Sunday, September 15, 2024

It's Time Politicians Were MadeTo Admit The True Effects Of Mass Migration


 Whenever the issue of mass migration is raised in public, most politiciansa probably treat you to a verbose explanation of the relationship between immigration and growth, complete with a debate over whether it is best to measure this as an increase in gross domestic product (GDP) or GDP per capita (per person). But I’m not going to do that, not least because even the country’s leading economists can’t seem to agree on which is the best measure to use though none will admit that mass  immmigration by low skilled, poorly educated labourers to a country with a high tech economy and a shortage of skilled and professional workers can only be negative. 

What’s clear, however, is that any measure of the economic impact of immigration must be long term, not short term, to give the electorate the most accurate picture of whether it is a net benefit or not. Short term, mass immigration can increase GDP simply because the benefits paid to large number of unemployable individuals increases the amout of money sloshing around in the economy. Long term is a different story and nobody wants to tell it.

We also need to take account of the impact on the public finances of different types of migrants.

The problem with surveys assessing the net contribution/cost to the UK of immigration is that they usually only look at an *individual* - the one working and paying taxes - and their individual contribution/cost.

They never consider the hidden cost to the UK taxpayer of dependents and extended non-working family members. In the case of low-wage immigrants if they have dependents and extended families the net cost is probably many times more than even the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) has calculated.

 Most politicians and establishment types are shielded by wealth and privilege from the cumulative effects everyone else is now experiencing. Here are a few examples of what I see (and hear) every single day in and around the dendustrialised area where I live:

A once pleasant vibrant working class community now resembling the Middle East.

Peoples of different belief systems and cultures that do not (or will not) speak English, and (inevitably) coalesce and bunch together with their own demographic. No evidence at all of successful "multicultural" integration.

Town centres crammed with nail bars, hairdressers, beauty therapists, tanning salons, bureaux de change, ostentatiously trading legally but with few visible customers though sonmehow they  generate enough cashflow to pay the business rate.

Large numbers of non indigenous young men continually zooming around everywhere on electric bikes  in the evening usually with no lights or reflective jackets but still carrying food deliveries (no doubt being paid cash in hand).

People lying around homeless in derelict shop fronts (and some not derelict) begging on the street.

A complete absence of police officers on patrol, they're probably all busy browsing social media on the lookout for hate crime incidents.

Unless we’re part of some Europe - wide experiment and even if we really have a deficit of skilled youngsters to fill professional roles, why do our politicians not apply the same policies as much of the far east and allow skilled foreign people to work in this country on a contract basis, as in when the job has finished you go home, many Brits have worked abroad and still do on that basis with no problem. 

We no longer mass manufacture, don’t build ships, don’t mine etc. so there’s no reason for unlimited extra people in this country, most seem to be providing the services required by previous migrants, so it’s never ending human pyramid scheme, in the end we all suffer, including the newcomers and have a rapidly diminishing quality of life because of the overcrowding and lack of public services, not Suckier SStarmer, nor Sunak, Johnson , May, Cameron, \brown or Blair of course, none of whom live anywhere near the mess they created for everyone else, just as any true globalist or socialist, including Trade Union  leaders also do.  

There is now an obvious underlying seething resentment throughout the general populace, which is also reflected in the way masses of voters are reacting right across Europe. I think it is only going to get worse and will eventually result in an irreversible tipping point. I'd very much like to end on a positive note, but I can't think of one.


Islamists Are Slaughtering Thousands of Christians But the Media Don’t Tell Us
If 16.2 million Muslims been forced to leave their homes in sub-Saharan Africa due to violent persecution by Christians, we can imagine the news coverage by Western nrews media organisations such as the BBC or The Guardian would feature video reports by excitable talking heads or prited headlines taking up half a page about racism. There would be no effort to be objective or present a balanced view, the two sides in the conflict would be clearly lablled

The Left is lying to itself, it needs limited migration as much as the Right does.

When Santiago Abascal, leader of Spanish right-wing party Vox, delivered a press conference on the 30th August, it did not take long for perhaps the most controversial part of his speech to be put into bite-sized form. Europe does not have moral duty to welcome or accept every Afghan or African who seeks to enter.

Why Accepting Illegal Immigrants Is Not Going To Help Them
Celebrities, 'influencer', woke idiots and far left political groups are creating a chorus of catawauling complaints about the deportation of illegal immigrants who are crossing The English Channel from France in increasing numbers. But will accepting them only encourage more to come and be exploited by people trafficking ccrime gangs? This article lifts the lit on the illegal immigrants racke

Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigrant Hostel?
Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...

Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslim Men
In the case of Europe's immigration crisis, much of the fear and loathing is being caused by Muslim males. Most Europeans do not have a problem with foreigners or dark skinned people who are willing to obey the laws and accept local customs and traditions. And one tradition we in the nations that emerged from European cultures is the common understanding that if a woman goes out alone, with arms and legs showing and face and hair uncovered, it does not mean she is up for having rough sex

Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
The WEF had been dubbed Bilderberg Lite, a meeting to which the public (assuming they can afford £$€stupid for a cup of very mediocre coffee) is talking about a different matter this time round. Europe's immigration crisis and the similar though not so immediate problem in the USA, and the likely consequences for the economies of the developed world is top of the agenda.

Mainstram Media Finally wake Up To Migrant Crisis
In a move that will leave many of its shocked and disoriented, The Sun, the tabloid of tits and trivia today woke up to the immigration crisis that is threatening the social stability of European nations and reported some real news.

Anti Muslim Feeling Spreads Through All Levels Of German Society
We look first at the social problems Chancellor Merkel's 'Open Doors' immigration policy is causing in Germany, and further down the page as the political crisis Mrs. Merkel appears to be creating for her government.

London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report
A new report from the UK Home Office, the government department that deals with law and order reveals that the street gang culture imported along with these illegal immigrants has led to girls as young as nine unlucky enough to live in areas 'controlled' by these gangs are being sexually exploited and forced to service multiple men, after being groomed to think such behaviour is 'normal'.

Germans Demand Impeachment Of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel
It has taken an example of lawlwss behaviour by recenltly arrived immigrants as gross as the mass rape and sexual assault riot in Cologne at New Year, 2016, to awake German anger at what their government, led by arch globalist Angela Merkel, is doing to the ancient cultures of the federal states that make up modern Germany.

Sharia courts creating dual justice system in UK?
As if we did not have enough immigration problems to deal with as the inflow of illegal immigrants (or refugees and asylum seekers as our ruling elites insist on calling them) shows no sign of slowing. from

New Year's Eve, Germany: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At Cologne Railway Station
Details of the sexual assaults and attacks on peaceful Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early on the morning of January 1, are just now emerging. Not a word on this story was printed in mainstream European newspapers or reported in television and radio news bulletins.

Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ (aka Free Speech)
Over the past couple of days we, and many other New Media outlets reported the horrific incident in Cologne, Germany at New Year, in which a crowd on male, recently arrived immigrants, all of Arab or North African appearance according to witnesses carried out a mass attack on German women who were simply trying to use the railway station.

