The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

German Politician Calls On Facebook To Abolish Free Speeech

by Xavier Connolly

Herr Maas does not look like a fascist bastard, but neither did Hitler (image source)

A German politician has given the clearest indication yet that the political elites of the free world are ideologically much closer to Adolf Hitler's National Socialists than the social liberalism they claim to support. Free speech is the basis of all liberal democracy, without free speech we live under the heel of tyrants.

Heiko Maas, the German justice minister has called on social networking website Facebook to remove “xenophobic and racist” anti-migrant posts from its website and apps., has written to the company to demand an urgent review of its policy over hate messages.

Predictably Herr Hitler Maas has been rather vague in defining what exactly he means by hate messages, might this be because his real aim is to suppress discussion of ideas and perspectives on current affairs that do not conform to the government / EU bureaucratic dictatorship approved propaganda? And if that is the case (and we will know it is if Herr Maas or one of his staff does not post a denial in the comment thread) isn't it identical to the line taken by the National Socialists back in the 1930s?

Maas tried to justify his attack on free speech by saying, "Photos of certain body parts are automatically deleted because of moral concerns, yet racist and xenophobic statements aren’t immediately removed. "

He requested the internet data theft corporation to send a senior representative for talks at the ministry on September 14. Facebook responded swiftly, agreeing to the talks and issuing a statement condemning xenophobic posts. The moon faced little Nazi shit Zuckerberg (yeah I know he's Jewish, Zionists were the first Nazis,) will no doubt agree to the demand because like all internet billionaires he is a total control freak and has no ethical awareness at all.

We can't see any similarity between posting a reasoned argument in support of stronger immigration controls and posting a picture of your boyfriend's dick or girlfriend's minge in a public forum. But we can see a strong similarity between the kind of censorship Maas wants and the censorship practiced by Hitler's Gestapo, Stalin's Politbureau, Mao's Red Guard and the political thought police of any other brutal tyranny for the purpose of suppressing dissent.

The German minister’s intervention comes amid a spate of violent anti-migrant protests in Germany that have seen more than 30 police officers injured and several refugee shelters torched in arson attacks.

“There must be no mistaken tolerance for users who offensively preach xenophobia and racism,” Mr Maas wrote.

He said he had decided to take action after numerous German Facebook users complained to the ministry that xenophobic posts weren’t deleted even after they were flagged as inappropriate.

“Such statements regularly amount to criminal offences, in particular the incitement of hatred, and may amount to public provocation to commit crimes,” the minister wrote.

Perhaps if Herr Microwurst and his equally limp dicked colleagues in Germany's authoritarian government had listened to the voices of the people they were ELECTED TO REPRESENT, instead of behaving like a bunch of medieval aristocrats, German society would not now be sliding towards civil unrest.


Is it possible to eradicate all diseases?

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife have dreamed up this great money making scheme. They have announced they will try to eradicate all diseases by the end of the century. It follows down the same path of greed and self interest previously trodden by Bill and Melinda Gates and their Gates Foundation which has been so sucessful in its efforts to eradicate disease and poverty that it now gets $2 from governments and the United Nations for every $1 it spends ...

Shock, Horror! Millennials Safe Space Violated As Facebook Algo Accident Exposes Them To Diverse Ideas
Late last month (August 2016,) the Zuckerbugger's zoons put an algorithm in charge of the Facebook “trending” feature, to select the most popular topics, articles and keywords on the web in a narrow timeframe and with due respect for the 'safe space' of millenials who can be traumatised if they encounter microaggrrrrressions in the form of controversial ideas or unorthodox opinions ...

Google, Facebook, Amazon: algorithms will soon rule our lives so we'd better understand how they work

One of the most interesting announcements in last week's Budget – well, for me at least, as someone who has no savings and doesn’t play bingo or drink much – was the new Alan Turing Institute: £220 million of government support will be invested into "big data and algorithm" research.

The Importance Of Free Speech

Free Speech Attacked

Threat to the Free Press

Free speech murdered

Death of democracy

Free speech - most of our posts

Saturday, August 29, 2015

It Looks As If Carbon Credits Scam Has INCREASED CO2 Emissions

Time to bring a recent Daily Stirrer post to blogger, mainly because The Independent newspaper ran a story today about climate scientists (remember that discredited bunch of crooks and liars) claiming that climate change / global warming is steaming ahead much faster that even their most doom laden, mathematically modelled predictions have ever suggested.

Well climate scientists have never knowingly told the truth about anything. So here's a link to a site that tells it like it is, without adjusting the data or placing the data gathering equipment in pizza ovens.

from The Daily Stirrer:

As the climate change scare becomes more and more exposed for the money making fraud it always was, they green weirdie beardie, rope sandal wearing tree huggers get more hysterical and stupid in their arguments that we must all return to medieval lifestyles, the billionaires like Al Gore who hope to profit from it keep flogging the dead horse and the angrier and more vicious the left wing hate mobs become in their witch hunts.

More >>>

It Looks As If Carbon Credits Scam Has INCREASED CO2 Emissions

Friday, August 28, 2015

New EU Tax Laws Force Thousands of Businesses to Close in Just Six Months

by Phil T Looker

New European Union tax rules introduced in January with the stated aim of moving closer to a 'unified' tax system (but which really hand multinational corporations a huge advantage) have already plunged thousands of small businesses into bankruptcy, with thousands more expected to fold as awareness of the change to the way VAT must be paid increases. Research has shown that incompetence on the part of government revenue agencies has increased the problems of small businesses that cannot afford to employ a full time tax accountant.

After an eight-year consultation between E U bureaucrats and corporate lawyers and finance officers, from which organizations representing small businesses were excluded, the EU introduced new rules on VAT returns at the beginning of this year, which required digitally delivered services to apply VAT according to the customer’s, not the supplier’s location.

Designed to prevent large businesses locating themselves in VAT-competitive territories but totally ineffective at doing that, it had the (intended?) effect of burying small businesses under a hill of bureaucracy, forcing them to access the data required to prove the customer’s location, figure out which of more than 80 VAT rates to apply to each transaction, and issue an invoice in the correct language, currency and layout.

Unable to afford the software developed to help corporate business to deal with the workload, thousands of small business and sole traders have closed or abandoned their enterprises. Most of those who have continued to trade have either moved to third party platforms, losing up to 70 percent of their total revenue (not just non-domestic sales) in commission, or spent thousands on software.

“The human cost to these businesses is vast”, Clare Josa is co-founder of EU VAT Action commented for EU Observer. "The only reason the Digital Single Market is still functioning is because awareness levels are below 5 percent, so most businesses are continuing to trade under the former system. As awareness rises, the damage will soar."

According to Josa, the misery isn’t confined to the legislation alone. Further confusion has been created by the member states interpreting the law in different ways, and by some tax authorities simply making blunders.

What strikes me is the current crisis has arisen because tax collection agencies are clueless (yes I know but in this context we have to be more specific) about how the new laws should be operated. When the dumb-arse civil servants have worked it out there will be a plethora of prosecutions for tax fraud.

