The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sweden's Euronazi PM Says EU Must Force Third World Migrants On Europe

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven is apolitically correct turd, that has been the accepted view of sane people for a long time. But having turned prosperous, civilised Sweden onto a third world shithole by opening the borders to hundreds of thousands of unskilled, semi literate, unemployable "asylum seekers" he now want to do the same for the rest of Europe. And he will be quite happy for the EU to use tactics favoured by a certain German gentleman, Herr Hitler, to do it.

Ahead of the summit meeting of EU leaders in Salzburg, Löfven angrily insisted he will argue for mandatory asylum seeker quotas, reportedly showing “anger” at current EU Presidency chair Austria’s declaring the policy dead. He's a strange person is Lofven, he gets very upset about what leaders of other EU nations are doing even though it does not affect Sweden, but doesn't give a flying fuck about the Swedish women who are beingEurope, EU molested, raped and murdered by his beloved migrants.

“I will continue to pursue the issue of compelling countries to accept a quota of refugees coming to Europe because all countries have a responsibility to receive asylum seekers,” Lofven told Aftonbladet.

“If we fail to implement this we will have another crisis, because the whole Schengen area is at risk unless there is cooperation [between member states] on this issue,” he said.

Responding to the suggestion that this would be pointless, as the newspaper pointed out resistance to mandatory migrant quotas has been “growing rather than subsiding” — not only in Hungary but now across other countries in Europe — Löfven insisted that the arguments for forcing third world migrants on unwilling nations were as strong as ever, thus proving he hasn't a clue what is going on outside the wealthier suburbs of Stockholm where the elite have their city homes.

Asked whether he agreed that attitudes in Europe were hardening towards illegal migration, to the point that people want to “prevent refugees from reaching the continent at all”, the Swedish premier told Aftonbladet that “makes it all the more important” that migrants are shared across the bloc.

“The more countries are receiving refugees, the less of a burden it will be for each country,” he said, giving an answer which ignored the argument of Visegrád nations refusing to take a share of asylum seekers, that Europe’s illegal immigration problem is made worse, rather than better, by sharing migrants around while failing to enact proper border control.

It seems he has not considered the option of rounding up the illegal immigrants, putting them on boats previously used to transport pigs and sending them back to whatever shithole country they came from. Most of the recent arrivals have not gone through the legal migration problem and so are criminals. We have to be willing to show that ignoring the laws of European nations will not be tolerated.

Failed Immigration Policy Threatens Press Freedom In Sweden

Stockholm: Beautiful, civilised Sweden being turned into a third world cesspit by idiotic socialist politics and barbaric immigrants ...

Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.

We ask why it is, in Sweden, that when a Swede kills two immigrants it is an act of terrorism that shames the nation, but when an African immigrant kills a Swedish mother and her young child, in the eyes of the government it is somehow the victim's fault? The big concern is that, given the desperation of our Conservtive and Labour party leaders to make us more European, such politically correct insanity will be inflicted in Britain next

Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?

Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.

Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigtant Hostel?

Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...

Watch two Finnish shopgirls out a couple of male Muslim shoplifters.
Arthur's introduction (in his usual inimitable style) to this video from Finland might offend some people, but the attitude of Muslim immigrants that they can just walk into shops and take what they want, force themselves on women whenever they please, molest young children and tel us how to run our countries in Europe needs to be challenged.

London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims

When Donald Trump, currently frontrunner in the contest to be Republican Party candidate in the USA's 2016 Presidential Election, in a campaign broadcast commented that Islamisation of the west has gone so far parts of London are so heavily populated with Muslim extremists there are now no go zones for police and emergency services, he was attacked by politicians and the mainstream media.

Politically Unbiased BBC Launches Left Wing Attack On Donald Trump For Illegal Immigrants Stance

The BBC, Britain's publicly funded broadcaster is bound by a charter which commits it to be balanced and non partisan in its news reporting. Repeatedly however, the BBC, its management now doniated by left wing luvvies is becoming more and more blatantly left wing in its unbiased reporting

Autumn Gets More Interesting As Merkel Admists She May Have Caused balkans War.

The autumn of 2015 has been interesting with the escalation of the war against ISIS by Russian air Force jets and Iranian ground troops in Syria and Iraq, Europe's migrant crisis pushing prosperous north European nations towards civil unrest, and the downing of a Russian airliner over Sinai by as yet unknown causes though western intelligence reports suggest a terrorist bomb was planted on board before take off. And it is set to get more interesting ...

Swedish Immigrant Street Wars Spread: Stockholm Grenade Attack Follows Kurd-Turk Migrant Clashes

Violence between migrant gangs of different ethnicities vying for territorial rights to run organised crime has become the norm in Malmo, southern Sweden. Now it appears that as a consequence of the Swedish loony left government’s insane policy of flooding the country with third world migrants without

Mediterranean Immigrant Composite

The flow of undocumented migrants from Africa trying to cross the Mediterranean from the coast of Libya to Italian, Greek and Maltese territory seems unstoppable. Two factors in the problem however have been western (particlarly American meddling in the internal affairs of African states, and wester aid leading to a population explosion national infrastructures are unable to cope with. And of course European leaders haven't a clue how to deal with the problem.

Immigration: The boat people crisis

Immigration - the problems

The tyranny of human rights

Latest Posts

Sweden In Shock After Latest Imigrant Rape Outrage

Disabled Woman Gang Raped By Immigrants In Sweden. Socialist Utopia My Arse

Swedish Press Conceals Migrant Crimes Due to Loyalty to Government

Sweden ‘Facing Collapse’ Thanks To Migrant Influx, Foreign Minister Warns

“Never Seen Anything Like This Before” – Sweden Stunned At “Unreal” Surge In Refugee Sex Attacks

Sweden’s Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe

WTF Is Going On In Sweden

Immigrant criminals and Swedish criminals are viewed differently in the eyes of Swedish law.