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Storm Shadow for Ukraine? Starmers Says Yes, Uncle Sam Says No

Ukraine's President Zelensky, after meeting UK Prime Minister and current warmonger in chief 'Sir' Keir SStürmer has ben relying on on Britain to lead the charge of the Allies to be first to supply the Ukie madmen with weapons enabling then to strike targets deep within Russian territory. 

It is true Starmer has said he wants the UK to 'lead he world' in giving the Ukies the support they need to start World War Three but the crazy Labour leaders also wants his country to lead the world in achieving net zero and several other policies whivh can only result in the destruction of civilised society. 

 Ukraine's reason for seeking long range missiles from its allies is they need to be able to strike Russian cities in order to holding off the Russian invasion and thence to preventing the destruction of schools and hospitals. Taken at face value this souds admirable, but it is a measure of how stupid the Ukie leadership is that they cannot see such an esclation would only provoke Russia into unleashing their heavy bombers and most powerful missiles against Ukrainian civilians. 

 Significantly that The USA has emphatically denied Ukraine using US long range missiles in Russia. Only last week, during Zeensky's meeting with representatives of Kiev's major allies, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin pushed back on the idea that long-range strikes would be a game-changer. “I don’t believe one capability is going to be decisive and I stand by that comment,” Austin said. 

The Ukrainians have other means to strike long-range targets, he said, persumably referring to Ukraine's long lange drones which fly under the radar and have on several occasions struck military and infrastructure targets deep inside Russia.

 The problem with supplying more sophisticated long range missiles is that they need to be programmed, targeted and launched by military personnel from the source nation, and that would amount to a declaration of war by NATO on Russia.

Furthermore it is no clear what schools and hospitals Zelensky was speaking of. The military academy Poltava where 720 was killed was a legitimate military target and other incidents involving injury to civilians have invoved Ukie hits on targets in Russia as well as vice versa..

These missiles are not new technology but modified versions of the French Scalp missiles which came into service in 1994 but are based on the even older Apache anti - runway missile. They have bbeen used throughout most of this year in Donbass but so far have done nothing to slow Russia's advance in Donbass. The other big question is how many do we have and how many can we produce? Judging from the artillery shell debacle. If Storm Shadow/Scalp was effective and immune to Electronic Warfare there would be no Kerch bridge, but there it is standing and functioning erfectly even after all the threats it would soon be soon gone from the usual pr opagandists in our MSM.

Lastly why on earth would Russia have any territorial ambitions in EU and U.K. as the Warmonger cult and the Zelensky fan club claim?

The other ludicrous claim made by thw War Forever cult is that if the Ukies don’t defeat Russia, Putin plans to conquer the whole of Ukraine and continue to advance unil ll of Europe is under Russian rule. This is beyond stupid, even if Russia's leaders had any such ambitions the nation does not have the manpower to subjugate 500 million people and the Eurozone economic area is already crumbling economically, so why would Russia want to subsidise western and Central Europeans in over 30 nation states at least helf of whivh are economic basket cases?

Russia is making good money to this day being the largest Natural Gas supplier to EU despite European governments pretending they won’t buy any hydrocarbons from Russia. Germany is worse off then before the Plandemic, mainly due to the Nordstream pipeline sabotage the French are doing terribly and U.K. can’t afford helping their old folks not dying from hypothermia and basically fighting freedom of expression and dissent from ge. nder and im mi gration.

The west today has conveniently forgotten the cold war ersa and is living on peoples recency bias and heavy reality distortion in the MSM, most of which is still plugging the 'Ukraine is winning' narrative.

What any move to help Bellendsky escalate the conflict again could finally Putin into ordering mass mobilisation. Any mass disaffection this may have produced amongst the Russian population, would likely be mitigated after a few stray Storm Shadows hit apartment blocks in Rostov or Voronezh, as they are bound to do.

 This may finally allow the Russians to steamroller the Ukrainians all the way to the Dnipro. It would change the war, for sure- just not in the way Zelensky and his fan club among world leaders would hope. Given we have essentially zero missile defences, this is not a bet I would be keen to lay odds on. 



Risk of a nuclear incident at the Kursk nuclear power plant,’ because of Ukie drone strikes warns IAEA“There is a risk of a nuclear incident at the Kursk nuclear power plant,” said Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) following his visit on Tuesday (27 August) to the facility in Kurchatov, close to the Russian border and the area curenly occupied by Ukrainian troops. He added that he had been shown evidence of damage caused by Ukie drone strikes during his visit to the plant.

If You're Afraid Of Nuclear War You're Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Is Zelensky's Latest Message
The follow up to Elon Musk's refusal to open his Starlink satellite network for the benefit of Ukrainian military leaders as they fantasise about attacking Crimea and driving out the Russian occupying force this past week showcases how completely unhinged and dangerous the Ukrainian government's desire to escalate the war has become.

Will Commodities Be The New Reserve Currency As The Death Knell Of The Dollar Sounds?
Many respected economists and market analysts who favour the free markets approach concur that we are heading towards a new economic reality that will see the collapse of the US$ as the default reserve currency, to be replaced not by any other fiat currency such as the Euro or the Renminbi, but by a system in which  commodities are the primary denominator of value. Should this turn out to be the case we can expect an acceleration of the shift in geopolitical power from west to East.

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...

More Nations backing Away From The US$
Russia Just Sent out a Message NATO Should Better Listen To
The key paragraph from the latest official Russian naval doctrine is that Putin and his military advisers have sent a clear message that NATO encroachment is unacceptable. To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this, The Daily Stirrer and many other alternative media news and analysis sites have been warning for about two years that Obama's foreign policy was making conflict inevitable.
De - dollarization Moves Ahead - Once Again We Told You So,
What Putin Wants
China Warns U.S. to Stop Its Ukrainian Proxy War Against Russia
The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela
India's Ruling BJP Party Crushed In Regional Poll
Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Oil Collapse Is All About Obama's Proxy War With Russia.
G77 Nations vow to destroy petrodollar and America’s New World Order
American Dollar Dumped
Iran's Oil and the US Dollar
Money From Rock Better Than Money From Air
Currency Wars

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Friday, September 13, 2024

Are Woke Governments Trying To Ban Hate Or Simply Trying To Abolish Dissent?


All around the developed world laws are being enacted which seek to criminalise, and thereby abolish, hate. Along with the ideological idiocies of the 'woke' wankerati who have insinuted their weird idesas into every level of government, the promotion of transgenderism, net zero trashing national economies,  support for mass migration, recently rediscovered enthusiasm for war, and the extreme reactions to those who challenge official narratives, it seems there is some sort of globalist cabal trying to redefine what makes us human.

 On gender, global warming, race, immigration, the approach is identical. Discussion is allowed within undefined subjective limits, but opposition or straying beyond those is made synonymous with hatred. Applying this approach to literature, which is something the woke wankerati are attempting, will completely destroy it as an art form. By making hatred taboo, it undermines one of the most important inspirations writers have and one of the most important emotions. 

Since the reign of Kig Alfred in the ninth century, English law correctly concerned itself only with the illegality of making specific threats or incitements of physical violence. Moving from that to policing general ‘hate’ expression is worse than fascism, since what counts as ‘hateful’ in general expression is subjective and not something that a free society should define. 

