The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Recommeded reading 31 October 2021: Climate Change, Vaccine Passports, Vaccines failing, EU Gas Crisis

Human civilization could ‘collapse’ like Roman Empire if climate change not addressed, UK PM Boris Johnson warns 

from RT, 30 Oct, 2021 11:05

Human civilization could ‘collapse’ like Roman Empire if climate change not addressed, UK PM Boris Johnson warns
Modern countries risk repeating the fate of the Roman Empire unless they urgently curb climate change, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned ahead of a major UN summit.

“This is our memento mori,” Johnson told Italian paper la Repubblica during a flight to a G20 meeting in Rome, Italy, using a Latin phrase meaning, ‘Remember that you will die’. The event takes place ahead of a major UN climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, known as COP26.

Continue reading >>>


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Heat Pumps - Exposing Boris' Lies About Net Zero Future


When Boris Johnson announced his great plan for taking the country to 'net zero' energy systems by 2050 the plan to replace our reliable, efficient gas boilers with heat pumps was greeted with childish overenthusiasm by some (the science fanboys,) and incredulous laughter by others, (the cynical pragmatists who know something about heat pumps. The government’s published Net Zero Strategy has triggered the the Green Blob to launched a barrage of propaganda designed to persuade the public of the merits of replacing gas boilers with heat pumps is not only practical but a great idea that will save us shedloads of money, (whenn I say 'The Green Blob' obviously I mean those of them who are not fully occupied with gluing their arses to the M25.) But it is not just a government seeking to earn 'greenie points' from the flat faced Swedish trollette Greta Thunberg and the people who want to drive us back to lifestyles of medieval deprivation with iPhones that are on board with this eco - friendly delusion.

A recent puff piece in the Daily Telegraph gave the impresion that heat pumps are the great new technology that will save the planet, repeating the oft quoted but unsubstantiated claim that they will reduce household energy costs. Unfortunately they are neither new nor very good, so if you currently have gas central heating or electric storabge heaters, claiming that heat pumps could save you money and heat your home just as efficiently is an outright lie.

The first thing people need to understand is that heat pumps are noisy ad expensive, have been around for nearly a hundred years and the technology is basically a refrigerator, freezer or air conditioning unit in reverse.

Even proponents are forced to admit that installing an air sourced heat pump (ASHP) will cost a typical homeowner between £10,000 and £20,000, depending on the size of house. Ground source heat pumps work out much dearer still. This does not include the cost of extra insulation which most homes will need for heat pumps to work properly, which could easily run into several thousand pounds.

Because heat pumps, which run on electricity, essentially capture heat from the outside air via refrigerants, they are more energy efficient than conventional electric or gas heating. Think of an air conditioner or fridge in reverse. Over the year as a whole, ASHPs use about a third of the energy used in a gas boiler to produce the same amount of heat.

However, despite recent energy price hikes, electricity remains five times the price of gas. Consequently energy costs won’t fall, but will instead rise by about 60 per cent. This equates to roughly £300 pa for the average household. Approximately 20million homes have gas central heating, and for the vast majority costs will be much higher.

This is, of course, why the government is proposing to increase taxes on gas, via green taxes and the carbon tax, so that it ends up being dearer than the ridiculously expensive heat pump technology.

The point nobody is talking about, the elephant in the room as it were, is how effective heat pumps are at actually hearing a house. Studies conducted in  northern Europe show that they cannot reach the same temperatures as has boilers - which is why you need HUGE radiators with tepid water running through them - and you need extra electric heating to get a decent hot bath. Air source heat pumps, the most popular type, fall woefully short of producing the level of energy needed to heat a home and are hideously expensive to install, about £18,000 on average by the time plumbing, radiators and wiring have been replaced is the official estimate, so Boris's offer of a £5000 grant is only a fraction of the cost. The alternative, ground source heat pumps, which draw heat from the soil are even more a non - starter.

Ground-source heat pumps are more reliable than air-source type (because the air temp changes much more than does subsoil temp.) Many British homes are quite unsuitable for ground source heat pump installation anyway. You need quite a big garden to draw the heat from, digging this up to install the system would be prohibitively expensive for most people and removing the heat from the soil during winter is not going to do the plants any good

In an interview with The Telegraph Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng  the Business and Energy Secretary claimed that new green heating technology is 'still in its infancy' and as low emissions alternative to gas heating it has a long way to go. However he added that heat pumps were not "much worse" than the technology they are designed to replace. This is complete and utter bollocks, another case of a government minister with no knowledge at all of the subject most relevant to his portfolio.

In an interview with The Telegraph Kwarteng conceded that, while gas boilers had been "refined over many years ... heat pumps are still in their infancy". This is just wrong, the basic technology (heat exchangers linked to compressed gas circulators,) has been used in refrigeration for around 150 years while heat pumps have been in use for nearly a hundred. Like another green bong dream (a bong dream is like a pipe dream but uses a more potent intoxicant,) electric cars which first hit the road in 1839, there are very good reasons why heat pumps did not catch on and become the standard for home heating many decades ago.

But government ministers and their 'scientific' advisers are not much interested in facts so the demonstrable scientific truth that the new technology provides significantly less heat in homes than traditional boilers is being "exaggerated", Mr Kwarteng insisted (probably by those ubiquitous conspiracy theorists politicians and propagandists are always banging on about.)

Mr Kwateng doesn't think actually heat pumps are that much worse than boilers. He just thinks they they could be improved if there was more investment."

