The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.
Friday, December 30, 2016
It's A Bit Pointless To Talk About Obama Being Impeached At This Stage
There is no doubt that in the final three weeks of his presidency, the terrorist loving, civilisation hating cocksucker president in the USA, Barack Hussein Obama, is trying to damage his country as much as he can. People should not complain about that, back in 2008 he did spell out very clearly his hatred of America and everything it stood for, his fondness for Islam, particularly Islamic extremist and his support for all terrorists (to the extent of pardoning convicted terrorists and setting them free to resume their careers of death and destruction in the USA) whether their cause is just or not.
But article like the one embedded below from Liberty Writers are quite pointless really. With only three weeks of his second term left, there simply is not time to organise the process that would be required to remove him from office. Far better to wait, and then simply nullify all his executive orders on the grounds that they are unconstitutional and beyond the scope of the president's authority.
Obama doctrine failure
Obama annoys Duterte
Obama frames Assad for US backed terrorist war crimes
Obama the instigator of cibil wars and revolutions
Obama's liberal jihad
Obama's secret war in Uganda
ISIS was a US creation
Obama's real agenda in Syria
Syria is a US proxy war
Failure of American leadrrship
The American dictator
America and Obama TPP trade deal is anti democratic
Obama's Al Qaeda Allies
Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds in Yemen, As US-EU-NATO backed Saudi war destoys another nation.
Obama and The End Of Utopia
Russia Today the only obstacle to God King Obama’s Global Empire
France’s President Hollande Says ‘Non’ To Obama’s Demand for Corporate Global Oligarchy
The Obama Administration Just Accelerated The Demise Of The USA As Dominant Economic Power
Obama and The End Of Utopia
Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine – US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable
Obama Is No Friend Of The British
After Trashing The USA Obama Will Offer Advice To UK And EU On How To Trash Nations
Crazy Obama Administration Claims It Brought Peace And Security To Syria In 2015
Obamas ‘moderate Rebels’ Are mostly Syrian Gangsters
Putin response To Obama Attempt To Claim Credit For Stopping ISIS In Syria ..
A Lesson In Democracy For Obama
Obama Trumped
Keynans Tell Obama: Don’t Mention gay Rights
Proof that Obama is out of touch with reality.
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Thursday, December 29, 2016
Demonizing Trump For Obama's Failures
It is absolutely right of course, not only are the Obama administration's propaganda department and the globalist dominated mainstream media in the democratic nations determined to discredit Trump, while most alt-media news and comment websites and blogs are more open minded, if not exactly sympathetic. This blog for example feels a lot of people are going to be disappointed with President Trump's efforts to 'make America great again as were disappointed with President Obama's promise of 'hope and change' which turned out to mean more war, more civil unrest and more of the same in every aspect of government.
What is notable about the army of leftie trolls in comment threads is they are not only calling for a coup d'etat to usurp the democratic process, but they are also blaming Trump, who is not yet sworn in as president, for the foreign policy disasters of Obama's eight years of failure and incompetence.
Obama Has been An Inspirational President?Well He Probably Inspired More Suicides Than Any Other
Obama’s greatest achievement perhaps it to have put Donald Trump in The White House. Whether you think this is a good or bad thing depends on your political stance. This blog is neutral, our view being that Trump can’t be a worse president than any of the three that preceded him.
Elementary My Arse
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Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Nobody Expects The Politically Correct Inquisition
We have also heard of pop scientists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye the Science Guy and astrophysicist Brian Cox stamping their petuland little feet and demanding that modern science, like the medieval church be protected from critical examination or questioning. We have also seen scientists who go against the dogma of this Church of Sciencology have their reputations destroyed and their careers trashed. And for what? Doing what scientists should do by questioning the orthodoxy.
NOBODY EXPECTS THE SCIENCE INQUISITION! as Monty Phython's Flying Circus might have said.
Here's a very enlightening article from Gatestone Institute, written by Douglas Murray that exposes another official attack on free speech and fredom of thought.
Europe's New 'Blasphemy Courts' Exposed
Submitted by Douglass Murray via The Gatestone Institute,- Europe is currently seeing the reintroduction of blasphemy laws through both the front and back doors, initiated in a country which once prided itself on being among the first in the world to throw off clerical intrusion into politics.
- By prosecuting Wilders, the courts in Holland are effectively ruling that there is only one correct answer to the question Wilders asked. They are saying that if someone asks you whether you would like more Moroccans or fewer, people must always answer "more," or he will be committing a crime.
- At no point would it occur to me that anyone saying he did not want an endless flow of, say, British people coming into the Netherlands should be prosecuted. Nor would he be.
- The long-term implications for Dutch democracy of criminalising a majority opinion are catastrophic. But the trial of Wilders is also a nakedly political move.
- The Dutch courts are behaving like a religious court. They are trying to regulate public expression and opinion when it comes to the followers of one religion. In so doing they obviously aspire to keep the peace in the short term, but they cannot possibly realise what trouble they are storing up for our future.
Last month a video emerged online of the four-time Olympic medal-winner and a friend getting up to drunken antics after a wedding.
