The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

US Democrats Make Insanity Official Policy: Accuse 2016 Green Party Candidate Of Colluding With Russia To Rob Hillary Of Victory.

US Green Party leader Jill Stein

The collusion circus is coming for Jill Stein. The US Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the 2016 Green Party presidential candidate to hand over documents amid accusations she was part of a Russian plot to elect Trump.

The news was met with delight by some pro-Hillary Clinton Democrats who have long expressed a visceral hatred of Stein simply because she had the audacity to run for president — an act which they say hurt their candidate’s chances of winning by unnecessarily splitting the vote on the left. In the greatest democracy in the world (supposedly) Stein committed the unforgivable sin of running for office and winning some votes. There can only be one explanation for this, the ‘Russiagaters’ say: Stein was a Russian plant, designed to pull votes away from Clinton to tip the election in Trump’s favor. In their increasingly warped minds, nothing else could possibly make sense.

Never mind that Stein also ran for president in 2012, ran for governor in Massachusetts in 2002, as a candidate for the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 2004, for Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth in 2006 and for Massachusetts governor again in 2010 — all of which she lost. Given her track record of not winning, it’s hard to believe Putin would choose Stein to pin his hopes on as the candidate to pull most votes away from Clinton in 2016. But anything is possible, right? Maybe Stein has been a secret Russian asset lying in wait all this time. That, apparently, is what some loony Democrats would have us all believe.

In the real world, however, there is absolutely no reason to believe Stein has anything to do with an alleged Russian plot to elect Trump — evidence for which also remains elusive. Stein’s primary transgressions are as follows: In 2015, she attended a gala event to mark RT’s tenth anniversary in Moscow, where she (god forbid) sat at the same table as Vladimir Putin. Rumors abound that Russia paid for Stein’s trip to Moscow, an accusation which she strongly denies (and claims she has the receipts to prove it). Perhaps even worse than setting foot on Russian soil though, Stein has often dared to express opinions that don’t sit well with establishment Democrats (or Republicans). And well, that’s basically it as far as the evidence for her “collusion” with Russia goes.

But lack of evidence proving Stein has anything to do with the Russian government hasn’t stopped her critics from making wild and defamatory claims. Zac Petkanas (whose Twitter bio describes him as a former “director of rapid response” for Clinton’s 2016 campaign) declared on Twitter this week that “Jill Stein is a Russian agent” — a sentence which he pasted eight times into the same tweet. If that’s the kind of “rapid response” Petkanas was having to Clinton campaign crises (of which there were many) it’s no wonder she lost.

ThinkProgress, which bills itself as a “progressive” platform has devoted an article to Stein’s “pro-Kremlin talking points” and detailed a list of her “odd views” — some of which include not loving NATO, not hating Julian Assange, not hating RT and not hating Russia in general. Those, of course, are all big no-nos if you want to avoid a congressional investigation these days.

But the ThinkProgress piece is typical of the kind of coverage Stein received throughout the election campaign, too. In one particularly bad example, Vice published a mocking piece dripping with disdain for the candidate. It was headlined ‘Everybody Hates Jill’. At one point, the author proudly states she has “ridiculed” and “mocked” Stein on other occasions, too, lest we assume it was only the one occasion.

This is a witch hunt. It is neo-McCarthyism, plain and simple. The people who are outright calling Stein a Russian agent are making a complete mockery of themselves and of the American political process — and they genuinely appear to have no idea. One almost feels a sense of second-hand embarrassment for them. With the frenzy around Jill Stein, they have managed to spin a scandal out of nothing, because, for lack of a better word, they’re butthurt that their candidate didn’t win.

Dragging Stein into this mess has been instructive in one sense, however. If nothing else, it shows Clinton Democrats up for what they really are. It proves that the 'Resist' crowd's crusade is not just about Trump and "collusion" — it's also about discrediting all dissenting American voices and establishing their own definition of what political opposition is supposed to look like — and for the Clinton cult, it’s not supposed to look like Jill Stein.


The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is Only One Promises War With Russia

Essential reading for our American readers who must soon decide who they want as their next president. Important too for non Americans who cannot influence the outcome of the election but are entitled to know why their arses might be blown from here to eternity sometime in the next few years.

The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
Ever wondered when and where the idiotic pseudo -philosophies of hippys and the idiotic and divisive politically correct dogmas of the modern left were born. The Social justice Warriors (aka 'liberals' or progressives' though they are really neither of these things but instead are moralistic authoritarians who hate free speech and personal liberty and support censorship, government control of media and criminalisation of dissent.

Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud
The woman is a phoney, a self interested, self aggrandizing elitist with a sense of entitlement the size of a galaxy. Whatever Hillary does, and whatever minority group the claims she is acting in the interests of, you can bet the main beneficiaries are Hillary Clinton, her family and her cronies.
No surprise then that a whistleblower has exposed Hillary's charity, 'The Clinton Foundation as a fraud.

Lifelong Feminist Camille Paglia Slams Hypocrite Hillary Clinton And Her 'Liberal' Supporters
Bernie Earns less In A Year Than Hillary Gets For One Speech To Bankers
Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
'I Pray for Sanders' - Oliver Stone Condemns Clinton’s ‘Corrupt’ Policy
With Hillary Clinton’s Email Lies Unravelling, 147 FBI Agents Are On Her Heels
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Servergate: Hillary Clinton, Arrogant, Ignorant or both?
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
Ruling Elites In Panic: Trump Presidency Would End Their Golbal Government Dream
More Evidence That Hillary Clinton Leaked Secrets damaging To The USA
Will Benghazi Flush Hillary's hopes down the karzi.

At Last: The News That Proves Talk Of Trump’s Collaboration With Russia Is Just Team Clinton Being bad Losers.

As news broke today that former aide to President Trump Michael Flynn would testify that Trump ordered him to talk to the Russians during the transition phase between administrations, the loony left and foot soldiers in The Clinton Crime Syndicate exploded with joy that actual evidence of “how Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to >>>

Google’s Schmidt Has Track Record Of Involbvement With Obama, Clintons

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, Eric Schmidt is a piece of shit. In the past it has been leaked information on how creeply the planet’s most evil corporation had become on Schmidt’s watch. The man seemed to have no moral compass. Other times we attacked Schmidt when he had brazenly spoken …>>>

Russian Involvement In Corrupt Deals With Obama And Clinton

Image source: the federalist papers The US election took place almost a year ago but Democratic Party Politicians, Hollywood luvvies (when they’re not busy accusing Harvey Weinstein of assaulting everybody in the world,) and the sycophants of mainstream media continue to obsess over a paltry $100,000 worth Facebook ads allegedly bought by Russian spies in >>>

FBI Secret Deal With Hillary Clinton Leaked

It’s the cover up that will never stretch quite far enough to cover the enormity of the scandal. FBI agents, sickened by the way the ‘liberals’ of The Democratic Party have politicised their function are sounding the alarm about the law enforcement agency’s shocking decision to close Hillary Clinton’s criminal email investigation. Agents have told >>>

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Declassified Docs Prove NATO Broke Its Promise To Russia

It is a topic that has been reported honestly by alt_media and dishonestly by the Obama worshipping leftists of mainstream media. When mainstream media, that is print and broadcast news, talks about escalating tensions between NATO, the western alliance, and Russia, Russia has routinely been portrayed, since the turn of the century as the aggressor.

Russia’s standard response is usually that it has been forced to protect its interests because the U.S.A and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation,) are actively trying to encircle the country within a ring of NATO allies. This would essentially enable the U.S.A. to place American troops and missiles right on its borders. This is exactly what has happened in Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania and in Romania, despite NATO having agreed not to recruit these former Warsaw Pact nations and Soviet republics in an agreement made at the end of the Cold War that NATO would not expand into eastern Europe.

Western critics are still debating whether such a promise ever existed, while NATO itself is denying the undertaking was given, despite ample evidence that it did. As a result of this attack of institutional amnesia NATO has continued to expand as far into eastern Europe as possible, with Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic all joining in 1999. The alliance has further broadened its reach in the years since, ultimately to Russia’s detriment. Russia finally drew the line when NATO and the European Union tried to recruit Ukraine in 2011. The mostly pro Russian population of Ukraine responded by electing a pro Russian government which was quickly ousted by a 'colour revolution' regime change coup engineered by the CIA whih put a pro - western neo-fascist government in power in Kiev. Rusia move to annex The Crimea and has propped up the separatist movement formed by the ethnic Russian majority in the eastern provinces.