Immigrant Violence Changes Mood In Germany

Swedish TV Anchorman Refers To Immigrants As ‘Kebab Technicians’

Monday, September 17, 2018

Britain Should Be Facing Global Outrage Over Skripal Saga, Not Russia

Some people may believe it is mere coincidence that in the week The UK, France and the USA (the FUKUS axis) discussed plans for appropriate measures, which would involve bombs and possibly a military incursion, in retaliation for a chemical weapon attack in Syria that has not taken place yet, the increasingly ludicrous story of the assassination attempt on former Russian agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia has come to the top of the news again.

Obviously the fires of Russophobia need to be stoked to get voters in any of the nations involved in the frustrated bit to overthrow the Assad government in Syria on board for a military intervention that could easily escalate into armed conflict between the western power and Russia, which will likely be supported by Iran and China.

Last week's  announcement by the British government that two named Russian suspects were being sought in connection with the alleged poisoning of a former Russian spy turned double agent, who after his release from prison in an exchange deal between the US and Russia may have been involved in private intelligence work for some very dodgy characters is more absurd drama in a long-running tawdry saga.

Skripal assassination suspects (they could be anybody) Picture:

As in all previous developments in this case, no verifiable evidence that these two ordinary looking men work for the Russian secret service, or even that they are Russian. News of their involvement has been presented, with more lurid innuendo against the Russian state and the usual refusal by the British authorities to abide by any due process and international norms of diplomacy. It is all scurrilous sound and fury aimed at smearing Russia.

This week, Britain’s Metropolitan Police released video shots of the alleged assassains, purporting to show them, each alone, walking down a corridor at London’s Gatwick airport on March 2.They were not together but according to the timestamp on the CCTV still has arrived  in the exact same spot at the exact same time. When sharp eyed bloggers and alt_media journalists pointed this out, the government quickly claimed there are parallel corridors. That's possible, but to be at the same point, marching in lockstep, not even a a yard apart should stretch our credulity.

Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but consider this thought from the conspiracy theorist in chief:
Other video shots produced as evidence of their involvement show the same men walking the streets of a town that might be Salisbury. There's no reason to believe it isn't, but with no distinguishing landmarksthe street could be almost anywhere.

Still from I?TV news via The Daily Mail online
On March 3, the day before former Russian Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were apparently stricken with a powerful nerve agent. The two would-be assassins then allegedly flew back to Moscow from London late on March 4.

One of the most preposterous claim made by British security services, is that traces of the Novichok nerve agent used to poison the Skripals were found in the London hotel room where the alleged Kremlin agents stayed. The incompetence of these two supposedly highly trained super assassins is beyond belief . If the official narrative is correct, they seem to have spilled this stuff everywhere they went. Yet, we are told, it is one of the most potent nerve agents known and contact with a miniscule amount can be fatal. Leaving aside the potency of Novichok which seems to be in some doubt, it is amazing that of the five people affected by the poison as the Russian assassins splashed it about randomly throughout southern England, the two who have died were not the targets of this clowninsh operation.

More realistically clumsy, however, is the attempt by the British to lay an incriminating trail and now to name and blame two Russians who we are told were back in Russia or at least on their way back when the first victims were affected by the poison.

Former British ambassador Craig Murray and other astute observers have noted that the latest video shots released by Britain’s counter-terrorism police are highly questionable. The images could have been easily fabricated with modern digital methods. They are not evidence of anything. Yet, suspiciously, the British authorities are in unseemly haste to make their sensational charges of Russian state culpability.

The day after the Met police announcement implicating the two Russian culprits, Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May stood up in front of her parliament and claimed that the two individuals were members of Russian military intelligence, the GRU. Rather predicably the Russian government denied ever having heard of them. UK government Home Office security  minister, Ben Wallace, then accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of having personal responsibility for ordering the alleged assassination plot although there is no evidence for that and at a time of heightened tensions such outbursts are never going to be helpful.

Then on Thursday Britain summoned a meeting of the United Nations Security Council to reiterate its claims against Russia without providing any further substantiating details to back up the sensational accusations which are based on the belief that creating a bogeyman will swing public opinion in favour of military action against. The credulous British news media have obedienly pimped up the accusations giving the claims a veneer of credibility, holding the warmongers and military - industrial complex salesmen in government to account over the numerous irregularities in this narrative.

Vasily Nebenzia, Russia’s envoy to the United Nations commented that the whole aim of  Britain's accusations is to whip up more anti-Russian feeling in the international community. As envoy Nebenzia pointed out, it is entirely unreasonable for the British prime minister to make the categorical claim that the two allegedly Russian men in the video shots released this week are members of the GRU? Typically, she made the claim without providing any substantiating information as she has previously accused Russia of hostile acts without citing any evidence.

The British government is also teetering on the brink of political chaos from the Brexit debacle and growing public contempt for Prime minister May's amateurish incompetence and lack of leadership qualities.

This was the same kind of plucking from thin air that Theresa May performed only days after the Skripals were apparently poisoned in Salisbury on March 4. Again, back then, May stood in front of parliament and dramatically accused Russia of a state-sponsored assassination attempt. The British authorities have cast, and continue to cast, a verdict without any legal case. That verdict relies entirely on Russophobia and prejudice of Russian malfeasance.

No sooner had Britain unleashed its latest allegations, than a joint statement was released by the United States, Canada, Germany and France supporting the British claims. All this comes at a time when it is widely known the Assad government, backed by Russia and Iran, is preparing an all - out assault on Syria's Idlib province, the last stronghold of the various Islamic extremist groups that with the backing of the USA's Obama administration, (Trump ordered the US to cease funding and supplying arms to the rebels,) the EU, NATO and Saudi Arabia, have been trying to overthrow Assad for four years.  As I reported in mid August the Russian government predicted a false flag chemical weapon incident was being prepared to justify military intervention to prevent the final defeat of Islamic State.