The video -- taken on Smith's phone in the early hours of the morning -- showed a friend taking a rug off a wall and doing an imitation of Islamic prayer rituals. When the video from Smith's phone ended up in the hands of a newspaper, there was an immediate investigation, press castigation and public humiliation for the young athlete. Smith -- who is himself of mixed race -- was forced to parade on daytime television in Britain and deny that he is a racist, bigot or xenophobe. Notoriously liberal figures from the UK media queued up to berate him for getting drunk or for even thinking of taking part in any mockery of religion. This in a country in which Monty Python's Life of Brian is regularly voted the nation's favourite comic movie.
After an "investigation," the British sports authority has now deemed Smith's behaviour to warrant a removal of funding and a two-month ban from sport. This is the re-entry of blasphemy laws through the back door, where newspapers, daytime chat-shows and sports authorities decide between them that one religion is worthy of particular protection. They do so because they take the religion of Islam uniquely on its own estimation and believe, as well as fear, the warnings of the Islamic blasphemy-police worldwide.
The front-door reintroduction of blasphemy laws, meantime, is being initiated in a country which once prided itself on being among the first in the world to throw off clerical intrusion into politics. The Dutch politician Geert Wilders has been put on trial before. In 2010 he was tried in the courts for the contents of his film "Fitna" as well as a number of articles. The trial collapsed after one of the expert witnesses -- the late, great Dutch scholar of Islam, Hans Jansen -- revealed that a judge in the case had tried in private to influence him to change his testimony. The trial was transparently rigged and made Dutch justice look like that of a tin-pot dictatorship rather than one of the world's most developed democracies. The trial was rescheduled and, after considerable legal wrangling, Wilders was eventually found "not guilty" of a non-crime in 2011.
But it seems that the Dutch legal system, like the Mounties, is intent on always getting its man. On Monday of this week the latest trial of Geert Wilders got underway in Holland. This time Wilders is being tried because of a statement at a rally in front of his supporters in March 2014. Ahead of municipal elections, and following reports of a disproportionate amount of crimes being committed in Holland by Muslims of Moroccan origin, Wilders asked a crowd, "Do you want more or fewer Moroccans in this city and in the Netherlands?" The audience responded, "Fewer, fewer." To which Wilders responded, "Well, we'll arrange that, then."
Opinion polls suggest that around half the Dutch public want fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands and many opinion polls going back decades suggest that the Dutch people want less immigration in general. So at the very least Wilders is being put on trial for voicing an opinion which is far from fringe. The long-term implications for Dutch democracy of criminalizing a majority opinion are catastrophic. But the trial of Wilders is also a nakedly political move.
Whether or not one feels any support for Wilders's sentiments is not in fact the point in this case. The point is that by prosecuting someone for saying what he said, the courts in Holland are effectively ruling that there is only one correct answer to the question Wilders asked. They are saying that if someone asks you whether you would like more Moroccans or fewer, people must always answer "more," or they will be committing a crime. What kind of way is that to order a public debate on immigration or anything else? People may say, "He wouldn't be allowed to say that about any other group of people." And Wilders himself may not say that about any group of people, because he has his own political views and his own interpretation of the problems facing his country.
It is worth trying a thought-experiment: If Wilders or any other politician got up and asked a crowd "Do you want more or fewer British people in Holland," I may not -- as a British person -- feel terribly pleased with him for asking the question, or terribly happy with the crowd if they chanted "Fewer." Although if British expats in Holland were responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime and disorder in the country, some mitigating sympathy for the sentiment may be forthcoming. But at no point would it occur to me that anyone saying he did not want an endless flow of British people coming into the Netherlands should be prosecuted. Nor would he be.
Like the behaviour of the British Gymnastics association, the Dutch courts are behaving like a religious court. They are trying to regulate public expression and opinion when it comes to the followers of one religion. In so doing, they obviously aspire to keep the peace in the short term, but they cannot possibly realise what trouble they are storing up for our future.
Deep State Control:Free Speech Is Under Attack And Journalism Is Dead
What has happened to the news. At one time the news press referred to itself as 'the fourth estate', a reference to the three estates of the nation, the government, The Monarchy and the church The news and commpent journals assigned to themselves the task of objectively and impartilly holding the others to account by investigating the background to events and reporting the facts. No more it seems.
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Saturday, December 24, 2016
Why You Shouldn't Trust Mainsteam Media - An Explainer
Not a lot of point blogging today, everyone else is as busy as I've been with real life things. but with FAKE NEWS continuing to make headlines and the Obama Administration, in the dying days of their failed attempt to change America from a republic to a fascist tyranny passing new anti - free - speech laws while in Germany, politicians defend their refusal several months ago to deport the guy who drove a truck into a Christmas market because 'deporting terrorists is racist' (they didn't actually put it quite so bluntly)here's an example of how mainstream media and particularly those broadcasters with 'left - wing' sympathies (i.e. about a billion light years to the right of Hitler) manufacture Fake News in order to try to manipulate public opinion. This Fake New item from The Guardian follows a report that actor Michael Sheen was quitting Hollywood to return to the UK and work to overturn the Brexit vote, keeping us in the European Union. Sheen himself has denounced the story as a complete fabrication.
