The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. - Maximilien Robespierre.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The 'Estrogenic Disaster' Facing The U.S. And The Real Reason For Ongoing Rape Of European Women

from All News Pipeline

One only has to look at reports coming out of Europe to understand the scope of the literal "rape" of Europe" as imported Muslim migrants, described by German authorties as "southerners" (südländer), men with "dark skin" (dunkelhäutig, dunklere gesichtsfarbe, dunklem hauttyp) or "southern skin colour" (südländische hautfarbe), are sexually assaulting women and girls as young as seven years old.

In Sweden they now have the distinction of having the "worst rates of physical and sexual violence committed against women and girls in Europe," and to avoid public backlash against their immigration policies, authorities are blaming the victims, the majority of which are under 15 years old. It was just reported that Sweden now has 12,000 more men than women and the gap is growing with each generation.

Police also admitted the majority of attacks have taken place in public places had been committed by migrants.
But it says refugees might not be able to “handle the alcohol” and simply feel “horny” and have “ignorance of the consequences for the girls”.

The report also warns that girls in Sweden are called “whores” and abused for “their clothes” which leaves many too scared to walk the streets.

The report ‘The Current Situation of Sexual Molestation and Proposals for Action’, says: “Control is exercised over women through violence, thus shaping her according to the man’s idealised vision of femininity.

The migrant rape epidemic has now reached Austria as the Gatestone Instititute compiles a shocking list of brutal sexual assaults sweeping across that nation.





Sweden’s Mollycoddling of Rapists Blamed for Surge of Sex Attacks

Once know, as one of the safest and most orerly countries in the world, in recent years, thanks to an idiotic 'open doors' immigration policy, Sweden has now earned the unenviable title of 'rape capital of Europe.' The politically correct eltie's view that they were being good 'global citizens' by allowing unvetted, undocumented, uneducated migrants to flood into their peaceful and pleasant land from many of the most violents, mysoginistic, racist, and sectarian trouble spots in the world, where western values are despised ...

A Mob Of 'Foreign Youths' Assault 35 Females At Swedish Music Festival
The number of sexual assaults in Europe as a result of the refugee crisis has been something that we have covered extensively, notably the "monstrous" attacks by men "of Arab or North African origin" that occurred on German women in Cologne during a New Year celebration (that led to the members of left wing parties in Germany's ruling coalition actually trying to have the word "rape" removed< from internal reports, because multiculturalism. Copenhagen Swamped With Foreign Criminals - Prompts Calls For Strong Border Controls
Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing European Asylum Centres After Persecution By Muslim Men
German Feminist Says Authorities Covered Up Muslim Sex Crime For Twenty Years
Women Fear To Go Out Alone In Danish Town Due to Migrant Assaults
London gangs ‘pressuring 9yo girls into group sex’ – UK Home Office report
GermanSocialist Idiot Minister: Criticism Of Migrant Rapes Are As Bad As Rapists Themselves
EU Immigration: The People's Pushback - Immigants are now being asked to sign pledges to uphold host nation's values.
Refugee host school in Germany bans short skirts for girls
Germany: Migrants’ Rape Epidemic
Can Muslim Culture Ever Integrate With Tolerant Western Socities?
No Go Zones For Whites In Swedish Cities
Rape Horror In Swedish Muslim Ghetto

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French Movement To Reclaim National Identity: The French Have Been Silent Too Long

Hundreds of young people from a French socio - political  movement we have not heard of before,  Génération Identitaire movement have marched through the streets of Paris, protesting against Islamisation, mass immigration, and Islamic extremist terrorism.

"No to Islamisation", "the French are angry" and "Here is our home!" the 500 hundred strong crowd chanted as the processed through the streets of the French capital as they raised banners bearing the same messages.

"We have a message for the Islamists who murdered 130 young French on 13 November: Daesh Daesh you buggers!" the group proclaimed on its Facebook page.

M"ore than 500 Patriots in the streets of Paris to denounce immigration and islamisation! Thanks to all the demonstrators who took over the streets of Paris! We are the war cry of European youth!" they captioned pictures of their march, which in some ways resembled those of the PEGIDA movement in Germany.

The event was heavily policed and some marchers lit flairs. However, the event was generally peaceful, without any clashes with police reported. Attendees eventually gathered at Place Monge not far from the Natural History Museum, where they staged a rally.

The "hipster right" Génération Identitaire group are a notably youthful movement of anti-mass migration activists who engage in direct action.

Génération Identitaire formed in 2012 as the youth wing of the Bloc Identitaire with the aim of "rallying young French and Europeans who are proud of their roots and of their heritage" and opposing "imperialism, whether it be American or Islamic."

In a statement on their website released ahead of yesterday’s event, the group said: “Between Islamist attacks and migrant invasion, the year 2015 has marked a turning point in the contemporary history of our country. The French have been silent for too long… It is time to show our determination to continue to live on our land, under our laws, our democratic values and with respect to our identity.

Useful Infidels Helping Fundamentalists Islamise The West
A left wing academic whose research was used to make the case for an investigation into Sharia courts in the UK has warned that liberals and 'progressives' are enabling fundamentalists to spead extremistS Islam in the West. Dutch legal scholar Machteld Zee said that if politically correct thinking stifles fair criticism of Islam, helping fundamentalist Muslims segregate Islamic communities and encourage them to be more religious and insular.

Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroscepticism
French Legislator Proposes Alliance With Russia to Prevent More Attacks
French Politician Says Putin More Popular Than Hollande
Facebook Hamstrung In France; India Outlaws Its Free-Net Service
Jews Fleeing From France In Record Numbers Because Of Antisemitism
France’s Slide Into Martial Law
France Moves Several Steps Closer To Abolishing Free Speech
Politician Blasts Conviction For Speaking The Truth On Anti-Semitism In Europe
Women Fear To Go Out Alone In Danish Town Due to Migrant Assaults
Pegida Organizes Anti-Islamization Protests Throughout Europe
"Our Europe Is Dying": Young Germans Video Blasts Merkel's "Multicultural Utopia": Censored By Facebook.

War On Terror omnibus

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Adolf Hitler: His Part In Our Downfall

In Britain the news is all about the 'Brexit' vote, should Britain leave the undemocratic, unaccountable and increasingly authoritarian bureaucratic dictatorship known as the European Union or should our brave nation that not very long ago dominated the developed world militarily and economically, surrender our freedom and national sovereignty in order to reap the dubious benefits of being ruled by a bunch of unelected, tesicularly deficient, smooth face office boys. If you are a British voter this free e book might help you make up your mind. If you are not British but wonder what it's all about, this book explains it all from the Nazi roots of the European project to the expansionist ideas of the ruling elites who want to stretch Europe beyond its geographical boders so they can rule the middle east and north African too.

