The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Climate Scaremongers Have Taken Over Where COVID Scaremongers Left Off


As we enter the final few hours of March 2023, your Boggart Bloggers can announce that the winners of our coveted Scaremongering Bolocks of The Month award goes this month to BBC News. Not only did the BBC report in one of their regular climate catastrphe scare stories that river levels across the UK have been at record lows and are likely to be “devastated”, as new data forecasts broadly dry weather until at least May, the broadcast that news story on the same day as The London Weather Centre announced that March 2023 was set to be the wettest March since records began.

Truth (lack of it,) has never been an obstacle to the project fear antics of climate activists. Using a picture of one river's tidal estuary, taken at low tide, as evidence, campaigners have accused the government and water companies of not doing enough to conserve water supplies by building reservoirs and fixing leaks, as months of low rainfall could cause some areas to run out of water.

The monthly scare story from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology warns that extended dry conditions are more likely than not and that rivers are already suffering.

The BBC (and most other mainstream news organisations to be fair,)  lying about imminent water shortages, almost empty reservoirs, searing heat on prolonged heatwaves (three hot days together now gounts as a heatwave,) and the greehouse properties of Carbon Dioxide should not surprise anyone who has listened to or read mainstream media on climate change. Compare their news to empirical evidence and it quickly becomes obvious lying is the default position, and when it is called out on this they revert to bullying tactics and “de-platforming” in order to silence the truth seekers.

 Recent action by farmers in Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Poland and by government agencies and car manufacturers in Germany and Italy to protect their industries, should be wholeheartedly supported, they have shown that the EU whilst autocratic is also smart enough to understand that almost 2,000,000 unemployed car workers and up to 9,000,000 sub suppliers is a problem that may just cause bigger problems than they can cope with - typically, the UK Government has declared that “just because the EU think this is right, does not mean that we should follow them”.

Are our leaders and opinion influencers really  prepared to destroy successful industries, and sacrifice national prosperity to pander to “Climate Change” without any thought about how, by 2030 when according to 'net zero' policy Internal Combustion Engined cars and vans will no longer be available, we will have replaced the entire electricity distribution grid, built a few dozen new nuclear power stations, and have in place a recharging infrastructure to accommodate the switch to electric vehicles? An energy system capable of supporting the base load increase caused by the switch to electric cars and the replacement of gas boilers for domestic heating and hot water within seven years is beyond the bounds of possibility, even if our heaviliy indebted nation could afford it, seven decades would be a more realistic timescale than seven years. Every promise, every ambition, every policy is predicated on the blind faith that just around the corner some new technology will be available that will make it all possible. 

There is constant talk of “Green Energy” jobs bonanza, but as the new technologies that priests of the Church of Sciencology truly believe will deliver it have not yet left the world of science fiction and established themselves are realities. And even if these technologies do magically appear it is certain the number of jobs that will be lost do not match those fantasy “new jobs in green industries," but then 10,000,000 unemployed will be more carbon neutral than 10,000,000 employed so the Climate Crisis mob will be able to claim this as a success.


Since the early 1940’s Fusion Power/Energy has just been “around the corner”, only now have we reached a experimental stage where energy in has been balanced by energy out - but only for one millionth of a second - so still some way to go.

Battery technology MAY progress, we may get that all important breakthru that renders fossil fuel energy null and void, BUT, until that day, you need to run both old and new energy sources in tandem and prepare to change over should the technology allow.


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Europes Tractor Protests Spread To Germany And Now Include Fishing Trawlers
Hundreds of farmers have descended in their tractors on a small German coastal town to protest measures imposed by the European Union as part of the bid to 'save the planet' by reducing CO2 emissions from cow farts. 400 tractors reportedly gathered in Büsum on Wednesday to protest what is probably the most insane environmentalist policy dreamed up by the EU idealogues to date ...

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ ... ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Germany Forcing Farmers To Use LESS Fertilizer To Satisfy EU’s Green Agenda
The German government, already reeling from the public backlash against rising fuel prices, the shortage of gas since supplies from Russia were cut off, and the biggest economic crisis in the EU, has now jumped on another 'woke' bandwagon. The socialist led ruling coalition has banned farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing land in compliance with the latest lunacy of the EU's green agenda ...

Germany haemorrhaging cash to keep country running on as ‘net zero’ becomes zeroeconomic activity
Germany was so desperate to achieve 'net zero' CO2 emissions that for years the country's government closed its fossil fuel-fired and nuclear power plants,replacing those plants with wind and solar power — as well as impoorting huge volumes of natural gas and oil from Russia. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, when NATO (aka the U.S.A.) mandated that the West impose retaliatory sanctions on Russia, including a ban on importation of Russian gas and oil, Germany found itself in a hole:

The Truth About Coal And The Lies Of The Elite
So much for all the COP 26 banter late last year. Let me remind you. The elites all flew in on their private jets and promptly told us we’re all (royal we) getting off fossil fuels and killing coal.So how’s that turning out? The usage of coal is now at record highs:

Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said Net Zero would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”.

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ ... ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said Net Zero would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”.

Germany Forcing Farmers To Use LESS Fertilizer To Satisfy EU’s Green Agenda
The German government, already reeling from the public backlash against rising fuel prices, the shortage of gas since supplies from Russia were cut off, and the biggest economic crisis in the EU, has now jumped on another 'woke' bandwagon. The socialist led ruling coalition has banned farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing land in compliance with the latest lunacy of the EU's green agenda ...

Germany haemorrhaging cash to keep country running on as ‘net zero’ becomes zeroeconomic activity
Germany was so desperate to achieve 'net zero' CO2 emissions that for years the country's government closed its fossil fuel-fired and nuclear power plants,replacing those plants with wind and solar power — as well as impoorting huge volumes of natural gas and oil from Russia. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, when NATO (aka the U.S.A.) mandated that the West impose retaliatory sanctions on Russia, including a ban on importation of Russian gas and oil, Germany found itself in a hole:

Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking "Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy."
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: "How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe's Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Climate Scientists' Mathematical Models Of Reality Wrong Again…New Study Shows Jet Stream Strengthening, Not Weakening
recent research  by Samantha Hallam et al published in the journal Climate Dynamics looks at the seasonal variations over decades in Northern Hemisphere jet stream latitude and speed over land for the period 1871–2011. The authors report that they found no evidence of weakening of the sort climate alarmists have been warning about for the past three decades.

It Looks As If Carbon Credits Scam Has INCREASED CO2 Emissions
As the climate change scare becomes more and more exposed for the money making fraud it always was, they green weirdie beardie, rope sandal wearing tree huggers get more hysterical and stupid in their arguments that we must all return to medieval lifestyles, the billionaires like Al Gore who hope to profit from it keep flogging the dead horse and the angrier and more vicious the left wing hate mobs become in their witch hunts.

Arrogance, Intolerance, Snobbishness and Corrupt, Self Interested Practices. It's modern science. The world sems to be waking up the the fact that while in the past scientists tended to be rather detached, slightly obsessive people not driven by material goals, the modern science academy has been very largely corrupted by political patronage and corporate money. The academic field of climate science it especially notable for this.

Hiding The Decline In Temperatures Through Massive Data Tampering
We've said forever that the global warming scare was a massive fraud, cooked up by governments that needed an excuse to impose massive tax increases to plug the black hole in the global economy. They had willing allies in the science academe of course. Yep, so long as they are confident the research grants will keep flowing, scientists will always give their political and corporate paymaster the required answer ...