Great work by Paul Staines of Guido Fawkes blog again:
reposted from Guido Fawkes blog
Sheen Comes off Guardian’s Brexit Luvvie Scoop

The Guardian breathlessly reported the conversion of Michael Sheen from luvvie-land board-treading to hardcore political activism this weekend:
“Michael Sheen plans to abandon his acting career to fight what he calls the rise of the “hard populist right” in Britain and beyond.”The piece boasted:
“Although he has been based in Los Angeles for the past 14 years, home remains the South Wales steel town of Port Talbot, which voted overwhelmingly for Brexit in the June referendum – a result that initially left the actor “sad and frustrated” but then determined to fight back.”Unfortunately, by Sheen’s own admission, none of this is true. The actor – whose agent must have had a fit – posted a blog on his personal Tumblr feed later the same day completely denying the story:
“I did one interview with The Times of London a few weeks ago, parts of which (including a headline that is not a quote) have been picked up by a lot of other outlets. I DID NOT declare that I’m ‘quitting acting and leaving Hollywood’ to go into politics.”He continued:
“I certainly did NOT equate people who voted for Brexit or Trump with a fascistic ‘hard right’ that must be stopped. The majority of people in the U.K., including my hometown of Port Talbot, voted for Brexit. That is the will of the people and is to be respected. That is democracy.”
The Globalist Pravda Network
Fake News is a phrase that is never far from the lips or fingertips of journalists and television pundits who are supposed to keep us informed about what is happening in the world. But how reliable are those who have appointed themselves the guardians of journalistic integrity. Not very reliable it seems, if The Guardian, a highbrow UK newspaper is anything to go by.
The Left In Meltdown
As the UK Labour Party crumbles into complete disarray with it’s leader, the sixty – eight year old perpetual student protestor Jeremy Corbyn proving a more divisive figure than any of his predecessors, as he sacrifices more and more votes on the altar of fashionable causes, and the EU, natural successor to Hitler’s European unification project falls apart in the face of resurgent cultural nationalism, it is quite satisfying to see ...
Fake News Alert: US Govt Puts Out Ten Year Old Propaganda
Elementary My Arse
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Friday, December 23, 2016
NATO Escalates Ukraine Civil War after Defeat In Syria
This is the mature and statesmanlike reaction of western leaders to events in Syria.
Although a fragile ceasefire between the Kiev government and Donbass separatists has held for several months, since the collapse of ISIS resistance in and around Aleppo hundreds of ceasefire breaches by troops belonging to the Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF) are being reported in the separatist self-declared republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. Over the past few days, several towns and villages have come under intense shelling from artillery, rockets and mortars in stark violation of the Minsk agreement.
That agreement brokered by Russia, Germany and France during 2014 and 2015, was intended to lead to a diplomatic settlement to end the conflict between the Western-backed Kiev regime, which came to power in 2014 when a CIA engineered coup in February 2014 overthrew the democratically elected government which favoured closer ties with Russia. The breakaway provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk, have consistently refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Kiev regime.
Houses, schools and water treatment plants have been hit as the UAF and Neo-Nazi militias move heavy weapons close to the front line. Reports suggest the Kiev regime is preparing for a renewed attack on the ethnic Russian region. As expected Russia's response has been swift and missile defence systems have been installed to protect Russian interests.
So far, the militia of the DPR and LPR have repelled the offensive, with dozens of casualties reportedly suffered by the Kiev regime’s military.
It is no coincidence that the new attacks on Donbass come just as the US and its NATO allies suffer a major setback in their covert war for regime change in Syria and ultimately control of the middle east. The liberation of the battleground city of Aleppo suggests the end of the nearly six-year conflict in Syria is close and the regime-change project in Syria to oust the government of President Bashar al-Assad has ended up as another foreign policy failure for the catastrophic presidency of Barack Obama.
Turkey, which until recently was a key player in Obama's regime-change ambitions seems to be aligning with Russia and Iran to bring an end to the war in neighboring Syria. Earlier this week however, we reported foreign and defense ministers from Russia, Iran and Turkey met in Moscow to declare their commitment to end the Syrian conflict. The exclusion of the US” from this initiative is intended as an insult to President Obama and Secretary of state Kerry. The New York times commented: "The new alignment and absence of any Western powers at the table all but guarantee that President Bashar al-Assad will continue to rule Syria under any resulting agreement."
In other words, it’s "game over" for Washington, the delusions of 'President Of the Entire Universe And Everything Else besides' Obama and the Clinton led Democrat Crime Syndicate and their criminal enterprise to subvert Syria.
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Thursday, December 22, 2016
Now here's a last word from Santa Claus.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Saddam Hussein’s CIA Interrogator: He Tried to Warn Us, but We Didn’t Listen
After coalition forces captured Saddam Hussein in December 2003, John Nixon, a senior leadership analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1998 to 2011, interrogated the former Iraqi dictator. The detailed account of this interrogation is now available to the public in the form of a book, Debriefing the President: The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein.
