One of the leaders of Alternative for Germany party (AfD) has become the first person to be denied the right of free speech under draconian new censorship laws designed to prevent anybody tellig the trutyh about immigrant crime in Germany . The Powers That Be claim the new laws are necessary to curtail what they call "hate speech", yet are not silencing Muslim extremists who are calling on young Muslim immigrants to rape and kill Germans. The new laws seem to decree that whatever some immigrants complains about is "hate speech," while gang rape of Europeans by Muslim migrants is "multiculturalism."
Social networking site Twitter froze the account of Beatrix von Storch, saying she had violated "hate speech" rules, after the politician tweeted her indignation at a New Year’s greeting issued in Arabic by the Cologne Police.
"What the hell is happening in this country? Why is an official police site tweeting in Arabic? Do you think it is to appease the barbaric, gang-raping hordes of Muslim men?" wrote von Storch, the deputy leader of the AfD party.
Cologne, you may remember, was the scence of mass rapes and sexual assaults on European women by Muslim men during the annual New Year celebrations. The Daily Stirrer reported at the time, a wave of mass sexual assaults, gang rapes and looting by mostly Muslim migrants during the 2015-2016 New Year’s Eve celebrations shocked Germany, although the authorities and mainstream media continued to deny there had been any trouble for several months. Similar incidents also occurred in Hamburg, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart and Bielefeld. Police acknowledged in a leaked document that some 1,200 women were sexually assaulted throughout Germany in the course of the New Year celebrations, and eventually German government officials were forced to admit the crimes were committed by Muslim immigrants.
On New Year’s Day this year, Ms. von Storch’s account was shut down for 12 hours in response to Cologne police filing a criminal complaint against her for alleged hate speech.
Once her account was unfrozen, the Bundestag member announced that her Facebook account had also been censored.
"This is the end of the rule of law," she wrote, posting the message she received from Facebook administrators.
In her censored Facebook message, Ms. von Storch said that Germany is "a free country where we can call barbarians by their name. Even if they are Muslims. (I refer to those against whom we are now setting up safe spaces for German women, because the state can no longer guarantee them security outside women only areas)."
The parliamentarian was referring to a new measure taken to protect German women from assault during the New Year’s celebrations. This year a special "safe zone" for women was created at the annual New Year’s Eve party in front of Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate at the request of the Berlin police. Segregation of men and women my be normal in Muslim controlled third world shitholes, but it has no place in civilized European countries.
The German government passed its Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz (NetzDG) law at the end of June 2017 but gave social networks until the end of 2017 to prepare themselves for its enforcement. NetzDG targets social networks and media sites with more than two million members, such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
The law requires social media sites to monitor and immediately remove any hate speech, fake news and illegal material, or face fines. NetzDG gives the networks 24 hours to act after complaints of offensive material have been filed.
Obviously, the new censorship system works outside the rule of law, with no formal investigation into the charges and no opportunity for the accused to defend themselves. In the case of Ms. Von Storch, it was sufficient for the Cologne police to complain to Twitter and Facebook in order for the social media giants to shut down her accounts.
Merkel Successor Unexpectedly Resigns As CDU Leader In Latest Shock To Germany's Political Establishment
After days of rumour and speculation in the German and broader European press predicting she would fall on her sword as scandal erupted about a deal with right-of-centre AfD in the Thuringa state election, Merkel's anointed successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer - better known as AKK - has confirmed that the rumors are indeed true.
German Election: Will Another Term For Merkel destroy German Economy
According to the latest round of opinion polling ahead of the German elections, Angela Merkel looks set to become the joint longest-serving modern German chancellor, that’s despite having been accused of "putting problems on the back burner, and staved off several attempts to indict her on treason charges for her role in the immigrant crisis. Business organisations have also raised doubts about the economic consequences of re-electing her, warning that her new term may bring “stagnation” for Germany.
Majority of Germans Favour Snap Election as Merkel Coalition Talks Stumble
There appears to be no end in sight to Germany's crisis of democracy as the European Union's most populous and economically powerful state continues to stumble along without an effective government. Coalition talks between Chancellor Merkel's CDU/CSU and the left wing Greens and classical liberal Free Domocrats have stalled over irreconcilable policy demands.
Germany Sees Fourfold Rise in Terrorism-Related Cases
According to a report in the Welt am Sonntag, Germany has experienced a huge rise in the number of terror-related cases in just one year, with prosecutors having dealt with more than 900 cases so far in 2017, compared with 250 cases initiated throughout 2016. Around 700 Islamic extremists now living in Germany have been identified by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as posing a potential terror threat.
A Week Before Election 30% Of German Voters Still Undecided
Polling companies in Germany are indicating that support for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Party is still slipping with the election only one week away. More disturbingly perhaps for Hausfrau - Volkfuhere Merkel is the news that over a third of Germans are still unsure how they will vote. An opinion poll published today (15 September) on Friday showing the number of undecideds was not coming down fueled uncertainty about the kind of coalition that will emerge from an election on September 24.
