The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Scientists says Nuclear Is The Way Forward For Clean Energy - Do Ursidae Defecate In Sylvan Landscapes?

Scientists, politicians and media have been screeching, for the past 30 or so years, about the need to transition away from carbon based fossil fuels, (coal, gas and oil,) as a matter or urgency or risk destroying the life supporting ecology of our planet by overloading the system with Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emitted from human activity. Unfortunately scientists are not as smart as they think they are, politicians are not smart but know how to manipulate people into thinking they are, and the media will write or say anything that will earn a Euro a Yuan a buck or a pound.

But so long as politicians think supporting decarbonisation will earn them votes and scientists believe producing scare stories about catastrophic climate change being an existential threat to humanity will save them from the thing they fear most, (having to get proper jobs and get some effing work done,) there are a few major obstacles between civilised communities and the goal to transition to a net zero-carbon economy. In spite of advances in renewable energy technology so called 'clean energy', this CO2 free electricity is mainly produced from intermittent and unreliable sources. Thus  the gas and coal fired plants must be kept running as backup for when the wind does not blow and the sun doesn't shine.

Additionally the inability of 'sustainables'  to sustain supply twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year, and the incredible economic growth of emerging economies such as China, India, Pakistan, Brazil and Nigeria and demand for energy is growing at a rate the producers are finging had to keep pace with. After 30 years of eco - activists' wailing and gnashing of teeth over the polluting effect of CO2, a trace atmospheric gas that is essential to the survival of carbon based life forms (i.e. every living thing,) and demands that CO2 emissions be radically reduced, globally more fossil fuels than ever, are being consumed and our rate of CO2 production is in fact increasing, not heading to zero.

But there’s a well established, totally reliable, environmentally friendly solution with over sixty years history in energy production, nuclear energy, still waiting for its moment to become the primary source for domestic and industrial electricity is CO2 free and ticks most of the other boxes.Good grief, next they'll be informing us, in their lofty and condescending way that yes, bears do actually shit in the woods. Sadly nuclear technology is still being held back by prejudices based on decades of environmentalist propaganda but throughout the decades of scaremongering about peak oil, acid rain, and climate change the answer to our energy problems has been staring policy makers in the face.

Having worked in the UK nuclear industry for five years (not as a physicist or engineer but a humble Informations Systems and Networks Consultant,) thus able to talk to highly knowledgable people and read publications not available to the general public, I can support the expansion of nuclear energy as an environmentally friendly solution to address both the world’s energy problems and, perhaps counterintuitively, as a catalyst for peace and unity. If CO2 is the enemy as those who insist "The Science Is Settled" would have us believe, then unclear is at least as environment friendly as wind turbines or solar panels and infintely more reliable.

Additionally nuclear energy has the ability to be scaled at an industrial level, globally: Uranium 235 has millions more times energy than coal or oil. In order to provide the equivalent power to a single, 1 Gigawatt nuclear plant, an estimated 9,100,000 2 Megawatt wind turbines (yes, that's nine million,) would have to be built, covering an area of around 350 square miles. Peak UK demand is approximately 30 Gigawatts. And the great myth of  this environmentally friendly energy source, its dirty secret, is that in reality it is far from CO2 free, it simply moves the emissions away from the generating plant itself to the places where the materials are mined, the cement for the enormous concrete beds the giant turbine towers neeed is produced and the equipment is manufactured.

Nuclear energy became unpopular in   the 1950s due to the association with nuclear weapons and perceived risks of imminent buclear conflict stoked up by cold war rhetoric. But its actual safety record in electricity generation shows it is one of the safest sources of energy, We must get over our cognitive and political bias: Nuclear energy is necessary and safe, and not the same as nuclear weapons.It is essential to expand the development of nuclear energy not only to meet satisfy the scaremongers and meet their often unrealistc demands on the carbon-free energy transition, but because nuclear energy is indeed environmentally friendly, and necessary.

I believe the so called 'fossil fuels' (a misnomer BTW,) will be with us and our descendents for centuries to come, generating electricity, fuelling vehicles providing heat for homes, commercial and industrial premises are not their only uses. How would we survive without plastics for example. 



Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ ... ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking "Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy."
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: "How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe's Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Minister's Claim That 40% UK Energy Comes From Renewables Is Technically Illiterate
Britain's newly installed Secretary of State for Energy, Grant Shapps, is still learning the job so perhaps we should cut him some slack, but even so a statement he made on our energy supply today shows astounding ignorance of technical details relating to his portfolio.
Answering a question in Parliament this morning about Britain's ability to reach its target of getting 40% of our energy needs from sustainable sources, Shapps sneered that it was not possible for us to reach 40% now as we already get 43% from wind. Unfortunately the sneering sarcasm was misplaced but served to reveal the man in charge of energy policy does not know the difference between energy and electricity.