Source: E U Observer

More On Europe's bureaucratic Dictatorship

The E U is becoming a bureaucratic dictatorship

Here in the UK and around Europe the eurozone crisis is eroding our democracy. How do we withdraw our consent from being governed like this?

That is the question being asked by UKIP, the UK Independence Party and increasingly by rank and file members and backbench MPs in David Cameron's Conservative Party. Leaders of the European neo Nazi superstate movement and the Bureau(c)rats of Brussels like to pain Britain as the only naysayer, the only nation dragging it's feet in the headlong charge to create a pan - European superstate that would involve the abolition of national sovereignty and national identities. It is not true but when did bureaucrats ever feel obliged to tell the truth if it gets in the way of their goal of advancing the control freak agenda.

Commenting on an article last year ago on British Foreign Policy the thrust of which was a complaint that the government paid too much heed to voters reluctance to see our nation drawn into the integrationist push of other E U leaders , one commenter who blogs for a national newspaper wrote that such exercises missed the vital point: that much of the underlying logic of foreign policy work was in fact about supporting British Parliamentary democracy not undermining it. It is the job of our diplomats to defend British interests, not lobby on behalf of those who would incorporate us in a single European nation. Our governments have failed us in ceding much of that foreign policy role to Brussels and the global governance wishing internationalists.

The fact is the expansion of government and public sector work throughout the past four decades has created unsustainable economies. No wonder GDP (Gross domestic product, a measure of how much money moves around the domestic economy) rather than the surplus or deficit of exports over imports or vice versa has become the measure of economic strength. Most of the growth that underwrote the burgeoning personal, business and government debts which drove the boom of the mid 1990s to 2007 was illusory, the result of governments printing bonds to borrow cash against future expectations and then pumping that cash into their domestic economies, grabbing about half of it back in tax with one hand and giving the same cash out again as welfare benefits, salaries for tax eaters or to fund worthless infrastructure projects.

Is the sheer complexity of decisions facing national leaders in a democracy too difficult for political leaders or is dealing with greedy, selfish, ignorant or pig-headed voters too onerous a task. Or, more likely, are they all just lazy incompetents drunks like Jean Claude Juncker, cunt-struck sex addicts like Dominique Strauss Khan, neo fascists like Martin Schulz or corrupt money - grubbers like Jose Miguel Barosso. Any way their efforts only seem to produce stupid, counter productive results? And often in the wings we have people who style themselves "progressive liberals" calling for a totalitarian world government to save us from the mess the fearful and pusillanimous academics and media luvvies would have us believe we are in.

Read full post:
The E U is becoming a bureaucratic dictatorship


Why Should Obama Be Given A Platform From Which To Lecture Britian

Although it seems Sidi Barack Hussein Obama, the wannabe God - Emperor of the world and President Of The Entire Universe and everything Else Besides is still planning to visit Britain in late April to tell us all of HIS vision for Britain's future as a province of the US State of Greater Germany with Europe, British voters are distincylt undwerwhelmed by the prospect

Cameron's EU Deal As Worthless As Neville Chamberlain's 'Peace In Our Time.'?
Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself.

European Union President Shows Contempt For Democracy

The anti - EU movement growing in Europe
E U puts business before people
European Integration will kill democracy
EU and Washington Plan Transatlantic Fascism
TTIP, free trade and democracy
Europe index
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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Could Israel Be Planning Nuclear Strikes On Iran

by Major D. Zaster

The USA is already engaged in one proxy war as the CIA installed puppet government in Kiev combats Russian separatists in east Ukraine, and another against Iran as the US backed, armed, trained and financed rebels fight Bashar Assad's government in Syria while US military aircraft carry out strikes against US backed, armed and trained ISIS guerillas fighting to establish an Islamic Caliphate in the middle east.

ISIS are also fighting the Iranian backed government of Iraq, the Kurds though we cannot be sure where their allegiance lies and have been involved in skirmishes with the Turks. And now we hear things may be about to get a lot worse with another of America's proxy wars about to kick off ...

Thinking About the Unthinkable: An Israel-Iran Nuclear War
By John Bosma

The signing of a Munich-class agreement with Iran that hands it more than it ever hoped to pull off represents a shocking, craven American capitulation to an apocalyptic crazy state: a North Korea with oil. Nothing in Western history remotely approaches it, not even Neville Chamberlain's storied appeasement of another antisemitic negotiating partner.

But it also augurs the possibility of a nuclear war coming far sooner than one could have imagined under conventional wisdom worst-case scenarios. Following the US's betrayal of Israel and its de facto detente with Iran, we cannot expect Israel to copy longstanding US doctrines of no-first-nuclear-use and preferences for conventional-weapons-only war plans. After all, both were premised (especially after the USSR's 1991 collapse) on decades of US nuclear and conventional supremacy. If there ever were an unassailable case for a small, frighteningly vulnerable nation to pre-emptively use nuclear weapons to shock, economically paralyze, and decapitate am enemy sworn to its destruction, Israel has arrived at that circumstance.

Why? Because Israel has no choice, given the radical new alignment against it that now includes the US, given reported Obama threats in 2014 to shoot down Israeli attack planes, his disclosure of Israel's nuclear secrets and its Central Asian strike-force recovery bases, and above all his agreement to help Iran protect its enrichment facilities from terrorists and cyberwarfare – i.e., from the very special-operations and cyber forces that Israel would use in desperate attempts to halt Iran's bomb. Thus Israel is being forced, more rapidly and irreversibly than we appreciate, into a bet-the-nation decision where it has only one forceful, game-changing choice -- early nuclear pre-emption – to wrest back control of its survival and to dictate the aftermath of such a survival strike.

Read more:


How America corrupts the news

America destroyed

America: Detroit dystopia

America's failing bid for global hegemony

Failure of American Leadership

American warmongering

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another Suspected Arson Attack On German Refugee Shelter

Only days after Hausfrau Lardarse von Merkel showed her contempt for German voters by announcing Germany would welcome all Syrians arriving at their borders without requiring any legal vetting process (this would include rapists, murderers, head amputators, torturers, people of the Islamic faith who will burn another human being alive simply because they are the wrong sort of Muslim and general cunts), thre was further evidence of the drift towards civil unrest in German cities.

A school sports hall converted into an emergency refugee shelter caught fire in the German town of Nauen, in what police suspect was an arson attack. The hall in the eastern town, located 15km west of the capital Berlin, had been redesigned to house about 130 asylum seekers, who were awaiting transfer to permanent housing locations. Police in nearby Potsdam said that the fire spread soon after it was discovered, leading them to believe the incident may have been planned.

Only last week we reported two fires in refugee hostels in Germany. One was linked to anti - immigration protests, the other was thought to have been started after a tribal squabble betweem migrants from different African tribes.

Far-right protesters (i.e. reasonable people who want border control laws that exist for the protection of German citizens enforced) have repeatedly demonstrated against the arrival of asylum-seekers in Nauen this year.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to visit a refugee shelter at the centre of recent riots by neo-Nazis, an official said on Tuesday. Merkel will travel to Heidenau, south of Dresden, on Wednesday to meet refugees, support workers and local officials, her spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said in a statement.