In an article for Foreign Affairs in December 2014, Mark Kramer, director of the Harvard Project on Cold War studies, stated he had "examined the declassified negotiating records and concluded that no such promise was ever offered."

"Mary Elise Sarotte (“A Broken Promise?” September/October 2014) points to my article as an example of the history she intends to correct," Kramer wrote, "but she provides nothing that would change my judgment about what happened. As I wrote, the question of NATO’s possible expansion eastward arose numerous times during negotiations Gorbachev conducted with U.S. Secretary of State James Baker, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and U.S. President George H. W. Bush. Viewed in context, however, it is clear that they were speaking solely about expanding the alliance into East Germany." [emphasis added]

Kramer’s position rests on the claim that that while it has always been understood that then-Secretary of State James Baker had assured Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would expand "not one inch eastward" during a meeting that took place on February 9, 1990, the context was that of German reunification, not wider Europe.

However, as the National Interest recently learned, Kramer’s interpretation appears to be incorrect, as is revealed by the release of some further declassified material.

The recently declassified documents show that many national leaders were considering rejecting Central and Eastern European membership in NATO as of early 1990 and through 1991, George Washington University National Security Archives researchers Svetlana Savranskaya and Tom Blanton wrote in the National Security Archives. "Discussions of NATO in the context of German unification negotiations in 1990 were not at all narrowly limited to the status of East German territory, and that subsequent Soviet and Russian complaints about being misled about NATO expansion were founded in written contemporaneous memcons and telcons at the highest levels."

According to the National Interest — and Russia continuously argues — Gorbachev only accepted the proposal for German reunification (which Gorbachev could have vetoed) due to these assurances that NATO would not expand into Eastern Europe. This sequence of events is similar to how Russia was duped out of using its veto power on a U.N. Security Council Resolution in Libya in 2011 after having received assurances that the NATO coalition would not pursue regime change.

The documents also show that Gorbachev and other Soviet leaders received assurances against NATO expansion from Baker; President George H.W. Bush; West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher; West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl; former CIA Director Robert Gates; French leader Francois Mitterrand (who told Gorbachev he was in favor of "gradually dismantling the military blocs"; Margaret Thatcher; British Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd; and NATO secretary-general Manfred Woerner.


Patriotic Parties Rights Violated in European Parliament
The democratic rights of patriotic parties in the EU parliament are constantly violated, Belgian MEP Frank Creyelman said on Friday. "It is very difficult for patriotic parties to work in the EU parliament as their democratic rights are violated constantly," Creyelman from the Vlaams Belang party said.

USA To Blame For Europe's Migrant Crisis Says Putin
Appearing at the inaugural Moscow-hosted Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, the Russian President has blamed the migrant crisis emanating from the Middle East on America. He also blamed European states for backing US efforts to spread democracy, which he said were responsible for the current exodus of people sweeping across the EU.

OSCE saw no military hardware, weaponry crossing from Russia to Ukraine – mission head

One American attempt to raise worldwide support for military intervention in Ukraine was an allegation that US spy satellites had photographed Russian military convoys heading across the border into territory held by Ukrainian separatist rebels.

When challenged to provide proof the US government showed us some pictures so fuzzy and indistinct

Ukraine’s Breakaway Donetsk Province Seek To Join Russian Federation.

As government propaganda from the USA and its NATO allies has spent most of the past three years demonizing Russia and trying to blame Vladimir Putin for the rise of nationalism in Europe, the election of Donald Trump as US President, Brexit, cyber attacks, the failure to resolve the crises in Libya, Syria, Iraq and …

Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine
While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

Ukraine President Has Tripled His Wealth While In Office

Ukraine is in a mess, the civil conflict goes on, with sporadic outbreaks of violence. The economy is in tatters, unemployment and inflation are out of control and many Ukrainians cannot afford basics like food and energy.

World War Three? Kiev Reinvades Donbass, Deliberate Provocation Trashed Minsk Agreement

When America wants to provoke Russia it uses proxies, a rabble in Libya, Islamic fundamentalists in Syria and Iraq and neo - Nazi thugs in Ukraine. So far Russia has resisted the urge to kick Obama in the balls, but sooner or later the Russia - China - Iran alliance will respond.

The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela

Last week, President Obama signed an executive order declaring a “special state of emergency,” saying that the situation in Venezuela represents an extraordinary danger to U.S. interests and foreign policy.It is all total bollocks of course, for resons that are not entirely clear, Washington has decided that Venezuela will be the next nation to be destabilised in pursuit of the U.S. global hegemony agenda.

Having Destroyed Ukraine Economy, USA Accuses Russia Of Trying To Destroy The Ukrainian Economy

In what is probably his most idiotic statement ever, US Vice President Joe Biden has accused the Russian government of trying to collapse Ukraine economically, saying Kiev is ?now under siege.? ?Russia is trying to undermine the stability and sovereignty of Ukraine by any means it can, including attempting to create conditions that would cause …

Venezuelan Social Movements Take to the Streets to Oppose U.S. Aggression

And now, with the security situation more dangerous that any time in the past fifty years, the peacemaker and joybringer, Barack Hussein Obama, The Obamessiah, is looking to start yet another civil war and plunge another nation into failed statehood. This time, as we reported a few days ago, his target is Venezuela

Warmonger Obama Goes Looking For Another War, In Venezuela This Time

The Obama Administration, which in 2009 provided backing for the coup that overthrew the progressive democratic President of Honduras and put into power a junta of oligarchs; a rerun as it turned out for the bloody coup that replaced the corrupt but democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, ad installed in Kiev a rabidly anti-Russian, equally corrupt, right wing extremist Government ...

Germany Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance On Ukraine

As the US pro war rhetoric pumps up the tensions between Russia, its allies and the west in Ukrain we revisit once more the truth about which world power has been relentlessly pushing for war since 2009. It isn't Russia or China, though they are not likely to back down.

Kiev Breaches Minsk Agreement Within Hours

We all knew the ceasefire agreed by Angela Merkel, Francoise Hollande, Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian Nazi leader Poroschenko would not hold. The people whose country stands to gain most from war, that is of course Barack Obama and John Kerry, President and secretary of State of the USA, the country that wants and needs perpetual war, were trying derail the fragile deal while the four leaders were still negotiating.

Don’t believe American lies about Russia

What we are seeing in western media about the currency and oil price war being waged against Russia by the Obama administration in America is not only a very subjective version of events being presented by Washington spin doctors, it ignores the fact that though the USA and EU may have imposed sanctions on Russia, China, India, Iran, Turkey, all African and south American nations and most of south east Asia are still doing business with Moscow.

The Hard-Core Nazis Who Rule In Kiev Were Put There By EU and USA

Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia

Ukraine invited to join NATO – it’s deja vu all over again. “While questions about Russia’s tactics remain, its strategy has become more clear: The Kremlin appears to have decided to prevent Ukraine turning West and leaving what Russia regards as its sphere of influence.? Those words, from a CNN news report are typical of …

Deja vu: Hungary asserts independence, is threatened by US and EU

In a famous episode of cold war history, when Hungary tried to assert its idependence from Russia, the Soviet Taks rolled in and crushed the budding democratic movement. Half a century later it is the so-called “democrats” from the West, the USA and EU who have been doing the bullying.

Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia

The opening paragraph of a CNN report on the latest developments in the crisis in Ukraine illusrate perfectly the hypocrisy of Western media in the way they cast Russia as the danger to world peace and America as bringer of freedom and democracy. In fact in the crisis over the US attempt to draw Ukraine into NATO the positions taken by the USA abd Russias are the opposite of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Without American leadership, democracy is in peril? Not really.

Much of the corporate propaganda spouting mainstream media are forecasting a bad outcome from the current chaos in Ukraine, with ISIS aka ISIL aka Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and with other local conflicts that are part of a cultural war. The consensus is that the west is currently not winning because of the failure of American leadership. This is untrue, most of the problems exist because America is leading the world towards war.

