The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Zelensky Says He'll End War On Terms He Could Have Had In Early 2022 But With One Condition Russia Will Never Accept

Picture: Daily Mail


Former Ukraine President, now unelected dictatorVolodymyr Zelensky (his term of office expired earlier this year, since then his regime has not had legitimacy,) said on Friday night that he was willing to cede territory to Russia to end the war for the first time on condition that Ukraine is admitted to NATO “fast”.

In an interview with Sky News, the Ukrainian President suggested he was prepared to end the “hot phase” of the war in exchange for membership of the bloc. There is no chance of Russia accepting that condition but if it is a negotiating position there is a chance for a compromise to be reached. Ukraine could become a neutral state under the protection of NATO.

Zelensky said if the Ukrainian territory under control of the Kiev regime was taken “under the NATO umbrella”, he could negotiate return the rest, which is currently under Russian occupation, in a “diplomatic way”. In reality this means the coke snorting president with the piano playing plonker is living in cloud cuckoo land or he accepts Ukraine's claim to Donbas is as likely to succeed as Argentina's claim to the Falkland Islands or North Korea's claim to South Korea.

However Zelensky has previously suggested that the war would not end until his country is returned to its internationally recognised borders so this position is a significant retreat from his previous hard line.

“If we want to stop the hot phase of the war, we need to take under the NATO umbrella the territory of Ukraine that we have under our control,” Zelensky said.

“We need to do it fast. And then on the [occupied] territory of Ukraine, Ukraine can get them back in a diplomatic way.”

The Ukrainian leader was commenting on what President-elect Donald Trump’s desire for an early end to the conflict would mean for his country.

The solution to this ought to be simple: US/NATO must back off, stop providing eapons, technical support and money to the Ukis and stop attempting to achieve a regime change in Russia together with a break-up of the country to plunder its natural resources (oil, gas, nitrates, lithium, iron, copper, rare earth metals, etc.. There was truly never any other other reason for this conflict and as we mention almost every week, a settlement under very similar terms was offered by Russia in AApril 2022 but that was blocked by the USA, UK and NATO, and Ukraine was ordered to fight on.

Nobody can seriously believe that USA or NATO care about ‘democracy’ or whether Ukraine is governed by a Russian or Ukrainian government. They only care about western economic hegemony and subjection of any dissidents to ‘Western rules and values’. And of course the break up of The Russian Federation and fragmentation of Ukraine would leave the vast mineral and agrigultural resources of that huge land area up for grabs.

The hypocrisy is clear. Russia invades Ukraine and all hell breaks loose: USA blows up Nord Stream (and the subservient EU promises to buy LNG from USA); US orders NATO, UK and EU into action; everybody promises to support Ukraine with weapons, tech support and cash, sacrificing only Ukrainian lives and the prosperity of their own citizens “for as long as it takes”.

Russia will not back down, Russia does not back down. The country has lost too many of its own people willing to sacrifice their lives for their country, knowing this war was really never about only a local kerfuffle in a borderline third world country in Eastern Europe. It is NATO that has escalated the war and since the collapse of the Soviet Union has continually expanded its borders, not Russia. Russia wants/wanted to economically benefit from a close relationship with the West. It was USA that could not, and still cannot, disassociate itself from its Cold War attitude to Russia.



Western leaders Still Want To Let Ukraine Join NATO Though Even They Must Know It Would Start WW3
‘When are you going to let us use the Storm Shadow?’ a maimed Ukrainian soldier is reported to have asked Boris Johnson during the former Prime Minister's most recent visit to Ukraine. The young man was referring to the Storm Shadw missiles donated to the Ukie was effort by the UK. His comment was prompted by the mass murderer Zelensky's latest idiotic whine about the US /UK / NATO refusal to sanction the use of such missiles to strike targets deep within Russian territory.

Storm Shadow for Ukraine? Starmers Says Yes, Uncle Sam Says No
Ukraine's President Zelensky, after meeting UK Prime Minister and current warmonger in chief 'Sir' Keir SStürmer has ben relying on Britain to lead the charge of the Allies to be first to supply Kiev with weapons enabling then to strike targets deep within Russian territory. It is true Starmer has said he wants the UK to 'lead he world' in giving the Ukies the support they need to start World War Three and several other policies whivh can only result in the destruction of civilised society.

Risk of a nuclear incident at the Kursk nuclear power plant,’ because of Ukie drone strikes warns IAEA“There is a risk of a nuclear incident at the Kursk nuclear power plant,” said Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) following his visit on Tuesday (27 August) to the facility in Kurchatov, close to the Russian border and the area curenly occupied by Ukrainian troops. He added that he had been shown evidence of damage caused by Ukie drone strikes during his visit to the plant.

If You're Afraid Of Nuclear War You're Not Supporting Ukraine Enough Is Zelensky's Latest Message
The follow up to Elon Musk's refusal to open his Starlink satellite network for the benefit of Ukrainian military leaders as they fantasise about attacking Crimea and driving out the Russian occupying force this past week showcases how completely unhinged and dangerous the Ukrainian government's desire to escalate the war has become.

Storm Shadow for Ukraine? Starmers Says Yes, Uncle Sam Says No
Ukraine's President Zelensky, after meeting UK Prime Minister and current warmonger in chief 'Sir' Keir SStürmer has ben relying on Britain to lead the charge of the Allies to be first to supply Kiev with weapons enabling then to strike targets deep within Russian territory. It is true Starmer has said he wants the UK to 'lead he world' in giving the Ukies the support they need to start World War Three and several other policies whivh can only result in the destruction of civilised society.

