The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Russian influence in Middle East and North Africa waxes as NATO’s wanes

Russia is considering a request for arms supplies from the government of Iraq, which until now has been virtually a US puppet. According to Strategic Culture the statement was made by a Russian official during the IDEX-2017 arms exhibition in Abu Dhabi. Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) Deputy Director Alexei Frolkin said that Russian-Iraqi military technical cooperation “is developing quite effectively.” According to him, Russia is rendering significant military assistance to Iraq, which is still fighting the Islamic State (IS) incursion into its territory.

On January 30, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow did not rule out the possibility of offering military assistance to Iraq in the fight against the Islamic extremist terrorist group if Baghdad makes further requests. The statements on arms supplies come amid the ongoingoperation to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul, which began in October, 2016. Iraqi troops have managed to advance in the eastern part of the city, but the western part – on the right bank of the Tigris River – remains under militants’ control.

Russia and Iraq have a track record of successful military cooperation. In October 2012, Iraq signed a $4.2 billion deal to include a combination of 43 Mi-35 (28) and Mi-28NE (15) attack helicopters, plus 42-50 Pantsir-S1 combined short to medium range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft artillery weapons systems. The contract was fulfilled last October as the attack helicopters and anti-aircraft systems had been delivered to the Iraqi military.

The Iraqi armed forces inventory also includes Russia-produced TOS1ABuratino heavy flame throwers, Grad truck-mounted 122mm multiple rocket launchers, 152mm MSTA howitzers, Su-25 attack planes and armored vehicles.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Russia-made weapons are widely used in the battle for Mosul.TOS-1A heavy flamethrower system is a 220mm 24-barrel multiple rocket launcher and thermobaric weapon mounted on a T-72 tank chassis. It is designed for defeating enemy personnel in fortifications, in open country, and in lightly armored vehicles and transport. In addition to traditional incendiary rockets, it can also fire thermobaric rockets. When fired, the rockets disperse a cloud of flammable liquid into the air around the target, and then ignite it. The explosion is significantly longer and the shockwave is much stronger than a conventional warhead. All the oxygen in the near vicinity is also consumed, creating a partial vacuum. It is a formidable weapon to strike terrorists hidden in bunkers and caves, like in Mosul, for instance. A full salvo of the system’s 24 rockets will make a rectangle 200 meters by 400 meters to incinerate more than eight city blocks.

The Wall Street Journal reported in December that a Russian Kornet anti-tank guided missile destroyed 120 IS truck bombs in Iraq. Reportedly, it obliterated a US-made Abrams tank. The Kornet can defeat reactivearmorand penetratesteel armorup to one meter deep.

But hey, fellow westerners, let's take comfort from the fact that during the eight years of Obama's presidency, the rights of gay soldiers in the US military have advanced way beyond anything Russia and China have done for gays? What do you mean, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I'm simply telling the truth.

Terrorist Friendly Obama Doctrine In Foreign Policy Has Made The World More Unstable
A highly critical look at the ongoing disaster of American Foreign Policy, in particular relating to the middle east, during the Obama administration. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are the main catastrophes, there are plenty of others.

Russia's Surprise Withdrawal From Syria? "If We Don't Go Away, We Can't Come back Again.

There is no doubt that the withdrawal is not quite what it seems to be, but more likely a tactical move by the Russians. The Kremlin feels it has done enough to secure the regime of President Assad, the remnants of the Sunni Muslim Free Syrian Army are no longer capable of mounting a challenge and the Syrians, along with Shi'ite militias in Iraq and Kurdish irregulars, backed by Iranian Republic an Guard troops ought to be capable of dealing with ISIS

Propaganda War: US Officials Working to Keep Russia, Europe at Odds
Speaking to the US Senate Armed Services Committee this month, Breedlove said that " Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration from Syria in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve." These irrational remarks, and the mainstream media's ability to convey them with a straight face, are an indication of a broken system, experts suggest.

Support For EU / US Sanctions On Russia Declining In Central Europe

This is the kind of stuff we and sites like ours have to bring you because you will never see it in mainstream media or on broadcast news. Voices in the EU calling for lifting the anti-Russian sanctions are getting increasingly loud as the sanctions imposed by Brussels and the USA, continue to hurt the nations that imposed them more than they hurt Russia.

The Business of War: Defense Sales Keep Economies Of Manufacturing Nations Afloat
Tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced due to 'humanitarian' interventions by the developed nations (led by the USA, France and the UKm the FUKUS axis) in the domestic politics of third world nation. Usually the interventions support rebel groups who if they came to power would be far more oppressive and brutal regime than the one they replaced.

Kissinger, The Original Dr. Evil

I do not totally agree that Kissinger is the sole architect of the New World Order. The recently deceased super - bureaucrat Maurice Strong must have been a contender, likewise David Rockefeller and Jacob Rothschild. Soros was a late arrival on the scene but there are a few other geriatric Bilderberg Group regulars who are on record as saying the only way forward for humanity (i.e. their personal advantage) was a global totalitarian government of elitists ...

USA To Blame For Europe's Migrant Crisis Says Putin
Appearing at the inaugural Moscow-hosted Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, the Russian President has blamed the migrant crisis emanating from the Middle East on America. He also blamed European states for backing US efforts to spread democracy, which he said were responsible for the current exodus of people sweeping across the EU.

Refugee Crisis Or Existential Battle With USA for Europe

It has been clear for some years now that the USA, backed by its main NATO and EU military allies the UK and France (the FUKUS axis has been trying to provoke Russian into firing the shot that will be heard around the world and recognised as the startiung signal for World War Three.
Nothing is ever as it seems to be however, and views from middle east and far eastern journals suggest the USA is also working at destabilizing EU nations in order to force their support in its wars.

Is Russian Army Beginning to Engage in Syria
Those of us with eyes to see and ears to hear (h/t some bloke called Jesus) have know of the involvement of US troops in Syria for a considerable time. Given that the American military are active in over a hundred nations around the world, Washington's meddling in the domestic politics of soveeign nations comes as no surprise. It is more disturbing to learn that Russian troops are getting involved in Syria, to support Assad in his struggle against American - backed revolutionaries ...

Russia Just Sent out a Message NATO Should Better Listen To

The key paragraph from the latest official Russian naval doctrine is that Putin and his military advisers have sent a clear message that NATO encroachment is unacceptable. To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this, The Daily Stirrer and many other alternative media news and analysis sites have been warning for about two years that Obama's foreign policy was making conflict inevitable.

Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine
While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

UK University Offers Tutorials On ‘Dealing With Right-Wing Attitudes in Class’

It has long been known that our universities are the petri dishes of the Cultural Marxist revolution. No doubt those neo - fascist who 'identify' as left wing think of such places as crucibles of their revolution, but a crucible is a vessel in which extreme heat is used to create altered states and Cultural Marxism is cold, slimy and toxic, the kind of thing creepy scientists intent on causing mayhem would create in a secret laboratory concealed in the empty magma chamber of an extinct volcano. And the lefties, with their anti - liberty, anti - free speech, anti - democratic agenda are getting creepier.

It the lastest example of how close to Stalinism leftists now are, the University of Sussex has been getting a lot of well earned flak for suppressing right-wing points of view after hosting a seminar purporting to teach students how to “deal with right-wing attitudes in the classroom”.

Critics claim the seminar, organised by a leading professor at the University, reveals the systemic political bias in British higher education.

Spokespersons for the National Union of brainwashed morons Students (NUS) mocked the claims however, suggesting the right wingers referred to are those extremists identified in government anti-terror programs were the real persecuted group on campuses. This is exposed as being disingenuous by the facts that:
a) Islamic extremists have never been referred to as right wing
b) Left wing students and dossers have always referred toi criticism of Islamic extremism as 'Islamophobia' and generally shown themselves to be well disposed towards Islamic hate preachers, while willing to deny opponents of Islamic fundamentalism

“Boohoo, a right winger feels marginalised. Meanwhile, activists are served with injunctions and referred to Prevent”, wrote Shelly Asquith, NUS Vice President of Welfare, on Twitter.

Although the NUS claims to speak for millions of students in the UK, most members support only extends to paying their subs in order to benefit from prices in the union bar. In fact several universities have recently disaffiliated from the Union after they elected a radical left wing president who has been found guilty of anti-Semitism in an internal report.

Not every staff member or student representative at Sussex is a nutter. Dan Hough, a politics professor, posted a picture of a poster for the event on Twitter, captioned: “Perhaps we should just talk about, analyse and then evaluate all positions in any given debate, no?” Such reasonable attitudes are not fashionable in the UK education / indoctrination system however,

Professor Alan Smithers, head of the center for education and employment at Buckingham University, told The Telegraph it is “alarming” that such workshops were taking place.

“The university is letting its prejudices show if it is conflating right-wing opinions with homophobia and racial prejudice,” he said.

“It is very sad the way universities are going. Within universities there has always been a spectrum of views and one of the pleasures of universities is having them rub against each other.

“That is what university is about – enabling its students to think widely and critically and come to their own views crucially backed by evidence.”

This is correct, but as our blogs have shown again and again, this demonization of non - Marxist/globalist views can be traced to organisations linked to the billionaire financial trader George Soros who has quite openly stated his aim is to destroy western civilisation and create a global, authoritarian government. And so the capitalism hating leftie students have duped themselves into hating the uber capitalist.

Harry Howard, a third-year History and Politics student, said he was “shocked and angry” to find there is a “worrying aversion” to right wing opinions at the university, adding, “universities should be intellectually diverse, rather than echo chambers of left wing opinion”.


University free speech society told free speech a ‘red risk’, external speakers must be vetted>University free speech society told free speech a ‘red risk’, external speakers must be vetted
Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.

Academics Warn Politically Correct Universities ‘Are Killing Free Speech’

Free speech is under attack from politicians and minority rights activists, but when universities start censoring ideas, society is in trouble. So what is going on when speakers who have challenged the politically correct consensus are denied a platform to speak on unrelated topics.

Tacit Approval From US Liberals For Islamic Indoctrination In US Schools.

Some schools in US State Of Virginia are closed today, because parents objected to Islamic indoctrination by the state education system. The US Constitution's clauses on the separation of church and state forbid the promotion of any specific religious teaching, in fact US liberals tend to get their knickers in a twist over signs in classrooms that show the motto "In God we trust."

New UK 'Living Wage' Rules Making Businesses Reluctant To Hire
Concerns about a new, higher UK minimum wage (Chancellor George Osborne's 'living wage' are making UK businesses reluctant to hire new staff. Uncertainty about the 'living wage' rules is contributing to a significant slowdown in hiring via recruitment firms, according to recruitment industry sources >>>

Eight Subjects That Ought To Be Part Of The Manadtory Curriculum For Basic Education?

Should subjects like meditation and gardening be part of the school currriculum? Or as one high school in Massachusetts, USA, seems to believe, classes in analyzing conspiracy theories (if taught properly this could help students distinguish between a true conspiracy theory, a fantasy and what is legitimate questioning of official propaganda. The embedded article from Collective Evolution presents some interesting ideas.

Students censored – An Academic Community In A Crisis Of Collectivism.

Intellectual freedom in our universities is under threat from ... intellectuals. So overbearing have the left wing screechers of bourgeois politically correct leftism now become that even the universities have surrendered to the intellectual control freakery of cultural Marxism. But if universities are now dedicated to turning out dull minded conformists, what hope is there for western society?

Who Should Make Decision About Childrens' Welfare, Parents Or Authoritarian Left Wing Schoolteachers?

We like stories about bureaucrats abusing their authority and about schoolteachers (especially head teachers) letting their inner fascist out of the closet. So a story than combines both, like this tale of a South Yorkshire primary school head who banned packed lunches because out of concern for 'her' children's welfare she wanted them to have no alternative to the nutrition free slop served by the school kitchen.

Poor white pupils put off school by multicultural timetable

Education, should it be about learning to read, write, spell and calculate? Or should it be about feminism, gay rights, black history and 'gender awareness' whatever that is? For many years we have had multiculturalism and politically correct thinking rammed doiwn pupils throats but noe a study by a local education department suggests this obsession with politicallly corret diversity is responsible for the failure of white working class pupils.

Education, Education, Education And To Hell With The Kids

Teaching used to be a vocation and education a high minded calling for those who wished to prepare young minds for adult life by making the process of learning, in the classroom, by discovery and through osmosis, an exciting and fulfilling lifelong process

The Degree Factory: The Decline Of University Education

The decline of university education in parallel with dumbing down of the general population is contributing to the economic and social problems of the industriaised democracies. But why have standars been allowed to slip so far and can the trend in university education towards theraputic and politically correct courses be reversed?

Where Is Bicycle Repair Man When The World Needs Him

A superhero whose superpower is repairing bikes? It was a sketch in a Monty Python's Flying Circus show. But forty years on is it as crazy as it sounded then? We seem to have plenty of people with degrees in things that are not every practical and shortages of people who can do useful stuff. And when we have health and safety officers stopping people from climbing ladders unless they have been properly trained, people are discouraged from learning those everyday skills by themselves.