Dozens of police were injured when a far-right mob hurled bottles and fireworks at officers trying to ensure asylum seekers could move into the repurposed hardware store in Heidenau on Friday and Saturday. Speaking on Monday, Merkel called the latest incident "shocking" and "shameful." She is wrong, what is really shameful is the way she and her government have marginalized German working class people and long established, fully assimilated immigrants in order to serve the New World Order Agenda 21 which calls for the replacement of European majorities in western nations by third world immigrants.

Immigration - Europe's burden
Immigration: the plight of the Mediterranean boat people
Is Sweden's immigration policy national suicide
Immigration: there is no promised land
Immigration marginalising the white working classes
The impact of immigration on hospitals and schools

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Roundup Of Today's Posts

Rather bogged down with real life today so here's a roundup of the days posts:

It Looks As If Carbon Credits Scam Has INCREASED CO2 Emissions It Looks As If Carbon Credits Scam Has INCREASED CO2 Emissions

As the climate change scare becomes more and more exposed for the money making fraud it always was, they green weirdie beardie, rope sandal wearing tree huggers get more hysterical and stupid in their arguments that we must all return to medieval lifestyles, the billionaires like Al Gore who hope to profit from it keep flogging the dead horse and the angrier and more vicious the left wing hate mobs become in their witch hunts.

3,000 Migrants Rescued off Italy in Single Day, Tensions Rise

Italy’s coastguard on Saturday led an operation to rescue around 3000 migrants from the waters of the Mediterranean after distress calls were picked up from more than 20 overcrowded vessels drifting in waters off Libya. In the biggest single-day rescue operation to date there were no reports of casualties. Reports have been coming in however of hundreds of life jackets and other items being washed up along a stretch of coastline, which suggests the naval rescue flotilla may not have reached al the stricken boats in time.

Trump catches attention of CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral

Donald Trump is portrayed as a clown by mainstream media and his combover is the silliest I have ever seen. Still, he's a billionaie so I don't suppose he gives a flying fuck what The Daily Stirrer thinks of him. Not that we think he is all bad, anyone who attacks Obama's global naziism trade deals, TTIP and TPP mush have some good points.


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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Germany Opens Gates, Welcomes ALL Syrian Asylum Seekers: Urges UK To Do The Same

Germany has thrown open her doors to Syria, declaring it will welcome all that country’s asylum seekers. In doing so, it has overturned a EU convention which insists that asylum seekers must register in the first country they reach.

Germany will now cease handing out forms which ask new arrivals to declare where they landed in the EU.

Under the Dublin Convention of 1990, migrants seeking asylum within the EU must usually register with the country they first enter. The system was put in place to ensure that migrants didn’t submit multiple applications in a number of member states, and is binding under law.

However, according to the Independent, yesterday the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees ratified an order suspending the protocol. “Germany will become the member state responsible for processing their claims,” a government statement said, adding that all current expulsion orders for Syrian asylum seekers would be revoked. In addition, new Syrian arrivals will no longer have to fill in forms informing the German authorities which EU member state they first entered.

In the first six months of 2015, Germany received 44,417 applications, the vast majority of which have yet to be processed. But even before yesterday’s declaration, it was expected that most of the Syrian applicants would be granted asylum.

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Thank goodness Juncker is so deeply stupid

There was a howl of anguish from the EU's unelected senior official, Herr Juncker, yesterday at the suggestion that Europe's nations might once again man their borders.

Immigration omnibus

Immigration marginalises white working class

Immigration: Boat people crisis

Immigration and benefits - how migrants cripple the economy

Immigration: Europe does not offer a promised land

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Is Russian Army Beginning to Engage in Syria

Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear (h/t some bloke called Jesus) have know of the involvement of US troops in Syria for a considerable time. Given that the American military are active in over a hundred nations around the world, Washington's meddling in the domestic politics of soveeign nations comes as no surprise. It is more disturbing to learn that Russian troops are getting involved in Syria, to support Assad in his struggle against American - backed revolutionaries who want to replace the secular government with an Islamic theocracy and carry out the genocide of Syrian Christians and those unfortunate enough to be the wrong kind of Muslims.

Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network

A profound and significant change has just occurred in the Levant – the Russian army has begun to engage against terrorism in Syria. Although Russia has been absent from the international scene since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and although it is moving with care, it has just created a Russo-Syrian Commission, has begun supplying weapons, sharing intelligence, and sending advisors. All of this is more or less coordinated with the White House.

After having negotiated a regional alliance against the Islamic Emirate which implied Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey, Russia suddenly had to abandon its strategy after the Turkish turn-around. Ankara has in fact decided to break off its ties with Moscow, and has cancelled, without genuine motive, the contract for the gas pipe-line Turkish Stream, created, in partenership with Ukraine, an international Islamic Brigade intended to destabilise Crimea [1]. It has also come to the help of the Islamic Emirate in their fight against the Kurds of the PKK and the YPG. In the same way, the White House has been obliged to change its own strategy after the manœuvers by General John Allen, who agreed to help President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to create a « security zone »for the Islamic Emirate in Northern Syria [2].Finally, Moscow and Washington have coordinated:

Read more at Voltaire Network


USA and Russia in proxy war

Russia, Ukraine and the Death Of Petrodollar

How Putin Will Win World War Three

Syria and the FUKUS axis need for war

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Israel Shells Syrian Positions On Golan Heights

Israeli and Syrian forces have faced each other on the Golan Heigths since the 1973 war

How far are we from global war? Not very far it seems as the situation gets worse in Ukraine, ISIS continue to make gains in Iraq, Libya and North Africa, Assad continues to defy US backed rebels in Syria and China, using North Korea as a proxy, taunts the Obama Administration with what amounts to the diplomatic equivalent of chanting, "Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough.

And now this:

Israel has launched artillery attack and airstrikes on the Syrian army positions. Tel Aviv says the attacks were in response to rocket fire from the Golan Heights. The Israeli army said four rockets landed in the Upper Galilee region and the Israeli-occupied parts of the Golan Heights. The rockets reportedly caused fires, but no injuries.

From The Trenches World report

So how will this develop?

So if Israel launches a full scale attack on Syria the dominoes will probably fall like this. Iran attacks Israel, USA attacks Iran, Russia attacks USA, North Kora attacks South Korea, USA attacks North Korea, China attacks USA.

Never mind prepping, I’m going to lay in a stock of wine, beer, whisky, vodka, aquavit, gin, rum, plenty of mixers and a few snacks and I’ll host a “Last Party On Doomsday” so when me and my friends go, like the song says, we’ll “go like elsie”. (Cabaret, from the musical of that name)

Why worry, the world has to end sometime.


Assad close to victory in Syria?

