Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Labour's Manifesto For Growth Will Only Grow Debt And Bureucracy

 "I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money."- Thomas Sowell, American economis.


A week after taking over from the clueless Conservative government, the first policy moves we saw from Keir Statmer's Labour administration were a move to restore planning targets, a policy the Conservatives abandoned in 2021, and the creation of a National Wealth Fund that has so little money it will make no difference to anything. By contrast, the last four finance minister to take office after a long spell in opposition made big, bold reforms in their first few days. 

The blunt truth is that now, a hundred days into their tenure, and despite years of preparation,  Prime MinisterKeir Starmer, Chancellor Rachel Reeves and the rest of the government clearly haven't a clue. its obvious they don't even understand what Britain's problems are let alone how to go about solving them. 

When a party just been elected with a landslide majority, a new government has the opprtunity, during its honeymoon period, to seize the moment, and announce major changes in policy that will make a reshape the economy and bring about social change. We were told, perhaps slightly too often, that Starmer would deliver 'the change' Britain needed and Reeves would be an ambitious, hyperactive finance minister, assembling the most expert minds in the country to deliver growth, create new partnerships with industry and draw major global investors into a “stable” country, all driven by something called “securonomics”, whatever the heck that might mean. 

When politicians resort to talking about delivering change without being specific on what change they intend to deliver, it is always a bad sign.

So how’s that delivering change thing going? Not so well apparently. A few days ahead of her first budget, Reeves' plans have been thrown into disarray. Having already had to water down plans to tax the wealthy, and increase Capital Gains Tax, only to find the rich people she hoped to fund 'change' from were leabing the country in droves while the 'eperts she had surrounded herself with had miscalculated the cost of state pensions increases by £100 million.

By the end of the week, we had the launch of the National Wealth Fund which, despite the presence of that financial titan Mark Carney, seemed to add up to £7bn of subsidised investments, a sum so tiny in relation to a £1 trillion economy as to make no difference to anything. And that was the entire package.


Like all socialist movements, Labour is utterly clueless when it comes to encouraging innovation and new business and both are vital to a healthy economy. Yet they bang on about the wealthy or even the super rich as some dastardly boil that must be lanced. Labour's political DNA is tax and spend. They will never acheive their idealistic goals with this mentality or by prioritising 'human rights' over economic efficiency. Compared with the two countries I referred to the UK isn´ t even in the race  

It's not really a hatred of the rich. Billionaires, multi-millionaires, wealthy virtue signalling actors and business owners get a total free pass and actually get feted. It's people in the low to middle categories who want to better themselves and put in extra effort to make some progress who get slapped down by socialist politics of envy. 

Enlightenment era philosopher Jean Jaques Rousseau said. "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains", In the late 17th C the enchained were the populace governed by tiny, unelected and self serving aristocracy - in France at least. Nowadays, it seems, people are "born free" but are STILL enchained - despite the enlightenment - this time by socialism [ a dogma often fulled by envy] and its dubious notions of, equality, diversity and inclusivity which together add up to the authoritarian goal of making everybody the same. Personal liberty and individual sovereignty have been eroded , community replaced by social division and equality is impoverishing all of us except the financial and political oligarchs who control a system which more closely resembled George Orwell's Big Brother regime than any socialist utopia dreamed of by the founders of the Labour and Trade Union movement.

Labour's equality laws are pernicious as are its tax polices to re distribute wealth & discourage work .

People haven never been born equal - they have different talents , motivations and skills and these differences need to be reflected in outcomes - although they do have obligations to their neighbours and equal opportunity fostered. When the early socialistds and lraders of the classical liberal movement talked of equality they meant equality of oportunity and equality before the law, not having equal outcomes forced on us by an all powerful, paternalistic state.


Keir Starmer's Marxist And Trotskyite Policies Are Showing His True, Extremist, Authoritaeian Political Nature At Last
Things have not gone as expected since Sir Keir Starmer became UK Prime Minister. While some commentators in the Conservative section of the media are still clingig to the belief that SStürmer is a decent man and politically a centre left Social Democrat. Surely, it was thought, such a moderate leader could not keep the anti - white racist David Lammy in post as Foreign Secretary. Nor could he retain the swivel eyed loony Ed Miliband, who has always been a climate change zealot, in charge of environmental policy

Corbyn blames Boris and Tories for 'rise of NAZIS' in UK
Speaking during Labour’s Faith and Race manifesto launch, Jezza The Jew Hater said: “What we’re faced within this country, and across Europe and in the United States is a rise of the intolerant far right, the far right that can only ever seek to give out a message of division and hatred. They walk in the footsteps of the Nazis ...

Jew hating Leftie Students Union In New Anti-Semitism Row Those anti Semites of the The National Union of Students (NUS) are at it again. [ ... ] Hypocrisy and double standards are the stock in trade of the ‘new left’ of course and the anti – Semitism of Labour voters and other younger lefties (University dumbed down airheads who are too historically illiterate to be aware of the role Britain’s Jewish communities played in establishing the Labour Party

Politically Unbiased BBC Launches Left Wing Attack On Donald Trump For Illegal Immigrants Stance
The BBC, Britain's publicly funded broadcaster is bound by a charter which commits it to be balanced and non partisan in its news reporting. Repeatedly however, the BBC, its management now doniated by left wing luvvies is becoming more and more blatantly left wing in its unbiased reporting

Labour Scourge Of Tax Avoiders Is A Tax Dodger? WTF is going on?
We have often made points about the hypocroisy of the left, particularly those lefties, but surely Margaret Hodge (nee Oppenheim - the diamond people) is the undisputed champ of left wing hypocrites. As a senior Labour MP Margaret was always eager to condemn tax avoidance. Unfortunately like most self righteous Labour millionaires she did not practice what she preached.

Britain's Racist Future:Labour Set To Throw Selection On Merit Out The Window
With four weeks to go until a General Election that could change the face of Britain forever, the Labour Party, which hopes to be elected to govern this great and proud nation, has unveiled a set of policies that would make minorities into privileged castes and relegate the white Working and middle classes to the status of second class citizens.