Comedy and humour

Modern Maths Teaching Is Making Children Mentally Ill

It is a well established fact that people who are good at mathematics are insane so why are we making such a big deal of abstract maths in proressive education when what most people will need to earn a living is a good command of basic arithmetic - which modern education is failing to give them.

The Science Fraud: Many Scientific Research Papers Are Pure Gobbledegook

The war between humanities and science goes on, both in academic faculties and internet comment threads. But in an environment that is increasingly politicised and influenced by corporate profit motives rather than the pure and unsullied pursuit of knowledge, can we trust either side? This article suggests not.

Its Nineteen Eighty Effing Four In The Education System

Progressive aproaches to education seem to be ideologically driven rather than focused on the needs of the individual pupil. so will the left's dreams of eqality be fulfilled when every child leaving the school system is equally dysfunctional.

The STEM Education and Scientism - the curse of modern education.

Education, education, education, said Tony Blair. He meant indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination of course. The thing the Politically Correct intellectual bullies of the new left fear most is an educated working class capable of questioning the dogmas of the scientific dictatorship ...

Government Scientists To Collect DNA Samples From All US Babies And Spy On Schoolkids

News of a US Government project to collect DNA samples from all babies born in the country will come as no surprise to those who have been paying attention. News of the UK government's tentative steps to RFID chip pupils has been better covered up.

Black characters put parents off books, new Children's Laureate says

It seems very strange to me the new children' laureate is a person descended from the dark skinned races and the first thing she does in her new role is make children's literature a race issue.Isn't that erm, you know ... a tad racist.
Marjorie Blackman (no pun there, that's her name)also said that when ...

Education Is Out, Indoctrination Is In.

This is about a teacher in america who has quit the profession in disgust at the way left wing indoctrination is replacing neutral education in schools. Many British teachers have said similar things and Daily stirrer occasional contributor Sally Redfern quit the teaching profession for the same reason.

In Scotland's Brave New World Every Child Will Have A State Nanny

The putative government of Scotland is trying to push tough laws which will appoint to every child a Nanny State nanny to ensure parents and not abusing their kids. If we think in terms of beating and neglect that seems reasonable but when you remember social workers have yelled abuse because parents kept children off school, let them ...

Captive Minds And Cowardly Intellectuals

The pose intellectuals and academics like to strike is that of detatched, independent minded individuals who reject materialism and devote their lives to the expansion of knowledge and understanding and a quest for truth.In reality…

Whistle-blowing dinner lady wins compensation after school sacks her for behaving like a decent human being.
A whistleblower in the education system was sacked when she reported an incident of bullying to the victim's parents after a school had tried to cover it up, was sacked by the school and then refused reinstatement or compensation by the education authority because she spoke to the press.

Some reality on employment prospects for young graduates.

'Work experience' and unpaid internships have created a moneyless vacuum between education and pa employiment that only the rich are able to fill. For others a degree only means a masive debt without any improvement in earning prospects

Trendy left wing education policies accused of inhibiting ambition in school pupils

Shocking new revelations about the state of the education system show that trendy education policiesz are not only dumbing puypils down, they are trampling on ambition and aspiration as well.

Left elite's determination to dum down now bars bright pupils from University
Latest plans put forward by elitist lefties to make university access 'more equal' can only lead to higher education being dumbed down as skin colour, sexuality or being from a single parent family will count for more than intelligence.

Eleven year olds progress to higher school unable to read, write and do sums

Around 25% of the 135,000 pupils who left primary school this summer will take with them to their higher school an inadequate grasp of the basic skills, reading, language and arithmetic. This is in contrast to a claimed sharp improvement in national results, demonstrating once more that ...

Maths Fascism

Recent headlines shrieked that "top brains" were demanding this over lurid stories describing the decay of our education system. If these "top brains" truly represent the most intelligent people in our national community it puts a new meaning on the phrase ...

Parents treat us like NHS staff on a Saturday night, says headteacher attacked in his office

A headmaster has complained that parents treat teachers like "NHS staff on a Saturday night" after he was attacked in his study by an angry father. Kieran Heakin, 60, was grabbed around the throat after being confronted by the man who believed his son was being bullied by fellow pupils. As other teachers tried to intervene, the angry father also tried to ...

The GCSE has never worked, because no one-size-fits-all exam can test every child.

The news that Education Secretary Michael Gove plans to dump the abysmally dumbed down GCSE exam and bring back an examination closer to the old and much tougher GCE O level for more academically gifted pupils and a qualification based more on practical skills and knowledge for school leavers whose gifts lie in other directions will be welcomed by many who feel the education sysytem has failed ...

The Failure Of Education, The Subversion Of BureaucracyGovernment plans to toughen up the penalties that can be imposed on parents guilty of 'bad parenting' and tolerating truancy do not signal determination to deal with the problems in the education system but are an admission that progressive and ideological ideas in education havre failed generations of bored and disengaged pupils.

Back To basics Policy To Save Education?
Coalition Ministers revealed their proposals for a back-to-basics curriculum for state schools, with the focus shifting away from soft subjects and abstract studies back to basic arithmetic, times-tables, spelling, grammar, reading and history. Predictably Teachers' Union leaders warned it would lead to an unexciting "uniform education" for children. Maybe so, butonce pupils are equipped with those basics they can go on to study whatever they finmd interesting. There is little point talking about Shakespeare to kids who can't ...

Banning Words Like "Fatty" Is Not Being Caring And Nice, It's Fascism By Stealth
The more desperate the Thought Police get because they see the tide in society not just tuining against their stupid, politically correct agenda but becoming a torrent, the more loony their ideas get. The latest Loonytoons notion is to ban the use of terms like fatty and speccy-four-eyes and introduce body image and self esteem classes in schools. Pupils who offend can then join the 80,000 kids, some as young as four, who are on the racism register for crimes as serious as calling a black child velcro - head.

If We Want Social Mobility We Need Selective Education

Every so often the question of social mobility is raised and when it does come up then inevitably the question of selective education follows on it's heels. It is entirely typical of the hypocrisy and politically correct stupidity of the left that while they bemoan the fact that the social mobility (mostly upward from working class to middle class or from "the great unwashed" to the "aspirational working class" which occurred in the ...

We told you so, University Degrees Are Worthless
The Daily Stirrer has been saying it for years, now a leading British businessman has come out and said it too. University Degrees are worthless.Self-made multimillionaire Simon Dolan left school at the age of 16 and went on to form a business empire which now turns over close to £100m a year, putting him 703rd on the Sunday Times Rich List. Mr. Dolan also criticised the designer degree business that is responsible for creating such oddball courses as waste management with dance. He described these and even the less insane courses like ...