While mainstream media continue to spin the Washington lie that US sponsored rebels are about to topple the Assad regime in Syria (the story they have been telling us for three years, an examination of the news feeds that mainstream news publisher and broadcasters use, which are free from Washington's propaganda spin reveal a different story.

While we watch Unkraine and Turkey The War Goes On In Syria

With mainstream media focused on ISIS and Ukraine amid, fears of an excalation of local problems into a war between East, West and Islam, we are in danger of forgetting nasty little civil conflicts like the one between forces loyal to the secular dictator Assad and the Al Nusra rebels who want to replace a secular dictatorship with an even more ruthless theocracy.

US Foreign Policy has Boosted Expansion of Terrorism, Putin Says

Russia’s president Putin has become more harsh in his criticisms of US foreign policy over the past few years, from the moment France, the UK and USA used the excuse of staging a 'humanitarian mission to prevent genocide in Libya' to wage a bombing campain on that country with the aim of bringing down the Gaddafi regime, relations between the western powers and the Russia / China alliance have been going downhill fast ...

American Department of Defence Admits Supporting ISIS In Syria

Rumours have been rife for almost a year that ISIS/ISIL/ whatever you want to call them, the Islamist rebel group who have taken control of large areas of Syria and Iraq with the intention of setting up a new Islamic Caliphate, were actually set up by United States CIA agents with the aim of overthrowing secular Muslim dictators and helping the US ally Saudi Arabia impose theocratic rule throughout the Arab lands. A new leak proves that once again the 'conspiracy theorists' were right.

Another American Foreign Policy Embarrassment As Department of Defence Admits Supporting ISIS In Syria

News of how leaked documents prove the US Central intelligence Agency set up ISIS for the purpose of destabilizing the middle east is all over the internet, yet mainstream media continue to ignore it ...

Libya, Syria, Yemen: Sectarian conflict threatens entire Middle East

Another failure of US foreign policy leads to threat of war as a coalition of 10 Sunni Arab states launches a military offensive against Shiite Houthi militants in Yemen, recently proclaimed by America’s president as a brilliant example of war on terror, but now catapulting the Middle East into the inferno of battle.

US Special Forces caught red-handed in Syria
How long ago did we tell you the USA had military personnel on the ground in Syria. Evidence about the activities of U.S. special forces in the Syrian town Ayn al-Arab a.k.a. Kobani has emerged in the last few days. U.S. Troops are guiding airstrikes as part of their support for ...

Friday, August 21, 2015

MH17 Perception Deception: Truth 0% Spin 100%

Not a real photo we suspect, but no crazier than most of the MH17 propaganda from Washington and Brussels

In the 21st century the US may be incapable of winning wars or even pursuing its own national interest but the media manipulation around the shoot-down of MH17 proves it is reaching new heights (or depths) in the art of perception management.

This article, by Ray McGovern originally appeared at Consortium News. The author is a retired CIA analyst of 27 years. He served as chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Branch, and prepared and personally conducted early morning briefings of the President’s Daily Brief.

During a recent interview, I was asked to express my conclusions about the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine, prompting me to take another hard look at Official Washington’s dubious claims – pointing the finger of blame at eastern Ukrainian rebels and Moscow – based on shaky evidence regarding who was responsible for this terrible tragedy.

Unlike serious professional investigative reporters, intelligence analysts often are required by policymakers to reach rapid judgments without the twin luxuries of enough time and conclusive evidence. Having spent almost 30 years in the business of intelligence analysis, I have faced that uncomfortable challenge more times than I wish to remember.

So, I know what it feels like to confront issues of considerable consequence like the shoot-down of MH-17 and the killing of 298 passengers and crew amid intense pressure to choreograph the judgments to the propagandistic music favored by senior officials who want the U.S. “enemy” – in this case, nuclear-armed Russia and its Western-demonized President Vladimir Putin – to somehow be responsible. In such situations, the easiest and safest (career-wise) move is to twirl your analysis to the preferred tune or at least sit this jig out.

But the trust-us-it-was-Putin marathon dance has now run for 13 months – and it’s getting tiresome to hear the P.R. people in the office of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper still claiming that the U.S. intelligence community has not revised or updated its analysis of the incident since July 22, 2014, just five days after the crash.

Back then, Clapper’s office, trying to back up Secretary of State John Kerry’s anti-Russian rush to judgment, cited very sketchy evidence – in both senses of the word – drawn heavily from “social media” accounts. Obviously, the high-priced and high-caliber U.S. intelligence community has learned much more about this very sensitive case since that time, but the administration won’t tell the American people and the world. The DNI’s office still refers inquiring reporters back to the outdated report from more than a year ago.

None of this behavior would make much sense if the later U.S. intelligence data supported the hasty finger-pointing toward Putin and the rebels. If more solid and persuasive intelligence corroborated those initial assumptions, you’d think U.S. government officials would be falling over themselves to leak the evidence and declare “we told you so.” And the DNI office’s claim that it doesn’t want to prejudice the MH-17 investigation doesn’t hold water either – since the initial rush to judgment did exactly that.

So, despite the discomfort attached to making judgments with little reliable evidence – and at the risk of sounding like former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld – it seems high time to address what we know, what we don’t know, and why it may be that we don’t know what we don’t know.

Those caveats notwithstanding I would say it is a safe bet that the hard technical intelligence evidence upon which professional intelligence analysts prefer to rely does not support Secretary of State Kerry’s unseemly rush to judgment in blaming the Russian side just three days after the shoot-down.

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Reprinted here under Creative Commons licence. Attribute, non commercial use.


MH17 news being suppressed

MH17 - foul play but by whom

ATA evidence does not help MH17 inquiry

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 - Nothing is ever what it seems to be

Nothing is ever what it seems to be, I learned that doing top level consultancy contracts for government departments. Deception is the name of the game. So what of Flight MH17, certainly the plane was shot down and our sympathies are with the families of the dead. But the game of finger pointing that followed was not about justice but political opportunism. And by playing a waiting game the Russsians are winning again.

Was The Missile Attack On Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Over Ukraine A False Flag Event.

The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine shocked the world. A second disaster for the airline within six months involving the same type of aircraft? Those things are probably coincidence, but when we start to dig a little deeper, the conincidences are quickly stretched to breaking point. So as the conspiracy theories start to emerge we look at the bizarre train of events leading up to the disaster.

US State Dept. Annoyed at Press Questioning MH17 Narrative Spokeswoman Angrily Refers Press to Social Media for 'Proof'

The Obama Administration continues to reiterate its narrative on what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 with more certainty (and often different details) every day, but there is a stark lack of evidence, beyond a handful of “authenticity could not be verified” images floating around on social media. With Russia denying the allegations, the US must have some really damning evidence to be so certain, right? Just so, insists the State Department, just don’t ask them to show any of it.

Whatever War Crimes Obama Accuses Russia Of You Can Bet America Has done It First.