In the publication, Nixon explains that Hussein was out of touch with the military reality of his own country in his final years. “When I interrogated Saddam,” Nixon told Time magazine, “he told me: ‘You are going to fail. You are going to find that it is not so easy to govern Iraq.’”
As Nixon pressed Saddam to explain why, the captured dictator said Americans would soon learn they “are going to fail in Iraq because [Americans] do not know the language, the history, and [they] do not understand the Arab mind.” To the former CIA agent, Saddam’s warning had a point.
In order to “maintain Iraq’s multi-ethnic state,” Nixon told reporters, the presence of a strongman like Saddam in Iraq was necessary. He added:
“Saddam’s leadership style and penchant for brutality were among the many faults of his regime, but he could be ruthlessly decisive when he felt his power base was threatened, and it is far from certain that his regime would have been overthrown by a movement of popular discontent.”
Reflecting on what he learned, Nixon told Time it was unlikely that “a group like ISIS would have been able to enjoy the kind of success under his repressive regime that they have had under the Shia-led Baghdad government.” He made the case against the U.S. invasion of Iraq, which led to Saddam’s ultimate fall.
According to Nixon, Saddam added that before his ascension to power, “there was only bickering and arguing [in Iraq]. I ended all that and made people agree!‘” Nixon eventually found he had developed “a grudging respect for how [Saddam] was able to maintain the Iraqi nation as a whole for as long as he did,” despite the CIA officer’s lack of sympathy for the fallen dictator.
To Nixon, Saddam Hussein was certainly a brutal dictator, but he wasn’t “on a mission to blow up the world, as George W. Bush’s administration had claimed to justify the invasion.”
While many may argue Nixon’s explanation is rather “simplistic,” it undoubtedly reveals that there’s much more to the stories of how the U.S. government justifies invasions and military involvement abroad than meets the eye. In the specific case of Iraq, anti-intervention activists have been on record for years saying the invasion created a power vacuum, making the rise of ISIS more likely to occur.
As countless Iraq war enablers and supporters in the United States continue to defend their actions and claim Saddam had the will and the means to threaten the world, how this war came to be reality is still often ignored. As the former CIA agent Nixon publishes Debriefing the President: The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein, Americans are witnessing a fight between competing narratives as they shape the news the country consumes. These narratives could even impact our foreign and domestic policies. And even now, as we hear yet another account of an insider claiming the U.S. invasion of Iraq was unjustified and damaging, it’s incredible to see much of the media still ignoring what non-interventionists have been saying all along.
This article (Saddam Hussein’s CIA Interrogator: He Tried to Warn Us, but We Didn’t Listen) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Alice Salles and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article to
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European Finance crisis: As Italian banks beg for bailout the infection spreads to Spain.
Total chaos reigns in European banking stocks this morning as Italian bank Monte Paschi became insolvent when a private sector bailout plan failed. Monte Paschi shates and bonds crashed in European stock markets, the Italian Stock Market was in turmoil and the Italian crisis spread to Spanish banks are also being hit following a European Court ruling on mortgage fraud went against them.
On Monday night, Italy’s finance minister Pier Carlo Padoan confirmed Italy is preparing a €20bn rescue fund for MPS and other weak lenders as the chances of a successful €5bn private recapitalisation of the Siena-based bank recede.
By the evening of Thursday at the latest, it should be clear whether MPS, which was founded in 1472, will have been rescued by the private sector via a €4.5bn debt-for-equity swap and funds from anchor investors including the Qatar Investment Authority. As of Monday only €200m had been committed to the swap, suggesting the chances of pulling off the rescue are slim, said people close to the deal.
MPS’s debt-for-equity swap will close at 2pm Italian time on Wednesday. If it goes badly MPS could already ask the government to step in, said one Italian official.
According to an Italian official only about €2bn of the €20bn will be used for liquidity guarantees, and the rest for recapitalisations and for compensating some retail bondholders. Other banks will be rescued on a case-by-case basis over the coming months now that Italy has a precedent with which to defend against EU bullying. The €20bn rescue fund will abide by EU rules on so-called burden-sharing, which force losses on junior bondholders (small investors, in other words the neo - Fascist EU is protecting the big players again. Benito Mussolini would have been proud.
Italy’s banks currently have one of the highest toxic debt ratios in Europe at 16.4 per cent of total credit outstanding, more than three times the European average of 5.4 per cent, according to Moody’s.
The nationalization, of Italy's three largest banks seems imminent following a Reuters report that the ongoing, JP Morgan-led attempt to put together a private sector bailout of Monte Paschi had failed.
According to Reuters, Qatar's sovereign wealth fund, long considered as the most likely anchor investor with a €1 billion allocation in any rescue plan cash call, decided it is unwilling to invest in the Italian bank, meanwhile Monte Paschi has been unable to find a replacement investor willing to put money in its privately funded rescue plan, less than 24 hours before the offer ends.
As a result, the bank's share issue, which closes at 2 p.m. (1300 GMT) on Thursday, has drawn very little interest from investors.
The bank now needs to raise €5 billion by the end of this month to avert being wound up. The Italian government, which earlier today was given permission by the European Central Bank to issue €20 billion in public debt to use for bank bailout purposes, is expected to step in this week and nationalize the bank.
