The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Friday, March 31, 2017
22 killed, many 70 injured in Pakistan mosque explosion. Taliban claim responsibility.
Mainstream media tell us, in reporting which is of dubious quality to say the least, that the war is won in Syria, there is only mopping up left to do in Iraq and once again the western powers are firmly in control, while fighting still rages in Syria and Iraq, Kurdistan and yemen, a new trouble spot is igniting in the Muslim world.
At least 22 people were reportedly killed after an attack by a suicide bomber targeted a Shi'ite mosque in northwestern Pakistan. Dozens were injured in the blast, which has been claimed by the Sunni Muslim paramilitary group, The Taliban.
The attack took place in the city of Parachinar as people gathered for Friday prayers near the women's entrance of a Shiite mosque in the central bazaar, according to Reuters.
Local official Ikramullah Khan said at least 22 people were killed and 70 others injured. A medical source cited by AFP put the number of injured at 57, including women and children.
Parachinar parliamentarian Sajid Hussain, cited by Reuters, described the blast as a suicide attack, noting that gunfire preceded the explosion. A military rescue helicopter has been sent to the scene to help evacuate the injured, according to local authorities.
The nearby Agency Headquarters Hospital said it received dozens of injured seeking treatment, and made an appeal for blood donors. "Patients are being brought to us in private cars and ambulances and we have received over three dozen patients so far,” Mumtaz Hussain, a doctor at the hospital, told Reuters.
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has condemned the attack, vowing that the government will continue efforts to “eliminate the menace of terrorism.”
Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA), a faction of the Pakistani Taliban, claimed the attack in a message sent to AFP.
Parachinar is the capital of Kurram tribal region, a hotbed of the Pakistani security forces’ years-long battle against various militant groups. At least 21 people were killed there in a January vegetable market explosion.
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Thursday, March 30, 2017
US is like ‘armed robber breaking into your house’ – Iranian Government Official
He also compared the United States to a house burglar.
“Is it acceptable for an armed robber to enter your house and expect to get the red carpet treatment?
“This is an example of modern ignorance in the 21st century,” he said.
Dehqan’s was responding to remarks made earlier in March by United States Central Command General Joseph Votel, who accused Iran of being a destabilizing influence in the region.
“We are also dealing with a range of malign activities perpetrated by Iran and its proxies operating in the region,” Votel said at a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee in describing Tehran’s alleged influence over Iraq and Syria.
Such statements from military officials on both sides signal growing tensions between Iran and the United States.
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Musk Now Leading Contender For Misanthropic Megalomaniac Of The Millenium Title
Elon Musk's latest business misadventure is a company that aims to merge the human brain with computer networks. At best it will be an ignominious failure, at worst it will create a species of humandroids (Image source)
There's no doubt about it, Silicon Valley billionaires are the sickest, most inhuman bunch of shits on the planet. There's Googles semi - autistic twins Page and Brin who are developing software to control our minds, Bill Gates who wants to reduce the human population by 15% (for starters)and forcibly sterilise people through vaccination (Gates is not clear how that will work) in order to 'save the planet'. Zuckerberg wants to rule the world through Facebook and those guys at Apple, having proved that using slave labour is good business are working to spread the idea.
The sickest, control freakiest and probably the most deluded however is Elon Musk. This weirdo (he even looks weird - hell he even looks weird by the standards of Silicon Valley nerds). With his failing car company Tesla eating cash faster than a Great White Shark eats seals, his whacko plan to provide standby power for houses from a small, unobtrusive battery pack proving capable for powering the average home for a hour, his plan to provide backup power for the entire Australian state of South Australia was laughed at when the costs were found to be many times that of conventional power.
Elon's first big fuck up came when he invested in Halcyon Molecular Inc. which was a DNA-sequencing startup founded in 2008. Their goal was to unlock the biggest secrets hidden in DNA. The company wanted to sequence 100% of the human genome in less than 10 minutes for less than $100. Due to the many competing companies with the fastest and cheapest DNA sequencing technologies, and the commecially exploitable information in DNA falling way short of expectations, the company shut its doors in 2012.
Musk, like one of those cartoon characters whose tragedy is a total lack of self awareness, will keep pursuing impossible goals obessesed with the belief that the impossible is possible if you just throw enough science at it. His SpaceX vacations in space project using vehicles that, in common with SkyLab and the Space Shuttles will not actually be in space but in the thermosphere, the fourth layer of the atmosphere. Outside that is the exosphere, which must be negotiated before a space ship can honestly claim to be in space looks like being another expensive failure as Musk and his British rival to be the first space tourism billionaire discover there are problems related to putting humans in the outer layers of the atmosphere that NASA and the Russian Space Agency do not talk about.
Musk's craziest and sickest project to date however is his launch of a business that plans to develop devices that can be implanted in the human brain. After venturing into space exploration, electric cars and solar roofing, wannabe business magnate and visionary Musk (he is in fact an investor who made one very good investment and several which stink) wants to create gadgets that can link the human brain to computers so that AI and the brain can work hand in hand. The new company Neuralink Corp, launched this week is, according to the pitch for investment, the first step to realizing Musk’s desire to merge the human brain and computers.
According to The Wall Street Journal, the SpaceX and Tesla CEO’s new venture aims to produce devices that can be implanted to the human brain in order for artificial intelligence software to enhance brain activity, improving memory and allowing for a more direct interaction between the brain and electronic devices.
It has been reported thatMusk is assuming an “active role” in backing the neuroscience startup. Neuralink is registered as a medical research company in California with several high profile academics in the neuroscience field as members of its team.
Musk’s venture may not come as a surprise to people who follow the South African-born engineer as he progresses up the creepiness index to a position from which he can challenge Google's Dr. Evil wannabes. He has hinted several times that he plans to create a technology that could build a connection between the human brain and computers, as The Verge reports.
“Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence,” Musk recently said while speaking to a crowd in Dubai. “It’s mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output.” It's worth remembering that a recent experiment concluded a computer would need several hours to process one minute of brain activity. And then there is the small problem that we have absolutely no idea how to convert computer data into the electrical pulses the brain fires along neurons in a way that would be meaningful to the brain. And until we have cracked that we are stuck with language, numbers and Boolean logic. So Musk's latest scheme is just another whacko non starter.
Last year, Musk also presented the idea of a neural lace, a device that would be surgically implanted to a human brain to allow connection between the nervous organ with computers. He has since been updating his followers on Twitter about the progress he’s been making with this project. In late January, when someone asked Musk if he is already set to announce neural lace to the public, he briefly responded, “Maybe next month.” But it appears Musk wasn’t ready to deliver the news to the world in February and with only hours remaining in March at the time of writing we have again heard nothing. One could be forgiven for thinking the idea is going the way of Google Glass. Now that the California startup is official, however, Musk will be able to share more information on the lack of development on his project to turn people into humandroids.