Laws pre-empting online hatred (for example, in Canada) resemble a plot thread from one of Philip K Dick's dystopian stories but now exist in reality and can be linked with ‘woke’ attempts to recreate humanity, especially the idea that asserting fundamental biological identity is hateful, whereas recognising someone’s self-proclaimed gender identity is a legal requirement. And we can be sure that very soon the government of Keir SStürmer will be following this lead, with the Home Secretary urging police forces to ramp up recording of ‘hateful but legal expression’.

Why wouldn’t the general population hate this such authoritarian governance from a bunch of far left bullies like The Labour Party? It’s likely the wannabe communist tyrants know that response is inevitable and as they showed in the early days of their government, they are quite prepared to release from prision people doing time for murder, rape, arson, theft and violoence in order to make room in the prisons for people who protest peacefully against government policies. 

As many have argued, the gvernment needs to prevent debate because they know their position is utterly indefensible. Small wonder they draw that conclusion. But they’re actively seeking to provoke, to flush out the largely fictitious ‘far Right’ haters they claim threaten society. And now they’ve achieved this, the real free-speech clampdown can begin.

This suppression of dissent is not so much about going against hate but about silencing criticism and dissenting opinions. Instead of addressing whatever happened to be said, it’s asserted that the content of the statement doesn’t matter because it’s really just an outburst of an intense, negative emotion way beyond the ability of the person who said something to control, or, in short. “These are but the utterings of a dangerous lunatic!”

This is not only disingenious but also logically invalid: Hatred for XY may well motivate someone to make perfectly trueful but not exactly complimentary statements about it: Someome who complains about a noisy pride-parade may well be driven by hatred for gays but this doesn’t mean the parade wasn’t a noisy nuisance, say, because of lots of people using compressed air horns all the time. The (usually unprovable) conjecture that such-and-such a thing was secretly driven by ‘impure’ motives doesn’t necessarily invalidate it.

Noteworthy: This is also emblematic of the puerility underlying the whole woke-thing. “You all just hate me!” she cried, storming out of the room and violently slamming the door behind her. is a classic, if not even hackneyed, rendering of a puberty trantrum. Grown up people are said to remain rational even in face of strong emotions. The woketurds don’t want to grow up.

The truly frightening thing about these hate laws is that they do not attempt a legal definition of what constitutes hate, but simply rely on the opinion of whoever has been offended by what has been said ir written.

Without Hate how could we ever recognise Love? The only form of Hate that is not positive is Ideological Hate; the irrational hatred of a group, or groups, purely because dogma demands it of the adherent. We see this in Starmer’s vicious demonstration of hatred towards pensioners which is driven by the fact they are the group that did most to keep Labour out of power. We have all read of Rayner’s foul mouthed rants about Tories; not because they are awful people, simply because her ideology demands she hates them.




The Theraputic Society Is Destroying Civilisation
Many of the problems afflicting Britain and its neighbours appear to be related to what has been called The Theraputic Society, Nanny State and paternalistic liberalism. As government grows, corporate industry and private business is increasingly coming to resemble the public sector, ruled less by economic rationality than by an intrusive bureaucracy functioning increasingly like an HR department.

Trans-women’s Milk As Good As Breast Milk, says NHS Trust
Is the no end to this politically correct lunacy in the National Health Service - no wonder the service is totally fucked up. The lunatics who run The University of Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (USHT) have stated in a letter to campaigners, that breast milk produced by a trans woman (i.e. ladyboy, cathoey, chick-with-dick, jock-in-a-frock, biological male,) who were assigned male at birth is as good for babies as that produced by a mother who has given birth.

Scientists say gruesome cigarette-style warnings on MEAT could be used to shame buyers
Images of black lungs and rotting teeth cigarette packets were intended designed to put smokers off but in fact it is punitive taxes that reduced the prevelance of tobacco smoking. The scare tactics were not 100% effective but they did enough to suggest that that slapping similar stickers on packs of meat in supermarkets could shame buyers into accepting a diet of mashed bugs and plant based gunge like Quorn and Tofu.

The Great Genocide: Dutch Govt Plans to Shut Down Up To 3,000 Farms To Comply With Euronazi Union Green Law
As we reported earlier in the year, in order to comply with new, economically suicidal European Union environmental laws the Dutch government’s plans to force the closure of thousands of dairy and livestock farms in order to comply with the latest and most insane to date batch of EU environment laws which aim to limit notrogen as well as Carbon Dioxide emissions. The European Union green agenda directive has been branded as the “Great Reset turned up to eleven”.

Intelligent Virus? Anti-racism protests SAFE from Covid-19, but anti-lockdown protests are NOT, health ‘experts’ claim Union of UK academics says you can identify as any race & sex from RT 18 Nov, 2019 Warwick University graduates on the day of their graduation ceremony in Warwick, Britain July 17, 2017 © Reuters / Russell Boyce Birth race and gender can be thrown out the window as far as the UK Universities and Colleges Union is concerned. The fact that you can just declare yourself … Continue reading  ‘White Racism’ January 27, 2017 For too long the neo – Fascist left have been allowed to get away with dividing all of humanity into two racial groups, black and white. This has allowed those extremists who support the idea of an authoritarian, global government to dub white people generally as racist, because we have (again generally)been more successful throughout … Continue reading 

Ten Truths You Can’t Tell In Britain Without Being Accused Of Racism.
by Arthur Foxake The screenshot below is from an article written by Trevor Phillips, former head of the Equalities and Human Rights commission for The Daily Mail (or Mail On Sunday) Trevor Philips home truths on racism. Image source Finally, we?re having that open and honest debate about immigration and race everyone has been calling … Continue reading

Only Whites Can Be Racist? Google Rewrites Dictionary As Well As History
if we look at the Huffington Post article that 'establishes beyond reasonable doubt' it is not possible to be racist to a white person, we find the "credible" sources quoted in defense of their controversial conclusion on reverse racism is actually one black supremacist, the auteur of the 2014 film, "Dear White People." The racist hatred of whites portrayed in the film is palpable.

Politician Blasts Conviction For Speaking The Truth On Anti-Semitism In Europe
A Danish politician has been reprimanded for posting comments on Twitter about the resurgence of anti semitism in Europe. Apparently while hand wringing and breast beating about violent attacks on Jewish people is fine, stating the obvious by linking the Europe migrant crisis to this new wave of anti Semitism is a criminal offence ...

Champagne Socialists

Labour Elite Thinks Northerners Are Thick - I Told You So

White Girl Is Burned Alive, 17 Black Gang Members Arrested. Mainstream Media Blanks The Story Remember how the Social Justice Warriors of the politically correct 'left' screamed when a young black man named Trayvon Martin was shot by Hispanic George Zimmerman, because it was assumed someone named Zimmerman would be white? Remember how they wailed and stirred up civil unrest when a black man was shot by white cops in Ferguson, Missouri, automatically assuming the the killing was racially motivated. more >>>

Politician Blasts Conviction For Speaking The Truth On Anti-Semitism In Europe
A Danish politician has been reprimanded for posting comments on Twitter about the resurgence of anti semitism in Europe. Apparently while hand wringing and breast beating about violent attacks on Jewish people is fine, stating the obvious by linking the Europe migrant crisis to this new wave of anti Semitism is a criminal offence ...