To this end the government plans to provide incentives to firms willing to invest in the UK production of heat pumps. There also needs to be investment in hydrogen fuel cells which will help the Government meet its target of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions to zero, as well as help to "drive economic growth", create new jobs, and bring down the costs of the technology, according to the government's published policy plans

It is gratifying to know the Energy Secretary admits that heat pumps are worse than gas boilers for warming up homes but what he fails to realise is, the well established and irrefutable laws of thermodynamics encoded by Isaac Newton a few years ago now, are totally against attempts trying to improve their performance to the extent they will become a viable alternative to gas. Heat pumps suck latent heat (energy) out of the air and transfer it via heat exchangers to gas contained in a cylinder. compressing this gas intensifies the heat which is then transferred to a water tank via another heat exchanger.

Another of Newton's laws rules that the energy (electricity) consumed by a heat pump will always exceed the energy (heat) produced by the heat pump, thus considerably increasing the demand for electricity as well as the cost to consumers to heat their homes.

For example, if we assume a typical annual gas consumption of 21,000 kw-hrs (at 3.5p/kw-hr) per household for heating by gas, a heat pump could reduce this energy consumption by a factor of 3 to 7,000 kw-hrs (at 21p/kw-hr) .

But, there is another issue here which the government and their 'scientific advisers (aka green blob enthusiasts,) are probably intentionally overlooking . The same typical household will consume around 2,000 kw-hrs of electricity annually for lighting, appliance, cooking etc. If this householder  replaces his/her gas boiler with a heat pump, their overall electricity consumption will increase from 2,000 kw-hrs to 9,000 kw-hrs, an increase of a factor of 4.5 thereby doubling the cost of heating and domestic power for the householder.

Also, if the same householder replaces his ICE car with an electric car as we are told must happen in order for Boris to achieve his net zero pledge and get a gold star from Queen Greta, that car will consume a further 2,000 kw-hrs for an annual mileage of around 8,000 miles. So, the householder’s electricity consumption will now be 11,000 kw-hrs, an increase of 5.5 times what was originally consumed.

Such an increase of electricity use, if scaled up over the country, is totally unrealistic. How many wind farms and solar panels would have to be installed to meet this scaled up demand particularly when all the conventional power stations are being shut down and a nuclear power station construction programme has been effectively abandoned because the greenm bob's hatred of CO2 is only exceeded by their hatred of emission free nuclear energy generators. The National Grid electrical energy distribution system, already close to collapse due to ever increasing demand for electrical power, would have to be completely replaced to handle over 5 times the capacity it is currently designed to do, and the mains feed into every household would have to be upgraded. The government's green dream is totally  unrealistic.

And just to hammer another nail into the coffin of Boris' 'net zero' bollocks, if hydrogen is being considered as an alternative energy resource to replace natural gas, guess what is needed to manufacture it? – Electricity, and copious amounts of it!!



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Governments' obsession with climate pseudoscience over economically and social viable solutions is leading to disaster
The government's current obsession with pursuing the target of net zero carbon emissions in order to claim the UK leads the world in green wankery is more to do with virtue signalling that governing, but with the complicity of mainstream media, particularly The BBC, climate scaremongering is providing a convenient diversion from this governments abject failure to address and of the very real economic and social problems facing us.

Globalist Elites Now Pushing For Lockdowns Save You From Climate Change
Elite globalists are now proposing that lockdowns be imposed to protect us punters from climate change. Did we ask for this? Did we vote for this?

We need a referendum on net zero to save Britain from the green blob

from The Daily Telegraph
As with membership of the EU, the political elite is imposing a revolution on the public without consent. Does the blob never learn? Voters don’t like being treated like naughty children

Green Dreams Menu
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims.

Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...

Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.

Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ....

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’
Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming

Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...

Worst polluting coal and wood fires banned in fight to cut emissions
Domestic coal and certain types of wood are to be banned from sale from next year in a bid to cut air pollution, ministers will announce on Friday.

Is Hatred Of Greta Thunberg Justified?
As the backlash against the Greta Thunberg cult gathers momentum a lot of lefties are asking why the little Climate Warriorette is so hated by so many people. As usual with the left, they are asking the wrong question. Just as they asked, “Why can’t you believe the scientists, when in fact not only is it always legitimate (and scientific,) to question and challenge scientific theory, so it is perfectly rational and logical to challenge the Cult of Saint Greta ....

Ruling Elites support Extinction Rebellion plan for Marxist world to ‘fight climate change’
Climate change: Electrical industry’s ‘dirty secret’ boosts warming
Scaremongering IPCC Pushes Climate Hysteria with New Doomsday Report
Billionaire Investor Erik Prince Launches Fund For Electric Car Metals

Sweden Cancels Bill Gates Geoengineering Plan To Block Sun & Stop Global Warming
from Great Game India Bill Gates has proposed and funded a geoengineering experiment to determine whether blotting out the Sun with aerosols could reverse global warming. This experiment was undertaken by Sweden’s space agency. But now they have called off this project as they are facing a great opposition from the environmental activists. The experiment … Continue reading

Bill Gates Flounders When Asked Direct Questions About His Vaccine Agenda

Bill Gates, the world’s greatest vaccine fan and long term purveyor of software that is not fit for purpose, has been one of the main drivers of the wholly manufactured COVID – 19 global crisis that has seen our political leaders unquestioningly follow the instructions of corporate lobbyists and representatives of the Big Pharma cartel, … Continue reading>>>

Bill Gates running deadly global “vaccine empire” that can only exist through extreme censorship Bill Gates – wannabe Dr. Death? (picture: The reason why Microsoft co-founder and billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is being given so much airtime amid the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is because Gates is currently the world’s largest manufacturer of vaccines, as well as the money … Continue reading
Continue reading

Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity
Warmageddoninsts Still Will Not Believe Global Warming Was A Hoax
While warmgeddonists scream and shout about how global warming will kill us all next week, independent evidence i.e. that not compiled by pseudo scientists whose "scientific mathodolgy" is all about keeping their piggy little snouts in the trough of taxpayers money shows the real data points to a very different conclusion. ...