Will Commodities Be The New Reserve Currency As The Death Knell Of The Dollar Sounds?
Many respected economists and market analysts who favour the free markets approach concur that we are heading towards a new economic reality that will see the collapse of the US$ as the default reserve currency, to be replaced not by any other fiat currency such as the Euro or the Renminbi, but by a system in which  commodities are the primary denominator of value. Should this turn out to be the case we can expect an acceleration of the shift in geopolitical power from west to East.

We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.

Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...

More Nations backing Away From The US$
Russia Just Sent out a Message NATO Should Better Listen To
The key paragraph from the latest official Russian naval doctrine is that Putin and his military advisers have sent a clear message that NATO encroachment is unacceptable. To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this, The Daily Stirrer and many other alternative media news and analysis sites have been warning for about two years that Obama's foreign policy was making conflict inevitable.

[ Currency wars ] ... [Russia catalog ] ... [ Green dreams ] ... [ Russia, Ukraine food supply chain ] ... [ Food chemicals ] ... [ The Russians Are coming ]

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Friday, November 29, 2024

Starmer Admits His Government Must Act After Annual Immigration Figure Smashes Previous Record.

After revised figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed 2023 was another year of record immigratuion for the UK, Prime Minister Kweir Smarmer admitted his government must bring down immigration today as the shock figures showed the annual record has been smashed again.

The PM insisted Britain can no longer be a 'soft touch' after the huge revision to official data showed net inflows of people to our small nation were 906,000 in the year to June 2023.

Previously published sttistics had arrivals in the 12 months to June this year at 728,000 higher than those leaving the country. In itself that was almost as much as the previous long-term immigration record. 

But the bar has been dramatically shifted upwards by the Office for National Statistics, with net migration for the year to June 2023 now thought to have been 166,000 above the initial estimate of 740,000.

A similar revision for net migration in the year to December 2023, which was initially believed to be 685,000 and is now put at 866,000, an increase of 181,000.

At a hastily-arranged press conference in Downing Street, Smarmer accused the Tories of using Brexit to pursue an 'open borders experiment' saying they had failed 'time and again' to get the system under control. To be fair his government has only been in office for 5 months and so can hardly be blamed for the whole problem, but to put all the blame on the Consrvatives is disingenuous. While they did nothing to seriously address the problem during their fourteen years in office the mass immigration problem was created by the Labour administrations of Tony Bliar and Gordon Bown who both enthusiastically advanced the open borders agenda. 

Starmer said he had done a 'double take' on seeing the numbers, branding them 'far too high' and must reduce 'significantly'. 'We will get them down,' he said. 'It is off the scale what has happened in four short years. 

'It is our job to turn it around and we will.'

However, Sir Keir refused to set any target - saying that had been proved not to succeed with the Conservatives having repeatedly committed to 'tens of thousands'.

In put it bluntly, Smarmer, in words so empty of conviction they sounded as shallow as a dam patch on a tiled floor, effectively said that his government will continue on the same course followed by both parties of government for the past quarter of a century.

Successive UK Government's have signed up to two UN treaties that cater for the 'legal' movement of foreigners into the UK with the Agenda 2030 goal of replacing the indigenous population. It is not a conspiracy theory and it is not even secret. In 2000 the UN published a paper entitled "Replacement migration : is it a solution to declining and ageing populations?" 

From the abstract to this paper."United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration. 

Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates."

Starmer, has certainly destroyed the Conservatives, turning against them the monster created by Labour under Blair and Brown but gleefully adopted by 'woke' Conservatism under Cameron, which was the creation of Blair and Brown. It was the Conservatives that, like the sorcerers apprentice, unleashed the spell which Labour had added to the magic book of constitutional law. Even the sorcerer himself can’t stop the ever expanding immigration numbers multiplying and he knows it. All he can do is shift the blame now he’s realised just how annoyed the population really is. Whitehall is in charge, the Government are just salesman. 

Whitehall decides and the Conservatives are powerless to stop them, but Labour intend to carry out everything they want as they are the mechanism Blair always imagined. If the population get upset, the only way to get off the hook is to blame it on the Conservatives and the Conservatives went along with it all, so they are to blame.


Britain's Self Destructive Race To Net Zero Is Driven By Corruption In High Places
Late last year it was revealed that almost half the Conservative Party MPs in the U.K. Parliament belong to a group promoting extreme Net Zero ideas that is funded by a small group of green billionaires led by the ECF and CAF, along with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers and Oak Foundation.

The Truth Has Become An Enemy Of The State And Must Be Kept Hidden At All Costs
Several industries have grown out of the need of globalist governments to keep the majority of the population in a state of fear in order that We The People will not rise up against the oppressive policies related to climate change, health tyranny, mass immigration, surveillance and censorship, technological dictatorship, and the suspension of our civil rights and liberties ...