15 More Men of South Asian Descent Charged With Child Sex Offences
West Yorkshire Police have charged 14 men and a 16-year-old boy with sex offences including the rape of a girl under the age of 16 in Keighley, a small town in the old Woollen Industry distict of the county. The offences centre on one female victim, with one allegation involving a second who was also under 16 at the time.

Racist Student Union Officer says 'I Can't be Racist'
We have often made points about the hypocroisy of the left, but a Student Union diversity officer from London beats all comers. Having tweeted 'kill all white men' she justifies herself by saying that as an ethnic minority woman she cannot be racist or bigoted.

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity That's Enriching Your Life Visit some parts of most British cities with large immigrant populations and you will be hard pressed to recognize it, certainly my granparents would struggle to recognize the towns they knew. Appeasement of foreigners has destroyed the character of our communities but as usual the political left advise solving the problem by doing over again the things that caused it.

US Soldiers Forced To Sit Through P C 'White Privilege Presentation. Not Happy Bunnies
The U.S. Army is investigating an unauthorized diversity training presentation on “white privilege” shown to hundreds of Georgia soldiers, USA Today reported, citing an Army spokeswoman. The Equal Opportunity training presentation was shown to about 400 soldiers of the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon on Thursday, according to Captain Lindsay Roman.

If a black person acts like a twat is it racist to say he's a twat.
Examples of US rapper Kayne West behaving in ways that show what a cupid stunt he is occur to frequently for mainstream media to report them any more it seems. Or maybe it's just that because Kayne is an African American those mainstream journos were afraid of being called racist if they report his latest fuckwittery.

The British Jihad, Islamism And The Curse Of Multiculturalism.
As the world recoils in horror at images posted on the internet of an American journalist being cruelly and brutally beheaded by an (allegedly) British terrorist fighting for the extremists of the Islamic State in northern Iraq, we ask is the left wing folly of multiculturalism coming home to roost.

Shock; horror. Human Barbie Doll has her own opinions
The human Barbie girl Valeria Lukyanova has become something of an online phenomenon and is regarded as a sex symbol by many young men of the kind who have more computers than friends. Personally I find her apearance bizarre and about as sexually alluring as cold porridge. Still each to there own, where would we be without diversity of opinion.">woke ] ... [ idenitiy politics ] ... [ free speech murdered ] ... [ free speech catalogue ] ... [ politically correct ] ... [ illiberal liberals ]

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Islamists Are Slaughtering Thousands of Christians But the Media Don’t Tell Us


If 16.2 million Muslims been forced to leave their homes in sub-Saharan Africa due to violent persecution by Christians, we can imagine the news coverage by Western nrews media organisations such as the BBC or The Guardian would feature video reports by excitable talking heads or prited headlines taking up half a page about racism. There would be no effort to be objective or present a balanced view, the two sides in the conflict would be clearly lablled good guys and bad guys.

So why, when Christians are being slaughtered by Ilamic jihadists do we hear little about it.

Open Doors, a charity dedicated to supporting persecuted Christians around the world, is currently trying to put the media spotlight on the displacement of this number of Christians in the region by Islamist violence. But it faces an uphill task in generating interest in the  developed nations' mainstream media.

To draw attention to its campaign, Open Doors has produced a film featuring Pastor Barnabas, a Christian minister with a large congregation in a displacement camp for Christians who have fled Islamist violence in Benue State in northern Nigeria. Barnabas is shown saying: “Millions of Christians are displaced, here in Nigeria. Millions of Christians are displaced in Africa. The west doesn’t care about it, politicians don’t talk about it, governments don’t talk about it, global politics don’t talk about it. Nobody talks about it.”

One scene in the film shows Pastor Barnabas indicating the tent in which his family of eight has been living for almost five years. Their home is made of palm leaves and mosquito nets with some cardboard evident. “It’s smaller than a double mattress,” he says.

Open Doors reports:

Last year, and for many years, more Christians were killed for their faith in Nigeria than the rest of the world combined. The same violent persecution is quickly spreading across other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, as Islamic extremist ideology spreads: as well as these murders, huge numbers of believers are injured, abducted, sexually assaulted or forced to flee from their homes.

Pastor Barnabas describes the attack by Islamic militant Fulani herdsmen on his family farm: “I was on the farm with my brother, Everen, and his wife, Friday. We heard shooting. We saw people running in different directions. We didn’t know what was happening.

“My brother was shot by the militants, and my brother’s wife was also shot and then macheted and killed by the militants.”

There has been a general lack of journalistic interest in Islamict extremist activity in Africa since the outrages of Boko Haram over a decade ago, as if the horrors inflicted by these terrorist groups across Africa and also the Middle East, and the human rights abuses due to Islamic countries living under Sharia are mere white noise now. 

The most obvious reason for that is MSM, no longer an industry dedicted to reporting facts and disseminating information, but now merely the government’s propaganda mouthpiece, doesn’t want people to know the real threat level that importing so many barbaric death cult followers will have on our Western societies. Fortunately it seems, enough of us are finally realising that for ourselves, whether we like it or not. 

The reality cannot be suppressed forever. For instance, all those people who attended the ‘Festival of Diversity’ in Solingen, Germany  were of the ”Refugees Welcome” type, and look where that got them. Three people were murdered and many injured after a Syran religious fanatic, outraged by people enjoying themselves at tge festival, started randomly stabbing festival goers,  Psycho jihadists don’t discriminate and being a ‘virtue signalling woke idiot’ will not save you.

Another article focuses on the horrendous things going on in Burkina Faso, perpetrated by possible future ‘Dinghy People’. After all, it’s just a numbers game. The more you import from these areas of the world and from this particular religion, the more terrorists and dangerous psychopaths will inevitably slip through the net. We are already living with the consequences of this foolishness, this ”suicidal empathy”. Well it’s not like rigorous background checks are done or anything, is it?

”Oct. 7-like attacks happen almost daily across Africa. In at least nine countries, armed jihadists, following what they believe to be the precepts of Islamist theology, storm villages, and torture and murder innocent Africans. Boko Haram in Nigeria, al-Shabaab in Somalia and the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan are Hamas by different names.
Like the Israelis, Africans have their homes and schools burned. Churches are a prime target. Women and girls are kidnapped and enslaved as concubines, “wives” of warriors, or merchandise to ransom or sell—all to the screams of “Allahu Akbar!”

Not all the victims are Christians; moderate Muslims and practitioners of tribal faiths are also attacked. This has resulted in the displacement of millions of people who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Yet this is generally ignored by the Western “human rights” establishment, possibly because they cannot blame 'white privilege, 'institutional racism,' or 'the jews.'

Sources: Daily Sceptic



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French Police Say "We're At War With Vermin" As Nationwide Riots Spread Like Wildfire
Social unrest continued to spread in the cities and large towns of France cities for a fourth consecutive night last night, with hundreds of buildings and vehicles set ablaze. President Emmanuel Macron's government struggled to contain the violence, which was sparked on Tuesday after a teenager was shot dead by a police officer.

European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses
Once more we return to the political instability and economic fragility of the European Union as the conflict in Ukraine combined with loonytoons Climate Change mitigation policies, the failure of 'sustainables' to meet ever increasing demand for electricity, fod shortages and rampant price inflation put economic and social pressure on governments of member states ...