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

De - Dollarisation: China, Brazil Make Deal To Ditch US Dollar For Bilateral Trades

 The Move To Ditch The US Dollar Is Gathering Momentum

China and Brazil this week concluded a deal to conduct trade between their nations in their own in their own currencies, ditching the established reserve currency for global trade, US dollar as an intermediary, the Brazilian announced said on Wednesday. This is Beijing’s latest strike against the almighty greenback in its currency war aimed at shifting the balance of geopolitical and economic power from west to east.

The deal will empower China, the top rival to US economic hegemony, and South America's biggest economy, Brazil, to conduct their massive trade in Brazilian commodities and Chinese manufactured goods, and the associated financial transactions directly, exchanging yuan for reais and vice versa instead of going through the dollar, a system which allowed US businesses and goverment agencies to skim off the cream from each transacyion for themselves.

It is this systematic abuse of the financial power gained from being issuer of the reserve currency that has kept the US economy on top throughout the past 30 years of failing US foreign and industrial policy.

“The expectation is that this will reduce costs... promote even greater bilateral trade and facilitate investment,” the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) said in a statement.

It is not the first bilateral agreement to abandon the US$ as the de facto world currency this week.

China settled its first LNG trade in yuan; but gold remains the bigger winner in the global de-dollarization.


The U.S. dollar's role as the world's reserve currency was further tested as more nations chose to settle commodity trades with national currencies or the Chinese renminbi.

On Tuesday, the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange announced that it completed its first yuan-settled trade for liquid natural gas between China's National Offshore Oil Corporation and France's TotalEnergies.

According to press releases from the financial markets, confirmed by Reuters, 65,000 tonnes of LNG imported from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) changed hands. This latest  trade deal comes as China tries to establish the renminbi as an international non - dollar currency.

The trade also came after President Xi Jinping traveled to Saudi Arabia in early December to strengthen economic ties with the Middle East and encourage the region to use the renminbi to settle its oil and gas trades, a visit that has resulted in detente between the formerly hostile regional powers, Saudi Arabia and Iran, the latter being a long term ally of China.

.At the same time, the renminbi has been Russia's defacto reserve currency for the past year since it invaded Ukraine, which prompted Western Nations led by the U.S. to impose harsh economic sanctions, cutting the nation off from Western financial markets.As a result of this collaboration with China, now also supported by India, the west's economic sanctions have economically harmed America's NATO allies far harder that they have Russia, which had no problem finding customers in South est Asia and Aftica eager to buy it oil and minerals without having to pay exorbitant commissions to Ameican middle - men.

23 Countries Now Abandoning US Dollar

A new world monetary system is being set up right now which will completely kill the US dollar, which is the world's reserve currency.

23 countries (60% of the world's GDP) are setting up swap lines which bypass the dollar and SWIFT, which is the dollar-based worldwide financial transaction system.

These countries include Russia, China, India, and even Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Once the new system is in place, the dollar won't be needed in these countries and a new reserve currency will come into being. All those dollars in foreign accounts will come home, which will annihilate the dollar dominated monetary system.

Also, China just announced that it will stop purchasing US Treasury bonds (holding dollars in reserve). This will force The Federal Reserve to print even more dollars than the $85 billion per month it's currently printing. NB: References to printing money in the financial press refer to the practice of borrowing money by selling bonds for hard currency. The seller must pay interest to the bondholder and also redeem the bond at face value after a fixed term (usually 2,5 or 10 years.) Bond trading is a complicated business and this is not the place for a more detailed explanation.)


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U S Regional Bank First Republic Crashes As America's Banking 'Crisis In Confidence' Becomes Contagious
Shares in America's First Republic Bank's crashed when the New York stock market opened for trading this morning. The crash was triggered by a statement issued on Sunday night that sought to ease investor worries about the bank's liquidity situation in the wake of the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. Shares in the San Francisco based regional bank are down 60% on last week's close.

Negative Interest Rates - Final Nail In The Coffin Of Neoliberalism? Negative interest rates, in plain terms a situation in which we pay bankers for holding our money, are the latest ruse of politicians and economists to make uis start spending our investments and savings, thus kickstarting the global economy thy have screwed up.

Pupils Shut Out Of School Because They Refuse To Wear Gender Neutral Uniforms
Overshadowed somewhat by the idiocies in Parliament this week as Remain supporting, democratically elected MPs try to overturn the democratically expressed wish of the people and keep the UK in The Fourth Reich politely known as the European Union, the idiocy of politically correct, far left authoritarianism in education goes on...

The Elite’s Scheme to Eliminate Cash And Impose Negative Interest Rates
Politicians love inflation, it provides an easy way out of the financial mess they create, Bankers too love inflation because while they lend fiat money, the loans they issue are secured against real assets such as people’s homes and valuables. However both need “the punters they fleece to have faith in the value of the currency they hold or the numbers stored in computers that increasingly represent our wealth ...

Elites Losing The War On Cash? Sweden U-Turns On 'Cashless Society' Agenda
Sweden was leading the the War On Cash, the ruling elite had pushed the idea that a cashless society would protect citizens from crime and be more convenient. There was no mention that in a cashless society we would completely surrender control of our money to banks, and our privacy in financial matters to government security agencies...

War On Cash. If You Want To Buy A Car Or Appliance From A Friend For Cash, You Will Not Be Able To.

A geopolitical move by the globalist control freaks that began as a seemingly innocuous hypothetical discussion several years ago now appears to have become a deep state / corporate policy backed by a propaganda campaign involving some of the most powerful commercial and government agencies in the industrialized world. Throughout this omnibus web page we have called it the War on Cash.

War On Cash. If You Want To Buy A Car Or Appliance From A Friend For Cash, You Will Not Be Able To.

A geopolitical move by the globalist control freaks that began as a seemingly innocuous hypothetical discussion several years ago now appears to have become a deep state / corporate policy backed by a propaganda campaign involving some of the most powerful commercial and government agencies in the industrialized world. Throughout this omnibus web page we have called it the War on Cash.

Lord Rothschild: The New World Order Is At Risk
In the RIT Capital Partners 2014 annual report, the head of Rothschild family banking empire warned that the geopolitical situation is most dangerous since WWII. A year later, Baron Jacob Rothschild repeated his warning about the outcome of "the greatest experiment in monetary policy in history". Little did he know that, they would keep rising, but related to that, he also made another warning which the market has so far ignored:

Government Whistleblower admits Labour Opened Borders to Eastern Europe to ‘Lower Wage Growth’
It should be no surprise then that it was under a Labour government led by Tony Blair, our borders agencgy was ordered to open the door to uncontrolled mass immigration from eastern Europe. The move came folowing a series of secret meetings between Blair and then Bank of England governor Mervyn King in which King “pressed the case” that mass immigration would “lower wage growth” by creating a pool of cheap workers, a former senior diplomat has claimed.

Could Italy’s Banking Crisis Drag Down Mario Draghi?
The latest banking crisis in Italy risks focusing scrutiny on the leadership of both the Bank of Italy and Italy’s financial markets regulator Consob. The decision to give the central bank’s current Chairman Ignazio Visco a fresh six-year mandate despite his having presided over one of the worst banking crises in living memory ...

The Demise Of Dollar Hegemony: Russia Breaks Wall Streets's Oil-Price Monopoly In a move that went almost completely unreported in mainstream media, Russia has recently opened a market for the trading of physical and 'paper' oil (futures) in Moscow in Roubles. This is the most blatant challenge yet to the domination of the US dollar in world trade.

The Demise Of Dollar Hegemony: Russia Breaks Wall Streets's Oil-Price Monopoly
Significant moves in the global chess game have just rendered the huffing and puffing of warmonger Obama meaningless and will break Wall Street's monopoly in controlling oil markets. The move is part of Vladimir Putin's long-term strategy of decoupling Russia’s economy and especially its very significant export of oil, from the US dollar, in effect ...