The approval came after the ECB first refused to extend the deadline for a €5bn recapitalisation of Monte Paschi before the end of the year and fears mounted the bank’s liquidity levels were becoming critical. MPS has lost €14bn, or 11 per cent of its total deposits, from January to September 2016 and warned its liquid reserves would fall under the required level should it suffer another €10bn of deposit outflows under a “stress” scenario calculated by the ECB. That news triggered another rush to withdraw deposits and sent the stock plunging to record lows, shortly before the government agreed that taxpayers would shoulder the burden of the insolvent bank's debts.
Other banks expected to benefit from Italy's state aid in addition to Monte Paschi include Veneto Banca, Popolare Vicenza, Cassa di Cesena, Cassa di Rimini and Cassa di San Miniato.
While economic confidence in the USA is at record levels following the election of Donald Trump, and in the UK, post Brexit, the economy is booming (the pound is still looking weak against the dollar because both have surged against other currencies, particularly the Euro) but elsewhere Bloomberg reports Spanish banking stocks falling after the European Court of Justice ruled that the May 2013 cut-off point for unfair home mortgage payment reimbursements is illegal.
Borrowers who paid too much interest on home loans pre-dating a May 2013 Spanish ruling on so-called mortgage floors are entitled to a refund from their banks, judges at the EU Court of Justice ruled in Luxembourg Wednesday. The court said that a proposed time limit on the refunds is illegal and customers shouldn’t be bound by such unfair terms. Banco Sabadell SA fell as much as 7.5 percent, while Banco Popular slipped as much as 10.5 percent, the largest decliner in Spain’s Ibex 35 benchmark.
"This comes as a surprise and in a bad moment for Spanish banks as most of them would have to make extra provisions to pay for this,” Daragh Quinn, an analyst at Keefe Bruyette & Woods, said by phone. "It will mean pressure on capital generation and profits in the fourth quarter."
The EU court case comes as Spanish banks are under pressure from low interest rates and weak demand for credit, affecting their traditional business of lending. With 521 billion euros, home loans are one of the largest parts of Spanish bank lending business as they grew their real estate exposure during a construction boom in the country that burst at the end of the last decade. Some banks are still making provisions for bad loans, which also adds pressure to profit.
Banco Popular Espanol, Caixabank and Banco de Sabadell suffered most. Santander shares fell 1.25% and Bankinter by just 0.1%.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Russia, Iran and Turkey To Negotiate Peace Deal For Syria Without US Involvement
Translated from Deutsche Wirstschafts Nachrichten by Google Translate
Russia, Turkey and Iran want to start peace negotiations for Syria without the West. After talks between Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu with their colleagues from Ankara and Teheran in Moscow, the three states jointly announced a corresponding advance. They would stand as guarantor powers for an agreement between the Syrian government and the opposition. According to Lavrov, the three states agree that the fight against terrorism should take precedence over a government change in Syria. He also announced that the evacuation of the contested areas in Aleppo would be completed in two days.
The three states are to act as mediators between the Syrian government and the Syrian "opposition" to negotiate an agreement and then to act as guarantee powers of that agreement. A martial solution to the Syrian conflict reject Moscow, Ankara and Tehran, reports the Russian state news agency Sputnik.
"All the attempts made so far by the USA and its partners for a coordinated approach were doomed to failure. They have had no influence on the happenings on the ground, "The Daily Mail quoted Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
The news agency Anadolu quotes the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu: "We are talking about an armistice for the whole of Syria. However, this does not apply to the terrorist organizations ISIS and Al-Nusra. We will continue to fight these organizations (...). There are Hezbollah and other groups. The aid for all these groups must be cut off. "
The statement stated that all countries had been called to participate in the new initiative, which would have "an impact on the situation on the ground". Lavrov said Kazakhstan had offered itself as a host of new peace talks.
It is perhaps notable that the negotiated peace deal and armistice does not extend to terrorist organisations. One of the reasons the conflict in Syria has lasted so long and been so destructive is that the USA, supported by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, has been supporting ISIS and Al Nusra by supplying arms and ammunition and avoiding airstrikes on terrorist bases because as we have reported many times, the priority of US foreign policy under Barack Obama was to remove the legitimate government of Assad. Obama has always been a friend of terrorists as he promised he would be in 2008.
Google Translate for Business:Translator
US to attack Syria
Syria and Obama
USA fighting a proxy war in Syria
Syria is biggest US blunder ever
Obama frames Assad for US war crimes
Obama's Al Qaeda allies
ISIS was a US creation
West's lies demonise Russia
UK Govt Cash Funded ISIS & Al Nusra In Syrian Conflict
Syria: USA & NATO scream ‘War Crimes’ as US backed rebels shell Aleppo civilians.
Western media part of political elite, will never report Syrian massacre by US-led forces
Crazy Obama Administration Claims It Brought Peace And Security To Syria In 2015
Obamas ‘moderate Rebels’ Are mostly Syrian Gangsters
US ‘Mission Creep’ In Syria Nudges World Towards War
Atrocities In Iraq As Syrias brave Freedom Fighters Advance
Syria: The West Fails To Understand Again.
