The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Should The Democrats Ask Hillary To Step Down

There has been a lot of talk over the weekend about whether the US Democratic Party should ask Hillary Clinton to step aside, given the web of scandal she and her corporate capitalist cronies spun around her criminal activities using the phoney charity The Clinton Foundation as a front. The latest bombshell to nuke Hillary's hopes was the announcement last Friday that the FBI was reopening their investigation into the notorious 'servergate' scandal. Having found strong evidence of breaches of federal law relation to national ssecurity in their investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State, the FBI team, allegedly under pressure from The White House, decided not to proceed with charges. That was back in summer and that was when the Democrats should have forced Clinton out of the race. Unfortunately she is the New World Order candidate and the elitists who had anointed her Obama's successor could not tolerate Donald Trump, the wild card  chosen by Republican voters over the party's faithful hacks, or Democrat maverick and career outsider Bernie Sanders who had never previously identified himself as a Democrat, or anyone else the globalist cartel did not own, as a prospective president.

What prompted the change of heart is not quite clear yet. Some reports say FBI Director James Comey, who came under massive pressure for letting Clinton off with a slap on the wrist for greater crimes than others including senior military figures and civil servants had done jail time and seen their careers ruined for. Others believe the cache of emails found on devices owned by Anthony Weiner, husband of Hillary's closest aide Huma Abedin is the problem. These documents only came to light when FBI agents were investigationd Weiner for sexual activity with an underage girl.

This could simply be a case of Clinton having lied under oath, having told the initial investigation that she had at that stage turned over all the emails from all devices pertaining to her time in office at the State Department. Or, and this seems more likely, suspicions were aroused when they requested a search warrant to examine a vast cache of emails on Weinter's computers in pursuit of their investigation into his alleged sex crime. Why did the Demartment of Justice, headed by a close friend of the Clintons and the Obamas not want the Feds to see what was in that cache of emails.

However it turns out, once again we see evidence of the arrogance and sense of entitlement that have done so much damage to the Obama presidency and Hillary Clinton's campaign to succeed him lead to mistakes and misjudgements so stupid they should long ago have desrtoyed any prospect of a Clinton presidency.

And then there's the evidence of corruption, but that's another story..

With only eight days to go and polls suggesting her support is collapsing, it is too late to replace Hillary with either her chosen running mate, the Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine, or with the Democratic Party contender Bernie Sanders who, as we now know was robbed of the nomination by a massive electoral fraud enginered by the Clinton campaign team and the Democratic Party National Committee with total cooperation from mainstream media's broadcast and print sections.

Being British I don't know if there is an option for the Democrats to request a delay in the election while they select another candidate but I guess that option would go down like the proverbial lead Zeppelin with Republican and independent voters. The only other option would be to let Clinton run and in the now unlikely event of her winning to demand her immediate resignation (on health grounds or some 'Trumped' up excuse so the VP could take over and at least have a chance of governing without the taint of corruption hamstringing his administration.

It is a sign of how (rigged polls aside) the Democrats have screwed up by not addressing the corruption that surrounds Hillary clinton that a long time supporter, John Kass of the Chicago Tribune can write so scathingly of the wman as he does in the extract below:

John Kass, Chicago Tribune: Remember that Bill Clinton leveraged the "Year of the Woman." Then he preyed on women in the White House and Hillary protected him. But the political left — most particularly the women of the left — defended him because he promised to protect abortion rights and their other agendas.

If you take a step back from tribal politics, you'll see that Mrs. Clinton has clearly disqualified herself from ever coming near classified information again. If she were a young person straight out of grad school hoping to land a government job, Hillary Clinton would be laughed out of Washington with her record. She'd never be hired.

As secretary of state she kept classified documents on the home-brew server in her basement, which is against the law. She lied about it to the American people. She couldn't remember details dozens of times when questioned by the FBI. Her aides destroyed evidence by BleachBit and hammers. Her husband, Bill, met secretly on an airport tarmac with Attorney General Loretta Lynch for about a half-hour, and all they said they talked about was golf and the grandkids.

And there was no prosecution of Hillary.

That isn't merely wrong and unethical. It is poisonous.

Read more >>>


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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Poison Gas Fired At Government-held Area Of Aleppo By 'Moderate' Rebels

by Arthur Foxake, 30 October, 2016

According to as yet unconfirmed reports from Syria, poison gas cannisters were fired at a government-held area of Aleppo earlier today, causing at least 15 people to seek treatment for skin burns and breathing problems.

State news agency SANA reported that “shells containing poison gases” had been fired at the residential district of al-Hamdaniya.
SANA did not report any deaths, but pan-Arab Al-Mayadeen channel stated that at least one person died, while 15 others are believed to have breathing difficulties after inhaling the gas. They are now being treated at the local hospital.

News crews in Aleppo report 36 cases of suffocation.

Al Nusra front  Islamic extremists (Obama's moderate rebels, funded and armed by the USA)  reportedly used the poisonous gas in an attack on the Assad Military Academy in western Aleppo, as a part of a broader pushback against government positions which was launched on Friday.

It is not yet confirmed what gas was used in the attack, but according to Reuters fighting continues in the area. The head of the political office of the Aleppo-based rebel group Fastaqim denied the report of gas being used in the attack. Syrian state media said militants had fired shells containing chlorine gas at a residential area of the government-held western part of the city, al-Hamdaniya. Rebels denied that, and said government forces had fired poison gas on another frontline.

State media cited an Aleppo hospital director saying three dozen people - civilians and soldiers - had suffered suffocation in the alleged rebel gas attack, but did not report any deaths. There are no reports of ISIS activity in the area but as we now know, all the Islamist rebel groups in Syria are closely linked.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based organisation that reports on the war, said it had confirmed reports of suffocation among government fighters in two frontline areas shelled by rebels, but it did not know if chlorine gas was the cause.The rebels said the army had shelled rebel-held Rashideen district with chlorine and shared videos purportedly showing victims with respiratory problems.
Aleppo, Syria's biggest pre-war city, has become the main stage of conflict between President Bashar al-Assad, backed by Iran, Russia and Shi'ite militias, and Sunni rebels including some supported by Turkey, Gulf monarchies and the United States.