World policitical leaders and media sycophants are lining up to condemn Russia for the dowing on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine. Here are a few snippets from our coverage:

Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Theorist

It has become the habit of the self styled 'progressive left' to shout conspiracy theorist whenever anybody very reasonably suggests they are being duped by the dark forces of corporate fascism, that their favoured brand of collectivism is not in any way liberal but in fact will lead to an oligarchic tyranny similar to the big brother regime depicted in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty Four and that far from being theoretical, conspiracies are verey real and exercising much more influence on our lives than the unimaginative lefties would ever believe

The conspiracy of flight 370

Malaysia airlines cover up
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Thursday, August 20, 2015

GM Crops: Scientists call for new review of herbicide, cite ‘flawed’ U.S. regulations

by Carey Gillam

U.S. regulators have relied on flawed and outdated research to allow expanded use of an herbicide linked to cancer, and new assessments should be urgently conducted, according to a column published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday.

There are two key factors that necessitate regulatory action to protect human health, according to the column: a sharp increase in herbicide applied to widely planted genetically modified (GMO) crops used in food, and a recent World Health Organization (WHO) determination that the most commonly used herbicide, known as glyphosate, is probably a human carcinogen.

The opinion piece was written by Dr. Philip Landrigan, a Harvard-educated paediatrician and epidemiologist who is Dean for Global Health at the Mount Sinai Medical Centre in New York, and Chuck Benbrook, an adjunct professor at Washington State University’s crops and soil science department.

“There is growing evidence that glyphosate is geno-toxic and has adverse effects on cells in a number of different ways,” Benbrook said. “It’s time to pull back … on uses of glyphosate that we know are leading to significant human exposures while the science gets sorted out.”

The column argues that GMO foods and herbicides applied to them “may pose hazards to human health” not previously assessed.

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MAIN KEYWORDS:GMO >> Monsanto >> Health >> Science

World Bank Aims to Hand Over Seed Industry to Agribusiness

Today Donald Trump will be inaugurated as 45h President of The United States, his victory in the November election having been a major setback to those dark forces that give the impression only one more big push was needed to drive the world into accepting a global authoritarian government. Trump's victory, combined with 'Brexit' the vote by British citizens to leave the EU, combined to make 2026 a bad year for the globalists.

‘Uncaged Corporate Parrots’ Of The Political Elite and The GMO False Narrative

The Environment Secretary in the UK Coalition Government, Elizabeth Truss has argued that genetically modified (GM) food should be grown in Britain because it is more ‘eco-friendly’. She adds that steps should be taken to speed up this development. Her statements come as little surprise to many because Truss’s predecessor, Owen Paterson, was also a staunch supporter of GM technology.

American GM Wheat Losing Out To Russian Organic Wheat In World Markets
We've been trying to get the truth out on GM crops, loved by American corporate business, rent-a-quote scientists and politicians for several years. The massed ranks of big money and big politics are still ranged against us but it seems that one again we the New Media are winning. The more the 'experts', professors and politicians tell us genetically modified crops are good, the mor suspicious we become.

Bee Apocalypse: France Bans Bee Killing Pesticides
France is the first nation in Europe to act to ban the bee killing pesticides, neonicotinoids. While the EU's ruling bureaucracy has pressured member nations to go with the pesticides, and with glysophate (brand name Roundup) associated with Genetically modified food crops but recently named as a likely cancer causing agent in humans ...

Monsanto knew of glyphosate / cancer link 35 years ago.
It will be no surprise to followers of alternative media that Monsanto, the corporate business that wants to control the world's food supply through its geneticlly modified (GM) seed has actually been faking the data they used to prove to government food standards agencies that gm crops were safe for human consumption for over three decades.
More on GMO fraud: Black Hat Biotech menu

MORE: Daily Stirrer - April, 2015

Another 'Scientific Consensus' Turns Out To Be Corporate / Government Scam

So there are no scientists in the world who question the corporate lieOpen Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). The World Scientists Statement dates from 1999. It was superceded by the Independent Science Panel Report in 2003, and by the most recent report Ban GMOs Now in 2013.

'No Monsanto!': Protest Against GMO Food Goes Global

Thousands took to streets across the world’s cities on Saturday to protest the use of GMO products, with Giant Monsanto being the main target. Over 50 countries have been taking part in the march for world food day, and across 47 different US states. Berlin, Strasbourg, Chicago, London, Sydney and Mumbai are just a few of the 500 cities worldwide involved in the rallies, with each one drawing hundreds.

Roundup Weedkiller Linked To Global Epidemic of Fatal Kidney Disease

thousands to die each year from a MYSTERY fatal kidney disease, with evidence pointing THE herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) as the primary culprit. A new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health proposes a link between the herbicide known as Roundup (aka glyphosate) and a series of mysterious epidemics of fatal ... MORE

The World has Really Been Turned Upside down When We Look To Russia To Defend Our Rights

Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, the land of the free, defends corporate fascism, even when it threatens the future of western civilisation. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, a nation with a long history of authoritarianism and tyranny, stands up for human rights and putting protection of the environment ahead of corporate power and profit. What's going on?

New Study Shows Toxins In GMOs Are Poisonous To Mammals

More evidence that Gemetically Modified organisms are totally unsuitable to be part of the human or animal food chain. When will the message sink in that our politicians and "experts" who advise them just steal our tax money on behalf of fascist corporations like Monsanto.

Are 90% Of Cancer Research Studies Fraudulent?

A shocking report published in nature magazine has revealed that up to 89% of cancer research studies may be fraudulent. In that many cases the results reported were not reproducable and were in the interests of Pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations rather than cancer sufferers. It is not clear in how many cases the researchers were knowingly dishonest and how many were just stupid ...

Diabetes skyrockets across America as Big Pharma drugs fail yet again

In spite of year on year increases in medication usage rates for preventing and treating Type II diabetes, the condition is becoming more prevalent throughout the U.S.A., according to a new study published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Between 1995 and 2010, the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in nearly half of all the U.S. states more than doubled, ...

Death By Genocidally Modified Food

The now notorious Monsanto Protection Act, recently passed by the US Congress, which gives biotech corporations, particularly Monsanto immunity from criminal or civil prosecution should harm to humans or the environment arise from ...

Has The Global Food Supply Fallen Under The Control Of The Big Food Cartel?

Speed Up Introduction Of GM Crops Says Increasingly Stalinist Coalition Government The coalition is selling us out to the global government Nazis and the corporate fascists. This time is is over the introduction of GM crops which will not feed the world but will create a much greater environmental hazard than carbon dioxide. But GM crops were never about feeding the world, that are about power and control. A global tyranny is on the way if we do not start to resist now.