Britain is now, stupidly, calling for more punitive economic sanctions against Moscow as it did earlier this year when the Skripals apparently fell ill on a park bench in Salisbury, a quiet Cathedral city in southern England. Russian diplomats have  now been expelled from twenty eight nations over earlier and similarly unsubstantiated claims about Russian malfeasance. More sanctions are likely, with the intended effect of framing Russia as a pariah state only resulting in economically harming EU and NATO
members that trade with Russia more that Russia itself.

The timing of this latest development in the Skripal saga is probably significant. As reported in my opening paragraphs, the US, Britain and France are threatening to launch military strikes on Syria just as the Syrian army and its Russian ally move to defeat the last-remaining stronghold of weatern-backed terror groups formed to effect regime change in that country.

The defeat of IS would bring to an ignominious end the  criminal war against the Assad government in Damascus, a war which, according to very real evidence available in the public domain, was intended to impose a puppet regime in Damascus and facilitate the building of oil and gas pipelines from Saudi Arabia and the gulf states to the Easter Mediterranean, thus undermining Russia's oil and gas trade with Europe.
Last month Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel held a productive, cordial summit with President Putin near Berlin, where the two leaders appeared to solidify a rapprochement over a crucial energy project between Russia the European Union. This news was not well received in Washington or Riyadh where the US government fears moves to dump the US dollar as global reserve currency, while the Saudis sense their ability to control the global trade in oil slipping away.

Washington Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas On Douma

Media’s hyping of Russia threat a ‘grotesque absurdity’ says veteran investigative reporter John Pilger

Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine - US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable

With a backlash against his efforts to bully Britons into voting to remain in the EU pushing the leave campaign into a narrow lead in opinion polls Obama's vistit to Europe last week could hardly be described as a success. And now he has been told a foreign policy based on 'American Exceptionalism' is not acceptable and the USA must abide by the same international law as the rest of the world
The Final Curtain For Hillary's Presidential Dream

The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed. Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."
Treasure "Trove" Of ISIS Documents Detail Secret Oil Trade With Turkey

We detail the route by which ISIS transports illegal, undocumented crude to Turkey via Zakho-based smugglers and how that crude ends up at Ceyhan where tanker rates seem to mysteriously spike around ISIS-related oil events. All of this, we suggested, was done with the help of the Turkish government up to and including Erdogan's son Bilal who owns a shipping company

Terrorist Friendly Obama Doctrine In Foreign Policy Has Made The World More Unstable
A highly critical look at the ongoing disaster of American Foreign Policy, in particular relating to the middle east, during the Obama administration. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are the main catastrophes, there are plenty of others.
EU HoldsBack New Regulation For Fear Of Strengthening Brexit Case

The unelected leaders of the EU in Brussels are smothering discussion of new pan – European laws that would impact the United Kingdom and all other member states, increasing the amount of money they have to contribute to the EU budget and transferring yet more sovereignty to Brussels ...
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response

Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds
Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive

The geopolitical world was rocked yesterday when Turkey began shelling Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by the forces of President Assad’s government and the Iranian Republican Guard supported, of course, by Russian airstrikes.
‘I’m back from Syria. The media are lying to you.’ Eva Bartlett

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian activist/freelance journalistst. Eva has lived cumulative 3 years in Gaza, spent time in Lebanon and visited Syria 3 times since April 2014. Anti-zionist, anti-imperialist, pro-justice. Find out more about Eva’s trips to Syria on her Websites: InGaza and Syria Solidarity Movement or watch the embedded video from YouTube at the web page linked above ...
US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria

The idea that ISIS has very close links with the USA has gone beyond conspiracy theory, or anti US propaganda, the proof is out there. We have previously reported on the US government's links to ISIS and revealed the vital role of NATO member Turkey in supporting the terrorists in their campaign which aims to create an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

Saturday, September 15, 2018

America Takes A Step Closer To Becoming A Cashless Society

Picture: The Guardian

If you order a beer at a Flatstick pub in Seattle, washington, don’t try to pay with $10 bill — you’ll walk away thirsty. It's not that the US state of Washington has started charging Scandinavian prices for booze, but that Flatstick, a hot new mini-chain in the Pacific Northwest, does not accept cash. Neither does Bluestone Lane, an east coast coffee chain with locations in New York, Philly and D.C. Patrons there have to pay with plastic or an app called LevelUp.

Cashless commerce is popping up around the country, particularly in restaurants catering to a younger crowd, the kind of university brainwashed millenials who think its cool to make life easy for rip off merchants by relying on contactless cards or smart phone apps to pay. It seems millenials are more likely to leave home without any greenbacks, or even a wallet, and instead choose to live life with a smartphone and a few credit or debit cards attached. Or perhaps due to the abject failure of the education system these dorks haven't mastered the basic arithmetic needed to use cash transactions.

Businesses who’ve gone cashless rave about the results. Flatstick owner Sam Largent told me plastic-only reduces error rates during times of complex accounting, such as calculating tips when shifts change. I'm not sure why customers should care about that but then in Europe your waiter is not likely to shoot you for tipping too little.

The value of cash transactions sank 7% from 2010 to 2015, according to The Nilson Report, while credit and debit card payments increased by nearly 50%. Meanwhile, ATMs, which had their 50th birthday last year, are disappearing around around the world, signaling the decline of the “cash run.”