Greenpeace stunt backfires. Exposes Green Energy Scam!It's always great to mock the Watermelon when they shoot themselves in the foot but this exapmple of the self interest that underpins their climate science and green energy scams is classic.

Governments and Corporations Using Bad Science To Rob Us
A new report issued under the radar by the UK Meteorlogical Office shows there has been no oncrease in the average global temperature for sixsteen years. So why are governments pressing ahead with green energy schemes? Could it be the whole thing was a scam to justify imposing punitive carbon taxes? We told you so.

New Renewable Energy Scam Attacks Our Human Rights

We have reported the great wind turbine scam and the solar panel scam many times before but have always been supportive of hydro electric schemes. It turns out we were wrong, so corrupting is the greed on big money, so tempting is the lure of taxpayers cash that even hydro electricity has been seduced by those who can't resist the tempation to steal from the public purse.
Has The Government Seen Sense On Wind Farms?

Too little too late, is the verdict of the brilliant Allister Heath on the Tories' near-non-existent recovery strategy. I'm 90 per cent with him. Like Allister, I believe that the Tory high command simply doesn't understand what radical action needs to be taken if there is to be any kind of meaningful economic recovery.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Davosocracy NWO


The Davosocracy Gang Gather As Globalism Goes Into Retreat Worldwide

The World Economic Forum pavilion, Davos — Picture source: Wikimedia commons.
Click for audio version of this article

As is usual at this point in January the people who like to think of themselves as the great and good of the world’s financial and political elite (though few outside the cabal would agree with the ‘good’ bit,) are assembling in the Davos — Kloisters ski resort in the Swiss Alps for the World Economic Forum. These people, who have travelled by private jet, often half way round the wold to get to the jolly, will discuss the urgent need to make ordinary punters like you and I reduce our carbon footprint, along with their vision of ever-closer commercial and political ties, i.e. a totalitarian world government made up of appointees from the political, business and academic elite.

These people will claim their plans and schemes are intended to work towards the greater good of humanity, which means to the benefit of banks, global corporations and the politicians and ‘experts’ that act as their enablers. Their world is an elitists’ world.

However, their world is under attack, though Brexit has descended into farce thanks to the efforts of corrupt politicians who place the interests of the Davosocracy ahead of the interests of people who voted for them, nationalist parties are gaining strength throughout Europe, in the USA Trump has his political opponents in disarray, and all over the world the economic outlook is worsening as currency wars, trade wars and shooting wars show that the idea of all nations coming together as one is a hippy bong dream.

Britain’s political system has been thrown into chaos as the country negotiates a messy divorce from the European Union. Under President Donald Trump, the United States is imposing trade sanctions on friend and foe alike, and the government is paralyzed by a partial shutdown that forced Trump and a high-level U.S. delegation to cancel the trip to Davos.

French President Emmanuel Macron is facing what could turn into a second french revolution as he contends with “yellow vest” protesters calling for his resignation and the anti globalist, anti — elitist protest movement is spreading to other nations.

One of the keynote topics the WEF will blether about this year is mental health. The forum will address fears that depression,and other mental health problems are rising to excessive levels. To put that another way the globalists are probably considering whether they can get away with telling us: “If you don’t follow the groupthink, you must have ‘mental health issues’ and be sent away for reprogramming, sorry, ‘treatment’”

The APA (American Psychological Association) which will be represented at Davos, has already pronounced that ‘traditional masculinity’ is a mental health issue. That position is going to be taught in every psychology degree program across the United States, starting NOW !

The APA and Harvard University are being sued for Title IX breaches because the psychology curriculum now discriminates against males.

But with trust in politics, the media and the professions close to absolute zero, it is unlikely many will fall for such bullshit.

After Brexit and Trump, As They Gather In Davos The Normally Arrogant Elite Are Crapping Themselves.
Author Explains Paris Protests: Deplorables Reacting Against Elite ‘Davocracy’
India plans to buy Russian Coal, reducing dependence on USA, Canada & Australia
News From Davos: America Is Finished Global Governance And NWO To Rule A song Of Servitude (satirical poem)
Fascism Spreads From Tech Corporations To Finance Sector As Mastercard Blocks Conservative Clients

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Analyst Reports ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Backlogged in VAERS*

*Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System


The latest episode of “Doctors and Scientists” on CHD.TV, features regular host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., interviewing Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist who specializes in biomathematics and molecular research. OK, I know this publication does not have much time for mathematical modelling, but that is because so much of it is obviously rigged to support propaganda narratives. We will always give an honest scientist a fair hearing even if we do not agree with their contribution to debate.

On the show Rose and Hooker reviewed the results of Rose’s study of VAERS published data on deaths and illness resulting from or ocurring shortly after vaccination against COVID-19 (first or sdecond shot. The bombshell dropped by Rose in the interviews concerned what she believes are the systematic flaws that prevent the system from working as it was intended.

Beginning in December 2020, Rose anticipated the number of vaccine adverse events would increase exponentially following the roll out of the mRNA vaccines which were rushed throughj the development process and not fully tested. She analyzed the death count and missing data and found the number of fatalities after COVID vaccines was much higher than the number of reports to VAERS of deaths after COVID vaccines.

