The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Hacked Emails Leaked By 'Russians' Reveal That 'Crooked Hillary' Clinton Threatened Sanders’ Wife
The Clinton campaign needed Bernie Sanders on board before the emails were leaked as they contained evidence that confirming his allegations that the Democratic Party National Committee was rigging the nomination process to ensure Clinton was their candidate. Had he revealed such evidence before the party convention it would have given his supporters the impetus to force debates on every scandal surrounding "Crooked Hillary" and her serial sex criminal husband "Slick Willy" and possibly generated enough momentum to swing the convention behind the "Lock her up" campaign to have Clinton disqualified.
However after the meeting with the Clinton team Sanders unexpectedly suspended his previously gung-ho campaign, and although he refused to wholeheartedly endorse her, he signalled to his supporters that his run for President was effectively over. This should surprise nobody, when we look at how the Clintons deal with people who pose a threat to them, there is a trail of corpses going all the way back to Arkansas in 1983. It is even strongly rumoured that Hillary escaped prosecution over the criminal breaches of national security relating to her non - secure private e-mail server after Slick Willy had a 'purely coincidental' meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, which left Lynch in no doubt about what to expect if Hillary faced any charges.
Russia government officials have denied DNC claims that Russian state-sponsored hackers are behind the three recent hacks of the democratic Party campaign computer network, with Julian Assange also stating the DNC claim is a politically motivated "lame conspiracy smear". Knowing that Donald Trump will be a lot harder to intimidate than Bernie Sanders (Trump knows where the bodies are buried ad will not hesitate to use that information), the Democrats are desperate to shift the focus of debate away from the scandal and corruption that surrounds "Crooked Hillary" and her husband.
Despite the FBI asking the Kremlin for copies of any emails they have in their possession, officially the Kremlin maintains it has not released anything to anyone, including Wikileaks.
According to The Kremlin, the trove of leaded mails released by Wikileaks could have come from “a huge number of possible sources“, as "intelligence communities around the whole world have copies of Hillary’s emails. Everybody is talking about them."
Senior staff in the Kremlin have been allowed to see the emails, however Vladimir Putin alone has access to them and keeps them on his personal laptop, under lock and key. President Putin is said to be amused by Democratic Party attempts to portray him as the villain, when their own failings are on display for all to see. “They always need a babayka [bogeyman] to frighten people with. I am the Eastern bogeyman, it seems."
(No link to the source documet here, anyone smart enough to be running TOR and Tails will easily find it, and anyone not running those systems will get into all sorts of trouble accessing the site where it is located. If it was not so carefully protected, you can bet it would not be on line more than a few minutes. The story will break fully soon enough ad then everybody who cares will know.)
Evidence Points To Another Snowden At The NSA
Last week, following the news that The Clinton Foundation, the computer networks of Hillary Clinton's election campaign and the US Democratic Party and also the servers operated by 'philanthropic' organisation Open Society Foundation - really a front for meddling by the billionaire left wing activist George Soros in international politics, had been hacked, we learned of a previously unknown hacker collective, "The Shadow Brokers". These hackers claimed they had hacked hacking tools from the NSA's own special-ops entity, the "Equation Group", and released these into the public domain.
DC Leaks Hack Of Soros Open Society Foundation Reveals How Billionaire World Domination Freak Plans To Control The Media
DC Leaks is a new kid on the block in the whistleblowing business but they are very successfully going after billionaire investor and puppet master. Having already exposed Soros' sponsorship of US terror group Black Lives Matter, and his links with the corrupt and careless Hillary Clinton, they have now reveald how Soros manipulates the media.
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
Ever wondered when and where the idiotic pseudo -philosophies of hippys and the idiotic and divisive politically correct dogmas of the modern left were born. The Social justice Warriors (aka 'liberals' or progressives' though they are really neither of these things but instead are moralistic authoritarians who hate free speech and personal liberty and support censorship, government control of media and criminalisation of dissent.
US Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Attacks Bernie Sanders For Selling Out To Neo - Con Establishment
How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
Democratic Party Primaries Vote Rigging Whistleblower Found Murdered
Clintons Threatened Attorney General's Life
Orlando Shooting: Eyewitness Testifies ‘More Than One Shooter’
Clinton versus Trump
FBI blocked from indicting Hillary Clinton
Evidence US Democrat primaries were rigged for Clinton
Sanders supporters accuse Clinton campaign of voter fraud
How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It March 22, 2016
Call me Chelsea, Wikileaks leaker tells fellow inmates
Wikileaks Threatens Global Sanity
Hillary Clinton loses ground to Trump in key states
Hillary Clinton Channels Josef Goebbels
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Elsewhere: [ The Original Boggart Blog] ... [ Daily Stirre.shtml ]...[Little Nicky Machiavelli]... [ Ian's Authorsden Pages ]... [Scribd]...[Wikinut] ... [ Boggart Abroad] ... [ Grenteeth Bites ] ... [ Latest Posts ] [Ian Thorpe at Flickr ] ... [Latest Posts] ... [ Tumblr ] ... [Ian at Minds ] ... [ Authorsden blog ] ... [Daily Stirrer News Aggregator]
Turkish forces surround NATO’s Incirlik air base amid rumors of coup attempt
No details are available as yet and the reports should be viewed with some scepticism. In the light of recent events in Turkey however, they cannot be dismissed.
The failed, or very possibly staged Turkish coup of two weekends ago is now commonly acknowledged to have been nothing more than an excuse for Erdogan to centralise more power on the office of president and suppress all political and independent opposition. A less widely reported news story from Turkey is the sudden, and acute deterioration in US-Turkish relations. Two days ago, completely unreported in European and US media, the Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) General Joseph Votel was forced to release a statement denying having anything to do with the attempted coup in Turkey following pointed allegations from the very top that "the US orchestrated last Friday's coup". according to a statement released by the US military on Friday.
As U.S. Military magazine Stars and Stripes reported last week, the recent failed coup and jailing of senior military officers, civil servants, academics and journalists in Turkey could impact U.S. operations there against the Islamic State group, Gen. Joseph Votel said Thursday at a security conference in Colorado. Votel said the coup attempt in Turkey two weeks ago left him “concerned” about how U.S. operations and personnel at Incirlik Air Base will be affected.