Cash-free environments aren’t brand new. Political establishments have been pushing the idea of cashless lives for decades, the better to keeep tabs on the spending habits of individuals. Airlines went cashless a long time ago (for meals and other onboard purchases), and many other businesses are only taking automated payments (it gives them an excuse to fire another human being.) And with the meteoric rise of friend-to-friend payment apps like Venmo, Zelle and Splitwise, we’re no longer throwing $20 bills on the table after a meal (or handing over cash or checks to roommates for the gas bill).

But cash is a long away from dead, and as usual we find governments and mainstream media are deploying fake news to advance their agenda. The US Federal Reserve said in 2016 that 35% of U.S. transactions were still made in cash although 42% of UK transactions are still in cash. Numbers for other European countries, with the Scandinavian countries leading the race to dystopia while the nations of southern and eastern Europe cling to their banknotes.. And the amount of cash being used around the world continues to rise. Plus, there are still many of obstacles to going cashless.

For starters, the estimates suggest that around 7% of the populations of developed nations still do not use banking facilities. In other words, they live an all-cash life, so would be entirely shut out in a cashless society. Some also like the anonymity that comes with paying cash. Others use cash for budgeting reasons (when you’re out of cash, you stop spending - simples).

Still, on a global scale, eliminating cash offers some intriguing possibilities. Merely the elimination of large denomination banknotes, which the EU has done, makes life much harder for large-enterprise criminals, like drug dealers according to technocrats. OK, it’s far more conspicuous to carry around large piles of small bills, but wire transfers between banks in Switzerland and The Cayman Islands present no problems. And if you connect through a VPN the transaction is untraceable. People who claim that if all financial transactions were electronic, hiding crime would become much more difficult are takling bollocks. They either have little understanding of how the internet works (or how much of it is invisible to the World Wide Web,) or they are on the side of the big league criminals and corporate pirates.

The Elite’s Scheme to Eliminate Cash And Impose Negative Interest Rates
Politicians love inflation, it provides an easy way out of the financial mess they create, Bankers too love inflation because while they lend fiat money, the loans they issue are secured against real assets such as people’s homes and valuables. However both need “the punters they fleece to have faith in the value of the currency they hold or the numbers stored in computers that increasingly represent our wealth ...

Negative Interest Rates & The War On Cash, Part 3: "Beware The Promoters"

Bitcoin and other electronic platforms have paved the way psychologically for a shift away from cash, although they have done so by emphasising decentralisation and anonymity rather than the much greater central control which would be inherent in a mainstream electronic currency. Despite the loss of privacy, electronic currency is much favoured by techno-optimists, but not so much by those concerned about the risks of absolute structural dependency on technological complexity.

India’s Cashless Society set to fail but slide to fascism goes on

On 17th July 2017, India will elect a new President through a vote of the elected representatives. The contenders are Ram Nath Kovind and Meira Kumar. Few people outside his own family know who Kovind is and voters are only vaguely aware of Ms. Kumar. India will get a complete nobody as its next President. …

A cashless society would hurt the poor

We have reported on the push, led by globalist politicians and supranational bureaucracies such as the United Nations and the European Union to abolish cash throughout the world and move all business activity to digital media. The issues for personal privacy and liberty are well documented, but the real losers will be the poor.

War On Cash Gathers Momentum - Germany Unveils Cash Controls

On Monday (1 February, 2016) just two days ago, Bloomberg called on the central banks of the world to “bring on a cashless future” in an Op-Ed that calls notes and coins "dirty, dangerous, unwieldy, and expensive."
We can imagine it would be quite easy to harm someone by firing large coins at them from a gun and terrorists could probably stuff an improvised explosive device with small coins rather than nails or nuts and bolts. And if ...

Norway's Biggest Bank Joins Push To Abolish Cash

The move by governments to eliminate cash as a means of trading goods and services is moving faster than we imagined. With another global financial crisis looming according to financial journalists and investment experts this is as understandable as it is undesirable for us ordinary punters.

The Financial Times Calls for Ending Cash, Calls it a “Barbarous Relic”

Earlier this week, as the financial world was in turmoil following a rapid crash and recovery in financial markets. While we the punters shook our heads and wondered how the banksters get away with this kind of shit, The Financial Times published a dastardly little piece of fascist New World Order propaganda.

New Global Crisis Imminent, New Geneva Report Warns
The Geneva Report refers to a “poisonous combination of high and rising global debt and slowing nominal GDP [gross domestic product], driven by both slowing real growth and falling inflation”. The total burden of world debt, private and public, has risen from 160 per cent of national income in 2001 to almost 200 per cent after the crisis struck in 2009 and 215 per cent in 2013. “Contrary to widely held beliefs, the world has not yet begun to delever and the global debt to GDP ratio is still growing, breaking new highs,” the report said.

Cashless Society - The Resistance Begins Here

A seaside market town in Norfolk may be less than 100 miles from the world's financial capital, London, , it may be the commercial centre of West Norfolk’ as the town website boasts, it may be home to 45,000 people — but there, unlike in London, cash is king.

Establishment Pushing ‘Cashless Society’ to Control Humanity

The global establishment is increasingly pushing the notion of what it calls a “cashless society” — a world in which all payments and transactions would be conducted electronically, creating a permanent record for governments to inspect and track at will.Multiple governments from Africa and Asia to Europe and ...

War On Cash Gathers Momentum - Germany Unveils Cash Controls

On Monday (1 February, 2016) just two days ago, Bloomberg called on the central banks of the world to “bring on a cashless future” in an Op-Ed that calls notes and coins "dirty, dangerous, unwieldy, and expensive."
We can imagine it would be quite easy to harm someone by firing large coins at them from a gun and terrorists could probably stuff an improvised explosive device with small coins rather than nails or nuts and bolts. And if ...

War On Cash - A Country By Country Guide

More on the global war on cash being waged by ruling elites in parallel with their war on privacy as they try to exert total control over everything.