Once We Respected Red Cross Because The Did Good Work. Now They Promote Politically Correct Tyranny.
The cancer of politically correct thinking has spread throughout British public life. Probably the most perfect illustration of how out of touch the new elite, the Meritocracy (who only merit a kick up the arse) have become with the lives of ordinary people is the politicisation of the institutions of government, local government, education, the law and now even the charity sector. Read what happened to a charity worker who dared to have his own opinion on a gay rights issue

Cultural Marxism Curriculum: The Frankfurt School
Western civilization at the present day is in a crisis different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies have changed their social or cultural values under the influence of external forces or by gradual development. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests being imposed ...

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

The Left Are Not Immune To Bigotry Millie Tant, the radical feminist Liberal bigots Liberal extremism A Liberal's Dilemmas UK University Offers Tutorials On ‘Dealing With Right-Wing Attitudes in Class’ The Triumph Of Leftist Immigration Policy: ‘Thousands of Nigerian Women’ Forced Into Slavery Woman Leaves Politically Correct Politicians Gobsmacked As She Claim Immigrants Prioritised Over Disabled People German Feminist Says Authorities Covered Up Muslim Sex Crime For Twenty Years A Chronicle Of Decay A Song Of Servitude Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... Daily Stirrer ...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]

Kamala Harris' Plagiarism Scandal Embarrassing And Deeply Damaging For Her Campaign



People who watch American politics more closely than the Boggart Bloggers are suggesting the Kamala Harris, campaing is struggling as the presidential candidate's perrformances in live interviews and media events have revealed she flouders when trying to answer even the most straightforward question when there is no teleprompt in front of her. In fact her 'word salads' when a simple short sentence shuld suffice have become a standing joke. 

With Harris already having been caught being 'economical with the truth' several times before she was even elevated to the presidential candidacy  integrity is probably not the first  quality we would identify her with.  

It will come as no surprise to American politics watchers then, that a candidate caught repeatedly on camera switching her accent depending on the audience would have little attachment to sincerity. Still, the claims made by a famous plagiarism hunter about a book written by Harris prior to her term as California attorney general could knock her campaign goal to present herself as a breath of fresh air. Joe Biden, at least, had the good sense to plagiarise from a British politician party leader Neil Kinnock: Harris is alleged to have ripped straight from Wikipedia.

 Harris’ book,  Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer was supposed to meld her personal experiences as a legal expert with the on-the-ground situation in the Californian criminal justice system. It was never intended to be the next great American novel. But that is precisely why allegations that she plagiarised numerous passages in it,  look like being seriously damaging for her. That Harris has been accused of lifting entire passages of her book without attribution from elsewhere, including one lengthy piece from Wikipedia, that threatens to compound her existing reputation for being vacuous. The disgraced former Harvard president Claudine Gay might have been sloppy, in plagiarising easily verifiable passages from other people's work but Harris simply looks lazy and lacking ideas.

(In her other book - tracing her Jamaican roots, Harris lies about her ancestry to make out she has black Jamaican roots, and avoid anyone finding out her great x 4 grandfather was a white Jamaican slave owner of Irish origins. Assumed Gaelicness is at least something she has in ommon with current president Paddy O'Biden and recent predecessors Jock McTrump and Paddy O'Bama. )

Why ancestry matters to the Americans so much is baffling to Europeans; Martin Luther King was absolutely right on this, and therefore out of step with the modern USA. Candidates should be selected on the basis of the content of her character and abilities, not the colour of thir skin or whatever ethnic roots they lay claim to; and voted for on the same basis. The same should be true of DJT.

And therefore, lets be honest, there should probably be two different contenders for President. Too late now, though.

It has been obvious for years that Harris is way too insubstantial to hold any senior position, in fact, she seems to be actually quite thick. Why the Democrat party ever promoted her is a mystery. Surely they have better candidates? The fact that she is where she is clearly demonstrates the reality that a U S president is no more than a front, with the real leaders being back - room deal makers of Capitol Hill and the shadowy and unaccountable deep state operators. They want to stop Trump because he has his own ideas (even if the way he expresses them often do not make much sense,) and intends to pursue them.  

Everyone knows instinctively that Harris has been a mere placeholder for the machine behind her ever since her political career was launched as a gratuity for intereting things she id for Willie Brown's brown willie (allegedly - although former San Francisco mayor Brown has not denied it). 

The office of President, like that of Britain's Prime Minister, like the currencies, have been increasingly devalued  since the turn of last century. The Uniparty machine doesn't even put much effort anymore to hide it. All the institutions are captured - the permanent state - perhaps with only a handful of billionaire - psychopath oligarchs pulling the strings.

Swapping one leader for the other is irrelevant to the machine - the 'leaders' are owned. Harris will be no different than the one suffering severe cognitive decline. Starmer, 100 days into his term of office and already best by scandal anf having to renege on campaign promises, will be no different to Sunak or Johnson. Occasionally we the voters will be thrown a morsel to placate the public mood hi;e the relentless grind towards global government will continue. 






De - Dollarisation: China, Brazil Make Deal To Ditch US Dollar For Bilateral Trades
China and Brazil this week concluded a deal to conduct trade between their nations in their own in their own currencies, ditching the established reserve currency for global trade, US dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian announced said on Wednesday. This is Beijing’s latest strike against the almighty greenback in its currency war aimed at shifting the balance of geopolitical and economic power from west to east.

Lord Rothschild: The New World Order Is At Risk
In the RIT Capital Partners 2014 annual report, the head of Rothschild family banking empire warned that the geopolitical situation is most dangerous since WWII. A year later, Baron Jacob Rothschild repeated his warning about the outcome of "the greatest experiment in monetary policy in history". Little did he know that, they would keep rising, but related to that, he also made another warning which the market has so far ignored:

Government Whistleblower admits Labour Opened Borders to Eastern Europe to ‘Lower Wage Growth’
It should be no surprise then that it was under a Labour government led by Tony Blair, our borders agencgy was ordered to open the door to uncontrolled mass immigration from eastern Europe. The move came folowing a series of secret meetings between Blair and then Bank of England governor Mervyn King in which King “pressed the case” that mass immigration would “lower wage growth” by creating a pool of cheap workers, a former senior diplomat has claimed.