An incisive examination by someone who has worked in the European Union, of the true ideology that underpins this undemocratic and unaccountable.
If you have been worried by EU bureaucratic waste and unaccountability this 35,000 word free ebook is a must for you.

The title is a parody of the hilarious war memoir Adolf Hitler, My Part In His Downfall by British comedy genius Spike Milligan, but the subject matter is very different.
While Milligan tells of how a poorly armed and ill prepared conscript army defied the Nazi advance through Europe, the middle east and north Africa,, this book, by various authors and edited by Ian R Thorpe traces the well documented origins of the European Union in Nazi ideology and demonstrated how a bureaucratic elite with ambitions to rule the whole of Euroipe, along with the middle east and north Africa, has insidiously extended its control of sovereign states lawmaking and policy making processes in fulfilment of the aim first stated by Hitler's aides of 'ever closer unity' leading to a federal European superstate.
If you have believed the propaganda of EU supporters and dismissed the idea of Nazi Europe as a 'conspiracy theory', this 35,000 word book will probably change your mind if you are prepared to read the case made by its authors.


Adolf Hitler: His Part In Our Downfall - free download for Kindle

as a .pdf or read online. Other formats to follow in the next few days. 


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Germany Hopes To Ease Anti-Russia Sanctions 'to Rescue EU Unity'

Having done more over the past decade to destroy European Unity (which was always something of a fairy tale anyway), Angela Merkel now wants to rescue it.

Hausfrau Volksfuhrer Merkel is not leading a bid by German politicians to devise a plan to lift the anti-Russian economic sanctions the USA's Obama administration bullied the EU into supporting. Berlin plans to abolish a range of trade restrictions imposed at Obama's insistence after Russia annexed Crimea following ethnic cleansing of Russian speakers in the area by the US backed regime in Kiev. Germany hopes that in exchange for removing sanctions Moscow's assistance in the organization of the local elections in Eastern Ukraine will be secured, according to Der Spiegel.

Crimea - in dark red - was traditionally part of Russia until the 1950s, when Ukraine was still a Soviet Republic

In August 2014, the EU and the US imposed economic sanctions on Russia, accusing Moscow of fueling civil conflict between pro Russian rebels and the neo - Nazi regime put in place after a CIA backed coup deposed the democratically elected government. Russian authorities have repeatedly denied the allegations and in response introduced a food embargo that negatively affected the economies of a number of European countries. In other words, while Obama's sanctions have not affected the USA which has very little trade with Russia, and has been a minor inconvenience to Russia because they can get what they need from non EU countries, a lot of smaller EU nations with fragile economies have suffered damaging effects.

(Sarcasm alert) This if a typical Obama administration foreign policy triumph.

Until now, Germany's position on the removal of imposed restrictions has been not until the Minsk agreements are fully implemented, the article said. Now, however, Berlin is willing to make concessions and ease sanctions if the countries are able to reach at least some progress in the Minsk process. antagonising Russia has hurt Germany, already beset with massive domestic problems, too.

"I have always held the position that the sanctions are not a goal in itself. The easing of sanctions can be discussed if visible progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements is achieved," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier is quoted as saying.

According to the magazine, Berlin is likely to unilaterally lift some sanctions in exchange for Moscow's assistance in the organization of local elections in Eastern Ukraine. However, the move will probably include the removal of a travel ban rather than restrictions which are of actual importance for Russia, such as financial sanctions or sanctions imposed with regard to Crimea.

"In this way, Germany seeks to maintain EU unity and to reconcile the supporters and opponents of the sanctions," the magazine wrote. A few weeks ago we reported that the resistance within EU, mostly among the Visigard group natioons, against the continuation of sanctions is growing. It is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve a common position on this issue, he said. According to the magazine, the most important goal for the German government is to keep unity within the EU so that the Russian President does not get the impression that he can split European countries.

Soros Encourages Obama Administration To Further Interference In Ukraine
While western leaders continue to pose as the guys with white hats in the confrontations with Russia and China, hacker collective CyberBerkut has leaked some hacked documents which show Russia is not behind the escalation of provocation, but the guys in black hats who really run western governments, led by George Soros.

Ukraine President Has Tripled His Wealth While In Office
Ukraine is in a mess, the civil conflict goes on, with sporadic outbreaks of violence. The economy is in tatters, unemployment and inflation are out of control and many Ukrainians cannot afford basics like food and energy.
World War Three? Kiev Reinvades Donbass, Deliberate Provocation Trashed Minsk Agreement
When America wants to provoke Russia it uses proxies, a rabble in Libya, Islamic fundamentalists in Syria and Iraq and neo - Nazi thugs in Ukraine. So far Russia has resisted the urge to kick Obama in the balls, but sooner or later the Russia - China - Iran alliance will respond.
US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government.
By now it should be obvious that peacemake, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposit would happen. The embedded article throws some light on how the US government really works
Teacher Forced To Resign For 'Sharing' Material Critical Of Obama And His Beloved Muslim Terrorists
The supporters of the wannabe King of the American Empire like to describe themselves as 'liberal', 'progressive', and left wing. If they were really any of those things they would not be as fanatically committed to the idea of suppressing free speech as they are.

Sources: Saudi Arabia Sends over 5,000 Takfiri Terrorists to Yemen

According to as yet unconfirmed reports from Iranian news agency Farsnews, "Saudi Arabia has sent around 5,000 Takfiri mercenaries to fight against the Yemeni army and revolutionary committees," Yemeni Army Commander Colonel Abdel Sattar al-Boushali told FNA on Saturday night.

Libya, Syria, Yemen: Sectarian conflict threatens entire Middle East

Another failure of US foreign policy leads to threat of war as a coalition of 10 Sunni Arab states launches a military offensive against Shiite Houthi militants in Yemen, recently proclaimed by America’s president as a brilliant example of war on terror, but now catapulting the Middle East into the inferno of battle.

