interests in the Pacific and possible even targets on the US mainland. Then the war of words between the North Koreans and Washington took a nasty turn, opened up the throttle and seemed to be hurtling towards all out war.

Oprah Winfrey, Praised As A Feminist Icon, Exposed As A Fraud Within Twenty Four Hours

Tanya Gold, writing about The Golden Globes awards, praised the acceptance speech given by Oprah Winfrey who was given a lifetime achievement award presumably for fronting a television freak show, and commented on the ridiculous calls from other ‘liberals’ in hollywood and Washington for Oprah to run against Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Coming To A Town Near You: Expert Warns That No-Go Zones Are Growing In America

Nothing illustrated the failure of Europe’s open doors immigration policies more than the notorious “no-go zones” that have sprung up in Muslim dominated areas of many European cities. For decades the West has opened its borders to people who don’t share their values, and the West has utterly failed to encourage these people to assimilate. The lack of assimilation has reached a degree that many of these populations have become resentful of their mediocre status in society, and have actually become more insular.

‘Unacceptable’: China slams Trump’s threat to end commerce with N. Korea’s trade partners

Russia Today reports:
China has warned that Donald Trump’s threat to cut off trade with countries that deal with Pyongyang would be “unacceptable” and “unfair” to Beijing. It also stressed that Beijing cannot be the sole player in resolving the North Korean crisis.

Trump blocks Sale Of US Tech Company To China

President Trump has reportedly blocked the attempted acquisitions of a US technology company by a Chinese firm. while his opponents accuse him of breaking election promises and betraying votes, although they offer little evidence to support their claims, the increasingly tough policy against China’s acquisition of US companies continues, despite the firing of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who supported Trmp’s “economic nationalism.”
“Hopelessly Compromised”: Judiciary Member Calls For Mueller’s Resignation Over Uranium One Scandal
Earlier this morning (November 4) House Judiciary Committee representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) submitted a resolution calling for Robert Mueller to resign as special counsel overseeing the FBI investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government saying that the former FBI director is “hopelessly compromised” as a result of his failed oversight of the controversial Uranium One transaction …
It’s the breaking news we all knew about over a year ago, the Democratic Party Primaries were as bent as a fisherman’s hook. This blog and most other unaligned news websites in New Media reported last year, supplying irrefutable proof it must be said, that the Democratic Party pirmaries which secured the nomination for Hillary Clinton were rigged.
Soros: The European Union Is Now In An “Existential Crisis” And Trump’s America Is A “Hostile Power”
June 1, 2017:

Speaking about the state of the European project in the wake of Brexit and the continuing advance of nationalism in EU member states, billionaire glabalist George Soros warned the European Union has plunged into an existential crisis as a result of “dysfunctional” institutions and undemocratic decisions imposed on members, and will require the bloc to …
“Watershed Moment” In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay … Continue reading

You’ll be surprised to learn everybody in America does not hate Trump
Read most UK mainstream newspapers or listen to BBC, Sky or ITN television news and you could easily go away with the impression that everybody in America hates Donald Trump. A moment’s thought would inform you that is nothing more than propaganda from the fake news industry of course, only three months ago Trump was … Continue reading
Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time? The airstrikes by a US led coalition that killed many Syrian soldiers fighting for the legitimate government of Bashar al Assad against the terrorist forces of ISIS has raised the level of hostile rhetoric between the USA / NATO coalition and the Russia / China / Iran alliance. The likelihood of war seemed to have receded through the summer, after it seemed possible early this year, that one stray shell or bullet could spread the war beyond the middle east.
Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time?
If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It’s Hard To Know What Will Even the conservative Wall Street Journal is waking up to the massive deception that is being perpetrated on voters by the American political establishment, media and judiciary. Unfortunately the around half or the voters seem to be willingly complicit in this deception. In fact the USA collectively appears capable of a level of cognitive dissonance on an unprecedented scale in relation to the crimes and corrupt practices of Hillary Clinton …
If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It’s Hard To Know What Will

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