Cutting Food Stamps for Over 45 Million Americans: The Ruthlessness of the American Ruling Class
The USA's Obama Administration (remember him, Mr. Hope'n'change) has cut the food stamps allocation that supports many millions of America's poorest people. In five years of a disastrously failed Pesidency Obama has alread engineered America's fall from Superpower status. Now the seems to be set on turning it into Ethiopia.

Outbreak Of Democracy In The US Senate
I usually write my own stuff, either off the top of my head or by putting my own perspective to a topical news story. For once however I think it is appropriate to bring you this, seen on Pakalert. It...

When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.

So Why Is Nobody Happy
Americans love to tell us they are the greatest country on the planet, American exceptionalism places them above other nations, theirs is the most powerful economy, the mightiest military (yet in ten years they cannot defeat a bunch of beared ragheads with AK47s and IEDs), they have the most advanced technology and the highest living standards. So why

Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline
With President Trump unfortunately sidelined at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a few days, do you think the media will now be able to devote more attention to examining the incoherent babbling of Dementia Joe Biden?
Nah, won’t happen. The media have been ignoring and/or covering up Biden’s obvious mental decline for more than a year now, even though the video evidence is at their fingertips.

Is America Heading For Civil War?
Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com In last week’s article I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming militant in their progressive ideology. In my home state of Montana there has been a surge of people trying to escape …

Over half of Americans support using Army to aid police deal with George Floyd protests
Over 50 percent of Americans would like to see the army deployed to the streets of US cities to help police tackle the riots raging across the country following the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. The US has been gripped by a massive wave of protests for over a month …

Biden the Democrats least hopeless hopeful? Or is he?
A senior U.S. Republican reportedly said recently that the most difficult ticket Donald Trump could face in the next election would be Joe Biden partnered by Elizabeth Warren. This was not, needless to say, because Biden was a brilliant debater or a lethal political adversary. “If he was any stupider, my you’d have to water him”, the anonymous Republican quipped.See also >>>

American Stupid: Hillary Clinton Says Male Leaders Scared of Greta Thunberg
It's coming up to election time again in the USA and sure enought some idiot over the pond has allowed a drop of blood to fall on the desiccated lips of Hillary Clinton and the leader of the Democratic Party undead faction has reanimated to ensure the debate, on the Democrat side at least, never risis above the level of stupid set in 2016 when Hillary famously lost to Donad Trump.

Hijab wearing, Jihad supporting U.S. Congresswoman refuses to condemn stoning of gays.
Ilhan Omar (with Bernie Sanders behind thinking "I wouldn't mind giving her a taste of my pork sausage) - picture credit www.thenation.com

It had to happen, and it was always going to be great comedy value when it did. U.S Liberals were always going to face the moment when their love of Gays, Lesbians and Trannies clashed head to head with their love of terrorists and the Islamic Jihad.

Sane Democrats See Little To Gain From Impeaching Trump, Fear It Will Backfire
In an opinion poll commissioned by Reuters a majority of US Democrat voters say they fear that the latest m,ove to impeach President Trump over the Biden-Ukraine scandal will backfire, giving him a boost into the 2020 US election. One has to wonder about an epidemic of dementia among leading Democrats who have forgotten that only a few weeks ago

Pentagon Struggles to Defend America’s Secret War in Niger
The government and military authorities of the USA must be suckers for punishment, already struggling to manage international opposition to their ongoing efforts to effect regime change in Syria and with the bitter taste of failures in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya still strong in their mouths, they are still escalating US involvement in foreign wars.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

March 4, 2018

Trump Gets Tough after EU Threatens Taxes on Jeans, Bourbon, and Harley-Davidsons

U.S. President Donald Trump is adopting a tough on the European Union, after the Union's unelected leaders threatened to impose punitive tariffs on leading American brands in retaliation for his attempts to protect the jobs of American steelworkers. “So now we will also impose import tariffs,” threatened Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the unelected European Commission, at an event in Hamburg, Germany.

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Monday, October 14, 2024

Japanese scientists claim ABORTION DRUGS found in “vaccines” developed for Bill Gates' Charities

 This blog has been among the alt_news webites that for two decades have been trying to warn the world aout the real agenda behind billionaire psychopath Bill Gates' decision to aandon his role in Microsoft in favour of becoming the self - appointed global vaccine Czar, developing shoddy and incompletely tested vaccnes and persuading governments to vaccinate entire populations, without warning the medical pofessions of the dangerous and unwanted effects of certain materials in the vaccine that had no connection with the diseases they were suppose to provide immunity to.

The Gates foundation has already been kicked out of India and several African nations, because vaccinations their staff administered allgedly triggered abortions and caused long term infertility. And we should not forget Gates' personal role in persuading governments to inject the world with gene editing chemicals contined in the COVID vaccines, the serious long term effects of which are only now emerging.

Now this story from Japan has broken it could, if we are lucky, signal the beginning fof the end for this very dangerous individual.

by Ethan Huff via News Target, 14 October 2024

posted by Boggart Blogger

Bill Gates’ “days are numbered,” say Japanese scientists after ABORTION DRUGS found in “vaccines”

Japanese scientists are sounding. the alarm about the genocidal agenda of billionaire eugenicist and "philanthropist" Bill Gates, who is lacing "vaccines" with abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals.

World-renowned experts like leading Japanese oncologist Dr. Masanori Fukushima are urging international prosecutors to try Gates in court, especially now that the government's Covid Task Force has uncovered plenty of damning evidence showing that the Microsoft co-founder is trying to mass-slaughter the global population.