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces a crisis in her ruling coalition after Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer demanded she take steps to halt the tide of illegal immigrants entering the country. To have any chance of surviving, the government must present new initiatives for controlling illegal immigration, deal with the critical situation on the Austrian border ...
New German Coalition in Peril as Potential Partners Clash over 200,000 Annual Migrant Limit
Reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has agreed a proposal from coalition partner and leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU) Horst Seehofer to limit the number of asylum seekers in Germany to 200,000 per year to secure a ruling coalition may be somewhat premature. Other coalition partners are not as positive on the policy.
Merkel Calls for Beginning of Coalition Talks With Greens, Free Democratic Party
German Chancellor Angela Merkel officially announced on Saturday for the first time that her conservative bloc of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) will seek to form a coalition government with the centre right Free Democratic Party (FDP) and left wing loony Greens.
German Elections: Anti - EU party AfD 3rd In Polls
Elections take place in Germany this Sunday, September 24, for the federal assembly (Bundestag) and the presidency (Chancellor). While Angela Merkel looks set to win a fourth term as Chancellor and the most likely outcome of the election is another "Grand Coalition" between Christian Democrats and Social Democrats that coalition will be a much-weakened if late polls are to be believed.
More news from September 2017
Chechen Islamic Police Now Enforcing Sharia Law On Streets Of Berlin
A hundred Islamists are now openly enforcing Sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to German police officers who are investigating a recent string of violent assaults in the German capital. The self-appointed religious police consist entirely of Salafists (Muslim fundmentalists) from Chechnya, a predominantly Sunni Muslim region in the Caucasus. The vigilantes are name-and-shame tactics and physical violence to intimidate Chechen migrants and dissuade them from integrating into German society;
Is USA Preparing For War Against Russia In The Baltic Region?
The US government has been making preparations for a possible war against Russia in Europe’s Baltic States, German business newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN) reports (link goes to page in original German). The report claims that all the NATO war games organized in the region by Washington have been intended to prepare various military response scenarios.
Controlled Media Blacks out German Mass Opposition to Nonwhite Invasion
U.S. To Station Nuclear Weapons in Germany Against Russia
Germany’s ZDF public television network reported on September 22nd, "New U.S. Atomic Weapons to Be Stationed in Germany," that the U.S. will station 20 new nuclear bombs in Germany, each being four times the destructive power of the one that was used on Hiroshima . Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, says, "With the new bombs the boundaries blur between tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”
Watershed Moment In US – EU Relations, Merkel Says Europe Can No Longer Rely On America
Only hours after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers by refusing to endorse the Paris climate treaty, the US President has done it again. Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel has now decided Europe can no longer rely on the USA to commit military support to EU nations that do not pay their NATO subs, should they come under attack.
Brexit: Is Germany Dictating to Britain How We Will Trade With The World After-Brexit?
Germany offering Britain post-BREXIT access to the European market for an annual “fee”! Who do these sausage scoffers think they are? The German government might like to pretend otherwise but there are twenty six other EU member states involved in negotiating any post – Brexit trade agreement with the UK, and Germany is not overly popular with many of them.
Left Wing Hate Mob Protesting At G20 Turn Hamburg Into An Inferno.
Militant anarchists staged a second day of violent protests in Hamburg as the G20 summit in the city held its first sessions. According to local reports, at least 45 people have been detained and 159 police officers have been wounded in clashes. For the second day, police had to resort to water cannon to disperse protesters from various neo - fascist groups (OK, we know they call themselves anti - fascist but the pathetic little university dumbed down idiots do not understand was fascism is,) while buildings and dozens of cars were set on fire in the suburb of Altona.
EU Euronazis Raise Demand For Brexit ‘Compo’ To €100 Billion.
Tensions between the UK and Europe escalated overnight after EU negotiators increased their demand for compensation from Britain’s for the anticipated effects of Brexit to €100 billion, (You can imagine Juncker and Barnier, dressed in Mao suits, sticking little fingers in the corner of their mouth and in silly voices intoning “One – hundred – billion – Euros.) This latest attempt to bully Britain has only served to widen the divide between Brussels and London.
Frankfurt Becomes First German City Where Natives Are Minority
Non Germans now outnumber Germans in the city of Frankfurt, for the first time in a German city more than half of Frankfurt residents now have a migrant background, according to data from the city’s Office of Statistics and Elections.
Figures show that 51.2 per cent of people living in Frankfurt have a migrant background, the city’s secretary of integration Sylvia Weber said: Well that sounds like a recipe for conflict.
French Prime Minister says: “Europe Is Falling Apart”
After years of blythely ignoring years of economic stagnation, social deterioration, and an unemployment rate which stubbornly refuses to fall below double-digits for countries like Greece, Spain and Italy, Europe appears to have finally been shocked into recognising the reality of its situation by Brexit and the Trump election in the USA. Bureaucrats have responded with their usual tactic, scaremongering.