Tractors Are Heading For Central London As UK Farmers Protest
Scores of farm tractors from all over Britain were reported to be converging on Westminster as British farmers finally ran out of patience and pushed back against what they say is a lack of government support. Flying Union flags and displaying signs with slogan such as 'Save British farming' and 'No farming, no food, no future' they were gathering in London and plan to arrive in central London by early evening

The Theraputic Society Is Destroying Civilisation
Many of the problems afflicting Britain and its neighbours appear to be related to what has been called The Theraputic Society, Nanny State and paternalistic liberalism. As government grows, corporate industry and private business is increasingly coming to resemble the public sector, ruled less by economic rationality than by an intrusive bureaucracy functioning increasingly like an HR department.

UK Gov. Fossil Fuels U Turn Means Its All Over For Net Zero
The Announcement made by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak acknowledged at last that to keep the lights and heating on in our homes and the wheels of industry turning it will be necessary to start building new gas-fired power plants because the great science backed leap to transition energy productions to clean, green, pollution free, sustainable, renewable, blah blah blah sources has failed dismally.

Double Blow To Irish Woke Wonks - Voters Reject ‘Progressive’ Reforms to the Constitution By Big Majorities
Simpering, limp wristed Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar whose government has faced protests because it is claimed they govern in the interests of the liberal elite and ignore the Irish people, suffered two blows to his ambition to turn Ireland into the wokest country in Europe last weekend. Varadkar admitted on Saturday that voters had delivered “two wallops” to the government, which, led by Leo himself, had pushed for a "Yes" vote on a pair of referendums.

Corbyn's Politically Correct Hypocrites Hate Sexism But Approve Of Muslim Sexism
On encountering my insense dislike of the Labour Party, people asume I am a Conservative. WRONG! I have never supported The Conservatives and have never voted either Conservative or Labour in my life. Politicians should never be trusted, I but what sets Labour politicians and activists above the rest in terms of being worthy of only contempt is the hypocrisy.

He's Not The Messiah, His Name Is Edymandias - Miliband's slab stunt goes down like a Lead Balloon Only two days campaigning left before polls open for the 2015 general election. Who will winn? Opinion Poll show no conclusive trends. But inside information tells us the reason conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has a smile on his face as the campaigning draws to a close. Farage is radiant, clegg liooks chirpy, only Ed Milband is down in the dumps.

Were Rotherham Abuse Victimes sacrificed To Save The Labour Party
One of the victimes of Rotherham's grooming and child abuse gangs has put a political perspective on the scandal by claiming she and other victims were ignored, effectively sacrificed to the tender mercies of the gangs to ensure Labour did not lose votes in the town. The young girls were abused by Muslim men for years on end, but council did nothing to stop the crime.

Miliband Promises Same Old Shite - Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs
Labour leader Ed Miliband's keynote speech at the Labour Party conference woyuld have to be the best speech of his life if he hoped to be Prime Minister after next years election, the consensus of opinon said. Ed's friends and opponents awaited the speech with very different hopes and expectations. in the end as Ed dodged the bg issues, the economy and debt, law and order, immigration and Europe, it was probably his enemies who were happier.

The Left's Rhetorical Technique Explained
In the first of what might become a long if irregular series of posts with the collective title, "Left Wing Authoritarianism for beginners," your friend and mentor Little Nicky Nicky Machiavelli will expose the origins of the socialist left's propaganda technique and its apparent dependence on slogans, dogma and mantras. But first let's play a little game ...

The Hate And Prejudice The Bourgois Left Find Acceptable
The neo - fascist left are quick to jump on any of the forbidden pejudices, racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia and so on. But as we have seen, they find pejudice and hated againt Christians and white Europeans quite acceptable. The bourgeois metropitan set might think that is acceptable but where I come from it's called hypocrisy.

Ve Haff Vay Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left
The left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be the party's core constituency to the substitution of smearing UKIP for policies in the european Election this is a party of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them.

Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial
A move to extend the government's power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.

These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.

Britain's Self Destructive Race To Net Zero Is Driven By Corruption In High Places
Late last year it was revealed that almost half the Conservative Party MPs in the U.K. Parliament belong to a group promoting extreme Net Zero ideas that is funded by a small group of green billionaires led by the ECF and CAF, along with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers and Oak Foundation.

The Truth Has Become An Enemy Of The State And Must Be Kept Hidden At All Costs
Several industries have grown out of the need of globalist governments to keep the majority of the population in a state of fear in order that We The People will not rise up against the oppressive policies related to climate change, health tyranny, mass immigration, surveillance and censorship, technological dictatorship, and the suspension of our civil rights and liberties ...

Tractors Are Heading For Central London As UK Farmers Protest
Scores of farm tractors from all over Britain were reported to be converging on Westminster as British farmers finally ran out of patience and pushed back against what they say is a lack of government support. Flying Union flags and displaying signs with slogan such as 'Save British farming' and 'No farming, no food, no future' they were gathering in London and plan to arrive in central London by early evening

p>The Theraputic Society Is Destroying Civilisation
Many of the problems afflicting Britain and its neighbours appear to be related to what has been called The Theraputic Society, Nanny State and paternalistic liberalism. As government grows, corporate industry and private business is increasingly coming to resemble the public sector, ruled less by economic rationality than by an intrusive bureaucracy functioning increasingly like an HR department.

UK Gov. Fossil Fuels U Turn Means Its All Over For Net Zero
The Announcement made by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak acknowledged at last that to keep the lights and heating on in our homes and the wheels of industry turning it will be necessary to start building new gas-fired power plants because the great science backed leap to transition energy productions to clean, green, pollution free, sustainable, renewable, blah blah blah sources has failed dismally.