Time is NOT real: Physicists show EVERYTHING happens at the same time
The concept of time is simply an illusion made up of human memories, everything that has ever been and ever will be is happening RIGHT NOW. That is the theory according to a group of esteemed physicists who aim to solve one of the universe’s mysteries.
Most people do not even consider the concept of time but there is nothing in the laws of physics to state that it should move in the forward direction that we know. The laws of physics are symmetric ultimately meaning that time could have easily moved in a backward direction as it does forward. Indeed some adherents to the ‘big crunch’ theory say time WILL run backwards when the universe stops expanding and starts contracting back in on itself.
Wikileaks Vault7 Release Reveals CIA Contamination Of Apple Devices
New German Government Smartphone Spyware Will Monitor Citizens’ Calls, Typing AND See Through Their Camera Lenses
The German Interior Ministry has revealed a new “Bundestrojaner” or government trojan horse software that will enable security agencies to track the smartphone activities of anyone who downloads it. We understand Chancellor Merkel's government has also adopted an “off the shelf” tool from a company which is said to help authoritarian regimes track their citizens ...
Wi-Fi Radiation Warning By Lloyd’s of London - After Industry Denied The Risks
Canadian school boards and school medical health officers have been notified by their government's Education Department that insurers Lloyd’s of London has excluded from school insurance cover any liability for injuries, "directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise." ...
World Domination Freak Bill Gates Appeals For World Government
In a recent interview with the German magazine “Süddeutsche Zeitung“, Bill Gates, son of a CIA director and the New World Order's 'made man' uttered some highly sinister comments in support of abolishing democracy and nationhood in favour of world government.
Google attempts to become the Internet's Ministry of Truth
Readers of The Daily Stirrer will know we have always said the full version of Google's corporate motto Don't Be Evil, is Don't Be Evil, That's Our Job. Here's the latest example of Google being evil, their plan to censor the internet and ensure that controversial or dissenting views from those approved by the government / corporate complex never show up in listings. Read to end to learn how to beat the evil empire.
Robot revolution improves efficiency – but there's a price for human society
Since making a media debut in Fritz Lang’s cinema classic Metropolis, the idea that robots will replace humanity has obsessed the kind of scientists who make your average fruitcake look suitable fare for people with nut allergies. In the same way that computers with superhuman intelligence would surpass humans, it has been predicted with boring regularity that robots would replace their creators as more efficient and diligent exponents of human activity
GM babies? How About The Frankenstein Lobby Try A Bit Of Honesty And Call It Eugenics
As the British Parliament debated legalising the use of techniques to create three parent babies and the dishonest champions of scientific fascism claim is is a perfectly safe development to remove faulty genes from humanity and in no way similar to programs with the same aim carried out in Nazi Germany, we challenge them to be honest and admit what they propose is Eugenics, a morally repugnant quest to create a master race. And all three main political parties support it.
IBM Lays Billion Dollar Bet On Artificial Intelligence System Called Watson: They'll Lose
This publication has always been sceptical of the claims made by computer scientists that'the thinking computer is just around the corner'. The fact is pointy heads have been saying arificual intelligence would be with us in two or three years for the past forty years. And the old computer professional who owns the site says we are no nearer than when he wrote his fisrt program.
PayPal Asserts Copyright Ownership Over All Intellectual Property of its Users
The update comes in the aftermath of the announcement that eBay and PayPalwill split apart into two separate companies. Under the heading “Intellectual Property,” PayPal announcesthat it is introducing a new paragraph to its agreement, effective July 1, 2015, that will allow the company to “use content that you post for publication using the Services”.
Google's Brave New World Of Artificial Intelligence - And The Destruction Humanity
Almost every day we hear scientists burbling about artificial intelligence and how very soon machines will be smarter than humans. As scientists are nowhere near as smart as humans its hard to see how science can build something smarter. The problem is of course we don't understand what contsitutes intelligence - those who think academic qualifications are the only indicator are retards. So where will this madness to replace us with machines end?
Will Humans Become Redundant In Your Lifetime?
by Ian R Thorpe.As unemployment continues to rise a few people in all walks of life are starting to recognise that contrary to what we are constantly being told, the internet and technology in general is not a job creator but a job killer. And yet our politicians continue to export low skill jobs to low wahe economies and automate the work requiring higher skill levels.
Scientists Seriously Debate Human Rights For Robots
Human rights for robots? That's the craziest thing I ever heard, you might well be saying. but those unfailingly loony and dysfunctional fuckwits in the science academe are so convinced they can build machines (robots) with human attibutes they are demanding equal rights for animated tin cans. This over - the - top rant pusts a few things in perspective.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Wikileaks Reveal Obama Was Working For Saudis From Day 1
The juiciest but most unsurprising (to many of us) discovery of the WikiLeaks dumps so far has not come from e-documents relating to the various Hillary Clinton / Democratic Party / Pizzagate scandals, though there have been many great ones, but from 2008 when the now notorious John Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team. The email came from Michael Froman, a former Citibank executive, who secretly, and single-handedly (it appears,) built the entire Obama Administration of insiders, cronies and Saudi Arabia conntected business and academic types for the man who promised his would be the most open adminitration ever cabinet of what was supposed to be the "main street" President.
The email in question was even sent from Froman's Citibank email address (another effing amateur working for the Democrats) and includes "A list of African American, Latino and Asian American operatives, broken down by Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant level, plus a list of Native American, Arab/Muslim American and Disabled American candidates."
Apparently Obama wasn't as keen on placing women in senior-level positions (I think we all understand why Barry was not interested in filling his cabinet with women - if you catch my drift possums.) but Froman decided to offer up some suggestions anyway.
He wrote to the cocksucker president, "While you did not ask for this, I prepared and attached a similar document on women."
Froman even went ahead and "scoped out" which people should be appointed to which cabinet positions.
See the full listing at the bottom of this post at Open Magazines
We Know What Inspired The Manchester Attack, We Just Won't Admit It
In the wake of the Manchester arena bombing, politicians, public servants and the media warned against blaming the Muslim community. I had to defriend someone on Facebook [... ] My blogged response to the Manchester Arena bombing was that we should get angry, not at Muslims in general, but at the politicians, and law enforcement officers who time and again have failed to act against suspected (and sometimes known,) terrorists ...
Wikileaks Vault7 Release Reveals CIA Contamination Of Apple Devices
Wikileaks Exposes CIA / White House Spying On US Citizens
FBI Collaborating With Deep State To Discredit Trump
Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds in Yemen, As US-EU-NATO backed Saudi war destoys another nation
American dictator
Clinton voter fraud
The reality of Hillary Clinton
Wikileaks expose Clinton links with Soros
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Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Swedish Man Prosecuted for Assaulting Muslims with Bacon
A Swedish man has been arrested and charged with racism after being accused of eating bacon in proximity to a group of veiled Muslim women, and of calling them derogatory names.
The alleged offence occurred in the Swedish capital of Stockholm last weekend. The Swede, who has not been named by media or the police, is said to have approached the women, who were identifiable as Muslims by the Islamic headgear they were wearing, on a train while he was eating a bacon sandwich. He is alleged to have dangled the bacon in front of their faces, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.
