The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, November 30, 2015

NATO’s humanitarian Convoys Delivering Arms And Ammo To ISIS Halted at Syrian Border

We have reported that Turkey, a member of NATO and an Asian nation of 90 million people predominantly of the Islamic faith that is currently having its application for membership of the European Union fast tracked as a thank you for its support of NATO efforts to contain ISIS, has actually been funding Islamic State by facilitating the illegal sale of oil that rightfully belongs to the Iraquis and Kurds to western nations, and also that Turkey has been instrumental in keeping open the supply line to ISIS and Al Nusra (aka Al Qaeda) so that arms and ammunition from rogue states like Saudi Arabia and the USA can reach the terrorists trying to overthrow the legitimate government in Syria.

It is not just this blog, almost every alternative media site is onto the story, so why is there no mention of it in TV news bulletins or the newspapers.

Here's another development as reported by Activist Post:

By Tony Cartalucci

NATO convoy of arms and ammo bombed by Russian aircraft at Azaz, norther Syria, en route for  ISIS bases (Image source)

For years, NATO has granted impunity to convoys packed with supplies bound for ISIS and Al Qaeda. Russian airstrikes have stopped them dead in their tracks. If a legitimate, well-documented aid convoy carrying humanitarian supplies bound for civilians inside Syria was truly destroyed by Russian airstrikes, it is likely the world would never have heard the end of it.

Instead, much of the world has heard little at all about a supposed “aid” convoy destroyed near Azaz, Syria, at the very edge of the Afrin-Jarabulus corridor through which the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda’s remaining supply lines pass, and in which NATO has long-sought to create a “buffer zone” more accurately described as a Syrian-based, NATO-occupied springboard from which to launch terrorism deeper into Syrian territory.

The Turkish-based newspaper Daily Sabah reported in its article, “Russian airstrikes target aid convoy in northwestern Syrian town of Azaz, 7 killed,”

Read all: NATO terror convoys halted at Syrian border


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Turkey has ‘serious questions’ to answer: Reactions to RT report on post-ISIS town in Syria

The stream of accusations is growing against Ankara over illegal oil trade and support of Islamic State, with politicians and experts calling for Turkey to be held accountable for its actions after a new batch of evidence gathered by RT.

ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.

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New World Order Stopped? Russia Bans Soros Foundation "A Threat To National Security And Constitutional Order"

In a statement released on Monday, The Russian Prosecutor General's Office announced the activities of the Open Society Institute and the Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation, both fronts for the gloabalisation and global government promoting Open Society, a political activist group founded and backed by billionaire George Soros, were a threat to the foundations of Russia’s Constitutional order and national security. A statement announced that the Justice Ministry would be informed of the conclusions and would add the two groups to Russia’s list of undesirable foreign organizations.

The move comes after Russia's official retaliation to the Turkish downing of its jet a week ago, in which Putin issued an executive order limiting employment for Turkish workers, restricting Turkish organizations, and reducing the amount of bilateral trade with Ankara,

Are the gloves finally coming off in the fight against those shadowy figures who are trying to destabilize the world's richest nation?

According to Russia Today, prosecutors launched a probe into the activities of the two organizations - both sponsored by the Hungarian born US financier in July this year, after Russian senators approved the so-called “patriotic stop-list” of 12 groups that required immediate attention over their supposed anti-Russian activities. Other groups on the list included the National Endowment for Democracy; the International Republican Institute; the National Democratic Institute; the MacArthur Foundation and Freedom House.

Open Society is not the first organisation to be kicked out of Russia as the return to cold war conditions accelerates: in July the Russian Justice Ministry named the US National Endowment for Democracy as an undesirable group after prosecutors discovered the US NGO had spent millions on attempts to question the legitimacy of Russian elections and tarnish the prestige of national military service.

The Law on Undesirable Foreign Organizations came into force in early June this year. It requires the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Foreign Ministry to draw up an official list of undesirable foreign organizations and outlaw their activities. Once a group is recognized as undesirable, its assets in Russia must be frozen, its offices closed and the distribution of any of its materials must be banned. That said, it is doubtful that Soros still has any active assets in Russia - his foundation, which emerged in Russia in its early post-USSR years in the mid-1990s, wrapped up active operations in 2003 when Putin cemented his control on power.

It may be significant that the first financial casualty from the year's most dramatic geopolitical event involves the most ardent "globalizer" and the person hacked emails identify as the puppet-master behind the Ukraine presidential coup.

Will the US retaliate by expanding its year-long sanctions against Russia as the world continues to hurtle towards fragmented, multi-polar chaos and possibly global war? Or will there be another provocation between NATO-member Turkey and Russia as a result, perhaps one involving Russian ship transit through the Boshporus? With events now moving fast, we should not have to wait long for an answer.


What Is A Globalist? - Globalim Explained

If you have been following political trends you will probably be bored with the words "globalist" and "globalism" which tend to be bandied about a lot. In fact the advocates of globalism far from being the social justice warriors of their imagination, are avid supporters of the establishment, centralisation of authority, the abolition of free speech, social engineering and all the socio - economic policies well - read people associate with fascism rather than liberalism.

Evidence Points To Another Snowden At The NSA
Last week, following the news that The Clinton Foundation, the computer networks of Hillary Clinton's election campaign and the US Democratic Party and also the servers operated by 'philanthropic' organisation Open Society Foundation - really a front for meddling by the billionaire left wing activist George Soros in international politics, had been hacked, we learned of a previously unknown hacker collective, "The Shadow Brokers". These hackers claimed they had hacked hacking tools from the NSA's own special-ops entity, the "Equation Group", and released these into the public domain.

Russia Sends NATO A Clear Message By Arming Fighter Jets With First Air-To-Air Missles

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Le Pen's Front National Powers Ahead In Polling For France's Regional Elections

Marine Le Pen addresses supporters (Image source)

The gap between politicians' and voters' perceptions continues to widen in France (and also in the UK, Sweden, Austria, The Netherlands and Germany it seems). News of opinion polling samples for the regional elections in France, which are due to be held next weekend shows Marine Le Pen and her Front National (FN) party are surfing a wave of popular support in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks. Latest opinion poll results show the FN is looks set to govern at least two, and possibly all three of the French regions holding elections next week.