Double Blow To Irish Woke Wonks - Voters Reject ‘Progressive’ Reforms to the Constitution By Big Majorities
Simpering, limp wristed Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar whose government has faced protests because it is claimed they govern in the interests of the liberal elite and ignore the Irish people, suffered two blows to his ambition to turn Ireland into the wokest country in Europe last weekend. Varadkar admitted on Saturday that voters had delivered “two wallops” to the government, which, led by Leo himself, had pushed for a "Yes" vote on a pair of referendums.

Corbyn's Politically Correct Hypocrites Hate Sexism But Approve Of Muslim Sexism
On encountering my insense dislike of the Labour Party, people asume I am a Conservative. WRONG! I have never supported The Conservatives and have never voted either Conservative or Labour in my life. Politicians should never be trusted, I but what sets Labour politicians and activists above the rest in terms of being worthy of only contempt is the hypocrisy.

He's Not The Messiah, His Name Is Edymandias - Miliband's slab stunt goes down like a Lead Balloon Only two days campaigning left before polls open for the 2015 general election. Who will winn? Opinion Poll show no conclusive trends. But inside information tells us the reason conservative Prime Minister David Cameron has a smile on his face as the campaigning draws to a close. Farage is radiant, clegg liooks chirpy, only Ed Milband is down in the dumps.

Were Rotherham Abuse Victimes sacrificed To Save The Labour Party
One of the victimes of Rotherham's grooming and child abuse gangs has put a political perspective on the scandal by claiming she and other victims were ignored, effectively sacrificed to the tender mercies of the gangs to ensure Labour did not lose votes in the town. The young girls were abused by Muslim men for years on end, but council did nothing to stop the crime.

Miliband Promises Same Old Shite - Not A Word About Action Against Paedophile Sex Gangs
Labour leader Ed Miliband's keynote speech at the Labour Party conference woyuld have to be the best speech of his life if he hoped to be Prime Minister after next years election, the consensus of opinon said. Ed's friends and opponents awaited the speech with very different hopes and expectations. in the end as Ed dodged the bg issues, the economy and debt, law and order, immigration and Europe, it was probably his enemies who were happier.

The Left's Rhetorical Technique Explained
In the first of what might become a long if irregular series of posts with the collective title, "Left Wing Authoritarianism for beginners," your friend and mentor Little Nicky Nicky Machiavelli will expose the origins of the socialist left's propaganda technique and its apparent dependence on slogans, dogma and mantras. But first let's play a little game ...

The Hate And Prejudice The Bourgois Left Find Acceptable
The neo - fascist left are quick to jump on any of the forbidden pejudices, racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia and so on. But as we have seen, they find pejudice and hated againt Christians and white Europeans quite acceptable. The bourgeois metropitan set might think that is acceptable but where I come from it's called hypocrisy.

Ve Haff Vay Of Making You Konform. The Tide Is Turning against the Autoritarian Left
The left's self confidence has had a hint of desperation about it for a long time. From their constant whines about the sexism, racism and homophobia of the working class who happen to be the party's core constituency to the substitution of smearing UKIP for policies in the european Election this is a party of arrested adolescents throwing a hissy fit because people are laughing at them.

Secret Justice Threatens The Right To A Fair Trial
A move to extend the government's power to order court proceedings to be held in secret and without a jury from only applying to trials affecting national security to anything the government would rather we did not know about threatens the most basic principles of British justice and the right to a fair trial.

These stupid laws insult the public and threaten free speech When the law forbids us to insult or offend somebody, to insult or offend a religion, race, skin colour or sexual preference, free speech and other important democratic rights are under threat. When the law then goes on to say that anyone accused of these offences has no right to defend themselves and the word of the accuser is sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction then we have abandoned justice and are ruled by fascists.

[ Immigration crisis ] ... [ Globalisation ] ... [ Humanitas ] ... [ Europe unglued ]

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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Dairy Giant's Net Zero Plan To Suppress Cow Farts By Medicating Milk Producing Cattle Backfires

posted by Shropshire Lad, 28 November 2024

Cows eating
Credit: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images Europe

European dairy foods giant Arla is facing a backlash after announcing on X that it is to launch an experimpent in reducing CO2 emissions from cow farts by giving cows on farms involved in the trial a synthetic additive to their feed in an attempt to advance  .the push for 'net zero'.

Arla brands including Lurpak butter and Cravendale milk, said it was working with supermarket firms Morrisons, Tesco and Aldi to trial giving cows the additive Bovaer. Thirty of Arla’s 9,000 exclusively contracted farmers will test how the additives can be introduced into normal feeding routines, with the aim of then rolling Bovaer out more broadly.

It is gratifying to contributors of this blog, but certainly a shock to Arla that a seemingly innocuous tweet announcing the project, earlier this week would result in quite so much of a backlash from the public.

The post announced that some of the Danish-Swedish company’s British farmers were teaming up with the food retailers to trial a new feed additive that could significantly reduce methane emissions from dairy cows.

However, the announcement sparked a backlash on social media, with many consumers raising concerns about the use of additives in their groceries. Some went as far as to say they would no longer shop at supermarkets involved in the trial, while others urged the grocers to label any products which may have come from the farms using the additive. Cue social media uproar and the hashtag #BoycottArla going viral.