Washington Moves Ukraine – But Is It A Safer Location

American Presidents have something of a reputation for being crap at geography. George W Bush famously could not find Iraq on a map of the world (some suggested Dubya could not find the world on a map of the world). Still at least Iraq is a long way away. Barack Obama who famously thought America …

Conspiracy Theorist me? OK Smartarse, So You Don't Believe Conspiracy Theories? Read This .....

I have a theory, not a conspiracy theory but about those who yell conspiracy theorist whenever government propaganda is challenged. I think these people are profoundly insecure and so afraid of the idea that we are on our own in third big bad world, they have to convince themselves the government is their bestest friend and will protect them whatever happens. Sad really ...

The Latest Misinformation Out Of Kiev

Sometimes we think things are cooling down in Ukraine, media ficus on the propaganda war between the Kiev government and its American and European backers and the pro Russian separatists, backed by The Kremlin distracts us from what is going on on the ground. But there is still plenty going on on the ground

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Congress Expands Probe into Crooked Hillary's Uranium One Deal After Claims Senate Misled Over Yellowcake Exports

US Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) is tightening the screws on the Clinton Crime Syndicate Uranium One investigation. Documents from both the Energy Department and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have been demanded in a Monday letter to both entities. Barrasso wants to know if he was intentionally misled by the Obama administration about Uranium One being able to export yellowcake uranium out of the United States after the company was acquired by Russia.

Barrasso writes:
Prior to the approval of the sale [of Uranium One], I wrote to then-President Barack Obama registering my strong concerns regarding Russian control over American uranium production facilities and Russia's ability to ship U.S. uranium overseas. I also requested immediate notification should ARMZ file for a license to export U.S. uranium. Based on information that has recently come to light, I now believe the response I received, and the process by which I received it, were both misleading.

On March 21, 2011, former NRC Chairman Greg Jaczko responded to my letter on behalf of then-President Obama stating:

‘At this time, neither Uranium One Inc. nor ARMZ holds a specific NRC export license. In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One, Inc. or 
ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the export of uranium for use in reactor fuel’

The NRC staff made a similar statement in their recommendation to approve the transfer control of Uranium One to ARMZ, stating:

"before the licensee may export uranium to a foreign country, they must first comply with the NRC's regulations and seek a specific license for such purpose."

Recent reporting by The Hill uncovered that Uranium One was able to export uranium without obtaining a specific export license. Beginning in 2012, Uranium One exported U.S. uranium by ‘piggy-backing’ as a supplier on an export license held by the shipping company, RSB Logistic Services Inc.
The Hill 's John Solomon and Alison Spann reported last month that when congress reviewed the Uranium One deal back in 2010, assurances that US uranium would not leave the country was a key requirement before the deal could be approved. The assurances were given stated that no such exports would never occur.
No uranium produced at either facility may be exported,” the NRC declared in a November 2010 press release that announced that ARMZ, a subsidiary of the Russian-owned Rosatom, had been approved to take ownership of the Uranium One mining firm and its American assets.

A year later, the nuclear regulator repeated the assurance in a letter to Sen. John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican in whose state Uranium One operated mines.

Neither Uranium One Inc. nor AMRZ holds a specific NRC export license. In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for an obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the exports of uranium for use in reactor fuel,” then-NRC Chairman Gregory Jaczko wrote Barrasso.

The NRC never issued an export license to the Russian firm, a fact so engrained in the narrative of the Uranium One controversy that it showed up in The Washington Post’s official fact-checker site this week. “We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license, which Rosatom does not have,” The Post reported on Monday, linking to the 2011 Barrasso letter.

Memos obtained by The Hill in November confirmed that, in fact, Uranium One yellowcake did manage to escape U.S. shores repeatedly between 2012 - 2014.

As Senator Barrasso notes in his letter, "According to The Hill, not only did Uranium One export U.S. uranium, but it was subsequently exported out of Canada," and concludes “By stating DOE had no role in the matter, the DOE concealed the possibility of subsequent exports and their responsibility in reviewing them." 


Teresa (the Appeaser) May facing Tory revolt amid signs she’s pushing for softest Brexit possible
Theresa May is facing yet another cabinet revolt, as hardline Brexiteers in the Conservative Party are reportedly furious at her apparent desire for what has become known as a ‘soft-Brexit’ but to us it seems like No Brexit except in name. Teresa the Appeaser would rob us of the few benefits of EU membership while saddling us in perpetuity with all the current disadvantages while adding a few specially created for ex members.


Rebellion Against EU Authoritarianism Escalates As 8th Member Nation Threatens Referendum
Brussels went too far, they crossed the line in moving from an economic union to a political pan - European political empire. In the end it was a race as to which member state would quit first, Britain, Natherlands, Denmark or Italy. In the event it is Britain.

Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.

BREXIT vs. GREXIT – The Truth About The European Union And How It Treats Members

Unless the testicularly deficient politicians stand up for their nations he only thing that will halt the European Union's push beyond Europe's geographical borders to incorporate Asian, middle eastern and north African nations is war. Power is addictive and the bean counters of Brussels have ambitions far beyond Europe.

The Hypocrisy and Snobbery Of The Remain Campaign And The Antidote

When I had to defriend a Facebook contact because she was arguing in favour of the EU, it was not simply because I support Brexit that I had become pissed of with her, it was the snobbish and condescending way she dismissed supporters of LEAVE and their case. People are entitled to their opinion on the European Union, but they should check the 'facts' they post in support of their arguments.

The Labour Case For Brexit by Kate Hoey M.P.

After my short intro is a savage indictment by Brexit supporting Labour MP Kate Hoey of the way the Labour Party has abandoned the working class and is now trying to betray the party's proud heritage and its roots in the industrial areas by taking Britain into an undemocratic, corporate controlled, capitalist friendly, elite dominated globalist control freak project.

Dutch Referendum This Week Shows why We Should Leave The EU.

Few of you were aware probably that there is an EU referendum vote in The Netherlands this week. As usual with anything negative about the EU barely a word has been printed in the topic in mainstream media and the silence from our notionally unbiased national broadcaster The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has been deafening.

French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroskepticism

Europeans want us British to lead them out of Europe. Don't be fooled by project fear, the European Union (aka the Euronazi Federal Superstate) is falling apart. There will not be chaos if we leave, there will be chaos if we stay.

Head Of European Institute: Brexit ‘Better’ For Everyone

Brexit would be the best result of Britain’s in / out referendum for both Britain and the EU i a Belgian professor who heads up the European Institute at the London School of Economics (LSE) has said.

Johnson’s article lines up his reasons why Britain must exit on June 23rd. It’s time to be brave

OK, I know a lot of you think Boris is most accurately described by a word many people find offensive, but he’s put together a very good argument here on why we must leave the EU. Published in part here under ‘fair use’ terms and conditions, in the public interest ...

FBI Drops Hints They Are Ready to INDICT Hillary Clinton

Sources close to the FBI investigation into Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's offences relating to national security when she was Secretary of State say the Feds are ready to indict the frontrunner in the nomination process on charges relating to classified information.

Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.
Obama's price for saving Daves seat on the EU Gravy train
America being destroyed by neo - liberalism

America global hegemony
Failure of American leadership
Washington flatulence creates American trump
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Servergate: Hillary Clinton, Arrogant, Ignorant or both?
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
Hillary Should Be Terrified After Judge Grants Staffer Immunity On Email Scandal
More Evidence That Hillary Clinton Leaked Secrets damaging To The USA

The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is Only One Promises War With Russia

Essential reading for our american readers who must soon decide who they want as their next president. Important too for non Americans who cannot influence the outcome of the election but are entitled to know why their arses might be blown from here to eternity sometime in the next few years.

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Thursday, December 07, 2017

USA Exposed As Lawless Rogue State?

The collapse of U.S.-backed rebellion by Sunni Muslim fundamentalists in Syria and Iraq has led to the spontaneous creation of a "peace bloc" of nations opposed to Washington’s interventionist foreign policy and regime change wars wars, said British journalist Vanessa Beeley (audio) on RT radio.