"They warn that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting Gates isn't finished yet – he has plans to inflict even more harm in the near future," tweeted TPV Sean (@tpvsean), the X / Twitter account of The People's Voice.

"It's time for the world to unite and bring him to justice!" 



How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.

Critics Batter The Fake Science Used To Justify The Lockdown As Boris Waffles
Regular readers may recall this blog was among the first to expose the fact that the pandemic model predicting 500,000 COVID – 19 deaths if the entire nation was not placed under indefinite house arrest was based on a deeply flawed mathematical model of the pandemic built by a “scientist” at Imperial College, London, a college heavily reliant on funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. You may also recall we have reported on the determination of psychopathic megalomaniac Gates to insert himself into this phoney crisis

Bill ‘Psycho’ Gates Wants To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes To Inject Us With Vaccines The latest luncacy to flow from the megalomaniacal mind of the world’s richest madman and wannabe Galactic Emperor Palpatine, Bill Gates is the latest iteration of a plan this vaccine – obsessed world domination freak has nurtured for a long time. He wants to release genetically midified mosquitos to inject us with vaccine.Apart from the … Continue reading 

How Social Engineers Use Weaponized Psychology to Push Unproven Vaccines December 30, 2020 Another “we told you so,” moment for us Boggart Bloggers. We told you back in the spring that project fear was being ramped up to make people accept social engineering projects and mandatory mass medication schemes, which we assume will eventually include Bill (Wannabe Emperor Palpatine,) Gates’ cherished dream of reducing global population by 50% … Continue reading 

Boston Herald Calls For Government Execution Squads To Murder Experts Who Oppose Mercury In Vaccines

Algorithms Are No Better At Telling The Future Than Tarot Cards Or A Crystal Ball
According to a new report “An increasing number of businesses are investing in advanced technologies that can help them forecast the future of their workforce and gain a competitive advantage”. Almost every day we see more bollocks being written by supposedly intelligent people who believe that by using things called ‘Data Science’, ‘Artificial Intelligence,’ and ‘Big Data’, machines can already be relied on to make better decisions than humans, and that soon computers will equal or even surpass us in actual intelligence. ... Continue reading >>>

Proof That The Alarmist Claptrap You Are Hearing And Seeing At COP26 Climate Conference Is A Load Of Bollocks
The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places, the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions in the Arctic zone. Expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm ... Continue reading >>>

Green dreams of Heat Pumps Continue reading >>>
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Plan To Block Sun & Stop Global Warming

from Great Game India Bill Gates has proposed and funded a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the Sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. This experiment was undertaken by Sweden’s space agency. But now they have called off this project as they are facing a great opposition from the environmental activists. The experiment … Continue reading

Bill Gates Flounders When Asked Direct Questions About His Vaccine Agenda

Bill Gates, the world’s greatest vaccine fan and long term purveyor of software that is not fit for purpose, has been one of the main drivers of the wholly manufactured COVID – 19 global crisis that has seen our political leaders unquestioningly follow the instructions of corporate lobbyists and representatives of the Big Pharma cartel, … Continue reading>>>

Bill Gates running deadly global “vaccine empire” that can only exist through extreme censorship Bill Gates – wannabe Dr. Death? (picture: NewsTarget.com) The reason why Microsoft co-founder and billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is being given so much airtime amid the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is because Gates is currently the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines, as well as the money … Continue reading
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In another example of the insane and fantaical religious fervour of those who support the vaccine industry by hating anyone who questions anything about vaccines, the corporate media prostitutes of the Boston Herald's editorial staffny have used their print editions to call for what the murder of anyone who questions the safety or efficiency of vaccines or opposes plans to legally mandate vaccinating entire populations (such as those proposed by Bill Gates through his Gates Foundation.)The killings would be carried out by government sanctioned execution squads to eliminate scientists, naturopaths, chiropractors and any journalists fool enough to question the safety of injecting children with mercury, a brain-damaging toxin still found in flu shot vaccines administered to children and expectant mothers, and other neurotoxins.

The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
Continue reading >>>

Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.

Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.

Turning the Tide? No Vaccine Passporrts for England; US States rebel against Biden Vaccine Mandates;
September 12: The British government will not mandate vaccine passports for nightclubs, cinemas, and other large public venues in England after all, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced on Sunday. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government has backtracked on controversial plans to introduce vaccine passports domestically and is set to end draconian emergency powers given to the state under the Coronavirus Act, in a major concession to anti-lockdown factions within the Conservative Party.

Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health. Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...

GM babies? How About The Frankenstein Lobby Try A Bit Of Honesty And Call It Eugenics
As the British Parliament debated legalising the use of techniques to create three parent babies and the dishonest champions of scientific fascism claim is is a perfectly safe development to remove faulty genes from humanity and in no way similar to programs with the same aim carried out in Nazi Germany, we challenge them to be honest and admit what they propose is Eugenics, a morally repugnant quest to create a master race. And all three main political parties support it.

"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony, the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizents that the only way they can be sasfe from vague and largely fictitious "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny ...

"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony whatsoever the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizens that the only way to be safe from vague "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender our civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny to Nanny State.

Secret Meeting in London to "End Cash"

Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a "secret meeting to end cash" set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve. Armstrong, who is known for successfully predicting the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, expressed his shock that no news outlet has reported on this upcoming conference.

Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario
An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...

Cashless Society: The Spy In Your Wallet
Back In 1971 Libertarians Were Predicting Debit Cards Would Become A Spy Tool For Authoritarian Governments. In 2013 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Naional Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring the card transactions of American citizens. Following that, two Senators, Wyden and Udall – who both sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee and thus have access to classified information about the government’s digital snooping intelligenece gathering programs wrote ...,/p>

Society is Sick with Validation Fever.

There is a meme going around for a while, its called Clown World, represented by Honkler, Pepe the frog dressed up as a clown, where everything is upside down and crazy. While it certainly works(and enraged the left), for me, it doesn't hold as much weight as seeing the West as sick with Validation Fever.