If Your Kids Are Crap At School It Probably Means ...

... they are smarter than the average chav.

Children whose minds wander might have sharper brains, some new scientific research suggests. Now we at Boggart Blog are not keen on crap science or the science of stating the effing obvious which this study.

Children Failing At Reading Is Child Abuse By The Education System

In the latest propaganda spiel from the Ministry of Truth, Education Branch a masterpiece of understatement may be found. The bulletin states that the reading skills of junior school pupils must be improved. Sir Michael Wilshaw, head of the Minis Education Branch said, “One in five primary schoolchildren moving up from primary schools is not ready for secondary school. One in five, 20%. Surely they can't all be affected by ...

Education Is Overrated

It's official, education is a waste of time. New figures show that graduates are just as likely to end up on the dole as those leaving the local chav academy with only an ASBO to their name.

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Monday, February 20, 2017

Days After Obama’s ‘Shadow Government’ Is Outed, an Even More Disturbing Discovery Comes to Light

The protesters organized against President Donald Trump and Republican members of Congress at local town halls are doing it by the book. Literally. Ever dull witted and unimaginative, Obama, who has reverted to his previous role of community organiser (aka professional gobshite) now he is the former President intends to harm American society just as much as he did during his eight years as president.

From New York Post:

The manual, published with OFA partner “Indivisible,” advises protesters to go into halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and “grab seats at the front of the room but do not all sit together.” Rather, spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole room opposes the Republican host’s positions. “This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus.” It also urges them to ask “hostile” questions — while keeping “a firm hold on the mic” — and loudly boo the the GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you real answers.”

“Express your concern [to the event’s hosts] they are giving a platform to pro-Trump authoritarianism, racism, and corruption,” it says

The point is to plant doubt in the minds of the Republican member of Congress, thinking that the constituents are all against GOP/Trump agenda items like getting rid of Obamacare.

What’s next? Feed the video to the media to show how upset the people are at the GOP, as they did in the town hall conducted by Rep. Jason Chafettz (R-UT).

After the event, protesters are advised to feed video footage to local and national media.

“Unfavorable exchanges caught on video can be devastating” for Republican lawmakers, it says, when “shared through social media and picked up by local and national media.” After protesters gave MSNBC, CNN and the networks footage of their dust-up with Chaffetz, for example, the outlets ran them continuously, forcing Chaffetz to issue statements defending himself.

Next, call and complain about presidential advisor Steve Bannon, who seems to be living rent-free in leftists minds.

The manual also advises protesters to flood “Trump-friendly” lawmakers’ Hill offices with angry phone calls and emails demanding the resignation of top White House adviser Steve Bannon.

A script advises callers to complain: “I’m honestly scared that a known racist and anti-Semite will be working just feet from the Oval Office … It is everyone’s business if a man who promoted white supremacy is serving as an adviser to the president.”

The document provides no evidence to support such accusations.

As Sperry notes, there’s an army of Alinsky-ites ready in the wings.

Organizing For America has more than 250 offices across the country and more than 32,000 organizers, with another 25,000 actively under training. OFA plans to stage 400 rallies across 42 states to attack Trump and Republicans over Obamacare.

Sperry pointed directly at Obama.

He praised recent demonstrations against Trump’s travel ban. And last year, after Trump’s upset victory, he personally rallied OFA troops to “protect” his legacy in a conference call. “Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope” over the election results.

Obama promised, “…early next year, and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”

Well he told you all back in 2008 his idea of 'great stuff' was anything that hurts America.


Obama Has been An Inspirational President?Well He Probably Inspired More Suicides Than Any Other
Obama’s greatest achievement perhaps it to have put Donald Trump in The White House. Whether you think this is a good or bad thing depends on your political stance. This blog is neutral, our view being that Trump can’t be a worse president than any of the three that preceded him.
From The Bloated Big State A Mighty Trump Burst Forth

Many Americans cannot understand why so many apparently reasonable people support Donald Trump. To the irrational left he has become an even more potent hate symbol that Sarah Palin, to the right he is a maverick and a loudmouthed clown with a ridiulous haircut (perfect qualifications to be a rapper if only he was black.) But few intellectuals or members of the political elite or the medic circus can understand why people are supporting him.
The Business of War: Defense Sales Keep Economies Of Manufacturing Nations Afloat
Tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced due to 'humanitarian' interventions by the developed nations (led by the USA, France and the UKm the FUKUS axis) in the domestic politics of third world nation. Usually  the interventions support rebel groups who if they came to power would be far more oppressive and brutal regime than the one they replaced.

Hypocrite David Cameron defends selling arms to outrageous Saudi regime

Not only have Hypocrite David Cameron's government been caught out giving technical support to the appalling Saudi Arabian regime of head amputators, The House Of Saud, they are very eager to sell armaments to the regimes which violates human rights in ways even Pol Pot could not imagine.

Loud Trump Resonates Throughout America - Boggart Abroad

I don't know why the politically correct left are getting so worked up about The Trump, American politics is even more tightly controlled by big money than the European system, and the really big money (Golman Sachs, J P Morgan, Soros and company) are not going to let him win. It would upset thrir buddies in Saudi Arabia too much.

US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

Teacher Forced To Resign For 'Sharing' Material Critical Of Obama And His Beloved Muslim Terrorists

The supporters of the wannabe King of the American Empire like to describe themselves as 'liberal', 'progressive', and left wing. If they were really any of those things they would not be as fanatically committed to the idea of suppressing free speech as they are.

The Forgotten War – Understanding The Incredible Debacle Left Behind By NATO In Libya

The FUKUS axis intervention in Libya, led by US President Barack Obama, with help from David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy as leadsers of UK and France, was an abject failure judged even by the standards of American foreign policy incompetence. Libya not only failed to evolve into the democracy we were told it would become once Gaddafi was gone, it has devolved into a failed state.

Dutch Intellectuals Apologise to Putin for Lies on MH17, Syria, Ukraine

When someone waves his academic qualifications at me and expects me to give a damn, it pisses me off. Since the blog started it has worked on the principle that everybody is entitled to their opinion and everybody's opinion is worth equal respect.

Another Obama Sponsored Genocide - not Alawi or Christians In Syria but Yazidi in Iraq.