A few days ago western media was having hysterics over reports thaa a hospital in which children were being treated had been hit by Russian airstrikes. Things went eerily silent however when the pictures used by pro - Washington news to substantiate the report were found to depict a hospital in Assad held territory that had been shelled by US backed 'moderate rebels.'


‘I’m back from Syria. The media are lying to you.’ Eva Bartlett

Eva Bartlett is a Canadian activist/freelance journalistst. Eva has lived cumulative 3 years in Gaza, spent time in Lebanon and visited Syria 3 times since April 2014. Anti-zionist, anti-imperialist, pro-justice. Find out more about Eva’s trips to Syria on her Websites: InGaza and Syria Solidarity Movement or watch the embedded video from YouTube at the web page linked above ...

To Join Obama's Proxy War Against Russia In Syria Would Be Cameron's Greatest Folly

A look at our prospects should tway - boy Cameron succeed in obtaining parliament's approval for his wish to join Obama's coalition ofg dodgy political opportunists in their attempt to overthrow Syria's President Assad. Given that Putin has said many times, Assad stays, our outdated war planes don't stand an ice cube in hell's chance against Russian S34s and Growler Surface to Air missiules (SAMs). And that's without factoring in China's pledge to support it's allies Putin and Assad.

U.S. Government Moves To Exploit Paris Terror Attacks To Abolish Privacy

Never ones to miss an opportunity to advance their fascistc agenda, the US government is trying to exploit fears generated by the Paris Muslim terror attacks.

Afghan troops defect to Taliban in Helmand

According to news sources in Pakistan, up to sixty five Afghan soldiers, trained and armed by US and European military advisers, have defected to the resurgent Taliban, taking their weapons and equipment with them. Another 88 are reported to have been killed in heavy fighting between Taliban irregulars and government forces in the southern province of Helmand.

Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls
As the lawless criminal scum imported by Merkel in her efforts to suck up to Obama threaten to turn Germany into a third world human cespit, it seems public opinion in European is waking up.

Russia's Upper Hand In Syria Forces USA To Negotiate On Assad's Future

Why is John Kerry suddenly so eager to talk to anyone and everyone about Syria now when the war between Assad and the US sponsored Sunni Jihad has been dragging on for four and a half years? Are members of the Obama administration worried that the joint Russian / Iranian campaign in the air and on land has been too successful against ISIS and exposed as a sham the efforts of the USA and it's allies to 'defeat ...

Russia Takes Over The Mid-East: Moscow Gets Green Light For Strikes In Iraq, Sets Up Alliance With Jordan

Not long ago we were reporting on the way moves in the war against ISIS had shifted the global power balance from west to east, with Putin's decisive and efficiently executed moves to drive the Islamic State forces out of Syria and Obama's failure to repond in any intelligent way demonstrating to the world that the USA had surrendered its role as the dominant military power.

Regime Change As American As Thanksgiving

US President Barack Obama is someone to almost pity. For he has the unenviable task of standing before the nations of the world and blether the self — righteous lies of western propagandists, as he did again, during recent his address to the UN General Assembly.

Russian Warships Launch Missile Attack On Syrian Targets, Clearing Way For Iran Ground Invasion

In was always going to happen once the Russian air force had softened up ISIS and Al Qaeda positions in Syria. With the opposition on the run (and unconfirmable reports suggesting thousands of ISIS irregulars are desterting) thanks to five days of air bombardment from some of the most advanced strike aircraft in the world, we predicted Iran would ...

All Bombs Kill But Obama Only Denounces Russia's And Syria's Bombs

The U.S. government has dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs on Iraq alone in the last dozen years – and even hailed the start of the bombing campaign in 2003 as “shock and awe” – but now has coyly and repeatedly decried the Syrian government’s supposed use of crude “barrel bombs.”

Russia's action against ISIS in Syria outwits Obama Again

Europe’s intensifying migrant crisis and Russia’s increased military support for President Assad’s regime in Syria, including the establishment of a Russian military Syrian headquarters at Latakia have focused the attention of world media and those of us who like to be aware what is going on to dangerous situation now emerging from Syria’s protracted civil war.

Assad Says Europe Is Responsible For Refugee Crisis: "If You're Worried About Them, Stop Supporting Terrorists"
As the tide of refugees fleeing Syria’s bloody civil war, swelled by African economic migrants masquerading as Syrians continues to tear the European Union (EU) apart, and as Brussels struggles to formulate a coherent policy for handling the crisis as member states go their own way with measures to close border crossing points, divert migrants to other member nations, or ...

Why Assad is Winning: Victory For Secular Ruler In Syria Will Transform the Middle East.
While mainstream media continue to spin the Washington lie that US sponsored rebels are about to topple the Assad regime in Syria (the story they have been telling us for three years, an examination of the news feeds that mainstream news publisher and broadcasters use, which are free from Washington's propaganda spin reveal a different story.

While we watch Unkraine and Turkey The War Goes On In Syria

With mainstream media focused on ISIS and Ukraine amid, fears of an excalation of local problems into a war between East, West and Islam, we are in danger of forgetting nasty little civil conflicts like the one between forces loyal to the secular dictator Assad and the Al Nusra rebels who want to replace a secular dictatorship with an even more ruthless theocracy.

Another American Foreign Policy Embarrassment As Department of Defence Admits Supporting ISIS In Syria

News of how leaked documents prove the US Central intelligence Agency set up ISIS for the purpose of destabilizing the middle east is all over the internet, yet mainstream media continue to ignore it ...

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Hillary and Obama - a new world record in stupid?

