The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Attack Near Western Embassies In Afghanistan; 90 Dead, Hundreds Injured

A huge suicide bomb ripped through a secure area of Kabul at the height of the Wednesday morning rush hour, killing at least 90 people and wounding 400, Afghan officials said.

The blast, a few days into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, was one of the deadliest to hit the capital in recent years. It serves as a warning that we can expect more such atrocities this month.

The explosion was in the diplomatic quarter near the German Embassy and the Afghan presidential palace. The streets were packed with government workers, shoppers and children going to school, and the blast appears likely to have caused a high civilian death toll.

The bomb was concealed in a water delivery truck and detonated at 8:22 a.m. outside the offices of a cellphone company and a popular TV station, at a location about 400 yards from the German Embassy in one of the busiest parts of town, near big supermarkets and shops.

The Taliban denied responsibility for the attack in a statement. No group has yet claimed it however we know (and this blog has reported) that ISIS have been trying to gain a foothold in Aghanistan.

Wall Street Journal reporter Jessica Donati, in Kabul, giving an eye witness account of the event, said the explosion happened close to Western embassies, government institutions and the residences of high-ranking officials and their families. It's the most fortified part of the city, which can be reached only by passing through several checkpoints.

The BBC confirmed that driver Mohammed Nazir, a member of their staff in Afghanistan for four years and father of a young family, died in the blast. Four BBC journalists were injured, but their injuries are not thought to be life threatening.

At least 11 US citizens assigned to the US embassy as contractors were injured in the blast in Kabul, according to the US State Department.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said the attack was in the "immediate vicinity" of its embassy.
"The attack was aimed at civilians and those who are in Afghanistan to work with the people there for a better future of the country," Gabriel said. He said embassy officials had been injured but that "all employees are safe." An Afghan security officer protecting the embassy area was killed, he said.

German Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Adebahr said the Kabul embassy would remain closed until further notice and that local staff were receiving medical care. A flight that was supposed to leave Berlin for Kabul on Wednesday carrying deported migrants has been canceled, the German Interior Ministry said.


Manchester Bomber Repeatedly Reported to Authorities over Five Year Period

In the wake of the Manchester Arena bombing it has emerged that police and security services failed to act on numerous over five years that suicide bomber Salman Abedi was a potential terrorist. Had law enforcement authorities not been such pussies thay are afraid of being called racist, Abedi’s deadly terror attack might well have been prevented, according to information from independent investigators.

NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.

NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.

NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.

NYU Accidentally Exposed NSA Encryption Busting Code To The World
So how did that global cyber attack happen? The evidence points to its having originated in the USA and don’t rule out a false flag because the military – industrial complex are desperate for war in the middle east, so if some new terrorist group with a scary sounding name like Al Evilbastard death-to-the-infidel Front claims responsibility be suspicious, very suspicious.

Western Liberals Not Outraged With Terrorist Who Lured Children With Food, Then Blew Them Up?
Just a few weeks ago we sane people were almost deafened by the screeching of Social Justice Warriors (who were once fanatically anti war but now seem to have changed sides, given their support for the invasion of Syria and constant provocation of Russia and China by the USA and NATO. The most recent screeching session was prompted by an alleged use of an illegal chemical weapon by the Assad regime in Syria's civil war. It was obvious that attack, if it took place at all, was a false flag event

ISIS touts chemical weapons attacks, but Iraqis, US play it down

Islamic State may be on the brink of defeat in Mosul, but the terror group is determined to go down with all guns blazing. A few days ago the world was going crazy about the alleged chemical weapon attack by the Assad regime in Syria. But while European and American media and politicians were laying the outrage on with trowels, in Mosul, Iraq, the US backed 'moderate rebels' (the same ISIS afilliated guys as are our allies in Syria,) were attacking Asmerican and Iraqi government personnel with chemical weapons of their own ...

‘There Are Dead People In The Street’ – Latests Truck Terror hits Stockholm
From the news feeds we are seeing news of another terrorist atrocity, this time in Sweden. In what appears to be another example of the growing trend for using vehicles as weapons in terror attacks, a truck has been deliberately driven into people on a busy street in central Stockholm. Aftonbladet newspaper reports the incident took place when a truck was driven into a department store, causing multiple casualties.

The War On Cash Intensifies In Response To Trump and Brexit

It appears Europe is charging towards a cashless society. Just days after Davos’ elites discussed why the world needs to “get rid of currency,” the European Commission has introduced a proposal enforcing “restrictions on payments in cash.”
– because only terrorists and drug-dealers need cash (nothing at all to do with totalitarian control over a nation’s wealth) – we are not surprised that this proposal from the European Commission would appear…

France Falling Apart As The World Looks On

France will elect a new president in May 2017. Politicians are already campaigning and debating about deficits, welfare recipients, GDP growth, and so on, but they look like puppets disconnected from the real country. Violence. It is spreading. Not just terrorist attacks; pure gang violence. The media does not dare to say that this violence is coming mainly from Muslim gangs

Support For Merkel Plunges After German Terrorist Attacks
After the recent wave of terror attacks on German territory conducted by recent immigrants claiming refugee status, as expected Chancellor Merkel's "Open Door" policy is being blamed for letting such lawless elements into the country. As a consequence popular support for Merkel has plunged to new lows. Few expected the turnround in support for Merke'l government to be as dramatic as is reflected in opinion polls ...

Europe is at The End of its Existence. Western Europe Is Virtually Dead

The free flow of guns and grenades West is not the main problem Europe faces said the counter - terror expert said. Pointing to the existential crisis Mr. Wrona said: "The worst problem for is political correctness. Europe is at the end of its existence. Western Europe is practically dead. These people live in a void, without ideas. And then come along the young, who [only want] to make money, as once did the barbarians".

Rise In Intercommunity Confrontations Mean "Civil War Is Inevitable" In France According To State Officials

In the wake of the latest Islamic terrorist outrage in Nice, some state officials in France are warning that if the government does not act to suppress Islamic extremist and regain control of immigrant areas in the cities there will be civil war.

Why Do The Weatern Powers, The United nations And The EU Continue To Tolerate The Terror Sponsor Erdogan And Turkey

The terrorist links of NATO member Turkey and its corrupt and tyrannical President Erdogan are so well documented they are beyond reasonable doubt... Erdogan has traded oil and arms with ISIS, committed humanitarian crimes against The Kurds and given refuge to ISIS fighters in Turkey. And yet Barack Hussein Obama continues to support his regime and the European Union is determined to fast track Turkey to full membership.