EU's Top Eurofederalist admits EU wants an empire
The leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE)
told CNN that plans to reform the EU and devolve power from Brussels back to the nation-state proposed by the populist paries that have spring up in member states, and led by Matteo Salvin's Lega (League) in Italy, Marine le Pen and her Rassemblement National in France and Hungary's Victor Orban, leader of the Fidesz party would mean that the bloc “will die inside.”

Massive Influx of Migrants 'May Start Civil War' in EU As Germanys immigrant crisis shows no sign of easing and nobody in Chancellort Merkel' s ruling coalition seems to have a clue how to deal with it, left and right wing politicians are starting to talk of the crisis dividing netions so deeply it could lead to civil war

A Different Perspective On Mass Migration
A top Polish magazine editor is calling for the Polish government to hold a national referendum on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, warning that the new law, which allows for the forced relocation of migrants to countries across Central Europe, is going to radically change the ethnic composition of the countries most opposed to mass immigration. - Read full article

Britain Must Stop |Vilifying Asylum Seekers And Let Them Work Say Conservative Rebels
A growing backlash by members on the Conservative benches of the House of Commmons over the Government’s restrictions which bar asylum seekers from working while they await the outcome of their applications, is the latest embarrassment for Rishi Sunak's Conservative In Name Only government. The rebels demand that Britain must stop vilifying asylum seekers, dump its “mad” work ban on asylum seekers who could plug labour shortages, says a former minister in the immigration department.

German Interior Minister Caught Faking Asylum Numbers To Hide Migrant Crisis
Germany’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, is trying to fend off claims that she has faked statistics on refugee numbers to hide number of illegal immigrants claiming entry to Germany by posing as asylum seekers since the beginning of this year. While official figures show only 57,647 refugees have been admitted to Germany, the federal police have registered 101,900 arrivals of undocumented migrants since January

Britain is Breaking Down; The Economy Is Struggling, Living Standards Are Falling, Institutions Are Failing
Successive governments have brought Britain to its knees.This article will focus on Britain as representative of the general malaise that is afflicting almost all the developed world. Our current crop of politicians have discarded the resources that brought the country out of the post war decline ... In spite of being rich in energy resources Britain is now in an energy crisis, our leaders have sacrificed prosperity on the altar of Net Zero, committing the nation to our reducing our 1% contribution to harmful emissions still further ...

Majority of the British people feel that migration is too high’
As the Conservative government come under fire for their failure to deliver on promises to control immigration and stay the flow of illegal immigrants from France in small, inflatable boats, the topic is once again at the forefront of political debate.
 Among the people raising the topic on media platforms this week is Professor Matthew Goodwin. A Politics academic at The University of Kent, Prof Goodwin declared today that a majority of people in Britain think imigration levels are too high.

Reprieve For Free Speech - UK Online Safety Bill Sent Back To Committee
It s gratifying for supporters of free speech that the UK Government's Online Safety Bill, which had been described as a charter for censors, has been ripped apart and will have to be redrafted entirely apart from the title.
When the House of Commons the Speaker, savages a Bill it must be bad, so from the moment Lindsey Hoyle told MPs that the bill was 'all over the shop' (a good old northern phrase from a northern politician,), and that at least half its clauses "would be getting the treatment," in particular that measure which aimed to force Social Media platforms to remove content which was "legal but harmful," ...

Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request to Extradite Him for Trial

Press freedom groups have warned Assange’s prosecution is a grave threat. The Biden DOJ ignored them, and today won a major victory toward permanently silencing the pioneering transparency activist. In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom’s High Court ruled that the U.S.’s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Welcome To The World Of Alternative Food Brought To You By People Who Live In An Alternative Reality


Last week The Guardian ran an infomercial interview with Owenn Ensor, CEO of Meatly, the lab grown meat company that is perpared to work with any billionaire psychopath who wants to invest in making us eat fake meat. Among the pblic relations puff Ensor claimed “Cultivated meat is safer, kinder, more sustainable”

Just the next day The Guardian (again) reported on a “new study” that (shockingly) found “Plant-based meat alternatives are eco-friendlier and mostly healthier”.

Four days ago, another new study found proteins extracted from peanut shells could be used to supplement animal proteins.

And today a startup named Soylent Green Limited launched its product line of fake meat products synthesised from dead human beings, (Oops, sorry. That was a 1970s dysopian sci fi movie.) 

Good Food Magazine believes eating mealworms can cure diabetes. Medical journals are publishing pieces “investigating the health benefits of alternative proteins”

MSN is reposting articles from the Metro headlining: “Lab-grown meat is coming. Here’s why you might have no choice but to eat it”

It’s becoming pretty obvious that the ultimate objective is not to persuade us to eat insects of all kinds and protein made by processing toxic shite and sugar in laboratories , but to force us to do so by destroying real food produced by farmers and conventional agriculture. This process, using a combination of state regulatory coercion and/or taxpayer-funded bribes to farmers to destroy the agricultural sector, is already in full swing in the Netherlands, the US and other Western nations which currently feed most of the world.

 Thanks mainly to the fascistic manoeuvrings of globalist food corporations and their political puppets, food prices in shops and supermarkets are rising to the point where for the increasingly hard-up majority of people in the so-called developed world, meat, veg and fruit and dairy products will soon become unaffordable. Ultimately, it will be a case of “eat zee bugs” and drink the phony maggot-milk shakes or starve.

In the relatively poor nations of south-east Asian countries, it has historically been perfectly normal (and for many, economically necessary) to eat insects, grubs and creepy crawlies we Westerners would typically turn our noses up at, creatures including but not limited to snakes, small birds, scorpions and gastropods and of all kinds.

Mind you,I suspect even they might draw the line at maggot milk! 

If all this is making you wonder WTF is going on you are not alone. Many of us in the blogosphere and alt_news community are getting the distinct impresion that all this going green and 'net zero' bollocks is not really about saving the planet. To understand why we think this you first have to undertand how the billlionaire psychopaths make their money. It is not by manufacturing and selling products as in the past, b anut mostly by patenting and copyrighting anything that moves, breathes or farts and collecting licence fees, royalties, duties and franchises.

For years governments corporate businesses in the health and food production industries have been busy patenting parts of human, animal and plant genomes. This does not mean, for example, that before you eat a banana you must pay a fee to the organisation which holds a patent on the gene that makes bananas yellow, but that no other orgnisation can alter that gene to make bananas bigger and yellower without sharing thir profits with the patent holder. Patents are big business but biological entities are a problem for patent entrepreneurs.

An egg is an egg. Beef is beef. You can’t patent a cow or a chicken, and it’s quite difficult to prevent people keeping and breeding their own animals.

But when your product is a few thousand freeze-dried crickets or mealworms ground into a paste (including their eyes, intestines and faeces), mixed with chemical preservatives, thickeners and artificial flavourings to mimic real meat … well, you can patent the fuck out of that.

That’s part of the reason the edible insect and fake meat market is expected to grow to ten times its current size in the next decade.

In one of those ever-so-timely coincidences, the announcement of the new research project has just so happened to accompany  the launch of the UK’s new National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC), a £38million research project co-founded with Imperial College London (of Covid modelling fame).