Naked Bankers Go For Gold
... That gold sale in 2013 was a naked short. The seller had no gold to sell. COMEX reported having gold only equal to about half of the short sale in its vaults, and not all of that was available for delivery (quite a lot of it belonged to the german government) In effect the naked shorting of gold could only work because really the right hand was selling to the left hand.

Another Oil Exporting State Surrenders: Last Nail In Petrodollar's Coffin
While record mainland deficits covered by the petroleum sector is nothing new in Norwegian budget history, the 2016 budget did raise some eyebrows. The net inflow to the Norwegian Treasury from North Sea oil will be lower than the required amount to cover the deficit. This has never happened before and is testimony of the sea change occurring in the world of petrodollar recycling.

India Takes A Leading Role In De-Dollarization
Reuters reported last Wednesday that “India’s Oil Deals With Russia Dent Decades-Old Dollar Dominance”, which highlighted the growing tendency of those and many other using nations using national or or third-party currencies to settle cross border trades thus sidelining the US$ which has dominated international trade since the 1970s.

De-Dollarization Du Jour: Russia's Largest Bank Issues Yuan-Denominated Guarantees

Leading the charge to multipolarity and de-dollarization are Russia, resugent despite economic sanctions and the rising superpower in waiting, China. The downgrading of the dollar is clearly demonstrated in the launch of the BRICS bank and the establishment of the AIIB.

Cashless Society: The Spy In Your Wallet

Back In 1971 Libertarians Were Predicting Debit Cards Would Become A Spy Tool For Authoritarian Governments. In 2013 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Naional Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring the card transactions of American citizens. Following that, two Senators, Wyden and Udall – who both sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee and thus have access to classified information about the government’s digital snooping intelligenece gathering programs wrote ...,/p>

NATO Rhetoric About Russian Threat is 'Absurd'
The reasons being given for the latest NATO military buildup in Eastern Europe, the idea that the Russian 'Russian threat' to Eastern Europe grows every day is "simply absurd," according to former US diplomat and Senate policy advisor Jim Jatras. Effectively, Jatras says, the buildup is an attempt by the US to keep Germany and France on board with Washington's world domination agenda and ...

The Demise Of Dollar Hegemony: Russia Breaks Wall Streets's Oil-Price Monopoly
Significant moves in the global chess game have just rendered the huffing and puffing of warmonger Obama meaningless and will break Wall Street's monopoly in controlling oil markets. The move is part of Vladimir Putin's long-term strategy of decoupling Russia’s economy and especially its very significant export of oil, from the US dollar, in effect ...

WMD in Mayfair
Recalling yesterday's Machiavelli Blog which commented on events surrounding the unfortunate death of the alleged former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko, it seems the murder investigation has now found evidence of many caches (well OK, traces) of radio active toxins in various fashionable establishments in London's West End frequented by former Russian intelligence agents.

China launches global yuan payment system
China’s Central Bank has started a global payment system which provides cross-border transactions in yuan. The China International Payment System (CIPS) intends to internationalize the yuan and challenge the US dollar's dominance.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Brussels Cancels Looming Ban on Internal Combustion Engine Cars


Picture: Fords of Winsford

Wednesday 29 March 2023

The UK's plans to achieve net zero ahead of any other developed nation was dealt a blow yesterday and the proposed ban on the sale of new internal combustion engine cars by 2030 was thrown into chaos when the EU Commission (de facto ruling committe of the European Union,) scrapped its own proposed restrictions on the sale of petrol and diesel fuelled cars after opposition from Germany's powerful auto industry.

Senior figures in the industry warned that British rules due to take effect in 2030 are untenable following the European climbdown, which will allow internal combustion engines as long as they burn carbon-neutral petrol alternatives.

The European Union will go ahead with its ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2035 but will now allow these so-called e-fuels, which have been reclassified as carbon neutral following a backroom compromise forced on it by the German negotiators on Tuesday night.

Sources in Brussels and London suggested the UK government was considering following the Commission’s lead by also allowing an e-fuel exemption. British carmakers Aston Martin and McLaren are already understood to be examining e-fuels as an option for powering future models.

Critics of the Government’s Net Zero plans claimed a victory for common sense on learning of the EU decision, with some going so far as to demand a total review of 'net zero' policy is needed. Ecoloons representing Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil have said that it could slow down electric vehicle adoption although recent sales figures suggest take up of EVs is declining as owners become aware it is almost imposssible to offload an electric car in the second hand market.

The former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said: “The 2030 deadline for the elimination of petrol and diesel engine cars in the U.K. is simply not achievable. Unless we delay, we hand a massive boost to the Chinese car manufacturers. They are already dominant.”

Britain is to ban the sale of new cars that run on petrol and diesel only in seven years’ time under plans drawn up by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson but this policy now looks to be in jeopardy.

The EU’s e-fuel exemption will allow a synthetic alternative to petrol which is made by mixing carbon dioxide captured from the air with hydrogen obtained by splitting water molecules using renewable energy.

Currently this is expected to be more expensive than petrol, however, Benedetto Vigna, the boss of Ferrari, said this week that he expects the price to fall as the market grows and economies of scale become viable. Industry experts believe synthetic petrol and diesel could be the beginning of a return to sanity that would allow carmakers to focus on collaborating with chemical companiesproducing lower-cost e-fuels instead of expensive battery powered cars.

Andrew Graves, a car industry veteran and professor at the University of Bath, said: “I think it’s a very exciting technology that we’re looking at, so that we can not only use it for things like motorsport, but we can also more importantly use it for keeping existing vehicles on the road. I think there’s a lot of things that the Government needs to look at before it goes hell bent on just having a blanket ban on diesel or petrol.”


Soaring Lithium Prices Putting Transition To Electric Cars In Doubt
With battery quality Lithium Carbonate regularly trading at above $US70,000 per ton the impact of this soaring cost of the essential material in batteries for electric vehicles is starting to impact the push to abandon fossil fuels . Worse still, analysts are predicting lithium prices will continue to rise as demand for electric cars and goods vehicles grows.

VW Audi Suspends Electric Vehicle Production Due To Battery Shortage
Today in “news that affects all electric vehicle manufacturers”, Audi has announced that it has suspended production of its e-Tron electric SUV effective February 20 and won’t resume untilfurther notice. The suspension has been a resolve of “resolving production issues”, which are mainly attributed to bottlenecks in battery supply, according to Business Insider.

Tesla Stock Hit After German Regulator Warns Self-Driving Cars Are Unsafe

While the Tesla company and its Ubernerd founder Elon Musk have for several years been the darlings of the stock markets and the media, things may be changing. Like most technology startups, Tesla talk a good launch but fail to deliver real results. Since the cars launched to widespread admirationed at the elegant design, and open mouthed shock at the huge price tags and ...

House battery to store energy will 'change entire infrastructure of the world' - or maybe not
Another costly new product hailed as a breakthough in technology, this time a clutching-at-straws exercise from the failing electric car company Tesla, completely fails to live up to the hype under scrutiny. Hailed as a super battery, a mjor advance in battery technology that will change the world to store power for a household, it turns out to be nothing more than a streamined car battery. It will run the average home for about 2 hours.

Google Self Driving Car Can't Drive Itself
A lot of nerdy types have been getting very excited about the self - driving cars being developed by Google. Being nerdy they are not making such a fuss about the decent looking rides being developed by the likes of Mrecedes Benz, General Motors and Toyota. No, it's the Google wankermobile that turns them on.

All The Reasons You'll Ever Need For Not Buying An Electric Car As Tesla Electric Car Turns Into Firebomb after Collision.
The electric car thing will not go away will it, ever since the science tits who work for Big Tech started proposing that electric cars are the future it has been proved many times in many ways that they are not. Cost, extremely limited range and safety are mong the reasons. And here as a Tesla goes up in smoke, is another ...