Seen in National Review. I can't really add much to this, it sums up the US Democratic Pary, they arrogance and contempt for the people they, as elected representatives, are in theory duty bound to serve.

The recent WikiLeaks release is hugely entertaining reading. Vexed by the Clinton circle’s lack of e-mail security, Clinton aide Cheryl Mills wrote to John Podesta — in an e-mail, for pete’s sake! — “We need to clean this up.” Clean what up? “He” — President Barack Obama — “has emails from her. They do not say”

You’ll recall that President Obama, whose dishonesty is at least as instinctive as Richard Nixon’s was, said that he knew nothing about Mrs. Clinton’s e-mail shenanigans until he learned about the situation on the evening news. “I first heard about it on the news” is his standard line on practically everything. If, God forbid, the man should one day come down with testicular cancer, he’ll learn about it from Dr. Sanjay Gupta at 7 p.m. on a slow-news Wednesday on CNN.

RELATED: The FBI’s October Surprise is Devastating for Hillary Clinton Remember that this mess started with the invasion of an e-mail account belonging to Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Clinton sycophant. If you and your gang were in hot water because you could not keep your secret e-mails secret, what on earth would possess you to put a such a confession — a confession of what looks for all the world like conspiracy to obstruct justice – into an email?

Read more at National Review:


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Saturday, October 29, 2016

US Media Giants Caught Skewing The Polls For Hillary

A few days ago the solidly 'liberal' mainstream media (and enough British news organisations to make us worry that our country is following along the road to dystopia) were crowing that the American presidential election was all over bar the shouting and Hillary Clinton could order new curtains for The White House. As evidence of their claims they cited an ABC / Washington Post opinion poll which gave 'Crooked Hillary' a 12 point lead. Well it seems Hillary is not the only crook in the election process, her supporters in the media are all as bent as a boxing day turd, if this and other big leads claimed for the Democrat are anything to go by. just yesterday, after coming under forensic scrutiny, the next round of polling for ABC / WaPo suggested Clinton's lead had collapsed in the space of less than a week to six points. This near impossible turn round attracted even more in depth analysis of the information gathering method used by this polling company (whose polls for other organisations show very different results) and whaddaya know? Today as the latest version of this poll shows Clinton's lead has crumbled further to just 2 points, which is within the margin of error.

Amusingly for those of us on the civilised side of The Atlantic, these new results do not reflect the latest FBI bombshell which may impact the Clinton vote as it raises the trustworthiness issue again for the Democrats campaign. Polling was concluded on October 27th. Also the poll data is distorted by an 8-point sampling advantage for Democrats

Having a qualification in statistics (not degree level at the time but probably higher now, in this era of multiple choice questions)I sat down with our Boggart Blog / Daily Stirrer colleague Xavier, who has a MSc in Engineering and a BSc in Mathematics, and we did a bit of anlaysis of our own. But first, let's look at what the pollsters say about it:
METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Oct. 24-27, 2016, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,148 likely voters. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 37-29-29 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.
So what happened? For months, since the UK General Election in 2015 in fact, we have been arguing that what mainstream media publish are not unbiased polls but goal-seeking reports. Research has shown that with very little tweaking of the way questions are phrased and how 'undecideds are handled polls can be 'weighted' to produce a result in line with whatever result is desired by the commissioning organisation. The easiest way to do this is by simply distorting the make - up of the sample pool.

Another trick used widely by organisations running polls on this presidential election also came to our attention during the UK election of 2015, the technique of restating the question about voting intention but excluding minor parties. In Britain when voters who initially said they intended to vote for anti - establishment libertarian party UKIP were given a straight choice, Conservative or Labour, it was anticipated most would go Conservative. In fact UKIP's polling at around 10 to 15 percent was largely due to disillusioned working class Labour voters deserting 'the people's party because they felt it had become elitists, a party of bureaucrats, academics and professionals and was out of touch with working class concerns. The fact that while polls showed the parties neck and neck, the Conservatives won the popular vote by seven per cent was attributed largely to this polling error. In the USA, the minor party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, polling jointly at around ten per cent pose a similar problem for polling firms. When voters are offered a four way choice Clinton's rapidly diminishing lead drops to within the margin of error. Take out the wildcards and the lead widens.

All this shows is that rather than Johnson taking votes from Trump and the Republicans while Stein takes somewhat less votes from Clinton and the Democrats, in fact both are taking votes from Hillary Clinton. We also found while studying the data that there is some truth in the claims that Stein is doing a lot better than published polls show because she is picking up the votes of Bernie Sanders supporters disgusted at the way the Democrat National Committee colluded with the Clinton campaign to steal the nomination from Sanders.

WikiLeaks have covered this and even published a handy guide 37-page poll-rigging guide on how to "include ethnic 'oversamples' as required" to manufacture the desired results.

With today's latest ABC / Washington Post poll, the real "smoking gun" of how polls are manipulated to manipulate votes is revealed as the pollsters admit that the collapse of the apparent Clinton lead is "not mainly about people shifting in their voting intention" but about how their sample pool was constructed.
"Changes in the poll’s latest four nights (due to a public outcry from people in online news sites who understand something of how polls work) compared with the previous four are not mainly about people shifting in their candidate preference, but about changes in who’s intending to vote." Those saying they were not likely to vote were being asked who they would vote for if they HAD to vote. Thus a (relatively) large number of Blacks and Hispanics who said they did not plan to vote and were unlikely to change their minds, were nudged to declare a preference for the Democrat candidate.
So that's one you manufacture incredible results.

ABC / Wapo Poll

So why would allegedly respectable organisations like ABC / Wapo claim that the 10-point swing (in less than a week) was driven by changes in "who's intending to vote," but their own data shows just a 2-point swing in people who said they were "certain to vote" on 23 October, when the poll reflected a 12-point Hillary lead, and 27 October when the lead had collapsed to just 2 points. Are we really expected to believe that a 2-point swing in voter intentions somehow translated to a 10-point swing in the poll result? Something tells us it had a little more to do with excluding ethnic 'oversamples' after being caught cheating for the benefit of their favoured candidate."