Orlando Shooting: Eyewitness Testifies ‘More Than One Shooter’

Just as happened with the San Bernadino shooting in California and the Paris attacks of 2015, accounts of the incident in Orlando in May 2016 from people who were at the scene differ from the version of events given mainstream media. A victim of Sunday’s terror attack at the gave a bombshell interview to ABC news in which he alleged there were several terrorists rather than the lone gunman news reports describe.

The Real Humanitarian Crisis Is Not Confined To Syria

So the 'humanitarian crisis' as US politicians choose to call it when demonising Russia and claiming the war could be ended in a week if the Russians would only stop bombing civilians, is not a crisis of Russia and Syria's making and could be ended in a week if the USA and it's allies would simply stop supplying ISIS and Al Nusra Front terrorists with arms and ammunition.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

USA: Federal Prosecutor Killed While Investigating Democrat Election Crimes

by Arthur Foxake, 29 May, 2017
The body of Federal Prosecutor Beranton Whisenant was found on a Florida beach on Friday 26 May. Whisenant had been investigating DNC voter fraud. The lawyer was not simply investigating the DNC voter fraud in Florida. He was also in charge investigating other crimes the state authorities, particularly the Democrats would rather pretend don’t exist: illegal immigrant trafficking, passport and visa fraud.

Police said Whisenant, 37, died of head trauma probably caused by a gunshot, the Miami-Herald reported. Whisenant’s body was found in the water near Magnolia Terrance on Hollywood Beach Wednesday but police were unable to say where, exactly, he died.

“The investigation is at an early stage,” Hollywood, Fla. Police Department spokeswoman Miranda Grossman told the Herald. “All I can confirm is that It is him.”

The circumstances surrounding his death were still being investigated, though the Herald noted that if his death was in some way related to a case he was pursuing, the FBI and district attorney’s offices would be much more involved. Instead, the FBI referred all questions to Hollywood police.

No arrests have yet been made. Should investigators find Whisenant was the victim of some sort of foul play (WTF, a well dressed professional man found dead on a beach with a bullet in his head? Why would anybody suspect foul play?) he would join a list of only about 10 prosecutors who have been killed in modern history.

“This type of person is not out on the street at 2 a.m. confronting people who are intoxicated, armed and violent,” Scott Burns, executive director of the National District Attorneys Association, told KXAS-TV when assistant district attorney Mark Hasse was killed in Texas. This time however, nobody is commenting on the bizarre circumstances of the death. But then nobody commented on the case of the Democrat campaign worker Seth Rich, officially the victim of a street mugging, who was found with a wallet full of cash, and expensive watch and jewellery still on his corpse. Or of the numerous other people associated with the Democratic Party who have died in mysterious circumstances, stretching all the way back to the 1980s when a Clinton aide, Vince Foster, was found to have committed suicide by shooting himself in the head TWICE!

Acting U.S. Attorney Benjamin Greenberg issued an official statement regarding Whisenant's death.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office family was deeply saddened and shocked to learn of Beranton’s death,” said Greenberg. “He was a great lawyer and wonderful colleagues and we will miss him deeply. Our thoughts are with Beranton’s family and friends.”

The mainstream media is already doing their part to cover-up any potential wrong-doing in this case. The Miami Herald has suggested that if the death was a crime or “retaliatory” than authorities would be more aggressive. As we already said: a well dressed professional man found dead on a beach with a bullet in his head? Why would anybody suspect foul play FFS?


Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report

Ever since Donald Trump defeated Democratic Party candidate hillary Clinton in the US Presidential Election, Democrats have based their efforts to make a case for having the result overturned on unsubstantiated allegations that the Trump campaign worked with Russian intelligence officials to undermine the 2016 Presidential Election thereby 'stealing' the White House from Hillary Clinton.

How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation.

FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government!
American's are have the right of free speech, so long as they don't criticise Obama.
Clintons Threatened Attorney General's Life
The FBI's Decision Could Help Trump
Senator Admits The FBI Is "About To Ask Putin For His Copies Of Hillary's Emails"
US Media Bias Revealed As Political Fact Checkers Caught Covering Hillary Clinton Crimes
Sanders Supporters Vindicated: Proof DNC Used Media to Rig Election for Hillary
Assange Says Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton.
FBI Begins Leaking Damaging Evidence Of Hillary's Treason As Obama and DoJ Block Indictment
Can this woman possibly be a fit and proper person to serve as President Of The USA
Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud
Lifelong Feminist Camille Paglia Slams Hypocrite Hillary Clinton And Her 'Liberal' Supporters
The Hope That Springs Eternal?
If You Are An American Voter Thinking Of Voting For Hillary You Need To Read This
CIA Director Brennan Warns Islamic State Militants Are Entering USA As Refugees
Obama's Economy Is Bad; Clinton's Would Be Worse
Total Opacity Of 'The Most Transparent Administration Ever'
New Report Shows How Hillary Clinton Sold Obama on Regime Change in Libya
The Wisdom Of Crowds
Ode to Politicians

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Monday, May 29, 2017

‘Why is My Curriculum White?’ Campaign Forces Oxford Uni to Introduce Compulsory Black History Exams

Britain’s oldest and one of its most prestigious universities has come over all Brack Obama and yielded sanity and academic impartialityto politically correct bigotry from a National Union of Students (Special Snowflake branch)campaign with rejoices in the title, ‘Why is my curriculum white? The snowflakes who are mainly white themselves but are too thick to have noticed that, are protesting against the alleged “Eurocentrism” of history teaching.

"The education we receive at many universities is one that has been largely shaped by colonialism,” asserts the National Union of Students-backed campaign. “It is one that places white, Eurocentric writers and thinkers above others without much concern."

Umm ... WRONG! The history curriculum in most British universities is based on British and European history over the past three thousand years, colonialism was only a small part of that.

The University of Oxford, which has also advised its constituent colleges to drop the use of “gender-specific” titles like Mr. and Mrs. after the students’ union told undergraduates to use the pronoun ‘ze’ in place of ‘he’ and ‘she’, will now replace European history examinations with a compulsory exam centred on black, Middle Eastern, Indian, and other Asian history, The Times reports.