"Turkey of course …sits on an extraordinarily important seam between the central region and Europe,” Votel said at the Aspen Security Forum. “It will have an impact on the operations we do along that very important seam. Obviously, we are very dependent on Turkey for basing of our resources…I am concerned it will impact the level of cooperation and collaboration that we have with Turkey.”
Hurriyet, a daily paper known for its loyal support of Erdogan (there are no longer any newspapers in Turkey that are not loyal supporters of Erdogan, he closed them all), even reported retired Army Gen. John F. Campbell, former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, was the mastermind behind the attempted overthrow. However, the paper also reported White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest called the allegations against the general unsubstantiated.
As a result of the previous coup attempt (if that is what it was), U.S. air operations were temporarily suspended and the Turkish government cut power to Incirlik.
Meanwhile, Turkey's propaganda war against the US escalated on Friday, when Turkey's authoritarian head of state Erdogan condemned the West for declining to show solidarity with a NATO 'ally' and being more concerned about the fate of coup supporters than the survival of Turkey are not friends of Ankara. Conveniently forgetting that for over two years while the west was fighting Islamic State, Turkey was carrying on an illegal oil trade with the terrorist organisation and acting as a conduit through which arms and ammunition flowed to the Islamic extremist group.
Erdogan hypocritically blasted the West for criticizing the massive purge of Turkey’s military and other state institutions which has resulted in over 60,000 people being detained, removed or suspended over suspected links with the coup and for cancelling 50,000 civilian passports which many worry is but a prelude to an expansion of the reign of terror inside the country.
"The attitude of many countries and their officials over the coup attempt in Turkey is shameful in the name of democracy," Erdogan told hundreds of supporters at the presidential palace in Ankara.
Today's news, if it is indeed another coup, and the news that NATO's critical Incirlik Air Base near Adana has been completely blocked off by Turkey, with all inputs and outputs having been closed according to Turkey's Hurriyet among rumors of yet another coup, is even more disturbing for NATO.
The action has raised concern that the closing may be tied to an attempt by the Erdogan regime to prevent a second coup attempt. Hurriyet reported earlier that Adana police had been tipped off about a new coup attempt, and forces were immediately alerted. The entrance to the base was closed off. Security forces armed with rifles and armored TOMA vehicles used by Turkish riot police could be seen at the site in photos taken by witnesses.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
US Democratic Party Candidate's Campaign Computer System Hacked Again
Yesterday Reuters,reported yet another cyberattack on Democratic Party-related (or to be exact Hillary Clinton campaign related)internet servers. This follows hacks of the DNC and the DCCC (the party's fund-raising committee) in the past week. Naturally Hillary Clinton, her campaign staff and the Democratic Party National Committee immediately fingered Russia, and Vladimir Putin himself. There were a tad premature it seems.
The story reported by Reuters contains no evidence that Russia was involved in the hacking other that reporting that in a panicked search for scapegoats because there is already far too much suspicion that Hillary Clinton and her campaign team are not smart enough to be let loose anywhere near a computer on which sensitive data is stored.
We know from reports of the arrogant and high handed way Clinton treats staff and public servants assigned to work with her, that her likely response to being told "password" is not a secure password would be "Do you know who I am." That said, there is no more evidence of Russian involvement in the hacking than there is of intelligent life on the Moon. With this in mind perhaps, US intelligence head Jim Clapper having exclaimed that he was "somewhat taken aback by the hyperventilation [blaming Russia]" by Democratic surrogates, we suspect another scapegoat will need to be found.
The latest attack, which was disclosed on Friday, follows reports of two other hacks on the Democratic National Committee and the party’s fundraising committee for candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives. Reuters reported:
The U.S. Department of Justice national security division is investigating whether cyber hacking attacks on Democratic political organizations threatened U.S. security, sources familiar with the matter said on Friday.
The involvement of the Justice Department’s national security division is a sign that the Obama administration has concluded that the hackers were state sponsored, individuals with knowledge of the investigation said.
The Clinton campaign, based in Brooklyn, had no immediate comment and referred Reuters to a comment from earlier this week by campaign senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan criticizing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and calling the hacking "a national security issue."
The Department of Justice declined to comment.
It is not yet known what information on the Clinton campaign’s computer system hackers would have been able to access, and so what damaging leaks we may expect from Wikileaks, but the possibility of more 'smoking guns' increases with each hack.
It is inevitable that the Clinton campaign's finger will be pointed at Vladimir Putin (and Hillary's favourite anti-American bogeyman and alleged Russian secret agent Donald Trump, but even The Director of Nation Intelligence has urged that an end be put to the “reactionary mode” blaming it all on Russia...
“We don’t know enough to ascribe motivation regardless of who it might have been,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said speaking at Aspen’s Security Forum in Colorado, when asked if the media was getting ahead of themselves in fingering the perpetrator of the hack.
Clapper told the forum that Americans need to stop blaming Russia for the hack, telling the crowd that the US has been running in “reactionary mode” when it comes to the numerous cyber-attacks the nation is continuously facing. He is right of course but when you have a Democratic Party Presidential candidate whose sense of entitlement is the size of Siberia while her sense of responsibility is the size of a grain of salt, it's only natural her campaign will blame anybody but themselves for failures.
“I’m shocked someone did some hacking,” he added sarcastically, “[as if] that’s never happened before.”
Of course that won't stop the endless blame shifting and playing of the victim (poor, persecuted woman) card by the Clinton campaign which will be anxious to ensure that no accountability for the loss of sensitive information attaches to the candidate.
All in all, does it not seem a little "careless" that so many Democratic servers have been hacked so easily? And can such a careless person be trusted to keep the nuclear weapons firing codes safe?
Evidence Points To Another Snowden At The NSA
Last week, following the news that The Clinton Foundation, the computer networks of Hillary Clinton's election campaign and the US Democratic Party and also the servers operated by 'philanthropic' organisation Open Society Foundation - really a front for meddling by the billionaire left wing activist George Soros in international politics, had been hacked, we learned of a previously unknown hacker collective, "The Shadow Brokers". These hackers claimed they had hacked hacking tools from the NSA's own special-ops entity, the "Equation Group", and released these into the public domain.
Clinton versus Trump
FBI blocked from indicting Hillary Clinton
Evidence US Democrat primaries were rigged for Clinton
Sanders supporters accuse Clinton campaign of voter fraud
Hillary Clinton loses ground to Trump in key states
What Did Donald Trump Say To Earn a Liberal Lynch Mob On His Case
American exceptionalism
American paranoia
American Trump
>Trump versus Clinton for the heart of America
Trump Sends Shockwave Across The Atlantic To Europe
Operation “Summer of Chaos” plan exposed: Obama Admin, Soros, Black Lives Matter, to activate martial law before General Election?