So, now that ABC / Wapo have effectively declared their own poll utterly useless, the question is what were their motivations for skewing their polling data? Consider these points:
  • Trump is simply experiencing a huge surge in momentum...seems odd to have this kind of surge on minimal news (remember the poll was taken prior to the recent FBI disclosures).
  • ABC / Wapo pollsters got a slap on the wrist from the Hillary campaign for getting a bit overzealous on their manufactured 12-point "lead" which could have resulted in lower voter turnout for Hillary as supporters decided their vote was not needed.
  • >ABC / Wapo reviewed early voting stats and realized their polls were in no way reflective of reality and decided they'd rather not lose ALL credibility (though may be too late for that).
So does this mean Trump has a better chance of winning than mainstream media are willing to admit? You may say that, we of course could not possibly comment.


The Left In Meltdown

As the UK Labour Party crumbles into complete disarray with it’s leader, the sixty – eight year old perpetual student protestor Jeremy Corbyn proving a more divisive figure than any of his predecessors, as he sacrifices more and more votes on the altar of fashionable causes, and the EU, natural successor to Hitler’s European unification project falls apart in the face of resurgent cultural nationalism, it is quite satisfying to see ...

America Is Lost: Rigged election, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate says Assange
To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Julian Assange's death were greatly exaggerated. After his web feed was cut by staff at the Ecuadorian Embassy earlier this week Assange's usual stream of tweets, leaks and posts was stilled. The web, being the web, went mad with conspiracy theories but Wikileaks themselves did not comment on the wilder speculation. Well Julian is back on Hillary's case, and this time it's more personal than ever.

Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.

Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world?

The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.

The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion
The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace

Democracy Murdered In France

I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.

Who Runs America, The White House Or The Shadow Government?
Reports of President Barack Obama’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit over the weekend do not look right in the context of yet another blitz of provocative rhetoric from The Pentagon and the Department of Defence towards Moscow. In view of the USA's constant push towards all out war with Russia, one has to ask who is in control: Obama or the generals?

Trump catches attention of CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral
Donald Trump is portrayed as a clown by mainstream media and his combover is the silliest I have ever seen. Still, he's a billionaire so I don't suppose he gives a flying fuck what The Daily Stirrer thinks of him. Not that we think he is all bad, anyone who attacks Obama's global Naziism trade deals, TTIP and TPP mush have some good points.

Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario
An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenario. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...

How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics' Most Powerful Critics
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and loss of national sovereignty.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemaker, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

The American Political System Is "Not A Democracy Or Constitutional Republic" - Thiel
The state of democracy in the USA has become a hot topic of conversation in American business circles in recent years. While President Barack Hussein Obama, not so much a man as an ego on long skinny legs, has increasingly been inclined to rule by executive order in the manner of a despot or tyrant, even Obama's fiercest critics have to admit the American electoral system seems increasingly capable of delivering only political paralysis ...

U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth

We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.

Another Reason To Get Out Of EU. UKIP MEP Hits Out At Fishing Policy That Penalises British Fishing Crews
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and an often overlooked area in which our EU membership has perhaps done more damage than any other, the fishing industry.

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of Britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Oil Collapse Is All About Obama's Proxy War With Russia.
While we are distracted with sex scandals at home and terrorists rampaging through the middle east and Africa, the US / EU / NATO confrontation with Russia / China / Iran is getting into a very dangerous state. While the Chinese led move to dump the US dollar as global reserve currency is causing economic chaos, the USA attempts to provoke armed conflict with Russia are getting more reckless and desperate.

Shakespeare's Proud Loner and The Wisdom Of Crowds

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US Media Giants Caught Skewing The Polls For Hillary

A few days ago the solidly 'liberal' mainstream media (and enough British news organisations to make us worry that our country is following along the road to dystopia) were crowing that the American presidential election was all over bar the shouting and Hillary Clinton could order new curtains for The White House. As evidence of their claims they cited an ABC / Washington Post opinion poll which gave 'Crooked Hillary' a 12 point lead. Well it seems Hillary is not the only crook in the election process, her supporters in the media are all as bent as a boxing day turd, if this and other big leads claimed for the Democrat are anything to go by. just yesterday, after coming under forensic scrutiny, the next round of polling for ABC / WaPo suggested Clinton's lead had collapsed in the space of less than a week to six points. This near impossible turn round attracted even more in depth analysis of the information gathering method used by this polling company (whose polls for other organisations show very different results) and whaddaya know? Today as the latest version of this poll shows Clinton's lead has crumbled further to just 2 points, which is within the margin of error.

Amusingly for those of us on the civilised side of The Atlantic, these new results do not reflect the latest FBI bombshell which may impact the Clinton vote as it raises the trustworthiness issue again for the Democrats campaign. Polling was concluded on October 27th. Also the poll data is distorted by an 8-point sampling advantage for Democrats

Having a qualification in statistics (not degree level at the time but probably higher now, in this era of multiple choice questions)I sat down with our Boggart Blog / Daily Stirrer colleague Xavier, who has a MSc in Engineering and a BSc in Mathematics, and we did a bit of anlaysis of our own. But first, let's look at what the pollsters say about it:
METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Oct. 24-27, 2016, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,148 likely voters. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 37-29-29 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.
So what happened? For months, since the UK General Election in 2015 in fact, we have been arguing that what mainstream media publish are not unbiased polls but goal-seeking reports. Research has shown that with very little tweaking of the way questions are phrased and how 'undecideds are handled polls can be 'weighted' to produce a result in line with whatever result is desired by the commissioning organisation. The easiest way to do this is by simply distorting the make - up of the sample pool.