“Now we have Turkey and Qatar basically joining the China-Russia-Iran-Syria-Lebanon-Iraq axis,” said Beeley, an associate editor for 21st Century Wire. The U.S. has been “exposed as the dishonest, lawless, rogue state that it really is,” she said. Russia, on the other hand, is known as “an honest international player.” Beeley was interviewed on the Taylor Report, on CUIT Radio, Toronto, Canada.

Well it might be going a bit far to suggest that Russia is an honest player, but the USA has been getting away with meddling in the internal affairs of smaller nations for far too long.

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Shock! Horror! Government panel nobody has ever heard of resign because they're irrelevant

I was amused to learn today that the government's social mobility panel had resigned en bloc mainly because like most people I didn't even know the British government HAD a social mobility panel. The four member panel, consisting mainly of failed politicians said they had to make the gesture because they felt the government was not making any progress on abolishing poverty ans making everybody equal. I'd like to think it was really because they found enough humility to understand that neither passing resolutions nor anything else short of divine intervention will ever make everybody equal ans so their little gravy train had been irrelevant from day one.

Shock; horror. Human Barbie Doll has her own opinions

The human Barbie girl Valeria Lukyanova has become something of an online phenomenon and is regarded as a sex symbol by many young men of the kind who have more computers than friends. Personally I find her apearance bizarre and about as sexually alluring as cold porridge. Still each to there own, where would we be without diversity of opinion.

Human Rights - A Straitjacket On Liberty.

We are in a fight to retain our right to free speech in the face of an onslaught of politically correct tyranny. While a speech Barack Obama made in Cairo is celebrated even though it brought back the spectre of medieval Sharia law to secular Muslims, the word liberal is hajacked by authoritarians who ride the political bandwagon and offer doublespeak, ambiguity and weasel words.. We hear much about equality and being fair but see little of either and no common sense.

Tolerance, Russia, Fry and Gay Fascism

Gay activist Stephen Fry took it upon himself to lobby The Prime Minister on the issue of recently passed restrictions on the activities of homosexuals in Russia and the Winter Olympic Games. Fry is supposedly one of the most intelligent people in Britain so quite why hie can't underatand that the british Prime Minister does not run Russia is a mystery. The stunt has backfired however

Labour Party's Leading National Socialist Pledges To Abolish Freedom

One of the oldest civil rights in britain is the right to freedom of association in private. But now as the march to global Naziism goes forward relentlessly, the UK Labour Party Deputy Leader is making plans to remove that freedom and ensure all your social activities are approved by the Labour Kommisarat ...

Stupid (Swedish) Coppers Of The Week Fail To Quell Stockholm Riots

An amazing reaction from Swedish Police to a week of rioting prompted this satire on Swedish Politically correct thinking.

Labour Planned To Put Britons Out Of Work By Engineering Mass Immigration Says Mandelson

Peter Mandelson has finally admitted allegations made by Consrvative and Liberal Democrat MPs, civil service whistle blowers and many journalists from across the political spectrum, that in their years in power from 1997 to 2010 Labour deliberately encouraged mass immigration to put britons out of work and alter the balance of British society.

All Your Children Are Belong Us Says Obama Supporter

It was a meaater of when not if members of the Obama administration would come out of the crypto fascist closet. Here's Melissa Harris - Parry talking up the fascist war on the family by telling anyone prepared to waste time listening that children belong to the government rather than their parents. ...

When Telling The Truth Is Not Only Offensive But A Crima Against The State

Truth is in short supply these days and governments are very quick to stamp on it wherever it appears. There is even talk in government circles of shutting down websites that challenge the official line.

New World Order Media Organizations Demand Fredom To Use Drones In Spite Of Big Brother Fears.

Why do news media need to use military drones for news gathering? Is it just a collaboration betwen Corporte Power and global agenda politics to keep us all under constand surveillance? Be afraid, be very afraid - but not too afraid to join the fightback, they can't put us all in prison ...

Microsoft Want To Spy On Your Family

The new Microsoft X Box Kinect version will not work unless it is connected to a live broadband connection so that its built in cameras, sensors andu microphones can gather data in your home and relay in back to a control centre who knows where. Are you still sre technology is as harmless and life enhancing as we've been told?

Dare We Break The Illiberal Code Of The Liberal Left?
Liberalism is an old and very respectable political philosophy but more and more those who subscribe to the principles of lineralism, individual freedom and personal responsibility, freedom of religion, thought, speech and movement, are referring to…

Next Pope Must Be Black? Politically Correct Lefties Should Be Careful What They Wish For

When Roman Catholic cardinals meet to elect a new Pope will the whinging of left wing intellectuals influence them? If it does, it could present the lefties with their worst case scenario.

The United Nations Caused A Cholera Epidemic In Haiti, Then Covered It Up

When a poor nation has been devastated by an earthquake, the last thing it needs is a bunch of self serving do gooders from the United Nations to butt in and kick off a cholera epidemic. but that's what happened to Haiti.

Progressives Going Round In Circles Rather Than Moving Forward.
With world leaders clueless about how to fix the global finance system and capitalism in self destruct it should be a golden time for the left. but they are stuck in a political mobius loop, regurgitating the same failed ideas over and over again ...

Aristotle, Obama and the death of Mainstream Media

The murder of four American's by Islamic Jihadists at Benghazi the inaction of the Obama administration during the attack and the lies put out by The White House in the aftermath should have triggered a scandal a million times bigger than Watergate. So why have mainstream news organizations hardly touched it. ...

Friday, December 01, 2017

Trump Outs Politically Correct Hypocrites

So for several years we have been assailed by left wing screechers commanding us to be nice to Gay BLTs and Muslims because "multiculturalism and diversity". Well this blog along with many others that rely on common sense to inform their opinions has asked, "What happens when the interests of gays and fundamentalist Muslims clash. because as any moderately well informed person knows, in many Muslim nations homosexuality is a crime punishable by death.

So when Trump retweeted a post from the right wing organisation Britain First, showing a 'gender fluid' man being thrown from a roof by Muslim 'inquisitors', provoking several storms of outrage from the left, Teresa the Appeaser and the media he did us all a favour by exposing their hypocrisy.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Who Needs Government: German Lefties Push Subversive laws Through While Merkel Struggle To Form Ruling Coalition.

Martin Schulz, Angela Merkel
Schulz and Merkel - no love lost between these two German politicians (source: spiegel)

Even though German Cancellor Merkel is still struggling, two months after the election, to form a ruling coalition for the federal government, certain factions in the Bundestag appear to be planning to take advantage of the chaos by passing new laws, and The Left Party (Die Linke) is leading the way with some typically whacky plans.

Klaus Ernst, German MP and former chairman of The Left, told Sputnik Deutschland that the Bundestag now has an opportunity to express the will of the people by finally passing the laws that German political parties promised while campaigning, like the new 12 euros per hour minimum wage law championed by The Left. That will of course go down like the proverbial lead Zepplin with parties that support business and advocate fiscal responsibility.

The lack of coalition agreements now allows German parties to jointly introduce new laws instead of submitting competing proposals but what Der Linke have not thought through is that members of the main parties likely to be in any coalition can still vote even though there is no coalition.

"Things are different now because currently there’s no coalition agreement. Therefore we can submit a proposal together with the Greens and the Social Democrats. Even some CSU MPs could support our proposals. And other parties in the Bundestag also have the same situation," Ernst said. He's living in cloud cuckoo land if the thinks the SDP will support his crazy Marxist schemes while trying to offer an alternative to Merkel.

It appears however that Die Linke is not the only political force in Germany seeking to discuss new laws as the Greens introduced a proposal to ban the use of coal as an energy source while the Social Democratic Party submitted a new draft law on immigration.

"Therefore we say: even if there is no government, the Bundestag has been elected… The Bundestag makes the laws, not the federal government; and even if the latter does not exist, the Bundestag could still legislate," Ernst surmised.

But legislate to shut down german industry by banning coal on which the country's energy system is heavily dependent. That's just insane.