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Aluminium DOES cause Alzheimer's: Expert says new findings confirm the metal plays a role in the devastating brain disease
Medical researchers studying the growing plague of Alzheimer's Disease in developed socireties have suspected a link between between aluminium and the disease has existed for many years. Lack of evidence prevented the scientific community and the alternative health lobby from recommending avoidance of aluminium in cooking utelsils and other activities as a means of significantly reducing chances of developing the disease. However, new research confirms the metal plays a role in the cognitive decline that is the most visible symptom of the disease.
Age timebomb
Health tyranny closer
Health and blood pressure
Age, aluminioum, Alzheimers
Is age the new apartheid
More Demented Mice Science ? With Mobile Phones
As we were saying about science not making sense …
Alcohol Protects Against Dementia
They’re having a laugh aren’t they?
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Monday, December 19, 2016
It Wasn't Russia That Rigged The Election For Trump, It Was The Democrats That FAILED To Rig It For Crooked Hillary.
Since election day (November 8) Clinton supporters, angry that voters had chosen anybody other than the candidate for political correctness and corporate crime had been trying to claim US electoral law should be ignored and the Presidency awarded to 'Crooked Hillary' because she had won the popular vote by a majority of three million votes.
News just in via the excellent Milo Yiannopoulis however reveals that three million votes in the election tally were cast by illegal immigrants. Now we don't know how they broke down but we know that Barack Obama had overtepped the limits of his executive power and, in a blatant attempt to rig the election for the Democrats, instructed democrat run states to allow illegals to vote, and had also tried to push through an amnesty allowing illegal immigrants to become full US citizens without going through the appropriate legal process.
So we may assume those three million votes went, by a very large majority to the Democrat candidate.
Which destroys what little credibility the Democrats claims to have won the popular vote ever had.
Read the full story on Milo's page:
Illegal Immigrants Cast More Than 3 Million Votes In Presidential Election
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You Heard About The Yahoo Hack But Mainstream Media did Not Tell Everything you Need To Know.
it returned a '404', which means I guess, that the site is being blocked.
That seems very appropriate in the context of the article below.
Its very likely that if you use the Internet and are conscious, you know about the Yahoo hack1 BILLION (that’s BILLION with a “B”) Yahoo accounts were breached in 2013 but Yahoo kept the story quiet until now, and for very good reasons which we will get to. According to information released by Yahoo, stolen user data included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth and passwords.
Not much of a problem you may think, if like us Boggart Bloggers you do not use email for conducting any sensitive or confidential business. If you have a Yahoo account and haven't changed your password since before 2013 do it. (I changed mine in 2015 , after getting locked out of my account because I tried to log on from Spain and they decided I was hacking myself,) but before that incident I had used the same password for ten years).
If you do use your mail for stuff you'd rather keep private, get a new, secure emain account (not Gmail or Hotmail, see below,) services like, for example, StartMail, a Netherlands based company. More of this type of service are coming online. There's a small monthly fee, but as I long time IT pro, I have always said the 'everything's for free' business model would prove to be the internet's downfall.
For reasons not related to the hack, private search canceled its Yahoo contract stating they had lost confidence in the company on learing that Yahoo allegedly allowed a US government agency install a spy tool onto its system so agents could secretly read incoming email. Google, Microsoft, Facebook and other US based web cprporations have done similar favours for the US Government, helping advance its agenda of spying on the whole world.
What this means is:
- The US government can read every incoming and outgoing email of Yahoo AND non-Yahoo customers, regardless of whether or not they were suspected of wrongdoing.
- The spy tool is actually more like a rootkit in that it exploits the greatest flaw in IBM/Wintel PC architecture to allow not just the government, but a hacker, unfettered access to user accounts through the DOS command line.
- The revelation follows news of a 2014 Yahoo breach, now the second largest in history, because Yahoo just broke its own record. The hacker in the 2014 breach also stole email addresses, birth dates, security questions, and even passwords, putting over 500 million customers at risk for identity theft.
For email privacy think in terms of organisations that charge a small fee (pay $£€2 per month and you'll get rid if a lot of spam too), look to European companies that offer Search services like StartPage, Good Gopher (American owned but hosted outside US jurisdiction) or the oddly named DuckDuckGo. The European Union has many faults and is an undemocratic organisation, but it does at least protect the privacy rights of citizens in member states.
Internet access as a human right
Is the Internet making us stupid
Nothing good has come of the internet
How Google tweaks alorithms to serve its business interests
Bloggers censored on internet
Internet privacy theft
Internet sceadugengan
Technology: Opoen windows serve authoritarian governments
The technology of mind control
Technology monster
Google Now Has Access To Millions Of Patient’s Health Records
The Right To Tell Politicians To Eff Off In An Age Of Self Appointed Censors, and Compliant Media
Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.
Drinking from a firehose – internet
Shellshock: Can anything stop the hackers? Yes, me and you can.
A Chronicle Of Decay
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Sunday, December 18, 2016
Wikileaks Operative Speaks Out - Russia Did Not Hack US Election, It Was A Disgusted Democrat
If you missed that story you can read it here > Democrats Russian Hacking campaign claims are bullshit.