The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow

Aside from Washington's usual lust for war, and the enthusiasm of American politicians to act as cheerleaders for death and destruction (so as to secure their billions in military industrial complex campaign donations, (graft, bungs, slush money, payola), a key part of a new bill before the House of Representatives which calls for lethal aid to Ukraine, has nothing to do with Ukraine at all.
U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth

We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.
Venezuela's Maduro given executive powers to face U.S. 'imperialism'

We have learned via Reuters news feed that Venezuela’s National Assembly on Sunday (15 March) voted Sunday to grant President Nicholas Maduro powers to rule by decree in defense and security affairs amid an escalating confrontation with the US Government in Washington. The special powers were approved by a show of hands in the assembly after two hours of debate ...

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

US Senators Attack Attorney General Loretta Lynch For Sanctioning Witch Hunt On Climate Change

US Virgin Islands: Idyllic resorts, not much of an oil industry

Lawyers for Exxon Mobile went to court in Texas last month seeking to block a subpoena issued earlier this year by the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands, which alleging that the oil and petroleum giant is deceiving the public about the effects of climate change demanded the company open its records to Department of Justice lawyers. Exxon responded by claiming that the subpoena is an unwarranted phishing expedition into Exxon's confidential records and as such violates its constitutional rights; "The chilling effect of this inquiry, which discriminates based on viewpoint to target one side of an ongoing policy debate, strikes at the protected speech at the core of the First Amendment" the court filing said according to the WSJ. One has to wonder who might have bribed the banana semi-republic and with what inducements for their Attorney General to be willing to act as the Obama administration's patsy in this latest attack on liberty.

As was reported last year, Exxon found itself on the shocking receiving end of an administration led by a petulant arrested adolescent (and former rent boy allegedly) who has demonstrated many times in his years as President Of The United States that revenge is always high on his agenda when nations or corporations do not comply with his diktat.

Exxon signed an agreement in 2014 which strengthened the oil giant's links with Russia's state-owned oil company Rosneft. At the time the Obama administration was trying to isolate Russia in order to undermine its economy which is heavily dependent on oil exports. The payback, which can be presented as part of Obama's liberal global warming climate change crackdown (which incidentally confers great benefits none other than carbon credit powerhouse Goldman Sachs the most) rather than an infantile exercise in throwing his toys out of the cot, came when the New York State Attorney General launching a sweeping investigation of Exxon mobile to determine whether the company lied to the public about the risks of climate change, or to investors about how that risk might hurt the oil business.

Given that the Attorney General of that global powerhouse the U.S. Virgin Islands AG has now joined in, one thing that has become clear is that Exxon is now being targeted by the US government for its alleged views on climate change, which implicitly run contrary to Obama's. Of course, the Obama administration applying pressure to those with opposing views is nothing new and entirely in accord with the behaviour of Obama's political role models Fidel Castro, Joe Stalin and Idi Amin. The US government's recent admission that it has prsued a policy of targeting of conservatives through the IRS is a recent example of Obama's tyrannical tendencies and an indication that Obama's dream of turning the USA into a dystopian failed state that would not look out of place in Africa will continue if the anointed successor Hillary Clinton managed to survive the challenges of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump and (with help from the Department Of Justice) the attentions of the FBI. 

This push by state Attorney Generals to go after Exxon on climate change (a plan they surely did not think of by themselves), has prompted five US senators to send a letter to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch demanding that in two weeks, the Department of Justice "immediately cease its ongoing use of law enforcement resources to stifle private debate on one of the most controversial public issues of our time - climate change." Or put another way, to cease and desist from pursuing a government - led witch hunt against opponents of failed - president Obama's energy agenda.

 As Breitbart comments, the five republican Senators warned the DOJ her that any improper assertion of federal investigatory or prosecution power is an abuse of power. Well yeah, but isn't abuse of power what wannabe fascist tyrants like Obama do best?

Climate change: CO2 efect overstated
The Paris Climate Conference agreed to erm ... do something
Climate change: carbon credits scam
Climate alarmists are cheating
Climate change and the economic realities ofgreen energy
Climate change: The true cose of 'free energy
Some clear thinking on climate effects
Climate change index

Federal Judge Censures US Department Of Justice Over Unethical Conduct In Immigration Case
Armed Forces Minister: Obama ‘Woefully Ignorant’ of Threat EU Membership Poses
Europe Rejects Obama Doctrine - US Exceptionalism Is Not Acceptable
TTIP: UK Report Shows Corporations Have Sued Canadian Govt For Over $2bn, Obama Claims ‘Did Not Happen’
Obama Bids To Persuade Britons To Sacrifice Their Nations Independence To Serve US Geopolitical Interests
Low And Middle Income Whites and Blacks Feel Threatened As Crime Soars Under Obama
Total Opacity Of 'The Most Transparent Administration Ever'
Support For EU / US Sanctions On Russia Declining In Central Europe
Is Hillarygate coming? The e - mail scandal keeps getting bigger.
Latest NSA Spying Scandal: White House Spied On US Congress.
Obama's Posturing As Leader Of The Battle Against Climate Change Exposed.
Project For The New American Century Born Again
We Learn More Of The USAs Real Foreign Policy From Wikileaks Than We Do From Washington

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

One Day Czechs Will 'Wake Up To Find That US Troops Are Here to Stay'

In an earlier post today we discussed the increased tensions in Europe following the insane decision by the USA's Obama Administration to place long range missiles in EU nations close to the Russian Border, and the entirely predictable response from President Putin that Russia will respond by putting a similar threat to NATO nations in place.

Today we learned a US military convoy has entered the Czech Republic to participate in the Saber Strike-2016 exercises in the Baltic states. "One day we will wake up and see that US troops are here to stay forever," Czech Senator Jaroslav Doubrava commented in a radio interview yesterday.

US Military convoy (source)

 “These convoys are provoking the Czech people who have traditionally been wary of having foreign troops in country. This is also a provocation against Russia and I’m afraid that all these US military convoys and military shows are simply meant to lull our vigilance, make us used to this,” Czech Senator Jaroslav Doubrava commented during the interview.

 Jaroslav Doubrava added "The Czech Republic, together with its V-4 partners (the Visegrad Group of countries, comprising the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, supporting the initiative to strengthen NATO's capabilities on the alliance's eastern flank), is ready to set up a company for permanent deployment in the Baltic states."

The proposal will discussed during the upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw.

A few days ago Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka assured his Lithuanian colleague that the Czech Republic was ready to cover the Baltic states’ airspace amid the imagined threat by Russia.