Trump Questions if Bill Begged Lynch to Spare Hillary During Tarmac Meeting
Pundits Said It could Not Happen: Trump Now Tied With Hillary In Latest National Poll
Low And Middle Income Whites and Blacks Feel Threatened As Crime Soars Under Obama
So Was What Trump Said On Abortion REALLY So Bad?
Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment
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Friday, July 29, 2016
US General Breedlove admits: NATO did foment war in Ukraine
Alternative media, the many thousands of amateur and semi - professional news and opinion websites such as this one were reporting as long ago as 2014 that the US / NATO / EU line on the revolution in Ukraine was a great big steaming pile of bullshit. We knew for example that the CIA had funded and organised the right wing extremist groups responsible for overthrowing the democratically elected (though admittedly corrupt) government. We know that The White House was aware when it approved the regime change operation in Ukraine the people they planned to install as a puppet government in Kiev would launch an ethnic cleansing projects against Russians.
Subsequent leaks have proved our case, and the famous 'open mic' moment by US State Department official Victoria Nuland, when she dissed the EU and compliained that the USA had spent a billion dollars on regime change have provided a smoking gun. But now German news magazine Der
Spiegel publishes damning evidence that one of the US military's most notorious 'hawks' and blabbermouths, Air Forge General Phillip Breedlove not only channelled illegal arms shipments to the rebels but used NATO resources and authority to foment a deadly war costing the lives, homes and security of Ukraine's people. My post from 1st April 2014 recounts how we saw through Catherine Ashton and NATO / EU bullshit right from the start:-
The speed with which European governments, NATO, the US and UN along
with all the global media corporations, established the 'evil Russia' narrative on Ukraine was enough in itself to arouse the suspicions of any freethinking person. And it was unprecedented for the alternative narrative, of the US CIA engineered coup to gain so much traction in the public perception so quickly. We had of course been prepared by the fiascos that resulted from US led intervention in Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria.
Der Spiegel, too, was at the time astonished but assumed that the phenomenon is confined to Germany
Those expressing understanding for Russia's move are clearly dominating
the Internet forums and talk shows. One former German chancellor, Helmut Schmidt, even declared that the situation in Ukraine is dangerous "because the West has gotten so terribly worked up about it." The question of whether Putin's actions were legitimate didn't even seem to interest him. "I find it entirely understandable," he said. Another former chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, admitted that he himself hadn't always respected international law.
An unlikely alliance of young activists, German Elder Statesmen, the
right, the left, greens and independents are all repeating the same message - establishing a narrative that is if not diametrically opposite to that of their government, substantially tangential to it. It runs along the lines of Russia and China are not the danger to world peace, the USA and its allies are responsible for destabilising the middle east, attempting to surround Russia with NATO members, threatening Chinese interests in the ease and generally pushing the world towards global conflict.
we have pointed out, the phenomenon is not confined to Germany. Across Europe a popular majority are saying the same - to the puzzlement and confusion of the ruling elites political classes. 'Is Germany a nation of Russian Apologists?' asked Der Spiegel last year, and elsewhere the political class have taken to insulting those with the temerity to reject the official narrative.
This rebellion against the politically correct consensus is not just
happening in connection. with the west's relationship with Russia and China, the whole globalist, open borders, cultural Marxist agenda is being questioned and this has led to the rise of new nationalist movements all over Europe and the success and nar - success of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the US Presidential Election primaries. The elites and the media have so far refused to acknowledge that their line it totally oout of step with the public mood.
'Now however it seems Der Spiegel at least has changed it's tune. In an
article "Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict"the magazine reports that leaked e-mails from General Breedlove's account prove the USA and its allies were behind regime change in Ukraine.
Der Spiegel EnglishEdition
Restraint, it seems, was never Breedlove's thing.
The photos are the entertaining part of an otherwise explosive collection of Breedlove's private email
correspondence. Most of the 1,096 hacked emails date back to the dramatic 12 months of the Ukraine crisis after Russia annexed Crimea in March 2014. Thousands died in the skirmishes between Kiev's troops and Moscow-aligned separatists. More than 2 million civilians fled eastern Ukraine.
Russia supports the separatists with weapons, fighters and consultants. When people began calling for Washington to also massively intervene in 2015, the Ukraine conflict risked escalating into a war between East and West.
The newly leaked emails reveal a clandestine network of Western agitators around the NATO military
chief, whose presence fueled the conflict in Ukraine. Many allies found in Breedlove's alarmist public statements about alleged large Russian troop movements cause for concern early on. Earlier this year, the general was assuring the world that US European Command was "deterring Russia now and preparing to fight and win if necessary."
The emails document for the first time the questionable sources from whom Breedlove was getting his
information. He had exaggerated Russian activities in eastern Ukraine with the overt goal of delivering weapons to Kiev.
The general and his likeminded colleagues perceived US President Barack Obama, the commander-in-chief of all American forces, as well as German Chancellor Angela Merkel as obstacles. Obama and Merkel were being "politically naive & counter-productive" in their calls for de-escalation, according to Phillip Karber, a central figure in Breedlove's network who was feeding information from Ukraine to the general.
"I think POTUS sees us as a threat that must be minimized,... ie do not get me into a war????"
Breedlove wrote in one email, using the acronym for the president of the United States. How could Obama be persuaded to be more "engaged" in the conflict in Ukraine -- read: deliver weapons -- Breedlove had asked former Secretary of State Colin Powell.
It really does not get any more damning than that. It is way past time We The People took back power from the elites. For a hundred years they have been working towards a totalitarian global government of appointed bureaucrats. Democracy and well educated and well informed middle and working classes threaten their control. But what they have in mind for the world does not serve the intersts of people like you and me any more than it serves the interests of people in Russia and China.
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
Ever wondered when and where the idiotic pseudo -philosophies of hippys and the idiotic and divisive politically correct dogmas of the modern left were born. The Social justice Warriors (aka 'liberals' or progressives' though they are really neither of these things but instead are moralistic authoritarians who hate free speech and personal liberty and support censorship, government control of media and criminalisation of dissent.