Google Car Driverless Because No Sane Person Would Be Seen Dead In One
A few years ago Google boss Eric Schmidt said the company's aim was to get as close to creepy as they could without crossing the line. Well they had crossed the line long before he said that. The latest Google wirdness is the much hyped driverless car. It looks as if it was designed by a five year old. On the other hand it might be the ideal car for paedophiles who want to go cruising for jailbait.

Electric Car Mini Adventure
Keep The Engine Running
Just Drive
Driver Friendly Roads
Rare Earth
Reasons To Hate The Toyota Prius
Renewable Energy Con
V2G Technology

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Global Corporate Power versus The Farmers On Their Tractors


In this blog we have reported in detail for around six months now, the tractor protestes staged initially by farmers in The Netherlands, but later spreading to Belgium, France, Poland, Italy, Spain and Germany. Hundreds of farmers have driven their tractors into towns and cities, moving slowly through streets and arterial roads to cause gridlock, in protest at new environmental protection policies imposed by the European Union (EU) to force farmers to reduce the numbers of livestock they keep and to limit the amount of commercial fertliser they are permitted to use. It should surprise nobody then, that attempts by member state's governments to implement the policy have sparked massive protests by farmers, who see it as a direct attack on their livelihoods or that the recemty formed small farmers party, the   BBB  (slogan — “No Farms, No Food” ) resonated with voters to the extent that the party emerged as the largest contingent in the Dutch senate after elections earlier this month. 

But aside from concerns about the impact of the measure on the country’s food security, and on a centuries-old rural way of life integral to Dutch national identity, the rationale behind this drastic measure is also questionable. Agriculture currently accounts for almost half of the country’s output of carbon dioxide, yet the Netherlands is responsible for less than 0.4% of the world’s emissions. No wonder many Dutch fail to see how such negligible returns justify the complete overhaul of the country’s farming sector, which is already considered one of the most sustainable in the world: over the past two decades, water dependence for key crops has been reduced by as much as 90%, and the use of chemical pesticides in vast greenhouses has been almost completely eliminated.

Given the irrational nature of the EU policy, which seeks not only to limit Carbon Dioxide emissions but also emissions of nitrogen, an inert gas that forms 78% of the air we breathe, many protesting farmers believe the folly cannot be blamed solely on the urbanite “green elites” currently running the Dutch and other EU member states' governments. They suggest one of the underlying reasons for the move is to squeeze independent farmers from the market, allowing their land to be bought out by multinational agribusiness giants who recognise the immense value of the country’s land — not only is it highly fertile, but it is also strategically located with easy access to the north Atlantic coast (Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe). They also point out that prime minister Rutte is an Agenda Contributor of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is well known for being corporate-driven, while his finance minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Employment are also tied to the body. The struggle playing out in the Netherlands would seem to be part of a much bigger game that seeks to “reset” the international food system by concentrating control in the hands of a few global corporations.

The arrogance, hubris and stupidity of these technocrats is so profound it’s almost comical – if it wasn’t so tragic. If you force  a Dutch farmer to cull their herd by say 1,000 animals, you aren’t doing anything to help the environment. Demand for these animals won’t magically disappear. The supply will simply be filled somewhere else.

And because the Dutch are maybe the most efficient and productive farmers in the world, production will almost certainly shift somewhere much less desirable, where the environmental footprint is significantly worse. So now we get some farmer in Brazil burning down 1,000 acres of rainforest so he can create the pasture to fill the market void left by the Dutch.

Meanwhile, in Holland you’ve made some farmers wealthier, but unproductive. They will likely invest their money in real estate or some other financial instrument that doesn’t produce tangible products or jobs.

None of these policies are based on a holistic knowledge of the likely impact they will have, they are not formulated by people with experience of farming or food production but by people who have spent their working lives cocooned in universities studying mathematical models of food production. There will be endless unforeseen consequences. For instance, insects feed on animal dung. No animals, no dung, no insects, no wildflowers. Globalist policies are recipes for the sterilisation of the earth.

Technocrats, like socialists, never seem to learn from their past mistakes. Their anthem is always ‘this time it will be different’. But it never is different and once again this time a few people who are already obscenely rich, and obscenely powerful because their great wealth has enabled them to buy political influence without having to endure the inconvenience of getting elected, will gain much more wealth and power from this nonsense while the rest of us will pay for the folly. 

The poorest will pay the most whether the lower income cohort in developed countries or the subsistence farmers and their ilk in the poorest countries.

 This whole green movement has been captured by the wealth globalists with a few self - interested stooges and well intentioned puppets to do the shouting. The wealthy will eat their Steak and the poor will be lucky to get enough of the powdered bugs and genetically modified beans. Eating insects for many will be about scavenging (Mopani Worms in Africa for example) and not buying in lab grown protein.

In the past I was frequently angered by the daily torrent of environmentalist propaganda we have regularly  been fed through mainstream media news organisations, with the BBC being by far the worst culprit.  Much of this is mindless repetition of themes such as "humanity is destroying the planet," for which there is no empirical evidence, only the output from mathematical models based on outrageous assumptions. Yet apparently ‘intelligent’ individuals, absorb this uncritically or suspend disbelief and allow themselves to be swept along on the current of mob hysteria. 

The phrase: “If you tell a big lie and repeat it often enough it becomes the received truth!” is often credited to Josef Geobbels, propaganda chief in Hitler's regime, but despite its odious antecedents it has become dogma for the cult of globalism. Anyone capable of remaining detached and giving an objective and critical reading to the dailt news torrent could only conclude the aim is to brainwash the public into a state of dependency on the state, and if the state - controlled broadcaster is at the forefront of the brainwashing campaign that only adds to the credibility of the propaganda.

 In the UK government policy appears to be fixated in the insane ambition of being the first developed nation to achieve ‘Net Zero’ , a carbon neutral industialised society rather than dealing with problems like energy security, food supply stability, and shifting domestic agriculture towards food self-sufficiency for the nation. Let the people eat insects, the ecoloons chant.Let the people eat insects, the ecoloons chant.

Better to have ‘rewilded’ farms thus getting rid of cattle and their environmentally destructive farts, if we reduce beef production it will benefit wildlife, although nobody has yet explained how the rewilding lobby's plan to reintroduce wild boar, wolves and bears to the British countryside will benefite the vegetation they destroy or the deer, hares and rabbits they eat.  

It seems nothing can stop this madness. The Lords of Misrule have somehow hijacked the apparatus of government.