Norway's Biggest Bank Joins Push To Abolish Cash

The move by governments to eliminate cash as a means of trading goods and services is moving faster than we imagined. With another global financial crisis looming according to financial journalists and investment experts this is as understandable as it is undesirable for us ordinary punters.

War On Cash: Pin Numbers will be obsolete within five years, we will pay with mobile or fingerprints instead.

The War On Cash gathers more momentum as political, business and academic elite attempt to advance and agenda that will destroy individual freedom and privacy and give them total control of our lives and finances via technology.

Sweden’s Rebels Against Cashless Society Push: “We Have No Weapon Fight Back…If Putin Invades”

This omnibus page is about documenting the global elite’s “War On Cash” (yes that is a bit over dramatic and click – baity, but we have to compete for attention,) which is not about making life better for the masses as we are told it is, but about enabling government agencies to increase their ability …

Being Evil? Just Another Day At The Office For Google Boss

Amazon's Human Robots: More and more people are finding themselves dehumanised in the modern workplace

Washington Signals Fears Over Dollar

Globalist Bankers Make Plans To Rob Your Bank Account

Slaves To The Machine

Holy City (slam poem)

Living Within The Conspiracy

New World Order

Internet Technology

Science and Technology

London transport bans cash

Monday, September 10, 2018

Assad Prepping Chemical Weapons; US Diplomat claims. Russia Threatens Attack On US Base

The situation in Syria is deteriorating rapidly in Syria as the Assad government prepares for its final assault on Idlib, the last stronghold of the head amputating, journalist roasting, murdering, torturing, sex slave taking, raping, thieving, kiddie fiddling ISIS / Al Nusra extremists (better known perhaps as Barack Obama's beloved moderate rebels.) Russian jets have been bombarding rebel positions in Idlib Province as the Syrian Army initiates a ground invasion which Damascus has described as coming in a "phased" approach.

The White House responded to the Syrian and Russian bombing campaign by vowing it would act “swiftly and vigorously” should chemical weapons be used, conveniently forgetting that in other cases where the US has alleged the Assad regime has used gas against its own people, in efforts to justify direct intervention in Syria, Putin has faced down The Pentagon, while subsequent investigations by the independent OPCW (Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons) inspectors has found no evidence of the Assad government's involvement, and on the famous ocasion when the childbrain Barack Hussein Obama claimed he had irrefutable evidence that Assad was responsible for a poison gas incident, the inspectors found very strong evidence that the gas cannisters were fired by the rebels into a civilian area under the control of the Assad government. Furthermore the gas used was discovered to have originated in the USA.

Just a day ago US diplomats claimed there's “lots of evidence” chemical weapons are being prepared by the Syrian forces, citing intelligence of such activities. We remind you again that at the end of last month and early this month the Russian government was warning that a false flag gas attack was being prepared by US agents to justify interference in the final defeat of the CIA sponsored bid to oust Assad and replace him with a government beholden to the Islamic fundamentalist monarchy of Saudi Arabia. Readers should also bear in mind that as with previous allegations of illegal weapon use by the Syrian regime, the "US Intelligence" comes from the rebels themselves, hardly what a sane person would call a reliable source (although the mass murderer and war criminal Obama was happy to believe their every word.

America's top general has now confirmed the Pentagon is drawing up military options to attack Syria and is in currently in close discussion with the White House over the plans. Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told reporters on Saturday during a trip to India, according to Reuters:
...he was involved in “routine dialogue” with the White House about military options should Syria ignore U.S. warnings against using chemical weapons in an expected assault on the enclave of Idlib.

President Trump has already ordered Tomahawk missile attacks on Syria twice, in the past 2 Aprils.
However, Gen. Dunford noted that no decision has been made to intervene militarily in response to Idlib. “But we are in a dialogue, a routine dialogue, with the president to make sure he knows where we are with regard to planning in the event that chemical weapons are used,” he told a group of reporters.

Dunford added in reference to his talks with President Trump: “He expects us to have military options and we have provided updates to him on the development of those military options.”

The fact that Russia has stationed a flotilla of warships in the eastern Mediterranean, off Syria, may influence the final decision of the Pentagon and the Department of Defense of course, as it has before.

Trump had previously bombed Syria twice after allegations that Assad ordered a chemical weapons attack in April 2017 and April 2018 the former was in response to a claimed sarin attack on Idlib.

White House officials have vowed to hold Assad responsible for any chemical attack allegations that emerge. Given that all previous allegations of chemical weapons use has not been proved, it seems to this publication the USA is simply desperate for war.


Trump Pivot On Syria
U.S. Goal In Syria To Get ISIS and go home’: Trump Challenges Pentagon, Military - Industrial Complex and Obama's Legacy

Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine - US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable

With a backlash against his efforts to bully Britons into voting to remain in the EU pushing the leave campaign into a narrow lead in opinion polls Obama's vistit to Europe last week could hardly be described as a success. And now he has been told a foreign policy based on 'American Exceptionalism' is not acceptable and the USA must abide by the same international law as the rest of the world

The Final Curtain For Hillary's Presidential Dream

The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed. Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."

Treasure "Trove" Of ISIS Documents Detail Secret Oil Trade With Turkey

We detail the route by which ISIS transports illegal, undocumented crude to Turkey via Zakho-based smugglers and how that crude ends up at Ceyhan where tanker rates seem to mysteriously spike around ISIS-related oil events. All of this, we suggested, was done with the help of the Turkish government up to and including Erdogan's son Bilal who owns a shipping company

Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?

Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.

Terrorist Friendly Obama Doctrine In Foreign Policy Has Made The World More Unstable
A highly critical look at the ongoing disaster of American Foreign Policy, in particular relating to the middle east, during the Obama administration. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are the main catastrophes, there are plenty of others.