When asked about Czech media speculating about the threat top western security posed by Russia’s ability to occupy Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in a matter of just three days, Jaroslav Doubrava dismissed it as “sheer paranoia.”


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US Missile Shield; Loved Up Obama And Cameron Laugh As Putin Warns Poland, Romania Now In The "Cross Hairs"

by Egbert Nobakon

So in love: Obama Cameron Bromance could threaten world peace

This blog has warned many times of the inevitable consequences of President Barack Hussin Obama's repeated attempts, both directly and via his proxies in Ukraine and Turkey to provoke the Russian government. It did not start with the Obama Administration of course, US dominated NATO and US allies in the EU many years ago breached a treaty agreed with Russia in 1991 by puling former Warsaw Pact nations such as Poland, Hungary and Romania and former Soviet republic including Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia into the European Union and NATO.

Throughout the era of the current administration however, the provocations have become more frequent and more difficult for the Russians to ignore. The latest, moves by The USA to create as 'missile shield' by placing missile sites in European nations that border Russia is not so much an insult as an act of aggression. While The White House and The Pentagon claim the move is an essential defensive tactic in the face of Russian expansionism, that is blatantly untrue. By no stretch of even the most lurid imagination can the move be considered anything but a threat to Russia by the US.

And it was never going to be allowed to go unchallenged.

While Obama was in japan, getting jiggy with his bum chum Cameron and making a fool of himself at Hiroshima in a historic trip by including in his speeches warnings about the dangers of nuclear power while contempraneously, as commander in chief of US military services, being responsible for moving the world closer to nuclear war, Russian president Putin was in Greece resuming what he started a year ago, ahead of the turbulent Greece "referendum" by drawing the Greek government away from the EU and NATO and towards Russia. Economic sanctions and capital controls imposed by the EU on a small nation crippled financially by membership of the Euro single currency zone, following the collapse and bail out of the basket case economy have turned Greek people increasingly against remaining in the European Union and the euro single currency, a shift of public mood Putin certainly hopes to capitalize on.

Greek Prime Minister Tsipras commented on twitter: "Greek-Russian relations are an important element of our active, multidimensional foreign policy. We have upgraded our political dialogue 1/2 ... His [Putin's] presence in Athens marks the strengthening of our relations during the past year. 2/2

But it wasn't the latest Greek contact with Russia that made Putin's trip notable, it was the warning the Russian leader issued in response to the most recent US/NATO provocation in Europe that should concern us.

On May 12, in a dramatic development for the global balance of power, which recently has shifted eastwards following Putin's success in neutralising the threat of Islamic extremism in the middle east following the Obama administration's ineffectual interventions against terrorist groups (that have actually turned out to be backed by the US via its mid east allies Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the United States announced details of its European missile defense system dubbed Aegis Ashore. With typical ineptitude the first installation was at a remote airbase in the town of Deveselu, Romania, almost a decade after Washington proposed protecting NATO allies from Iranian rockets (Iran has no missiles that could reach Romania, but it has weapons that no surface to air missile could stop - you're not supposed to know that BTW). Despite repeated Russian warnings that the West is threatening the peace in central Europe, Obama has gone ahead, driven probably by his ego following the failure to depose President Assad in Syria.

The US move represents a clear defection from established Game Theory equilibrium in the aftermath of the Cold War nuclear arms race, one which explicitly removed a Russian "first strike threat", pressuring Russia to install further nuclear offensive and defensive measures: "the precarious nuclear balance of power in Europe has suddenly shifted, and quite dramatically: despite U.S. assurances, the Kremlin says the missile shield's real aim is to neutralize Moscow's nuclear arsenal long enough for the United States to make a first strike on Russia in the event of war."

No surprise then that during a joint press conference with Alex Tsipras in Greece, Putin warned Romania and Poland they could find themselves in the sights of Russian rockets because they are hosting elements of a U.S. missile shield that Moscow considers a threat to its security. Under the malign influence of Washington and Brussels these country's leaders have now exposed their people to the threat they most feared.

According to Reuters, Vladimir Putin issued his starkest warning yet over the missile shield, saying that Moscow had stated repeatedly that it would have to take retaliatory steps but that Washington and its allies had ignored the warnings. We do not know what setps Mr. Putin has on mind but the embedded image from RAI Novosti should give even the Pentagon's gong ho dickheads a clue:

Putin insisted that Russia was not making the first step, only responding to moves by Washington. "We won't take any action until we see rockets in areas that neighbor us."

"We have the capability to respond. The whole world saw what our medium-range sea-based missiles are capable of [in Syria]. But we violate no agreements. And our ground-based Iskander missiles have also proven themselves as superb,” continued Putin.

Further undermining the Pentagon's provocative narrative that the US missiles are purely defensive, the Russian president said the argument that the project was needed to defend against Iran made no sense because an international deal had been reached to curb Tehran's nuclear program. The missiles that will form the shield can easily reach Russian cities. "How can that not create a threat for us?" Putin asked.

Once Russian SS-26 tactical missile systems are again to be found on the borders of a Europe which suddenly as facing not only a a nuclear-armed opponent on its borders, but an ongoing - and in many cases malicious - immigrant influx within, while being stabbed in the back by its supposed allies, Washington's war loving neo-cons, then all the bollocks about the peaceful future of the European continent, the main stated reason behind the creation of the EU and the Eurozone, will be meaningless.


Obama-Duterte Blow Up: What the Corporate Media Doesn’t Get
The recent bad blood between US President Barack Obama and Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is based on hostilities far more profoundthan could be caused by a simple clash of personalities.

Europe is at The End of its Existence. Western Europe Is Virtually Dead
The free flow of guns and grenades West is not the main problem Europe faces said the counter - terror expert said. Pointing to the existential crisis Mr. Wrona said: "The worst problem for is political correctness. Europe is at the end of its existence. Western Europe is practically dead. These people live in a void, without ideas. And then come along the young, who [only want] to make money, as once did the barbarians".