While the west has been distracted by events in Gaza and Ukraine, and the neo - fascist 'left' have suddenly discovered the joys of anti Russianism and anti Semitism, the FUKUS axis sponsored genocidists of ISIS have discovered another inoffensive minority to exterminate now that the Syriac Christians have fled.
USA Is Arming Both Sides In The Current Iraq Conflict.

Not so long ago Amerca's President was pushing the case for supporting the 'brave, democracy loving freedom fighter in Iraq. Only  public opinion and Putin stopped Obama sending troops in to help the Sunni Muslim fanatics who wanted Syria's leader Assad out of the way so they could slaughter Syrias Shiites and Christians. Obama had to content himself with arming the rebels. Now those same rebels, defeated by Assad have crossed the border to wreak havoc in Iraq.

Barack Obama: Idiot, Sociopath, Traitor or Does He have Antisocial Personality Disorder?

from The Daily Sheeple
‘If you’re looking for our president to truly be repentant, or even penitent, when accusations of mistakes or wrong doing are flying at him from all directions, it’s just not going to happen. That would mean that he has to take responsibility for ...

Liberal Thinker Noam Chomsky Says Obama Is Abolishing Civil Liberties. WTF Is Going On In America?

WTF is going on in America? Obama's most enthusiastic and highest profile supporers are deserting him in droves as the President drives his administration faster and faster towards fascism. A planned executive order to shut down coal and oil fuelled power stations will dive electricity and food prices up and force millions into poverty. The nation isd hopelessly divided. And Obama's answer: more surveillance, more strong arm tactics from the authorities. Well some of us did warn you in 2008 of what was to come

Obama’s Tipping Point and Implosion

For too long, as he has taken America to the brink of financial and social collapse and the world to the brink of war we detect signs that even Barack Obama's most avid supporters are starting to understand that being black is not in itself a qualification for the world's top job ...

Obama Implosion - Is The US Military Close To Mutiny Over Obama's alliance With Al Qaeda.
Barack Obama and other members of his failed administration are desperate to get war in Syria back on track to divert attention in the USA from several unfolding catastrophes caused by political incompetence and idological intransigence. But when loss of confidence in the Commander - in - Chief brings a nation's military to the brink of mutiny, that nation is clearly facing social breakdown.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Zuckerberg's Plan For World Domination

Our readers will know that we are not great fans of the moonfaced, Islamic extremism loving Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. In the past we have exposed how Facebook was started by CIA seed money because it offered a chance to collect vast amounts of private data on individuals, how Zuckerberg (and other tech corporation's bosses have collaborated with government to work against the interests of freedom and civilised values, and how, mysteriously, Facebook's annual profits are closely linked to the handouts of taxpayers' money the social media site gets from US Government.

Control Freak, Fantasist and nerd, Zuckerberg was always certifiably insane, but now he seems to have gone right over that edge, and decided Facebook is essential to the next stage of human evolution.:

Mark Zuckerberg’s theory of human history

Can Facebook help humanity take its “next step”?

Updated by

Mark Zuckerberg’s 6,000-word manifesto on the future of Facebook begins with a capsule narration of human achievement. “History is the story of how we've learned to come together in ever greater numbers,” Zuckerberg writes, “from tribes to cities to nations. At each step, we built social infrastructure like communities, media and governments to empower us to achieve things we couldn't on our own.”
The Facebook CEO does not explicitly add his social network to that list of social infrastructure, but the rest of the letter makes clear that he wants to see it on there, and soon. “Progress now requires humanity coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community,” he argues, and “Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and building a global community.”

There has, in recent months, been growing speculation about the role Zuckerberg wants to play in the world. Quartz, for instance, has published a 4,000-word story imagining Zuckerberg’s successful campaign for the presidency, as well as a checklist of things Zuckerberg would need to do to run for president in 2020. The Atlantic has suggested that the groundwork is already being laid.
But with this manifesto, Zuckerberg is articulating an ambition that is in some ways grander than the US presidency: he wants to use Facebook as the platform on which to build a global civil society, creating a service that encourages communities and cooperation and political participation on a transnational scale. He frames national governments as merely one piece of “social infrastructure,” and suggests that the world might need something to push beyond their limits. He wants Facebook to help humanity take its “next step.”
But to do that, he’ll need to make some changes to Facebook.

Crazy stuff indeed, read the full article at Vox


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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Beyonce and Adele: Another Liberal Kerfuffle Over Nothing? Or A Sign Of America's Decay?

This past week we have seen the usual suspects on Facebook, and their friends and followers, getting their collective knickers in a twist about the fact that British singer Adele won some music industry award and American nominee Beyonce didn't. The problem was that Adele is white, Beyoncé is black(ish). And naturally that meant Beyoncé should have won as far as the libtards were concerned. The only reason Adele won was
.......................................................wait for it.....................................................


Now no hard evidence has been offered, but I think it is reasonable to suspect that most middle aged, middle income
people really don't give a flying fuck who won and the Facebook and social media screechers are just getting their fix of virtue signalling. I must confess to not having heard much of either record but I do know that although Adele's Glastonbury slot last year was embarrassing (the girl is not a live performer by any stretch) but her lyrics are quite thoughtful and poetic. Beyoncé on the other hand records bouncy, meaningless little ditties, bubble gum music for teeny boppers to dance to. Her USP seems to be a talent for throwing her minge at the cameras in video performances.

Basically Beyoncé is a dancer who at thirty five years old and heavily pregnant, thinks it is cool to wear scanty clothes. And she's a crass lowlife whose lyrics would make a good sale pitch for a low rent whore. Here's a snippet of the lyric from one of her sogs.

"Can you lick my Skittles, it’s the sweetest in the middle/ Pink is the flavor, solve the riddle"

Shakespeare will not exactly be turning in his grave, but we have to remember this lowlife shite is aggressively marketed at little girls.

Perhaps there is still a part of the western world that believes men should behave as gentlemen and women as ladies; that sex should be a private matter and in particular that children should not be too early exposed to it. Liberal America, decency hating America leans more to the view that sexual language is authentic and natural. Ebola fever is natural, but we would not market that at pre - pubescent girls.

Can you imagine Billie Holiday singing that cute little lyric from Beyoncé's album? Aretha Franklin? Dionne Warwick? Diana Ross or a personal favourite, Etta James. There were risqué lyrics in the past of course, going back to the straightlaced days of the 1930s, Jazz singer Bessie Smith and R&B star sister Rosetta Tharpe both liked to use double entendre, but the pooin in it was double entendre, not a blatant invitation to kiss the singer's cunt. All those great vocalists had class, they were professionals.