Martin Conway, who chairs Oxford’s history faculty board, claimed changes intended to “bring in diversity in terms of the teaching of history” were prompted by a consultation with students, “quite a few” of whom were active in the ‘Rhodes Must Fall‘ movement.

"Consultation with students"? That's like asking nutters to advise on finding a cure for madness.

Oxford’s theology department was recently restructured so students could graduate without studying Christianity at all after their first year.

The move comes just one month after the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Students’ Union complained that a “white curriculum” at the University of London felt “othering”, “alienating”, and “erasing” for many BME undergraduates.

Really? In that case out of consideration for their '#black' sensibilities we should advise them to fuck off and study at the University of Bongo Bongo land or somewhere simliar.

In a report titled ‘Degrees of Racism’, the union demanded more "research on whiteness" (?) and more black and minority ethnic faculty members, due to the alleged inability of white professors to relate to BME students.

"Both of my tutors are white men,” complained a black student quoted in the report. “How can I have a rapport and feel comfortable talking to a 60-year-old white man?" Somebody should have told the brainless little cunt, "You're not there to be best mates with your tutor sonny - boy, you're there to fucking learn.

Meanwhile, race-based campus activism is also stirring controversy in the U.S., where students at Evergreen State College barracked left-liberal biology professor Bret Weinstein and demanded his resignation after he opposed a ‘day without white people on campus’ event.


Students Feel Pressured To Reflect Uinversities Anti-Brexit Bias In Essays

University students have claimed they are being pressured by political activist lecturers into writing essays which pander to the "anti-Brexit bias"in the higher education system, and fear they will be marked down if their work does not comply with the left wing agenda. Students have alleged that free debate on Brexit, and opinions opposed to those of the "Remain" camp is being shut down by lecturers supporting the movement to thwart the democratic will ...

The Race To Social Breakdown - Greenteeth & Daily Stirrer posts on race and racism issues
People to the left of the political spectrum would have us believe that raceism and racist issues are the most important problems we have to deal with, ahead of, for example, economic meltdown, the population explosion and disease epidemics. They would also have us believe all 'white people' are racist while all dark skinned people are saints. But how much of the left's case is Virtue Signalling and how much is part of a black supremacist agenda?

So London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan Loves Integration And Tolerance Does He?

London Mayors links to terrorism and Islamic extremism exposed. When The Labour Party put up Sadiq Khan as their candidate for Mayor of London it was seen as a cynical ploy, it is well known that Labour voters will vote for a dog turd if it has a red rosette stuck on it, so obviously feeling confident enough to take around 40% of the vote for granted it was a politically smart move to pitch for the votes of London's large and growing Muslim population ...

Child Abuse Cover Up In Sheffield Biggest So Far?

Sheffield and Rotherham sit next to each other in the old steel making area of South Yorkshire. Rotherham has already given us a major scandal when the cover up by police and local coucil officials of massive organised abuse of young girls in the local authority case ststem, and the pressures that were put of people who tried to demand a proper investigation of these crimes by politically correct Labour politicians and party managers was revealed

Here's How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks.

A while ago I posted an article on the new elite, the meritocracy they like to call themselves although they are of no more merit than the old aristocracy whose role they have tried to usurp. The the aristocrats they thing they are a higher order of being than the masses. The evidence (and these science fans love evidence) suggests otherwise

Racism And The Left: According To Many (White) Left Wind Idiots, For A White Person To Breathe Is Racist

We have posted many articles on the intellectual bankruptcy and reliance on fascist tactics of the supporters of left wing politics. This came to a festering, supperating head in the campaign for the European Parliament elections when anybody who opposed the left's politically correct, globalist agenda was smeared as a racist. It was a shick to the left to find voters did not agree with them and in fact considered the lefties bigots and bullies. Now the soul searching begins

US Democrats Plan To Hijack Democracy

The issue at the top of the liberal agenda is immigration. They know that if they can grant amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants in the United States, those immigrants will eventually be allowed to vote. Guess who they’ll vote for? Yeah, Democrats. Republicans will never again win an election. Liberals have denied on many occasions that their ultimate intention is voting rights. They have claimed many times

Left Wing Intellectuals Have Always Despised The Masses

Have you noticed that the professional hand wriners of the left have shifted their focus from 'the poor' to minorities. They did not succeed in abolishing poverty so whaty's going on? Simples. The intellectual left having elected themselves to speak for the poor found the poor were able to speakl for themselves and resented posh pokenoses pontification about matters of which understanding cannot be gained by reading books. This article exposes the hypocrisy of the left ...

The Left's War On Family Life

Since before the 1970s, since before the communists overthrew the Tsar in Russia, since the day Kark Marx condemnede faily life in his Communist Manifesto, the left or 'progressive left' as they now style themselves has been making war on family life and promoting the usurpation of the role of parents by the agencies of the state.

Electoral Reform in Britain - Is It Time for True Proportional Representation?

World View Theory

Swedish Press Conceals Migrant Crimes Due to Loyalty to Government

London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report

German Feminist Says Authorities Covered Up Muslim Sex Crime For Twenty Years

School Inspectors Find Books ‘Promoting Stoning People To Death’ In Islamic School

Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslims

Migrants Insulating Themselves From European Culture

Germany and The Incompatibility Of Cultures.

When The Caring, Sharing Culture Goes Too Far

The Collapse Of British Culture

Council Of Europe Concerned At Rising Racism In Germany: Immigration A Benefit To European Culture?

The Facebook Of Dead Names

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Conflict Kicking Off Again In Libya

Reports from Libya confirm that the conflict between rival groups claiming to be the legitimate government is escalating again. Heavy battles continue to rage in Tripoli as rival factions duel for control of the Libyan capital. The assault on the UN-backed government (which has little support among the Libyan people) is led by a Misrata commander whose success in the anti-Gadaffi rebellion was secured by the 2011 NATO intervention.

There have been sporadic clashes in Tripoli for months, after a lull in fighting which had beguin in 2011 after the falll of the Gaddafi regime, but things bacame more serious on Friday (26 May) and there was fierce fighting throughout  Saturday between militias loyal to the self-proclaimed National Salvation Government (GNC) and forces loyal to the internationally-recognized Presidential Council (PC) which presides over the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) which has little support among the Libyan people..

This latest flare - up began after the GNC’s militia’s top commander, Salah Badi, launched an attack on the GNA-allied Central Security militia in an attempt to recapture parts of the capital, the Libya Herald reported.