The Hidden Genocide In Syria:Obama's Moderate Rebels As Brutal As ISIS
The Last Accredited Western Reporter In Damascus Speaks: "Russia Did More 'Good' In 30 Days Than The US Did In A Year"
Germany Involved in NATO War Games Near Russian Border
After Yugoslavia NATO changed from a mutual defence alliance to an organisation for military aggression.
Russian Foreign Affairs Dept Accuses Turkey Of Hindering Syrian Peace Talks
Armed Forces Minister: Obama ‘Woefully Ignorant’ of Threat EU Membership Poses
Obama Deploys 250 Special Forces to Syria: Will They Depose Assad?
Obama Bids To Persuade Britons To Sacrifice Their Nations Independence To Serve US Geopolitical Interests
Irony Overload: Iran Warns Obama Not To Cross Red Lines
Support For EU / US Sanctions On Russia Declining In Central Europe
Obama Launching Massive Military Intervention In Libya And Iraq
Will There Be A Coup In Turkey?
Castrating Project Fear: Former-UK Army Chief Shoots Down Claims of Brexit Impact on NATO
Propaganda War: US Officials Working to Keep Russia, Europe at Odds
Fear and Panic: EU Defence Budgets Boom Amid ‘Russian Threat’ Paranoia
NATO Rhetoric About Russian Threat is 'Absurd'
Is USA preparing for all out war with Russia?

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Little-Known Facebook Feature Causing Users to Think Twice About What They Say

(May 26, 2016: Clarice Palmer : ANTIMEDIA reproduced under Creative commons licence)

The debate over Internet privacy and the responsibility social media companies should carry in protecting user privacy never ceases to spark controversy — among both users and tech insiders. But while Facebook, one of the most popular social media networks, struggles with accusations of news suppression and even fraud, a new report on the network’s microphone settings is reigniting past fears of surveillance that were never fully addressed.

According to University of South Florida Professor Kelli Burns, Facebook is a huge part of the lives of smartphone users. Due to this widespread addiction, Burns explains, “Anytime you’re using your phone, any kind of information that you’re putting into your phone, looking at on your phone, Facebook can access that.” But details regarding what you’re doing or what you’re browsing while on Facebook are not the only type of data the Silicon Valley giant can access. The social media’s microphone feature, which can be enabled by the user via Facebook’s settings, is also listening.

A few months back, a Facebook user took their concerns over the microphone settings to Reddit. The post quickly went viral, prompting Facebook to issue a statement on the matter. According to the social media network, the company does not “record your conversations.” Instead, the statement claimed, if the user chooses to turn the microphone feature on, Facebook will “use your microphone to identify the things you’re listening to or watching based on the music and TV matches we’re able to identify. If this feature is turned on, it’s only active when you’re writing a status update.”

But According to ABC’s WFLA, Burns might have been able to prove Facebook isn’t telling the whole story behind this technology.

From the publication:
We tested the theory with Kelli, and even we were surprised by what we found and saw.
“Kelli enabled the microphone feature and talked about her desire to go on safari, right down to her mode of transportation. ‘I’m really interested in going on an African safari. I think it’d be wonderful to ride in one of those jeeps,’ she said aloud, phone in hand.

“Less than 60 seconds later, the first post on her Facebook feed was a safari story that seemed to pop up out of nowhere. Turns out, it was a story that had been posted three hours earlier. And, after mentioning a jeep, a car ad also appeared on her page.”

This test, the news organization contended, demonstrates how Facebook picks up “buzz words” in order to show that particular user ads and posts matching their interests. The fact the professor made those comments after turning the feature on may serve as an example of how easily Facebook can trick users into giving the company access to their private conversations.

Though Facebook claims it does not store or share user information, the very existence of the technology may give hackers, including government-backed security experts, a reason to explore private data further, putting the privacy — and even safety — of Facebook users in danger. What’s more concerning about this issue is the company’s previous association with the U.S. National Security Agency’s PRISM program, which gave federal agents access to users’ private data, including, emails, photos, and instant messages, among other things. While Facebook’s more recent claims concerning user privacy regarding the microphone feature might be legitimate, the company’s former cooperation with NSA officials could indicate the feds may seek to explore the microphone feature — whether Facebook agrees with them or not.

Smart TV manufacturers like Samsung have recently been forced to publicly address privacy concerns after news broke the technology was listening to users’ conversations. As the same users learn Android Smart TVs may also present vulnerabilities that give hackers the ability to record what they do, other members of the tech industry, like Facebook, might also face growing obstacles and skepticism from users.

In contrast, though Apple has aligned with the federal government in at least one case, the company was widely praised for standing for privacy rights in a legal standoff involving the FBI over the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. But unlike Apple, whose hesitation regarding lobbying practices has earned negative attention from Congress in the past, Facebook has a relatively cozy relationship with Washington. Whether this relationship is mutually beneficial to both parties — and whether Facebook will respond like Apple has — remains to be seen.

This article (Little-Known Facebook Feature Causing Users to Think Twice About What They Say) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Clarice Palmer and Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article at



Is it possible to eradicate all diseases?

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife have dreamed up this great money making scheme. They have announced they will try to eradicate all diseases by the end of the century. It follows down the same path of greed and self interest previously trodden by Bill and Melinda Gates and their Gates Foundation which has been so sucessful in its efforts to eradicate disease and poverty that it now gets $2 from governments and the United Nations for every $1 it spends ...

Evidence Points To Another Snowden At The NSA
Last week, following the news that The Clinton Foundation, the computer networks of Hillary Clinton's election campaign and the US Democratic Party and also the servers operated by 'philanthropic' organisation Open Society Foundation - really a front for meddling by the billionaire left wing activist George Soros in international politics, had been hacked, we learned of a previously unknown hacker collective, "The Shadow Brokers". These hackers claimed they had hacked hacking tools from the NSA's own special-ops entity, the "Equation Group", and released these into the public domain.

Cellular Technology: Can Governments Use It To Rearrange Your Brain
The controversies around cellular technology and the cellular masts or towers that make up the network grids just will not go away. It is not just the issue of do cellphone damage brain tissue that concerns us now, but certain rumours about what might be transmitted from the masts into the electro-magnetic mush that surrounds us all.

Shock, Horror! Millennials Safe Space Violated As Facebook Algo Accident Exposes Them To Diverse Ideas
Late last month (August 2016,) the Zuckerbugger's zoons put an algorithm in charge of the Facebook “trending” feature, to select the most popular topics, articles and keywords on the web in a narrow timeframe and with due respect for the 'safe space' of millenials who can be traumatised if they encounter microaggrrrrressions in the form of controversial ideas or unorthodox opinions ...

Google, Facebook, Amazon: algorithms will soon rule our lives so we'd better understand how they work

One of the most interesting announcements in last week's Budget – well, for me at least, as someone who has no savings and doesn’t play bingo or drink much – was the new Alan Turing Institute: £220 million of government support will be invested into "big data and algorithm" research.