According to the report, the women moved to different seats but the bacon waving man followed. He is alleged to have called them derogatory names and made racist comments. Neither the police nor the public prosecutor has specified what was said during the incident.
The prosecutors allege he then used racial epithets on another woman in the train station after getting off the train. He faces charges of incitement to racial hatred.

Full English breakfast, bacon, egg, pork sausage and black pudding (made with pigs blood and pork fat) Make one wonder why Muslims want to live here (image source)
Reaction to the incident on social media has been a mix of laughter and disbelief among English language users. Twitter user PeterSweden tweeted his disbelief at the charges saying: “What’s the next step, being racist for walking your dog?”
Dog are of course considered unclean animals by Islam and therefore are offensive to Muslims.
A perfect metaphor for the spread of Islamic extremism in Europe
How internet companies like Google and facebook have helped the spread of extremism
Former Labour minister says Britain cannot beat Islam without understanding religion
Top Academic: Muslims Would Not Tolerate Multiculturalism in Islamic Countries
Senior German Government Figure Calls For Mandatory Pork Ban In School, Government Canteens
Britain’s report on Muslim Brotherhood contradicts U.S. views on group
Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism
Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House Say ISIS Leaders
German Feminist Says Authorities Covered Up Muslim Sex Crime For Twenty Years
Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls
Refugeee Host School In Germany Bans Short Skirts As They Wind Up Muslim Boys
Je Suis Saussice (in defence of your right to eat pork sausages)
Why should Chritians and Atheists Tolerate Muslim Intolerance
A Chronicle Of Decay
Monday, March 27, 2017
Canada Ruled By Politically Correct Stupidity?
Where cattle and liberals and Canadians diverge however, according to the actions of their governments, is cows can turn quite nasty if you threaten their young. Canadians and liberals are so afraid of upsetting anybody they make excuses for people of certain nationalities and religions who want to harm or sexually assault their young, they tell those of us with children or grandchildren we must learn to integrate with the quaint customs of Muslim migrants, like gang raping young children.
But it is not just politically - correctitis that cocksucker Trudeau and The Canadian government suffers from. Another problem for them is bad timing.
On Thursday, March 23, the Canadian Parliament passed a blasphemy law specifically designed to protect Islam, which is unprecedented in Western democracies, where free speech is a right and freedom of worship includes the right to criticise and even mock all religions.
Al-Jazeera reported on Friday, the previous day's vote condemned "Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination." Naturally neither the Canadian government nor the media organisations which reported it could provide a coherent definition of what actually contitutes 'Islamophobia'. The non-binding motion that the Parliament passed also requested that a Parliamentary committee should launch a study to look at how to "develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination, including Islamophobia". The motion passed by 201 votes to 91.
It is just as well for those 201 Canadian legislators that they were debating all this in their distinguished national Parliament rather than the mother of all Parliaments. For had these legislators been in the House of Commons in Westminster, their thoughts may have taken on a sharper focus.
Now this blog's contributors who have spent time in Canada feel the place is so maddeningly reasonable there was hardly any religious discrimination until Sunni Muslim extremists from middle eastern and African trouble spots started to flood in, accompanied by the kind of corruption, racism, bigotry and violence that make middle eastern and African trouble spots the lawless shit holes they are.
Only one day before the snivelling, self righteous virtue signallers of the Canadian parliament invited Islamic extremists to shaft their country up the arse , the British House of Commons lived through an example of rampant Islamism rather than "Islamophobia". And though the incident turn Members of Parliament into a crazy Muslim-hating bigot, they did manage to acknowledge that Islamic extremism can turn people into hateful, murderous Muslim bigots who want to kill Christians, Jews, Atheists and most of all people who are the wrong sort of muslim. And they acknowledged that such extremism and bigotry can turn people into very dangerous lunatics when they are armed with the simple weapons of a knife and a motor vehicle. In 2016 the same thing was illustrated in France and Germany in well reported incidents and with less mainstream media coverage in Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Denmark. There were also numerous shootings and knife attacks from the USA to Greece, and in all cases the perpetrators were radicalised Salafist Muslims. And apologies to the easily triggered, but to any reasonable person, that pattern is enough to establish beyond reasonable doubt a link between the fundamentalist Islamic Sunni sect and terrorism.
So in effect the cowardly, timorous, pusillanimous poltroons of the Canadian government are asking their citizens to tolerate and accept terrorists whose avowed aim is to exterminate all non Muslims.
The Canadian Liberal MP Iqra Khalid (hmm, that name is a bit of a clue where her sympathies lie), who introduced the motion in Canada, proclaimed that the introduction of a de facto Islamic blasphemy law in Canada was needed because "We need to continue to build those bridges among Canadians, and this is just one way that we can do this." Hours before she said that, one of Khalid's co-religionists was using a bridge built more than a hundred and fifty years earlier for a very different purpose. But don't bridges in Muslim culture carry two way traffic. Because there seems to be no mention of banning Muslim hate preacher yelling "Death to Infidels," or demanding that pork be banned from Canadian menus because it offends Islam. Not much tolerance coming from their side it seems.
Khalid Masood of Birmingham decided to get himself on the fast track to heaven when he decided to drive a hired SUV at high speed into crowds of workerss and tourists on London's Westminster Bridge . On his rampage, he managed to injure people from 11 countries. He killed Kurt Cochran, an American on holiday in London with his wife to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. He also killed Aysha Frade, a British national of Spanish and Cypriot descent who had been walking across Westminster Bridge to pick up her two young daughters from school. He also killed Leslie Rhodes, a 75-year old retired window-cleaner, described by a neighbour, who sat at his bedside in hospital as he died, as "the nicest man you ever met." In support of what we said about American liberals being as spineless as Canadians, we can report Mr. Cochran's family said they bore no ill will towards his killer. What is wrong with these people that they think we should hug the terrorist shits who kill our family members.
There is only one reponse to terrorism. Ask yourself this: If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? (Act 3 Scene 1, The Merchant Of Venice, William Shakespeare - read full speech) OK, if you are Canadian write those lines in magic marker on a big, jagged lump of concrete rubble, then take it to where Justin Trudeau lives and ram it up his arse.
After the carnage on the bridge, the assailant, 52-year old Khalid Masood ran at the Houses of Parliament and stabbed to death Police Constable Keith Palmer, 48. The Palace of Westminster was put into lockdown. The scenario is eerily similar to an Islamist attack on the Parliament building at Ottawa in 2014, the assailant got disturbingly close to the very centre of power in the land before being shot dead. And that bunch of cunts in the Canadian Parliament want Canadian citizens to accept terrorist shits into their communities. WTF is wrong with these crazies. When a lunatic tells you they are coming round your house to kill you, it is irrational to tell them that you want to cooperate and will leave the door open.