The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is Only One Promises War With Russia
Essential reading for our American readers who must soon decide who they want as their next president. Important too for non Americans who cannot influence the outcome of the election but are entitled to know why their arses might be blown from here to eternity sometime in the next few years.
Hacked E mails Prove US, EU and NATO Policy Of Provoking And Escalating Conflict With Russia
Ukraine Donbass War
Ukraine Regine Change
nipulating events in UkraineSoros ma
Ukrain revolution US led
Ukraine: What roles have USA and Germany played
Russia, Ukrain and the Petrodollar
USA - Russa colflict fought in proxy wars
Obama and Putin play balls out politics
NWO behind regime change
So You Think Control Of Media Is A Conspiracy Theory
Will 'President Trump' Mean The End Of NATO?
Trump Sends Shockwave Across The Atlantic To Europe
David Cameron Authorizes Deployment Of More Forces On Russian Borders
No to War – No to NATO: Protesters in Warsaw Condemn US / EU Aggression
NATO Baltic Mission 'All About Countering Russian Aggression'
Why Do The Western Powers, The United nations And The EU Continue To Tolerate The Terror Sponsor Erdogan And Turkey
Germany Involved in NATO War Games Near Russian Border
After Yugoslavia NATO changed from a mutual defence alliance to an organisation for military aggression
Dutch Socialists Calls For Government To Review EU Treaties
Germany Hopes To Ease Anti-Russia Sanctions 'to Rescue EU Unity'
Brussels Reaction to Dutch EU-Kiev Deal Vote Heats Up Brexit Issue
'We Got Duped': Ukraine Billionaire Slams EU Free Trade 'Fraud'
European Leaders Welcome Period Of Calm In Ukraine
Is USA Preparing For War Against Russia In The Baltic Region?
Another Big Western Media Lie About Ukraine’s War
Having Destroyed Ukraine Economy, USA Accuses Russia Of Trying To Destroy The Ukrainian Economy
George Soros Unmasked As The Orchestrator Of Ukraine Chaos
Ukraine President Has Tripled His Wealth While In Office (video)
World War Three? Kiev Reinvades Donbass, Deliberate Provocation Trashed Minsk Agreement
U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scholar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth
Having Destroyed Ukraine Economy, USA Accuses Russia Of Trying To Destroy The Ukrainian Economy
Western Hypocrisy In Reporting News about Ukraine And Russia
Dutch Intellectuals Apologise to Putin for Lies on MH17, Syria, Ukraine
Funny Things Happen In Ukraine.
Giant Russian Hole Overshadows News From Ukraine, Gaza
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Thursday, July 28, 2016
Will 'President Trump' Mean The End Of NATO?
Ahead of accepting official nomination as the Republican party presidential candidate, the billionaire property magnate told the New York Times in an interview that, if elected, he would not automatically deploy American military forces to defend another member of NATO if it were attacked.
As the Hillary Clinton propaganda sheet, The New York Times noted Trump’s conditionality regarding NATO was the first time any senior American politician has uttered such a radical change in policy. It overturns American cornerstone policy of the past 70 years.
Trump was asked whether he would defend Eastern European countries if they were attacked by Russia.
(Hypothetical, propagandistic nonsense, but let’s bear with the argument for the underlying logic that it exposes.)
Trump did not give the customary automatic, unconditional 'yes' response. Rather, he said he would have to first review whether these countries had fulfilled their obligations to NATO and The USA. If they had, then, he said, US forces would defend. If they hadn’t lived up to past financial commitments to NATO, then the inference was that a would-be President Trump would not order troops to defend those nations.
When Donald Trump did not quite say that if he is elected President in November, he would disband NATO, (he actually said America would not protect those nations that do not pay their subscriptions to the mutual defence club) the NATO gravy train riders' response was incendary. NATO’s civilian chief, Jens Stoltenberg, was evidently perplexed by Trump’s equivocal attitude. "Solidarity among allies is a key value for NATO", said the former Norwegian prime minister. "This is good for European security and good for US security. We defend one another".
Stoltenberg would say that of course, as would I were I paid a big fat salary for flying round the world, staying in five star hotels, eating the best food, drinking the best wine, spending nights with the classiest prostitutes all at the taxpayers' expense, for carrying out the onerous task of shaking hands with people.
Stoltenberg was just one of many pro-military-industrial-complex figures on both sides of the Atlantic who jumped on the anti - Trump bandwagon.
The rightwing American Enterprise Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, and senior foreign policy makers within the Republican and Democrat parties all slammed Trump over his views on NATO. Estonian and Latvian political leaders also expressed anxiety on what they see as a withdrawal by the US from European security.
Reuters reported a joint letter from a US bi-partisan group of national security experts who condemned Trump’s "inflammatory remarks" for not representing the core interests of the United States.
"The strength of our alliances is at the core of those interests", said the group. "The United States must uphold the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s commitments to all of our allies, including Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania".
Reuters also quoted a former US ambassador to the alliance as saying that Trump’s policy means: It’s the end of NATO.
Robert Hunter, who was NATO envoy under President Bill Clinton, added: "The essence of NATO, more than any other single factor, is the commitment of the United States of America to the security of the other 27 members".
The Los Angeles Times quoted former NATO supreme commander, US General Wesley Clark, as saying that Trump’s stance undercuts the deterrent impact of Nuclear Waeapons in Europe». Clark said that the comments showed that Trump has a fundamental misunderstanding of how the alliance works. It will mean the end of the European Union and the collapse of the US’s largest trading partner.
The former NATO military chief also made the snide comment that Russian leader Vladimir Putin would be happy with Trump’s shift in defense policy. As did Hillary Clinton’s senior policy advisor, Jake Sullivan, who made the inane assertion that "Putin would be rooting for Trump" to win the November presidential election.
Actually Putin is rootin' for a Trump victory, The Kremlin is sure Vinegar Tits Clinton is crazy enough to start a nuclear war if someone says something she thinks in a bit sexist, racist or homophobic.
The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is Only One Promises War With Russia
Essential reading for our American readers who must soon decide who they want as their next president. Important too for non Americans who cannot influence the outcome of the election but are entitled to know why their arses might be blown from here to eternity sometime in the next few years.