Wikileaks Vault7 Release Reveals CIA Contamination Of Apple Devices

EU Politicians Slam New Tax Deal That Lets Big Business Avoid Probes
Facebook Hamstrung In France; India Outlaws Its Free-Net Service
Facebook begins Europe-wide censorship campaign against free speech.
Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to German Govt Demand to Censor Anti-Migrant ‘Hate Speech’ (aka Free Speech)
German Politician Calls On Facebook To Abolish Free Speech
Thousands To Make Legal Stand Against UK Government Surveillance
New German Government Smartphone Spyware Will Monitor Citizens’ Calls, Typing AND See Through Their Camera Lenses
John Kerry Calls For The Internet To Be Placed Under The Authority Of The United Nations
Artificial Intelligence: Will It Kill Human Society?
Facebook Are Nazis - We Told You So

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Woman Leaves Politically Correct Politicians Gobsmacked As She Claim Immigrants Prioritised Over Disabled People For Social Housing

An angry woman voters who claims her disabled mother has been bumped down the social housing waiting list because immigrants are prioritised, stunned politically correct Europhile politicians during the first Brexit TV debate broadcast by the BBC last night. Emily Wood laid into the smug, self righteous pro-Brussels politicians in a heated exchange on the EU in a broadcast dominated by the immigration issue and the effect mass immigration and huge nimbers of illegal immigrants has on Britain.

In a stunning attack Ms. Wood, a music producer, from Dorset, revealed her disabled mother had been bounced down the waiting list for a single storey house by town council bueaucrats who, allegedly acting on instructions from central government, prioritise immigrants for all social housing, demanding: "Where are we going to put them all?"

Anti EU cmapaingner Emily Wood who claims her mother is being blocked from social housing because priority is given to immigrants (picture source: Daily Express

Woods passionate plea to voters to support leaving the EU, Brexit, came just hours after official figures revealed that net migration has soared to 333,000 in the year to December, the second highest annual level on record. This is in spite of government promises to reduce net immigration to tens of thousands. One of the main campaign claims made by supporters of Brexit is that Britain cannot possibly regain control of its borders while the country is part of the European Union.

The point about immigrants abusing the social housing system at a time when Britain has a serious housing crisis is well made. Due to crazy purchase prices and rents in the private housing sector, many families and single people are unable to afford their own home, and social housing is being given to immigrants in order that they may cheat the system. All this week, 23 - 27 May 2016, on daytime TV (which us disabled, retired people have free time to watch,) the BBC has been running a documentary series on abuses of the social housing system. Day after day cases were highlighted in which unscrupulous people had fraudulently obtained tenancies of local authority or housing association owned properties, claimed housing allowance in the name of a fictitious tenant to cover the rent, and then sub - let properties designed for a couple of a family to three or four tenants.

As the other audience members supported Emily Wood and tried to make left wing politicians acknowledge the impact immigration has on access to housing for young people and lower income families, Miss Wood rounded on pro-Brexit former SNP leader Alex Salmond and Labour’s Alan Johnson, who said people were wrong to link the houseing crisis to immigration. Neither could satisfactorily explain what is causing it of course, maybe its because not enough of us believe in the 'house fairy'. Left wing and politically correct thinkers certainly seem to believe utopian can be delivered but only if everyone wished hard enough.

When Salmond replied to Ms Wood's point about housing ans immigration levels by saying: "I wouldn't make that connection - if we have a housing shortage, we should build more houses, not kick people out of the country." she hit back by saying:

"How the heck are we meant to house them when we haven't got enough houses as it is? Where are you going to put them? Where?"

The BBC debate was skewed by pro - EU audience member using the usual left wing tactic of trying to shout down anyone who opposed their views. Asked for his thoughts on the row, former Tory defence secretary Liam Fox said Britain should use the £10 billion a year we sent to the EU to pay for more housing and to boost the NHS.

He said: “Does anybody think we could not use £10billion to help improve the quality of health service, housing or anything else?"

UKIP’s Diane James, also representing Brexit, told another young voter that they stood virtually no chance of ever affording a home if we stay in the EU because immigration is pushing prices out of ordinary people’s reach.

Much like the referendum campaign itself, the conversation during a fractious and at time uncontrolled debate focused on the twin subjects of immigration and the economy.


German Streets Descend Into Lawlessness -part 1

During the first six months of 2016, migrants committed 142,500 crimes, according to the Federal Criminal Police Office. This is equivalent to 780 crimes committed by migrants every day. The data includes only those crimes in which a suspect has been caught. Thousands of migrants who entered the country as "asylum seekers" or "refugees" have gone missing. Many are thought to be engaging in robbery and criminal violence.

Useful Infidels Helping Fundamentalists Islamise The West
A left wing academic whose research was used to make the case for an investigation into Sharia courts in the UK has warned that liberals and 'progressives' are enabling fundamentalists to spead extremistS Islam in the West. Dutch legal scholar Machteld Zee said that if politically correct thinking stifles fair criticism of Islam, helping fundamentalist Muslims segregate Islamic communities and encourage them to be more religious and insular.

Migrants Consider Quitting Violent Sweden To Return To War-Zone Homelands For Safety
The Swedish ruling elite's politically correct obsession with immigrants has turned parts of this once peaceful, civilised and safe country into a lawless hell hole and borderline failed state. Perhaps the clearest indication of how bad things are in Sweden now is the news that Sweden is now so dystopian even migrants from some of the most violent and chaotic areas of Africa and the middle east want to return to their homelands

No Easy Answers For Immigration
The most sensible immigration policy is one that matches demand for labour with supply. While ensuring compassion and capacity for genuine refugees, we should take care that new arrivals looking for 'a better life' do not land in such numbers they become a burden on those that host them.
When A White Guy Killed Immigrants In Sweden It Was Terrorism, When An African Immigrant Killed White People, It Was The Victim's Fault. Why?
Surging Support for Germany’s Anti Immigration AfD Party Shows Contempt For Merkel's Open Doors Policy
Pegida Organizes Anti-Islamization Protests Throughout Europe
Are The Ruling Elites waking Up At Last To The Problems Cause By Mass Muslim Immigration?
"Our Europe Is Dying": Young Germans Video Blasts Merkel's "Multicultural Utopia": Censored By Facebook.
Women Fear To Go Out Alone In Danish Town Due to Migrant Assaults
Landmark Report Explodes The Myth Of Economic Benefits From Mass Immigration
Sweden ‘Facing Collapse’ Thanks To Migrant Influx, Foreign Minister Warns
Le Pen's Front National On Course For President As Migrant Opposition Grows In France
Warring Migrant Tribes, Street Shootouts, Grenade Attacks, Government Says Its Multiculturalism? WTF Is Going On In Sweden?
No Go Zones For Whites In Swedish Cities
Europe posts menu