Punish Google Tax Dodging And Sink The Corporate Pirates

With tax avoidance once more in the news but vying for top spot with stories of western industrial decline and Islamic penetration of civilised socities in Europe we hardly know where to start

Servergate: Clinton Emails reveal how Google tried to help Obama Administration defeat Syria’s Assad

The unhealthily close relationship beteen Google and the US government has been known for a while, but despite having been caught in their incesteous coupling, the parent and child relationship seems to be getting more intense. The latest revelation from the Hillary Clinton emails shows how Google was involved in the bid to overthrow Assad in Syria

War On Cash - A Country By Country Guide

More on the global war on cash being waged by ruling elites in parallel with their war on privacy as they try to exert total control over everything.

Google: Benefactor Of Mankind Or Evil Empire (or buch of idiotic nerds who got lucky?)

They way Google has come to dominate the internet just as the internet has come to dominate our lives can't all be down to good luck and careful planning can it? As this page develops you will see how sinister forces guided Google to their current position.

How Google Destroyed the Internet

The idea of the internet was that it would be a communications tool that freed information by making all public domain documents, libraries and archives accessible for everyone. Unfortunately the corporate monopoly men of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and Facebook and political control freaks had other ideas. They also understood the technolgy while the hippies and liberals ignored professionals warnings that internet systems would become a perfect toool of censorship.

I've been trying to warn you for years but would you tech heads and science heads listen?

A facebook friend, Mary Bladley McCaulay writes: Now I know for sure Google earth is following me. Went to the Dentist in Mufreesboro this AM. When I got back to my sons house and got online with my Kindle, first thing I saw was a Dental ad.

Wikileaks Vault7 Release Reveals CIA Contamination Of Apple Devices
MH17: The perception deception

Champagne Socialists

Apple Hypocrisy On Users Privacy Sets Standard For Silicon Valley

When I searched for images depicting the spy-in-your-pocket nature of a certiain rather fruity technology firms products, I was amazed (not) to find all had been blocked. still, a quick hack, a screWhen I searched for images depicting the spy-in-your-pocket nature of a certiain rather fruity technology firms products, I found that strangely all had been blocked. No worries, a screen grab of an old image gave me this.n grab and we got the picture.

Going To War Against The Evil Empire

Matt Drudge, and love him or hate him, nobody can seriously suggest he has been an influential figure since the early days of the world wide web, recently claimed he had been told by a US Supreme Court judge that new copyright laws currently being pushed through the United States legislative system will finish ...

Who Runs America? US Federal Trade Commission Takes Orders From Google

Barak Obama runs America surely, you might well be thinking. We would argue that no US President since Eisenhower has truly run the USA. But the latest revelation of how cosy the Obama Administration has become with corporate business, to the extent that government departments are taking instruction from Google will shock even the most cynical Americans

Google Meets White House Officials Every Week, Why?

We have been very suspicious for ten years of the way Google with such apparent ease achieved a dominant position in web search. How did it happen, did Google do something evil, did they invoke the powers of darkness in their meteoric rise. Or were there even darker forces at work, powering Google to a position in which their internet technologies could dominate global information flows? Here's something cynics should read.

EU taking on Google - Well One German Publisher Is

Those New World Order fanatics at The Guardian, bless them, seldom miss a trick when it comes to promoting the single European Superstate and the globalist agenda. Their latest misrepresentation is to try and make us feel the European Union is somehow protecting our freedoms even as the bureau rats of Brussels are taking them away.

Labour Elite Thinks Northerners Are Thick - I Told You So

Who Runs America? US Federal Trade Commission Takes Orders From Google

Barak Obama runs America surely, you might well be thinking. We would argue that no US President since Eisenhower has truly run the USA. But the latest revelation of how cosy the Obama Administration has become with corporate business, to the extent that government departments are taking instruction from Google will shock even the most cynical Americans

Google Meets White House Officials Every Week, Why?

We have been very suspicious for ten years of the way Google with such apparent ease achieved a dominant position in web search. How did it happen, did Google do something evil, did they invoke the powers of darkness in their meteoric rise. Or were there even darker forces at work, powering Google to a position in which their internet technologies could dominate global information flows? Here's something cynics should read.

Google attempts to become the Internet's Ministry of Truth

Readers of The Daily Stirrer will know we have always said the full version of Google's corporate motto Don't Be Evil, is Don't Be Evil, That's Our Job. Here's the latest example of Google being evil, their plan to censor the internet and ensure that controversial or dissenting views from those approved by the government / corporate complex never show up in listings. Read to end to learn how to beat the evil empire.

Why Do Government Information Technology Projects always Screw Up? Because Everything Governmrent Touches Becomes Political

While scientists burble excitedly about the internet of things, computer-brain interfaces that will enable the government to control us from data centres, creating human / computers hybrids and other science fantasy rubbish as if any of it stands a chance of becoming reality, government Information Technology managers, with almost unlimited resources at their disposal, can't even manage to cobble together a simple database and search routine. The failure of the e borders project is the latest in a long line of screw ups.

Is Technology Creating Physical and Psychological Hazards In The Digital Age?

Scientific research used to be the area of work that trailblazers, those with an unquenchable desire for new experience and a hyperactive sense of adventure wanted to be involved in. Now those who label themselves 'scientists' seem to have become the high priests of an ultra - conservative religion, determined at all costs to block progess that may lead to understanding that the dogmas of the past are just wrong

Intrusive Surveillance Technology, Internet control freaks and The Orwell-Huxley-Dick Dystiopianometer

Are privacy campaigners right to be worried about intrustive internet technology and the massive databases that log our behaviour and parse the data for patters that enable us to be targeted for advertising? Should we bee worried by surveillance or are those that raise doubts just scaremongering? The Orwell-huxley-Dick dystopianometer is rising.

More Cracks in Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra as Data Collection and Political Power Soar

Google is amassing huge amounts of personal user data while simultaneously accruing big-time political clout, a new report from Public Citizen confirms.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Judicial Watch Hints At Explosive New Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Docs

On June 29, 2016, Obama's Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, had no difficulty convincing the adoring hacks of mainstream media that the 'impromptu' meeting between herself and Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport, a private meeting which lasted 30 minutes on Lynch's private plane, was mostly a "social meeting" in which Bill talked about his grandchildren and golf game.  It was not, under any circumstances, those adoring hacks happily reported, linked to the statement that former FBI Director James Comey made just 6 days later exonerating Hillary Clinton of any alleged crimes related to date leaks from the State Department while she was Secretary of State.

The not-leaked documents which did not end up in the hands of Wikileaks, (because there were no leaks you understand,) suggested otherwise. In fact they suggested some kind of deal had been done, maybe one which promised that if Lynch dropped the Clinton data crimes case she would be allowed to keep breathing.

Not surprisingly, following the above media clip several concerned watchdog groups filed FOIA requests seeking any and all DOJ and/or FBI documents related to what was either (i) a really poorly timed meeting, in the best case, or (ii) a clear attempt by a former President of the United States to apply leverage over the current Attorney General to obstruct justice and get his wife elected President.

After originally being there were no documents to produce in response to their July 2016 FOIA request, Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton was subsequently told by the FBI in October 2017 that the relevant documents had simply been overlooked, 30 pages worth of relevant docs...30 pages which Fitton now says will mark the "beginning of the end" of the DOJ's "cover-up" when they're released this Thursday. That's a very big overlook.
FBI Hid Clinton/Lynch Tarmac Meeting Records. But the cover-up begins to end -- thanks to @JudicialWatch -- the day after tomorrow. @RealDonaldTrump needs to clean house at FBI/DOJ.
Fitton expressed his frustration with the botched FOIA response back in October after describing the FBI as "out of control" and saying it's "stunning that the FBI ‘found’ these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit."  Per Judicial Watch:

“It is stunning that the FBI ‘found’ these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit,” stated Judicial Watch Tom Fitton. “Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI’s document games in court. In the meantime, the FBI should stop the stonewall and release these new records immediately.”
This case has also forced the FBI to release into the public domain, the FBI’s Clinton investigative file, although more than half of the records remain withheld.  The FBI has also told Judicial Watch that it anticipates completing the processing of these materials by July 2018. Whatever else happens after the documents are released, with public confidence in the agency having been hovering just above zero for over a decade, this could destroy them completely. A politicized police force is the stuff of fascist tyrannies, it has no place in a democracy.

There is significant controversy about whether the FBI and Obama Justice Department investigation gave Clinton and other witnesses and potential targets preferential treatment.