EU HoldsBack New Regulation For Fear Of Strengthening Brexit Case

The unelected leaders of the EU in Brussels are smothering discussion of new pan – European laws that would impact the United Kingdom and all other member states, increasing the amount of money they have to contribute to the EU budget and transferring yet more sovereignty to Brussels ...

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response

Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive

The geopolitical world was rocked yesterday when Turkey began shelling Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by the forces of President Assad’s government and the Iranian Republican Guard supported, of course, by Russian airstrikes.

‘I’m back from Syria. The media are lying to you.’ Eva Bartlett

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian activist/freelance journalistst. Eva has lived cumulative 3 years in Gaza, spent time in Lebanon and visited Syria 3 times since April 2014. Anti-zionist, anti-imperialist, pro-justice. Find out more about Eva’s trips to Syria on her Websites: InGaza and Syria Solidarity Movement or watch the embedded video from YouTube at the web page linked above ...

US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria

The idea that ISIS has very close links with the USA has gone beyond conspiracy theory, or anti US propaganda, the proof is out there. We have previously reported on the US government's links to ISIS and revealed the vital role of NATO member Turkey in supporting the terrorists in their campaign which aims to create an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria

The idea that ISIS has very close links with the USA has gone beyond conspiracy theory, or anti US propaganda, the proof is out there. We have previously reported on the US government's links to ISIS and revealed the vital role of NATO member Turkey in supporting the terrorists in their campaign which aims to create an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

Turkey and Sadui Arabia Already Have Troops Fighting In Syria

Even mainstream media has been forced to concede that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are apparently ready to send ground forces to the Syrian battlefield as Assad's forces, backed by Russian air power and Iranian elite troops but continue to grind down ISIS forces equipped with US made arms and ammunition via Saudi Arabia and funded by Turkey's illegal oil trade with the terrorist group.

US Military Contractors Happy With Escalating Conflicts in the Middle East

My friends and I have been telling you since the US led coalition invaded Afghanistan in 2001 that the USA's perpetual war on terror was not about making the public safe and secure but instead about corporate profits and political power.

Crazy Obama Administration Claims It Brought Peace And Security To Syria In 2015
As fighting intensifies between ISIS, The Assad regime and its Russian, Iranian and Chinese allies and the FUKUS axis (France, UK, US) with support from Turkey as that rogue state wages a genocial campaign against the Kurds, the increasingly insane warmongers of the Obama administration is telling US voters they have brought peace and security to Syria Fortunately for Americans with enough nous to question the official narrative, new media is getting the truth out to ever increasing audiences.

Captured ISIS fighter says ‘trained in Turkey, ISIS thinks it’s safer than Syria’

Yet another report from the middle east offering more evidence that Turkey is supporting ISIS in every possible way and acting as the USA's proxy in the Obama administration's efforts to depose the regime of President Assad in Syria.

ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS

Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.

To Join Obama's Proxy War Against Russia In Syria Would Be Cameron's Greatest Folly

A look at our prospects should tway - boy Cameron succeed in obtaining parliament's approval for his wish to join Obama's coalition ofg dodgy political opportunists in their attempt to overthrow Syria's President Assad. Given that Putin has said many times, Assad stays, our outdated war planes don't stand an ice cube in hell's chance against Russian S34s and Growler Surface to Air missiules (SAMs). And that's without factoring in China's pledge to support it's allies Putin and Assad.

ISIS Oil expopse "Raqqa's Rockefellers", Bilal Erdogan, KRG Crude, And The Israel Connection

More on how the USA and its allies Israel and Turkey have been central to the criminal business of stealing oilf from wells rightflly owned by Iraq and the autonomous Kurdish region and laundering it through Turkey into western markets and how the Turkish crook President Recep Edrogan is making hundreds of millions of dollars from the trade.

ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Here at last is the story behind the shooting down of a Russian military jet by Turkey's air force. It will also answer questions about how ISIS can afford all those Toyota pick up trucks, but it is not pleasant reading for people in the west who just want to hear that the good guys are winning

Turkish Warplanes Shoot Down Russian Su24 Near Syrian Border

Hot news from the middle east all day today, it looks like what we all feared is about to happen as Turkish and Russian warplances clash, with Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter and then a gang of insane religious fantatics (or moderate Syrian rebels as Barack Obama calls them) shoot down the helicopter Russian officers sent to rescue their downed planes crew.

Russian Pilots shot By Syrian Rebels While Parachuting To Safety

Hot news from the middle east all day today, it looks like what we all feared is about to happen as Turkish and Russian warplances clash, with Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter and then a gang of insane religious fantatics (or moderate Syrian rebels as Barack Obama calls them) shoot down the helicopter Russian officers sent to rescue their downed planes crew.

Friday, September 07, 2018

How US Department Of Homeland Security Created Fake News On Russia Hacking US Election


The narrative of Russian intelligence attacking state and local election boards and interfering with the outcome of U.S. elections has achieved near-universal acceptance among establishment media and political organisations. And now it has been accepted by the Trump administration’s intelligence chief, Dan Coats, as well.

But the real story behind that narrative reveals that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created and developed an account of events that was designed deliberately to spread false information and cause fear and panic.

DHS staff, in collusion with people whose involvement in industrial espionage, compiled a report suggesting hackers linked to the Russian government could have targeted voter-related websites in many states and then leaked a sensational story of Russian attacks on those sites. Had it been made clear that the whole thing was fabricated, yes they COULD have hacked the system, security was lax at best, but there is no evidence anyone did interfere with voting. The facts would have revealed a different story. When state election officials began asking questions, they discovered that the DHS claims were false and, in at least one case, laughable.