NATO Russia war
America global hegemony
American exceptionalism
American paranoia
American Trump
>Trump versus Clinton for the heart of America
America warmongering
West's lies about Russia
Russia USA war in middle east
Hillary Clinton loses ground to Trump in key states
What Did Donald Trump Say To Earn a Liberal Lynch Mob On His Case
Resurgent Trump
How The Cult Of The Obamessiah created The Trump Phenomenon
Mighty Trump Blows Off Rebublican Challengers
Trump Sends Shockwave Across The Atlantic To Europe
Operation “Summer of Chaos” plan exposed: Obama Admin, Soros, Black Lives Matter, to activate martial law before General Election?
Trump Questions if Bill Begged Lynch to Spare Hillary During Tarmac Meeting
Pundits Said It could Not Happen: Trump Now Tied With Hillary In Latest National Poll
Low And Middle Income Whites and Blacks Feel Threatened As Crime Soars Under Obama
So Was What Trump Said On Abortion REALLY So Bad?
Mac Slavo of Discovers Real Reason Why Trump Scares The Establishment
Anti-Trump Fascists Plan "Democracy Spring"
No to War – No to NATO: Protesters in Warsaw Condemn US / EU Aggression
NATO Baltic Mission 'All About Countering Russian Aggression'
Why Do The Western Powers, The United nations And The EU Continue To Tolerate The Terror Sponsor Erdogan And Turkey
US Missile Shield; Loved Up Obama And Cameron Laugh As Putin Warns Poland, Romania Now In The "Cross Hairs"
Germany Involved in NATO War Games Near Russian Border
After Yugoslavia NATO changed from a mutual defence alliance to an organisation for military aggression.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Situation in East Ukraine Remains Unstable

A small, local conflict maybe, but no less brutal for people caught up in it that the bigger war going on in Syria and Iraq (Image source)
As we have said before, the ongoing conflicts around the world do not go away just because we do not report them for a while. There is still fighting in Syria, in yemen, Libya, and of course in Ukraine. We are a small site and cannot pick up on all the stories that show up on our news feeds and sometimes it is the case that while low level fighting goes on bigger evens push coverage aside.
One of the ongoing stories over the past two years has been the situation in eastern Ukraine. The area remains volatile as the forces Kiev of the Kiev government have intensified the shelling of settlements in self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics, according to Russian envoy to Contact Group on Ukraine Boris Gryzlov on Wednesday.
The Trilateral Contact Group, consisting of envoys and experts from Ukraine, Russia, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), is holding a regular meeting in Minsk aimed at facilitating a diplomatic resolution to the armed conflict in Donbas.
"It is obvious that the situation in the conflict zone remains difficult. The intensified shelling of settlements, primarily by Kiev-led forces, causes grave concern," Gryzlov told reporters.
The Russian envoy stressed that security issues must not hamper the settlement of political aspects of peace process in eastern Ukraine.
"Otherwise, the settlement process will be largely influenced by those who do not wish peace for Donbas," Gryzlov said.
The event that pushed Ukraine back to prominence in news reports was that journalists from two news agencies came under mortar fire from Ukrainian forces near the eastern Ukrainian town of Debaltsevo, on Wednesday.
"A group of journalists went to cover a news story about soldiers living in the seventh detachment of the LPR [Luhansk People's Republic] People's Militia. Later, as they moved toward the LPR positions on the contact line, at that moment they came under mortar fire and unsighted sniper fire," LPR's People's Militia headquarters said, confirming that that journalists were not injured. Southeastern Ukraine has been the focus of conflict between Kiev and ethnic Russian separatist groups since military operations against local independence supporters were launched by the Kiev authorities in April 2014.
In February this year, the warring parties signed a deal brokered by German chancellor Angela Merkel and France's President Hollande on Ukrainian reconciliation in the Belarusian capital, Minsk. However, numerous ceasefire breaches have been reported in Donbas since the Minsk peace deal was signed.
Europe is at The End of its Existence. Western Europe Is Virtually Dead
The free flow of guns and grenades West is not the main problem Europe faces said the counter - terror expert said. Pointing to the existential crisis Mr. Wrona said: "The worst problem for is political correctness. Europe is at the end of its existence. Western Europe is practically dead. These people live in a void, without ideas. And then come along the young, who [only want] to make money, as once did the barbarians".
Having Destroyed Ukraine Economy, USA Accuses Russia Of Trying To Destroy The Ukrainian Economy
Ukraine Donbass War
Ukraine still on the brink
Ukraine regime change
The role of Soros in Ukraine conflict
Ukraine, USA ans Germany mess
Trump Sends Shockwave Across The Atlantic To Europe
David Cameron Authorizes Deployment Of More Forces On Russian Borders
No to War – No to NATO: Protesters in Warsaw Condemn US / EU Aggression
Hacked E mails Prove US, EU and NATO Policy Of Provoking And Escalating Conflict With Russia
US Missile Shield; Loved Up Obama And Cameron Laugh As Putin Warns Poland, Romania Now In The "Cross Hairs"
NATO Baltic Mission 'All About Countering Russian Aggression'
Germany Involved in NATO War Games Near Russian Border
After Yugoslavia NATO changed from a mutual defence alliance to an organisation for military aggression
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The Intecept Asked "Will Bernie’s Supporters Stay Home on Election Day?"
In an article questioning the voting intentions of Bernie Sanders' supporters now America's last socialist has sold out to the establishment (as all socialists eventually do) and endoresed "Crooked Hillary", calling on his supporters, many of whom supported him precisely because they could not countenance Hillary Clinton as a possible President of the United States. Clinton's career in both business and politics has been dogged by scandal and even as she was preparing to accept the Democratic Party nomination, with a State Department internal inquiry into her mishandling of security classified documents, an FBI investigation into financial irregularities and an investigation into the suspected murder of a Party official who was due to testify in a case relating to voter fraud in the promaries, a new scandal erupted as the US Internal revenue service announced their own investigation of The Clinton Foundation's tax affairs.
As an outsider to this election I find it bizarre that a publication like The Intercept which trades on its reputation as being anti establishment is trying to persuade voters the election is a straight choice between Clinton and Trump. It is also bizarre that most people assume that because I detest Hillary Clinton I must support Donald Trump. While I found the primaries campaigns of both Trump and Sanders fun to follow, Bernie Sanders has turned out to be not as anti - establishment as he liked to pretend, and the billionaire Trump was never really anti - establishment, he is simply of the business establishment rather than the Washington establishment. I did not think Sanders or Trump would have been a good president, but simply not as bad as Hillary Clinton or one of the republican clowns that lined up at the start.