Since rap and 'house' replaced real music there have been far more sexually explicit, scatological, and sadomasochistic "music." If you think this is people’s art, the authentic expression of an oppressed race and deserving of recognition, I really suspect you are a liar given the wailing and gnashing of teeth that was heard when Donald Trump said "pussy", and your faux outrage is just an exercise of the emotionally needy in phishing for approval. If on the other hand you think Beyoncé's crude sexual references that should be scrawled on the wall of a public toilet, I think we can guess who you voted for in November 2016. America is not divided irrevocably and two countries cannot exist within one border.


Elijah Wood: Hollywood is run by a powerful, elite paedophile ring

MK Ultra mind control

MK ultra haunted cunt

Milgram goes modern

Corruption Of The Music Industry

Miley Cyrus Cringefest The Latest Manifestation Of MK Ultra?

MK Ultra Mind Control Program Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien: Interview

Paedophile Former BBC Chauffeur Implicated In Jiummy Savile Scandal Found Dead

The longer this Jimmy Savile paedophile case goes on the worse the stink gets. The establishment is as corrupt as a three month old plague pit.

Agenda 21: The Path To Global Fascism

Agenda 21, the document published at the Rio +20 climate conference talks in deliberately misleading language of a plan for sustainable development. Don't be fooled by the anodyne bureaucratic jargon, read agenda 21 carefull and it is nothing short of an agenda for global fascism.

The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism

Moral relativism, the sdandard position of the politically correct left, is leading to the breakdown of civilised society in the west. How do we stop the decay when we are not allowed to criticize the Marxist, kleptocratic policies of left wing politicians, the scientific fraud of global warming, or the sheer infantile idiocy of same sex marriage

Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN Rule 'To Save The Planet'

When a scientific dictatorship was first mooted over a century ago the great obstacle to "going beyond existing permissions" as supporters of global government coyly put it, in imposing authoritarian laws without having to seek the consent of voters was seen as the rights and freedoms enshrined in the US constitution.

High Ranking Paedophile Allowed To Investigate ... himself

Britain has been shocked by the Jimmy Savile scandal, a tale of how the establishment closed ranks to cover up the activities of a high profile celebrity's sexual abuse of young and vulnerable people. But the way the new elite protects its own is not confined to Britain as this story of a prominent Dutch politician reveals

The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism

Moral relativism, the sdandard position of the politically correct left, is leading to the breakdown of civilised society in the west. How do we stop the decay when we are not allowed to criticize the Marxist, kleptocratic policies of left wing politicians, the scientific fraud of global warming, or the sheer infantile idiocy of same sex marriage

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Friday, February 17, 2017

Shadow Government Desperate To Take Trump Down Before People's Pushback Spreads

Some call it The Shadow Government, some The Deep State, others prefer The New World Order. Whichever you prefer, there is no doubt these sinister people, the dark forces of hidden power, are out to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump. The man has only been in office three weeks and already a war between the elected government and the unelected government is developing. Love him or hate him, Trump (or sonebody like him) would be the only kind of president with a chance of winning such a war.

There was no never any doubt that the Trump's presidency would bring about a confrontation between the state and the people, but so soon after the inauguration goes to show how frightened the elites of global capitalism are that the current backlash in Europe and North America will destroy their plans. As mainstream media news loses credibility at an accelerating rate because of the increasingly hysterical anti - Trump propaganda being passed off as news, behind the scenes, the intelligence community are at war with President Donald Trump.

And The Donald is not ducking the punch up. He has refused to attend CIA briefings on the grounds that the spooks are feeding him misinformation; they have sabotaged efforts to build his team by leaking classified communications with the explicit aim of undermining the National Security Advisor of the new administration and stoking tensions with Russia in an attempt to return to the warmongering brinksmanship of the Obama era when America's first black president showed himself to be a puppet of the Perpetual war movement and the neo - con US Global Hegemony party.

The Removal of Gen. Mike Flynn not only challenges the power of the Trump White House but revives the false narrative that Russian hacking and cyber attacks influenced the outcome of the election and is undermining legitimate U.S. power.

Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog talked to Catherine Austin Fitts about the Game Of Thrones style intrigue and cloak-and-dagger conspiracies of the relationship between The White House and the civil and secret services, and of the reptillian establishment insiders who resent the rival claim to power over U.S. policy of elected governments. We are seeing history being made (or unmade here):

How many other Trump appointees will be mired in scandal, or ousted by CIA / NSA / Pentagon plots? When they go down, will we know why or will the public be expected to take the word of discredited agencies such as the CIA? There are many unaddressed issues with Mike Flynn, most obviously the refusal of the security services to hand over transcripts of the alleged converstations with the Russian government which are claimed to have breached diplomatic rules, but the implications are disturbing. The news media is blatantly distorted, and no mainstream accounts can be trusted anymore.

But there is no way for the public to truly know what is going on between the fixers and deal makers in Washington, without solid, accountable, trustworthy, unbiased and objective reporting of a kind that no longer exists in the west.

The interests of The CIA and NSA and the various corporate / Pentagon committees that make up the military - industrial complex (of which Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy both warned over 50 years ago) and which, along with certain banking and finance interests make up the deep state would be well served if the American people could be persuaded to believe that Putin represents an immediate threat to US national security, and that the entire Trump presidency has been a Trojan horse scheme to advance Russian interest. But, if nobody buys it (and the public don't), then they want the American people to understand who holds the real power and that there is a price to be paid for defying that power.

They will let nothing to get in the way of advancing their agenda. They are at war with Trump, and he will either bend or break, as far as they’re concerned.

If that is the case, then there is no “democracy” or “constitutional republic.” The shadow government has stolen power from the gods of the ballot like Prometheus, but have kept it to themselves rather than allowing the people to benefit.

Remember what former Congressman Dennis Kucinich told Fox Business a few days ago, warning America that the intelligence community was actively trying to undermine the Trump Administration, and are targeting his top cabinet officials. The resignation of Gen. Mike Flynn may be just the beginning:

"...the American people have to know that there's a game going on inside the intelligence community... at the bottom of all this is the fact that there are those that seek to separate US from Russia to reignite the cold war... wake up America!!" See video of full interview

American execptionalism
American Paranoia
Big American trump
Shadow Government
An Elitist Shadow Government Running America
Shadow government policy
New World Order
New World Order Omnibus
NWO Faceless Corporations
Kissinger and the New world Order
Believe The Phoney Narrative Or Be Branded a Conspiracy Theorist
Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Thorist
The Perpetuasl War Conspiracy
You’ll be surprised to learn everybody in America does not hate Trump
The Folly Of women Against Trump Protests

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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Left Complicit In Violence Ripping Through Migrant Neighbourhoods?