In September, Rose testified at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting that underreporting was not considered in the VAERS data.

“I wasn’t wrong,” she said. “There was this missing data issue — that’s what sparked this.”

Rose published her findings in “Science, Public Health Policy and the Law.” The study is identified by the somewhat unwildy phrase: “Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning Pharmacovigilance System?” Not exactly suggestive of an entertaining read for a wet weekend is it.

Well Ms. Rose's title may give the impression she needs a few rough nights out in Manchester but the results of her analysis leave nothing to be desired, finding, as all pandemic sceptics would have anticipated, that VAERS does not accurately track adverse reactions due to several flaws, including a “huge” backlog of data waiting to be entered into the system — she  put the number at “hundreds of thousands.”

Rose pointed out that health professionals regularly missed safety signals, and the system was being applied improperly. Additionally, she found data were being lost during updates.

“The most important thing I found in my determination is whether or not this tool — which can be a pharmacovigilance tool — is being used as such,” Rose said.

“All of this data is being entered by human beings,” Rose said. “Probably nice people who aren’t being paid enough, who have too many things to do, so everything isn’t necessarily nefarious.”

We have previously highlighted the similarly high number of vaccine injuries and deaths that could be linked to the COVID vaccines, had these events been investigated rather than being dismissed by officials of raks ranging from presidents and Prime Ministers to doctors and hospital administrators.

The four COVID vaccines currently being administered (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca have exceeded by many hundreds of times the number of deaths and adverse reactions beyond which any medication, either drug or vaccine would have been withdrawn on safety grounds.




[ Corinavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine harm ] ... [ Lockdown pandemic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine Fascism ] ... [ Big Pharma criminality ] ... [ trranshumanism: Genetic engineering for people ] ... [ Health Menu ] POSTS:

SStarmer Outs Himself As More Fascist Than Boris Bonkers or Dementia Joe Biden
The leader of the UK’s official opposition party, Labour, Sir Kier SStarmer after a year of starring in a remake of The Invisible Man has finally decided to let us see who he is. Responding to remarks made by Home Secretary Priti Patel, SStarmer said education authorities should be allowed to use exclusion orders to stop anti-vaccine activists from protesting outside schools ... Continue reading >>>

Goodbye Freedom, Hello Global Governance.
If at any time during the chaos the past eighteen months you have wondered what kind of idiots are running the world and have gleefully trashed economies, disrupted social and commercial life and stripped citizens of their rights and liberties only to bring us, in late October 2021, right back to where we were in late February 2020 when the words pandemic and COVID crept into our consciousness ...Continue reading >>>

Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.

23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.

21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians

New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?

Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

Top American COVID Scaremonger Says says if you are worried about Covid vaccine, you’re most likely an insurrectionist who hates authority
20 September 2021: Boggart Blog says Dr Fauci it a lying, cheathing science whore who will say anything if you pay him enough. If you are concerned about reports of links betwen Covid vaccines and blood clots, heart attacks, brain damage and death, far from being an insurrectionist who hates authority you are an intelligent and responsible citizen who thinks for yourself and has a healthy scepticism about the statements of a propagandist for authoritarianism like Fauci.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

Bombshell: 900 Pages of Top Secret Docs Expose How the Pandemic Was PLANNED
September 13: More than 900 pages of newly released top secret documents on the pandemic expose for the first time through official materials how the US funded deadly coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab through an organization called the EcoHealth Alliance. bombshell 900 pages of top secret docs expose how the pandemic was planned Newly released documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Turning the Tide? No Vaccine Passporrts for England; US States rebel against Biden Vaccine Mandates;
September 12: The British government will not mandate vaccine passports for nightclubs, cinemas, and other large public venues in England after all, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced on Sunday. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government has backtracked on controversial plans to introduce vaccine passports domestically and is set to end draconian emergency powers given to the state under the Coronavirus Act, in a major concession to anti-lockdown factions within the Conservative Party.

Violent clashes in Paris as thousands protest over Covid-19 vaccine passports for 9th consecutive week
Once again today thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets of the French capital on Saturday to protest against the the fascistic government of President Emannuel Macron and the proposed coronavirus health pass policy. It was the ninth consecutive weekend that huge protests have disrupted life in French cities. Today's protest quickly descended into violence with widespread clashes between demonstrators and police.

Harvard professor exposes vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense”
6 September : A Harvard Medical School (HMS) professor has slammed vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense.” HMS professor Martin Kulldorff made the remark following the publication of a study saying natural immunity offers better protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) than vaccines. Given the study’s results, Kulldorff remarked that vaccine passports are “discriminatory and unethical.”

How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.

6 September: Vaccine Passport and Anti - Lockdown Protesters Try To Storm Jab Watchdog’s Headquarters In London
A group of protesters against vaccine passports, lockdowns, mandatory vaccination and mask mandates (inaccurately described as anti - vaccine protestors by mainstream media) attempted to storm the UK’s jabs watchdog offices this weekend.

How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.

Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

Why the well-informed young say No to the jab
ABOUT a third of those aged 18-29 in England are shunning the Covid vaccine, despite massive inducements. It’s interesting to speculate on why this is. The Government is pressuring them into taking the jab through exaggerated claims about its safety and effectiveness; through accusations that they are selfish to refuse it; through pop-up clinics at football stadiums, circuses and music festivals, sometimes offering free food, and through threats that their hesitation will make vaccine passports and a return to lockdown more likely

More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns
11 August: As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on Wednesday, WITH NEWS that the the EU's medicines regulator is looking into new side effects from the jabs INcluding skin reactions and kidney ailments. According to Reuters, three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna ...