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party ... Continue reading >>>

Out Of Touch Elites Are Destroying Civilised Society Society With Net Zero Obsession And No Plan B
How good it must have felt for politicians to set those lofty goals, knowing that someone else must deal with the cost and the implementation? But now the bills are now arriving, and they’re bringing a world of hurt. To sum up: Western policy elites have embarked on the electrification of society, replacing hydrocarbons in housing and transport, but without the technology to replace it well.

Climate Scaremongers Have Taken Over Where COVID Scaremongers Left Off
Boggart Blog can announce that the winners of our coveted Scaremongering Bollocks of The Month award goes this month to BBC News. Not only did the BBC report in one of their regular climate catastrophe scare stories that river levels across the UK have been at record lows, they broadcast that news story on the same day as The London Weather Centre announced that March 2023 was set to be the wettest March since records began.

Europes Tractor Protests Spread To Germany And Now Include Fishing Trawlers
Hundreds of farmers have descended in their tractors on a small German coastal town to protest measures imposed by the European Union as part of the bid to 'save the planet' by reducing CO2 emissions from cow farts. 400 tractors reportedly gathered in Büsum on Wednesday to protest what is probably the most insane environmentalist policy dreamed up by the EU idealogues to date ...

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ ... ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Germany Forcing Farmers To Use LESS Fertilizer To Satisfy EU’s Green Agenda
The German government, already reeling from the public backlash against rising fuel prices, the shortage of gas since supplies from Russia were cut off, and the biggest economic crisis in the EU, has now jumped on another 'woke' bandwagon. The socialist led ruling coalition has banned farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing land in compliance with the latest lunacy of the EU's green agenda ...

Germany haemorrhaging cash to keep country running on as ‘net zero’ becomes zeroeconomic activity
Germany was so desperate to achieve 'net zero' CO2 emissions that for years the country's government closed its fossil fuel-fired and nuclear power plants,replacing those plants with wind and solar power — as well as impoorting huge volumes of natural gas and oil from Russia. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, when NATO (aka the U.S.A.) mandated that the West impose retaliatory sanctions on Russia, including a ban on importation of Russian gas and oil, Germany found itself in a hole:

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said Net Zero would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”.

The One 'Climate Change' Question That Really Matters But Is Never Asked?
After looking at the latest opinion survey on climate change which is full of the usual pseudo - science babble but does not ask the one important question politicians and their advisers need answered to be able to form policy, we ask it.

Now Even ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann Admits The ‘Pause’ In Global Warming Is Real
“It has been claimed that the early-2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterized by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations. The evidence presented here contradicts these claims,” the paper in Nature Climate Change says.

How Germany's open door to migrants and mad dash to Net Zero Brought Down The Establishment
Friedrichstrasse in Berlin is one of Europe's most renowned shopping streets. Lined with glitzy stores, from Galeries Lafayette to Karl Lagerfeld it is on a par with Avenue des Champs-Élysées, London's Regent Street or Via Montenapoleone in Milan, teeming with shoppers eager to spend their hard earned or ill - gotten cash and flowing with cars, buses and taxis.

Implosion of Germany's Green Party Threatens To Destabilse EU
With the defeat of Donald Trump in the 2020 US election, the far left parties in Liberal Democracies celebrated the defeat of the far right. At around the same time it appeared that Germany's AfD party, Italy's Lega and and the Sweden Democrats had been discredited and surges in their popularity had been halted by negative propaganda campaigns while Germany's Green Party were at the height of their popularity and were hailed as Europe's great hope for a clean, net zero, woke, gay and trans friendly future.

Europes Tractor Protests Spread To Germany And Now Include Fishing Trawlers
Hundreds of farmers have descended in their tractors on a small German coastal town to protest measures imposed by the European Union as part of the bid to 'save the planet' by reducing CO2 emissions from cow farts. 400 tractors reportedly gathered in Büsum on Wednesday to protest what is probably the most insane environmentalist policy dreamed up by the EU idealogues to date ...

Thousands of Dutch farms will be forced out of business to meet new EU 'Nitrogen pollution targets
he globalist technocrats who control The European Union (EU) have enacted new environmental protection laws which will force member states, including The Netherlands, to meet the new targets for reducing emissions, which address nitrogen emissions from human activity rather than Carbon Dioxide, the Netherlands government proposes to shut down a large portion of its farming industry in order to comply with emissions targets ...

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