Another trick used widely by organisations running polls on this presidential election also came to our attention during the UK election of 2015, the technique of restating the question about voting intention but excluding minor parties. In Britain when voters who initially said they intended to vote for anti - establishment libertarian party UKIP were given a straight choice, Conservative or Labour, it was anticipated most would go Conservative. In fact UKIP's polling at around 10 to 15 percent was largely due to disillusioned working class Labour voters deserting 'the people's party because they felt it had become elitists, a party of bureaucrats, academics and professionals and was out of touch with working class concerns. The fact that while polls showed the parties neck and neck, the Conservatives won the popular vote by seven per cent was attributed largely to this polling error. In the USA, the minor party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, polling jointly at around ten per cent pose a similar problem for polling firms. When voters are offered a four way choice Clinton's rapidly diminishing lead drops to within the margin of error. Take out the wildcards and the lead widens.

All this shows is that rather than Johnson taking votes from Trump and the Republicans while Stein takes somewhat less votes from Clinton and the Democrats, in fact both are taking votes from Hillary Clinton. We also found while studying the data that there is some truth in the claims that Stein is doing a lot better than published polls show because she is picking up the votes of Bernie Sanders supporters disgusted at the way the Democrat National Committee colluded with the Clinton campaign to steal the nomination from Sanders.

WikiLeaks have covered this and even published a handy guide 37-page poll-rigging guide on how to "include ethnic 'oversamples' as required" to manufacture the desired results.

With today's latest ABC / Washington Post poll, the real "smoking gun" of how polls are manipulated to manipulate votes is revealed as the pollsters admit that the collapse of the apparent Clinton lead is "not mainly about people shifting in their voting intention" but about how their sample pool was constructed.
"Changes in the poll’s latest four nights (due to a public outcry from people in online news sites who understand something of how polls work) compared with the previous four are not mainly about people shifting in their candidate preference, but about changes in who’s intending to vote." Those saying they were not likely to vote were being asked who they would vote for if they HAD to vote. Thus a (relatively) large number of Blacks and Hispanics who said they did not plan to vote and were unlikely to change their minds, were nudged to declare a preference for the Democrat candidate.
So that's one you manufacture incredible results.

ABC / Wapo Poll

So why would allegedly respectable organisations like ABC / Wapo claim that the 10-point swing (in less than a week) was driven by changes in "who's intending to vote," but their own data shows just a 2-point swing in people who said they were "certain to vote" on 23 October, when the poll reflected a 12-point Hillary lead, and 27 October when the lead had collapsed to just 2 points. Are we really expected to believe that a 2-point swing in voter intentions somehow translated to a 10-point swing in the poll result? Something tells us it had a little more to do with excluding ethnic 'oversamples' after being caught cheating for the benefit of their favoured candidate."

So, now that ABC / Wapo have effectively declared their own poll utterly useless, the question is what were their motivations for skewing their polling data? Consider these points:
  • Trump is simply experiencing a huge surge in momentum...seems odd to have this kind of surge on minimal news (remember the poll was taken prior to the recent FBI disclosures).
  • ABC / Wapo pollsters got a slap on the wrist from the Hillary campaign for getting a bit overzealous on their manufactured 12-point "lead" which could have resulted in lower voter turnout for Hillary as supporters decided their vote was not needed.
  • >ABC / Wapo reviewed early voting stats and realized their polls were in no way reflective of reality and decided they'd rather not lose ALL credibility (though may be too late for that).
So does this mean Trump has a better chance of winning than mainstream media are willing to admit? You may say that, we of course could not possibly comment.

America Is Lost: Rigged election, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate says Assange
To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Julian Assange's death were greatly exaggerated. After his web feed was cut by staff at the Ecuadorian Embassy earlier this week Assange's usual stream of tweets, leaks and posts was stilled. The web, being the web, went mad with conspiracy theories but Wikileaks themselves did not comment on the wilder speculation. Well Julian is back on Hillary's case, and this time it's more personal than ever.

Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?
The anti - establishment, anti - globalisation mood that manifested itself in the Brexit vote is sweeping across Europe, the cosy government - corporate cartel is desperately trying to control the narrative, but against the combined strength of millions of new media commentators all challenging the official; narrative, the dark forces of globalism are on the back foot.

Is Bilderberg A Sinister Group That Runs The World Or Just A Tea Party For Rich And Powerful People
Are the Bilderberg Group meeting, this weekend in Dresden, Germany, really The Shadow Government (the New World Order, The Illuminati,) that rules the world?

The Oligarchy Is Tottering - Trump Tramples The Neocons' "False Song Of Globalism"
Donald Trump scares the global establishment as do the anti Federalisation parties in the EU. We take a long and detailed look at why, and exactly what the globalist agenda would have meant for freedom and democracy had people not wonken up and opposed it in vast numbers. Kudos to the Islamic Jihad too, medievalist religious nuts they may be, but they resisted American attempt to impose western consumer culture on them.

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

If You Look At How Fast Global Trade Is Unravelling, You'll Get Dizzy
Governments constantly make positive noises about the health of their economies although most people who are in work have felt no improvement on the position they were in after the crash of 2008. Wagest are stangnant, employment has reduced somewhat (see below) and while the banks are printing money and the super rich are widening the gap between themselves and ordinary people faster than ever, the real situation is frightening.

The New World order Pope Wants You To Pray For One World Religion
The Marxist, globalist, Soros apparatchik currently posing as head of the Catholic faith wants to scrap the Catholic Church. He didn't say that in so many words but he has called on Catholics to pray for the creation of a world religion (because love and peace) which would embrace

Democracy Murdered In France

I'm hearing very disturbing news from the French regional elections, predicting that the Front National, comfortable winners in last week's first round of regional elections, hasve been routed in all regions. For that to happen, and to happen through a massive increase in turnout, suggests electoral fraud on a hughe scale. Or has France joined Britain in adopting the Islamic version of democracy, which is one man one vote, one Imam one thousand votes.