Politically Correct Thinking And The Threat To Free Speech
When I heard that the actor, writer, wit and raconteur Stephen Fry faces prosecution in Ireland for an alleged blasphemy contained in what seem to me fairly innocuous remarks, it reminded me that recently an anti blasphemy law was enacted in that so called liberal utopia, Canada. Blasphemy a crime in this secular century. What's going on?
How Internet Companies Like Google and Facebook Have Helped The spread of extremism
Former Labour Minister: UK Can’t Defeat Terror Without Understanding Religion
We Will Never Defeat Terrorists While Idiots Like This Are Allowed To Hold Public Office
Staying in EU Exposes Country to Risk of Terrorism Says Duncan Smith
Gun Control Fail To Stop Crminals Using Guns In Terror Attacks – EU Say We Need More Gun Controls
Muslim Intolerance
No doubt our leaders and the media will condemn the backlash from ordinary French people to the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Random attacks on decent Muslims are wrong. but how long do the elites expect us to keep showing tolerance when they have done nothing about a long standing problem..
Top Academic: Muslims Would Not Tolerate Multiculturalism in Islamic Countries
Leading Iranian academic Afshin Ellian has warned that cultural Marxist delusions of “multiculturalism” are a one-way street as left wing activist in the secular Christian nations of the west clamour for appeasement of Islamic extremists. Muslims in Europe oppress historic minorities in their own lands and have no intention of showing “tolerance”
Progressive' Gay Mayor Of Seattle Craps On Christians And Atheists In Self Righteous Bid To Be Fair To Muslims
In an effort to appease followers of Islamic Sharia law, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is searching for ways to help them buy houses. According to Sharia law, muslims are forbidden to pay interest on loans, thus making it impossible for most of them to buy a house. Mayor Murray wants to meet with lenders to solve this “problem”, and possibly put the rest of the public on the hook for the debt.
Black Belgians Refute ‘Poverty, Discrimination’ As Causes Of Arab Terror - It's A Cultural Thing
“You know, we hear a lot about how the Arabs are a fragile community that suffers, but we, ‘les blackies,’ are discriminated against, too, and we hurt nobody”, Nico Atoba, an African Christian living in Brussels told the National Post for a feature the Canadian newspaper was assembling.
Corbyn's Politically Correct Hypocrites Hate Sexism But Approve Of Muslim Sexism
On encountering my insense dislike of the Labour Party, people asume I am a Conservative. WRONG! I have never supported The Conservatives and have never voted either Conservative or Labour in my life. Politicians should never be trusted, I but what sets Labour politicians and activists above the rest in terms of being worthy of only contempt is the hypocrisy.
Senior German Government Figure Calls For Mandatory Pork Ban In School, Government Canteens
The gulf in attitudes between the political ,business and academic elites and reality is growing wider at an accelerating rate. While ordinary people hold onto the values and traditions of Europe's 5000 year old civilisation, the elites seeme determined to sell our contintent from under our feet to immigrants who have contributed little but want to impose their religion and customs on us. Here's an example ...
Britain’s report on Muslim Brotherhood contradicts U.S. views on group
A spate of warning on the imminent threat of more and increasingly bloody attacks on Britain and Europe by Muslim terror group Islamic State have been issued by British government security agencies in the past few days. As well as one from the Police covert anti terror unit, reported here, another, Muslim Brotherhood Review has been featured in the Washington Times
USA Extends Drone war To Africa
So why we wonder is the USA taking its drone war against the third world into deepest, sub Sahran Africa? There cannot be any reason for it, the cited aim of neutralising Boko Haram is not valid because boko Haram are not a standing army but a guerilla force that strikes and then melts away into the civilian population.
Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism
Europe's new wave anti - semitism. Jewish people are fleeing france but not because of Front National or nationalism. The stupid, self righteous left alone must take credit for this outbreak of Jew hating.
Multi-Cultural England: Are You Feeling The Progressive Diversity.
As racial and sectarian tension increase on the streets of britain while politicians gear up for the election campaign, we take a look at the state of Britain today, Imigrant child abuse gangs, Clerics of alient faiths dictating moral strictures, and everywhere we look, foreigners being given provieged status. Is it any wonder the voters are angry?
What A Joke These Leftie Hypocrites Are
Much of the build up to the NATO summit at Newport's Celtic Manor on 4 and 5 September, which will attempt to formulate a united strategy for dealing with 'threats' to western security in Ukraine and Iraq, has been focused on the world leaders who will be attending, along with the security operation
UK Must Work With Assad To Combat ISIS? Laugh, I Nearly Shat
When Obama first called for military intervention in Syria, Cameron and Hollande were all for it and only public opinion in the west and Russian / Chinese Intransigence in the UN Security Council averted full scale war. I came in for a lot of flak for 'supporting the tyrant Assad when I suggested the last thing the west's troubled economies needed was another messy and unwinnable middle east war. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Its Showtime!
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Saturday, March 25, 2017
"The New World Order Is Under Enormous Strain" Says Hillary Clinton's RINO Poodle
In a "new world order under enormous strain" and in "the titanic struggle with forces of radicalism … we can't stand by and lament, we've got to be involved," said warmonger McCain, who chairs the armed services committee in the US Senate, according to the EU Observer.
"I trust the EU," he said, an opposite view from that of US president Trump who, showing his business acumen, said in January that the UK "was so smart in getting out" of the EU and that NATO was "obsolete". In spite of evidence that the Neocon / European Union / New World Order dream of a federal European superstate looks close to failure McCain echoed the line of war criminal, traitor, fraudster and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton that the EU was "one of the most important alliances" for the US and that the EU and NATO were "the best two sums in history", which have maintained peace for the last 70 years. This is bollocks of course; from the end of World War 2 to the collapse of the Soviet Union mutually asured destruction kept the peace and since then the US government and NATO have been in the business of starting wars, sponsoring terrorism and engineering regime change.
Further attacking Trump's worldview, McCan told his audience "we need to rely on NATO and have a NATO that adjusts to new challenges." He noted that "the EU has too many bureaucrats, not much bureaucracy," but added that "it's not the only place on earth with that problem." He said that he was "still wondering what the overall effect of Brexit will be" and that he did not know "if this is the beginning of a serious problem for the EU". McCain did not disagree, however, with Trump's demand that European countries increase their defense spending for NATO.
McCain also revealed he hasn’t met the President Donald Trump in person since he took office, and he urged Trump to reach out to his opponents—Democratic and otherwise, as Ronald Reagan did, if he wants to repeal Obamacare. “Do some outreach. Get to know some of these Democratic leaders,” he said. “You can find common ground.” At least that bit was not totally daft, but reaching out to the Democrat crazies these days is like putting your hand in a crocodile's mouth
McCain said he’d met Trump “some years ago” when he was a businessman, but had not met him since. McCain said he did speak “almost daily” to National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, however.
“He doesn’t seem to be that upset that he’s not talking to him,” said German Marshall Fund’s Derek Chollet, a former Obama Pentagon official. “He’s trying to run U.S. defense policy through Mattis and effectively ignore Trump.”