So will Judicial Watch finally manage to release documents that expose collusion between a former U.S. President, the FBI and the sitting Attorney General to cover-up a massive Clinton scandal or will they simply release more heavily redacted documents that tell us precisely nothing.  We'll let you know on Thursday.


The Video That Ought To spell The End Of Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

The case is human beings are easily manipulated and a propaganda campaign consisting of a toxic mix of lies and scaremongering has frightened the weak of will, the apologies for human beings who rather than face life as a great adventure instead desire instead to cringe behind the apron of Nanny State.

The Business of War: Defense Sales Keep Economies Of Manufacturing Nations Afloat
Tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced due to 'humanitarian' interventions by the developed nations (led by the USA, France and the UKm the FUKUS axis) in the domestic politics of third world nation. Usually the interventions support rebel groups who if they came to power would be far more oppressive and brutal regime than the one they replaced.

War Is Good, The Obama Worshipping Guardian Says

Alas that all went down the pan in 2008 when the USA elected its first (and probably last) black president. Like American liberals, the hacks at The Guardian could not see past the colour of Obama’s skin and before Obama had even been sworn into office they were declaring him not just the greatest president ever but the greatest human being ever

New Hampshire Primary:Sanders and Trump Victory For Vox Populi
Today in New Hampshire where both US political parties have a proper ‘primary’ election as opposed to a caucus a system that apparently chooses candidates by tossing coins, drawing lots, cutting cards or maybe in extreme cases, making the candidates have a fight, it was a different ...

New Poll Shows Clinton, Sanders Tied As Hillary's Lead Crumbles

A new opinion poll from Quinnnipac University shows Hillary Clinton's lead in the contest to become the Democratic Party Presidential nomineee has almost completely evaporated. From a lead of around thirty points in early December, the numbers are now 44% Clinton, 42% Sanders, which is such a narrow gap the only two contenders left in the race are in a statistical tie.

At Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum Americans Agree The Government Is FUBAR

For the Democrats there is, on the left a socialist, selling a political philosophy that has peviously been anatemas to American voters, yet generating the most enthusiasm of any of the other candidates. On the other end of the spectrum, Republican voters are gravitating, nay stampeding, toward Donald Trump. The only serious rival to Trump is Ted Cruz although it is early days yet and we can expect a compromise candidate to emerge

US Military Contractors Happy With Escalating Conflicts in the Middle East

My friends and I have been telling you since the US led coalition invaded Afghanistan in 2001 that the USA's perpetual war on terror was not about making the public safe and secure but instead about corporate profits and political power.

Oregon Ranchers' Militia Tears Down Fence On Government Land, Demands Release Of Ranchers
Following a peaceful protest against the enclosure of government owned land on which ranchers have traditionally enjoyed grazing rights in Burns, Oregon on January 2, the Bundys and fellow militia members who object to new, authoritarian laws drafted by the New World Order United Nations and made law by Obama's Imperial decree, seized the empty EPA building at Malheur.

Barack Obama: A Pacifist Turned Warmonger Threatens Nuclear Holocaust

Barack Hussein Obama, the first African American President Of The USA, elected on a promise of hope and change, was presented to the world as the peacemaker and joybringer, the healer of nations who would lead humanity to an era of peace, prosperity, cooperation and good will ...

Latest NSA Spying Scandal: White House Spied On US Congress.

During the aftermath of Ed Snowden's NSA snooping revelations which revealed the US had been spying on its closest allies for years, Barack Hussein Obama announced he had banned eavesdropping by U.S. government agencies on leaders of US allies and promised he would begin to curtail the collection of Americans' phone data in a series of limited reforms. Unsurprisingly the president was lying,

Loud Trump Resonates Throughout America - Boggart Abroad

I don't know why the politically correct left are getting so worked up about The Trump, American politics is even more tightly controlled by big money than the European system, and the really big money (Golman Sachs, J P Morgan, Soros and company) are not going to let him win. It would upset thrir buddies in Saudi Arabia too much.

Obama Leads Down The Path To Nuclear War – Hillary Clinton Runs To Keep Up …

US Green Candidate Jill Stein Slams Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy As “Scarier Than Trump’s”
Clinton E-mails Show When Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton Allowed George Soros To Dictate Foreign Policy

The FBI Just Indicted Hillary Clinton over Libyan War Crimes - sadly this article was an April Fool

Unfortunately its only an April fool joke but this article provides are rare chance to see all that despicable, arrogant, spoiled bitch Hillary Clintons recent ethical violations catalogued so people can see she really thinks she is above the law. The USA is on the road to tyranny, thankfully we have Vladimir Putin to defend freedom.

Like 'science' the word 'liberal' has become totally misused, those who call themselves now are bigoted, authoritarian and and ill informed. And they do not tolerate those who express opinions differing from theirs. And it seems, the American ones are worse.

Death Of Democracy: Why We Can’t Get The Government We Deserve And Vote For.

In every election campaign, in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, France etc. politicians spout about delivering 'change'. And yet every government we elect, no matter what label they wear or what coulour the use on campaign materials, seems just the same as the last, making the same promises and mistakes. Ever wondered why?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

EU President: Without Millions of African Migrants, Europe Will Be Lost

In a further demonstration of his insanity, Jean - Claude Drunkard says EU needs to make immigrant crisis even worse.

Brussels is planning to open legal pathways for all migrants "who want to come" says European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, declaring that Europe has a "clear need" for mass migration from Africa. This jumped up little pen pushing pouf from Luxembourg is either unaware of the mayhem his beloved migrants have cause or he seriously wants to destroy Europe completely by importing even more violent, sexually incontinent, illiterate, unemployable arseholes.

With German democracy in crisis than to the problems immigration has caused, Britain on the way out, Spain, Portugal and Belgium unable to elect visble governments and Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia all moving to the right and at loggerheads with Brussels, Drunkard seems to think everything is ripe for what got us where we are. but what can we expect from a man who has brandy for breakfast?

Speaking ahead of the EU-Africa summit this week, where leaders of EU and African nations will meet to discuss migration, he told Deusche Well that “if we don’t offer legal ways of emigrating to Europe, and immigrating within Europe, we will be lost.

"If those who come — who are, generally speaking, the poor and needy — are no longer able to enter the house of Europe through the front door, they’ll keep making their way in through the back windows." Europhiles like Drunkard always cite letting the poor and needy come to Europe because "we need them" in justification of civilization destroying globalist policies. WTF do we need their poor and needy for, haven't we got enough poor and needy of our own FFS.

Claiming that the continent "will clearly need immigration in the coming decades", he said EU nations "have to provide [Africans] who want to come, and are able to come, and whose situation makes it possible for them to come, with legal paths to get to Europe".

The case could simply be of course, that the old pouf fancies some black cock.


How to stop Google tracking your every move

Do you ever get the feeling you are being watched or followed? OK, it could possibly be because you are paranoid but more likely you’ve noticed a few things that are just beyond creepy when you are using the web and particularly Google services. For example, has an advertisement for a product or service ever popped up on your screen just after you were talking to someone about it?

The governments of six European state have announced they will reinstate border controls as the immigration crisis starts to gather momentum once more with the onset of warmer weather. The authorities of Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden are in favor of extending the temporary border controls within the European Union, which are due to expire in May, in the framework of the Schengen Borders Code rules, German media reported Saturday.

As UK National Socialist Leader Jeremy Corbyn Corbyn makes 'socialist case' for EU ...

As Jeremy Corbyn goes over to the dark side and tries to pretend the EU is a democratic, socialist organisation, George Soros reveals his plan to marginalise educated Europeans by flooding europe with ignorant, illiterate third world migrants to provide cheap and easily controlled Labour for industry

New German Coalition in Peril as Potential Partners Clash over 200,000 Annual Migrant Limit

Reports thatGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed a proposal from coalition partner and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Seehofer to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany to 200,000 per year to secure a rul;ing coalition may be somewhat premature. Other coalition partners are not as positive on the policy. Merkel’s …

Lampedusa Island: Open Boders Movement’s Gateway Of Choice For Illegal Immigrants Is ‘Collapsing’

illegal immigrants overwhelm migrant reception centre on Lampeduesa(Image source) Lameduesa, the tiny Italian island which which lies in the Mediterranean between Italy and north Africa and was promoted by left wing propagandists as a symbol of the European Union’s “compassionate” open borders approach to the migrant crisis, after a deal was signed with globalist financier …

Black Belgians Refute ‘Poverty, Discrimination’ As Causes Of Arab Terror - It's A Cultural Thing

“You know, we hear a lot about how the Arabs are a fragile community that suffers, but we, ‘les blackies,’ are discriminated against, too, and we hurt nobody”, Nico Atoba, an African Christian living in Brussels told the National Post for a feature the Canadian newspaper was assembling.