Lawless Libya

As Migrants Pour Into Italy ISIS Say: Overrun Europe with Immigrants and "Turn it into Hell’

Western intervention in Libya resulted in the North African nation going from the most prosperous and modern nation in Africa to a lawless failed state in the space of three years. Now we learn that ISIS aka Islamic State, the terrorist army that plans to establish a caliphate, has gained a hold on the country. And it gets worse ...

The US Helped Overthrow Gadaffi And Create A Liberal Democracy. Now It Is A Failed State.

“We are helpless and not being able to do anything against this deliberate destruction to the oil installations. NOC urges all faithful and honorable people of this homeland to hurry to rescue what is left from our resources before it is too late.”
The above statement from Libya’s National Oil Corp references the seizure of state oil assets by Islamic State extremists, whose influence in the country is growing ...

The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela

Last week, President Obama signed an executive order declaring a “special state of emergency,” saying that the situation in Venezuela represents an extraordinary danger to U.S. interests and foreign policy.It is all total bollocks of course, for resons that are not entirely clear, Washington has decided that Venezuela will be the next nation to be destabilised in pursuit of the U.S. global hegemony agenda.

Why Libya is ringing alarm bells in Italy

We have followed the deterioration of Libya since the Obama led FUKUS axis decided to overthrow Gaddafi because he was no longer doing what America wanted. It has not been a pretty story. Now, as Rome rings alarm bells over the deteriorating situation in Libya, The Daily Stirrer looks at the likely consequences in mainland Europe of a failed state across the Mediterranean.

The Forgotten War – Understanding The Incredible Debacle Left Behind By NATO In Libya

The FUKUS axis intervention in Libya, led by US President Barack Obama, with help from David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy as leadsers of UK and France, was an abject failure judged even by the standards of American foreign policy incompetence. Libya not only failed to evolve into the democracy we were told it would become once Gaddafi was gone, it has devolved into a failed state.

Turning Libya into a lawless hellhole ‘was the right thing to do’, says Rothschild Zionist David Cameron

Remember when President Obama's favourite arse licker was cheerleading for the bombing of Libya, back in 2011? Britain and France then led a coalition that intervened ostensibly to protect the people of the eastern city of Benghazi but in reality to overthrow the country’s leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Addressing the UN Cameron in September 2011 Cameron he bragged of the lifesaving and humanitarian aspects of his intervention ...

Will Benghazi Flush Hillary's hopes down the karzi

Washington Times’ publishes expose that could sink Hillary Clinton's Presidential hopes. Tapes Confirm Citizen Commission’s findings on Benghazi screw up that cost American lives. Hillary Clinton has once again delayed formally announcing her intention to run for the White House in 2016, after more embarrassing information about the part the former Secretary of State played in ...

Why the bombing of Libya triggered the illegal immigrant invasion of Europe

Libya intervention was a Us foreign policy disater

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Merkel Furious After Trump Refusal To Toe The Party Line Causes G-7 Failure To Agree To Agree On Climate Change

So things dod not go according to the New World Order plan at Donald Trump's first G-7 summit, where the US president refused to be pushed around by leaders of second division powers including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and new French President Emmanuel Macron. The G7 was downgraded from the G8 because of Vladimir Putin's obstinacy in resisting Obama's efforts to depose the Assad regime in Syria, now appears to be heading towards further diminuition as the G6. Those loyal to the Obama doctrine of American global hegemony had hoped to persuade the US president to endorse the totally meaningless Paris Agreement climate pledge to fight global warming.

By the end of the summit - held over 24 - 26 May at a luxury hotel in Taormina, Sicily they had to face up to their failure to persuade Trump to adopt the policy of scaremongering about climate disaster in order to advance the gloablisation agenda. Trump reiterated his determination to break the global mold by refusing to follow the Group of Seven line not only on global warming but also by resisting certain measures on trade that will favour global corporations to the detriment of smaller, local, independent businesses.

Furthermore, the final G-7 communique gave the U.S. its own section to say that it is “undergoing a review process” and is unable to join in the discussion, an official cited by Bloomberg said. As a result while the US will remain excluded from the final affirmation that the other six, call it the G-6, will reaffirm that they agree to agree to the Paris Agreement on climate change, which commits signatories to agree that there is a climate, which Trump tweeted Saturday he’d come to a decision on next week.

Needless to say, Merkel who had hoped to leave the Saturday summit with the G-7 agenda endorsed by everyone, including Trump, was furious at the US president.

“The whole discussion about climate has been difficult, or rather very unsatisfactory" German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters Saturday. "Here we have the situation that six members, or even seven if you want to add the EU, stand against one. That means there are no signals until now whether the U.S. will remain in the Paris Agreement or not. We have therefore not talked around it but made clear that we the six member states and the EU remain committed to the goals of the agreement.”

The unhappy German continued: "The fact that we have not been able to make progress here is of course a situation in which you have to say that there is no common support for an important international agreement. This Paris Agreement is not simply any old agreement, but it’s rather a core agreement.”

She concluded by noting the unprecedented breach of agreement within the ranks, perhaps a first in G-7 history “There is right now no agreement. But we have made very clear that we are not moving away from our positions.”

Moments later, the final declaration released a just as stunning statement, which said that the U.S. was "not in a position to join consensus" on climate change. Trump’s lack of rapport with European leaders on this issue raises serious questions about his ability to work with critical U.S. allies. This accords with his 'America first' campaign rhetoric, so why is anyone surprised?

There was at least some consensus on trade among the leaders, after haggling over wording on protectionism and reciprocal benefits, the WSJ reported. Technical negotiations went on into the early hours of morning in Taormina to try to reconcile Trump’s ‘America First’ approach with the other leaders’ commitment to open markets. The result is a reference to combating protectionism to be included in the final text, according to two of the officials. Still, said the third, the document in its current draft clearly falls back by comparison to earlier G-7 communiques which go close to committing leaders to a borderless world (with free movement of goods and labour which are very bad for working and middle class people, and free movement of money (to wealth - freindly tax jurisdictions) which is very good for the super rich.


EU Refuses to Block Eurozone Integration to Reach Agreement With UK

Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann said at the E?U summit on British membership terms that the European Union wants to reach an agreement with the United Kingdom, but it is not prepared to compromise the banking union (financial integration) or the further integration of monetary union (UK being forced to abandon the pound join the Euro?) to achieve this goal.