Help! Immigrants have taken over our town, pleads German Mayor

The mayor of ski resort Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in Bravaria, has sent a plea for help to the regional government begging for help in tackling the problem of crime among refugees. Police officers say "blacks are in charge of the town." The letter, intended to serve as a warning to authorities in Germany's immigrant hot spots, has been sent by Mayor Sigrid Meierhofer on Sunday, according to Merkur newspaper

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

EU Member States Halt Visa-Free Deals for Ukraine, Georgia

On May 20, security ministers of EU Member States approved European Commission's proposal to make changes to plans for visa-free travel arrangements with non EU countries following warnings of further growth in illegal immigration. The measure was taken amid EU-Turkey visa free regime talks, which now also look set to fail because of Turkey's refusal to implement required reforms in human rights law.

The move came as the European Union was actively engaged in negotiating visa-waiver programs with Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia and Kosovo and against the background of a widening migrant crisis, and increasing dissatisfaction among member states of the way EU commission bureaucrats have repeatedly ducked their responsibility for dealing with the immigration crisis.

"Visa liberalisation has great advantages for the EU and other countries. Yet we need an emergency brake for all visa free countries to make sure that visa liberalisation cannot be abused," Council President Klaas Dijkhoff was quoted as saying in a press statement after the Brussels meeting.

Dijkhoff, also the Dutch migration minister, said he was "pleased that ministers had agreed on a mechanism that would make it easier to act against abuse". Next stage would be discussing the plan with the European Parliament, he added.

The revised mechanism sets out grounds for suspending visa-free travel agreements with non-EU members, such as an increased transit of third-country nationals through countries that the EU has agreements with. It is not the same as open borders travel, theoretically only available to EU citizens in the Schengen zone, but widely abused because of left wing ideological committments to a border free world (and ultmately the dystopian nightmare of a world government.
"EU states do not intend to exempt Ukraine and Georgia from the decision to halt progress of the visa waiver  suspension mechanism," a source told RIA Novosti. "such an intention may considerably slow down the process of granting a visa-free regime for Ukraine and Georgia."

The new mechanism sets out possible grounds for suspending free-travel agreements with non-EU members, such as an increased transit of third-country nationals through countries that the EU has agreements with.
In December 2015, the European Commission gave a positive assessment of Ukraine and Georgia successfully meeting all benchmark requirements necessary for the liberalization of the visa regime with the bloc. In spring, the Commission made a proposal to the European Council and the European Parliament to add Ukraine and Georgia to the list of countries the citizens of which could travel to the Schengen Area without visas.

However, no decisions on these issues have been approved by either of the EU bodies so far. It looks like this could develop into another battle between the Brussels bureaucrats and elected governments of member nations.


Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.

EU Vows To Use Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right’ Politicians From Power
France Says No to Ukraine-EU Visa-Free Travel
Dystopian Fiction Becomes Political Reality
Latest From Project Fear On Brexit Is Complete Bollocks
EU Commission Backs Turkey Visa-Free Travel Amid Terrorist Cautions
So Long, Schengen: Six EU States to Resurrect National Borders in Mid-May
French, Belgians, Dutch, Italians Follow Britain in Euroscepticism
Ignorance Is Strength: European Parliament Ready To clamp Down On Free Speech
'We Got Duped': Ukraine Billionaire Slams EU Free Trade 'Fraud'
Schengen agreement scrapped: E U falling apart?
Castrating Project Fear: Former-UK Army Chief Shoots Down Claims of Brexit Impact on NATO
Why Won’t The Panama Papers Lefty Leakers Expose EU or American Establishment Figures?
Control Freak Cameron Wants to Vet Foreign Leaders’ Speeches To Curtail Free Speech On Brexit

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The Anger Of The Masses Is Rising

Privilege serves the same purpose as power, benefiting the few at the expense of the many, regardless of the system's ideological labels: Charles Hugh Smith

Anger personified (image source:

Disenchantment with the status quo and disgust with the corrupt elites, corporate cronyism and politically correct authoritarianism has not only triggered a surge of anti establishment, anti - globalist anger across Europe, as has been demonstrated (and further fuelled by) the establishment stitch ups and election rigging that have kept Front National in France, The Danish People's Party, UKIP in Britain, Germany's AFD, The Sweden Democrats and most recently the Austrian Freedom Party rightful and well earned success in elections, and kept anti EU-federalisation politicians chosen by the people from fulfilling the roles they were elected to. The same broad-based anger has fuelled the populist campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in the campaigns for the Democratic and Republican Party nominations in the U.S. Presidential Election.

Globally, the people disenfranchised by the status quo, in Peggy Noonan's phrase, the unprotected, people like myself for example, for many years a supporter of the UK's Liberal Party (when it knew what 'liberal' meant), I have always lived in either safe Conservative or Labour constituencies so under our first-past-the-post election system my vote has never been likely to elect a candidate I wanted to represent me. I now vote for UKIP, it is more a protest vote than from political conviction and also write blogs and contribute to online news and opinion sites. Others, in Britain, throughout Europe and in the USA, Canada and Aistralia are starting to express their discontent in the streets, in social media and in elections.

Why are the disenfranchised people around the world getting so angry. And why are there so many more of them that suspected? It's obvious to everyone in the unprivileged classes and a mystery to the "we're doing just fine here, what's your problem?" privileged classes: The system is rigged to benefit the elite few, say 5% of people (not necessarily based on earnings or personal wealth), and marginalize the many. For a long time people thought that was the way things were, unlike myself, many were happy to vote left or right on the basis of who they thought was the least bad. In recent years however, the few have become so blatant in their abuse of privilege and the gap between rich and poor has widened so much, hollowing out the middle income groups, the administrative and skilled worker groups, that something had to give.

The two structural engines of disorder at the heart of the system according to Charles Hugh Smith in his book Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform, are:

Automation, software and the forces of globalization are disrupting jobs and wages everywhere.

Centralized hierarchies and the forces of globalisation have extended the power of privilege globally so the few are benefiting at the expense of the many.