Who Runs America, The White House Or The Shadow Government?
Reports of President Barack Obama’s meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit over the weekend do not look right in the context of yet another blitz of provocative rhetoric from The Pentagon and the Department of Defence towards Moscow. In view of the USA's constant push towards all out war with Russia, one has to ask who is in control: Obama or the generals?

Trump catches attention of CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral
Donald Trump is portrayed as a clown by mainstream media and his combover is the silliest I have ever seen. Still, he's a billionaire so I don't suppose he gives a flying fuck what The Daily Stirrer thinks of him. Not that we think he is all bad, anyone who attacks Obama's global Naziism trade deals, TTIP and TPP mush have some good points.

Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario
An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenario. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...

How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics' Most Powerful Critics
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and loss of national sovereignty.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemaker, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

The American Political System Is "Not A Democracy Or Constitutional Republic" - Thiel
The state of democracy in the USA has become a hot topic of conversation in American business circles in recent years. While President Barack Hussein Obama, not so much a man as an ego on long skinny legs, has increasingly been inclined to rule by executive order in the manner of a despot or tyrant, even Obama's fiercest critics have to admit the American electoral system seems increasingly capable of delivering only political paralysis ...

U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth

We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.

Another Reason To Get Out Of EU. UKIP MEP Hits Out At Fishing Policy That Penalises British Fishing Crews
As the General Election campaign starts to heat up, we try to shift focus away from the squabbling between Conservative and Labour about who can make the most promises they have no intention of keeping and to the real issues concerning jobs, social breakdown , mass immigration, and an often overlooked area in which our EU membership has perhaps done more damage than any other, the fishing industry.

Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of Britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?

Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Oil Collapse Is All About Obama's Proxy War With Russia.
While we are distracted with sex scandals at home and terrorists rampaging through the middle east and Africa, the US / EU / NATO confrontation with Russia / China / Iran is getting into a very dangerous state. While the Chinese led move to dump the US dollar as global reserve currency is causing economic chaos, the USA attempts to provoke armed conflict with Russia are getting more reckless and desperate.

Shakespeare's Proud Loner and The Wisdom Of Crowds

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Latest Clinton Email Shock Not From Wikileaks or DC Leaks But The FBI

The latest release of the Clinton (Podesta) emails from Wikileaks shows yet more incontrovertible evidence of unlawful activity by the Democratic Party presidential candidate or by her associates acting on behalf of her campaign or The Clinton Foundation with her knowledge and approval.

The most shocking revelations from the latest batch has been overshadowed by news of the FBI decision to reopen the investigation into the case of the  notorious private email server Hillary and her staff used to avoid public scrutiny of activities while she was Secretary of State, that constituted at the very least conflicts of interest and in some cases such as the one reported below, of flagrant law breaking.

WikiLeaks SHOCKER: Federal Election Law BROKEN. CONFIRMED!

The law is clear on this issue.
There is no grey area. Hillary’s Campaign cannot spin this. This will force her to stand trial.
Under no circumstances is it legal for a Campaign to collude with a SuperPac, on any level, under any circumstances.
Priorities USA is the largest Democrat SuperPac in existence. They are, as some would say, “the largest Democrat gorilla in the PAC jungle.”
A key player in this story is a person named Avie Glazer. Glazer is one of the top donors to a fund called the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF.) Donors can contribute mountains of cash to HVF. Some have called it a slush fund, as large sums of cash are often distributed to the Democrat National Committee and various campaigns.
Take a look at this graphic:
Again, campaigns are not allowed to collude with SuperPacs like Priorities USA.
Enter WikiLeaks.
The following “reminder” email reveals that the writer, named Latham, advised the Campaign Chairman that Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) was to meet with Priorities USA SuperPAC (Priorities) along with Avi Glazer, also known as Avram Glazer and the Hillary Victory Fund (HVF.)
A meeting of this nature is illegal. HRC cannot meet with a SuperPAC.

Read more:

The real bombshell of the day however was the FBI's notification to congress that it is reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server may well cause the Democratic presidential candidate to lose the election, her reputation and her freedom. As to the condition of her appendix, we'll just have to guess, since no one knows the state of her deteriorating health.
And then we have FBI director James Comey, who may well be on his way to losing his office, his seat and his reputation. (I have no information on the status of his appendix.)
And how bizarrely ironic is it that Comey -- who lost considerable credibility a couple of months ago for building an iron-clad case against Clinton only to let her off the hook -- is now reopening her case based not on Russian espionage or Julian Assange's WikiLeaks, but on Anthony Weiner's electronic sex life?
This will not bring honor and glory to J. Edgar Hoover's venerable crime-fighting organization. Comey's announcement, by the way, follows hot on the heels of the revelation that Clinton pal and Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe channeled near $500,000 into the failed state senate campaign of Jill McCabe, who is the wife of FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, who helped oversee the agency's investigation into Clinton's private email server. And let it be known that Hillary Clinton helped raise $1 million for McAuliffe's PAC.
Did any of these connections have anything to do with Clinton's getting off scot free from a criminal indictment? Nah.
But wait, could it be that Donald Trump's accusation that the system is rigged is correct after all?

Hillary Holds 4 Minute Press Conference: Demands "Full And Complete Facts" From FBI

Hillary Clinton's initial response to the FBI reopening of their investigation into her email security scandal was given in a brief, 3 minute 47 second address to the press. Playing the arrogant elitist to the very end, Hillary attacked the FBI, said that she hopes that whatever information the Bureau has will be shared with the American people and that the FBIU will 'reveal all the facts' and added that she is confident that no charges will be brought against her by the FBI, while taking the opportunity to ask people to go out and vote for her.

At the brief press event Hillary took three questions which some have mockingly said were drafted and/or preapproved by Clinton campaign direction of communications Jennifer Palmier.
"We are 11 days out from perhaps the most important national election of our lifetimes," Clinton said during the brief press conference in Des Moines, Iowa. "Voting is already underway in our country, so the American people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately."