Dairy Farmers Ruined: Free Markets Versus Corporate Dictatorship
Thatcherite conservatives in the UK and Reaganite Republicans in the USA love to talk of free markets and the utopia they create. But do free markets ever exist. In response to one free market enthusiast and proponent of globalisation, the Daily Stirrer and Ian Thorpe show that what looks like a free market from above is anything but when viewed from the ground. What is supposed to protect the efficient has actually been hijacked by a cartel of food retail chains. Dairy Farmers are being driven to bankruptcy because the "free market" in milk in which market forces are s UK

Dangers of GM foods - The Scientific Evidence

Genetically modified lies used to sell GM foods

GM will not feed the world - GM crops don't provide increased yields, expensive fertilisers do

Genetically Modified Humans - The GM food fad is a vast experiment on the human race

Geneticist says GM foods will never be safe

Black Hat Biotech index

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

German Government Admits it Got Refugee Figures Wrong… Revises Upwards to 750,000 Migrants Expected This Year

Another boatload of illigals heading for balkan shores, hoping to get to Germany. Is it any wonder the Germans are pissed off? Picture Source: Telegraph

The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean and making their way (illegally) through the Balkans to Germany has passed the government’s worst casse estimates. The unprecedented influx has now forced Berlin to hastily revise the figure upwards.

Although the German government had already acknowledged the need to revise estimates, the latest number is beyond all expectations, pushing the figure from 450,000 to between 750,000 and one million in 2015. Germany is already the greatest importer of human beings in Europe, having taken nearly 40 per cent of all asylum applications in the whole EU this year and this late development is a signal from the Bundestag that the government does not anticipate this to change. As we reported yesterdasy, citizens anger is close to boiling over as they see their interests repeatedly sidelined in favour of immigrants.

Tabloid Die Welt reports federal agencies are already demanding increased welfare and social housing budgets on the back of the announcement, competing for monry to enable the departments to bear the brunt of mass migration. The Federal Labour Agency has said its job centres will need more people to deal with the rising numbers of new Germans seeking work. What is not mentioned in the report of course is the rising level of benefit claimants who will also depend on the system after their arrival, the administration of which is also processed through the job centres. Not even a powerhose economy such as that of Germany can create new business and jobs at will and most of the migrants are illiterate and skilled only in begging and theft.

Labour minister Frank-Jürgen Weise told local media that the Federal government would have to boost his budget in 2016, but expressed concern that no matter how much the government could find, it wouldn’t be enough to deal with the one year population increase. The influx of refugees alone resembles an almost one per cent increase in national population – before higher birth rates associated with transplanted third world diasporas are even factored in.


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Britain to Crack Down on Illegal Working by Migrants

Illegal migrants found working in Britain will face jail and have their earnings seized under new measures announced by the government on Tuesday. The government has been ramping up its anti-immigration rhetoric in response to a spike in migrant attempts to reach Britain via the Channel Tunnel in France and is under pressure to show it is acting to deal with the crisis.

Immigration and benefits

Immigration marginalises native populations

Sweden's suicide by immigration

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Germany shocked by scores of xenophobic attacks against migrants ass citizens' anger boils over

Burnt out hostel for illegal immigrants refugees in Germany (source, Getty Images)

NB: in parts of this artice quoted from The Washington Post the spin is definitely pro-immigrant, anti-European. This does not reflect the attitude of The Daily Stirrer, while we oppose violence against migrants, we respect the fact thast Germans (and Europeans in general have rights and just concerns too, and after years of seeing their own interests sidelined by a political elite that prioritises the welfare of foreigners, the German people are getting mightily pissed off by leaders who think their counntry is best served by their kissing immigrants arses.

from: The Washington Post

By Anthony Faiola August 16

MEISSEN, Germany — In a gesture of German goodwill, the administration in this medieval city leased a newly renovated apartment building here to humanely — even comfortably — house dozens of desperate ­asylum-seekers. The newcomers from Syria and other war-
ravaged nations would enjoy freshly redone floors, cute balconies and shiny, modern appliances in a cheerful building near a timber-framed pub. Then Meissen’s goodwill went up in smoke.

On a cool night six weeks ago, suspected right-wing arsonists struck the building, scorching its interior and rendering it uninhabitable days before the ­asylum-seekers were to move in. The attack added Meissen, a gothic castle town of 30,000 on the Elbe River, to a string of German cities caught up in an escalating rash of violence against refugees.

The acts include an ugly spate of arson targeting refugee centers as well as physical attacks on refugees themselves, marking the return of what critics say is an unnerving brand of xenophobia to Western Europe’s most populous nation.

It is typical of the American media of course to support the destruction of Europe's history for the sake of sucking up to Africans, Muslims, and Romanians. Liberals in the USA have with their great experiment in multiculturalism, turned their society into a ghettoized third world cesspit, now the fuckwitted guilt addics want to drag the rest of the world down with them.

While the violence against migrants being seen all around Europe now should be deplored, those truly responsible are the political elite whose refusal to act to curb the epidemics of violence, crime and rape that inevitably accompany the arrival of an influx of uneducated rabble from parts of the world where women are chattels and vulnerable people are easy targets to places where women are free to walk around town unaccompanied and old peoples' rights to leave their homes are usually respected.

Why should we make allowances for black scum who can't control their urges when they see a woman who doesn't have a bag over her head. Go German citizens, show the elite they have shat on you once too often. Or better still you could try torching puiblic buildings and politicians offices and the premises of mainstream news organisations.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Another Big Western Media Lie About Ukraine’s War

Ukraine's civil war (image source: Bloomberg

What follows here, about the current U.S. government's lying, is banned by all major news sites in the United States, and by most ‘alternative news’ sites, such as Common Dreams, Alternet, and Truthout (although some of those alt-news sites do issue watered-down reports from Robert Parry and a few other establishment journalists, about related matters)

Journalist Vladimir Kornilov posted to his facebook page on August 15th, an important question that’s getting increasing attention on other independent websites:

Here's a question mainstream media will not ask: When the army of the DNI [commonly called Ukraine’s ‘rebels’] are retired Russian military, the West immediately writes about "Russian aggression". And if retired (believe that retired) military mercenaries from the EU are fighting on the side of the APU [commonly called the Ukrainian government], why do the same media not write about "the aggression of the European Union?"

It’s a good question, because it puts the spotlight the Big Lie peddled the Western propaganda sheets that pass themselves off as news papers and broadcasters about the civil war in Ukraine: that the Russian army is itself participating in Ukraine’s civil war (not merely providing professional military advisors to a self-arisen civilian army who are protecting their own families from invasions and basically from a U.S.-sponsored ethnic cleansing campaign by an imposed Ukrainian government in Kiev, which the residents in the separatist region never even had any participation in democratically electing — and, after the man, for whom those residents had actually voted 90%+ in Ukraine’s last genuinely democratic election, was thrown out of office in a violent February 2014 U.S. coup).

When NATO agencies are blowing the whistle on US / EU anti - Russian propaganda ( a href="" ) you can be sure Russian armed forces are not participants in Ukraine’s U.S.-caused civil war: that’s a fact. The allegation to the contrary is a U.S.-Ukrainian government lie — nothing else.

The U.S. Government is simply trying to fool the public into believing that the Ukrainian government’s bombing that area of the former Ukraine doesn’t cause thousands of the residents there to take up arms against those invaders, and against that government — the government which calls all of these residents ‘terrorists.’ 

Why is that? Because The United States of America needs war to mend its broken economy. What they have not thought through is (a) the unlikelihood of winning a war against Russia, China and their allies and (b) how much damage would a war do to their already dysfunctional society?