As rioting by immigrant populations spreads from the poorer areas of Paris to the city centre and civil unrest spreads throughout France, former special advisor to France’s interior ministry Hugues Moutouh has accused the left-wing political establishment including leaders of the two main socialist parties and their candidates in the presidential election in May of complicity in the violence raging through the country’s migrant-dominated suburbs.

Mr Moutouh, who served as France’s youngest ever district prefect, slammed the left wing political class for “justifying” the rampant criminality that’s setting the suburbs ablaze, by their insistence that young immigrant thugs should be seen as victims.

“Again and again the same scenes of urban violence, the same images of cars burned, attacks of police stations, Molotov cocktails launched on the forces of order,” Mr. Moutouh wrote in a piece published by Le Figaro.

According to the former lawyer, who has written extensively on weaknesses in French security policy, “parts of the French political class on the left” have become “accomplices” to the youths laying waste to suburbs in the country’s cities. Hopelessly smitten with idealism and naivety on the topic of security, the rancid left sees every suburban youth who’s known to the police and has a foreign background as a victim of the system,” he says.

The former advisor is particularly scathing about the response from France’s major centre-left party to violent (mostly Muslim) suburban youth, stating: “Socialists do not yet speak of the riots as an act of ‘rebellion’, but they are not far off.”

If elected in April socialist presidential candidate Benoit Hamon, who is on record as saying discrimination “the cancer of the Republic", but apparently has no problem with crimes of sex and violence committed by immigrants against French people, has promised to establish non-white “community police” forces in migrant suburbs on the presumption that white police officers are “guided by their racial prejudices”.

Such policies, according to the former special advisor, suggest Socialists have taken “perverse theories” from the extremist black supremacists of American academia as their lead for how to respond to suburban violence. Pity many American inner city areas are dystopian shitholes where white people fear to go.

“Police are there to question thugs, not to help them Mr Moutouh writes, describing left-wingers as “sorely lacking in common sense”.

“Public utilities, schools, and police stations are routinely ransacked” in riot-hit districts of French cities, which the author describes as “blighted by gangs whose violence is more than a match for their American counterparts.

“When questioned, their members are being immediately released. They no longer fear the police and now hesitate less and less to violently attack officers of the state.”

Index of posts on France

PARIS ERUPTS: Many streets are NO-GO ZONES As Immigrant Violence Spreads
As France reels after the Nice attack, in Paris the true extent of the horror perpetrated last November is revealed.
Well We Have Been Warning You: European SUPERSTATE plan unveiled: EU nations ‘to be merged into one’ post-Brexit
French Movement To Reclaim National Identity: The French Have Been Silent Too Long
Hollande Survives Confidence Vote As France Slides Deeper Into Chaos
French Legislator Proposes Alliance With Russia to Prevent More Attacks
Brussels Bombings: Todays News, Old Headlines
FUKUS axis troops (France, UK, USA) Unable To Halt ISIS March Towards Libyan Oil
UK Troops Set To Join Forces From USA and France In Libya
Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism
We Are Living Amid An Islamic Threat”, French Mayor Says: “Our Country Is At War Inside Our Borders
There’s No Such Thing As ISIS”: Whistleblowing Journalist Destroys West’s Terror Narrative, Warns Of Crackdown On “Dissidents
Paris Horror Demonstrates Limits On Tolerance And Need For Border Controls
The Hidden Genocide In Syria:Obama’s Moderate Rebels As Brutal As ISIS
Bombs Kill 33 at Busy Baghdad Markets
Russian Foreign Affairs Dept Accuses Turkey Of Hindering Syrian Peace Talks
Will There Be A Coup In Turkey?
We Will Never Defeat Terrorists While Idiots Like This Are Allowed To Hold Public Office
Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response
Turkey’s Links to Islamic StateElsewhere:
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Infant Twins Die Shortly After Being Vaccinated, Medical Board Rules ‘Just A Coincidence’

by Arthur Foxake

In this era of high tech health care and rapidly advancing developments of drug therapy, sudden infant death syndrome (cot death) is a rare thing in the developed world, around one per hundred according to World Health Organisation statistics. Given  that, you might think the sudden and simultaneous deaths of twins might cause somne raised eyebrows among medical professionals , especially due to the fact the had been recently vaccinated with multi - vaccine shots. In fact, if we think of the vaccine health risk controversies in recent years (primarily MMR and HPV,) it ought to warrant quite a bit of attention and a few banner headlines in the more sensationalist tabloids. However, this story went largely unreported. (In order for twins to meet the criteria for simultaneous SIDS both babies must have died independently and within the same 24 hour time period.)

PubMed reports that the twin girls, aged 3.5-months and delivered via c-section, were found dead in their crib by their mother, both laying face up. It is reported that both babies were healthy and had no serious medical history. Two days before their death, both of the girls had received their second dose of oral polio, DPT, and their first dose of hepatitis B vaccines. They had a fever the day after the vaccines and were given a teaspoon of acetaminophen.

All that and yet, “the death scene investigation, judicial investigation, parental assessment, macroscopic and microscopic autopsy findings and the toxicological analysis didn’t yield any specific cause of death.”

Because the case was so rare it was referred to a board of multidisciplinary medical professionals at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, in the Ministry of Justice, in Istanbul. And yet, the Board still decided that the data they had was consistent with SIDS.

Just reflect a moment on this: a medical journal is reporting that recently vaccinated babies both died, but it's nothing more than the luck of the draw. No doubt the sheeple scientists will resort to their tired, old and unscientific get out of jail car, "Corrrelation does not prove causation." Well no, it doesn't, but in many circumstances it is a pretty good place to start looking for a causal factor. That conclusion from the ministry in Istanbul makes about as much sense as pediatrician bell - ends who claim some kids “just get fevers all the time.”)

OH NO MEASLES, WE’RE ALL GONNA D— Wait, How Many People Died Of Measles Before Vaccinations?.

The vaccine controversy erupts again as governments, politicized scientists and profit hungry corporations step up the bullying of parents about getting children vaccinated against minor illnesses or problems that will never afflict them (vaccinating boys against cervical cancer for example). Scaremongering involving health and particularly children's health is a very potent weapon in the battle to suppress dissent however ...

CDC Whistleblower Links MMR Vaccine to Autism

One day the truth will be revealed about the MMR vaccine and its alleged link to autism as well as a host of other health problems in young children. One question damns the case in favour of MMR as propaganda. If it is as important as health authorities say to vaccinate children against MMR, why insist on the triple vaccine when there was never a problem with a separate measles vaccine? Could Corporate Profits have something to do with it?