How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics' Most Powerful Critics
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and loss of national sovereignty.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government. By now it should be obvious that peacemaker, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Book Review - What Really Makes You Ill by Dawn Lester and David Parker

Boggart Blogger, 13 October 2024

"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing." - Voltaire.

 Having been sceptical for many decades of what we are told by “experts”, in the fields of economics, theoretical physics, social sciences and most of all medicine, of which I was mistrustful long before the COVID scamdemic. Not surprising then that the title of this bok attracted me like a magnet attracts iron. In spite of the length (750 pages) is a very interesting book with a huge amount amount of research by credible sources.

 The authors reject the medical establishment’s narrative on causes and transmission of diseases, andlean twoards the naturopathic approach to treatment, in fact the authors seem to support the beliefs of Natural Hygiene which regard all medicines as toxic.

They refute the germ theory of disease, denying that “germs”, bacteria and viruses cause disease. Their arguments derive mostly from old controversies about the work of people such as Pasteur and Jenner, claiming that the germ theory has never been proven. 

Having early in the book claimed to have shown that the germ theory is erroneous they repeat this assertion at every opportunity. Most of us have the experience of “catching” a cold from a person who already has one or getting ratummy bug from a dudgy curry or burger. We are that is going around and no other explanation has been offered for how illnesses spread.
The work of all modern medical research is rejected and they use the phrase “nothing could be further from the truth,” when discussing the claims of the medical establishment, forgetting that repetition is the tool of propagandists.

They do speak a lot about environmental poisons which of course may be a cause of disease and much of what they say about these is interesting and relevant.

The authors back up the central claim of this book that what are understood as "pathogens" are analogous to firefighters at the scene of the incident. Just as fireman don't start fires, bacteria and viruses are the effects of physical disorders rather than the cause. The bottom line is that chemical toxicity in the environment is the cause of oxidative stress which is the cause of disease. And disease itself might have several co-factors. This is quite a paradigm shift from the narratives favoured by governments, health agencies and the medical professions. Vested interests however like the pathogenic paradigm as it allows them to use the familiar scaremongering tactics to seel their products to that sector of the population who have fallen for the latest '\existential treat to all humanity' scare story .

A lot of work has gone into researching and writing this book.The authors are very knowledgeable and fulfil what Jim Marrs described as the lack of "generalists" in tackling the world's big issues.

There are holes in our understanding of how bacteria create disease, and it’s fair to point those out. There are even bigger holes in viral theory, which do deserve to be exposed. The field has forgotten it’s virus theory , not virus law. There are few firm answers and much that is tenuous or even quite false being passed off as ‘fact’..

However the terrain theory lobby just goes way too far in dumping empirical observation and research.

Firstly they conflate virus theory and bacterial infection into one and call it “germ theory”.

Terrible method and deeply misleading. The role of bacteria in causing disease is well observed if not fully explained or replicable. Antibiotics work to cure certain disease processes by killing bacteria associated with that process. Ergo we have empirical observation that certain bacteria play a role in creating certain diseases.

It makes no sense to throw that out simply because we can’t explain exactly what that process is or necessarily replicate it. It makes even less sense to replace this empirical knowledge with “terrain theory” which has far LESS data to support it!

Virology is a different and much less robustly supported game, which is why conflating it with bacteriology is so misleading and such poor sloppy method.  The book rightly points out the need to differentiate between virus theory which is rather weak, according to medical science they can only exist and replicate within a pre - existing cell and none has ever been isolated; and bacteria which definitely exist, can be cultured. The association with with certain disease processes is well established, though not their precise role in that process. The fact antibiotics can combat those disease processes and also kill the bacteria is well established.

The fact we can’t replicate or fully explain the role of bacteria doesn’t mean we can afford to ignore what we do know. Certain bacteria are associated with developing certain diseases or pathologies. Kill the bacteria, and the disease/pathology is also halted. Empirical observation tells us this is true even though we don’t know the entire mechanism and can’t necessarily replicate it.

Now, viruses. Tricky. The fact people get sick when exposed to other sick people has been an empirical fact for centuries – longer.

Some of that can be explained by some process involving bacteria. But other diseases manifest that have no observable connection with bacteria.

Another “transmission” process seems to be involved. Viruses have been postulated as that means.

It’s a plausible hypothesis that may be true or partly true, but which has become prematurely accepted as “the truth”.

We evidently know so little about why people get sick when exposed to other sick people and so many potential variables make replication in living creatures almost impossible.But then, we learn, the scientific jury is still out over whether viruses are life forms or not.

What Really Makes Us Ill gives us all food for though but does not provide many definite answers, the important thing for most readers is that it will make them think seriously about how far we can trust the pharmaceutical industry and the medical professsions. Once people start to question they will probaly come to the conclusion quite quickly that it is unwise to trust anyone who says "Trust me, I'm a doctor." 


Bill Gates Developing Virus and Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Track Vaccine Refusniks
Even though the efforts of politicians, the health industries and media doom mongers to keep up the fear factor over COVID looking increasingly desperate in the face of public scepticism, billionaire psychopath and wannabe vaccine messiah Bill Gates, whose 'charitable' foundation owns several for-profit biotech companies and who made $£€billions out of COVID, is already planning his next pandemic scam ...