Now the overwhelming favourite to capture north-western France and the Marseille-Nice regions, Mme Le Pen's party is also surging in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region of eastern France. Elections are set for the next two weekends, and according to polls published yesterday FN leads with momentum in all three. Such is the backing for the party, analysts say it might gain as many votes as its conservative and centrist rivals combined.

The FN has never won a regional election outright before before and next weeks votes are the first political test for French President Francois Hollande since the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. With the country reeling from that violence and grappling with border controls, FN candidates are showing “a significant increase” in support across the country, BVA polling organisation said, although it should be noted that due to his statesmanlike handling of the crisis and France's joining the Russian campaign against ISIS in Syria, President Hollande's personal popularity has increased sharply.

Though her opponents try and define her message as “racist” and “xenophobic” when she says: “The absolute rejection of Islamic fundamentalism must be proclaimed loudly and clearly”, voters are increasingly responding positively to Le Pen's message.


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Paris climate Conference Kicks Off With A Prayer To The Gods Of Greed From Bll Gates

The Bill Gates Mantra Of Self Interest (Image source)

A theme that has emerged in the run up to the Paris conference on climate change, is the the idea that only hugely expensive technological solutions for reducin CO2 emissions can save the planet. The Twitterati, in their infinite sheep like stupidity have been getting their kickers in a right old twist about it in the past few days. Today came in with an announcement that a bunch of eco-minded billionaires are calling for a big spending spree on energy technologies. The group is headed by Bill Gates, who became the richest man in the world by getting politicians and academics to help him sell poducts that were NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE. and they are offering up some of their own money, but with strings attached:

Led by Gates, about 20 private business leaders have signed on to the initiative, making their pledges conditional on governments also pledging more money, said a former U.S. government official who is familiar with the plan: - PRESS RELEASE

The first thing we need to remember here is that Bill Gates, hyped now as the world's greatest scientist, is not a scientist nor even a computer programmer, the job he went to university to study for, but dropped out of the course when he and some buddies with no professional experience of developing software or running businesses were awarded the contract to develop an operating system for the IBM Personal Computer. Could that have anything to do with his lawyer Dad's links with the CIA do you think? (You will not find anything online about that now, but it was openly spoken of among computer professionals around twenty - five years ago when we were wondering how a piece of shit like MS DOS, a blatant rip off of a rivals operating system, was picked ahead of several superior products.

But Gates lack of qualification to speak on the subject seems odd in view of the way his word is revered by world leaders when people who are eminently well qualified to comment on they physics underpinning the climate scam, such as the multiple award winning Physicist Freeman Dyson are dismissed as 'not climate scientists therefore not capable of understanding 'the science'.

Even more odd, if humanity faces an existential threat as politicians, academics and totally unqualified (to wipe their own arses in many cases) media luvvies tell us almost every day it is, and these guys have money burning a hole in their pockets, surely spending it on tech fixes is the right thing to do regardless of what the government does? Why does it only become the right thing to do if much poorer people, who may have different and more immediate priorities, are forced to contribute through green taxes?

Could it be that the world's richest selfish, fame - hungry, greedy bastard and his billionaire buddies have done a deal with politicians and international bureaucracies, "We'll help scare the punters into accepting punitive green taxes in return for a big fat chunk of the tax revenue."


Green Energy Poverty Week
As the climate science research grant phishers, brainwashed socialist idiots, tree hugging, rope sandal wearing weirdie-beardies, and green energy subsidy troughers prepare to celebrate Earch day, supporters of the common sense lobby named the week following Earth day as Green Energy Poverty Week to show respect for those plunged into fuel poverty by green energy taxes levied to fund the wind farm and solar energy subsidy millionaires.

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

EU Immigration: The People's Pushback - Immigants are now being asked to sign pledges to uphold host nation's values.

Oh dear, the politically correct left wing idiots will be furious. The latest trend to emerge in Europe as the people's pushback against immigrants who demand their host nation gives up any customs and traditions the new arrivals dislike or do not approve of (such as Muslims demanding Europeans give up eating pork or bacon because pigs are an insult to Islam), is the demand being made on new arrivals from outside the EU that they sign a pledge binding them to uphold the values and traditions of the nation where they want to live.

Immigrants outraged by the quaint European tradition of expecting people to pay a fare if they want to ride on trains (Image source)

Now nobody is suggesting that Muslims will be forced to eat pork, nobody in Europe is forced to eat pork, or anything else, if they do not want to. We are free to choose what we eat without religious interference. OK, so catholics are not supposed to eat meat on Fridays, and Jews don't eat either pork or shellfish. But they're not going to be stoned to death if they do those things. We are liberal, tolerant societies, Islam does not tolerate tolerance.

The pushback against migrant intolerance of European ways began in Eastern Europe, where countries have taken an increasingly tough approach to migration amid the spiralling numbers of those from the Middle East and North Africa coming into Europe.

However, a severe backlash in the nations of north west Europe has led Denmark imposing legal requirements on immigrants to accept Danish customs and to Holland telling newcomers to be "good neighbours" and speak the national language if they want to stay.

Migrants could be fined or lose residency for failing to uphold European values. In future, under new regulations, non-EU newcomers to the Netherlands will be forced to sign a declaration saying they will uphold Dutch values, or pay a fine of up to €1250 and have their residency revoked.

The scheme will be rolled out after successful trials across 13 local councils in the past year.

Migrants will be monitored to ensure they uphold other people's freedoms as well as participate and integrate in society, for example by learning to speak Dutch.

Hungary has already erected a barbed wire fence along its borders and both Sweden and Germany - two of the most migrant-friendly countries in the EU, both of which are experiencing epidemics of rape and sex crimes committed by immigrants against European women - have since had to back down from their 'open doors' policies which have led to a breakdown in law and order in some cities.

The Dutch social affairs minister, Lodewijk Asscher, wrote to MPs that the government was “committed to reducing the number of refugees”.

The measures come days after Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, warned the “massive influx” of refugees threatened the fall of Europe.

Read more on: Europe >> immigrant >> migrants >> Muslim >> sex >> rape

Black Belgians Refute ‘Poverty, Discrimination’ As Causes Of Arab Terror - It's A Cultural Thing

“You know, we hear a lot about how the Arabs are a fragile community that suffers, but we, ‘les blackies,’ are discriminated against, too, and we hurt nobody”, Nico Atoba, an African Christian living in Brussels told the National Post for a feature the Canadian newspaper was assembling.

French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroskepticism
Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay.