Vaccine Tuth: Corporate Profits Are More Important Than Public Health.
Yet more information exposing the truth about the vaccine and mass medication industry, because that is what medicine has become, an industry, a cash cow for corporate fascists. And vaccines are one of the biggest profit drivers ...

Opposition To Manadory Vaccinations Coming From Both Left And Right

If vaccines are so great that no doctor or scientist speaks against them why is there so much opposition from both the right and left of the libertarian political persuaion and so much enthusiasm from the authoritarian "progressives whith their love of big government and corporate fascism.

Vaccine Eugenics

We have been warning you about vaccines for years. Now at last people in the health industry are finding enough conscience to stand up and say that vaccine safety problems have been covered up and it is time to put childrens' health before corporate profit.

Vaccine Doctor's Conflict Of Interest

Dr. Paul Offit is a creator of vaccines. he is also a millionaire even though his vaccines aren't that successful at immunising people (so sue me Offit and let me destroy you), but what he is good as is scaremongering. Thus when the Offit propaganda machine gets going a mild illness that might mean a snotty nose for a few days, suddenly becomes a rampant killer responsible for mass deaths in places you have never heard of ...

Vaccine Propaganda Machine

As the government joins Big Pharma corporations in raising the hysteria level about the measles outbreak in Wales, The Informed Parent website has compiled some historic articles from The British Medical Journal showing that in the 1950s before Big Pharma had measles vaccines to sell, doctors did not consider the disease to pose a major risk ...

Vaccine Safety Data Faked

Cervical Cancer takes centre stage in this latest installment of Vaccine wars. Government, medical professionals and Big Pharma are pushing for manadatory vaccination of pubescent girls but the disease takes decades to develop and the vaccine immunity wears off after five years. It is another scam to steal taxpayers' money? Find out below ...

New Scientific Study Verifies Again That MMR Vaccine Causes Autism

Strangely (or perhaps absolutely predictably) little of this has been reported in mainstream media. And unfortunately I cannot link you to the site that broke the story (but I have linked to the legal rulings which are a meter of public record now) because their page has been down since the news started to go viral. Fortunately other new media publishers were onto the story by then and ...

In A Sane World This Should End The Vaccine Scam - but The Lies and Legalised Murder Will Continue.

Vaccine fascists Losing The Fight To Force Vaccines On Parents

We have been warning you about vaccines for years. Now at last people in the health industry are finding enough conscience to stand up and say that vaccine safety problrms have been covered up and it is time to put childrens' health before corporate profit ...

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

PARIS ERUPTS: Many streets are NO-GO ZONES As Immigrant Violence Spreads

Five large areas have been reduced to no go areas for the past five nights as masked men cause mayhem on the streets.

Now there are fears the fall out from allegations of police brutality could spread all over the country as unrest in the city grows.

 Residents have been on lockdown as armed police tried to tackle the rioters who have caused millions of pounds of damage.

Police were hit with molotov cocktails and the heavy metal balls used in the French game Petanque.

And after setting cars and even a disability vehicle on fire the police have been forced to fire live rounds of bullets.

Protesters against police violence have set a car on fire during
a rally in the Paris suburb of Bobigny, which followed a police
officer’s assault on a 22-year-old man. 
An RTL van set on fire by the protesters could be seen burning in the live footage.

of young people have occupied an empty lot in Bobigny in the prefecture
of Seine-Saint-Denis department. Some of the protesters have
been carrying banners saying “Justice for Theo,” the name of the young man who was sexually assaulted by a police officer with a truncheon.

of people gathered in Bobigny not far from the courthouse earlier today
to protest police violence, Le Parisien reported. The demonstration
began peacefully, but turned violent at around 3pm local time.

 A reporter for the French TV company BMTV was also injured after being attacked.

The areas of Aulnay-Sous-Bois, Aulnay, Argenteuil, Bobigny and Tremblay-en-France in the Saint-Seine-Denis district have all been affected.

It follows allegations of horrific police brutality in a housing estate called Rose des Vents in Aulnay-Sous-Bois which is also known locally as the 'city of 3000'.

 Local residents and police forces have called the continued unrest "disgraceful" while the man allegedly assaulted by police named only as Theo has pleaded for calm.

Yves Lefebvre head of the police union said: "Setting a wheelchair van on fire is a disgrace. This has to stop."

The French Government's response to the latest outbreaks of violence is to put 2,600 cameras on police officers to record them out on the job.

Front National (FN) MP Marion Le Pen tweeted the amateur video which shows chaotic scenes including of clouds of smoke after cars were set on fire and a man yelling “Allahu Akbar”, Arabic for God is Greatest, three times.

Index of posts on France

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

MK Ultra Mind Control Program Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien: Interview

In a fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt talks to Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien, an alleged victim of the notorious but well documented MK Ultra experiments in mind control carried out by the CIA for the US government and author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. The book was based on Cathy’s groundbreaking testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight in 1995.

Cathy’s fascinating journey through the world of Deep Political Corruption and Covert CIA Programs began when her abusive father sold her into MKULTRA Mind Control Programs at an early age in Michigan through his political connections with local politicians, including future President of the United States Gerald Ford.

Through systematic torture and well documented trauma-based mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do shocking acts as a sex slave and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. During this period she interfaced with high-level political figures including Hillary and Bill Clinton, former President George Bush Sr. and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Breaking free of her mind control programming and Dissociative Identity Disorder with the help of intelligence insider Mark Phillips over the course of a decade, Cathy exposed the insidious world of criminal covert operations happening inside Black Budget operations connected with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, including human trafficking and extensive drug running programs.

Deep State efforts to suppress her testimony culminated in the National Security Act being invoked to silence her and continue right up to the present. Nonetheless Cathy’s latest venture was to create a new workbook, PTSD: Time to Heal

Watch the video below:

As with all such revelatory writing / journalism we should approach the content with a degree of scepticism, while what went on in the MK Ultra program and other shameful episodes such as The Milgram Experiments are very believable given what we know of how governments and powerful organisations around the world have operated in the decades since World War 2, and of how quickly and easily 'scientists' will abandon all pretence of ethics and morality when thold that whatever horrors they are involved in are being committed in the cause of 'advancing science', there is never likely to be any collaborative evidence for individual accounts of what happened.

Read, listen, investigate further and remember, it is everybody's task to hold authority to account. THEY CAN'T PUT US ALL IN PRISON.

MK Ultra mind control

MK ultra haunted cunt

Milgram goes modern

Corruption Of The Music Industry

Miley Cyrus Cringefest The Latest Manifestation Of MK Ultra?

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