FDA Reveals Serious Adverse Outcomes (including death) of COVID Vaccination
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

Israel (98% vaccinated) now has more covid infections per capita than any country in the world
2 September: Just a few months ago, the mainstream media praised Israel for its “pandemic-ending” vaccination campaign. With over 40 percent of the population “fully vaccinated” in the first quarter of 2021, Israel was well on its way to stopping community spread and clearing out its hospitals. The nation of Israel imposed some of the strictest lockdowns during that time, violating the Nuremberg Code and segregating the unvaccinated. from public life.

Major Study Links Covid Vaccines To Disruption Of Womens Reproductive Cycle
More evidence that COVID vaccine program is a scam emerged today as a study carried out by Imperial College, London suggests a link between Pfizer, Moderna, AZ and J&J vaccines and the menstrual cycle. Some of us have been reporting since early this year on the problems people have experienced after COVID vaccination. Among the problems reported was disruption of women's menstrual cycle ... Continue reading >>>

Harvard Epidemiologist Says The Case For COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished
A newly published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer-lasting and stronger protection against the Delta variant of the virus than vaccines.The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed
July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.

Surge in Emergency Hospital Admissions from Vaccinated People Suffering Acute Organ Failure


The USA's taxpayer funded broadcaster National Public Radio (NPR) is claiming to be mystified by a siginficant increase in hospital emergency admissions across the United States but does not find the fact that these medical emergencies are all among people already vaccinated against COVID-19 and also all due to people experiencing symptoms consistent with the acknowledged side effects of the vaccines.

major uptick in emergency room admissions from people suffering acute organ failure

Even though the obvious problems with these vaccines are is staring them in the fucking face, NPR and the rest of corporate, globalist owned mainstream media are still insisting the thousands of serious illnesses and deaths occuring in close proximity to vaccination reported to VAERS, (Vaccine adverse Events Reporting System) and just unfortunate coincidences – or perhaps in this week leading up to Halloween, the forces of darkness are at work. 

In for instance,  is seeing a massive swarm of very ill patients having to be lined up on stretchers in the facility’s hallways due to a shortage of available beds.

“It’s h to eartbreaking,” said Tiffani Dusang, the emergency room’s nursing director at Sparrow Hospital,  Lansing, Michigan, adding “I always feel very, very bad when I walk down the hallway and see that people are in pain or needing to sleep or needing quiet. But they have to be in the hallway with, as you can see, 10 or 15 people walking by every minute.”

At the start of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic,” long before the so-called “vaccines” were made available through “Operation Warp Speed,” hospital was fairly normal. Then as the scare stories began they were almost empty as people wised up to the fact that the place they were most likely to develop COVID was in a hospital. Once the jabs became widespread, however, people suffering with blood clots, blood disorders , seizures and the rest started to pour in really started to pour in.

Doctors and nurses able to speak 'off the record' say that the severity of patient illnesses is all over the map. Some patients are complaining of abdominal pain while others are having trouble breathing.

Blood clots or a formerly rare kind, and myocardial inflammation are suddenly common occurrence in people who get injected with the spike protein  manufacturing bioweaponr disguised as “medicine.” There has also been a surge of patients suffering from cardiovascular events, acute organ failure and an array of debilitating symptoms. Many of these patients can no longer work and have trouble just getting through the day.

Had they taken their chances with the Wuhan Virus without getting injected, they would probably be doing just fine. Because they listened to 'experts' and followed 'The Science' they are now suffering immensely from vaccine-induced adverse events.

Nowhere in NPR‘s lengthy feature about this phenomenon is any question about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines raised, in fact the word vaccine is not even even mentioned. 

In spite of all this a lot of people still refuse to believe something is going on that is not for 'the greater good' at all but is in fact to the detriment of 'We The People' while serving to channel more wealth and power to corrupt corporations and individuals. 


[ Corinavirus fear and panic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine harm ] ... [ Lockdown pandemic ] ... [ Covid Vaccine Fascism ] ... [ Big Pharma criminality ] ... [ trranshumanism: Genetic engineering for people ] ... [ Health Menu ]

Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

Why the well-informed young say No to the jab
ABOUT a third of those aged 18-29 in England are shunning the Covid vaccine, despite massive inducements. It’s interesting to speculate on why this is. The Government is pressuring them into taking the jab through exaggerated claims about its safety and effectiveness; through accusations that they are selfish to refuse it; through pop-up clinics at football stadiums, circuses and music festivals, sometimes offering free food, and through threats that their hesitation will make vaccine passports and a return to lockdown more likely

More Dangerous Side Effects Potentially Linked To mRNA Vaccines, EU Warns
11 August: As shares of MRNA-vaccine purveyors Moderna and BioNTech tumbled on Wednesday, WITH NEWS that the the EU's medicines regulator is looking into new side effects from the jabs INcluding skin reactions and kidney ailments. According to Reuters, three new conditions have been reported by a small number of people after vaccination with jabs from Pfizer and Moderna ...

FDA Reveals Serious Adverse Outcomes (including death) of COVID Vaccination
Minutes of a US Food & Drug Administration advisory committee meeting titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products,” presented online on October 22, 2020, included a 27 slide powerpoint presentation by Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Slide 16 of his presentation included a “DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes” associated with the imminent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

Israel (98% vaccinated) now has more covid infections per capita than any country in the world
2 September: Just a few months ago, the mainstream media praised Israel for its “pandemic-ending” vaccination campaign. With over 40 percent of the population “fully vaccinated” in the first quarter of 2021, Israel was well on its way to stopping community spread and clearing out its hospitals. The nation of Israel imposed some of the strictest lockdowns during that time, violating the Nuremberg Code and segregating the unvaccinated. from public life.