Faceless corporations Globalism - a return to serfdom GM danger - evidence Food cartel monopoly Latest Fear and Panic Strategy: They Tell Us We Are All Going To Starve

Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

GM crops will not feed the world
To feed the world we need more CO2 not GM crops
Just whaty chemicals are going in your food?
Global Food Crisis and Control Freakery
The Danger Of Monopolies To The Food Supply
Food and Another Science Fraud
Clone cows give human milk?
Frraky Frankenstein Fish
Vertical Farming
Science and technology menu
Latest Fear and Panic Strategy: They Tell Us We Are All Going To Starve

Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

Scalar Waves: A hidden source of clean, cost free energyA infinite supply of cost free, clean electricity that has been know to the world for over a hundred years but never exploited? Is Ian talking about a science fiction story? you might well ask. Well no, I'm not. Scalar Waves, discovered by Nikola Tesler have that potential along with the potential to put the energy companies outr of business ...
Seven Billion: Population Growth And Its ConsequencesAs the world passes the milestone of seven billion people alive in the planet at one time The Daily Stirrer's Ian Thorpe looks at the likely consequences of population growth and at what we might be able to do to get it under control.
GM crops will not feed the world
To feed the world we need more CO2 not GM crops
Just whaty chemicals are going in your food?
Global Food Crisis and Control Freakery
The Danger Of Monopolies To The Food Supply
Food and Another Science Fraud
Clone cows give human milk?
Frraky Frankenstein Fish
Vertical Farming
Science and technology menu
Dairy Farmers Ruined: Free Markets Versus Corporate Dictatorship
Thatcherite conservatives in the UK and Reaganite Republicans in the USA love to talk of free markets and the utopia they create. But do fre markets ever exist. In response to one free market enthusiast and proponent of globaliation, the daily stirrer and ian thorpe show that what looks like a free market from above is anything but when viewed from the ground.upposed to protect the efficient has actually been hijacked by a cartel of food retail chains.Dairy Farmers are being driven to bankruptcy because the "free market" in milk in which market forces are s UK
See also: [ Daily Stirrer, June 2012 ]

Latest Fear and Panic Strategy: They Tell Us We Are All Going To Starve

Have you noticed it has all gone a bit quiet on climate change? After all that screaming and shouting from politicians and scientists it turns out the science was never settled. So now they need to spread fear and panic about something else. Guess what ... Food. We are all going to starve if we do not obey The New World Order. Who says? Statistics say and we all know statistics never lie don't we? A must read for independent minded people.

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Monday, March 27, 2023

Zelensky Admits Ukraine Already Ran Out Of Ammo


Authored by Andrew Korybko via,

The US-led West’s Mainstream Media (MSM) began reporting more accurately on the military-strategic dynamics of the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine since the start of the year, but the true test of their comparatively improved integrity will be whether they raise awareness about Zelensky’s latest damning admission. In an interview with Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, he candidly told his interlocutors that “We do not have ammunition. For us the situation in the East is not good.”

This is a major revelation for several reasons.

  • First, it proves that Russia is winning NATO’s self-declared “race of logistics in the sense that its armed forces still have ammo to continue fighting while the West’s Ukrainian proxies already ran out of that which their patrons provided over the past year.

  • Second, the aforesaid aid that was already extended to this crumbling former Soviet Republic exceeds $100 billion, which makes Russia’s leading position in this “race of logistics”
    Continurall the more impressive.

  • Third, Zelensky’s admission adds credence to what the Washington Post recently reported regarding how poorly Kiev’s forces are faring in this conflict, especially its “severe ammunition shortages” that one of its sources spoke about. Fourth, the preceding points drastically decrease the chances that Kiev’s upcoming counteroffensive will achieve much of anything and actually make it increasingly likely that such a move would be an epic mistake that could ultimately lead to a decisive Russian breakthrough.

  • And finally, it can therefore be expected that Zelensky and his agents of influence across the West will beg for even more aid, arguing that the failure to pay up would risking making their prior investments in this proxy war all for naught if Kiev ends up losing to Russia. The problem, however, is that no amount of money can make ammunition appear out of thin air since it requires a lot of time to scale production accordingly to meet these newfound exorbitant needs.

The very fact that Ukraine is out of ammunition proves that the West’s defeat in its self-declared “race of logistics” with Russia might already be a fait accompli by this point since it’s clear that Kiev can’t keep pace with its opponent despite being backed by all of NATO’s military-industrial capacity. ... Continue reading >>>


MORE  posts on what's really happening in Ukraine

Eminent Oxford Scientist Says Wind Power "Fails On Every Count"


Authored by Chris Morrison via,

It could be argued that the basic arithmetic showing wind power is an economic and societal disaster in the making should be clear to a bright primary school child. Now the Oxford University mathematician and physicist, researcher at CERN and Fellow of Keble College, Emeritus Professor Wade Allison has done the sums. The U.K. is facing the likelihood of a failure in the electricity supply, he concludes.

“Wind power fails on every count,” he says, adding that governments are ignoring “overwhelming evidence” of the inadequacies of wind power, “and resorting to bluster rather than reasoned analysis”.

Professor Allison’s dire warnings are contained in a short paper recently published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. He notes that the energy provided by the Sun is “extremely weak”, which is why it was unable to provide the energy to sustain even a small global population before the Industrial Revolution with an acceptable standard of living. A similar point was made recently in more dramatic fashion by the nuclear physicist Dr. Wallace Manheimer. He argued that the infrastructure around wind and solar will not only fail, “but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment and be entirely unnecessary”.

In his paper, Allison concentrates on working out the numbers that lie behind the natural fluctuations in the wind. The full workings out are not complicated and can be assessed from the link above. He shows that at a wind speed of 20mph, the power produced by a wind turbine is 600 watts per square metre at full efficiency. To deliver the same power as the Hinkley Point C nuclear plant – 3,200 million watts – it would require 5.5 million square metres of turbine swept area. ...

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At last mainstream media are catching up with what Boggart Blog was wriing about over 10 years ago. Read more truths about the failings of wind power :


Wind Turbine truths

Green energy, Green dreams

Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking "Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy."
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: "How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe's Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Minister's Claim That 40% UK Energy Comes From Renewables Is Technically Illiterate
Britain's newly installed Secretary of State for Energy, Grant Shapps, is still learning the job so perhaps we should cut him some slack, but even so a statement he made on our energy supply today shows astounding ignorance of technical details relating to his portfolio.
Answering a question in Parliament this morning about Britain's ability to reach its target of getting 40% of our energy needs from sustainable sources, Shapps sneered that it was not possible for us to reach 40% now as we already get 43% from wind. Unfortunately the sneering sarcasm was misplaced but served to reveal the man in charge of energy policy does not know the difference between energy and electricity.

Amazing Increase in Global Sea Ice Confounds the Net Zero Warmageddonists
According to a new study based on satellite data, in 2022 there is more Artic sea ice that at any time in the past 30 years. So why after all those dire predictions of doom and devastation has Arctic sea ice cover come roaring back so quickly over the last few years? Nobody knows – apparently not one scientist on the planet can tell you, writes Willis Eschenbach in a short essay for the climate alarmism watchdog site Watts Up With That?

Net Zero Ed - The Most Significant British Politician Of The Century?
Have MPs got smaller or has Ed Miliband got bigger? Has he grown into his boots? Has he outgrown them? It’s easy to forget he has had more affect than any Labour politician in living memory. And not just because of his £2 membership drive that put the Labour party into special measures for five years. What other contenders are there? It’s true that Tony Blair’s war in Iraq had a widespread effect on the prospects of hundreds of thousands in the Middle East – but that will be insignificant against the leadership Ed displayed with his Climate Change Act.

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party ... Continue reading >>>

German NatGas Consumption Too High To Avoid Energy "Emergency", Regulator Warns As Norway Increases Gas Production
Germany tok great pride in leading the race among developed nations to achieve a net xero economy but now the folly of that policy is being exposed as gas supplies from Russia dry up and the inadequacies of wind and solar are exposed

EU Vows To Retaliate if Nord Stream Gas Pipeline Blasts Were Sabotage - But against whom, the USA?
Yesterday's shocking news that the Nord Stream 1 & 2 gas poipelines between Russia and Germany immediately triggered speculation about who is responsible, but as the facts emerge the knee jerk blaming of Russia has failed to convince because the attack bears all the halllmarks of a false flag event engineered by the usual suspects ...

Who Blew Up The Nordstream Pipeline
So whodunnit? Sabotage of undersea gas pipe will escalate tension and move the world closer to nuclear war, but who is behind it, Russia in a bid to put more presure on Europe, Ukraine in an attempt to drag NATO into direct action, or the USA using a CIA false flag event to advance its own agenda.