Migrants Riot And Use BATTERING RAM To Smash Through E U Border Checkpoint

today used a home-made battering ram in an attempt to force their way through a border control point between greece and Macedonia. They also threw rocks at police, who retaliated with tear gas. The migrants destroyed a gate on the border but Macedonian military personnel were on hand and it is not clear if any actually managed to get through the broken gate ...

Left Complicit In Violence Ripping Through Paris Migrant Neighbourhoods?

As rioting by immigrant populations spreads from the poorer areas of Paris to the city centre and civil unrest spreads throughout France, former special advisor to France’s interior ministry Hugues Moutouh has accused the left-wing political establishment including leaders of the two main socialist parties and their candidates in the presidential election in May of …

German Politician Predicts White Germans Will Be A Minority. Faces Calls to Quit.

Erika Steinbach, human rights spokesperson for Angela Merkel's CDU party, has been criticized after she posted a picture that appears to predict that in 14 years' time, white people will be in a minority in Germany. Steinbach faces criticism after she tweeted a picture with the caption 'Germany 2030' that depicts a crowd of dark-skinned people curiously asking a single white child where she is from.

Migrants Mass At Greek Border Waiting To Cross Into Europe

An estimated 6,500 undocumented travellers (i.e. no passports, no ID, no visas etc.) were assembled at the Idomeni camp on Greece’s northern border with Macedonia on Saturday according to news feeds, after four Balkan countries announced a daily cap on migrant arrivals. The log jam began after Macedonia began refusing entry to Afghans and imposed stricter document controls on Syrians and Iraqis, slowing the passage of migrants and refugees to a trickle.

PARIS ERUPTS: Many streets are NO-GO ZONES As Immigrant Violence Spreads

Five large areas have been reduced to no go areas for the past five nights as masked men cause mayhem on the streets. Now there are fears the fall out from allegations of police brutality could spread all over the country as unrest in the city grows. Residents have been on lockdown as armed police …

Germans Cheer As Refugee Center Burns

After a remarkable degree of restraint and tolerance was demonstrated by residents of EU cities where the refugees are being dumped in hostels, fed, clothed and given spending money, all funded by European taxes, the attacks that left 130 people dead in Paris in November and the string of sexual assaults that swept Cologne, Germany on New Year’s Eve have been the straw that has broken the camels back.

Watch two Finnish shopgirls out a couple of male Muslim shoplifters.
Arthur's introduction (in his usual inimitable style) to this video from Finland might offend some people, but the attitude of Muslim immigrants that they can just walk into shops and take what they want, force themselves on women whenever they please, molest young children and tel us how to run our countries in Europe needs to be challenged.

Islamification Of Germany: Regensburg City Council Considers 'Women-Only' Transportation
Public segregation of men and women, women only buses, segregated sessions at the swimming pool. European politicians have betrayed the people of Europe and are giving away our traditional freedoms in order to appease bestiali Muslim immigrants.

The Immigration Problem (part 1)

As Britain, its voters divided between pragmatism and politically correct thinking, heads for political chaos in an election likely to produce and inconclusive result, the big issue that none of the established parties want to talk about looks set to dominate the political debate through the next government's term in office.

The Mediterranean Boat People Crisis - How Does Europe Deal With The Mediterranean Migrant Crisis

The numbers of migrants trying to cross from the Libya on the coast of north Africa to one of the EU's southern nations is increasing. Europe's impoverished southern nations can't cope. And in the better off nations of northern Europe immigration is a toxic issue which is fuelling the rise of anti EU parties from France to Finnland in the north and Hungary in the east. What can be done?

Monday, November 27, 2017

The US Government Plans to Genetically Engineer Plants to Spy on People

The Daily Stirrer has always believed scientists are insane, the ideas they throw up get whackier as time goes by. And they always, ALWAYS, are more concerned with showing off how clever their science is than with thinking about its less welcome consequences. One of the most fashionable (and therefore most attractive to science wankers,) areas of research currently is Genetic Modification. Potatoes have had their DNA sliced with genes from a shrimp to give is prawn cocktail flavoured chips,rs food crops have had their DNA tweaked so they are not harmed by herbicidal pesticides, thus wiping out pollinating insects so the crops fail just as surely as if they had been eaten by caterpillars.

And these entirely predictable consequences are always completely unforeseen by scientists, who dismiss the questions of non scientists who can actually see what's staring them in the fucking face by saying, "You're not a scientist so you can't understand how science works."

The answer to that of course is "Maybe not, but we can see how your pesticides are working."

Image: Still from the 1963 film "Day Of The Triffids

The latest example of whako science is funded by DARPA, the people who brought you the experiment in training soldiers to kill goats by staring at them. These people are now genetically engineering plants to spy on us.

from The AntiMedia

The government’s newest surveillance program will use plants as instruments of data collection, according to a new report from the military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The program is specifically intended to assist operatives on the battlefield. The project, named Advanced Plant Technologies (APT), seeks to turn plants into next-generation surveillance technology.

In a statement, the agency said:

“The program will pursue technologies to engineer robust, plant-based sensors that are self-sustaining in their environment and can be remotely monitored using existing hardware…detect[ing] the presence of certain chemicals, pathogens, radiation, and even electromagnetic signals.”

DARPA will use gene-editing techniques to reconfigure plants to make them capable of reacting to certain types of stimuli in the environment. These plant-based sensors are self-sustaining and will be remotely monitored by the government agency. While the program will affect the plants’ genomes, it will not alter their ability to thrive in their natural environments.

“Plants are highly attuned to their environments and naturally manifest physiological responses to basic stimuli such as light and temperature, but also in some cases to touch, chemicals, pests, and pathogens,” said APT program manager Blake Bextine in the agency’s press release.

“Emerging molecular and modeling techniques may make it possible to reprogram these detection and reporting capabilities for a wide range of stimuli, which would not only open up new intelligence streams, but also reduce the personnel risks and costs associated with traditional sensors.”

DARPA, sometimes called the Pentagon’s Brain, has long been known for developing innovative but arguably dangerous technologies, including weaponized Agent Orange, covert data mining, anti-protesting weapons, and specially trained war mercenaries. With regard specifically to surveillance and data collection, DARPA has collaborated with the NSA to monitor video game players, developed biosurveillance tools, produced the notorious Total Information Awareness system. That system was responsible for the NSA’s PRISM program, which violated the civil liberties of millions of Americans.

These programs all started under the auspices of benevolent innovation. Once again, we see the complex dynamic between facilitating national security and preserving civil liberties, as one can easily question whether these plant censors could be used for domestic data collection or if they could be modified for other means.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which has acted as a sort of de facto technological watchdog over government and corporate programs, has previously issued critical statements regarding DARPA and other government agencies like the NSA. In one instance, they listed several questions for researchers exploring new and potentially dangerous technologies, including considerations about their security and whether or not they can be exploited. They concluded:

“To be clear, we’re not saying that researchers should stop innovating in cases where the answers to those questions are more pessimistic. Rather, we’re saying that they may want to take precautions proportional to the risk.”

They have urged experts in the field “to fully think through the ramifications of new research as it’s conducted.”

When it comes to developing new forms of surveillance, if we can be certain of anything, it’s that the government will not voluntarily relinquish its self-appointed power to monitor its citizens — so vigilance on everyone’s behalf is necessary.

(RELATED: If You Don’t Know What DARPA Is, You Should Probably Read This)

First published by The Anti Media, Creative Commons licence.