Mainstram Media Finally wake Up To Migrant Crisis
In a move that will leave many of its shocked and disoriented, The Sun, the tabloid of tits and trivia today woke up to the immigration crisis that is threatening the social stability of European nations and reported some real news.
Why Should I Integrate With New Arrivals - The Original Boggart Blog
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E U offers Turkey Cash And Membership In Return For Cooperation On Migrant Crisis

by Ian R Thorpe (blog editor)

Another boatload of illegal immigrants leave Libya for Europe. Oppressed? Victimised? Fleeing in fear of their lives? They look as if they are setting out for a picnic. (Image source)

One has to wonder whether the political leaders of western nations are all stupid, are suffering from some kind of collective insanity or really hate their own countries and cultures so much they will go to great lengths to destroy both.

In their latest exhibition of collective idiocy, European Union leaders are proposing to offer Turkey huge cash payments and special treatment to push through its application for E U membership. They hope these pledges will obtain Turkey's cooperation in slowing the surge of migrants entering Europe illegally. The offer will be made at yet another crisis summit Today (29 November 2015), although key issues remain to be hammered out.

What will not be on the agenda, we confidently predict, will be the twin issues of Turkey's involvement in smuggling oil from wells in ISIS held territory into western markets, in violation of numerous treaties, international law and United Nations resolution on terrorism, and Turkey's role as middle man in supplying US arms and ammunition to ISIS

EU Officials said the European Commission is expected to agree a three-billion-euro ($3.2 billion) cash sweetener to encourage Turkey to fund efforts to stop the flow of refugees to Europe from the conflict in Syria, 2.2 million of whom are currently in Turkey. Now it is cogent here to point out the majority of illegal migrants arriving in Turkey are not refugees from Syria, but economic migrants from elsewhere in the middle east and from north Africa. This has been documented by humanitarian aid agencies working to help the migrants.

Apart from the issues of Turkey (and significantly family members of the crooked President Edrogan) being involved in the illegal trade in ISIS oil and the supply of arms to Europe's enemies, we must also ask why our leaders are not raising questions about Turkey's genocidal war against the Kurds in the east of their country and also Turkey's track record of helping and supporting anti - western organizations throughout the middle east. And of course the sure and certain knowledge that while most Turkish people are friendly and generous, their country is run by lying, extremist shits who sympathise with the Islamic State and its aims.

but this latest betrayal of Europe's people and heritage by European Union leaders committed to the creation of a global totalitarian government does not end there.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, deputising for President Erdogan, is also set to secure a deal for the opening in December of a new chapter in Turkey’s stalled accession talks for the 28-nation bloc. This move is being pushed by Germany, whose leaders see admission of the 90 million population Islamic nations as securing a supply of cheap labour for its factories. If Turkey is admitted however it might be suicide for the Union, as several east European members are still hostile about the brutal oppression of Orthodox Christianity under the Sultan's of The Ottoman Empire before 1918.

Turkey’s act of aggression in shooting down of a Russian jet on the Syrian border on Tuesday and Erdogan’s decision to skip the summit will not do anything to ease tensions between Brussels and Ankara and have hardened anti - Turkish opinion in Greece, The Balkan States, Bulgaria, Hungary and Austria .

EU president Donald Tusk said in his invitation letter to leaders however, that the summit “will mark an important step in developing our relations and contribute to managing the migration crisis”.

Pushed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to hold the summit as she seeks to ease the refugee burden on her country, Tusk decided to go ahead with the meeting despite a major terror alert in Brussels.


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Don’t Trust The Turks

As EU leaders meet the Turkish Sultan President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,prepared to offer him whatever he asks for, on top of the five billion Euros he has already trousered in return for Turkey’s empty promises of help in controlling the flow of criminals, rapists, people traffickers and jihadists refugees from all over the middle east, Asia,and Africa Syria ...

ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.

Putin Lines Up The Big Guns As Obama 'Shoots Golf' And Kerry VacillatesThings are getting serious (and very dangerous) in Syria. ISIS do not have warplanea and SAMs are not effective against ground troops so this latest Russian move can only be interpreted as a warning to the USA

Russia's Upper Hand In Syria Forces USA To Negotiate On Assad's Future
Why is John Kerry suddenly so eager to talk to anyone and everyone about Syria now when the war between Assad and the US sponsored Sunni Jihad has been dragging on for four and a half years? Are members of the Obama administration worried that the joint Russian / Iranian campaign in the air and on land has been too successful against ISIS and exposed as a sham the efforts of the USA and it's allies to 'defeat ...

Russia Takes Over The Mid-East: Moscow Gets Green Light For Strikes In Iraq, Sets Up Alliance With Jordan
Not long ago we were reporting on the way moves in the war against ISIS had shifted the global power balance from west to east, with Putin's decisive and efficiently executed moves to drive the Islamic State forces out of Syria and Obama's failure to repond in any intelligent way demonstrating to the world that the USA had surrendered its role as the dominant military power.

Regime Change As American As Thanksgiving
US President Barack Obama is someone to almost pity. For he has the unenviable task of standing before the nations of the world and blether the self — righteous lies of western propagandists, as he did again, during recent his address to the UN General Assembly.

NATO violates treaty to support the Evil EmpireSince the Russians got fed up of Obama using his ISIS puppets to attack Russia's long time ally Syria, exposed American claims they were fighting the ragbag army of fanatics, criminals, mercenaries and ragheads The Ministry Of Truth (i.e. government public relations departments and all of western print and broadcast media) has turned the outrage generator up to eleven in their efforts to demonize Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin.

Russian Warships Launch Missile Attack On Syrian Targets, Clearing Way For Iran Ground Invasion
In was always going to happen once the Russian air force had softened up ISIS and Al Qaeda positions in Syria. With the opposition on the run (and unconfirmable reports suggesting thousands of ISIS irregulars are desterting) thanks to five days of air bombardment from some of the most advanced strike aircraft in the world, we predicted Iran would ...

Only 5 Percent Of Russian Air Strikes Hitting Islamic, British Defence Secretary Lies
After an amazing outburst from the delusional Brack Obama left the United Nations General Assembly in stunned silence because Obama has accused Russia and China of all the recent breaches of international law of which the USA is demonstably guilty, the propaganda departments of western governments seem to have totally lost their grip on reality.