With a significant number of voters now turning to alternative media for information to fail to mention there are two other candidates, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.
Neither is likely to be elected president, but with enough support for them, it might stiffen the resolve of congress members to hold the executive to account and resist the trend to rule by Imperial Decree that has taken hold during the reign of The Emperor Obama.
Can this omission be interpreted as meaning that like Bernie Sanders, The Intercept has sold out to the establishment. Or did Glenn Greenwald perhaps have a chance encounter with Bill Clinton on an airport runway somewhere?
Assange Promises Next Hillary Leak Will Ensure Her Arrest
As Democratic Party Convention Moves From Drama To Farce More Leaks May Be Coming
Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion
So Hilary Clinton Broke The Law Because She Did Not Know What She Was Doing?
Democratic Party Primaries Vote Rigging Whistleblower Found Murdered
FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government!
Clintons Threatened Attorney General's Life
US Media Bias Revealed As Political Fact Checkers Caught Covering Hillary Clinton Crimes
Assange Says Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton
Can this woman possibly be a fit and proper person to serve as President Of The USA
Wall Street 'Whistleblower' Exposes Clinton Foundation Fraud
Obama's Economy Is Bad; Clinton's Would Be Worse
Lifelong Feminist Camille Paglia Slams Hypocrite Hillary Clinton And Her 'Liberal' Supporters
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It
Servergate: Hillary Clinton, Arrogant, Ignorant or both?
Undemocratic Democrats – Nearly 10% Of Democratic Party Superdelegates Are Corporate Lobbyists
If You Are An American Voter Thinking Of Voting For Hillary You Need To Read This.
Sanders Supporters Vindicated: Proof DNC Used Media to Rig Election for Hillary
Bernie Earns less In A Year Than Hillary Gets For One Speech To Bankers
'I Pray for Sanders' - Oliver Stone Condemns Clinton’s ‘Corrupt’ Policy
At Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum Americans Agree The Government Is FUBAR
Ode To Politicians
How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016
As Democratic Party Convention Moves From Drama To Farce More Leaks May Be Coming
Chants of "Lock her up," greet supporters of Clinton when they take the podium to promote her cause, and Sanders endorsment of her candidacy which saw him accused of hypocrisy and selling out has further divided the party rather than uniting it. Sanders supporters, disappointed their favourite will not run as an independent are jumping ship and giving their support to Green Party candidate Jill Stein.
All that aside, Hillary's campaign seems to be more concerned about what may be leaked next than about the damage already done.
Jennifer Palmieri, Hillary's communication director, recently told a press conference:
"The WikiLeaks leak was obviously designed to hurt our convention, I don’t think they’re done. That’s how they operate. We can’t know, but it’s part of the reason that we wanted people to understand our belief that the Russians are behind this. People need to understand — when these leaks happen — what they’re designed to do."
Once the obligarory loonytoons reference to imagined Russian malfeasance was out of the way, Palmieri started to make sense when she added that the Clinton campaign was not worried about it's own email security...which we're sure the American people will find very reassuring in the wake of that pesky little FBI investigation in which we learned just how secure Hillary's email account was.
Judging by the hostility between Sanders supporters and the Cintonisas yesterday, one can only imagine how rough things might get today when the conference gets down to serious business.
Right now however, the campaign seems to be spending way too much time on talking up Russian involvement in the leaks, even going so far as to call on Hillary's friends at the FBI to look into the issue, for this scandal to fade quietly into the night. With Donald Trump having surged into the lead in most major opinion polls, one would think the Democrat's time might be better spent attacking their opponents rather than trying to bury each other. Perhaps Jennifer Palmieri knows more than she's letting on about what may be about to hit them. julian Assange has promised there is more to come and hinted that the next batch will be really big.
Now that's something to look forward to.
Amid a wave of disgust at the way Bernie Sanders, who presented himself as the anti - establishment candidate, was cheated out of the nomination by a process the Democratic Party National Committee blatantly rigged in favour of Hillary Clinton, threatened to fight on to the bitter end but on the opening day of the Democrat's party convention but lamely sold out by endorsing the fraudulent candidacy of the corrupt and allegedly treasonous Mrs. Clinton, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein says WikiLeaks’ explosive release of Democratic National Committee emails prove the Democratic Party intentionally sabotaged Bernie Sanders’ campaign.
How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation.
Democratic Party Primaries Vote Rigging Whistleblower Found Murdered
Unfortunate but conveniently timed deaths of people considered key witnesses in Clinton - related scandals go all the way back to the demise of Vince Foster in 1993. How many people have to die before they are able to give important evidence about scandals involving "Crooked Hillary" and her husband, "Slick Willy" Clinton before Democrats in the USA become aware of the stink of rotting corpses that surrounds the pair.
Clintons Threatened Attorney General's Life
impartial observers was gobsmacked last week when FBI director James Comey, in a totally damning statement announced that although there was incontrovertible proof former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton had committed various crimes relating to national security but in the circumstances "no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against the Democratic Party Presidential candidate. Strangely, just before the FBI announced they were dropping the case
Orlando Shooting: Eyewitness Testifies ‘More Than One Shooter’
Just as happened with the San Bernadino shooting in California and the Paris attacks of 2015, accounts of the incident in Orlando in May 2016 from people who were at the scene differ from the version of events given mainstream media. A victim of Sunday’s terror attack at the gave a bombshell interview to ABC news in which he alleged there were several terrorists rather than the lone gunman news reports describe.
Clinton versus Trump
FBI blocked from indicting Hillary Clinton
Evidence US Democrat primaries were rigged for Clinton
Sanders supporters accuse Clinton campaign of voter fraud
How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It March 22, 2016
Call me Chelsea, Wikileaks leaker tells fellow inmates
Wikileaks Threatens Global Sanity
Hillary Clinton loses ground to Trump in key states
Hillary Clinton Channels Josef Goebbels
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Monday, July 25, 2016
Assange Promises Next Hillary Leak Will Ensure Her Arrest
The whistleblowers site has made a good start with the leaked documents that prove the Democratic Party National Committee rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie Sanders, probably the real winner in terms of votes cast (rather than those actually counted), was denied the nomination. Sanders' supporters have filed several lawsuits but those will be tied up in the legal labyrinth until long after the presidential election is decided in November. That first batch of leaks has certainly damaged Clinton.