Afghan troops defect to Taliban in Helmand

According to news sources in Pakistan, up to sixty five Afghan soldiers, trained and armed by US and European military advisers, have defected to the resurgent Taliban, taking their weapons and equipment with them. Another 88 are reported to have been killed in heavy fighting between Taliban irregulars and government forces in the southern province of Helmand.

The Revolution Is Spreading: Now Austria Turns Against The Anti - White Leftist Elite

With Sweden's coalition of opponents, formed to deny a place in government to the anti - immigration, pro - Swedish culture party The Sweden Democrats a place in government that was their democratic right, falling apart; with France's Front National, led by Marine Le Pen topping polls and other parties opposed to mass immigration and the destruction of European culture riding high elsewhere, Austria has become the latest nation where voters have turned their backs on the consensus politics of Cultural Marxism.

The International Elite's Contempt For National Sovereignty

Ersatz Culture Created By World View Theorists To Undermine Western Values

A global corporateocracy

The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA.

If Free Market Capitalism Is The Global Economic System, WTF Is This All About?

Corporatism: Government of The People By The Technocrats For The Monopoly Men Of The Global Elite

Centralized power - the worst of all possible worlds

How Globalism and Big Agriculture Corporations Are Destroying Independent Farmers.

Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea

The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech and Information

Here's How Working Class Organisations Out Of Which the Labour Movement Grew Were Hijacked By Elitist Control Freaks.

European Commission puts business profits before the needs of the world’s poorest.

Is Europe Waking Up To The Threat Of Globalism Posed by Secret Trade Treaties

Privatization of Water as an Owned Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right

US-EU Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) Will Have Devastating Social and Environmental Consequences

Foreign Exchange Market Rigging: Another Conspiracy Theory Exposed As Truth

Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership Attacks Democracy

A Song Of Servitude (poem)

Holy City (poem)

Our New Unhappy Lords
Is a Global Wide Cash Ban Coming

Post Trump And Brexit Globalists Next Move

The Real Rate Of Inflation, USA, UK (Europe’s is off the scale). The Global Economy Is Bankrupt

Globalists Like Soros Are Now Blatantly Moving Forward Their Totalitarian World Government Agenda

Oh What A Tragedy For Globalists: Here’s what we will miss by being outside the EU

Former Morgan Stanley Chief Asia Economist: “Don’t Listen To The Ruling Elite, The World Economy Is In Real Trouble”

U2 Celeb Bono partners with Monsanto, G8, to biowreck African farms with GMOs

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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Mad Dog Gaddafi Warned Of Islamist Attacks On Europe If His Regime Was Ousted ...

So what did our western leaders, notably the FUKUS axis (France, UK, US) do. They fucking killed him and turned his country into a failed state where the breakdown of law and order and the lack of a coherent government has allowed Islamic extremism to gain a foothold and prosper.

Back in 2011, in a phone call with Tony Blair, lasting half an hour, Gaddafi tried to prevent the regime change bombing campaign led by barack Obama and the USA, warning that if his regime was overthrown Islamic torrorist groups would use Libya as a conduit to infiltrate and attack Europe. Gaddafi insisted he was trying to defend Libya from al-Qaeda fighters. The presence of al-Qaeda terror cells would later be superceded by the rise of the so-called Islamic State.
"We are not fighting them, they are attacking us, " he said, "I want to tell you the truth. It is not a difficult situation at all. The story is simply this: an organisation has laid down sleeping cells in North Africa. Called the Al-Qaeda Organisation in North Africa... The sleeping cells in Libya are similar to dormant cells in America before 9/11
"They have managed to get arms and terrify people. people can't leave their homes... It's a jihad situation. They have arms and are terrorising people in the street."

In a second call made a little over four hours later, Gaddafi told Mr Blair: "I will have to arm the people and get ready for a fight. Libyan people will die, damage will be on the Mediterranean, Europe and the whole world. These armed groups are using the situation [in Libya] as a justification - and we shall fight them." a transcript of the converstation, published in 2016 revealed.

 Former British Prime Minister Blair made two calls to Gaddafi to try to negotiate the dictator's departure from Tripoli as civil war engulfed the nation. Three weeks later, a Nato-led coaltion that included Britain, began bombing raids that led to the overthrow of Gaddafi. The dictator was finally deposed in August and murdered by a mob two months later.

In the calls Blair told Gaddafi: "If you have a safe place to go you should go there because this will not end peacefully and there has to be a process of change, that process of change can be managed and we have to find a way of managing it.

"The US and the EU are in a tough position right now and I need to take something back to them which ensures this ends peacefully."

Mr Blair ended the call by saying: "i would like to offer a way out that is peaceful... keep the lines open."

Gaddafi's warnings appear to have been born out. Libya has collapsed following his overthrow. The country remains in the grip of civil war, with three rival groups each claiming to be the legitimate government, and much of Libya's territory is in the control of Islamist extremists linked to the ISIS  .

Terrorists sent by Isil to France were responsible for the attacks on Paris in November 2015 amid growing concern jihadists are crossing into Europe from north Africa and the Middle East.


EU HoldsBack New Regulation For Fear Of Strengthening Brexit Case

The unelected leaders of the EU in Brussels are smothering discussion of new pan – European laws that would impact the United Kingdom and all other member states, increasing the amount of money they have to contribute to the EU budget and transferring yet more sovereignty to Brussels ...

The US Helped Overthrow Gadaffi And Create A Liberal Democracy. Now It Is A Failed State.

“We are helpless and not being able to do anything against this deliberate destruction to the oil installations. NOC urges all faithful and honorable people of this homeland to hurry to rescue what is left from our resources before it is too late.”
The above statement from Libya’s National Oil Corp references the seizure of state oil assets by Islamic State extremists, whose influence in the country is growing ...

The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela

Last week, President Obama signed an executive order declaring a “special state of emergency,” saying that the situation in Venezuela represents an extraordinary danger to U.S. interests and foreign policy.It is all total bollocks of course, for resons that are not entirely clear, Washington has decided that Venezuela will be the next nation to be destabilised in pursuit of the U.S. global hegemony agenda.

Why Libya is ringing alarm bells in Italy

We have followed the deterioration of Libya since the Obama led FUKUS axis decided to overthrow Gaddafi because he was no longer doing what America wanted. It has not been a pretty story. Now, as Rome rings alarm bells over the deteriorating situation in Libya, The Daily Stirrer looks at the likely consequences in mainland Europe of a failed state across the Mediterranean.