Major Study Links Covid Vaccines To Disruption Of Womens Reproductive Cycle
More evidence that COVID vaccine program is a scam emerged today as a study carried out by Imperial College, London suggests a link between Pfizer, Moderna, AZ and J&J vaccines and the menstrual cycle. Some of us have been reporting since early this year on the problems people have experienced after COVID vaccination. Among the problems reported was disruption of women's menstrual cycle ... Continue reading >>>

Harvard Epidemiologist Says The Case For COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished
A newly published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer-lasting and stronger protection against the Delta variant of the virus than vaccines.The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

US CDC Admits Vaccines are failing, the vaxxed can be super-spreaders, demands return to mask mandates for everyone, including the vaxxed
July 29: In a bombshell admission today the United States Center for Disease Ccontrol’s director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on the effinciency of vaccines in preventingcovid-19 was destroyed. Back in March Walenksy put on record the promise that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others,yet earlier this week she admitted that vaccines are failing, and vaccinated people may actually be carrying higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, thus contributing more to the spread of COVID-19 than those of us who wisely declined the killer vaccines.

Blood doctor releases findings showing Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines change red blood cells
You don’t have to be a mechanic to learn and understand how dirty oil can ruin a motor, and you don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to understand how mRNA Covid vaccines are changing red blood cells to make them stick together. This explains the blood clot phenomena happing around the world after Covid inoculation. This explains the inflamed heart epidemic happening around the globe after Covid vaccination. This explains the explosion of cases of neuromuscular degenerative conditions ...

Doctors and Scientists Warn Of Covid Vaccine Dangers Government And Big Pharma Corporations Are covering Up
July 17: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people” through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots from Natural News, 14 July 2021 ALERT: Doctor says mRNA vaccines “will kill most people” through heart failure, 62% of vaccinated people already show microscopic blood clots

The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The "Social Contract"
There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this: "Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?"

Cashless Society omnibus post
Ban On Private Transactions

Anti-Trump Fascists Plan "Democracy Spring"
Following their apparently delusional belief in the "success" of Tuesday night's violent protests, anti-Trump groups are plotting "Democracy Spring" threatening "drama in Washington" with the "largest civil disobedience action [in the USA] of the century."

France's FN Win Regional Elections First Round. Now The Cheating Starts
We want to avoid the usual hyperbole on this story, but victory for France’s Front National in the first round of regional elections on Sunday (6 December, 2015), in which the anti EU party led by Marine Le Pen lead the vote in six of France's thirteen regions, will shake up the political landscape not only in France but throughout Europe and possibly further afield.

Corporate Capitalism Has Replaced Democracy In Western Nations.
Although this is about the UK General Election in 2015 it has much wider relevance, concerning what is happening in the democratic societies of the developed nation. For that reason this look at how corporate capitalism is usurping democracy and individual freedom will also be relevant long after that election in May 2025.

Reasons To Believe Are Wearing Thin: The Benefit Of The Doubt Is Cracking

Everything The Science Whores Told You About Eating Fat Was A Lie.
We have been telling you so for years, but at last the world seems to be cathing up with The Daily Stirrer. Another independent study confirms that the scientists ('A sack of rogues bought and paid for with corporate gods' to paraphrase Burns) have been lying about the health risks of eating saturated fat. It's process vegetable fat, created in laboratories by scientists and other synthesized foods that damage human health.

Walmart’s Greed: Dodging Billions in Taxes, Paying workers peanuts
Walmart Stores is America’s top-earning corporation. In 2013, its revenues were $473 billion, yet it only declared $16 billion in profits. Bizarrely Americans subsidize Walmart because its low-wage employees receive an estimated $6.2 billion annually in Food Stamps, Medicare and other anti-poverty benefits. Meanwhile Walmart has parked $21.4 billion in untaxed profits offshore and is lobbying to cut U.S. corporate tax rates.’

Are Europe And USA Drifting Apart Over Warmomger President Obama's Aggressive Attitude To Russia?
The entire foreign policy of the Obama Administration in the USA is based on having its European alliesd give a veneer of respectability to America's warmongering, economic imperialism and blatant bullying of smaller nations. But has the rent bot President overreached himself in trying to bully Russia's Vladimir Putin?

Another Big Result For The 'Conspiracy Theorists' - US CIA Corrupts Western Journalists.
Ever wondered why anybody trying to report news truthfully or initiate intelligent discussion is branded a conspiracy theorist, especially if their news or opinion is critical of the American government of American business interests? Read the content of this page and you will know a lot more about what is going on.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Brazilian President Cancelled By Faceook For Quoting UK Gov't Report That Destroys Vaccine Narrative



Facebook confirmed today that a video of Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro had been removed on Monday. The Brazilian leader referred to and quoted statistics and data from officiak UK government souces showing that those who take the COVID-19 vaccines are ending up with what looks like AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.) Facebook justified its removal by stating: “Our policies don’t allow claims that COVID-19 vaccines kill or seriously harm people.”  Other social media operators quickly followed suit, claiming the video had violated  "medical disinformation policy.”

Bolsonaro voiced his concerns after reading data provided by government officials in the United Kingdom. Whether information is “true” or not, the free flow of information will always be a cornerstone of basic human rights.

What we do with information and how we interpret the data is one of the liberties defined in the 1948 Geneva Covention on Human Rights.  Censorship of information regarding, and free discussion of issues surrounding controversial topics like Vaccine Mandate, Climate Change and western meddling in the internal affairs of third world nations is out of control. 