Somali Rapist Was Not Deported: Rapes Again.
As she campaigns to be elected leader of The Conservative Party and thus Prime Minister, Theresa May glibly promises to be firm in maintaining law and order and to address the problems caused by mass immigration by reforming immigration laws and enforcing border controls. But can she be trusted?
Worlds Biggest Luxury Liner To Be An Immigrant Hostel?
Ocean Gala, a luxury cruise liner which when launched was the world’s largest passenger ship will be converted into a concentration camp floating hostel to house Sweden’s third world migrants. The only thing that may derail the deal with US Shipmanagers for floating migrant accommodation, would be failure to find a berth in any of Sweden’s large deep water harbours. Sweden’s open doors immigration policy has led to ...
Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslim Men
In the case of Europe's immigration crisis, much of the fear and loathing is being caused by Muslim males. Most Europeans do not have a problem with foreigners or dark skinned people who are willing to obey the laws and accept local customs and traditions. And one tradition we in the nations that emerged from European cultures is the common understanding that if a woman goes out alone, with arms and legs showing and face and hair uncovered, it does not mean she is up for having rough sex
Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
The WEF had been dubbed Bilderberg Lite, a meeting to which the public (assuming they can afford £$€stupid for a cup of very mediocre coffee) is talking about a different matter this time round. Europe's immigration crisis and the similar though not so immediate problem in the USA, and the likely consequences for the economies of the developed world is top of the agenda.
Mainstram Media Finally wake Up To Migrant Crisis
In a move that will leave many of its shocked and disoriented, The Sun, the tabloid of tits and trivia today woke up to the immigration crisis that is threatening the social stability of European nations and reported some real news.
Anti Muslim Feeling Spreads Through All Levels Of German Society
We look first at the social problems Chancellor Merkel's 'Open Doors' immigration policy is causing in Germany, and further down the page as the political crisis Mrs. Merkel appears to be creating for her government.
London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report
A new report from the UK Home Office, the government department that deals with law and order reveals that the street gang culture imported along with these illegal immigrants has led to girls as young as nine unlucky enough to live in areas 'controlled' by these gangs are being sexually exploited and forced to service multiple men, after being groomed to think such behaviour is 'normal'.
Germans Demand Impeachment Of Hausfrau - Volksfuhrer Merkel
It has taken an example of lawlwss behaviour by recenltly arrived immigrants as gross as the mass rape and sexual assault riot in Cologne at New Year, 2016, to awake German anger at what their government, led by arch globalist Angela Merkel, is doing to the ancient cultures of the federal states that make up modern Germany.
Sharia courts creating dual justice system in UK?
As if we did not have enough immigration problems to deal with as the inflow of illegal immigrants (or refugees and asylum seekers as our ruling elites insist on calling them) shows no sign of slowing.
New Year's Eve, Germany: 1,000+ Migrants Brawl, Rape, Sexually Assault, And Steal At Cologne Railway Station
Details of the sexual assaults and attacks on peaceful Germans by large gangs of migrants in Cologne in the early on the morning of January 1, are just now emerging. Not a word on this story was printed in mainstream European newspapers or reported in television and radio news bulletins.
Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ (aka Free Speech)
Over the past couple of days we, and many other New Media outlets reported the horrific incident in Cologne, Germany at New Year, in which a crowd on male, recently arrived immigrants, all of Arab or North African appearance according to witnesses carried out a mass attack on German women who were simply trying to use the railway station.
German Anger Boils Over: Shots Fired At German Refugee Home; One Asylum Seeker Hit
Many may have forgotten because of all this - if only temporarily - about Europe's biggest crisis at the moment: the onslaught by over one million refugees, who are desperate to escape from the political disaster that are the result of western interference in the domestic politics of middle eastern countries like broken states of Syria and Iraq.
Sweden's Migrant Crackdown Could Spell The End Of Open Borders Across Europe
As we have reported many times over the past year, Sweden has been more hard hit by the crimes and lawlessness of illegal immigrants from primitive third world societies than anywhere else in Europe. Even the Sweden hating socialists cannot ignore the epidemic of rape crimes, assaults and the general contempt for Swedish society, law, culture and traditions that illegal immigrants from Africa and the middle east have expressed through their actions.
Even The Guardian Now Admits Immigration Depresses Wage Levels
The growth in wages for UK workers is set to remain stagnant, running parallel with inflation at just two per cent next year. This is due to the large number of migrant workers waiting to fill vacancies, as anyone with two or more functioning brain cells was aware and even the loony left newspaper The Guardian has now admitted.
EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration
While political leaders and the mass media constantly preach of the economic benefits and cultural enrichment that sping from mass immigration,EU Report Reveals Continent Being Changed By Migration just a few days ago we reported a study that found the economic benefits are a myth and today a report published by the EUs in house statistical bureau reveals immigrants have an adverse effect socially and culturally.