The Forgotten War – Understanding The Incredible Debacle Left Behind By NATO In Libya

The FUKUS axis intervention in Libya, led by US President Barack Obama, with help from David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy as leadsers of UK and France, was an abject failure judged even by the standards of American foreign policy incompetence. Libya not only failed to evolve into the democracy we were told it would become once Gaddafi was gone, it has devolved into a failed state.

Turning Libya into a lawless hellhole ‘was the right thing to do’, says Rothschild Zionist David Cameron

Remember when President Obama's favourite arse licker was cheerleading for the bombing of Libya, back in 2011? Britain and France then led a coalition that intervened ostensibly to protect the people of the eastern city of Benghazi but in reality to overthrow the country’s leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Addressing the UN Cameron in September 2011 Cameron he bragged of the lifesaving and humanitarian aspects of his intervention ...

Will Benghazi Flush Hillary's hopes down the karzi

Washington Times’ publishes expose that could sink Hillary Clinton's Presidential hopes. Tapes Confirm Citizen Commission’s findings on Benghazi screw up that cost American lives. Hillary Clinton has once again delayed formally announcing her intention to run for the White House in 2016, after more embarrassing information about the part the former Secretary of State played in ...

Why the bombing of Libya triggered the illegal immigrant invasion of Europe

Libya intervention was a Us foreign policy disater

Hillary Clinton's hopes went down the khazi in Benghazi

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Civilians, including women & children, killed in US airstrikes in Syria

According to Syria's Sana news agency, a state controlled organisation but that's as good as it gets for news sources in Syria as there are no western reporters in that area now, at least 35 civilians, most of whom were women and children, have been killed this week in air strikes carried out by the US led coalition air forces. Numerous serious injuries have also been reported.

The non combatants were killed in coalition airstrikes on Thursday evening (25 May), according to Sana. The UN’s human rights chief has, somewhat ineffectually, called on all sides to take greater care to protect civilian lives in the war-torn country.

The airstrikes in Deir-ez-Zor province hit the market in the city of Mayadeen, which is where most of the civilians were killed or injured, as well as completely destroying a four-story building that was, news agency reported.

A spokesman for the US-led coalition confirmed that its forces carried out airstrikes near Mayadeen on Thursday and Friday. No comments were offered on the success of the raids or on casualty numbers.

The coalition forces "are very much pushed by the advance of the Syrian army and its allies, including Russia and Iran, and they need to clear the way for the forces that they support as quickly as possible," Ammar Waqqaf, director of Gnosos, a UK think-tank that focuses on crises in the Middle East told RT. In other words, while Russia and Iran, alongside the army of President Assad's Syrian government are trying to defeat the terrorists of ISIS, Al Nusra and Daesh, the USA and its allies are still supporting some terrorist groups and prioritizing the overthrow of Assad. The whole Syrian civil war, from its befinning has really been another failed regime change exercise engineered by the CIA.

Waqqaf said, ”because the US and its coalition partners seem to be desperate to clear the way, they are not checking their intelligence more diligently,” adding, that the cost of civilian lives "to this sort of enterprise is raising by the day.”

Meanwhile, the UN’s high commissioner for human rights has called on all forces operating in Syria to be more careful to correctly distinguish between legitimate military targets and civilians when conducting airstrikes against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

“The rising toll of civilian deaths and injuries already caused by airstrikes in Deir-ez-Zor and Al-Raqqa suggests that insufficient precautions may have been taken in the attacks,” Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein said in a Friday statement, as quoted by Reuters.

Hussein was referring to airstrikes carried out in mid-May that he said killed nearly two dozen farmworkers – most women – in a village in eastern Raqqa, as well as at least 59 civilians in residential areas of Deir al-Zor.

The UN human rights spokesman also described some of the atrocities committed by ISIS in the region, noting that “scant attention is being paid by the outside world to the appalling predicament of the civilians trapped in these areas.” His comments came just one day after a Pentagon investigation admitted that more than 100 civilians had been killed in a US airstrike in Iraq in March, but largely placed the blame on IS.

According to evidence, the airstrike on a building in Mosul’s al-Jadida neighborhood triggered secondary explosions from devices planted by IS fighters. The investigation also states that the episode began when two ISIS snipers began firing at troops from Iraq, prompting the US-led coalition to respond with the airstrike (seems like overkill but there we go).

The US-led coalition has increased the number of bombs dropped on ISIS positions this year, according to statistics from the US Air Forces Central Command. Figures show a total of 14,192 rockets, bombs, and other devices were dropped in the first four months of 2017, up from 9,442 during the same period in 2016.

The increased number of airstrikes “can be attributed to the increased pace of operations in both Iraq and Syria as we target and destroy ISIS,” Lieutenant Colonel Damien Pickart, a spokesman for Air Force Central Command said on Tuesday, as quoted by USA Today.


Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine - US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable

With a backlash against his efforts to bully Britons into voting to remain in the EU pushing the leave campaign into a narrow lead in opinion polls Obama's vistit to Europe last week could hardly be described as a success. And now he has been told a foreign policy based on 'American Exceptionalism' is not acceptable and the USA must abide by the same international law as the rest of the world

Iran's Ayatollahs save SyriaPutin and
Now That Russia's Putin and Iran's Ayatollahs Have Neutralised ISIS in Syria the focus of terror shifts to Turkey, the NATO members that, with the fuill knowledge of the USA ans European powers has been helping ISIS in its bid to overthrow the Assad regime.

The Final Curtain For Hillary's Presidential Dream

The Obama Administration helped ignite the civil war in Syria as “the best way to help Israel,” a newly-released Hillary Clinton email published by Wikileaks has confirmed. Silly Hilly, then Secretary Of State wrote: "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."

Russia's Surprise Withdrawal From Syria? "If We Don't Go Away, We Can't Come back Again.

There is no doubt that the withdrawal is not quite what it seems to be, but more likely a tactical move by the Russians. The Kremlin feels it has done enough to secure the regime of President Assad, the remnants of the Sunni Muslim Free Syrian Army are no longer capable of mounting a challenge and the Syrians, along with Shi'ite militias in Iraq and Kurdish irregulars, backed by Iranian Republic an Guard troops ought to be capable of dealing with ISIS

Propaganda War: US Officials Working to Keep Russia, Europe at Odds
Speaking to the US Senate Armed Services Committee this month, Breedlove said that " Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration from Syria in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve." These irrational remarks, and the mainstream media's ability to convey them with a straight face, are an indication of a broken system, experts suggest.