Bovaer, which is claimed to methane emissions from cows by 27 per cent on average, has been authorised for use in a number of countries, including BRICS member Brazil and neo - fascist dictatorships Australia and Canada. It was given the regulatory clearance for use in the UK last April.

Nevertheless, many social-media posters are incensed that the synthetic feed additive is apparently linked to a similar project backed by the billionaire psychopath, self - appointed fake meat Czar and wannabe Galactic Emperor Bill (Palpatine) Gates – who has invested $$$ millions into technology aimed at reducing methane emissions from cows, has never encountered a sociopathic idea he didn't like and is the madman that launched a thousand conspiracy theories (most of which later truned out to be true.)

The Microsoft co-founder has frequently spoken out over the environmental impact of meat production and called for people to switch to consuming synthetic beef, arguing plant-based alternatives are “the future”. University droput Gates is unqualified to comment on such topics, having no qualifications in medicine or science (he was studying law when he quit university,) and he never worked in Information Technology either, having been given a contract to deliver an operating systemfor the new IBM PC in highly dubious circumstances before abandoning his studies to found Microsoft.

In January 2023, Gates said there were two paths to solving the emissions created by cows, who “burp and fart methane to an extreme degree.”

“You can either fix the cows to stop them doing that or you can make beef without the cow. Both of those will be pursued to see which one can lead to the best product in terms of taste, health and cost,” he told the Lowy Institute, a think tank based in Sydney. His comments came the same month as Breakthrough Energy Ventures, which Mr Gates founded in 2015, plunged $12 million of investment into Rumin8, an Australian start-up attempting to reduce emissions from cow burps by feeding them a dietary supplement synthetically replicated from seaweed.

Gates' lab grown meat startup has already failed when people who tried his lab - grown steaks and burgers described them as foul tasing, disgusting slime. 

He is also involved in efforts to market protein rich food products made from insects. We hear that is not going well either.

Arla defended Bovaer stting the experimental product had been found to reduce methane emissions from cows by around 27pc.Supermatket chains Morrisons, Tesco and Aldi, the bosses of which obviously put virtue signalling ahead of customer welfare said it was a “great way of testing out where we can drive change at scale to bring down emissions”.

 The subversive, intellectually-infeasible lie that cows are responsible for a significant portion of climate change is one of the, most malevolent lies in history, used to make u look away from where the pollution and shenanigans  really occurring! The fact that Gates is again involved with efforts to re-engineer complex systems of biology mean that this is a monumental scam that will only “work” in cooperation with some kind of scaremongerin marketing campaign! (Natural food causes cancer is our bet.)

Independent scientists, sceptical of all claims made by the net zero nutters lobby point out that dairy pasture land traps so much CO2 in the soil that any methane emissions are negligible. When that biomass depletes the land turns to dust. US government policy proved that by wiping out millions of Bison then 50 years later suffering the 1930s Mid West Dust Bowl disaster. The only reason to use chemicals in the food of dairy cattle is to make possible the keeping of cows in sheds as milk factories. Shame on Big Agriculture and the hyper processed food industry. What could possibly go wrong with introducing another synthetic additive into animal feed and possibly disrupting with cows' digestive systems?

And you'll have to forgive us if I'm for being unimpressed with the governments' approval of it. Call us conspiracy theorists if you like, but how long it will be before the cows start keeling over from undefined, mysterious, digestive system related illnesses that leave vets baffled?

On the plus side, when the cows have died/been killed off, all that wasteful farmland can be used for lots more lovely solar farms. Then we can all live on Bill Gates' mashed insects and lab grown meat.


Scientists Caught Out In Another Fraud, Red Meat Does Not Cause Cancer
It should not come as a surprise to regular readers but I think most scientists are idiots, they fill their heads with book learning and theory and lose tough with reality. And as for cosmologists and theoretical physicists, well their Reality Quotient only registers in the negative zone of the index. But it's the food fascism scientists that really make me angry

The Best foods for protien are not those you have been told.
Another group of scientists proved to be crooks and liars interested more in promoiting the profits or corporations that provide their funding? Well that's the way it looks as evidence mounts that intensively farmed produce, particularly meat and dairy goods are not as rich in nutrients as when our ancestors ate meat and milk or cheese from naturally grazed cattle or eggs from free range hens.

Bansturbators Hidden Agenda - Abolish Meat To Make Way For Grey Goo.The bansturbators of Nanny State and the neo-Fascists of the New World Order are set on devivering us into the Brave New World promised a hured years ago by those who decided democracy would have to be superseded by a scientific dictatorship. Replacing natural meat in our diets with stuff made from grey goo grown in laboratories is the latest item on their agenda to go public.
Pasty Wars: Osborne's War On Pies Is War On The NorthThere is a growing cultural gap in Britain. When hapless Cancellor George Osborne delivered his budget for 2012 the effete southern media tried to stip up a controversty about the so called ganny tax. But here in the nothern heartlands, the true England, what pissed us off was Osborne's attempt to tax our hot pies.
Norwegians Rebel Against Fat PoliceWe frequently report of the activities of the Politically Correct Thought Police Food Fascist Squad and their incessant wars on tasty food, fat, salt and sugar. It is great for one to be able to report on a nation not far from us culturally of geographically that is staging a fightback against the control freaks.
Killer Red Meat Rport Was Faked By Health FascistsThe highly sensationalised research reported lkast week that identiufied red meat as a killer in our diet used manipulated data to distort the statistics, analysts have said. Good quality lean red meat in moderation (like anything else) does no harm. It is processed meat that causes problems. And who invented the processes that put the poison in our meat? Those conniving scientists of course.
Limp Wristed Vegetarian Nazi Scientists Want To Take Away Your SteakScientists Warn 'Red Meat Can Be Lethal', it is not only unhealthy but can increase the risk of death, according to a major US study.Now you quickly get to the nature of this science in the line above. "can increase the risk of death". Unscientific, scaremongering BOLLOCKS. We are all going to die, forget the delusional belief among scientists that they can immunise us against death, nobody lives for ever. So the risk of death is 100%, it cannot get any higher, it will not get any lower. Therefore you should read reports of this type of research with ...