We must vote for Brexit before Turkish accession.
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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Dozens in Greece and Bulgaria denounce Turkey & NATO in solidarity marches with Russia

‘Turkey’s two neighbors and historical adversaries Greece and Bulgaria have witnessed sporadic protests denouncing Ankara’s remorseless in the shooting down of the Russian Su-24 plane, as well as NATO warmongering in general,' Russia Today reported earlier.

Several dozen activists protested in Athens’ Syntagma square and marched to the Turkish embassy, where they staged a symbolic burning of American and Turkish flags. Additional police were deployed to guard the embassy as protesters voiced anger over the Sukhoi Su-24 jet downing by Ankara’s F-16 for allegedly entering Turkish airspace.

“This action of Turkey was totally unacceptable, a clear act of war, no unjustified action, an action which causes wider dangers in the area,” said Panagiotis Lafazanis, leader of fringe left-wing party Popular Unity.’

Several dozen activists protested in Athens’ Syntagma square and marched to the Turkish embassy, where they staged a symbolic burning of American and Turkish flags. Additional police were deployed to guard the embassy as protesters voiced anger over the Sukhoi Su-24 jet downing by Ankara’s F-16 for allegedly entering Turkish airspace.

“This action of Turkey was totally unacceptable, a clear act of war, no unjustified action, an action which causes wider dangers in the area,” said Panagiotis Lafazanis, leader of fringe left-wing party Popular Unity.

“We want peace in the region, both in Greece and in Turkey, also in Kurdistan, in Syria and in Ukraine. [We want] peace and also the right to the peoples to determine their fate, without interventions from outside,” said Andreas Zafiris, representing the ‘Save Syria from NATO’ and ‘Save Donbass’ organizations.

The Orthodox Chistian nations of the Hellenic peninsula, the Balkans and eastern Europe have long held a grudge against Turkey. Although the Ottoman Empire collapsed a hundred years ago, the Christians of the region cling to stories of the brutal oppression of their faith by Turkey's Islamic rulers.


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Jesus Is Not The Messiah, Turks Tell The Pope
The Gods Return To Olympus
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NATO Hypocrisy: Edrogan Threatens Russia, NATO Tolerates Turkey Helping ISIS

A tanker in the Syrian Desert. Turkey has been buying oil from ISIS for over a year (Source: Pakistan Defence

Over the past few days we have been doing our best to expose the malfeasance and covert Islamism of the regime of President Recep Edrogan in Turkey, and how members of the Edrogan family have been involved in smuggling ISIS oil shipments to markets in the west, and delivering weapons to ISIS and Al Nusra terrorists in Syria.

Now Edrogan having authorised Turkey's air force to shoot down a Russian aircraft that allegedly violated Turkish airspace (the evidence suggests the Russian aircraft did not cross the Syria / Turkey border), is further attempting to provoke Russia by warning that if the Russian military in Syria use missiles to shoot down Turkish aircraft that violate syran air space.

"This kind of an incident which may happen of course will further push us to take measures. … Of course it will be an aggression against our rights of sovereignty and it is a natural right of [Turkey] to protect those rights," Erdogan said.

Last Tuesday a Turkish F-16 shot down a Russia Su-24, claiming that the aircraft violated its airspace. Russian officials and the Su-24 pilot, who survived the crash, insist that the plane did not cross into Turkey. The crew, according to the pilot, did not receive any warning prior to the attack.

The Su-24 was involved in Russia's counterterrorism efforts in Syria aimed at assisting Damascus in its fight against ISIL and other extremist groups trying to overthrow Bashar al-Assad.

Erdogan refused to apologize for the incident, which Russian President Vladimir Putin referred to as a "stab in the back" committed by "accomplices of terrorists."

It is now thought the Turkish attack on the Russian aircraft was revenge for Russia bombing convoys of tanker trucks delivering crude oil from wells in ISIS held territory to oil terminals in Turkey where it is laundered into western markets. It is illegal for any nation to trade with terrorists, but Islamic State, not being a true nation with the financial responsibilities that involves, can undercut the OPEC nations and thus fund their ongoing war.

The question is, with NATO so determined to have a war, how long will Putin's patience hold.


Turkey and Sadui Arabia Already Have Troops Fighting In Syria
Even mainstream media has been forced to concede that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are apparently ready to send ground forces to the Syrian battlefield as Assad's forces, backed by Russian air power and Iranian elite troops but continue to grind down ISIS forces equipped with US made arms and ammunition via Saudi Arabia and funded by Turkey's illegal oil trade with the terrorist group.

ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS
Who is funding ISIS, how has the terror group managed to assemble such a large, well equipped and (apparently) well fed fighting force and been able to wage a two year war against the Assad regime in Syria, the forces of the autonomous Kurds and the army of the Iraqi government, such as it is? Who is facilitating their illegal oil trade that is keeping Islamic State afloat.

To Join Obama's Proxy War Against Russia In Syria Would Be Cameron's Greatest Folly
A look at our prospects should tway - boy Cameron succeed in obtaining parliament's approval for his wish to join Obama's coalition of dodgy political opportunists in their attempt to overthrow Syria's President Assad. Given that Putin has said many times, Assad stays, our outdated war planes don't stand an ice cube in hell's chance against Russian S34s and Growler Surface to Air missiules (SAMs). And that's without factoring in China's pledge to support it's allies Putin and Assad.

The War On Terror
The war in Iraq and Syria
Bombing is not the way to age war on ISIS
The French coalition may make ISIS retreat but cannot beat them
Washington admits ISIS is a US creation
Syria: Obama's proxy war against Russia
US and UK hypocrisy on Syria
Syria is now the biggest US foreign policy blunder ever

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Friday, November 27, 2015

MK Ultra: Have You Surrendered Your Self Control

Image source: blogspot commons

I have blogged several time specifically about the MK Ultra mind control programme begun in the 1950s by the US Government. This is no conspiracy theory, the existence of the program and its purpose has been admitted and is well documented , the programme was a series of illegal experiments in mind control run by the Scientific Intelligence in conjunction with the Special Operations Division of the US Military.

There is a very well sourced and referenced on MK Ultra at Wikipedia and many other sites cover it in great depth. Although as mentioned I have blogged about the topic several times it was always in the context of other suspected mind control techniques governments appeared to be deploying and usually in a tongue in cheek style. Nonetheless I was called a Conspiray Theorist by those brainwashed dorks who believe we ordinary punters should NEVER EVER QUESTION AUTHORITY.