The National Security Agency and special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigating team, which has been conducting a witch hunt against the Trump administration since shortly after the election in 2016, have also claimed evidence that Russian military intelligence was behind election infrastructure hacking, but on closer examination, those claims turn out to be speculative and misleading as well. Mueller’s indictment of 12 GRU military intelligence officers does not cite any violations of U.S. election laws though it claims Russia interfered with the 2016 election.

On Sept. 29, 2016, a few weeks after the hacking of political websites in Illinois and Arizona, ABC News sensationalised the story with a headline: “Russian Hackers Targeted Nearly Half of States’ Voter Registration Systems, Successfully Infiltrated 4.” The story itself reported that “more than 20 state election systems” had been hacked, and four states had been “breached” by hackers suspected of working for the Russian government. The story cited only sources “knowledgeable” about the matter, hinting that those who were pushing the story were eager to hide the institutional origins of the information. Again no evidence was offered to support the allegations.

Behind that sensational headline the real story was of a government department playing inter - departmental politics by seeking to establish its supremacy within the national security state apparatus on cybersecurity, despite its limited resources for such responsibility.


Anti-Trump Fascists Plan "Democracy Spring"

Following their apparently delusional belief in the "success" of Tuesday night's violent protests, anti-Trump groups are plotting "Democracy Spring" threatening "drama in Washington" with the "largest civil disobedience action [in the USA] of the century."

France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree

I have little time for people who yell 'conspiracy theory'. These emotionally crippled, intellectually retarded, conformity addicted, delusional, left leaning, low - information sucklers of Nanny State's bitter pap might fancy themselves the voices of reason but in reality they never think anything through.
German politician calls on facebook to abolish free speech

A German politician has given the clearest indication yet that the political elites of the free world are ideologically much closer to Adolf Hitler's National Socialists than the social liberalism they claim to support. Free speech is the basis of all liberal democracy. Heiko Maas, the German justice minister has has written to the Facebook it removes “xenophobic and racist” anti-migrant posts from its website and apps., has written to the company to demand an urgent review of its policy over hate messages.

Free Speech Is Being Murdered By The Media And Left Wing Authoritarianism
Without free speech there is no democracy. Without democracy there is no freedom. But all over the developed world free speech is under attack from politically correct politics. It is time to start resisting, do not believe the propaganda published by mainstream media, question everything and make up your own mind. as The Buddha said, "Believe nothing you read or are told unless it agrees with your own experience and common sense."

Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics

Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests

Farage Reckless Facing Rabid Left Wing Fanatics

Following the defection to UKIP of Conservative MP Mark Reckless, who yesterday shocked the media and political establishment (everyone else knew it was on the cards.) by announcing his switch from con to Kipper from the podium at the closing session of UKIP's conference, the Kippers latest recruit and his new leader yesterday faced angry but ineffectual protests

Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press

Uncovering information that should be available to the public has become increasingly difficult under the presidency of Barack Obama, an Associated Press bureau chief says. In some cases, it surpasses the secrecy of the George W. Bush administration. The White House's penchant for secrecy does not just apply to the federal government, according to AP's Washington bureau chief, Sally Buzbee.

Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia

The opening paragraph of a CNN report on the latest developments in the crisis in Ukraine illusrate perfectly the hypocrisy of Western media in the way they cast Russia as the danger to world peace and America as bringer of freedom and democracy. In fact in the crisis over the US attempt to draw Ukraine into NATO the positions taken by the USA abd Russias are the opposite of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Scandal hit Rotherham ‘deleted abuse files’

In a move that puts them among the contenders for lying, self serving shits of the decade, but still in a league of their own un terms of complete and utter shittiness, it has emerged that the scum sucking scab lice of Rotherham Council's controlling Labour group and the public servants they employed had deleted files in order to cover up their complicity in the blatant and systematic child abuse perpetrated under the noses of council officials.

Centralized power - the worst of all possible worlds

The centralization of power over the past few decades in nations of the developed world has led to the evolution of a sociopathic managerial class formed mainly from the old petite bourgoisie who have now gravitted to public sector careers where their delusions of social status and the unaccountability of office lead them to abuse such power as they have.

Kick Political Correctness Out Of Football

As another football versus politiocally correct authoritarianist brings 'the beautiful game' even further into disrepute, we wonder is it time to kick politically correct authoritarianism out of sport.

Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer

Are privacy campaigners right to be worried about intrustive internet technology and the massive databases that log our behaviour and parse the data for patters that enable us to be targeted for advertising? Should we bee worried by surveillance or are those that raise doubts just scaremongering? The Orwell-huxley-Dick dystopianometer is rising.

So Who Is Anti - science? Those Who Question Climate Change Or Those Who Would Abolish Free Speech

It was looking as if the global warming scare was dead, then that Nazi shit Barack Obama, seeing his dream of being President Of The World slipping away, gave his science whores enough money to enable them to kick some life back into it. Now the "science" lobby, unable to put together an convinging argument against their challengers are demanding the abolition of free speech.

New World Order War On free Speech Comes To Britain - Guardian editor accused of treason

The right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian elitists, call them The Illuminati, New World Order, Scientific Dictatorshgip, Global Elite, whatever. Their goal is absolute power and they know that while the right of free speech, the free press and free access to information exist they cannot succeed.

How academic debate is suppressed on science topics like Climate Change, GMOs, Pesticides and Toxicity of medicines
Intellectual intolerance and the supposed superiority of the scientific education have led not just to the politiciisation of science but to it's being seduced by corporate money and political power. Science was ever fascism's whore of course and the egos of scientists are easily bought. This has led to a very unhealthy emergence of dogmas and orthodoxies and an intolerance of the dissent that is essential if scientific research is to have any credibility.

Phobophobia - Fear Of Being called Phobic?