UK Government Belatedly Discovers The Uselessness Of Sustainables In Relation To Energy Security
The policy that Boris Johnson's Premiership will be remembered for is nor 'getting Brexit done,' but the government's disastrous pledge to make Great Britain the first developed nation to achieve a 'net zero' national energy system. The neglect and running down of traditional energy systems (coal, gas, nuclear,) along with flushing money down the toilet by investing in intermitternt power sources (wind, solar,) rather than Putin's war in Ukraine is responsible for the current crisis.

An Energy Crisis In Tandem With A Food Crisis On Top Of An Economic Crisis And A War. This Cannot End Well
As politicians in North America and Europe try to deflect from their own failure that have contributed to the current plethora of crises by blaming Russia and Vladmir Putin for all the current problems, while the war in Ukraine is a contributory factor in each, the real blame lies closer to home.

Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ ... ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Just When We Need It Most, Renewable Energy Disappears
In an encouraging sign of a great awakening, million of people in the UK are now, after a week of brutally cold, absolutely windless weather asking "Why have we wasted so much money on wind turbines and harvesting solar energy."
  Yet when politicians are asked directly: "How do we keep the lights on and our homes warm when the wind does not blow and the sun is too low in the sky to make much impression on photovoltaic cells that do the business in solar panels?

Europe's Cold Spell Exposes Green Energy Policy Failure
So far the autumn of 2022 has been unusually mild which has had eco-warriors getting worked up and gluing their arses to motorways and airport runways to demand that we stop using oil. However winter temperatures across Europe predictably dropped sharply in late November and through most of December to date have been positively arctic. Scientists have offered the opinion that the cold weather spell the ongoing European gas crisis is now “likely” to worsen significantly as usual seasonal weather spreads across the northern half of the continent, bringing with it an increased need for domestic heating.

Minister's Claim That 40% UK Energy Comes From Renewables Is Technically Illiterate
Britain's newly installed Secretary of State for Energy, Grant Shapps, is still learning the job so perhaps we should cut him some slack, but even so a statement he made on our energy supply today shows astounding ignorance of technical details relating to his portfolio.
Answering a question in Parliament this morning about Britain's ability to reach its target of getting 40% of our energy needs from sustainable sources, Shapps sneered that it was not possible for us to reach 40% now as we already get 43% from wind. Unfortunately the sneering sarcasm was misplaced but served to reveal the man in charge of energy policy does not know the difference between energy and electricity.

Common Sense Prevails: Germany Is Dismantling Wind Turbines To Make Room For Coal Mining
We have learned vial a piece in that turbines at a wind farm in western Germany are being dismantled to allow for the expansion of open cast coal mining operations at an adjacent site. The propsal to increase output at the Garzweiler open-pit lignite coal mine has been described as a “paradoxical” situation given that in recent years the German government has been pushing ahead with the closure of coal and nuclear generating plant to appease its nutty but powerful Green party ... Continue reading >>>

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Europe: Green Tyranny Versus The People


We have reported in this blog on the latest green nonesense, namely EU demands for unreasonable cuts to nitrate fertiliser use and to numbers of livestock kept on farms, in order to reduce the agricultural sectors notrogen emissions which are alleged to be harmful to the environment. The real reason for thos new war in nitrogen, an inrert gas which forms over 75% of our breatheable atmosphere, is more likely to be necessitated by a desire among the European bureaucratic elite's desire to satisfy their ivory tower environmental and climate rules thus enabling the self righteous elitists to feel virtuous. With threats of severe financial punishments for nations which don’t comply with the required cuts this policy must be seen as a direct attck on Europe's food producers.

When angry voters kick out the politicians attempting to impose these unpopular cuts, as happened in regional elections in Netherlands last week, the EU claims their hands are clean, because it was the elected politicians who actually voted to accept EU recommendations as policy, and impose the penalties for non compliance which has led to the populist backlash. But the EU are still there in the background, setting targets and demanding cuts which cannot be net by any practical means and compliance can only be enforced by abuses of power.

Have elected politicians in Netherlands, and Germany, Poland, Belgium, France, Italy and Spain, nations to which the farmers' tractor protests have spread, really been reduced humandroids, capable only of carrying out the bidding of unelected EU bureaucrats? No matter which politicians are elected, they quickly get a visit from the EU, the real leadership, and receive a long list of demands, attached to severe penalties for non-compliance.

I hope the BoerBurgerBeweging / Farmer-Citizen Movement has the testicular fortitude to call the EU’s bluff. This EU green tyranny, can only maintain its grip on power so long as it operates from the shadows. If the BBB calls the EU’s bluff, and forces the EU to show their hand, to openly start ordering Netherlands politicians to comply, the situation would rapidly run out of control. After last week the position of the ruling coalition in the National Assembly is untenable. It is hard to imagine the people of The Netherlands would put up with such blatant abuse abuse of their democracy and national sovereignty and accept their elected government, being openly ordered around like hired hands. Anyone who thinks they will does not much about the nistory of The Netherlands and Dutch people.

But there is a pattern here that has been building for severasl decades.  The EC seems to be assuming more power than it was ever meant to have. Only more states quitting the EU, as the UK did, will stop this madness (and, even then, maybe not). If nitrogen is to be demonized, as CO2 has been, will someone tell these politiical clowns and the idiots who  advise them, (idiot, I much conclude, has become a synonym of scientist,) just what proportion of the atmosphere nitrogen represents

To get some clue as to what is really going on we have to consider why there is such a strong commitment to green lunacy from the political class in Europe. One is the memory of the lessons of WWII. Its a constant underlying unspoken memory, but it influences everything. Deeply buried under it and never spoken of, but there, is the sense that the EU is the only conceivable way to make a world with a united Germany safe, but there’s also the feeling that they cannot conceivably go back to the Europe of fully independent nation states in any case. 

Thus, since the original Common Market of 6 nations transformed into the European Economic Community in the 1960s or 70s and began to expand the thrust has been for 'ever closer union.'

I remember seeing a TV news report on a performance of Gorecki’s Third Symphony, attended on some EU occasion by the EU dignitaries (including the UK PM of the time, David Cameron). There was no doubt why it had been included.

The second reason the EU will probably survive this pushback  against its authoritarian control freakery is because like all bureaucracies its institutions are surprisingly adaptable. Bureaucrats' greatest skill is to protect their careers, incomes and privileged lifestyles, the organisations they manage find ways through every crisis by fudge and compromise. So this kind of opposition to green tyranny we are seeing now may be encouraging to those of us who oppose authoritarianism and globalism, but it would be foolish to write off the bureucrats so soon, they have a way of muddling through through somehow.

The thing that may at some point break up the Union is an external shock of the right nature and scale (a collapse of the global banking system for example.)  But you have to ask yourself what will replace it in such a case. To go back to the Europe of nations, boundaries, independent currencies would cause enormous and costly upheaval. The yearned for  United States of Europe may have become an impossible dream but the current 27 member EU contains too many economic basket cases among its membership to simply break up. But as we have seen over the past two weeks, a collapse of the global banking system is more likely than any of us want to imagine. So we must stay in the game and hope the dice in those casinos known as the financial markets roll our way.


German Interior Minister Caught Faking Asylum Numbers To Hide Migrant Crisis

German Interior Minister Caught Faking Asylum Numbers To Hide Migrant Crisis
Germany’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, is trying to fend off claims that she has faked statistics on refugee numbers to hide number of illegal immigrants claiming entry to Germany by posing as asylum seekers since the beginning of this year. While official figures show only 57,647 refugees have been admitted to Germany, the federal police have registered 101,900 arrivals of undocumented migrants since January

Who Blew Up The Nordstream Pipeline
So whodunnit? Sabotage of undersea gas pipe will escalate tension and move the world closer to nuclear war, but who is behind it, Russia in a bid to put more presure on Europe, Ukraine in an attempt to drag NATO into direct action, or the USA using a CIA false flag event to advance its own agenda.