What made me think of it today? Well all the hyperbolic propaganda for war on an enemy that does not really exist following the Paris terrorist outrage has made a lot of us 'conspiracy theorists' (we don't mind being called that, in fact it amuses us because on a long time line we are always proved to be right) aware that although nobody can prove claims the atrocity was a 'false flag' event, it has been siezed as an opportunity to spread fear and panic in order to remove civil liberties by France and other governments on the European mainland.

Which prompted Vigilant Citizen to blog:
Laura Branigan’s hit “Self Control” is the epitome of everything 80s, but is also the epitome of everything MK ULTRA: a disturbing story of a MK slave manipulated by an abusive handler.

Released in 1984, Self Control rocked disco clubs around the world as ladies wearing big curly hair and shoulder pads danced frenetically with men wearing thick mustaches and majestic mullets. All of these beautiful people sang “I, I live among the creatures of the night” without realizing what it truly meant. They thought it was about a girl enjoying the nightlife – but that is only the face value.
The video of Self Control adds a significant layer to the song, one that is rather troubling. The singer is  stalked by a masked man, who eventually ends up shirtless in her bedroom. Combined with the MK symbolism peppered through the video, Self Control becomes a tribute to the occult elite, a promotion of its symbolism and a celebration of their most sadistic practice: Monarch mind control (if you’ve never heard of this, please read this article before continuing).
When the video was released in 1984, the music industry was beginning to adopt the music video as a promotional tool and Self Control was rather groundbreaking in its scope. It was also the first video to be directed by Oscar-winning director William Friedkin, the director of The Exorcist.
When hiring a director who is famous for terrorizing an entire generation with the story of a demon-possessed girl, a certain level of creepiness is expected. And Friedkin surely delivered. However, contrarily to The Exorcist, the most disturbing elements of Self Control are not in your face, but are instead implied through symbolism.

If you’ve read other articles on this site [Vigilant Citizen], you will probably find the symbolism easy to recognize, and even blatant. In short, it is a shameless celebration of the occult elite’s mind control agenda during an era when only a few people even knew these these things existed. Let’s look at the video.

Note the subliminal symbolism, the way the young woman is controlled and subjugated, and by the end of the five minute video appears to have been made totally dependent on her controller. Note the faceless people, note how the imagery depicts somebody disassociated from her world, and is the constant stream of propaganda not intended to disassociate us from reality. War is good for business as I have said many times, but 'we' are many, 'they' are few, and they must obtain our sipport for war. And so the fear factor must be whipped up.  And the best way to do that is by manufacturing an existential threat to our nation and way of life and using it to spread fear and panic throught the population..
Still believe it is all a conspiracy theory, or are you starting to wonder if there might be something in it>

France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree

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Turkish Convoy Allegedly Carrying Weapons To ISIS Bombed In Syria

Yesterday we brought you the news that Bilal Edrogan, the son of Turkey's President Recep Edrogan was the
war criminal'entrepreneur' behind the tanker convoys that have been transporting oil from well in areas controlled by Islamic State, to Turkey and moving millions of US dollars in the other direction to fund the terrorist group's war against civilized values.

Today's news looks even worse for the ordinary people of Europe as our leaders renew their committment to fast tracking Turkey's entry into the European Union.

A convoy of Turkish heavy trucks, which according to some reports was transporting weapons to terrorist organizations, has been hit by apparent airstrikes in northwestern Syria. It is not yet known whose aircraft were responsible for the attack.

Footage published online by Istanbul-based Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) shows plumes of smoke from the burning trucks and people running about in panic while stills show firefighters and IHH personnel trying to put out the burning trucks. At least 20 trucks were engulfed in flames.

IHH personnel help to fight fires after a convoy en route to Syria was bombed (Source: IHH Foundation

IHH said the mission was not organized by any of their group. No organization has yet claimed ownership of the convoy "Our teams helped to extinguish the fire... The trucks do not belong to us and there is no information on who bombed them," Mustafa Özbek, an official from İHH, told Reuters.

At least seven people were killed and 10 injured in the incident, according to the Turkish Anadolu agency. The trucks were reportedly heading to the town of Azaz in northwestern Syria.

Since news of the attack, which took place near Azaz in northern syria emerged, there has been frantic speculation about who was behind the air strike, what the vehicles were carrying, what the convoy’s 'humanitarian mission' was, or whether the purpose of the enterprise was to deliver a more sinister load.

One of the aid workers who survived the incident said the trucks had been deliberately targeted, Reuters reported.

The nature of the ‘humanitarian aid’ is also in question. Turkish media and the IHH say the trucks were transporting humanitarian aid to refugees in Azaz. However, the Turkish Cumhuriyet newspaper cited sources within the Syrian government claiming the convoy was delivering weapons to terrorist organizations.

The Hawar news agency reported that Turkey has repeatedly sent convoys with arms to the Al-Nusra Front and other terrorist organizations under the guise of humanitarian aid. In view of yesterday's report of the Edrogan dynaty's involvement with ISIS that looks a very credible claim.

Unconfirmed reports on Twitter went further and identified the arms as allegedly “Docka machine guns” and “small arms with ammunitions.”

In the wake of the recent downing of a Russian Air Force bomber over Syria by Turkish fighter jets, some reports suggested the Russians were “avenging” the pilot’s death. Many media outlets thought it was the work of Vladimir Putin. While it is beyond doubt that Putin will strike back in some way, these reports are based purely on speculation. They cannot be dismissed however.

Other sources have suggested the airstrikes were carried out by Syrians, without specifying whether it was members of the Syrian Army loyal to President Bashar Assad, or one of the various Syrian rebel groups. However none of the rebel groups have warplanes, so such suggestions can be dismissed. If Syrian war planes were involved they were Assad's.

Tagged with Syria: click for all posts

Turkey has ‘serious questions’ to answer: Reactions to RT report on post-ISIS town in Syria

The stream of accusations is growing against Ankara over illegal oil trade and support of Islamic State, with politicians and experts calling for Turkey to be held accountable for its actions after a new batch of evidence gathered by RT.