Covid Vaccine Refusers 'Thrive On Attention' Says Prime Attention Seeker And Chief Clown Boris JohnsonIronic isn't it that the one person guilty of telling more lies and spreading more misinformation about COVID throughout the pandemic, our so - called Prime Minister and according to observable evidence, the chief idiot Boris Johnson launched another attack on 'anti - vaxxers' today, saying they “thrive on the attention”? This outrageous farrago of lies and calumnies spewed at people who have simply chosen not to be injected with a shot of toxic shite that does not immunise anybody against anything
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Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections. Continue reading >>>

After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ... Continue reading >>>

The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ... Continue reading >>>

A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

Useless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores. Told You SoUseless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores. Told You So Dr. Offit, mandatory vaccine and conflicts of interest Do vaccines make you gay? ot-surprised/">Zika Virus Outbreak Centred On Area Where GM Mosquitos Were Released In 2015 – Why Are We Not Surprised Doctors, scientists greased by Big Pharma? Told you so. Weaponised Ebola Virus? The World Always Cathches Up Eventually? Meningitis B Vaccine - cost conundrum Flu Vaccines that don't work and healthy natural alternatives that work Fear and Painc! Mild Illness Suddenly Becomes A Killer Now Vaccine Is Available. Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of Vaccines [ Health tyranny ] ... [ Vaccines scam ] ... [ COVID vaccines harms ] ... [ Big Pharma criminality ]

Bill Gates Developing Virus and Vaccine For Next Pandemic, Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Track Vaccine Refusniks
Even though the efforts of politicians, the health industries and media doom mongers to keep up the fear factor over COVID looking increasingly desperate in the face of public scepticism, billionaire psychopath and wannabe vaccine messiah Bill Gates, whose 'charitable' foundation owns several for-profit biotech companies and who made $£€billions out of COVID, is already planning his next pandemic scam ...

Covid Vaccine Refusers 'Thrive On Attention' Says Prime Attention Seeker And Chief Clown Boris JohnsonIronic isn't it that the one person guilty of telling more lies and spreading more misinformation about COVID throughout the pandemic, our so - called Prime Minister and according to observable evidence, the chief idiot Boris Johnson launched another attack on 'anti - vaxxers' today, saying they “thrive on the attention”? This outrageous farrago of lies and calumnies spewed at people who have simply chosen not to be injected with a shot of toxic shite that does not immunise anybody against anything
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Cancer expert says U.K. seeing spike in “non-covid deaths,” nobody willing to call out vaccine elephant in the room
Excess mortality in the United Kingdom is off the charts, and yet nobody is willing to call out Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” as the culprit. Cancer expert and Prof. Carl Heneghan describes the current situation in Great Britain as a “national scandal.” A shocking 9,300 more people than usual have died in the U.K. over the past several months, and officials are blaming everything else except the injections. Continue reading >>>

After a weekend of increasingly violent protests around Europe, similar to the one pictured above in London, against elitist plans to introduce new limitations on freedom, lockdowns and further steps towards compulsory vaccination (with a vaccine that does not immunise against a virus that makes very few people ill,) it is disappointing to see that in the US and UK, mainstream media is still doing its best to ratchet up the fear and panic ... Continue reading >>>

The Betrayal Of Humanity By The Corrupt Medical Professions
From day one, back in March 2020 when the pandemic was declared, this blog has been questioning the fake statistics, highlighting the distortion of statistics to serve the scaremongering narratives of the elites and exposing the lies and dishonesty of politicians, sciencetitis (sic) and, surprisingly perhaps if you are of a credulous nature, doctors and the medical professions. ... Continue reading >>>

In A Fit Of Honesty Italian Institute Of Health Reduces Official COVID Death Toll By 97%
Italian newspaper Il Tempo has published a shock report, claiming that the country's Institute has reduced the official figure for the number of people who have died from COVID from 130,000 to under 4,000. This may surprise many people who bought into the "killer virus" narrative and unleashed torrents of pure hatred on those of us who declined vaccination, having studied the figure for reported "COVID related deaths," and the methodology used to arrive at that figure ... Continue reading >>>

A newly published study from researchers in Sweden reveals that the immunity to COVID gained from vaccination, is dissipated by natural biological processes within months. Immunity, although it would be more honestly called temporary respite, from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections is short term at best, and completely gone within months, this confirming the doubts raised by vaccine sceptics (or Conspiracy Theorists as mainstream media likes to call us Continue reading >>>

Useless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores. Told You SoUseless Drugs And Vaccines – Lying Science Whores. Told You So Dr. Offit, mandatory vaccine and conflicts of interest Do vaccines make you gay? ot-surprised/">Zika Virus Outbreak Centred On Area Where GM Mosquitos Were Released In 2015 – Why Are We Not Surprised Doctors, scientists greased by Big Pharma? Told you so. Weaponised Ebola Virus? The World Always Cathches Up Eventually? Meningitis B Vaccine - cost conundrum Flu Vaccines that don't work and healthy natural alternatives that work Fear and Painc! Mild Illness Suddenly Becomes A Killer Now Vaccine Is Available. Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects Of Vaccines [ Health tyranny ] ... [ Vaccines scam ] ... [ COVID vaccines harms ] ... [ Big Pharma criminality ]

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mass Immigration and Massive Increases In Crime Rates

Record number of illegal immigrants cros US border.

Crime rate soars in US cities

Immigration ti UK reaches new record (and that doesn't include those who enter illegally.)

British police have lost control of the streets in cities with large immigrant communities from third world countries.

Non-Western Immigrants Commit One-Third of Rapes and Violent Crimes in Denmark

Citing numbers from the Ministry of Justice, Berlingske reports that non-Western immigrants, who make up 8.4% of the Danish population, commit 14% of the country’s crimes of aggravated violence and 24.3% of the rapes. Researcher Lars Højsgaard Andersen with the Rockwool Foundation, said: "It is striking that it is almost always people from Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa as well as Pakistan and Turkey who are most often involved when it comes to crime.”

“These are deeply disturbing numbers. Therefore, we must take strong and decisive action against this behavior, which is completely unacceptable,” Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard told Berlingske.
“It makes me indescribably angry that individuals we have invited into our country repay us by committing rape and severe violence, which destroys other people’s lives here in Denmark,” he said. 
Researcher Lars Højsgaard Andersen with the Rockwool Foundation, who specializes in studying crime and minorities, says economic and social conditions are the culprit here: The young men who flee to Denmark have limited resources, are traumatized, and have a hard time entering the job market—which he says needs to be taken into consideration when comparing them with ethnic Danes.