Now we have the full story of how Wikileaks obtained the emails that have been so damaging personally and politically to Obama, Clinton and the Democrats. And as usual it was left to alt - media and to British and European media to report this YUGE story, mainstream media in the USA, loyal to the traitor and liar Obama and the crook and liar Hillary, have hardly mentioned this story with concerns all Americans.
from The Daily Mail
EXCLUSIVE: Ex-British ambassador who is now a WikiLeaks operative claims Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails - they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for 'disgusted' Democratic whistleblowers
Read the full, detailed story:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Obama Leads Down The Path To Nuclear War – Hillary Clinton Runs To Keep Up …
American Attempts To Demonise Russia Look More Pathetic Than Desperate
Hope Not Hate ‘Exaggerated’ Jo Cox Hate Speech Claims by 3000 Per Cent
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Saturday, December 17, 2016
US Democrat's Refusal To Accept They Lost The Election, It's The Gift That Keeps On Giving.
Russia's role in US election hacks and the possible influence on the result.
To read, watch or listen to the mainstream media, the 2016 US presidential election was decided by internet hackers rather than voters.
At least, that's the way government officials and mainstream media newsbots would like to spin it. Both before and after election day, news coverage has focused on leaked incriminating emails reportedly written by key Democrat party officials, including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton herself, fake news which turned out to have more substance than most of the 'real news' or propaganda as it should more accurately be called. Everyone, from the US's leading spy agencies and politicians to the public at large, is caught up in disagreement about who the hackers are and what influence they may have had on the eventual outcome of the vote
The weeks weeks since the election have brought five separate calls from Congress for investigations to learn how much the hacks really influenced the elections. Add to that public comments this week by the the outgoing President Barack Obama (in which he warned the Russians He (personally?) would retaliate for the alleged interference in US politics, the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Department of State on how Russia was involved in influencing the vote and when. There have been wildly inaccurate stories in the New York Times and Washington Post about disagreements between the CIA and the FBI over why Russia conducted the hacks.
To round it all off, President Elect Donald Trump is arguing nobody knows for sure that Russia and President, Vladimir Putin were behind the hacks. Trump (correctly at it happens) maintains that even though the US intelligence community and the forensic experts who first examined the hacked systems are highly confident Russia is the bad guy there is no actual evidence. (I explain below why there can be no evidence).
NBC News reported on Wednesday 15 December that US intelligence officials believe "with a high level of confidence" that Putin was personally involved in the effort to interfere in the election.
President Barack Obama has little doubt the Russians were behind the hacks. And in an interview with NPR published Friday, he said that the US would respond.
"When any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections ... we need to take action," Obama said. "And we will -- at a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized; some of it may not be."
The Russian government, in turn, has called the US accusations groundless. "They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last," said a spokesman for Putin, according to CNN, citing Russian state news agency Tass.
For the record, there hasn't been any evidence found of hacked voting machines, according to election officials or security experts. Trump won the election because of the way the US voting system works, even though Clinton won the popular vote. In fact, in the three states where Green Party candidate Jill Stein, acting as a proxy for The Clinton Crime Syndicate, tried to demand recounts to upset the result, two denied recounts because the evidence of error or fraud required by State law could not be provided and in the third, Wisconsin, where a recount was completed, Trump actually gained a few hundred votes on his rival.
There is no reliable way of telling where a hack came from other than the IP address in the packet header? And because our laptops and tablets do not have their own IP address, but instead one allocated dynamically by the server they connect to, what does that prove? Only that the computer was in a certain place the time (even this can be faked very easily by using a proxy server). The hacker could have been a CIA operative sitting in a Moscow hotel planting a false flag, a British geek sitting in a MacDonalds in London, logged on via the restaurant Wi-Fi, via a proxy server in Andorra, via a proxy server in Russia to a server in Hilary Clinton's attic for all we know. If the IP address were really from Russia it was almost certainly not the Russian government doing it because the government would have covered their tracks by paying for a plane trip to a banana republic in Central America.
As we in the IT community have been seeing for some years, hackers have moved on from the old ways of writing malicious code and distributing in email attachments. They are now writing and selling the tools for others to distribute or use and it is big business and growing. The people who create such software know about the 'postern gates' deliberately put into software by corporations like Microsoft, Google, Apple and Facebook, for which cooperation they are well rewarded by government agencies. And as long as robots can be programmed to access the right logical port, Windows operating systems are wide open. That is why it is nearly impossible to know who is initiating the attacks. Throw in the complete distrust the population has in the NSA, CIA, FBI, GCHQ, MI6, Europol and the politicised legal and judicial systems and it is no wonder that there is little concern about who is hacking except for those who want to blame a faceless entity for their loss of control over government.
There is in fact no proof or even convincing evidence that Russia in fact did the hacks. Wikileaks founder Julian assange has categorically stated it was not Russia! A more likely scenario is that is was in fact an inside job done by a DNC staffer disgusted by the collaboration of party managers with The Clinton Campaign to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.