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

We must vote for Brexit before Turkish accession.
The War On Terror
The war in Iraq and Syria
Bombing is not the way to age war on ISIS
The French coalition may make ISIS retreat but cannot beat them
Washington admits ISIS is a US creation
Syria: Obama's proxy war against Russia
US and UK hypocrisy on Syria
Syria is now the biggest US foreign policy blunder ever

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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS

ISIS: Know Your Enemy - Who Of Those We Think Are On Our Side Is Helping ISIS

Edrogan's Covert Islamist Regime In Turkey Hit By Russian Destruction Of Oil Convoys

by Ian R Thorpe, 26 November, 2015

Uncle sam, Turkey and Israel roll out the red carpet (source: Syria Free Press via Fars news agency)

We had this story on the 19 November, but did not publish it, not because we were being highly diligent in fact checking, not because we had better stories to bring you, but simply because for us new media journalists who write for the love of it or to get news and ideas out that will not be covered by mainstream media or simply because we like the thought of hundreds (or thousands if we are lucky) of readers seeing our words on their screens, but simply because sometimes real life has first call on our time.

The conflict in the middle east, involving Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, the USA, France, other EU contingents, Turkey, the Free Kurds and anyone else who feels like having a go has now reached such a complex state of entanglement however, that people really need an in depth understanding of what is going on, the kind of investigation you will not see in print news or on television, where the simplistic view is "we" are the guys in white hats, "they" are the ones wearing black hats.

In fact some people we think are friends are wearing black bandanas sporting the ISIS logo UNDER their white hats, in order to disguise where their true loyalties lie.

The extent to which the leaders of the corrupt regime in Turkey's entanglement with ISIS has became apparent last weekend when an incensed Erdogan ordered a retaliatory strike against Russian jets operating over Syria in revenge for Russia's attacking convoys of tanker trucks loaded with oil from wells in territory controlled by the Islamic State and heading for Turkey. Russian air strikes reportedly destroyed 1,000 tankers between the 19th and 25th November.

But why is Turkey, a NATO member involved in this illegal trade, which violates every international treaty and law prohibiting trade with or support for terrorism? Not for financial or strategic reasons, but because the regime in Turkey, which is widely rumoured to have stolen the recent election when the opposition had been expected to win because of corruption in the government. Here's how deep that corruption is.

President Recip Erdogan's son Bilal is the man behind the movement of ISIS oil to Turkey in huge convoys, the convoys Russia has attacked and destroyed, provoking Edrogan's angry response.


Assad Accuses Erdogan Of Putting Combat Troops In Syria

As we suspected, the US / Russian / EU brokered ceasefire in Syria is not going to stop Turkey's Recep Erdogan (wannabe Sultan of a new Ottoman Empire?) from pursuing his territorial ambitions in Syria. So long as Erdogan has Nanny NATO's apron to hide behind he will keep provoking Russia.?

Don’t Trust The Turks
As EU leaders meet the Turkish Sultan President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,prepared to offer him whatever he asks for, on top of the five billion Euros he has already trousered in return for Turkey’s empty promises of help in controlling the flow of criminals, rapists, people traffickers and jihadists refugees from all over the middle east, Asia,and Africa Syria ...

Leaked Transcripts Prove ISIS-Turkey Link
Turkey had been widely criticized for not doing enough to assist in the fight against ISIS. In fact, we have published here a lot of evidence to suggest that Ankara was cooperating with the group by ensuring funds through illegal oil trades and acting as a conduit for US supplied weapons. Turkey's links with ISIS are so undeniable and well documented now, even mainstream media have had to start reporting this news ...
Cameron’s EU Package: Not A Deal But A Few Turns In The Spinner

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response

Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria

The idea that ISIS has very close links with the USA has gone beyond conspiracy theory, or anti US propaganda, the proof is out there. We have previously reported on the US government's links to ISIS and revealed the vital role of NATO member Turkey in supporting the terrorists in their campaign which aims to create an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

The War On Terror
Latest Posts

US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria
The idea that ISIS has very close links with the USA has gone beyond conspiracy theory, or anti US propaganda, the proof is out there. We have previously reported on the US government's links to ISIS and revealed the vital role of NATO member Turkey in supporting the terrorists in their campaign which aims to create an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

Turkey has ‘serious questions’ to answer: Reactions to RT report on post-ISIS town in Syria

The stream of accusations is growing against Ankara over illegal oil trade and support of Islamic State, with politicians and experts calling for Turkey to be held accountable for its actions after a new batch of evidence gathered by RT.

We must vote for Brexit before Turkish accession.

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European Union and Google Get Ready To Rumble

The European Commission has been accusing Google of using its dominant web position for several years and is investigating its many online services. Things seem to be coming to a head however.

(EU's Big Clunking Fist heading towards Google: (image source)

On April 15th the European Commission sent a “statement of objections”, an indictment of sorts, to Google, accusing it of abusing its dominant position in the internet-search market and reviving an antitrust case that has dragged on for five years. A day earlier Günther Oettinger, the European Union’s digital commissioner, gave a speech arguing that it was necessary to “replace today’s web search engines, operating systems and social networks.”

Earlier this month (November 2015) however, in a document leaked to The Wall street Journal,Google said it had taken measures to preempt the lengthy antitrust probes currently being carried out by the European Commission. Oddly, that approach failed.

Speaking at the EU's Internal Market sub-committee, Adam Cohen, head of competition and economy policy for Europe, Middle East and Africa for Google, said: "We did take that approach with the European Commission in 2012, we made a set of voluntary measures designed to address the core areas of this case that would speed things along – and that was unsuccessful," he said. Cohen gave no clues as to what those exact measures were.

The part of the EU's investigations that has generated most press coverage is the EU Commission's accusation that the internet giant has abused its market position for internet search services by systematically skewing results towards its own shopping comparison product in its general search results pages.

However, Cohen, with arrogance typical of a silicon valley senior executive was dismissive of the EU process. "When regulators stop talking about you it might be a sign that you are less successful. Big successful companies are open to scrutiny and should let the facts speak for themselves."

According to a hefty legal response to the allegation, reported by The Wall Street Journal, Google said in typically verbose, convoluted and obfuscatory language, there is “no basis” for the claims.

It said: “The theory on which the [EU’s] preliminary conclusions rest is so ambiguous that the Commission itself concluded three times that the concern had been resolved,” Google’s lawyers wrote in the document."

The EU decided that the commitment to openness made in the document was in fact insufficient, and that Google needed to offer more.

'If the Commission decides to end the commitment process it must provide reasons for the change in position,' the Google document says, arguing that the EU 'has not provided substantiated reasons as to why it found the previous commitments insufficient.' Google now contends that the demands of EU regulators amount to 'a demand that [Google] sacrifice quality to subsidise competitors'.