Frying Pan FascistsNanny State and the food fascists who work for her have yelled at us about cigarettes, alcohol, sugar and idleness. Now these sad, busybody bansturbators are getting on our case about fat and fried food. But natural fat is not dangerous, only too much fat and the wronmg kind of fat is dangerous. And what is the wrong kind of fat. The highly procressed low fat spreads the bansturbators are always teling us is healthy. Science my arse.

The Best foods for protien are not those you have been told.
Another group of scientists proved to be crooks and liars interested more in promoiting the profits or corporations that provide their funding? Well that's the way it looks as evidence mounts that intensively farmed produce, particularly meat and dairy goods are not as rich in nutrients as when our ancestors ate meat and milk or cheese from naturally grazed cattle or eggs from free range hens.

The Mad Scientists Mania For Genetically Modifying Everything
Genetically Modified (GM) organisms? The science is setttled right, the only way to feed the world's growing population is to accept GM foods and hand control of the human food chain to some of the nastiest, most fascistic corporate busineses on earth, right? Well fortunately it is not as clear cut as that, independent research shows GM crops do not give increased yields and do pose very significant risks for humans, wildlife and the environment.

World Health Chiefs Say ‘Red Meat As Likely to Cause Cancer as Smoking’
Another way of looking at this article of course is to say that it is an admission by the WHO that cigarette smoking does not cause cancer, which while true is a dangerous thing to say because after non stop anti - tobacco propaganda for the past fifty years, such a statement would be open to being interpreted as meaning cigarette smoking does no harm.

Food health fascism: Salt, Sugar, Saturated Fat, Alcohol, Cheese, Fizzy Drinks, Chocloate, ... if you enjoy it, it will kill you - maybe.
We are all familiar with those health scare stories that seem to pop up in mainstream media at least once a week claiming this that or the other will kill us. Few people spot the irony in that a few days earlier the same sensationalist rag will have carried a story under a similar screaming headline, claiming that scientists have found the stuff being demonised is in fact good for us ...

After Cigarettes and Alcohol, The Government Plans Sugar Tax
The election may have put a Conservative government in power and consigned the pokenoses and busybodies of Labour and the Lib Dems to the political wilderness, but the bansturbators of the public sector march on, their war against pleasure, laughter, tasty food and anything that might put people at risk of enjoying themselves continuing unabated it seems.

Big Food Cartel Aims For Monopoly Food comtaminated with toxic chemicals by food companies Food crisis down to control freakery rather than shortages Food giants promote bad diets Food science fraud

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Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Imminent Death Of Mainstream Media

posted by Boggart Blogger, 27 November 2024

It is easy for those of us in the blogosphere or alt_media arena to attack a method of delivering news that is a holdover from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and claim mainstream media is dying.

This has been apparent for years and has become more obvious since Donald Trump was re-elected as US President. News that CNN is laying off half their workforce, that MSNBC’s ratings are no longer statistically significant, the loss making Daily Telegraph is up for sale but no buyer will accept the T&Cs or that The Guardian isin financial trouble are greeted with celebratory memes.

Newspaper readership has been dropping for decades, and television news channels struggle to drum up the audience of a moderately popular YouTube channel featuring cute cat videos set to quirky music.

That’s can all be justified by citing the laws of the market. CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian – all of them – deserve to disappear. Digital communication has allowed people to undermine and overthrow decades-old propaganda outlets.

But does that mean it’s over?  Is  Elon Musk actually correct when he reassuringly declares on X that “YOU are the media now”.

Well the answer to that depends on whether or not you think the same forces that spent untold resources constructing this system of information control are just going to give up and go home when it starts to fail.

I mean – does anyone seriously think they would? It is more more likely is it not, that they’ll just regroup and be reborn under different banners?

Remember – newspapers and TV channels are functionaries of the establishment, not the establishment itself. For several centuries they have been crucial to the selling of ideas and agendas, but they are a voice not a brain. They’re just a tool of control, not the philosophy. And tools can easily be replaced when they wear out.

The internet has replaced television as the media now, just as television replaced radio and radio replaced print.

Legacy media is no longer THE media but it is still maintream, there are still millions of people who rely on for the information upon which they will base their opinions, on print and broadcast news. It’s likely most of them will not be following alternative journalists/podcasters/influencers online if, indeed, they’re aware of them. From my limited experience, their are few people who go beyond Google, YouTube and Facebook which, as we know, are heavily censored, closely aligned with the deep state agencies that create the naratives to which news reporting conforms, and highly suspect!