“In societal terms,” Andersen said, “there is a challenge in that we have crime that increasingly has an ethnic face.” Culture, tradition, and the way children are raised also contribute to the discrepancy in criminality between different ethnic groups, he said.
“We actually don’t know what the concrete explanation is. But it is striking that it is almost always people from Muslim countries in the Middle East and North Africa as well as Pakistan and Turkey who fare worse when it comes to crime.”



EU States Rebel Against Brussels As Van Leyen Demands Borders Stay Open

The cracks in European solidarity are growing deeper by the day as the coronavirus crisis threatens to split the bloc. The response of European leaders has varied from panic, as several member-states have takeen unilateral action including severe border closures, to a laissez - fair attidude, notably from France's idiot president Emmanuel Macron who favours total inaction, having said complacently that viruses don't recognise borders.

University free speech society told free speech a 'red risk', external speakers must be vetted

Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by. Coninue Reading

Germany sliding into 'dangerous' anti-Europe hysteria warns top economist
As Germany's economy continues to stutter one of the country’s top economists has warned the country is desending into “anti-Europe hysteria” amid growing criticism in the country of the European Central Bank (ECB) and surging support for the Eurosceptic, anti - immigration AfD Party.

Salvini Accuses Leftist Govt of Giving Away Italian Sovereignty to EUMatteo Salvini leader of the hugely popular Populist League (Lega) party, which, despite having a democratic mandate, was excluded from the government of Italy by a stitch up enigineered by the Euronazi EU Commission in Brussels, has accused Giuseppe Conte the Italian prime minister apponted by the EU, of handing over Italian sovereignty to the European Union bureaucrats

EU's Top Eurofederalist admits EU wants an empire
The leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE)
told CNN that plans to reform the EU and devolve power from Brussels back to the nation-state proposed by the populist paries that have spring up in member states, and led by Matteo Salvin's Lega (League) in Italy, Marine le Pen and her Rassemblement National in France and Hungary's Victor Orban, leader of the Fidesz party would mean that the bloc “will die inside.”

Little Donny Tusk The Polish Has-Been Tells Britain How To Vote.
Donald Tusk, who is the President of the European Council and was the centre-right Europhile Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 to 2014 made the remarks in support of his former Deputy Prime Minister, Anglo-Pole Jan-Vincent Rostowski who is standing as a Change UK candidate in London for Thursday’s election.

EU Dictatorship: German MEP says process of choosing Juncker successor a hoax as European elections near
The process of selecting the person who will succeed Jean-Cluade Juncker as European Commission President is a deeply flawed “hoax” dreamed up by “Eurofanatics” who want to create a United States of Europe, a German MEP said today. Hans-Olaf Henkel made his remarks as the prospective candidates – known as Spitzenkandidaten, in Germany, jockeyed for position.

Europe’s Nationalists Unite Behind Salvini Ahead Of EU Elections

With the EU elections due in May this year expected to deliver another body blow to the dream of a Federal European superstate, Europe's more conservative nationalist parties have today announced an alliance that is aiming to become the strongest group in the European Parliament, with a view to forcing to radical reform on the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, which dictates policy on security, migration, family and the environment, according to Euro News.

Harold MacMillan’s EU warning revealed
Harold MacMillan, British Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963 gave us a chilling warning about the EEC – (European Economic Community) – before Britain joined the bloc, claiming that Germany had planned on using the trading bloc, as an instrument to assert its supremacy across the continent once more. On Wednesday, 3 April, 2019 The House of Commons voted in favour of legislation which forces the Government to request another extension for 'Brexit', giving our current Prime Minister Theresa May more time to show us the comtempt the ruling elite have for the principles of democracy.

Leaked Document Reveals Unacceptable Demands Made By EU Ahead Of Final Talks Before Brexit Deadline
A Secret document has revealed concession the EU is demanding before beginning fresh talks on Brexit ahead of the 12 april dealine. According to a memo seen by the Sunday Times, Brussels is demanding the UK must continue to pay its share of the EU budget, must implement new measures on citizens’ rights, and sign a legally binding agreement to arrangements to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and The Republic.

Merkel: EU Members Must Cede control Of Their Border To Brussels
German Chanellor Angela Merkel sparked outrage today and pushed the EU cloers to its final disintegration when she stated that EU Member states would be forced to surrender on of their most important sovereign powers, control of their borders, to Brussels in order that the unelected bureaucrats of the European commission could 'manage' immigration (i.e. open the border crossings and let any criminally inclined bunch of fanatics enter Europe.

Spanish Socialist Budget Fails As Budget Rejected; New Elections Expected

We predicted last year when the socialist leader Pedto Sancjez usurped the Spanish government after the collapse of the minority government led by Mariano Rajoy collapsed, could not last. In a widely expected but destabilizing development, Spanish conservatives and pro-independence Catalonians voted to back a slate of amendments to a government budget on Wednesday by a wide margin of 191 votes out of 350,

EU Stitch Up To Promote Euronazi Selmayr’s Is Typical Of The EU's Contempt For Democracy
# The former Prime Minister of little Luxembourg Jean-Claude Juncker to ensure his chief of staff was installed as the new Secretary-General of the European Commission, in what one senior Eurocrat has called “an impeccably prepared and audacious power-grab” at the top of the European Union.

Friday, October 11, 2024

British Population Surges, Enirely Due To Immigration


The latest population estimates issued by the Office of National Statistics, for the year to the middle of 2023, is that the number of people living in the United Kingdom swelled by what is a record for modern times. The population grew by 1 per cent, adding an extra 662,400 people – more than the population of Manchester

Dig deeper into the figures and we that all this growth is down to immigration. The population already resident in Britain actually shrank last year by 16,300 – deaths exceeded births for the first time in many decades.

The headline to the latest population estimates from the Office of National Statistics – which cover the year to the middle of 2023 – is that the number of people living in the United Kingdom swelled by what is a record for modern times. The population grew by 1 per cent, adding an extra 662,400 people – more than the population of Manchester.

The headline to the latest population estimates from the Office of National Statistics – which cover the year to the middle of 2023 – is that the number of people living in the United Kingdom swelled by what is a record for modern times. The population grew by 1 per cent, adding an extra 662,400 people – more than the population of Manchester.