That said, McCain also said it was "too early" to pass judgment on his presidency, although his series of critical comments in recent weeks have demonstrated his growing skepticism about the Trump administration.
Brexit posts
Curruption in the capital of Europe
Europe going down the drain
EU wants to extend Europe into Africa and Asia
EU puts business before people
Europe's bureaucratick mockery of democracy
European Union contempt for Europeans Human Rights
Europe's immigration burden
EU stealing member states sovereignty
Europe unglued omnibus
French Prime Minister says: “Europe Is Falling Apart”
Well We Have Been Warning You: European SUPERSTATE plan unveiled: EU nations ‘to be merged into one’ post-Brexit
Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine – US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable
Europe Will Be Diverse By Order Of The EUroNazis
Irish EU Official Says Open European Borders Allow Jihadis to ‘Carry Out Their Atrocities at Will’
Patriotic Parties Rights Violated in European Parliament
“The European Project Was Always Bound To Fail” – Europe Abandons The Union
Well We Have Been Warning You: European SUPERSTATE plan unveiled: EU nations 'to be merged into one' post-Brexit
EU's Bureaucratic Dictatorship Is Losing The Support Of The Most Loyal Nations
France Chaos Becoming A Threat To The Entire European Union</ Hollande Survives Confidence Vote As France Slides Deeper Into Chaos
French Legislator Proposes Alliance With Russia to Prevent More Attacks
David Cameron denies migrant crisis is a 'giant David Icke conspiracy' to keep us in the EU.
France Moves Several Steps Closer To Abolishing Free Speech
France’s President Hollande Says 'Non' To Obama’s Demand for Corporate Global Oligarchy
European Parliament President Says ‘Vast Majority Of Europeans Do Not Want Borders’
EU Refuses to Block Eurozone Integration to Reach Agreement With UK
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Friday, March 24, 2017
Former Labour Foreign Minister: UK Can’t Defeat Terror Without Understanding Religion
Former Labour Party minister Kim Howells, who was responsible for military security under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, has suggested the Labour government of which he was a member was wrong to ignore the religious roots of Islamist terror, urging authorities to ‘take on’ the ideology to defeat terror.
While Blair was playing the Christian crusader as sidekick to US President George W Bush (and being reminded by his spin doctor Alistair Campbell that in Britain "we don't do God" there was, Mr. Howells said, a failure to understand that Islamist violence is distinct from other forms of terror and Western values such as democracy must be defended. Presumably he is trying to tell his party the time for appeasement of Islamic extremism is gone, it's time to push back.
“I was part of a Government that said: ‘Well, we don’t do God.’ he commented, "But you can’t afford not to do God on this one, I think,” he told Wales Online.
“These people aren’t motivated – not on the most part, anyway – by money or some kind of nationalism. It’s different from the IRA. These people are prepared to kill themselves and they do it because they think it’s a shortcut to paradise…
“Unless people have enough courage to take that on and try and convince young people that the Caliphate is not a better way of running society than a democracy they are going to be lured to these organisations.”
Whilst some say Islamic terror is largely driven by grievances such as “Islamophobia”, “alienation”, marginalisation, poverty and Western foreign policy, Mr. Howells argues that in order to understand fundamentalist Islam's loathing of western culture it is necessary to appreciate the importance of theological conflicts in Islamic societies.
“These guys are not just trying to kill unbelievers and Christians and so on. Their main enemy is another form of Islam,” he said, referring to the violent schism between Sunni and Shia Islam.
"Many other nations and ethnic groups have been affected by foreign interventions and discrimination, yet the vast majority of recent terror attacks have occurred in countries afflicted by Islamist insurgencies."
It is true that western governments have failed to understand the deep rooted causes of Islamic extremism but this blog would argue that is not a failing on the part of western cultures. Rather it is not possible for westerners to understand the backward and tribalistic mindset of many subcultures in the Muslim world. How for example does one go about persuading randy young men who have been indoctrinated with the idea that women are unclean, their only purposes being to serve men and to produce babies, to understand that in the west women are independent beings, free to dress how they wish and go freely wherever they want to in the same way men are. Or to make fundamentalists understand that while nobody is going to make Muslims or Jews eat pork and ham, we accept the right to eat those foods in accordance with the values and traditions of our culture, and they must learn to live alongside pork eaters.
If we cannot do that, and I suspect we can't, then we in the secular democracies must accept that mass immigration from certain Muslim cultures is not going to work, that some people just cannot accept that while we respect their right to worship as they wish, we expect them to afford us the same respect, even if in the cases of many of us it means that we choose not to worship but use our right to freedom of speech to argue against religion. Because until they are able to grant our values the same respect as they demand we grant theirs, fundamentalist Islam and secular society can never live side by side.
The Charge Of The Anti-enlightenment Brigade
I don’t know if many of you remember London's Atheist Bus a few years ago. It toured the city bearing adverts that read: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’ and was a great success[ ... ] this demonstrates the Sheeple - like tendencies of those who claim they have reason on their side: the religious propagandist with the sandwich board saying ‘repent, the end is nigh' was always the subject of jokes. Why do the opposing side now feel the need to parade high tech sandwich boards saying, "no need to repent, the end isn't nigh'?
Top Academic: Muslims Would Not Tolerate Multiculturalism in Islamic Countries
Leading Iranian academic Afshin Ellian has warned that cultural Marxist delusions of “multiculturalism” are a one-way street as left wing activist in the secular Christian nations of the west clamour for appeasement of Islamic extremists. Muslims in Europe oppress historic minorities in their own lands and have no intention of showing “tolerance”
Progressive' Gay Mayor Of Seattle Craps On Christians And Atheists In Self Righteous Bid To Be Fair To Muslims
In an effort to appease followers of Islamic Sharia law, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is searching for ways to help them buy houses. According to Sharia law, muslims are forbidden to pay interest on loans, thus making it impossible for most of them to buy a house. Mayor Murray wants to meet with lenders to solve this “problem”, and possibly put the rest of the public on the hook for the debt.
Black Belgians Refute ‘Poverty, Discrimination’ As Causes Of Arab Terror - It's A Cultural Thing
“You know, we hear a lot about how the Arabs are a fragile community that suffers, but we, ‘les blackies,’ are discriminated against, too, and we hurt nobody”, Nico Atoba, an African Christian living in Brussels told the National Post for a feature the Canadian newspaper was assembling.
On encountering my insense dislike of the Labour Party, people asume I am a Conservative. WRONG! I have never supported The Conservatives and have never voted either Conservative or Labour in my life. Politicians should never be trusted, I but what sets Labour politicians and activists above the rest in terms of being worthy of only contempt is the hypocrisy.
Senior German Government Figure Calls For Mandatory Pork Ban In School, Government Canteens
The gulf in attitudes between the political ,business and academic elites and reality is growing wider at an accelerating rate. While ordinary people hold onto the values and traditions of Europe's 5000 year old civilisation, the elites seeme determined to sell our contintent from under our feet to immigrants who have contributed little but want to impose their religion and customs on us. Here's an example ...