Homophobia is not fear of homosexuals but fear of thec same thing which does not make sense. Just as politically correct thinking uses the word bigot nonsensically so it's accusations of phobia are irrational - as irrational as the groundless fear familiar to those who suffer the recognized medical conditions called phobias.

The Importance Of Free Speech And A Free Press

Politicians around the developed world including leaders of the two most powerful democracies, Barack Obama and David Cameron have been falling over themselves to join the attack on free speech. On subjects as diverse as climate…

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

The Deep State Is Real..& They Don't Like Trump's Disruption

Authored by Mac Slavo via,  via Zero Hedge

In his new book titled  “The Deep State: How an army of bureaucrats protected Barack Obama and is working to destroy Donald Trump,” Jason Chaffetz alleges that the deep state is very real. 

His book, which is set to be published on September 18, details the lengths the intelligence community is going to in an attempt to undermine Trump.
“The Deep State is real,” Chaffetz wrote, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.
“They don’t like exposure, accountability or responsibility. They fight back, outlast and work the system for their advantage. And they certainly don’t like disruptive forces such as Donald Trump.”

Of course, this flies in the face of 'lying' former FBI Director James Comey, who exclaimed in May that:
There is no deep state, but there’s a deep culture and commitment to the rule of law that runs all the way down through not just the Department of Justice and the FBI but the military services and the intelligence community. It would be interesting to see what would happen next,”
Chaffetz, a former congressman from Utah, resigned from Congress in June 2017. At the time, that was about six months into Trump’s presidency.


Sunday, September 02, 2018

Erdogan Vows To Abandon Dollar, “Doesn’t Need Permission” To Buy Russian Missiles

Another nutty rant by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan got the week off to a good start. His ire was aimed as usual at the USA, this time he threatened that Ankara would abandon the US dollar in transactions with Russia and other nations, accusing the US of behaving like “wild wolves.”
“America behaves like wild wolves. Don’t believe them,” Erdogan told a business forum during the Turkey-Kyrgyzstan Business Forum in Kyrgyzstan, according to AFP.

Erdogan’s latest outburst is a further sign that he is taking Turkey away from the west and strengthening ties with Russia, China and Iran. It echoed the dedollarization call from Russia’s deputy foreign minister Serkey Ryabkov, saying said that Turkey country was in negotiations with Russia over non-dollar trade. As we have reported elsewhere China has made the most significant move in this currency war by opening a maket for traded oil futures on the Shanghair stock exchange, thus challenging the supremacy of the US dollar in the world’s most traded commodity.

Using the dollar only damages us. We will not give up. We will be victorious,” Erdogan said, addressing a meeting attended by Kyrgyz and Turkish businessmen as well as government officials.
On August 24, Moscow said it would respond to Washington’s latest sanctions by accelerating efforts to abandon the American currency in trade transactions: “The time has come when we need to go from words to actions, and get rid of the dollar as a means of mutual settlements, and look for other alternatives,” said Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov.

Erdogan further stirred the pot by saying that Ankara doesn’t need permission from anyone to purchase Russian S-400 missile systems, just days after the US once again warned the country against buying the highly advanced air-defense system.

“We have made S-400 deal with Russia. Someone is offended by it. We don’t need permission from anybody,” the Turkish leader said in Kyrgyzstan.

Last week US Defense Secretary James Mattis warned Turkey, a member of NATO but not a client state of Washington, against buying the Russian systems. “Turkey had a choice to make, a sovereign decision to make. But clearly Turkey bringing a Russian anti-aircraft, anti-missile system into a NATO country, we cannot integrate that into NATO,” Mattis said. “Yes, it does concern us and we do not recommend that.”

Russian S400 air defence system (picture: RT )
At the same time Erdogan’s government is trying to complete the purchase of American F-35 jets, which US lawmakers are trying to block due to Ankara’s S-400 deal.

Erdogan’s statement shows that Turkey is shaping its defense policy without any regard to the US, Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of National Defense magazine, told RT. For Turkey, the purchase of these weapons means getting “a new geopolitical status of a country” that is able to fully control its airspace and, if necessary, use such weapons against its enemies, he said.

EU punishes Turkey For Repairing Relations With NATO Public Enemy No1 Russia
Leaving aside the current spat between The Netherlands and Turkey which is a different thing altogether, The EU’s diplomatic service is currently trying to punish Turkey for seeking better relations with Russia, after their supporting different sides in the Syria conflict brought the two nations close to war. It is true that NATO member Turkey has recently shown less commitment to the West, but there are probably good reasons for this …
Iran’s Ayatollahs save Syria Putin and
Now That Russia’s Putin and Iran’s Ayatollahs Have Neutralised ISIS in Syria the focus of terror shifts to Turkey, the NATO members that, with the fuill knowledge of the USA ans European powers has been helping ISIS in its bid to overthrow the Assad regime.
The Final Curtain For Hillary’s Presidential Dream
The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed. Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: “The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.”
NATO Warships in the seas Odysseus Sailed Spell Trouble For EU
In an apparent effort to reduce the flow of migrants making their way from Turkey to Greece across the Aegean Sea, and because of the mistrust between the nations on either side of that body of water, pressure has been put on NATO (of which both Greece and Turkey are members)by the EU to deploy ships to the Aegean Sea …
Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?
Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I’ll give you a clue, they aren’t conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.
EU HoldsBack New Regulation For Fear Of Strengthening Brexit Case
The unelected leaders of the EU in Brussels are smothering discussion of new pan – European laws that would impact the United Kingdom and all other member states, increasing the amount of money they have to contribute to the EU budget and transferring yet more sovereignty to Brussels …
Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive
The geopolitical world was rocked yesterday when Turkey began shelling Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by the forces of President Assad’s government and the Iranian Republican Guard supported, of course, by Russian airstrikes.

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