Mrs Clinton seems to have conveniently forgotten that the secret server scandal would not have been half as damaging had she not gone to ridiculous lengths to avoid releasing any facts regarding the overlap between her duties as Secretary of State and fundraising for The Clinton Foundation.

Hillary revealed that the FBI had not contacted her before or since Comey sent his letter to lawmakers Friday afternoon, informing them that the investigation was to be reopened.
"So we don't know the facts, which is why we are calling on the FBI to release all the information that it has," she said. "Even Director Comey noted that this new information may not be significant, so let's get it out."

What we think may be significant is that when questioned under oath on emails relating to government business that had been held on her private server, and later deleted on instructions from Clinton even though they were the subject of a court order (fortunately the deleted mails were recoverable), she said all emails relating to government business had been handed over to security agencies. If the emails found on Tony Weiner's electronic devices prove to relate to government affairs, clearly Hillary has lied under influence, as tracking shows they were sent via her secret server to the husband of a prominent staffer in order to avoid having then logged on a secured government network.

Comey's letter said that the FBI was reviewing pertinent emails that it found in an unrelated investigation, but did not reveal much more than that. Republicans and the GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump quickly pounced on the news. 

Clinton was asked about a New York Times report that said the FBI had found the new emails in its separate investigation into Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandal.
“We’ve heard these rumors,” she said “We don’t know what to believe. And I'm sure there will be even more rumors. That’s why it’s incumbent on the FBI to tell us what they're talking about, Jeff. Your guess is as good as mine and I don't think that’s not good enough.”

Hillary's statement was similar to what Tim Kaine said earlier: it's "very, very troubling" that the FBI is releasing information about a new probe into emails that may relate to Hillary Clinton just 11 days before the election. The Democratic vice presidential nominee is commenting on the development in an interview with Vice News.  Kaine says the FBI director needs to provide more details on the situation. He suggests it's troubling that members of the press are finding out information before campaign officials. Kaine's comments in turn echo the a statement made by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and thus by Hillary.


FBI Begins Leaking Damaging Evidence Of Hillary's Treason As Obama and DoJ Block Indictment
Approriate Ending To The Democratic Primary Saga?
Hillary Clinton’s email problems just got off the scale worse
Can this woman possibly be a fit and proper person to serve as President Of The USA
Pundits Said It could Not Happen: Trump Now Tied With Hillary In Latest National Poll
Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud
Hillary Clinton To Face FBI Interview Very Soon
Obama's Economy Is Bad; Clinton's Would Be Worse
Lifelong Feminist Camille Paglia Slams Hypocrite Hillary Clinton And Her 'Liberal' Supporters
Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
With Hillary Clinton’s Email Lies Unravelling, 147 FBI Agents Are On Her Heels
Ruling Elites In Panic: Trump Presidency Would End Their Golbal Government Dream]
More Evidence That Hillary Clinton Leaked Secrets damaging To The USA

Obama the real danger to world peace
America being destroyed by neo - liberalism

America global hegemony

Failure of American leadership

Washington flatulence creates American trump

Eye - Cathching Headline To Counter Hysteria Over Trump's Pussy Tapes


Leaked Podesta Emails Show Bernie Sanders Was Right About Hillary's Ties To Wall Street

Hacker Dumps Thousands Of Emails From Close Clinton Insider, Reveals Hillary's New Email Address

They, Your Husband's Victims That Is, Have Names, Hillary

Can we take the new corruption investigation into the Clinton Foundation seriously

Haiti President Blows Whistle On Clinton: "Hillary Tried To Bribe Me!"

How Much Does It Cost To Buy A US Ambassadorship

New Hampshire Primary:Sanders and Trump Victory For Vox Populi
At Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum Americans Agree The Government Is FUBAR
Loud Trump Resonates Throughout America.
Soros Attacks Trump: The New World Order Are Afraid ...

New World Order
Living With The Conspiracy

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Friday, October 28, 2016

Russia Has Called the War Party's Bluff, Now Washinton Looks Spineless And Hillary Clinton Sounds Insane

From the Clinton power and influence for sale racketeers, with enthusiastic backing of the corporate/military/media complex in the USA to the British establishment and its corporate media mouthpieces, the European Unions unelected bureaucrat leaders and 'we'll-say-anything-if-the-money-is-right academics, the Anglo-American, self-appointed “leaders of the free world” are racking up demonization of Russia and “Putinism” to pure incandescence in their quest for a profit generating war with Russia, which these idiots believe will not only achieve a massive depopulation while generating vast profits from selling us poor taxpayers Cruise Missiles as a million dollars a bang, but will secure global dominance for the US globalist corporate cartel

Don't be taken in by this fear and panic generating exercise, global war is not going to break out after the November 8 US presidential election. The carefully constructed layers of outrage and loathing are a bluff. Let me show you an example of how war propaganda is being used to dupe the gullible into supporting the status quo from Information Clearing House.

The current issue of The Economist magazine – supposedly the most influential news and current affairs magazine published in Britain, though the extent to which this is really the case is open to doubt – carries on its cover a picture of a demonic looking Putin that goes beyond anything I have ever seen.

This picture is neither funny (such as pictures of Hitler in the British media during the Second World War famously were) nor factual (as pictures of Soviet leaders during the Cold War were). It is instead hideous and grotesque, showing a monster from a bad horror film.


That this image is profoundly shocking and dehumanising should not need saying. As such it fulfils the classic function of war propaganda, which is to dehumanise the enemy to make his killing acceptable. Certainly the publication of such an image cannot be explained in any other way.

What is however most shocking about The Economist’s cover is that in Britain it has provoked so few complaints or objections.

It should go without saying that any such depiction of the leader of any other country or nationality would in Britain today provoke a storm, with many people rightly complaining that the image was dehumanising and racist. However if the image is one of the leader of Russia nothing of the sort happens.