Guess Which Political Grouping Wants To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia?

Has the headline sunk in. Yes it says there are people out there who want to legalise incest (brother /sister or parent / child sex) and necrophila (sex with dead people). Puzzled about who would want to legalise such repugnant things? I'll give you a clue, they aren't conservatives, libertarians or nationalists.

EU HoldsBack New Regulation For Fear Of Strengthening Brexit Case

The unelected leaders of the EU in Brussels are smothering discussion of new pan – European laws that would impact the United Kingdom and all other member states, increasing the amount of money they have to contribute to the EU budget and transferring yet more sovereignty to Brussels ...

Turkey Blames Kurds, Assad For Terrorist Attack, Vows Swift Response

Yesterday came the first terrorist attack on Turkish soil. As this blog predicted President Erdogan of Turkey is blaming the Kurds and President Assad of Syria for yesterday's bomb blast in the Turkish capital which killed and injured many people.It was predictable would the attack would be blamed on Assad and the Kurds, thus giving the nutter Erdogan an excuse to intensify his actions against Assad and the Kurds

War Is Good, The Obama Worshipping Guardian Says

Alas that all went down the pan in 2008 when the USA elected its first (and probably last) black president. Like American liberals, the hacks at The Guardian could not see past the colour of Obama’s skin and before Obama had even been sworn into office they were declaring him not just the greatest president ever but the greatest human being ever

Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive

The geopolitical world was rocked yesterday when Turkey began shelling Syria’s second largest city, Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by the forces of President Assad’s government and the Iranian Republican Guard supported, of course, by Russian airstrikes.

US Allies Now Fighting CIA-Backed Terror Groups In Syria

The idea that ISIS has very close links with the USA has gone beyond conspiracy theory, or anti US propaganda, the proof is out there. We have previously reported on the US government's links to ISIS and revealed the vital role of NATO member Turkey in supporting the terrorists in their campaign which aims to create an Islamic Caliphate stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf

Turkey and Sadui Arabia Already Have Troops Fighting In Syria

Even mainstream media has been forced to concede that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are apparently ready to send ground forces to the Syrian battlefield as Assad's forces, backed by Russian air power and Iranian elite troops but continue to grind down ISIS forces equipped with US made arms and ammunition via Saudi Arabia and funded by Turkey's illegal oil trade with the terrorist group.

US Military Contractors Happy With Escalating Conflicts in the Middle East

My friends and I have been telling you since the US led coalition invaded Afghanistan in 2001 that the USA's perpetual war on terror was not about making the public safe and secure but instead about corporate profits and political power.

Crazy Obama Administration Claims It Brought Peace And Security To Syria In 2015
As fighting intensifies between ISIS, The Assad regime and its Russian, Iranian and Chinese allies and the FUKUS axis (France, UK, US) with support from Turkey as that rogue state wages a genocial campaign against the Kurds, the increasingly insane warmongers of the Obama administration is telling US voters they have brought peace and security to Syria Fortunately for Americans with enough nous to question the official narrative, new media is getting the truth out to ever increasing audiences.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Democrats Russia-Trump Claim Collapses. CIA Director Tells Hearing Hillary, Not Trump Collaborated With Russians

Since the defeat of Washington insider and the anointed of The Military / Industrial Complex, Hillary Clinton by billionaire businessman, TV star and all round loudmouth Donald Trump, the Democrats, bad losers like all left wing parties have been levelling trumped - up accusations of collaborating with Russia at Trump. It started before votes were cast of course, when Clinton's campaign accused the Russians of hacking private servers and stealing thousands of emails damaging to Mrs. Clinton which were subsequently published by Wikileaks. Eventually Wikileaks acknowledged that the documents had come from a Democratic Party campaign worker - now known to be Seth Rich, who was murdered close to his home in Washington. The death was recorded as a mugging, but apart from the fact that Rich's wallet, and expensive watch and jewllerey he was carrying were found on his body, the killing bore the hallmarks of a professional hit, there were a number of other mysteries surrounding the crime and investigation.

After the election, the Democrats changed tack, claiming Trump has business links to the Russian government which disqualified him from serving as president. no evidence to support the accusations.Still, helped by friends in mainstream media they managed to force an investigation into the non - existent 'links.' That investigation is now presenting its findings to a congressional committee.

Under questioning before the House Intelligence Committee, former CIA Director John Brennan inadvertently admitted that Russia was in possession of information that is damaging to Hillary Clinton.

Brennan’s refusal to answer whether Russia had damning intelligence on Mrs. Clinton, with which they could blackmail her, could only be for one reason.  It’s now clear the Russians absolutely are in possession of such information.

Why else would he only agree to answer that question in closed session?  After all, neither ex-FBI Director James Comey, Director of ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, or Brennan asked for a closed session to answer such a broad question about Trump when each of them were before Congress multiple times in the past.

Under direct questioning, Brennan didn’t come close to implying that the Russians possessed a shred of damaging information about Trump.

In fact the entire sequence of questions were focused solely around the Russians having negative information on Clinton.


The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
Ever wondered when and where the idiotic pseudo -philosophies of hippys and the idiotic and divisive politically correct dogmas of the modern left were born. The Social justice Warriors (aka 'liberals' or progressives' though they are really neither of these things but instead are moralistic authoritarians who hate free speech and personal liberty and support censorship, government control of media and criminalisation of dissent.

Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud

The woman is a phoney, a self interested, self aggrandizing elitist with a sense of entitlement the size of a galaxy. Whatever Hillary does, and whatever minority group the claims she is acting in the interests of, you can bet the main beneficiaries are Hillary Clinton, her family and her cronies.

No surprise then that a whistleblower has exposed Hillary's charity, 'The Clinton Foundation as a fraud.

Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.

'I Pray for Sanders' - Oliver Stone Condemns Clinton’s ‘Corrupt’ Policy
Academy Award-winning movie director Oliver Stone criticized former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for contributing to almost every major conflict of recent decades and for refusing to accept the fact that “the Cold War” era is over

Panama Papers: British Elite Linked to Corruption, yet Media Only Focuses on Putin
It is clear (and very easy to research) that many Amerocan elitists, including prominent political figures are involved in the Panama tax haven scandal. So why are British news organisations focusin on David Cameeron, the Conservatives and Vladimir Putin? Could it be the Gerge Soros funded group behaind the leaks have another agenda besides exposing (perfectly legal) tax avoidance?

Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment
So if Trump is in fact as liberal as the corporate sock puppet Obama, what is it about him that has the ruling elite so scared the corporate owned mainstream media are resorting to desperate measures to discredit him while politicians plot increasing unfeasible ways to stop him becoming president.

Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
We reported a little while ago, in our series of posts chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton after the story of how, while Secretary Of State, she made use of personal IT equipment to handle government material classified as 'beyond top secret. The story broke just as Hillary's campaign ran into stormy waters are Bernie Sanders, originally written off as a fringe candidate began to gain momentum ...

Servergate: Hillary Clinton arrogant, ignorant or both

Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
while I have been amused by the antics of the Republicans as they search for a way to stop Donal Trump, on the other side of the coin I have learned there is not alot about the Democratic Party that is actually democratic.

New Report Shows How Hillary Clinton Sold Obama on Regime Change in Libya
We have no compunction about lobbying against Hillary as responsible citizens of the world who put the interests of people in the USA, Europe and the third world ahead of the interests of a global wealthy elite who profit from war and are quite prepared to use financial muscle to make sure corporate profit wins out over public interest.

Mighty Trump Blows Off Rebublic Challengers
No surprises in the US Presidential primaries last night, but another chance to maintain my run of flatulence related headlines as Donald Trump continues to dominate the Republican contest.
From The Bloated Big State A Mighty Trump Burst Forth
America is being destroyed by Vic Damico
Detroit, the American Dystopia
American paranoia
Failure of American leadership
Obama's administration of bottom feeders
Obama's Big Brother society
Obama's jihad against civilisation
Obama creates an oppressive, tyrannical regime

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Hillary Clinton's Crimes Are Much Worse Than We Thought

Congressman Trey Gowdy, who has a reputation in Washington for asking questions the rich and powerful do not want to answer has confirmed what was hinted at in a leak a few days ago, namely that the crimes Hillary Clinton is implicated in (including corruption, electoral fraud, abuse of office for personal gain and perjury) are "much worse than first thought." Details emerging from the investigation into her emails are soon to go public and Mr. Gowdy has said that "history will be nicer" to James Comey once classified findings of the case are revealed. Comey of course was pilloried for his decision not to pass evidence of Clinton crimes to the Attorney General giving the excuse that even though there was irreftuable evidence of lawbreaking he did not think any reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against Clinton.

Gowdy (Republican, South Carolina), who removed himself from the shortlist of candidates to replace the Comey as Director of the FBI, has confirmed that the problem with the case and with progressing the inquiry have been down to the far-reaching nature of the crimes of Mrs. Clinton who stands accused of using her charity, The Clinton Foundation as a personal income generator and means of peddling influence to corporate and foreign interests and greasing the palms of those from whom she needed political favours. Many high-profile political figures in Washington D.C. are also believed to have been complicit in the crimes.

Infowars reports: Gowdy’s statement also indirectly confirms an Infowars report from July 7 in which an anonymous FBI source said the reason why Comey didn’t prosecute Clinton over Emailgate was because it would pit the FBI against the “rest of Washington D.C.” due to so many high-level politicians implicated by Clinton’s crimes.

FBI Drops Hints They Are Ready to INDICT Hillary Clinton

Sources close to the FBI investigation into Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's offences relating to national security when she was Secretary of State say the Feds are ready to indict the frontrunner in the nomination process on charges relating to classified information.

Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign
We've been chronicling the downfall of Hillary Clinton, from her seemingly unassailable position as the anointed successor to Barack Obama, whose path to first the Democratic Party nomination and then the Presidency itself had been carefully planned and all obstacles removed. The fixers and deal makers had reckoned without two factors however, Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton's poor image with voters, a result of her spoiled little rich girl arrogance and the incompetence she showed in office as Secretary of State.
Obama's price for saving Daves seat on the EU Gravy train
America being destroyed by neo - liberalism

America global hegemony
Failure of American leadership
Washington flatulence creates American trump
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Servergate: Hillary Clinton, Arrogant, Ignorant or both?
Servergate: 'Immune' Hillary IT-Staffer Reportedly A "Devastating Witness" - FBI
Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
Hillary Should Be Terrified After Judge Grants Staffer Immunity On Email Scandal
More Evidence That Hillary Clinton Leaked Secrets damaging To The USA
An Ode To Politicians (satirical verse)

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

"Let's Burn Down The Universities"

Authored by JC Collins via Philosophy of Metrics blog,
An Offensive Act of Self Defence to Save the Great School of Western Thought
It should be clear to all reasoning people with the ability for critical thinking that a pattern of cultural warfare has been unfolding against the Western world since at least the end of World War Two. The contrast between what was then and what is now is stark and frightening. It should serve as all the evidence we require to make the final determination about what has been happening.

The complete destruction of the traditional family unit has taken place through a process of indirect and direct attacks against the proven characteristics of Western civilization. It should be obvious that media and artch have orchestrated a well-thought out strategy of cultural warfare against the masculine and feminine ideals and support columns of culture.

This strategy has attacked the natural and instinctual strengths of both men and women while promoting the weakness from within each of us as individuals. The battles of this cultural attack have been orchestrated and waged from inside the once great structures of Western thought.

Our educational buildings and curriculums have been used to erode and shatter all the ideals of natural and instinctual existence which have developed within the Western mind. The more we remember and rediscover, the more we realize that almost everything which is taught in our schools is either a corrupt twisted version of truth, or is an outright lie and fabrication.

If our curriculums were based on truth they would not need the constant changing and tweaking which takes takes place. Nor would it require involvement of government controls. All are tell-tale signs that something smells rotten in Denmark.

Over the years there have been various exposé and theories surrounding everything from the Frankfurt School, the Tavistock Institute, Lucis Trust, Freemasonic control of all things, Satanism, Bilderberg, Trilateral, Rhodes, and so on and so on. The plethora of culprits and evil organizations run the gambit of all human elitism and consolidation of wealth and power.

Not withstanding some truth to this large list of nefarious actors, and not to mention that the stated longterm goals of these groups and organizations match with the results which have been achieved since the end of the war, there is much more to the expanding collapse of Western civilization which needs to be considered.

Read full article >>>

Tommy Clod