Now Assange has said the next batch of leaks will destroy the Democrats anointed one.
from YourNewsWire
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said that Wikileaks have obtained information that, when released soon, will guarantee a Hillary Clinton indictment.
During a recent interview with ITV, Assange said his next release will “provide enough evidence” to see Hillary arrested. reports:
WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emails from Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”
At that point the interview was cut short, it appeared that Peston has been told by his producers to end the session.
We wait with bated breath to see what Wikileaks have lined up. There are plenty of instances of corruption and dishonesty to go at. What could be worse than betraying your country, lying to congress, electoral fraud, embezzeling funds from a charity and an undeniable link to the deaths of several witnesses who were due to testify against her in the various ongoing investigations into her activities (the most recent being Seth Rich, a young party official involved in management of the primaries who was due to give evidence in an investigation into why thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters' names were removed from voting registers.
Throughout the primaries Bernie Sanders was too much of a gentleman to attack Hillary on the numerous scandals that follow her around like a bad smell. Now his eagerness to support Clinton puts at risk his reputation as one of the few politicians of principle and integrity in the current political establishment.
The Difference In Voting For Hillbillary or Trump Is Only One Promises War With Russia
Essential reading for our American readers who must soon decide who they want as their next president. Important too for non Americans who cannot influence the outcome of the election but are entitled to know why their arses might be blown from here to eternity sometime in the next few years.
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
Ever wondered when and where the idiotic pseudo -philosophies of hippys and the idiotic and divisive politically correct dogmas of the modern left were born. The Social justice Warriors (aka 'liberals' or progressives' though they are really neither of these things but instead are moralistic authoritarians who hate free speech and personal liberty and support censorship, government control of media and criminalisation of dissent.
Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion
So Hilary Clinton Broke The Law Because She Did Not Know What She Was Doing?
FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government!
Clintons Threatened Attorney General's Life
How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
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Turkey Launches Purge Of People Who Claim Coup Was A Hoax
Apparently declaring a state of emergency a state of emergency following the failed coup earlier this month was not enough to help President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to fulfill all his political ambitions. The failed coup which was crused in a matter of hours by government troops, but has since been denounced by supporters of Tukey's secular democracy as a tactical hoax has given the Islamist Erdogan the opportunity to grant himself unlimited powers.
In the two weeks since the coup, Erdogan's government has embarked on an unprecedented purge of political opponents, which has led to over 13,000 arrests, mostly of soldiers, judges, prosecutors, teachers, university chiefs, hospital workers, and most recently journalists. On top of that 60,000 government employees have been sacked. Also in the aftermath of the staged failed coup, the president has ordered the closure and seizure of 1,043 private schools, 1,229 charities and foundations, 19 trade unions, 15 universities and 35 hospitals. The latest target are those who question the official script.
As AP reports, Turkish prosecutors are now investigating people who have alleged on social media and elsewhere that a July 15 coup attempt was a hoax carried out by the government, the country’s justice minister said on Sunday, heralding the suspension of free speech.
Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said in an interview with Turkey’s Kanal 7 television station Sunday that anyone who suggests the coup attempt was staged likely had a role in the insurrection, which was defeated by loyalist forces and pro-government protesters. There has been some internet speculation that Erdogan engineered the unrest in order to rally support prior to a massive and planned power grab which in effect usurps all the powers of the elected assembly to the president. The government and most commentators on Turkey’s recent turbulence dismiss this as a conspiracy theory, but then Erdogan's true opponents have been gradually neutralised ever since he gained the presidency.
“Just look at the people who are saying on social media that this was theater, public prosecutors are already investigating them. Most of them are losers who think it is an honor to die for Fethullah Gulen’s command,” Bozdag said.
In other crackdown measures, Turkey has disbanded the presidential guard after already detaining nearly 300 unit members suspected of plotting against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and authorities detained Muhammet Sait Gulen, a nephew of the cleric who lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania.
Turkey has declared a state of emergency to restore security following the coup attempt, granting Erdogan the power to impose decrees without parliamentary approval. More than 13,000 people, including nearly 9,000 soldiers, 2,100 judges and prosecutors and 1,485 police, have been detained, according to the president. The crackdown on free speech and organised opposition have ended Turkey's ambitions of joining the European Union. This will be a blow to German Chancellor angela Merkel and European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, who have been the main champions of Turkey's accession to full membership.
Evidence Turkey collaborating with ISIS
Tukry's illegal oil and arms trade with ISIS
How ISIS ships oil through Turkey
ISIS and Turkey at war with Syria
Are ISIS getting US weapons through Turkey?
Wikileaks Is About To Expose The Turkish 'Coup': Staged By Erdogan Regime?
U.S. Troops at Turkish Air Base on Highest Force Protection Level
Turkish Coup Attempt Crumbles
Coup In Turkey? Helicopters, Military Jets Reported Flying Over Capital; Army, Tanks Deployed
Why Do The Western Powers, The United nations And The EU Continue To Tolerate The Terror Sponsor Erdogan And Turkey
Officially Confirmed: Turkey is Blackmailing the EU On Migrant Crisis’
Turkey Threatens To Unleash Migrant Wave On Europe
Germany Involved in NATO War Games Near Russian Border
Russian Foreign Affairs Dept Accuses Turkey Of Hindering Syrian Peace Talks
Assad Accuses Erdogan Of Putting Combat Troops In Syria
Turkey 'Blackmailing Europe Over Migrant Crisis'
Visa Free Travel For Human Rights Abusing Turkey?EU Will Do Whatever Erdogan Tells It to.
EU Commission Backs Turkey Visa-Free Travel Amid Terrorist Cautions
Leaked Documents Prove Turkey Links With ISIS
Humanitarian Groups: EU-Turkey Refugee Plan Puts Women, Children in Prison Camps
Turkey Will “Definitely” Join Ground Operation In Syria, Accuses Russia Of “War Crimes
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Sunday, July 24, 2016
Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion
Three key findings emerge from yesterday's Wikileaks dump of DNC e-wikileaks, criminal,mails concerning the rigging of voting in the presidential primaries in favour of Hillary Clinton:
from Wikileaks:
- There had been a plot designed to smear Bernie Sanders and to hand the Democratic nomination to Hillary on a silver platter
- There has been repeated collusion between the DNC and the media
- There has been questionable fundraising for both Hillary Clinton and the DNC
WikiLeaks releases 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from top officials of the US Democratic National Committee (DNC) -- Call it The Hillary Leaks part one, recalling Julian Assange's promise to leak damning evidence of Hillary's corrupt and criminal behaviour throughout the summer. These documents come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC: Communications Director Luis Miranda (10770 emails), National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan (3797 emails), Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer (3095 emails), Finanace Director of Data & Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish (1472 emails), Finance Director Allen Zachary (1611 emails), Senior Advisor Andrew Wright (938 emails) and Northern California Finance Director Robert (Erik) Stowe (751 emails). The emails cover the period from January last year until 25 May this year.