The growing concentration of wealth and power in the privileged elites is evidenced by the fact that 8% of the world's populace owns 85% of its wealth. What is driving this increasing concentration of wealth and power?

To understand growing disparity between rich and poor and the increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of the old elites and corporate powers we must first understand the dual nature of privilege. Just as there is hard power (military power) and soft power (exporting cultural wares and values) so there is hard and soft privilege. hard privilege is exercised by authoitarian governments that criminalise free speech and dissent and operate oppressive surveillance and policing policies.

Soft privilege operates by utilising the tyranny of weakness. "Oh but how can you not be moved by a picture of a beaten puppy on Facebook?" How can you be indifferent to a picture of a starving African child in a television charity appeal. How can you not support the right of big, hairy arsed blokes in frocks to go into the same toilet as little girls are using. What a cruel, heartless, brutal, racist, sexist, homophobic person you are. Do you recognise the technique?

Yes, perfectly rational and acceptable reactions are branded extreme because they do not conform to what the elites have decreed you ought to think And few people are eager to stand aside from the crowd and exercise their right to be individuals. No, you do not have to care about abused puppies or starving children (there's probably nothing you can do about it, there will always be some people who abuse animals and we have been throwing money at Africa for fifty years but nothing has changed. As for the blokes in frocks, sorry guys it does not matter what you 'identify' as, or if you have your dick and balls cut off, if you never had a womb and ovaries you cannot possibly be a woman. If you can't get your head round that, you're very sick.

Privilege serves exactly the same purpose as power, benefiting the few at the expense of the many regardless of the system's ideological labels. Socialist, Communist and free-market capitalist regimes all throw up oligarchical elites that loot the system and plunder the national assets that should benefit the populaces. Those who came to do good and stayed to do well as the saying goes, must first gather privileges before they can acquire wealth and power.

The grievances of Chinese workers robbed of their wages, Greek small-business owners burdened by ever-rising taxes and EU imposed austerity measures, downsized corporate warriors in the U.S.A and redundant industrial workers in Britain and France may appear to be different, but in reality their grievances all arise from one source: unearned privileges that benefit the few at the expense of the many.

UK Conservative Politician Says Referendum Is An Establishment Stitch Up
As This Blog Predicted, Austrian Election Result Was An EUronazi Stitch Up
Organizations That Paid Hillary Clinton From 2013-2015

Snowflake Special: Snowflake Professor blasts students for walking out of patronising lecture.

Is Brexit A Harbinger Of Doom For The 'Experts'
The Brexit vote, the decision by a democratic majority in Britain to leave the European Union has sent shockwaves around the world. Not only does the EU now face a tsunami of departures, the usurpation of democracy by 'experts' ( technocrats ) has been challenged and exposed as a sham.

EU Vows To Use Powers To Block All Elected ‘Far Right’ Politicians From Power
Federal Judge Censures US Department Of Justice Over Unethical Conduct In Immigration Case
Pope Francis Implicated In Argentine Church Child Abuse Cover Up?
TTIP:Here In A Single Article Is The Key To Why People Do Not Trust Mainstream Media
EU Politicians Slam New Tax Deal That Lets Big Business Avoid Probes
EU Turkey Migrant Deal Set To Fail
After Yugoslavia NATO changed from a mutual defence alliance to an organisation for military aggression.
Free Speech Under Attack Online
The True State Of The US Economy: Retail Companies Reporting Sales Targets Missed

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s email problems just got off the scale worse

We are totally bored with the story of Hillary Clinton's email server and breaches of security protocol when she was Secretary of State, but we know our readers around the world are avid followers of our reports in the slow motion train wreck of Hillary's campaign (especially in Russia, wonder if that is anything to do with the alleged 20,000 hacked emails the Kremlin has and whether President Putin will release them just before the Democratic Party convention to plunge the American election process into chaos).

So are our final post for today (it's nine p.m. here even if it is only around noon in California) here's something from The Washington Post:

One of the two big dominoes in the Hillary Clinton email controversy toppled today: The State Department's inspector general released its report on the email practices of Clinton and a number of other past secretaries of state. (The other major domino is, of course, the FBI investigation into Clinton's decision to exclusively use a private email server while serving as the nation's top diplomat.)

The report, which you can read in its entirety here, badly complicates Clinton's past explanations about the server and whether she complied fully with the laws in place governing electronic communication. And it virtually ensures that Clinton's email practices will be front and center in Donald Trump's fusillade of attacks against her credibility and honesty between now and Nov. 8.

Here's the key passage from the Roz Helderman and Tom Hamburger's article on the report:

The inspector general, in a long awaited review obtained Wednesday by The Washington Post in advance of its publication, found that Clinton’s use of private email for public business was “not an appropriate method” of preserving documents and that her practices failed to comply with department policies meant to ensure that federal record laws are followed.

The report says Clinton, who is the Democratic presidential front-runner, should have printed and saved her emails during her four years in office or surrendered her work-related correspondence immediately upon stepping down in February 2013. Instead, Clinton provided those records in December 2014, nearly two years after leaving office.
Clinton used an inappropriate method of preserving her documents. Her approach would not have been approved if it had been requested by a more junior member of the State Department staff.  The report also suggests that despite a Clinton aide's insistence that the method of preserving her emails had been submitted to a legal review back in 2010, there is no evidence that such a review took place. And, here's the kicker: Clinton refused to sit for a formal interview.
Oomph. Double oomph. Heck, that might merit a triple oomph.

It's going to be an entertaining few weeks ahead for Clinton watchers, but will Bernie Sanders get the nomination or, as is widely rumoured, will Democratic Party managers kick democracy into touch and parachute in Joe Biden (possibly a worse candidate that Clinton in terms of electability)


State Dept. IG: Clinton violated rules with private server, did not cooperate with investigation

Prior to today the silence and secrecy around the FBI investigation of Clinton’s private server meant there was relatively little detailed information in the public domain. And that meant that Clinton and her team could say almost anything about the matter without fear of contradiction.

For instance, she could claim, as she did last March, “I fully complied with every rule that I was governed by.” She could claim (again from last March) that she set up the server because “I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two.” She could claim, as she did two weeks ago, “I’m more than ready to talk to anybody, anytime.” And she could claim, as she did early on, that her private server was perfectly secure because it was guarded by the Secret Service. Well, Hillary can’t say any of those things after today.
Read More:
State Dept. IG: Clinton violated rules with private server, did not cooperate with investigation

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