You have to dig deeper into the figures to realise that all of this growth is down to migration. The population already resident in Britain actually shrank last year by 16,300 – deaths exceeded births. These figures do not include the numbers who entered the country illegaly, not just those who crossed the channel in small boats, or came via ferry ports, crammmed into goods containers and hideny by boxes of genuine imported goods. Or indeed those who came of short term visas to visit relatives and simply never returned to their homeland.

From the same source we also find that 1.4 million people are unemployed, and working age people not in the labour force now number 9.3 million.

The idea we need an ever increasing number of third world, non-English speaking, low skilled immigrants just to keep the country going is insane. But then net zero, the transition to sustainsble energy, rewilding of prime agricultural land, financing Ukraines futile war against Russia, and transgender rights ideology are all equally insane. But the government supports all of them.

If better pay was offered and benefits were properly controlled there would be a lot of labour available from the existing population (as of five years ago). Unlimited immigration undermines wages and removes any incentive for employers to improve productivity (both private and public sector employers).

Besides which we are inundated with warnings thet pensions will be paid from ever older ages in future and that robotics will reduce the need for workers. Interesting how the forecasts of quasi-economists can be distorted to justify whichever social destruction programme they had in mind in the first place: unlimited immigration, stay in the EU, globalisation, euthenasia, higher taxes.


Britain's Self Destructive Race To Net Zero Is Driven By Corruption In High Places
Late last year it was revealed that almost half the Conservative Party MPs in the U.K. Parliament belong to a group promoting extreme Net Zero ideas that is funded by a small group of green billionaires led by the ECF and CAF, along with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers and Oak Foundation.

The Truth Has Become An Enemy Of The State And Must Be Kept Hidden At All Costs
Several industries have grown out of the need of globalist governments to keep the majority of the population in a state of fear in order that We The People will not rise up against the oppressive policies related to climate change, health tyranny, mass immigration, surveillance and censorship, technological dictatorship, and the suspension of our civil rights and liberties ...

Tractors Are Heading For Central London As UK Farmers Protest
Scores of farm tractors from all over Britain were reported to be converging on Westminster as British farmers finally ran out of patience and pushed back against what they say is a lack of government support. Flying Union flags and displaying signs with slogan such as 'Save British farming' and 'No farming, no food, no future' they were gathering in London and plan to arrive in central London by early evening

p>The Theraputic Society Is Destroying Civilisation
Many of the problems afflicting Britain and its neighbours appear to be related to what has been called The Theraputic Society, Nanny State and paternalistic liberalism. As government grows, corporate industry and private business is increasingly coming to resemble the public sector, ruled less by economic rationality than by an intrusive bureaucracy functioning increasingly like an HR department.

UK Gov. Fossil Fuels U Turn Means Its All Over For Net Zero
The Announcement made by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak acknowledged at last that to keep the lights and heating on in our homes and the wheels of industry turning it will be necessary to start building new gas-fired power plants because the great science backed leap to transition energy productions to clean, green, pollution free, sustainable, renewable, blah blah blah sources has failed dismally.

Double Blow To Irish Woke Wonks - Voters Reject ‘Progressive’ Reforms to the Constitution By Big Majorities
Simpering, limp wristed Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar whose government has faced protests because it is claimed they govern in the interests of the liberal elite and ignore the Irish people, suffered two blows to his ambition to turn Ireland into the wokest country in Europe last weekend. Varadkar admitted on Saturday that voters had delivered “two wallops” to the government, which, led by Leo himself, had pushed for a "Yes" vote on a pair of referendums.

Corbyn's Politically Correct Hypocrites Hate Sexism But Approve Of Muslim Sexism
On encountering my insense dislike of the Labour Party, people asume I am a Conservative. WRONG! I have never supported The Conservatives and have never voted either Conservative or Labour in my life. Politicians should never be trusted, I but what sets Labour politicians and activists above the rest in terms of being worthy of only contempt is the hypocrisy.

He's Not The Messiah, His Name Is Edymandias - Miliband's slab stunt goes down like a Lead Balloon Only two days campaigning left before polls open for the 2015 general election. Who will winn? Opinion Poll show no conclusive trends. But inside information tells us the reason conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has a smile on his face as the campaigning draws to a close. Farage is radiant, clegg liooks chirpy, only Ed Milband is down in the dumps.

Were Rotherham Abuse Victimes sacrificed To Save The Labour Party
One of the victimes of Rotherham's grooming and child abuse gangs has put a political perspective on the scandal by claiming she and other victims were ignored, effectively sacrificed to the tender mercies of the gangs to ensure Labour did not lose votes in the town. The young girls were abused by Muslim men for years on end, but council did nothing to stop the crime.

Miliband Promises Same Old Shite - Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs
Labour leader Ed Miliband's keynote speech at the Labour Party conference woyuld have to be the best speech of his life if he hoped to be Prime Minister after next years election, the consensus of opinon said. Ed's friends and opponents awaited the speech with very different hopes and expectations. in the end as Ed dodged the bg issues, the economy and debt, law and order, immigration and Europe, it was probably his enemies who were happier.

The Left's Rhetorical Technique Explained
In the first of what might become a long if irregular series of posts with the collective title, "Left Wing Authoritarianism for beginners," your friend and mentor Little Nicky Nicky Machiavelli will expose the origins of the socialist left's propaganda technique and its apparent dependence on slogans, dogma and mantras. But first let's play a little game ...

The Hate And Prejudice The Bourgois Left Find Acceptable
The neo - fascist left are quick to jump on any of the forbidden pejudices, racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia and so on. But as we have seen, they find pejudice and hated againt Christians and white Europeans quite acceptable. The bourgeois metropitan set might think that is acceptable but where I come from it's called hypocrisy.

Ve Haff Vay Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left
The left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be the party's core constituency to the substitution of smearing UKIP for policies in the european Election this is a party of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them.

Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial
A move to extend the government's power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.

These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech

When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.