Having said that, if Hillary was a bank robber, and Russia revealed that Hillary was a bank robber, are the nations of the western coalition supposed to go to war with Russia to save a known crook and liar from a humiliating but deserved defeast? And can anyone tell us why there was no outcry from supporters of the globalist left about the Obama administration's attempts to influence outcome of the Israeli election.
I doubt Russia swayed one single vote. The track record of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, a record of dishonesty, misrepresentation, corporate cronyism and warmongering, is what lost the election for them. There are far more important issues to the majority of people than Gay BLT rights.
Elementary My Arse
Michelle Obama’s Stupid Attack On Trump Shows What A Cow She Is
Former UK Ambassador Says Obama's 'Russian Hacking' Claims Are Bullshit
Former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, who has always publicly opposed the demonization of Russia by United States and European Union official propaganda and has in the past collaborated with WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange to expose western propaganda as being aimed at persuading voters war with Russia and China,is justified has dismissed the CIA's claims that Russia interfered in last month’s presidential election as "bullshit"
An Item In Todays News About US Gov't Internet Security Hack has Tipped Our Editor Over The Edge
The US election was on November 8, by November 12 it should have gone away, but the Democrats, proven crooks and liars who crookedly rigged their own selection process to cheat a man who could have beaten Trump out of the nomination and ensure their candidate was the traitor, war criminal, liar, AND head of the Clinton Crime Syndicate Hillary Clinton as their candidate.
Democrats Russia Hacked Us and Failed Recount Campaign is Political Suicide.
The US Democratic Party’s inability to accept that they lost the Presidency to Donald Trump is turning into a slow political suicide. The party that has always been quick to scream ‘conspiracy theorist’ to discredit critics of its dealings with overseas governments and foreign billionaires like Soros has revealed in its efforts to overturn the result by claiming that Russian hacking influenced voters in favour of Trump.
The Internet Purge Of Politically Incorrect (aka truthful) Content Begins
Facebook, Google (owners of YouTube) and Microsoft have long been known as CIA collaborators and it has been acknowledged that Obama's move in divesting the US government of responsibility for ICANN allows The White House to make outraged noises about suppression of free speech while using Search Engine Operators as proxies to shut down anything challinging US and NATO propaganda (on the grounds no doubt that challenging the politically correct orthodoxy constitutes hate speech.)
ABC/Wapo Effectively Admit To Poll Tampering As Hillary's "Lead" Shrinks To 2-Points
A few days ago the solidly 'liberal' mainstream media were crowing that the American presidential election was all over bar the shouting and Hillary Clinton could order new curtains for The White House. As evidence of their claims they cited an ABC / Washington Post opinion poll which gave 'Crooked Hillary' a 12 point lead. The poll and Hillary's media shills are of course all as bent as a boxing day turd, if this and other big leads claimed for the Democrat are anything to go by. href="">Clinton Crime Syndicate Involved In Green Party Recount Scam, But No Evidence Hacking Influenced US Vote.
American Attempts To Demonise Russia Look More Pathetic Than Desperate
In spite of all the screeching from Hillary Clinton's campaign team, the bombast of the Obama administration and they hysteria in mainstream media it should be obvious even to a prepubescent kid whose computing skills are limited to playing games on an android tablet that the hacking of the Democrat's campaign servers, Obama's private email address and the State Department is an inside job.
Ideologue Obama Declares War On Ideologies
When the idealists of the left have top resort to suppressing the free press and free speech because they are losing the argument it is time to forget all the empty talk of hope and change, look at the track record of war and destruction and recognise these so called liberals for what they are, authoritarian tyrants.
America Is Lost: Rigged election, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate says Assange
To paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of Julian Assange's death were greatly exaggerated. After his web feed was cut by staff at the Ecuadorian Embassy earlier this week Assange's usual stream of tweets, leaks and posts was stilled. The web, being the web, went mad with conspiracy theories but Wikileaks themselves did not comment on the wilder speculation. Well Julian is back on Hillary's case, and this time it's more personal than ever.
FBI Leaks Expose Elusive "Shadow Government" Protecting Hillary In National Security Investigation
Big Foot, The Yeti and The Loch Ness monster continue to elude us but the existence of one creature previously though to be a modern myth has been confirmed when official records of its existence were revealed in documents relating to the FBI investigation into the case of former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton's negligent handling of highly sensitive classified government material on a private server.
Pussy Grabber versus Lying, Money Grubbing Traitor For US President?
Yesterday, too late for this British based blog to pick up, Wikileaks released by far the most devastating leak of the campaign. In any other democratic nation this would be game over. This act of treason this betrayal of three hundred million people, is in complete violation of US electoral law and makes Trump’s dirty talk video, that US liberals have been in hysterics about, look like an episode of The Teletubbies.
Latest Clinton Foundation Hack Shows Abuse Of Power For Personal Gain
Julian Asange was not bluffing it seems, although he appeared to back off from dropping the promised bpmbshell that would finish Hillary Clinton, a document dump by Goccifer2 containst stuff that is dynamite, revealing email exchanges between Clinton and associates that discuss the abuse of power and position for financial gain, in short giving preferential treatment in warding State Deprtment contracts to people and organisations that made generous donations tio the Clinton Foundation ...
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