Professor Karen Polizzi of Imperial’s brand new “Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein” (yes, that Bezos) described the new initiative thus:

Transitioning to healthy, sustainable sources of protein is a pressing global challenge. The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre will help facilitate this transition by supporting researchers and industry in all parts of the process from product design through to consumer acceptance. At Imperial, we will focus on developing economical, sustainable processes for producing newly discovered alternative proteins on a large scale.”

The “alternative proteins” that are the focus of this  research being…

edible proteins that are derived from sources other than animal agriculture: from plants such as cereals, legumes, tubers and nuts; fungi such as mushrooms; algae such as seaweed; insects; proteins derived via lab-grown microbial cells or fermentation; and lab-grown meat.

It has also been widely reported that Bill Gates, the self appointed global vaccines Czar has invested heavily in fake meat and other fake food (maggot milk is one of his brainglitches, allegedly,) and you can be the rest of the usual suspects are in on the scam.

This goes a long way to explaining why governments are so keen to cover vast areas of prime food producing land with solar panels, or pay farmers not not grow food or produce meat, dairy products and eggs but instead let land 'return to nature,' (they call it 'rewilding' - we call it effing insane.) It is not about the money, but as always the real aim is to increase their power and control.

The Bilderberger WEF crowd, will keep flying kites in the media until they succeed in frightening us with another propaganda blitz to accompany their latest crisis or false flag Psyop; just like they tried to do with: Zika, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Monkey Pox or with a food supply problem they create so they can mobilize, intervene and resolve. Of course once they intervene with their social engineering plan things will never go back to full normal and we’ll be farther down the road to dystopia. Their playbook is extremely thin but they make incremental advances in their NWO agenda. The COVID panemic was just a trial run.


UPDATE 12 September 2024: 

Haitian Migrants show Remarkable Resourcefullness In Finding Free Food

While supporters of American presidential candidate Kamala Harris have been getting their knickers in a twist over her rival, former president Donald Trump saying during their televised debste last Tuesday that illegal immigrants from Haiti who have been settled in the rust belt state of Ohio have been stealing the pet dogs of local people and eating them.

"There is no evidence of this," claim Democrat supporting talking heads in mainstream media as if that proves Trump is lying to stir up anti - immigrant feeling. They obviously ned to be reminded that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There have ben many allegations that incomoers from Haiti have taken domestic animals (not necessarily dogs,) for food and now a story has emerges proving Trump has a point even if he mis - speciesed the victims of the cime.

Although Harris called Trump a liar, triggering a pile on by leftist mainstream media as commentators trampled each other in the rush to label Trump insane and declare there is no evidence that Haitian migrants have taken any domesticated animals for food.

However, Ohio state Attorney General Dave Yost weighed in Wednesday in defense of former President Trump’s claims of Haitian migrants eating pets by saying there is a credible claim that they are capturing geese and ducks from city parks for food, the Daily Sceptic reports.

“There’s a recorded police call from a witness who saw immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield. Citizens testified to City Council,” Mr. Yost said on social media.
He said those people “would be competent witnesses in court.”

Duck rescuer Lisa Montgomery, who has spent nearly a decade saving wild geese nd ducks in Ohio says an “unusual” number have disappeared recently and she “believes it to be true” that the birds are being “murdered for food” by Haitian migrants.

Lisa was shocked when she discovered the “unusual” amount of birds which have disappeared in the region, and now has “serious concerns” that they’re being “murdered for food”.

Speaking to, Lisa said the sheer number of birds disappearing of late has far exceeded past summers in the region.

“I have over the years had many people reach out from the Springfield area. Recently with concerns of ducks and geese being murdered for food,” she said.

“I do have serious concerns over the issue and believe it to be true.”

Read the full story in the Daily Mail

Whatever you think about Springfield Ohio and the Haitian migrant invasion, one thing is crystal clear: the Haitians know a thing or two about finding free food.

Average Americans, who are living on processed junk food from the grocery store, will largely be clueless (and will starve) once the predicted, globalist engineered food collapse and financial collapse hit society. Migrants from impoverished third world shit holes demonstrate a much higher level of survival skills than typical westerners.

The story mentioned above confirms  Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, are catching and eating geese caught in the city park, a snack also known as "wildcrafted meat." Almost all of mainstream media have denied this is happeninf and those far left political activist sites known as fact checkers unanimously declare it false. And as we all know, if an online fact checker declares a story is false, you can be sure beyond reasonable doubt, it is true.

When things get extreme enough, you may see widespread cannibalism in America's collapsing cities as the loonytoons policies of Harris and her team of far left extremists take hold. Yes, people will begin eating people. After all, it's a "food" source (although insanely toxic) that's local, probably walking right down your street. Cannibals in America don't have to venture very far to find another meal. 

Remember the Deagel predictions show 200 million Americans dying in the next 15 months or so. That migh seem a far fetched claim, but  Kommie Kamala has already promised to introduce price controls to limit profits, which will only provoke a backlash in which corporate food suppliers simply take goods off the shelvesif they can't get the profits margin they want.

This will actually assist the globalists agenda of replacing educated, organised western working classes with uneducated, semi literate third world migrants. Street-wise incomers are not going to be affected by price controls. The geese in the city park are free, as are the cattle, sheep and pigs in a farmers field, the deer and wild birds in national parks. Price controls only impact those who pay for food, not those who steal it.



Scientists Caught Out In Another Fraud, Red Meat Does Not Cause Cancer
It should not come as a surprise to regular readers but I think most scientists are idiots, they fill their heads with book learning and theory and lose tough with reality. And as for cosmologists and theoretical physicists, well their Reality Quotient only registers in the negative zone of the index. But it's the food fascism scientists that really make me angry

The Best foods for protien are not those you have been told.
Another group of scientists proved to be crooks and liars interested more in promoiting the profits or corporations that provide their funding? Well that's the way it looks as evidence mounts that intensively farmed produce, particularly meat and dairy goods are not as rich in nutrients as when our ancestors ate meat and milk or cheese from naturally grazed cattle or eggs from free range hens.

Bansturbators Hidden Agenda - Abolish Meat To Make Way For Grey Goo.The bansturbators of Nanny State and the neo-Fascists of the New World Order are set on devivering us into the Brave New World promised a hured years ago by those who decided democracy would have to be superseded by a scientific dictatorship. Replacing natural meat in our diets with stuff made from grey goo grown in laboratories is the latest item on their agenda to go public.

Pasty Wars: Osborne's War On Pies Is War On The NorthThere is a growing cultural gap in Britain. When hapless Cancellor George Osborne delivered his budget for 2012 the effete southern media tried to stip up a controversty about the so called ganny tax. But here in the nothern heartlands, the true England, what pissed us off was Osborne's attempt to tax our hot pies.
Norwegians Rebel Against Fat PoliceWe frequently report of the activities of the Politically Correct Thought Police Food Fascist Squad and their incessant wars on tasty food, fat, salt and sugar. It is great for one to be able to report on a nation not far from us culturally of geographically that is staging a fightback against the control freaks.
Killer Red Meat Rport Was Faked By Health FascistsThe highly sensationalised research reported lkast week that identiufied red meat as a killer in our diet used manipulated data to distort the statistics, analysts have said. Good quality lean red meat in moderation (like anything else) does no harm. It is processed meat that causes problems. And who invented the processes that put the poison in our meat? Those conniving scientists of course.
Limp Wristed Vegetarian Nazi Scientists Want To Take Away Your SteakScientists Warn 'Red Meat Can Be Lethal', it is not only unhealthy but can increase the risk of death, according to a major US study.Now you quickly get to the nature of this science in the line above. "can increase the risk of death". Unscientific, scaremongering BOLLOCKS. We are all going to die, forget the delusional belief among scientists that they can immunise us against death, nobody lives for ever. So the risk of death is 100%, it cannot get any higher, it will not get any lower. Therefore you should read reports of this type of research with ...