The response also calls into question the legal grounds upon which EU officials are demanding that Google changes its search algorithms to treat comparison-shopping competitors equally in search results. Google has argued that the EU would need to show that the results are essential as a public utility in order to place the charges within a legal framework for the duty to supply. However, the response states that the charge sheet 'does not (and cannot) establish the legal conditions for such a duty.'

It now looks as if Google's legal manoeuvreing has been blocked by the EU and hearings will begin early next year.


White House Official Cozied Up to Google Before Antitrust Lawsuit Was Shelved

As The Federal Trade Commission considered whether to charge Google with violating antitrust laws in January 2013, the Obama White House, which as we have reported previously has a mutually beneficial relationship with the world domination freaks who run Google was watching closely, and apparently was eager to protect the interests of Obama's friends.

Silicon Valley Business Model Threatened As Wireless Carriers Start Blocking Online Ads
It looks like the founding hippy's insane business polan for the internet, get rich by giving stuff away, is finally about to foll apart. Typoically of the Californin dope head culture of Silicon Valley, the tech companies were stealing other peoples' resources to make their ad revenue.
Cameron's EU Deal As Worthless As Neville Chamberlain's 'Peace In Our Time.'?

Opinion polls show Britain is evenly divided on the question of whether to leave or remain in the EU, though it has been suggested up to 10 million other voters, many of them women, have yet to make a decision. How they cast their vote will shape the future of the world’s fifth largest economy and the EU itself.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Forget Climate Science, We Need A Green Revolution That Starts At The Grassroots, Not Government

Fasces: An axe with a bundle of sticks bound around the shaft, it symbolised the unbreakable power of the central authority in the Roman Empire.

For three centuries the nations of Europe, and their offspring on the American and Australian continents have stampeded towards material affluence and constant economic growth ruthlessly exploiting the planet's resources regardless of the effects on the envioronment or societies whose development was low - tech across the globe, the people in these societies were subjugated, slaughtered or sidelined to subsist as best they could while the great eonomic powers trampled on their land and way of life.

In turn it was Rome, Byzantium, France, Portugal, Spain, Britain and now Washington as the dominant economic power that sought to establish hegemony and destroy any rivals. In the case of the latter the rivals, Russia and China seem to be gaining the upper hand. While Washington It alone believes as if it has a right to be the sole beneficiary of this resource eating frenzy (American exceptionalism) Russia and China have been quietly buying influence in Africa, Asia and South America without pissing off the locals too much.

It has been estimated that if every nation matched US levels of material consumption we would need over 4 earths to sustain us. US citizens constitute 5 percent of the world’s population but account for 24 percent of global energy usage. Now consider the consequences of a US-style model of ‘development’ rolled out across the world. It would be unsustainable for the planet to have a dozen ‘Americas'. The global economy is based on a belief in the feasibility of infinite GDP growth being sold to the world via the neoliberal or neocon globalisation agenda promoted by the G20 group of nations, the United Nations, European Union, World bank and IMF It is a cynical deception and has already led us to the brink of east - west war and regional proxy wars that have caused environmental devastation, poverty, homelessness and a humanitarian crisis.

This snippet from an article published in 2001 shows how western interference in third world societies and economies destroys the very people advocates of globalism claim it will help.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky on Ethiopia:

“The “economic therapy” imposed under IMF-World Bank jurisdiction is in large part responsible for triggering famine and social devastation in Ethiopia and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa, wreaking the peasant economy and impoverishing millions of people. With the complicity of branches of the US government, it has also opened the door for the appropriation of traditional seeds and landraces by US biotech corporations, which behind the scenes have been peddling the adoption of their own genetically modified seeds under the disguise of emergency aid and famine relief.

Moreover, under WTO rules, the agri-biotech conglomerates can manipulate market forces to their advantage as well as exact royalties from farmers. The WTO provides legitimacy to the food giants to dismantle State programmes including emergency grain stocks, seed banks, extension services and agricultural credit, etc.), plunder peasant economies and trigger the outbreak of periodic famines.”

The USA has only been able to consume at such excessive levels for the past five decades because the US dollar serves as the world reserve currency, which means high demand for it is guaranteed as most international trade (especially oil - the petrodollar) has been carried out using the dollar. US global hegemony depends on it maintaining the dollar’s leading role but recently China has been challenging this.

As long as it holds the reserve currency Washington is able to run a huge balance of payments deficit by using its debt (treasury bonds denominated in dollars) as security on it borrowings, then use the petro-dollar to dictate the prices it will pay for its imports. Through this debt imperialism Washington has been able to hitch a free ride courtesy of the rest of the world. All that is changing however.

While we ordinary punters are distracted with sex scandals at home and terrorists rampaging through the middle east and Africa, the US / EU / NATO confrontation with Russia / China / Iran this blog has been reporting in Currency Wars is getting into a very dangerous state. While the Chinese and Russian led move to dump the US dollar as global reserve currency is causing economic chaos, the USA attempts to provoke armed conflict with Russia are getting more reckless and desperate.

To avoid destruction of our way of life 9because the leaders of Russiand and China don't care what hapens to us, to save our civilisation, we must reject scams that aim to hamstring our businesses with punitive carbon taxes and start a grassroots green revolution. Consume less, don't be part of the throwaway society, don't scrap good stuff that is still doing the job, because it is not the latest model. Everything has an environmental impact. Use less. Live smaller.


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Russia Battle Cruiser Parked Off Syria Has Orders To Shoot Down Any Target Threatening Russian Interests

The Moskva (‘Moscow’) missile cruiser now standing off the Syrian coast. (image source)

The Kremlin has hinted it will halt military cooperation with Turkey after a Russian warplane flying a mission against ISIS and Free Syrian Army (FSA) targets in Syria was shot down by Turkish air force pilots. Russian General Staff representatives said on Tuesday that measures to strengthen security around the Russian air base in Syria will be taken.

Sergey Rudskoy, of the Russian General Staff, condemned the attack on the Russian plane, which evidence suggest did not violate Turkey's airspace, by Turkish fighter jets as “a severe violation of international law”. He stressed that the Su-24 was downed over the Syrian territory, four kilometers away from the Turkish border, he said.

Additionally, according to the Hmeymim airfield radar, it was the Turkish fighter jet that actually entered Syrian airspace to attack the Russian aircraft.