Britain’s report on Muslim Brotherhood contradicts U.S. views on group
A spate of warning on the imminent threat of more and increasingly bloody attacks on Britain and Europe by Muslim terror group Islamic State have been issued by British government security agencies in the past few days. As well as one from the Police covert anti terror unit, reported here, another, Muslim Brotherhood Review has been featured in the Washington Times
USA Extends Drone war To Africa
So why we wonder is the USA taking its drone war against the third world into deepest, sub Sahran Africa? There cannot be any reason for it, the cited aim of neutralising Boko Haram is not valid because boko Haram are not a standing army but a guerilla force that strikes and then melts away into the civilian population.
Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism
Europe's new wave anti - semitism. Jewish people are fleeing france but not because of Front National or nationalism. The stupid, self righteous left alone must take credit for this outbreak of Jew hating.
Die Hard With A Tribal Mask: 23 Dead After Al-Qaeda Storms West African Hotel
The renewed turmoil in Burkina Faso the landlocked country which is Africa’s fourth-largest gold producer and which has been torn by civil conflicts since it gained independence from France in 1960. Coup d'etats in 1966, 1970, 1977 and 1983, with changes of political style from the new regimes each time destabilised the country and obstructed progress.
Indonesia Tells Aussie Loudmouth Tony Abbott, STF UP Over ‘Reform Islam’ Call
The solidly Muslim government of Indonesia has attacked former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott after he said that Islam needs to be reformed. Sources in Indonesian capital Jakarta dismissed Abbott's comments as “unhelpful” and “divisive”. Ambassador to Austrialia responded to Mr Abbott’s critique by adding that violent extremism is “common in all faiths.”
Christians Are Not Safe In Europe, European Parliament President Says
In a meeting on religious tensions in Europe today (3 December, 2015), European Parrliament (EP) President Martin Schulz said that the persecution of Christians in Europe is under - reported and does not receive enough media attention, which has also meant that it "has not been properly addressed".
Killjoymas - the favourite festival of The Bansturbators
But Christmas is approaching again so perhaps it is time to give it a revamp. It is interesting to note how the Politically Correct Thought Police have progressed from banning Christmas festivities on health and grounds to banning everything on the grounds that it might offend Muslims.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017
US Congressional Intelligence Committee Exposes FBI Director Comey As A Lying Long Streak Of Piss
Two days ago, to the delight of Trump haters, supporters of The Clinton Crime Syndicate, The (US) Democratic Party and other enemies of democracy, FBI director James Comey appeared to demolish President Trump's allegation that during the 2016 election campaign the Trump campaign headquarters was being wiretapped by president Obama before the election. As British Prime Minister Harold Wilson once said, 'a week is a long time in politics' and that means two days is enough for a situation to change completely. Thus it now appears that Comey was being disingenuous, just as he was when he exonerated Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton of crimes relating to breaches of national security protocols even though there was ample evidence of Clinton's guilt to justify charghing her with treason.
Today the House Intelligence Chairman, Devin Nunes, told reporters that the U.S. intelligence community incidentally collected information on members of President Trump's transition team, possibly including Trump himself, and the information was "widely disseminated" in intelligence reports.
In other words, Trump was right to say that his campaign was being bugged by Obama, while Barack Obama, a self confessed technologyphobe could not have personally installed the hack (probably a software tool rather than the physical 'wiretap' Democrats, left - wing media luvvies, and Trump haters on social media have been raving about, he would have had to authorise the electronic surveillance project.
AP reports, Nunes said that President Donald Trump's communications may have been "monitored" during the transition period.
Nunes told a news conference that the communications appear to be picked up through "incidental collection" (what an 'incidental collection' is we may only speculate about) and do not appear to be related to the ongoing FBI investigation into Trump associates' contacts with Russia, another democrat / left wing media smear campaign against Trump that has been discredited.
"I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions, the intelligence community collected information on U.S. individuals involved in the Trump transition," Nunes told reporters.
"Details about U.S. persons involved in the incoming administration with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value were widely disseminated in intelligence community reports."
The information was "legally brought to him by sources who thought we should know it," Nunes said, though he provided little detail on the source.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Conservative Students At St. Olaf College Feel Threatened By Liberal Hate Mob
Instead of feeling pride at their hircine ability to think for themselves the Trump supporters are now feeling marginalised among the minge costume wearing, placard waving idiots, according to student newspaper Manitou Messenger:
Of the 12 students interviewed by the Manitou Messenger, several have been violently threatened because of their political beliefs, and almost all of them feel as though they can’t speak up about politics on campus – in class, online or with their friends. …Like some liberal students who felt unsafe after the election, a St. Olaf conservative student said she “went home for awhile” because of the animus toward conservatives in her classes. She said online harassment led her to transfer to another school after the fall semester.
On the night of the election, a student in the Pause threatened to beat up [College Republicans President Emily] Schaller, calling her a “f***ing moron.” Over the next couple of days, she overheard multiple students threaten to hurt the next conservative or Republican they saw. Vice President of St. Olaf College Republicans Kathryn Hinderaker ’19 had a similar experience.
“I think one of the hardest things was, the second day, I went into Buntrock and someone yelled from the bottom, ‘if you voted for Trump, you better be f***ing scared.’ Everyone clapped and applauded,” Hinderaker said. “Obviously, it didn’t feel super safe.”
Another Republican student reported that on Feb. 18, a Hillary Clinton supporting hate mob posted an unsolicited photo of a group of students that supposedly included Trump supporters and encouraged fellow students to “remember their faces.”
It’s lonely being conservative at St. Olaf, even though its College Republicans chapter didn’t endorse Donald Trump and refused to phone bank for him in the general election. And it is not just the students who support war loving, hatemongering traitors and war criminals like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. One political science student said her professor “started every class with basically just ridiculing Trump for about 20 minutes,” and she now plans to transfer to another school next year. Another student said his professor’s anti-Trump animus makes him keep quiet so she won’t “possibly bring down my grade.”
But another St. Olaf conservative warns his peers not to act like “some oppressed minority group” because “it engages in the same identity politics that already make it so hard to have constructive conversations about challenging issues.” Quite right, the liberals will keep bullying as long as they are allowed to think they have the upper hand. Challenge them.
This blog feels rather let down by the attitude of these 'conservative students'. Being in an oppressed minority can be fun, especially when the would be oppressors idea of violence is dressing up as a cunt (not that they need costumes to look the part), chanting slogans and waving placards. Some years ago a British politician described being attacked by liberals as being similar to "being savaged by a dead sheep." That being the case (and it is, trust me - and don't ask where the bodies are buried,) the correct response to 'liberals' threatening that you should be scared would be to say, "Why, are you going to stand there and call me a racist while I break every bone in your body one by one.
The illiberal idiots who call themselves 'liberals' these days are snivelling little wet farts. Tell them so and it will 'trigger' an emotional crisis that will keep them in regular psychotherapy sessions for years.