An Energy Crisis In Tandem With A Food Crisis On Top Of An Economic Crisis And A War. This Cannot End Well
As politicians in North America and Europe try to deflect from their own failure that have contributed to the current plethora of crises by blaming Russia and Vladmir Putin for all the current problems, while the war in Ukraine is a contributory factor in each, the real blame lies closer to home.

Swedish Media Outlet Publishes Leaked U.S. Document On How to CRUSH Europe Economy via Ukraine War Effort
Swedish news organisation Nya Dagbladet has published a leaked top secret US plans to use the war in Ukraine and an induced energy crisis to destroy European economies. The report claims the RAND Corporation a defence and foreign policy think tank founded by military aircraft maker Douglas has the official aim of improving policies and decision-making, is the source of its evidence.

Has Putin Has Pushed Europe Into Economic Depression, Hyperrinflation and Currency Collapse?
Though it was entirely predictable and indeed had been expected for some time, the news over the weekend that the Nord Stream 1 pipeline which feeds gas from Russia to northern Europe via The Baltic route had been shut down completely by The Kremlin in retaliation for the continued financial and military support given by NATO and EU member states to Ukraine in the conflict with Russia. The European Commission, governing body of the EU, immediately put the community on something close to a war footing, ...
Continue reading >>>

Jingoistic Western Triumphalism Will Not End The War In Ukraine Or Cripple Putin, But It Is Crippling Western Nations
As the war in Ukraine grinds on and Russia steps up its economic war against the west and in particular The European Union, claims made recently by the idiotically 'woke' leaders of Europe's main economic and military powers that the West has a once-in-a–generation chance to severely weaken Russia’s capabilities, both militarily and geopolitically, look increasingly hollow. Putin's critics have cited 'Western unity' as one of the main reasons why Russia will be economically destroyed and politically humiliated when the Ukraine's military finally claim victory.

European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses
Once more we return to the political instability and economic fragility of the European Union as the conflict in Ukraine combined with loonytoons Climate Change mitigation policies, the failure of 'sustainables' to meet ever increasing demand for electricity, fod shortages and rampant price inflation put economic and social pressure on governments of member states ...

Debunked: The Great Renewable Green Delusion
The war in Ukraine has not caused the global energy crisis of early 2022 byt merely exacerbated it. Currently the nations currently in conflict with Russia over its incursion into Ukraine are those which are most dependent for their energy needs on Russian oil and gas. And now their loonytoons 'net zero' green energy policies have failed they are biting the hand that feeds them.

Putin, Macron To Hold Urgent Talks To Halt Military Escalation In Ukraine
Even though the leaders of Ukraine itself are talking down the threat of war with Russia over the breakaway region of Donbas, America and Britain are still beating the war drums and demonising Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Russia insists they have no plans to invade Ukraine and one western leader at least, France's Emmanuel Macron, seems to be listening to messages coming out of the East European trouble spot...

British Government Laundered Fake U.S. 'Intelligence' On Ukraine
The British government on Saturday accused Russia of organizing a plot to install a pro-Moscow government in Ukraine, as the Kremlin masses troops near the Ukrainian border. The U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office gave relatively little information about the intelligence unveiled Saturday other than to say that the Russian government was considering trying to make a Russia-leaning former member of Ukraine’s parliament, Yevhen Murayev, the country’s new leader. Continue reading >>>

European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown As Eurozone Economy Collapses
Once more we return to the political instability and economic fragility of the European Union as the conflict in Ukraine combined with loonytoons Climate Change mitigation policies, the failure of 'sustainables' to meet ever increasing demand for electricity, fod shortages and rampant price inflation put economic and social pressure on governments of member states ...

Italy Pondering Total Ban On Unvaccinated In The WorkplacesItaly's unelected governments, which has already faced riots and massive resistance to its authoritarian measures to strip away citizens rights and liberties under cover of pretending their actions are necessary steps to deal with the pandemic, now risks plunging the country into greater chaos by mandating vaccines for the workplace.

Thousands Protest In Germany Ahead Of COVID Measures Set To Go Into Effect Tuesday
Thousands of people took to the streets of Germany on Monday in protest over COVID-19 restrictions that are set to go into effect on Tuesday.The demonstrations were biggest in Mecklenburg, northern Germany, where roughly 15,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against tighter measures, according to local reports. In Rostock, a city along the Warnow River on the north coast of the country, roughly 6,500 people demonstrated, while in Schwerin there were roughly 2,700 and in Neubrandenburg, around 2,400 joined a demonstration. Continue reading >>>

The Absurdity Of Vaccine Passports, Lockdowns and Segregating The UnvaxxedAfter reintroducing lockdowns from the beginning of this week in its two regions with the highest rates of COVID cases, Austria today became the first country in western Europe to reimpose a full, national lockdown which will start on Monday, November 22. The Austrial government is likely to be quickly joined by neighboring Germany, a statement from Berlin warned [...] Some commentators in Austrian capital Vienna were cynical enough to ask if the whole point of this latest escalation is justify more restrictions
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EU's Top Eurofederalist admits EU wants an empire
The leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe (ALDE)
told CNN that plans to reform the EU and devolve power from Brussels back to the nation-state proposed by the populist paries that have spring up in member states, and led by Matteo Salvin's Lega (League) in Italy, Marine le Pen and her Rassemblement National in France and Hungary's Victor Orban, leader of the Fidesz party would mean that the bloc “will die inside.”

Brussels Foreign Affairs Chief Mogherini Still Wants Turkey to Join EU

EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini said in Malta on Friday that accession talks with Turkey have not been halted, following a Turkish referendum that gave President Erdogan dictatorial powers. Despite this rejection of the democratic principle all EU members are in theory expected to uphold, Mogherini still wants the predominently Islamic middle easter nation, to join.

Holocaust Comments Made by Her Deputy Dent Marine Le Pen's French Election Campaign Progress
Marine Le Pen's bid to emulate the Brexit and Trump shocks and in the face of adverse polling figures win election a risked a setbacks President of France received a potentially damaging blow on Friday (April 28) when her deputy, who is currently leading the Front National (FN) party leaving Le Pen to focus on her campaign was forced to step down in order to defend himself against charges that he shares the views of Holocaust deniers.

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Saturday, March 25, 2023

Europes Tractor Protests Spread To Germany And Now Include Fishing Trawlers

 from Breitbart Europe, 24 March 2023

Picture: Getty Images

Hundreds of farmers have descended in their tractors on a small German coastal town to protest measures imposed by the European Union as part of the Great Reset and the bid to 'save the planet' by reducing CO2 emissions from cow farts.

400 tractors reportedly gathered in the North Sea fishing port and tourist resort of Büsum on Wednesday to protest what is probably the most insane environmentalist policy dreamed up by the EU idealogues to day, to reduce the amount of nitrogen emitted by agricultural processes by attacking the way farmers produce our food. The policy is of course being gleefully and zealously being implemented by politicians in Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Madrid, Warsaw and other EU member states on their behalf.

The protest by German farmers follows a pattern set bu similar mass demonstrations in Belgium and the Netherlands, all of which were organised to express opposition the European Commission’s plan to reduce nitrogen pollution across the European continent, even if that means forcibly closing farms in some areas deemed to be problematic. What mystifies sensible people most about this policy is that nitrogen makes up over 75% of the eart's atmosphere and is essential to plant and animal life.