Frying Pan FascistsNanny State and the food fascists who work for her have yelled at us about cigarettes, alcohol, sugar and idleness. Now these sad, busybody bansturbators are getting on our case about fat and fried food. But natural fat is not dangerous, only too much fat and the wronmg kind of fat is dangerous. And what is the wrong kind of fat. The highly procressed low fat spreads the bansturbators are always teling us is healthy. Science my arse.

The Best foods for protien are not those you have been told.
Another group of scientists proved to be crooks and liars interested more in promoiting the profits or corporations that provide their funding? Well that's the way it looks as evidence mounts that intensively farmed produce, particularly meat and dairy goods are not as rich in nutrients as when our ancestors ate meat and milk or cheese from naturally grazed cattle or eggs from free range hens.

The Mad Scientists Mania For Genetically Modifying Everything
Genetically Modified (GM) organisms? The science is setttled right, the only way to feed the world's growing population is to accept GM foods and hand control of the human food chain to some of the nastiest, most fascistic corporate busineses on earth, right? Well fortunately it is not as clear cut as that, independent research shows GM crops do not give increased yields and do pose very significant risks for humans, wildlife and the environment.

World Health Chiefs Say ‘Red Meat As Likely to Cause Cancer as Smoking’
Another way of looking at this article of course is to say that it is an admission by the WHO that cigarette smoking does not cause cancer, which while true is a dangerous thing to say because after non stop anti - tobacco propaganda for the past fifty years, such a statement would be open to being interpreted as meaning cigarette smoking does no harm.

Food health fascism: Salt, Sugar, Saturated Fat, Alcohol, Cheese, Fizzy Drinks, Chocloate, ... if you enjoy it, it will kill you - maybe.
We are all familiar with those health scare stories that seem to pop up in mainstream media at least once a week claiming this that or the other will kill us. Few people spot the irony in that a few days earlier the same sensationalist rag will have carried a story under a similar screaming headline, claiming that scientists have found the stuff being demonised is in fact good for us ...

After Cigarettes and Alcohol, The Government Plans Sugar Tax
The election may have put a Conservative government in power and consigned the pokenoses and busybodies of Labour and the Lib Dems to the political wilderness, but the bansturbators of the public sector march on, their war against pleasure, laughter, tasty food and anything that might put people at risk of enjoying themselves continuing unabated it seems.

Big Food Cartel Aims For Monopoly Food comtaminated with toxic chemicals by food companies Food crisis down to control freakery rather than shortages Food giants promote bad diets Food science fraud

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Monday, September 09, 2024

Is Artificial Intelligence A Threat To Privacy And Free Speech?

 Businesses, government organisations and even our humble laptop and desktop computers at home are being under constant attack, not by hackers and cybercriminals but by Search Engine Operators, Social Media Networks and online marketplaces. So what’s the last thing we need corportions like Microsoft, Alphabel and Apple to do? Actually it is the very thing they are doing, which is to make the attacks easier, and park the most sensitive data in all levels of systems in front of the house with a “take what you want” sign.

As companies and governments become increasingly obsessed with artificial intelligence (AI), they are not just creating bck doors into software and operating systems, flinging open all the doors that really should be locked very tight – and in many cases, they don’t even know they’ve done it.

To illustrate the potential damage AI data mining could do, security expert Michael Bargury uses Microsoft’s own demonstration site fo their "software as a service" product" Microsoft 365. He easily makes changes to the business’s bank details; staff are oblivious to the change.

Bargury, chief technology officer of Tel Aviv-based security firm Zenity, is one of the leading experts in exploring how business AI can be used for mischief.

This kind of attack exploits one of AI’s key selling points to business: its ability to automate repetitive tasks. Previously, getting a hack to work required knowledge of a scripting language to run Operating Sytem commands. Now, anyone can create a bot with a couple of clicks, and it’s turning hacking into a public sport.

In the past, many hacks also required hundreds of hours of social engineering and a bit of behavioural science knowhow to nudge individuals into clicking on the vital link. But with Microsoft’s Copilot and other business AI bots, all provided for the user's 'convenience' and to make computers more user friendly, people with relitavely low leves of tech skill can simply say a set of words and open a Pandora’s box. Bargury calls it “promptware”.

The typical Fortune 500 company already runs around 3,000 Copilot AI bots, and some 63pc of private business chatbots can be operated by the public. “All of the defaults are insecure,” an astonished Bargury discovered.

Things are about to get much worse.

While Microsoft has changed the defaults, the underlying problem is not fixable, which is that AI can’t distinguish between data and computer instructions. I may send you a one-line message wishing you happy birthday that contains hidden hacking instructions – and the AI will obliviously let it happen. It is what I have always called 'The stupidity of Artificial Intelligence.' To put it simply a modern computer can parse millions of words in alphanumeric text in seconds but have no inkling of what anything in ll that content means. The computer is not intelligent, it hs no mind, no consciousness, no moral compass, it merely compares and matches strings of binary data (not 'little ones and zeros' as many younger generation computer pros will unhelpfully explain, but miniscule negative or positive charcges of static electricity.

Microsoft claims it is constantly revising the “guard rails” on its large language models, but Bargury isn’t impressed. “Guard rails aren’t enough because it’s not a solvable problem,” he says.

Security has always been a serious inbuilt fault of Microsoft products. They default to 'open-ness'. The famous hacker Gary McKinnon got himself into trouble because he searched for Microsoft PCs where the default administrator account (name: Administrator, password: none) was not changed on public networks, including NASA and the military. He advised people that the easiest way to protect themselves from intrusion was just to rename the admin account and add a password!

The truth is Microsoft did not want people protecting their own system because that could make access to systems fr puroses Microsoft did not publicly comment on more difficult. But this fact alone speaks volumes about how MIcrosoft views security. 

The idea of the new Recall feature defaulting to being on as opposed to being turned off is, imho, immoral and arguably even criminal.Microsoft claim, of course, that the feature is to help users keep track of their activity, but it is actually a surveillance tool, and the biggest customers for data scraped up by this tool are governments.

I am already aware of how to turn it off even though I will not be upgrading to a Windows 11 PC for some years. I have only recently moved on to Windws 10, like many other ol school computer pros I like to be well behind the bleeding edge. 

It should be a subject of legislation that all devices, be they a humble toaster, or work computer must come locked down during installation and that the user is forced during install to choose passwords and has to take active measures to open up devices to networks and AI rather than research how to lock them down. 

The biggest problem with AI (apat from its innate stupidity) is that it breaks down boundaries we have traditionally and for very good reasons, maintained in the offline world, where information was privileged, and was only shared on a need-to-know basis. Now we’re making everything accessible to anyone and anything that has a network interface.