The Turkish fighter jet made no attempts to contact Russian pilots before attacking the bomber, Rudskoy added.

“We assume the strike was carried out with a close range missile with an infra-red seeker,” Rudskoy said. “The Turkish jet made no attempts to communicate or establish visual contact with our crew that our equipment would have registered. The Su-24 was hit by a missile over Syria’s territory.”

Vladimir Putin was said to be furious about the attack and the follow up which saw Syrian guerillas fighting against Assad bring down a Russian rescue helicopter with an anti tank missile supplied by the USA. Shortly after Putin warned there would be serious consequences following the attack, Russian guided missile cruiser Moskva, equipped with the ‘Fort’ air defense system, similar to the S-300, was order to a position off Latakia province's coast.

"We warn that every target posing a potential threat will be destroyed,” lieutenant general Sergey Rudskoy said during the press briefing on the move.

from Russia Today
The Moskva (‘Moscow’) missile cruiser is a flagship vessel of the Russian Black Sea fleet and is one of the fleet’s two biggest ships. The cruiser was stationed in Sevastopol but left in summer 2015 after being deployed to the Mediterranean Sea where it joined Russia’s standing naval force in the Mediterranean.

Since September 30, the Moskva cruiser acts as a covering force for the Russian air forces in Syria while deployed in the eastern Mediterranean.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Turkish Warplanes Shoot Down Russian Su24 Near Syrian Border - And More

by Ian R Thorpe
Also in this page (click title to skip to):
Russian Pilots shot By Syrian Rebels While Parachuting To Safety
CIA Backed Syrian Rebels Shoot Down Russian Helicopter With US-Supplied Missile

There is a giant fan in the middle east, it has stirred up trouble since time immemorial. And right now there is a big, brown, smelly, cigar shaped object hurtling towards it at high speed. And the only people who can possibly stop it seem intent on propelling it towards those spinning blades more and more quickly.

The first news of the day that sent you Boggart Bloggers running for cover before the big brown smelly geopolitical thing hits the fan was that a Turkish F-16 fighter plane shot down what was initially said to be an unidentified warplane near the Syrian border after it violated Turkey's airspace. A Turkish military official said the nationality of the downed aircraft was not immediately clear although if we assume that American, French and British planes would be approved in Turkish airspace, being theoretically on the same side, and apply the certainty that ISIS have no warplanes, it would have to be Russian.

Russian Su24 goes down in flames near Turkey / Syria border (image source)

Within moments of the news breaking that was confirmed to be the case

The Russian jet crashed in the mountainous Jabal Turkmen area of Latakia, where air strikes and fighting between rebels and Syrian government forces were reported earlier on Tuesday. According to Reuters, Turkish F16s warned the jet repeatedly over the airspace violations before shooting it down. Officials in Moscow said the Su24 did not violate Turkish air space; (well they would say that, wouldn't they?)

Shortly after the act of war against Russia by a NATO member was confirmed, the Turkish Lira went down like a lead Zepplin on currency markets while Europe stock markets plunged. The Turkish Defense Ministry was later reported in local media to have said said the Su-24 jet was warned after violating Turkish airspace and was then downed in line with Turkey’s rules of engagement, Anadolu says, citing officials at the presidency.

Russian defense officials responded almost immediately, sating that the incident will be deemed a clear act of aggression by a NATO-member country against Russia, the Russian Air Force said it could prove the aircraft was over Syria for the entire flight.

The ministry added that the pilots ejected, according to preliminary info, and that Russia trying to determine their fates, Interfax reports. Interfax also adds that the plane was probably downed by fire from ground, and that it had been flying at flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters.

Meanwhile, Turkish media reported that either one or both of the pilots may have been captured by Turkmen forces located in the region.


ISIS French coalition
Why Bombing Will Not Beat ISIS
As we always sais, ISIS is the USA's creation
Syria is a proxy war against Russia for the USA
US and UK hypoicrisy abour Syria war
Will Syria be a bigger foreign policy cock up than Viet Nam for USA
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Russian Pilots shot By Syrian Rebels While Parachuting To Safety

by Arthur Foxake
If Putin was angry at the shooting down of a Russian plane, which may or may not have crossed Turkish territory - reports on both sides are conflicting, be like a bear with piles as well as a sore head on hering that, according to Turkey's Dogan News, the Russian pilots who had parachuted in an attempt to save their lives after the plane was shot down, had been executed while parachuting down by local rebels, which considering video released earlier belonged to the Free Syrian Army, Obama's "moderate rebels" who are funded directly by the CIA. The parachutes appear about half way through this short clip.

A video released by the Free Syrian Army (linked - we decided not to post it) shows rebels opening fire on the Russian airmen while they are parachuting down. As one commentator in the YouTube thread notes, someone shouts over the gun fire, "don't fire. Let's take them prisoners. Don't fire. Prisoners". A later video claimed to showed at least one of the airmen was dead. We can only hope it was typical Islamic extremist propaganda.

And then it gets worse ...

CIA Backed Syrian Rebels Soot Down Russian Helicopter With US-Supplied Missile

Only hours after Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 warplane near the border with Syria, the Free Syrian Army (more specifically Alwiya al-Ashar), Obama's 'moderate rebels' released video footage of guerillas celebrating over the body of a dead Russian pilot.

In a second serious escalation, another FSA-aligned group claimed to have shot down a Russian search and rescue helicopter.

You can read more detailed coverage here, but just note that if the FSA's 1st Coastal Brigade did indeed use an American-made TOW missile to destroy a Russian aircraft, it confirms exactly news reports from yesterday (Monday 24 November) which detailed the American, Turkish, and Saudi-sponsored program to supply anti-tank missiles to the Syrian opposition:

Obviously, this is the very definition of absurdity. It would be bad enough if the US were supplying TOWs to anyone in Syria. But this is Washington and Riyadh handing anti-tank missiles to forces that are firing them at the Iranians who are operating under cover of Russian airstrikes. Just to drive that home: the US is waging war against Iran and Russia with but one degree of separation.

Now, the FSA has released what it says is footage of the TOW attack (this version via Israeli news organisation Haaertz).

Turkish Convoy Allegedly Carrying Weapons To ISIS Bombed In Syria

Why is NATO member Turkey breaking every aspect of international law and United Nations charter by trading with isis and why are the USA and other NATO members condoning it, while EU leaders pledge to fast track membership for the Islamist state?
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