Read more on this at RINF


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Ukraine Donbass War

Ukraine regime change

Soros stirring conflict in Ukraine

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Controversial TTIP (Global Tyranny) Legislation Held in ‘Secure’ Room to Avoid Leaks

Why are TTIP Documents Held In A Locked Room.

The text of the anti - democracy Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) treaty will be held in a locked and heavily guarded room in Brussels to prevent certain core clauses (i.e. those that surrender the lawmaking abilities of sovereign nations to corporate lawyers) being leaked in advance of the final negotiations between Brussels and Washington D.C. Once TTIP is agreed that's it folks, there is no ratification process, no votes in national Parliaments, we will be subjects of a corporate / bureaucratic empire in which company profits will always outweigh the public interest.

The latest news follows Wikileaks posting an €100,000 bounty to anyone who is willing to leak the text of the legislation that will effectively enable the creation of a global totalitarian government. European Union critics have said since the TTIP project was announced that the treaty sold under the guise of transparency and democracy, but has not yet been seen by the outside world. Even our elected representatives are not allowed to know what is in it ahead of it's being signed off by EU bureaucrats and agents of the neo-fascist Obama administration in Washington.

Last month, EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström blamed the U.S. government for the secrecy surrounding TTIP, but it is well known the Euronazis in Brussels are up to the same tricks. CorrectIV reports that a spokesman for the Malmström said: “This is not a step backwards for transparency in TTIP. We just do not want our negotiating position is weakened if confidential negotiating papers penetrate to the outside.” (This material is not available online - indeed many TTIP stories published online disappear very quickly).

German Euronazi parliamentarian Klaus Ernst remarked: “It should be understood that MEPs may view all documents. The EU Transparency PR is, against this background, just ridiculous.” A similar situation occurred in the United States recently, where the Trans-Pacific Partnership legislation was held in the basement of the Capitol building, in a secure, soundproof room.

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) blew the lid open on that piece of hypocritical shite in an article for Breitbart News last month, stating: “What is in this agreement known as TPP? I, as a United States Congressman, can read the negotiations.

“However, in order to read them, I must be in a classified reading room in the Capitol, sign a non-disclosure agreement which assures that I will not discuss the contents of what I have read, and I am allowed to take notes, but I have to leave them in the room.”

If effect then, the EU and The White House, having been embarrassed by reports of the secrecy surrounding TTIP are saying when our elected representatives ask what is in TTIP, "If we tell you that we will have to kill you." Well why not, plenty of independent minded journalists, academics, researchers and general awkward bastards have disappeared in mysterious circumstances in recent years. And that's entirely consistent with the way Nazi, Fascist and Socialist regimes work.

Last month the EU blamed the Americans for the lack of transparency, with Cecilia Malmström stating: “The Americans have a different tradition: they involve a very large group of about 5,000 people, [who have] received the documents. They will not be published. It is not in my power to publish US documents.” Which suggests the EU bureaucrats are not actually negotiating a deal on behalf on member states but having its terms and conditions dictated to them by the corporate lawyers drafted onto the team by the US Administration.

OK, so a lone Republican congressman in the USA and a few startup parties in Europe are speaking up in the public interest, but unless we want to live under a corporate / fascist regime we must all make our voices heard now.


TTIP Is Dead: Trade Talks Between EU And U.S. Have Collapsed, Germany Says

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, the so called free trade deal between the EU and the USA, have collapsed, German’s economic minister has announced. The cause of the collapse has been cited as failure to move forward on any of the major planks of the deal, which has been dogged by controversy and widespread opposition from all sides of the political spectrum.

TTIP Set To Erode Democracy Further, Handing Veto On New Laws To Big Business
We do not yet fully understand what the 'deal' negotiated by David Cameron for revised terms of membership actually commit us to, but the general push by the bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels to abolish the national sovereignty of member states and create a federal European Superstate is well known.

Get Ready For The Collapse Of The Global Economy
In the years we have been publishing, Daily Stirrer financial correspondent Phil T Looker has consistently predicted the refusal of the market rigging banksters to acknowledge that the developed worlds debt driven economy was FUBAR might delay the economic catastrophe but that would only make the final collapse worse when it eventually happened.

TTIP trade treaty a threat to democracy

Corporate monopoly men want everything

The Euronazi TTIP will kill democracy

The EU anti integration movement

America going for global hegemony ahead of US$ collapse
The Free Trade conspiracy that spells the end of freedom
Global government? The Conspiracy Is Winning
Transatlantic fascism coming to an EU member near you

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Syria opposition in Russia for talks on on Moscow - Damascus anti-IS coalition

Syrian politicians opposed to the Assad regime, but against Islamic fundamentalist groups will be in Moscow this week to take part in talks on a Russian plan for a new anti-jihad coalition that would see Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continue as leader of his country.

Moscow has since June been pushing a plan for a broader grouping than the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State (IS) group, to include Syria's government and its allies. It is well known of course that ISIS emerged from a rag bag army of rebels, malcontents and religious fanatics put together, financed, armed and train by US security agencies (mainly the CIA) for the purpose of overthrowing the Assad regime which Washington sees as an obstacle to its world domination agenda.

The Russian initiative faces an uphill struggle given Assad's pariah status in the West and much of the Middle East according to mainstream media. Leaders of the FUKUS axis (France, the UK and USA) might be surprised to find how little support for Obama's perpetual war doctrine there actually is outside of France, the UK and USA.

The first round of talks will take place in the Russian capital on Tuesday with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir already having publicly ruled out such a coalition.

"As for a coalition in which Saudi Arabia would participate with the government of Syria, then we need to exclude that. It is not part of our plans," he said, in comments translated into Russian. He added that Saudi Arabis, a key ndbacker of Syria's opposition along with Turkey and Qatar and allegedly a financier of ISIS, considered Assad part of the problem and that there would be no place for him in Syria's future.

Moscow is not likely to receive a positive response from Syria's National Coalition, the main opposition party in Syria. The group's delegation is headed by leader president Khaled Khoja and will arrive on Thursday. Ahead of the meetings, Coalition member Hisham Marwa rejected any alliance involving Assad.

"Confronting terrorism requires a transitional body that brings together all Syrians," he told AFP.

"It is clear that Assad and the criminals around him have no place in this phase, or in the future of Syria."

There we see the problem clearly illustrated, an opposition leaders talks of 'bringing together all Syrians when half of them, for financial, religious or social reasons are loyal to Assad and will never support a coalition that includes Sunni Muslims.



FUKUS Axis War In Syria

Another world shaking story that the free world's mainstream media chose not to tell us about even though it should have dominated newspaper headlines and broadcast news bulletins for months. It tells of how Russia and China knew of Military / Industrial / Banking New World Order office boy Obama's plans to start World War Three back in 2011. Everything their intelligence predicted has happened.