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Monday, March 20, 2017
Is Denmark On The Brink?
Iben Thranholm examines political and social events with focus on their religious aspects, significance and moral implications. She is one of Denmark’s most widely read columnists on such matters. Thranholm is a former editor and radio host at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR), at which she created a religious news program that set a new standard for religious analysis in the newsroom. She has traveled extensively in the Middle East, Italy, the United States and Russia to carry out research and interviews. She has been awarded for her investigative research into Danish media coverage of religious issues.
E Tavares: Iben, thank you for being with us today. Over a year ago we talked to Dr. Tino Sanandaji, an economics professor at a leading Swedish university, on the inconsistencies of Swedish immigration policies. The resulting post was hit, revealing a significant interest for this topic.
In a sense Sweden is the canary in the coalmine of Europe’s demographic future, since they have been at the forefront of this transformation and openly embrace it. Being a close neighbor we would like to get your views on what is happening there, as well as in Denmark. How do the Danes look at Sweden, with hope or apprehension?
I Tranholm: With absolute horror!
The Swedish media, which is quite pro-government and its leftwing policies, does not always report the full extent of the problems in their society. So it is hard to have a very accurate picture of what is going on. But we in Denmark have a good sense. We are very aware of the murders, rapes, riots, violence and the hand grenades that go on there. This does not often make the news but we know it is going on. And we don’t want to go down the same route.
This is the result of decades of policies promoting multiculturalism in Sweden. And what is left is this hollow house. You know, in the Bible it is said that if a house is left swept, tidied and unoccupied it eventually it will be taken over by evil. And I fear that this is what is happening in Sweden. Far from being a multicultural paradise, the problems can no longer remain hidden.
ET: Indeed, even President Trump made some controversial comments about Sweden at a recent rally in the US, causing an international uproar, with many debates on whether he was right or wrong. Did this cause some discussion in Denmark as well?
IT: It wasn’t much of a discussion because we in Denmark know what is happening in Sweden. Malmo is very close so we only need to go there to see it with our own eyes.
There was a TV ad partially paid by the Swedish government recommending that all Swedes integrate into this new multicultural society they are creating. Think about that. Even old Swedes now need to adjust to this new reality, instead of immigrants adapting to Swedish society. They call it “Det nya landet”, which means the new country. Traditional Sweden is gone.
ET: Swedes and Danes share many cultural traits. What explains this divergence in opinions? Is it because you do not face the same societal problems?
IT: We are not as politically correct as the Swedes. So there is a lot of discussion here. (…) As such we have a greater awareness of our heritage and tend to be more protective of it.
Which is not to say we don’t have problems. We do. We face the same identity issues, and our traditions – in particular our Christian heritage – are fast disappearing from our society. That same hollowness is now becoming mainstream in Denmark. And this eliminates much of the arguments to defend ourselves against the importation of foreign values and customs, many of which are at odds with our own. Simply forbidding things will not change this reality.
ET: And how has integration been? Seems to be going better than other European countries since we don’t hear much about “no-go” zones and riots in your country, unlike France and Sweden, for instance.
IT: We have those problems as well but because Denmark is a small country you won’t hear about them as much.
We have this belief here that welfare is the solution for everything. No matter who comes here from whatever part of the world will get housing, work, entertainment and healthcare. The government will give those to you with the expectation that if you have all those things you will happily assimilate into Danish society, learn Danish and adapt to our culture. As a result we will become a vibrant multicultural society.
The reality is quite different. The relativism that this multiculturalism engenders ends up putting different sides of society at odds with each other, especially when their values and beliefs are very different to begin with.
When immigrants come to Denmark they may be taken care of, but they have no dominant culture that they can assimilate into, certainly not in the religious sense. We are completely devoid of God. And as a result they end bringing elements of their culture and religion which often create friction, misunderstandings and also crime. So Danish society becomes more and more divided as a result.
ET: Politicians seem to be getting the message. Your parliament recently passed legislation to ensure that immigration would never reach a level that would threaten Danish national identity. What do you make of this?
IT: We have a very divided society here as well, even without considering the waves of immigration that have recently settled here.
Half of the population wants open borders, mass immigration and welfare for all. They reject traditional values and are very much in favor of globalism and multiculturalism. The other half is very much opposed to that, but they lack any persuasive arguments to support that position. All they can do is to forbid immigration, forbid women from wearing a head cloth and so on.
We no longer have a moral compass. Before, Christianity provided this role, keeping us united over centuries. Now we can no longer distinguish between good and evil, and ultimately this is what this struggle comes down to. Without this any preventive measures like this are just quick fixes that will not solve anything over the longer term. What is needed is a positive alternative in a moral sense.
ET: Is there any data or independent studies on the benefits and costs of immigration in Denmark? In Sweden for instance this topic is almost taboo, but there are many concerns in terms of finding good employment opportunities for immigrants, coming from the immigrants themselves in fact.
IT: With this new culture we have adopted in the West we stopped having enough children to support our welfare state. So yes, one argument is that we need more people to support it.
In our own very secular society the state is God. It is supposed to provide and care for everybody. So the economic arguments become less relevant. Of course they are consideration since people are paying for these policies, but in a sense they are secondary.
ET: We are at the cusp of an automation wave that threatens to displace millions of workers across the developed world. This will raise even more concerns regarding mass immigration, which traditionally consists of lower skilled workers. Is there any discussion in Denmark about this?
IT: No. The only discussion is around the cultural aspect, namely the impact on our values and traditions.
And in a sense this just shows how weak we are. For instance, there are only 250,000 Muslims in Denmark, so a tiny minority. And yet the majority of our political debates focusing on culture over the last ten years have largely revolved around Islam. That’s how weak our culture has become.
So while as an open society there is resistance to women having to cover themselves up, having separate swimming pools for men and women and so forth, we have lost the argument to combat these imported traditions largely because we have lost our Christian roots and values. So over time they will become more prevalent in our society. We are already seeing it.
ET: Secular Muslims may also lose out a result. Many cherish Western values but will increasingly find a native society that is at odds with them, as their own communities become more extremist. Many complain that the Islam in Denmark and other European countries is more hardcore or even radical than in their home countries.
IT: That is true. And again that is largely a result of this cultural hesitation in the societies that host them. As a result, those more aggressive forms gain more ground to the detriment of everyone, especially women.
ET: Much of the developing world faces a difficult situation and undoubtedly the countries that can help should. Let’s face it, faulty Western foreign policies have made bad situations even worse across much of the Middle East, although other very important sectarian and ethnic conflicts play a large role as well.
There are those who suggest that instead of opening the borders this help should be provided at the origin, which would be cheaper and thus could help many more people, would place refugees closer to their homes and avoid many of the social problems we are unfortunately seeing across Europe – caused by a minority to be sure, but still very problematic. What do Danish politicians think about this?
IT: That would be logical in many ways, but again the debate is not economical. People want to be perceived as doing good, meaning opening their communities, welcoming and caring for others.