I recently wrote a piece for The Duran in which I spoke of how racist stereotyping of Russians in Britain and in the West is the one form of racist stereotyping which remains not only permissible but actually fashionable.

Indeed the cover of this week's Economist provides grisly confirmation of this, the image is not particularly shocking and is similar to a picture demonizing former British Labour Party Prime Minister Tony Blair used by a Conservative newspaper during one of Blair's election campaigns. The differences are Putin is a foreign leader, not a British politician engaged in fighting an election, partisan politics should not be part of a build up to war, and The Economist presents itself as an august academic journal rather than a downmarket tabloid.

But for those who are almost persuaded that only a warmogering hawk like Hillary Clinton can save us from Russian aggression, let's look at how things in the middle east, starting with with the Russian naval task force in Syria, led by the officially designated “heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser” Admiral Kuznetsov, which will be stationed in the eastern Mediterranean at least until February 2017, supporting operations against all strands of Salafi-jihadism.

The Admiral Kuznetsov is not an aircraft carrier was the war hawks in Britain have described it, though fully equipped with anti-ship airborne defense systems (short range aircraft), artillery and anti-submarine warfare systems – and able to defend itself against a vast array of threats, unlike NATO vessels, it is heading for the coast of Syria to boost Russian forces ability to defend against a US first strike and subesquent attacks on territory held by the Assad government.

Predictably, NATO is spinning the alarmist narrative that “all the Russian Northern Fleet”, along with the Baltic Fleet, is on the way to the Mediterranean. These are lies; only part of the Northern Fleet is heading for Syria, and with the USA installing launch bases for missiles with nuclear strike capability in Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania the Baltic Fleet ships are not going anywhere and Russia is beefing up its missile defence capability in its Baltic enclave Kaliningrad.

As for Syria, when the capabilities of this Russian flotilla are matched with the S-300/S-400 missile systems already deployed in Syria, Russia, in response to Hillary Clinton's ill advised (and stupid) pledge that on becoming president she will declare a no fly zone over Syria (thus leaving aircraft of the USA and its allies to bomb what's left of that country to ruin as they did in Libya, Putin, without revealing his hand, has played his aces and established a de facto no fly zone over Assad held territory, at the same time neutralising the firepower of the US Sixth Fleet.

That should put into perspective the impotence of the rent boy president as he minces around Washington trying to talk up the Russian threast, and the stupidity and reptillian anger of his anointed successor as she screams for more war, more death and more donations to the corrupt clinton Foundation.

Another problem for Washington is the Pentagon backs the YPG Kurds, who are not in favor of regime change in Damascus, knowing that if Assad falls, fanatical theorcrats will replace him and will launch a genocide against the Christians and secular Muslims of Kurdistan, while the CIA and The White House have since 2011 been funding, arming and training the human organ noshing, head amputating savages of Obama's beloved “moderate rebels”, the Al Nusra front (like ISIS, Al Qaeda affiliates.

Barack Obama does not like making difficult decisions, it is (like just about everything else) not one of his strengths) so the decision on Syria will fall to Hillary Clinton. Unilaterally declaring a no fly zone is not an available option, because Russia is already doing it. And if she decides to “punish the regime”, Moscow already telegraphed, via Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov, there will definitely be “consequences” for imposing a “shadow” hot war.

Washington, of course, reserves for itself a “first-strike” nuclear capability, which Hillary Clinton fully supports (Donald Trump does not, and for that and using words like 'pussy' he’s also demonized by warmongers in the USA and its NATO allies). If we allow the current hysteria to literally go nuclear, then we must consider the matter of the S-500 anti-missile system – which effectively seals Russia's air space; Moscow won’t admit it on the record because that would unleash a relentless arms race.

Sun Tzu doesn’t do first-strike and nether does Vladimir Putin, that's why despite three years of Washington's provocations, the world is not at war.

American Attempts To Demonise Russia Look More Pathetic Than Desperate

In spite of all the screeching from Hillary Clinton's campaign team, the bombast of the Obama administration and they hysteria in mainstream media it should be obvious even to a prepubescent kid whose computing skills are limited to playing games on an android tablet that the hacking of the Democrat's campaign servers, Obama's private email address and the State Department is an inside job.

USA Backs Down In Syria As Putin Stands His Ground
Following the news earlier in the week that Russia had deployed it's highly advanced S300 and S400 (Growler) air defence systems to Syria in response to repeated US attacks on positions held by the Syrian government of President Assad, yesterday’s Russian warning that US aircraft or missiles attacking Syria would be shot down has forced The White House to concede that all plans for military action against the government of Syria have been dropped.

Ideologue Obama Declares War On Ideologies

When the idealists of the left have top resort to suppressing the free press and free speech because they are losing the argument it is time to forget all the empty talk of hope and change, look at the track record of war and destruction and recognise these so called liberals for what they are, authorotarian tyrants.

America Is Lost: Rigged election, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate says Assange

The Real Humanitarian Crisis Is Not Confined To Syria

Out Of Touch Elites Are Clueless About The Anger Of The Masses Towards Them

Pussy Grabber versus Lying, Money Grubbing Traitor For US President?

Latest Clinton Foundation Hack Shows Abuse Of Power For Personal Gain

UN Peace Council: The Syria conflict is a proxy invasion by the United States

US prepared ‘to fight’ in Russia, China missile defense zones – Pentagon

Obama Administration Considering Air Strikes On Assad Regime Even Though It Could Lead To War With Russia And China

Syrian-born journalist slams MSM for Aleppo bias

As Syrian Forces, Backed By Russian Airstrikes, Advance On Aleppo, Obama's Foreign Policy Catastrophe Looks Complete

FUKUS Axis Abandon Diplomacy In Push For War With Russia

Situation In Syria Is Now Beyond Critical

Is World War Three Really Kicking Off This Time?

Obama Promises UN His Legacy Will Be Global Authitarian Dictatorship

Russia Accuses USA & NATO Of Defending ISIS

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