Bolsonaro is a member of the ruling class. He is promoting the idea that COVID-19 does exist when there is far more evidence out there that they simply renamed a gene edited version of the common cold and created a scarmongering narrative around it so people would be frightened into accepting untested, experimental vaccines that were rushed through the development program.  In 2020, Bolsonaro tested positive for Covid, praising hydroxychloroquine for helping to limit his mild symptoms, yet, earlier this year he vowed not to take any coronavirus vaccine, despite pledging to work to inoculate Brazilians.

We all need our critical thinking now more than ever and exposure to information is what is going to help us see through these lies and this system of slavery they are constructing around us with gusto. We, as human beings, need to evolve beyond needing a master or ruler or politician to control our lives. We are sovereign and it’s time to start acting like it.

Throughout the pandemic I have been seeing contradictory messages from Bolsonaro. But knowing what t we know of the way the WEF / UN global governance partnership works maybe we should defer judgement. At this state we do not know, and probably never will, what kind of pressure were put on the Brazilian leader to coerce him into supporting the mass genetic modification campaign, or what was threatened if he did not comply.

President John Magufuli of Tanzania and four other third world presidents died in somewhat mysterious circumstances after their nations took a stand against COVID vaccination. Was there a link between their vaccine stance and their untimely deaths? Who knows?

I have recently noticed posts from people who have supported Donald Trump in the past now blaming him for inflicting the vaccines on us. It is true, though to be fair same rules apply. When Trump championed HCQ, a common drug with a long history of safe and effective use, as a preventative for COVID he was pilloried and falsely accused of making ridiculous statements. But Trump has a family, including a young son. Who knows what means were used to swing him behind the vaccine madness?

The activities of The Deep State agencies and the assorted Bond villain wannabes who guide the WEF, United Nations and world Health Organisations are conducted behind closed doors. There is no transparency or accountability so how can 'we the people' ever know what is really being done by the rich and powerful.

The pure and simple truth is that as Oscar Wilde wrote, "Truth is  rarely pure and never simple." 

We should all be able to hear, read, or otherwise absorb any information we wish and decide for ourselves if it rings true to us or not. That’s discernment and it will take critical thinking.  Since the political overlords want obedient slaves, they will silence those who promote the idea of thinking for themselves. That’s why president Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil has been silenced.




Boris’ Government Trying To Bypass Parliament, Introduce Vaccine Passports By Back Door
We warned you this authoritarian government would not let the idea of vaccine passports go and here they are, reported by Summit News (well you didn't expect to see it in mainstream media did you?} tyring to bring in their wretched "Papers Please" legislation by the back door.

23 Serptember: France's 'Yellow Vests' protesters are back. Anti Macron activists rally in Paris
Frence's Yellow Vests protest movemen, which featured regularly in our pages in 2018/19 are back. In truth they never went away, Initially formed to protest against rising fuel prices, the rising cost of living and President Emmanuel Marcon's authoritarian style of governing have now added lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccination to their list of grievances..

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.

21 Sepenber: "F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia" - 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest
23 September: Anti-lockdown protests have become commonplace in Australia since the latest round of lockdowns began two months ago although you wouldn't think so if you rely on mainstream media for information. Newspapers and broadcast news channels have almost totally blanked stories reporting the pushback against the government's authoritarian measures which now have little to do with COVID and a lot to do with trying to crush the traditionally cussed spirit of Australians

New Anti - Vaccine protest in London as double vaccinated people continue to get sick with COVID
18 September : Thousands of Anti-vaccine protesters marched from Camden to Downing Street in central London this afternoon, calling on the government to scrap plans to present Covid jab to ychildren.Police in riot gear dispersed protesters after purple paint bombs were thrown over the black ironwork of the gates of Downing Street. The Metropolitan Police tweeted that two people were arrested for criminal damage and affray following an “incident”.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
September 17: The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVI|D, The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?
Throughout the pandemic of 2020 .21 we have been encouraged by a carefully constructed narrative to believe vaccines will be our messiah and only compliance with government diktat can save us from the kiler virus. But is it all bollocks?

Italy Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine Passports For All Private Sector Workers
17 September: Italys undemocratically appointed left wing government yesterday (16 September) approved new and restrictive rules using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excise for this lurch towards fascism. The new rules which are aning the strictest in the world, in the world mandate that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery from infection, officials said.

Vaccine shocker From Germany: "Out of ten autopsies, five deaths would be “very probably” linked to vaccines
A shocking report from respected German scientists claims out of 10 autopsies carried out on people who tested positive for COVID, five of the deaths were somehow linked to vaccines and the many observed side effects that occur soon after beople have been injected with COVID vaccine.

UK School staff receive threats of violence amid anti-vaccination campaign

Government plans to push their dodgy vaccines onto schoolchildren are meeting opposition. On the back of scientific studies showing children are at zero risk from cOVID and do not spread the virus parents, and citizens concerned at this fascistic coercion of citizens to accept an experimental medication are reacting in the only way they can.

Top American COVID Scaremonger Says says if you are worried about Covid vaccine, you’re most likely an insurrectionist who hates authority
20 September 2021: Boggart Blog says Dr Fauci it a lying, cheathing science whore who will say anything if you pay him enough. If you are concerned about reports of links betwen Covid vaccines and blood clots, heart attacks, brain damage and death, far from being an insurrectionist who hates authority you are an intelligent and responsible citizen who thinks for yourself and has a healthy scepticism about the statements of a propagandist for authoritarianism like Fauci.