Those of us who get most of our information from the Internet will have our favourites, some of whom have massive followings, be they funded by corporations or small donors. It is up to us to use our discernment and our intuition. If we watch enough widely-differing purveyors of the news, we should be able to get the gist of what’s happening across the globe, form an opinion and be prepared to adjust it as more information comes in. In other words, we have to use both sides of our brains as we look for differing views on current affairs. 

Mass media is corporate media, in that vast capital and authority among the monied clique that controls large business operations is required for broadcasting any message. To reiterate McLuhan’s misunderstood meme, which he saw as being over-misused, the above described msm is it’s own message. It is the voice of wealth-authority and as such we know “history is written by the winners” to their own benefit. So I agree with Kit, we should be wary of every content delivery flowing out of this form. Whether tributary-out influencers, fbBots, or one’s influenced neighbor rumor, awareness, calm, assessment and patience must be a constant new form of audience intelligence. But the medium is an equally important sign of the character of the delivery.

I don’t give a damn how these online personalities present themselves. To care about such trivia is as daft as being influenced by bright lights and flashy sets. There can be as much sense spoken in someone’s kitchen as a smart studio.

We all have our personal favourites many of whom will specialise in different subject matter, are journalists and/or writers, have made videos and nearly all are likely to have to have interesting guests. Yes, they have teams. the tasks would be impossible without them, but it’s easy to spot those who are manipulated behind the scenes.

One of the deciding factors when I tune into someone new is their persona – would I trust them if I met them? This is a good yardstick when choosing who to follow. And if they are now the ‘new’ mainstream, so what! That simply means they’re more prevalent. 

Mass media is corporate media, in that vast capital and authority among the monied clique that controls large business operations is required for broadcasting any message. To reiterate McLuhan’s misunderstood meme, which he saw as being over-misused, the above described msm is it’s own message. It is the voice of wealth-authority and as such we know “history is written by the winners” to their own benefit.


Are Woke Governments Trying To Ban Hate Or Simply Trying To Abolish Dissent?
All around the developed world laws are being enacted which seek to criminalise, and thereby abolish, hate. Along with the ideological idiocies of the 'woke' wankerati, the promotion of transgenderism, net zero trashing national economies, support for mass migration, recently rediscovered enthusiasm for war, and the extreme reactions to those who challenge official narratives, it seems are trying to redefine what makes us human.

French Police Use Teargas As Freedom Convoy Brings Thousands Of Protestors To Paris

Politicians Are Offering A Trade, Safety For Freedom. But What Are We Really Trading Away?
It's the age old confidence trick, politicians and the elites offter a straight choice between security of freedom and all the risks it entails, then amplify those risks with scaremongering propaganda. In the case of the COVID crisis it has worked so far, with enough people accepting the need for masks, lockdowns and killer vaccines to make The Great Reset seem feasible - but time is running out and people are waking up ...

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.

University free speech society told free speech a 'red risk', external speakers must be vetted

Sheffield University’s recently formed Free Speech Society has been warned that free speech is a “red risk” and all external speakers at events it organises will have to be vetted by the University Thought Police squad and the topics they intend to talk about shown to be in line with ideas and opinions the titty - sucking babies who run the Student Union are not frightened by.

Big Tech tyranny is the biggest threat to democracy in our era
This weeks main story, pushing Coronavirus aside at last, has been the attempt by Twitter to censor U.S. President, classifying his somewhat rabid tweets as misinformation. Whether you love or hate Trump or any other occupant of The White House, their utterings can never be dismissed as ‘misinformation’ because they represent what one of the most powerful people in the world is thinking.

French Intellectual Jailed for Calling Mass Immigration an “Invasion”
French intellectual Renaud Camus (above) has been conditionally sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for arguing that mass immigration in Europe represents an “invasion.” reports: The writer, who is the author of Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement), was charged with “public incitement to hate or violence on the basis of origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion.”

There Is No Freedom Without Transparency

The Democrat / Republican political puppets in the USA would be supported by European leaders including Prime Minister David Cameron in the UK, France's Francois Hollande and Germany's Angela Merkel who, even as I type, are preparing massive interventions in Libya and Iraq, both turned into chaotic and lawless failed states by previous US / European interventions
There Is No Freedom Without Transparency

Facebook Declares War On Free Speech

Facebook has for some time had a policy of removing text that the majority of people would consider racist. Now the social media site is now deleting and blocking comments that only one person at Facebook decides is "racist." The sinister, Orwellian reality of a society in which the expression of majority opinion is being turned into a crime has already been witnessed across Europe. Even more disturbing, social media operators such as Facebook and Twitter appear to be collaborating with governments in the suppression of free speech.
Facebook Declares War On Free Speech

Threats to Free Speech

Threats to free speech and other civil rights us ordinary punters fought and shed blood for are under threat, not from the extreme right but from the liberal left. The intellectually bankrupt lefties have realised their hundred year old arguments are never going to win the battle for hearts and minds and so have moved to the position in the political spectrum once occupied by Hitler and Stalin. Many people would never dream of questioning authority; others see their interests as being served by supporting the abuse of authority, they are the ones who call the questioners 'conspiracy theorists'.
Threats to Free Speech

Is Free Speech Being Murdered By The Media And Politically correct Left Wing Activism