I would be in favor of that if we were talking about women and their children, even families. But the reality is different. The majority of people we have welcomed in recent years, especially following the migrant crisis, are fit young men. They bring their conflicts and their frustrations with them, creating a difficult environment for everyone.
So yes, arguably it would be more efficient to provide care at the source but this is not how the debate is framed.
ET: Denmark is supposedly the happiest country on the planet. But you have little reason to be happy these days as you find yourself on the receiving end of government censorship, not only for expressing your concerns about the future of your country but also for working for a Russian news outlet. What happened here? You recently wrote a powerful piece about this, expressing your feelings not only as a woman who does not toe the party line but especially as a Christian.
IT: In 2015 I wrote an article criticizing our politicians who for the most part hate Christianity but nevertheless use Christian values, especially charity and compassion, to promote their own agendas, in particular mass immigration. So I called them out on that.
A few months later I got a call from a politician here who told me that I was on a government blacklist, supposedly acting as a pro-Russian propagandist agent, despite having absolutely no evidence to that effect. I occasionally work for a Russian news outlet, but that’s simply my job as a journalist.
Today, in a society where supposedly there is freedom of speech, if politicians want to silence their critics they simply accuse them of working for the Kremlin, or having some unexplained ties with Russia. That is what happened to me, and it also happening to high profile politicians and journalists in the US, France and Germany. If you don’t agree with the multicultural policies of Europe then you are labeled a Russian agent. Which is really a form of political or character assassination.
They are so afraid of the rise of what leftist politicians in Europe call “populism”, which threaten the existence of their beloved European Union. And this year the stakes are very high with elections in France and Germany. So they resort to these kinds of tactics to quash any dissenters.
So I find myself in a blacklist in a supposedly free country like Denmark, but if a conflict with Russia emerges I can end up in prison under the pretext of being a foreign agent. Again, with no proof and no judicial process. This is very much how totalitarian societies operate. First they put you on a list, then when there is a problem or a made-up reason they will come for you.
ET: You were only expressing views that are consistent with those of many conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic. There are certainly many people concerned about the future of Western societies. In many ways this evokes memories of the Soviet Union, and the great new society they tried to create, with the disastrous consequences we all know.
That is actually a very real and concerning comparison. After all, communism was a Western idea and it was imposed on Russia, they did not create it. And it did not die with the collapse of the Soviet Union. On the contrary, it is still very much alive and roaming around our continent. While it operates differently, the goals are not too dissimilar. The version we have spreading across the West is Cultural Marxism.
We no longer have families, religion, even genders. In Sweden now they have invented a gender neutral term to address little boys and girls at kindergarten. This is a complete change from traditional Western values that have kept Europe safe from outside invasion for centuries. And this is now gone.
All this talk of multiculturalism and open borders sounds very nice, but in practice it has led to a progressive transformation of our societies, and as Sweden shows not for the better. Less freedoms, less safety, less cohesion; more crime, more fragmentation, more social problems. It really is a struggle of good versus evil, and we in the West can no longer distinguish between the two. I would even call it diabolical disorientation.
ET: So how long you think before the Christian cross is removed from your flag? And how does the Danish monarchy, which is sworn to protect Danish culture and religion, feel about all of this?
IT: No European politician will stand up for Christianity. Nobody. Expect from perhaps Hungarian Prime Minister, Victor Orbán.
There is this unholy alliance between the left and radical Islam. Many Europeans have such a disdain for their own traditions that they would prefer to see Christianity being eradicated even if it might cost their way of life and even personal freedoms in the end.
We have this bizarre situation where Western feminists support women having to wear a head cloth, along with foregoing many of the rights they should be able to enjoy in our countries. And these women often get penalized by their own communities when they try to assimilate into our society, while the feminists stay quiet. It is all very multicultural and good.
ET: You know Russia well as part of your work. Can you contrast what is happening there relative to the transformation taking place across much of Western Europe?
Believe it or not, we have swapped lanes. Now it is Russia who is adopting Christianity as the West gets rid of it by any means possible.
Christianity runs very deep in Russia: in their literature, in their arts, in their culture. When the Soviets brutally tried to suppress it, at the cost of countless lives, it survived underground. People still celebrated it in secrecy, performing baptisms and the like behind closed doors.
President Putin recently inaugurated an enormous statue of St. Vladimir, the patron saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, about 100 yards from the Kremlin walls. If you stand at a certain point across the street from the Kremlin, the cross that he bears is even taller than the star in the Red Square, so the symbolism is very potent.
In the West, as we discussed, we are going the other way. We can’t discard our values and heritage fast enough.
ET: There was a 2014 Russian movie, Leviathan, which alluded to this transformation. However it put Orthodox Christianity in a less positive light, essentially being used as an ideological argument to justify the power of the oligarchs in society. President Putin is certainly no saint. Isn’t this all just superficial?
IT: There are people in Russia who are also opposed to their own traditional values and who want a more Westernized Russia. I have not seen that movie so I can’t say if the director supports that view or not.
People need to go to Russia and see it for themselves. President Putin is only responding to what is happening there and he respects the Russian people’s faith in Orthodoxy.
This is one of the reasons why I believe the West hate the Russians so much. They cannot tolerate the thought of having a resurgent and powerful Christian Russia who openly rejects their Cultural Marxism. And accordingly they demonized it in much of our media and political circles.
ET: So, is Denmark on the brink? Indeed, is the rest of Europe on the brink?
IT: Yes, Denmark is on the brink. And Europe is on the brink. We completely lost our culture, our values and our moral compass. What used to be good is now evil and vice-versa.
You mentioned Denmark being the happiest country in the world but I am not sure that is true. We have high alcohol consumption and about half a million people on happy pills for a reason.
Channel 1, our main TV channel here, recently aired a documentary on three Danish girls who converted to Islam out of their own will, not because they got married or anything like that. They all had the same background, coming from broken homes, dealing with alcoholism and so forth – basically part of the legacy of the 1968 revolution we had across Europe. What these girls lacked was structure, and they found it in Islam because it regulates all aspects of your life: how you dress, what you eat, with whom you can socialize with, how to pray, how to interact as a wife and so on.
That is what the right-wing parties in Europe don’t understand. This is a spiritual battle. There is no political freedom without spiritual freedom. If you go around just forbidding things, like don’t wear the head cloth and so forth, it will not work. Our civilization will gradually disappear.
The only thing that can save Europe right now is a true spiritual, dare I say Christian, revival across the Continent. This played a significant role in the demise of communism in the Soviet Union and East Germany. The churches there provided hidden venues for people to congregate, express ideas and share their faith and hardships.
Since its inception Christianity was always about fighting evil with love, prayer and faith because these three are the key to freedom. And these are the values that the radical left and radical Islam do not tolerate, because of course both demand total obedience to the state and their conception of God, respectively.
ET: Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your courage. You deserve to be in the cover of a magazine, not on some government blacklist. Wish you all the best.
IT: Thank you.
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