France: Thousands of Health Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccine Mandate Suspended
The French government have today suspended 3,000 health workers who have defied a manadte requiring all medical personnel to be vaccinated against COVID,The Guardian reports. Announcing the move France’s health minister said that many have since agreed to be inoculated now that they had seen “the mandate was a reality”.

Bombshell: 900 Pages of Top Secret Docs Expose How the Pandemic Was PLANNED
September 13: More than 900 pages of newly released top secret documents on the pandemic expose for the first time through official materials how the US funded deadly coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab through an organization called the EcoHealth Alliance. bombshell 900 pages of top secret docs expose how the pandemic was planned Newly released documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Turning the Tide? No Vaccine Passporrts for England; US States rebel against Biden Vaccine Mandates;
September 12: The British government will not mandate vaccine passports for nightclubs, cinemas, and other large public venues in England after all, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced on Sunday. Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government has backtracked on controversial plans to introduce vaccine passports domestically and is set to end draconian emergency powers given to the state under the Coronavirus Act, in a major concession to anti-lockdown factions within the Conservative Party.

Violent clashes in Paris as thousands protest over Covid-19 vaccine passports for 9th consecutive week
Once again today thousands of demonstrators poured into the streets of the French capital on Saturday to protest against the the fascistic government of President Emannuel Macron and the proposed coronavirus health pass policy. It was the ninth consecutive weekend that huge protests have disrupted life in French cities. Today's protest quickly descended into violence with widespread clashes between demonstrators and police.

Harvard professor exposes vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense”
6 September : A Harvard Medical School (HMS) professor has slammed vaccine passports as “scientific nonsense.” HMS professor Martin Kulldorff made the remark following the publication of a study saying natural immunity offers better protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) than vaccines. Given the study’s results, Kulldorff remarked that vaccine passports are “discriminatory and unethical.”

How many more young lives will be sacrificed on Gates’s vaccine altar?
It’s remarkable that the man who has become the unelected global health czar and population control advocate is not being questioned on his past more closely. Though we are living through a crisis predicted by Gates and a response triggered and bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are driving us towards a vaccination and biometric ID solution which Gates has been working on for years, he’s still regarded as a benign philanthropist.

The Orwellian Vaccine Passport Agenda Relies On The Lie Of The "Social Contract"
There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this: "Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?"

COVID-19: Have You Got Superhuman Immunity
While news from Israel, the world's most vaccinated nation they claim, from the USA and from closer to home fuels suspicions that the COVID vaccines pushed so hard by government and mainstream media are not working because numbers of fully vaccinated people getting sick with or simply testing positive for COVID is proportionately as high as the number of infections before vaccines were available, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and national health authorities are still pushing the case for vaccination as hard as ever.

Henry Kissinger On The New World Order

Hungarian Leader Says Soros-Funded Groups Are Making Money From The Immigration Crisis
While Germany pursues its policy of replacing expensive German labour with cheap third woeld labour at act as fodder for its profit hungry factories, and the French government obediently follow their German masters while Britain stands aside, it is the poorer E U nations, led by Hungary, that have at last acted to stop the flood of unskilled, often illiterate refugees from third world nations flooding into EU nations.

OK, let the Politically Correct screechers screech 'conspiracy Theory'. Kissinger has of course been a long time advocate of corporatist global totalitarian government by elitis oligarchs and has himself used the phrase New World Order to describe what he sees as the best hope for the future and what those of us outside his small elitist clique see as fascism

Political Europe Suppressed Under Washington´s Thumb Is Waking Up
In the aftermath of the downing of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine, the Western media followed Washington’s lead and manipulated reports in order to make Europeans believe that Russia and Russian-supported separatists in eastern Ukraine were responsible for downing the airliner. In Germany, the press was an extension of Washington’s propaganda machine despite the lack of evidence from both Washington and Kiev to support their irresponsible claims

What Would The Future Look Like Without The Propaganda Happy Pills The arrogance, hubris and contempt for morality displayed by our ruling classes is gobsmacking. Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat politicians seem to think they are untouchable, above the norms and ethics that apply to ordinary mortals and that they are able to rewrite the laws of nature on a whim. We are not just talking about politicians here, but bankers and business leaders, the legal, medical and education professions, public servants, academics and senior police officers.

The Authoritarian Left And The Threat To Personal Liberty
Ian reflects on his political position, has he realy moved from near anarchist left to reactionary right on the political spectrum, or have authoritarians hijacked the language of liberal and libertarian philosophy and perverted it to serve a neo fascist, big government agenda?

Will Anti European Union Feeling Lead To More Integration
Many people who are part of the media luvvieocracy seem to think the anti EU surge revealed in elections to the European Parliament earlier this week will lead to an intensification of the EU ruling bureaucray push for the integration of the 28 European Union member states into a single federal superstate. A more realistic view is that many who voted for the stus quo were not so much supportive of the pan - European project as fearful of what will happen when the EU falls apart

How Can Mainstream Politics Respond To The Anti EU Surge Across Europe? As the hysteria intensifies following the enormoust anti EU swing in elections for the European Parliament, we look at what options are available to the mostly pro EU, pro federalisation leaders of the main European Union nations, that will not result in the citizens if Europe becoming further alienated from the political and technocratic classes.

When Lefties Tell You They Are Liberals Look For The Nazi In The Closet
The left have always been quick to shout Nazi whenever a conservative or libertarian was getting the better of the argument. but socialism is the parent of fascism and the authoritarianism of modern liberals and 'proressives'is far closer to the politics of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Mao Tse Tung than either Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher ever were.