US-EU Privacy Shield Data-Sharing Agreement Blasted as Inadequate

The issue arises from the strict EU laws — enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union — to the privacy of citizens personal data. As we all know thanks to the material leaked by Ed Snowden and others the United States National Security Agency (NSA) does not regard anything as private,
New German Government Smartphone Spyware Will Monitor Citizens’ Calls, Typing AND See Through Their Camera Lenses

The German Interior Ministry has revealed a new “Bundestrojaner” or government trojan horse software that will enable security agencies to track the smartphone activities of anyone who downloads it. We understand Chancellor Merkel's government has also adopted an “off the shelf” tool from a company which is said to help authoritarian regimes track their citizens ...

Latest NSA Spying Scandal: White House Spied On US Congress.

During the aftermath of Ed Snowden's NSA snooping revelations which revealed the US had been spying on its closest allies for years, Barack Hussein Obama announced he had banned eavesdropping by U.S. government agencies on leaders of US allies and promised he would begin to curtail the collection of Americans' phone data in a series of limited reforms. Unsurprisingly the president was lying,

Big Data and The Surveillance Society

We kill people based on metadata. – Gen. Michael Hayden, former head of the NSA and CIA. Bene vixit, bene qui latuit. (To live well is to live concealed) - – Ovid (43 BC - 18 AD)The most sacred thing is to be able to shut your own door. – G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936). I don't know why people are so keen to put the details of their private lives in public; they forget that invisibility is a superpower. – Banksy (2006)

UK Snoopers’ Charter Will Lead to ‘Race to the Bottom’ in Mass Surveillance

The UK government’s so called Snoopers’ Charter would set a dangerous precedent and lead to a “race to the bottom” as governments compete to introduce the most intrusive and hunan rights violation mass surveillance systems, campaigners have claimed as MPs delivered a stinging rebuke to the government regarding the proposals. The Investigatory Powers Bill, which …

New IBM software lets banks and retailers spy on Social Media Activities

Last Thursday (May 28) IBM launched 20 new applications with built in predictive analytics capabilities that will make it easier and faster for corporations to repond to what is revealed by your internet browsing habits.

John Kerry Calls For The Internet To Be Placed Under The Authority Of The United Nations

US Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking earlier this week in South Korea, said that the Internet “needs rules to be able to flourish and work properly.” This, according to Kerry, is necessary even for “a technology founded on freedom.” Kerry made his remarks in the context of talking about how international law is applicable to the Internet.

Whistleblower Exposes USA regine's torture of it's citizens

Just a couple of days ago we picked up a story from one of our favourite Whistleblower sites about a US Government Homeland Security site in Chicago where very strage things were going on. Our report compared it to The Ministry Of Love in Gorge Orwell's novel 1984.

Thousands To Make Legal Stand Againt UK Government Surveillance

Digital Surveillance – everything your gadgets do is monitored (Image source) On Monday, the human rights group Privacy International launched a campaign that will make it possible for people anywhere in the world to challenge covert spying operations involving Government Communications Headquarters(GCHQ), or the USA’s National Security Agency. In the few days since the launch, …

We Predicted An Orwellian Nightmare. Now Obama's Ministry Of Love Is Identified

Back in 2008 we predicted pretty accurately how things would turn out under Presdident Barack Obama. We were not totally correct (well we are a British site) but where we erred it was on the side of caution. For example while it was easy enough to be aware that the egomaniacal

Thousands To Make Legal Stand Againt UK & US Government Surveillance.

Human rights organisation launches legal action to halt electronic mass surveillance. You can join them and be one of the names sueing GCHQ and the NSA. Learn how and read the full story of the Privacy International action below.

Secret ‘BADASS’ Intelligence Program Used To Spy On Smartphones.

Oh what a laugh, what a grin, those kool dudes who strut around with their iPhones clamped to their ear to show us that they paid $500 for a phone they could hsve bought for $150 had they been willing to do without the little Apple logo, and those who bought smart phones because, well everybody who is anybody has one, have been well and truly had.

Obama tries to surpass Blair’s love of surveillance

From Breitbart February 6, 2013. ?OBAMA AIDE MAXINE WATERS: BY 2016 THE PRESIDENT WILL HAVE ?POWERFUL? DATABASE THAT HAS ?EVERYTHING ON EVERYONE?? ?The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,? Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. ?That?s going to …

Virtual ID has arrived – why you should resist taking it up

We told you some years ago when our publication appeared under a different name that the then Labour Government's plan for compulsory electronic ID cards was the step that would take us over the line from a seblance of liberal democracy into oligarchic fascism. Labour's plan was derailed by public opposition but now it has been rehashed and is presented with fluffy window dressing. A vote for Labour, Conservative Or Liberal Democrat is a vote for fascism. You have been warned.

Surveillance Society: A Message for Government Pokenoses.

Here is a message from Boggart Blog to the Military Intelligence Officers, Special Branch Coppers, Benefit AgenCy snoopers and town hall bureaucrats who may be tapping our phone and monitoring our e-mails and this subversive and insurrectionist blog.. FUCK THE FUCKING FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING FUCKERS! For those of you not familiar with the Benefits …

Big Brother Is Right Behind You And He Knows What you Are Up To

No doubt the smug complacent bourgeois fools will shouth conspiracy theirist and the emotionally needy leftist Sheeple will

bleat "racist bigot" (they always bleat "racist bigot" but it is not alarmist to say the UK is slowly becoming a totalitarian state. What else can we calli our nation if anti - terror laws are being used prosecute people for low-level offences such as Television licence dodging.

Henry Kissinger On The New World Order

OK, let the Politically Correct screechers screech 'conspiracy Theory'. Kissinger has of course been a long time advocate of corporatist global totalitarian government by elitis oligarchs and has himself used the phrase New World Order to describe what he sees as the best hope for the future and what those of us outside his small elitist clique see as fascism

The New World Order And Not A Reptillian Alien In Sight

The phrase New World Order is guaranteed to attract shouts of 'conspiracy theorist' from the useful idiots who think the political elite would be their friends (if only the right political party were in power). But with all parties offering an identical package of policies, isn't it time to explore what this New World Order the elite have been talking about for over a hundred years will mean to us if we let it come into being.

Global Corporatocracy Set To Take Over The World
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, Orwell's '1984' Philip K Dick's Minority Report, which of these do the New World Order plan to use as the model for their corporate - scientific dictatorship? The answer is all of them. Concepts like individual freedom and democracy are anathema to our new unhappy lords and once the infrastructure is in place these inconveniences will be swept aside along with nations, traditional cultures and everything else that binds us to our fellow humans.

Surveillance Society? Quis Custodiat Custodes?

Who watches the watchers? Who is watching us and who is watching them watching us? One of the great public debates Mr Broon and his chums will not be hosting over the next few months centres on the question of whether the proliferation of CCTV cameras is actually doing anything to reduce crime. The cameras …

Privacy Wrecking Technologies That Are Systematically Transforming America Into A Giant Prison

Some people insisted it was all a conspiracy theory. Even now they know the extent government and corporations are snooping on us via internet and electronic technology they try to insist it is for our wellbeing and there is no sinister hidden agenda. If you find their assurances comforting you really nead to read this article

What's The Use Of Windows That Cannot Be Closed

NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World

So how did that global cyber attack happen? I can’t tell you with any certainty but the evidence points to its having originated in the USA (and don’t rule out a false flag explanation because the military – industrial complex are now desperate for an escalation of conflict in the middle east, so if some …

Surveillance: Fascism Hiding In Your Cellphone
News drones will be watching you

Google's latest fascist nightmare - the surveillance pill

Surveillance: RFID tattoo will monitor you round the clock

No security when Windows Is Wide OpenTechnology pundits and Microsoft watchers have been surprised by the slow sales of the latest Windons version, Win 8. But when they find what nasty little tricks Microsoft have been collaborating with the US Government on, maybe they will be asking why any sane person would buy a Windows 8 system

Total Surveillance Society

Agenda 21: The Path To Global Fascism

The Tyranny Of Moral Relativism

Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN Rule 'To Save The Planet'

Lauryn Hill's Real Crime? She Broadcast A 'Conspiracy Theory'

Anarchy In The UK (and elsewhere)

Thumpa And The Tyranny Of Human Rights

Surveillance Society

Surveillance: The news channels are spying on you

Them (poem noir)

Science and technolgy

Living Within The Conspiracy

New World Order

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