US Foreign Policy has Boosted Expansion of Terrorism, Putin Says

Russia’s president Putin has become more harsh in his criticisms of US foreign policy over the past few years, from the moment France, the UK and USA used the excuse of staging a 'humanitarian mission to prevent genocide in Libya' to wage a bombing campain on that country with the aim of bringing down the Gaddafi regime, relations between the western powers and the Russia / China alliance have been going downhill fast ...

American Department of Defence Admits Supporting ISIS In Syria

Rumours have been rife for almost a year that ISIS/ISIL/ whatever you want to call them, the Islamist rebel group who have taken control of large areas of Syria and Iraq with the intention of setting up a new Islamic Caliphate, were actually set up by United Staes CIA agents with the aim of overthrowing secular Muslim dictators and helping the US ally Saudi Arabia impose theocratic rule throughout the Arab lands. A new leak proves that once again the 'conspiracy theorists' were right.

Another American Foreign Policy Embarrassment As Department of Defence Admits Supporting ISIS In Syria

News of how leaked documents prove the US Central intelligence Agency set up ISIS for the purpose of destabilizing the middle east is all over the internet, yet mainstream media continue to ignore it ...

Libya, Syria, Yemen: Sectarian conflict threatens entire Middle East

Another failure of US foreign policy leads to threat of war as a coalition of 10 Sunni Arab states launches a military offensive against Shiite Houthi militants in Yemen, recently proclaimed by America’s president as a brilliant example of war on terror, but now catapulting the Middle East into the inferno of battle.

US Special Forces caught red-handed in Syria
How long ago did we tell you the USA had military personnel on the ground in Syria. Evidence about the activities of U.S. special forces in the Syrian town Ayn al-Arab a.k.a. Kobani has emerged in the last few days. U.S. Troops are guiding airstrikes as part of their support for ...

Why Libya is ringing alarm bells in Italy

We have followed the deterioration of Libya since the Obama led FUKUS axis decided to overthrow Gaddafi because he was no longer doing what America wanted. It has not been a pretty story. Now, as Rome rings alarm bells over the deteriorating situation in Libya, The Daily Stirrer looks at the likely consequences in mainland Europe of a failed state across the Mediterranean.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

While we watch Unkraine and Turkey The War Goes On In Syria

Scenes from the civil war in Syria (image source)

With mainstream media focused on ISIS and Ukraine amid, fears of an excalation of local problems into a war between East, West and Islam, we are in danger of forgetting nasty little civil conflicts like the one between forces loyal to the secular dictator Assad and the Al Nusra rebels who want to replace a secular dictatorship with an even more ruthless theocracy.

But that was is still going on.

It has been reported by The Hindu and Times Of India that more than forty people were killed in the past 24 hours in an attack carried out by the Islamic State affiliated Al Nusra rebels at a military airport in the Syrian province of Aleppo, a monitoring organisation said on Monday.

The London-based NGO, Syrian Observatory of the Human Rights, said that among the dead were 15 government troops and this included 12 police officers, while 26 IS jihadists were also killed in the offensive launched on Sunday by the IS to gain control of the airport.

The monitoring group said that the clashes were going on in the area. The IS proclaimed a caliphate in territories under its control in Syria and Iraq in June 2014.

The Dirty War In Syria

Syria: It's where rmageddon is scheduled to take place

How Obama underestimated Assad's resilience

Have US backed rebels used nuclear weapons against Assad

The Barbarity of Syrian rebels made the Assad haters STF up

FUKUS axis in Syria

ISIS are a creation of the USA military / industrial complex

Over 650 Ukraine's shells hit Donetsk within 24 hours

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Monday, August 10, 2015

Two Fatal Stabbings and a Grenade Attack in 14 Hours

from Ed Butt

Liberal, politically correct, multi-culti human rights powerhouse Sweden has been rocked last weekend (7-10 August 2015) by yet another wave of violence including grenade attacks, now par for the course in in Malmö on weekends, and a double murder in an IKEA store just outside Stockholm.

Police were called to the Västerås warehouse of furniture giant IKEA around lunch on Sundayt after three people were stabbed, apparently without motive. Speaking to local media, store manager Mattias Johansson said the victims had just seemed like “ordinary visitors”.

Two of the victims died after the attack and the third is critically injured and requiring intensive care. So far only one suspect has been arrested in connection with the murders.

Hours earlier, trouble flared Malmö, a small, well ordered city a few years ago but now a contender for the title of Europe's drugs, prostitution, or ganised crime and extreme violence capital. The first city most of Sweden’s immigrants arrive at after crossing the famous Øresund bridge, the city is is plagued by gang wars, extreme violence by immigrants on Swedes and other ethnic groups, and huge increase in rape, mostly committed by migrants on Swedish women. Local police have in effect admitted defeat and regard migrant ghettoes as no go areas, outside the jurisdiction of Swedish law. Yet another grenade, presumably like the others following the human trafficking route through Europe to be smuggled into the nation over the bridge, exploded last night around eleven o’clock.

Remarkably there were no injuries even though as reports the devive went off near one of the city's largest bus stations and on a usually busy street. Building was damaged and 30 windows broken.

This latest attack is just one of dozens of grenades exploded in the city this year, which Sweden army bomb disposal troops redeployed to the city from their old postings in the Middle East as being little different from their last. One soldier said “It is strange to be doing almost the same in Malmo that I was doing in Iraq”.

Immigrants who a have also conceded the sam rrived in Sweden many years ago, before the fuckwits of the left wing elite decided they could buy their way into marxist heaven by handing over their beautiful and civilised country to new immigrants from the world's most racist, tribalist and violent cultures. Many older immigrants have remarked in the media that Sweden has become so violent it is now as bad in the ghettoes as Syria, Iraq, Libya or Somalia, where they had come from.


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Sweden’s Mollycoddling of Rapists Blamed for Surge of Sex Attacks

Once know, as one of the safest and most orderly countries in the world, in recent years, thanks to an idiotic 'open doors' immigration policy, Sweden has now earned the unenviable title of 'rape capital of Europe.' The politically correct elite's view that they were being good 'global citizens' by allowing unvetted, undocumented, uneducated migrants to flood into their peaceful and pleasant land from many of the most violent, mysogynistic, racist, and sectarian trouble spots in the world, where western values are despised ...

Lenny Henry says diversity isn't 'another black person in Coronation Street'. We Say One Lenny Henry On Television Is One Too Many
The 53-year-old black supremacist, race hustler and comedian (allegely) is a leading figure in the BAME (Boring Ancient Mediocre Eejit) campaign calling for more Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic people to be involved in the media sector. In a recent interview the actor said diversity was not as simple as "another black or Asian person in Coronation Street or EastEnders, it’s about hearing different perspectives on life"

Former Equalities Chief Says ‘Superdiverse’ UK Will ‘Burn’

Europe's immigrant problem

Sweden's suicide by immigration

Europe's immigrant problem

Sweden's suicide by immigration

Halal In Harrow As Immigrants Take Over School Dinner Menu

Immigration - The Elephant In The Room

Labour knew immigration was out of control seven years ago, Ed Miliband admits

Halal In Harrow

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