Rather like The Suckophant, a cartoon monster in the Beatles’ movie Yellow Submarine, AI devours all the other monsters, then its creator (the Beatles,) and eventually the screen itself. In summary, it’s a lethal combination: we’re allowing far more people to do more stupid things far more easily, while exposing far more private information to the bad people.




Welcome to the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Technological Deceit
Pretty soon, computer wizardry and artificial intelligence will allow video footage to be created that is practically indiscernible from the real deal. Add holographic technology, and soon a person apparently be speaking live on screen and you’d never know it was fake. The ethical ramifications of AI and technology are simply mind-boggling.

WikiLeaks have today released documents from the Vault 7 cache, a group of leaked information which contains details on the CIA Angelfire spyware tool which was developed to facilitate loading and execution of implants targeting computers using Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Electrosensitivity - the Wi - Fi disease.
So you thought people who wear tinfoil hats are crazy conspiracy theorists? Not so fast there, some of them might actually be onto something.While these people are not tinfoil hat wearers either literally or in a metaphorical sense, the measures they take to avoid exposure to electromagnetic radiation (radio - activity) can seem rather paranoid until you know more about them.

Google: Benefactor Of Mankind Or Evil Empire (or buch of idiotic nerds who got lucky?)
They way Google has come to dominate the internet just as the internet has come to dominate our lives can't all be down to good luck and careful planning can it? As this page develops you will see how sinister forces guided Google to their current position.

Shock, Horror! Millennials Safe Space Violated As Facebook Algo Accident Exposes Them To Diverse Ideas Late last month (August 2016,) the Zuckerbugger's zoons put an algorithm in charge of the Facebook “trending” feature, to select the most popular topics, articles and keywords on the web in a narrow timeframe and with due respect for the 'safe space' of millenials who can be traumatised if they encounter microaggrrrrressions in the form of controversial ideas or unorthodox opinions ...

Government Paid Trolls Are Using 'Psychology-Based Influence Techniques' in Social Media
Have you ever come across someone on the Internet that you suspected was a paid government troll? Well, there is a very good chance that you were not imagining things. Thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have solid proof that paid government trolls are using “psychology-based influence techniques” on social media websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Zuckerberg reveals Facebook Working On Apps 'Smarter Than Humans'
In an online Question and Answer session this week Facebook supremo and founding megalomaniacal sociopath Mark Zuckerberg announced that his company is engaged in building AI systems "that are better than humans at our primary senses."

War On Cash - A Country By Country Guide
More on the global war on cash being waged by ruling elites in parallel with their war on privacy as they try to exert total control over everything.

Obama Crowns Himself Emperor Of The Internet
Barack Obama's seizing control of the internet by executive fiat is a serious breach of The US Consitution but for the rest of the world is perhaps the clearest idication yet of what the man is all about. Comparisons with Hitler can no longer be dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

Online shills paid to control your perception by spreading propaganda using up to 10 online personas
Libertarian and freethinking bloggers and new media writers are having a great time. For years our efforts to warn people about the opush towards global fascism earned us hate attacks and accusations that we were conspiracy theorists. And now, alomst daily, another of those conspiracy theories is being proved true

War On Cash Begins, It Is Not About Keeping You Or Your Money Safe From Muggers
Government and big busin.ess has been nudging us towards abandoning cash for electronic money for a long time. Now the Frech government has become the first to move towards making cash illegal (because government can't keep tabs on what you do with your money when cash passes from hand to hand ...

Being Evil? Just Another Day At The Office For Google Boss.
Google boss Eric Schmidt has defended Google's barely legal tax avoidance practices saying Googl;e's contribution to UK national life is more important than the money they owe us. boycott Google, Big is a good serach engine.

Neuromancers and other neuroscience fiction
n recent years the scientific community have been clamouring to tell us thy are close to mapping the workings of the human brain and understanding the workings of the human mind. now I recall while recovering from a brain haemorrhage fifteen years ago being told by a very good doctor that medical science was only just starting to understand that the brain (a physical organ) and the mind (a mystery) were very different things. And I have neither read nor heard anything since to make me think he was wrong.

Quantum Soul
Science has for two hundred years dealt with the mystery of human consciousness by conflating the mind with the brain. In spite of a growing hill of evidence that the two are very different things and…

Black Hat Biotech Beyond The Law (Black Hat part 2)
In the first part of Black Hat Biotech I reported on how a single corporation are close to establishing a monopoly as supplier of seed for the world's staple food crops.Now we look at how that same corporation either by buying political influence or other, less ethical means (if you know what I mean) has come close to ...

The Grand Illusion Of Self And The Key To Slowing The Ageing Process?
We all have an idea of who and what we are but is it anywhere near the truth. Science scoffs at notions like mind over matter but what if there is more mind than matter. The Hindu and Buddhist concept of Maya tells is what we think of as reality is an illusion ... (Index Philo and Sophia)

Obama's Dr. Evil Presidency OKs Biological Warfare Research Using Human Babies
This shocking article embedded here from Nature News shows how deeply corrupt and morally deficienty the Obama Adminidtration truly is. OKing experiments on American babies for a program that can only be aimed at handing more taxpayers money to Big Pharma is extreme even for the crack smoking, rent - boy fucking President of the New World Order's puppet regime.

Eugenics Belongs To The Left Not The Right Whenever the topic of population growth is brought up in a forum or comment thread usually on climate change, and it is suggested that any policy to save the environment must include measures to curb the…

Climate Fraud Watch: How The United Nations Made 50 million Refugees Disappear.
A decade ago The United Nations promised us that if carbon emissions were not curbed sea levels would rise swamping island nations and low lying coastlines and there would be 50 million refugees. Well carbon emissins increased, temperatures got sightly cooler and the refugess disappeared...

Facebook boss Zukerberg Wants To Own The Internet Facebook's latest acquisition Whatsapp cost $19bn, that's $40 per user. Whatsapp charge their users $1 per year. That means it will take Facebook 40 years to recover their outlay. And people are buying shares in this company? Insane. Facebooks Latest Violation Of Users PrivacyThe Daily Stirrer looks at Facebooks latest embarrassing climbdown after initially denying a new data mining scheme covertly violates users privacy ... Google's Schmidt Tells US Senators "We're Not MocrosoftGoogle executive chairman Eric Schmidt, giving his testimony to the Senate Judiciary subcommittee that focuses on antitrust began by recalling a ghost of the committee's past: Microsoft. Schmidt never actually mentioned its arch enemy but it is clear ... IBM Develop Computer Chips To Replicate The Human BrainTodays main story deals with an old chestnut that resurfaces ever two or three years. Some scientists dream of creating life in a test tube or growing human clones for spare parts. Others dream of using drugs or chip implants to turn us into unthinking automatons. And still more want to build machines that think like us and have human senses ... Facebook's Privacy Priacy Once again Facebook are in trouble over their contempt for users privacy. It is quite astounding that this upstart corporation that is quite open about its ambition to control the internet does not seem to understand there are lines that cannot be crossed when it comes to broadcasting or "sharing" details of users private lives. Webupon Facebook - privacy issues

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