There can be no doubt, the right of citizens in the developed world to free speech, free access of information and freedom to express ideas is increasingly under threat as the power elites feel their grip being loosened by increasingly well informed and articulate working and midddle classes. Without any apparent sense of irony the advocates of big government and controlled media call themselves 'the left' as though their opponents are not bright enough to know that free speech is one of the foundations of classical liberalism and the suppression of free speech is a hallmark of tyrants.
Is Free Speech Being Murdered By The Media And Politically correct Left Wing Activism

The Self Righteous Minority That Threaten Free Speech

Until recently Universities were places where any ideas were welcome and any economic, social, or scientific theory, no matter how extreme would be given a fair hearing and debated openly. So where did it all start to go wrong? How did the idea that there is only one set of acceptable answers to society's problems (the 'pensée unique' to use a French phrase I am fond of, redolent of The Borg in Star Trek and much more demeaning than "Social Justice Warriors") and that those who challenge the orthodoxy should be silenced and prevented from broadcasting their ideas in print or verbally.

The Self Righteous Minority That Threaten Free Speech

The Imporantance Of Free Speech And The Right To Offend

Our right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian left wingers or 'progressives liberals' as these illiberal reactonaries like to style themselves. The 'Politically Correct Thought Police' as I have somtimes called them in acknowledgement of Geoge Orwell's novel '1984', are determined that in they egalitarian dystopia they dream of (but that fortunately could never be) nobody will be able to say or do anything that may offend s member of any racial, sexual or social minority. This kind of fascistic tyranny is justified by invoking politically correct ideals, but it is having a deeply damaging effect on human society and could eventually result in civil conflict in the developed nations.
The Imporantance Of Free speech And The Right To Offend

Free Speech being superseded by Sharia Law in Germany?

In Germany, where the open doors immigration policy insisted upon by Chancellor Merkel has flooded the country with Islamic fundamentalists, Christian activist Heidi Mund was recently charged with “agitation against the people” for speaking our on aspects of Muslim Sharia Law that are unacceptable in western societies (e.g. permitted wife beating, rape, forced marriage.Germany is sliding towards fascism as Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel outlaws free speech for Christians. All criticism of Islam and discussion of Muslim crimes is hate speech it seems, but the ranting of Islamic hate preachers as they call on Muslims to kill all infidels is acceptable rhetoric.
3Free Speech being superseded by Sharia Law in Germany?

Why Are Governments Scared Of Truth? France Begins

Crackdown on Conspiracy Theories

We reported several weeks ago that the French government was planning a clampdown on conspiray theories by shutting down certain dissident websites. Since then we have learned the French government have shown they are prepared to go even further in attacking citizens right of free speech, they are now shutting down sites that question the government's ability to deal with the immigration crisis, the problem of Islamic extremism, the country's dire economic situation or burgeoning unemployment.
Why Are Governments Scared Of Truth? France Begins Crackdown on Conspiracy Theories

Reporters Without Borders unblocks access to censored websites

It is surprising in view of what we now know about the collaboration between internet technology corporations and government security agencies that many people still think og the internet as a bastion of freedom. This page shows how easy it is for governments and corporations to censor web content. Fortunately there are plenty of libertarians out there (we classical liberals have to call ourselves libertarian since the new, politically correct Stalinists hijacked the word liberal) who will help you find the stuff governments don't want you to see. It is surprising in view of what we now know about the collaboration between internet technology corporations and government security agencies that many people still think of the internet as a bastion of freedom. This page shows how easy it is for governments and corporations to censor web content (and helps you get around the censorship).

Reporters Without Borders unblocks access to censored websites

Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ (aka Free Speech)

Anyone in Germany appalled by the scenes we in New Media described however, will find it difficult to express their disgust online because it will be branded as hate speech by the Berlin political class. Major social media sites have said they would work to delete any German anti-migrant sentiments distributed on their networks within 24 hours after a removal request has been made. In fact the Jewish Quisling Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facistbook, has committed his organisation to working with governments to suppress all discussion that does not comply with the dictum of political correctness.

Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ (aka Free Speech)

Technology and Censorship

YouTube removes lockdown sceptical interview with researcher Dr Mike Yeadon
One of the themes that has emerged from this “winter of our discontent” has been the fact that social media and big tech companies are heavily involved with governments and corporate interests in censoring content on the internet [ ... ] the suppression of dissenting opinions and the reporting of inconvenient facts which focuses on several themes: the covid – 19 pandemic, climate change, racial tensions and anything supportive of President Trump in the US election.

Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel Confronts Facebook's Zuckerberg Over Policing Hate Posts
It has long been recognized that German chancellor Angela Merkel models her leadrship style on those og Hitler and Stalin. What is not so well know is that Facebook CEO Zuckerberg is collaborating with Merkel, Obama, Cameron and other leaders sympathetic to global fascism to introduce censorship of internet content. Avoid Facebook, Zuckerberg is a Jewish Nazi, how sick is that

Facebook Negotiating Multibillion-Dollar US Fine As UK Labels "Digital Gangsters"
Facebook and its executives were labeled "digital gangsters" by a UKParliamentary inquiry into the social media giant's abuse of users privacy. The company should immediately be subject to statutory regulation the report published at the conclusion of the 18-month investigation by the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport  parliamentary committee recommended ...
also read at Boggart Abroad

Facebook Rattled After Report Claims 50% Of Its Users Are Fake

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Small Victory For Common Sense - UK Government To Relax Targets For Switch To EVs

 The much hyped transition to electric vehicles on our roads seems to have stalled.