Such green agenda policies have angered many people in Germany, both in and beyond the agricultural sector with thousands of ordinary citizens joining the hundreds of farmers descending on Büsum to attend the three-day protest against green agenda rules imposed by regional, national and European authorities. 

While the policies of Germany’s ruling coalition, apparently dictated by the far left Green party and the Green farming minister Cem Özdemir are portrayed as being about animal welfare and a transition to organic farming, critics point out the inevitable results of these sound-good policies are farms with fewer animals producing less food, thus inevitably leading to higher food prices and more pressure on living standards.

Unfortunately though the nominally centrist Social Democrats (SDP) are the largest coalition partner, they are held to ransom by The Greens without whom the SDP could not form a sustainable coalition. Thus while claiming to be a moderte government the coalition is enacting increasingly extremist policies, especially on environment, immigration and social issues.

Özdemir for his part has said that while he takes “hunger very seriously”, nevertheless he believes “you shouldn’t misuse it as an argument to make compromises in terms of biodiversity and climate protection.” 

This is, of course, nor far removed from 'Let them eat cake,' and though Özdemir may not lose his head for making such a crass and ignorant remark, Germany's coalition government is looking increasingly unsustainable with the pro - business Free Democratic Party (FDP) having effectively quit due to losing half its support because it has supported far left policies imposed by The Greens.

The farmers protest in Büsum has been joined by at least 60 trawlers, the fishermen are set to hold a demonstration at sea in protest of an EU ban on certain types of trawling, a move that is set to severely damage Germany’s shrimp fishing industry. The EU says the fishing technique is harmful to the environment. Surprisingly perhaps, the Cultural Marxist idealists of the European Commissioners have not gone as far as to claim fishing is racist.

In spite of repeated repeated warnings from academics, business and welfare agencies that food production in the Europe is now under threat largely due to energy prices and the war in Ukraine, The Bureaucrats of Brussels have simply pressed ahead with their policy of making life impossible for farmers, in line with their ideological aim to shift wealth from Europe's prosperous liberal democracies to third world shitholes run by tyrannical dictators. To this end they have forced governments of member nations into implementing various restrictions on what fertilisers and pesticides they can use, often justifying any bans with totally spurious and pseudoscientific references to the environment.

By far the worst of these measures are those aimed at curbing the nitrogen content of European soils, with officials in Brussels outright ordering authorities in the Netherlands to forcibly shut down farms in the country in order to hit green targets set by EU bureaucrats which make no sense at all in either practical or scientific terms.

The threat of these forced farm shutdowns has been the trigger that provoked mass outrage in the country over the last year, culminating in the small FarmerCitizenMovement (BBB) party coming first in the country’s local elections last month.

Update 25 March 2023: Though unrest over EU climate policies has been growing since 2018, tomorrown (26 March,) voters in Berlin will get an oportunity to show how far out of touch with the rest of the nation the capital is when they go to cast votes in a referendum on whether the city should go carbon neutral by 2030, fifteen years before the entire nation is scheduled to achieve that impossible target. ...Stand by for more protests.Read more on this story at 



Thousands of Dutch farms will be forced out of business to meet new EU 'Nitrogen pollution targets
he globalist technocrats who control The European Union (EU) have enacted new environmental protection laws which will force member states, including The Netherlands, to meet the new targets for reducing emissions, which address nitrogen emissions from human activity rather than Carbon Dioxide, the Netherlands government proposes to shut down a large portion of its farming industry in order to comply with emissions targets ...

Dutch farmers block roads with tractors in protest of government plan to seize thousands of farms over “climate change”
With the cost of energy and food prices already sky high and set to go higher, the , billionaire psychopaths have declared war on the food that sustains us. The European Union having failed to completely remove the gas essential to all lifeforms, Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere, is now setting itself up to remove another esstential gas, nitrogen - which accounts for 70% of the air we breathe.

Germany Forcing Farmers To Use LESS Fertilizer To Satisfy EU’s Green Agenda
The German government, already reeling from the public backlash against rising fuel prices, the shortage of gas since supplies from Russia were cut off, and the biggest economic crisis in the EU, has now jumped on another 'woke' bandwagon. The socialist led ruling coalition has banned farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing land in compliance with the latest lunacy of the EU's green agenda ...

Germany Is Now A Total Dictatorship says Dutch Journalist
A Dutch journalist has claimed that Germany is now a “total dictatorship”. This may seem like a case of the pot calling the kettle black given the Dutch government's plan to evict up to 3000 farmer from their land and return those acreages 'to nature' in a bid to lead the way among EU member states, to enforce total compliance with the latest loonytoons EU climate policy which requires EU members to reduce that dangerous pollutant nitrogen, which accounts for 78% of the air we breathe

Netherlands’ Climate Nazi Government Plans to Seize Up To 600 Farms Within a Year, by Force if Necessary
Over the past few months tens of thousands of farmers in the Netherlands have regularly taken their farm vehicles onto the main routes and city streets to show their opposition to new government climate goals that will force thousands of farmers out of business. Despite all of these protests, the neo Nazxi Dutch government is now planning state mandated compulsory buyouts of 500-600 farms within thetwelve months

Study: Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Causes “Turbo Cancer” in Humans
According to a disturbing new study, Bill Gates’ lab-grown meat causes cancer in humans who consume it. Gates and other globalist elites at the World Economic Forum say that lab grown cultures of fake meat and eating bugs are the solution to so-called climate change. However, this fake food has now been shown to cause “turbo cancer” via the immortalized cell lines used to manufacture it.

Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist
In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said Net Zero would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary”.

p>Green Energy & Net Zero: A Herd Of Elephants In The Room

The Cuadrilla Lancashire gas exploration wells yielded very high-quality natural gas from just a few fractures [ ... ]Claims that less than 1\100th of the gas resource of 37.6 trillion m3 could be extracted has been shown to be false, no actual UK data on gas recovery is available the claim was based on pre-2010 US data. Just 10% gas recovery from Bowland shale could supply 50 years’ worth of current UK gas demand.

Net Zero Is A Dangerous Fantasy, But Scientists Believe In Fairies It Seems
With oil and gas prices rocketing and the highly propted sustainable energy sources performing way befow expectations the energy crisis currently gripping Europe (with worse to come as food shortages start to bite, polticians still seem more intent on pandering to the green lobby and chasing the dream of a fossil fuel free world rather securing the energy and food supplies needed by the people they serve.

New UN Report on Climate Change – Nothing New, Nothing True
The latest United Nations (“UN”) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) report, published this week, once again, in scaremongering tone and the language of the panic stricken, claims that the planet is in peril (we are facing climate disaster, the clock is at one minute to midnight, we must take urgent action to destroy civilisation if we are to save the planet, the usual over - dramatised guff designed to spread fear and panic,) basically the same claim as they have been making at least twice a month for the past 20 years.

We need energy security – not Net Zero
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted a major rethink in the West. We have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable not just to rising prices in oil and gas, but also to inflation in other commodities – such as food and fertiliser. Of all these problems, the security of our energy supply has most exercised minds.

Green dreams of Heat Pumps Continue reading >>>
When Boris Johnson revealed the UK Government plans for achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050 it emerged the much teased clean, green replacement for gas boilers as our main source of domestic heating is to be heat pumps. The Daily Stirrer counters the pseudo-scientific bollocks and reveals this 'new technology has been around for a hundred years.

Extinction Rebellion Wants To Destroy Civilization, Not Just Fossil Fuels
Readers may find it hard to believe but while our attention has been focused on the coronavirus pandemic, other things have been happening. Recently the eco - crusties of EkSTIMKtion Rebellion have elbowed their way back into out consciousness and now, with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, form an unholy trinity of Marxist seditionist groups intent not only on destroying capitalism but destroying civilisation ...

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