The Romanian hacker known as Guccifer 2.0 (who has denied he works with the Russian government), who has already released hundreds of hacked DNC emails previously, told The Hill he leaked the documents to Wikileaks.
An initial read of the thousands of emails in the data dump reveals top officials at the Democratic National Committee privately plotting to undermine Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, confirming a long-running allegation by the Sanders campaign who has claimed that the DNC and Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz had tipped the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton during the party’s presidential primary. They also reveal instances of media collusion as well as various questionable instances of fundraising.
Plotting Against Bernie Sanders
In an email from early May, DNC CFO Brad Marshall wrote about a plot to question Sanders’s religion. While not naming the Vermont senator directly, it talks about a man of “Jewish heritage” Marshall believes to be an atheist. It makes reference to voters in Kentucky and West Virginia, two states that were holding upcoming primary elections.
“It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist,” the email says.“AMEN,” DNC Chief Executive Officer Amy K. Dacey replied.
Marshall did not respond to a request for comment. But he did tell The Intercept, which first noticed the email, “I do not recall this. I can say it would not have been Sanders. It would probably be about a surrogate."
* * *
In an email that concerned Sanders out-polling Clinton in Rhode Island, where the state reportedly only had a fraction of voting stations open, one staffer took a contemptuous tone of Sanders’ supporters, speaking about them more as a nuisance than an arm of the party. “If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct,” the staffer writes, “They’ll probably complain regardless, actually.”
* * *
Another email shows similar 'us and them' language being directed at Sanders supporters. “We have the Sanders folks admitting that they lost fair and square, not because we 'rigged' anything,” the email said. “Clinton likely to win the state convention with a slim margin and we'll send a release with final delegate numbers.”
* * *
An email titled 'Bernie narrative' sent by DNC National Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach to Miranda indicates that top officials in the party were trying to find an angle to disparage the Vermont senator in the media.
“Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” Paustenbach wrote in the May 21 message. “Specifically, [Debbie Wasserman Schultz] had to call Bernie directly in order to get the campaign to do things because they'd either ignored or forgotten to something critical.”“It's not a DNC conspiracy, it's because they never had their act together,” Paustenbach suggested.
* * *
Wasserman Schultz seemed to have already counted Sanders out of the race in a May 21 email, when there were still nine primaries to go. “This is a silly story,” the chairwoman said. “He isn't going to be president.”
* * *
In another email, Paustenbach informed her that Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver said the candidate should continue to the convention, Wasserman Shultz said: “He is an ASS,” referring to Weaver. The chairwoman made her opinion clear about Sanders in an message concerning the candidate alleging that the party hadn’t been fair to him.
“Spoken like someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what we do,” she said.
Collusion with Clinton and the media
A communication from late May laid out the pros and cons of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz accepting an invitation to CBS’s 'Face the Nation', and indicated that the DNC was plotting its moves based on what would be amenable to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
“Clinton campaign is a mess, they’re afraid of their own shadow and didn’t like that we engaged,” DNC communications director Luis Miranda wrote. “But they’ll be unhappy regardless, so better to get out there and do some strong pivots and land good punches on Trump. They can’t tell us NOT to do TV right now, we shouldn’t pull ourselves out until they actually do.”
“It’s clear that Bernie messed up and that we’re on the right side of history,” Miranda wrote in another bullet point, referring to the Nevada convention.
“Let's take this offline,” Wasserman Schultz said in response. “I basically agree with you."
Wasserman Schultz and Miranda brainstormed ideas to attack Sanders’ position on the Israel/Palestine conflict with her communications team in one thread, with Wasserman Schultz saying that "the Israel stuff is disturbing” in reference to Sanders’ platform committee appointees attempts to include language denouncing the occupation of Palestinian territory in the Democratic platform.
The chairwoman says that the idea “HFA,” or Hillary For America, originally proposed the idea of using Israel/Palestine as “an ideal issue to marginalize Sanders on,” suggesting that the DNC were exchanging communications about anti-Sanders strategies with the Clinton campaign.
With the 'vote rigging' leaks coming just days before the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and a constant drip of 'servergate' leaks, it may reignite controversy over the DNC's handling of the primaries campaigns and attempts to marginalise Bernie Sanders and also expose the myth of media "objectivity". Democrat fundraising will probably come under scrutiny too; thus the three biggest festering sores that have plagued the Democratic party since Bil Clinton cooked up a deal to hand Obama the presidency in 2008, and could potentially explode mid - convention leading to an exodus of disappointed Bernie supporters into Trump's camp.
One the other hand we are hearing as yet unconfirmed whispers of a subpoena being issued on The Clinton Foundation in connection with financial irregularities just as the campaign to throw Hillary in the slammer gains new momentum. The Democrats' convention could turn out to be even more fun than the one the Republicans just had.
DC Leaks Hack Of Soros Open Society Foundation Reveals How Billionaire World Domination Freak Plans To Control The Media
DC Leaks is a new kid on the block in the whistleblowing business but they are very successfully going after billionaire investor and puppet master. Having already exposed Soros' sponsorship of US terror group Black Lives Matter, and his links with the corrupt and careless Hillary Clinton, they have now reveald how Soros manipulates the media.
The Birth Of Cultural Marxism
Ever wondered when and where the idiotic pseudo -philosophies of hippys and the idiotic and divisive politically correct dogmas of the modern left were born. The Social justice Warriors (aka 'liberals' or progressives' though they are really neither of these things but instead are moralistic authoritarians who hate free speech and personal liberty and support censorship, government control of media and criminalisation of dissent.
Competition Is A Sin – Get Ready To pay For Internet Content
Trump versus Clinton for American hearts and minds
Will Hillary Clinton deliver tyranny in America
Democratic party primaries rigged in favour of Clinton
Hillary Clinton campaign accused of voteer fraud
A Song Of Servitude
How The Clinton Foundation Made big Money Off Poor Haitians
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