Volodymyr Zelensky’s Global Peace Summit in Switzerland has turned out to be a flop. If, as was widely reported, it was intended to demonstrate the world’s support for Kyiv and highlight Russia’s international isolation the jamboree did the opposite. Russia wasn’t invited and China didn’t bother to turn up. The other BRICS countries plus the UAE – refused to sign the watered-down final communiqué which gives the impression that all along this conflict has been a proxy war waged by NATO for the purpose of weakening Rusia, fought on Ukrainian soil and paid for in Ukrainian and Russian blood.
According to a former senior member of Zelensky’s administration, Ukraine’s leader had ‘hoped the conference would mark a new benchmark of international support… [but] it just showed how badly we have lost the support in the Global South’. Take Brazil’s President, Lula da Silva. He was one of the first world leaders to condemn Russia’s invasion, yet in Switzerland he accused Vladimir Putin and Zelensky of ‘enjoying the war… otherwise they would have already sat and talked and tried to find a peaceful solution’. In the end, 78 countries signed the final four-point communique which called for Ukraine’s territorial integrity to be the ‘basis’ of a future peace, down from Zelensky’s original ten points which were supported only by the US and the EU.
Though the Kremlin is always eager to claim that the decline in support for Ukraine is due to Putin's polititical acumen, for practically every country and global bloc outside NATO, economic and strategic self-interest has trumped principles. The EU was quick to take the lead on sanctions, but hasn’t banned Russian oil, merely capping the price at $60 a barrel rather than $73 for Urals crude. Europe never sanctioned Russian gas and continues to import 15 per cent of its liquefied natural gas from Russia.
The US State Department continues to forbid Ukraine from using long-range weaponry inside Russia (missile launch sites excepted). Kyiv was recently told to stop attacking Russian oil refinery capacity in order to avoid causing an oil crisis for the developed world. Donald Trump, meanwhile, recently said he’d veto more aid to Ukraine. ‘Zelensky is probably the greatest salesman of all living politicians,’ he declared. ‘Whenever he comes to our country, he leaves it with $60 billion… And then he comes back and says he needs another $60 billion.’
Trump is often accused of being crass and insensitive but he seems to be understating his case here. A more honest description of Zelensky would perhaps be 'The World's Greatest Grifter', given the total value of gifts and grants in military aid (much of which has been sold on to third parties,) based on his incredible claims that Ukraine has a chance of winning the war.
As things stand the Global South wants to continue importing Ukrainian grain and
cheap Russian oil. India’s economy has been boosted by a large increase
in imports of Russian crude, much of which is re-exported back to Europe
as refined petrol. Turkey imports Russian gas and re-exports it to
southern Europe, and maintains large agriculture and consumer trade. The
UAE has become a hub for sanctions-busting banking services for Russian corporations and oligarchs. Obviously the majority of the planet would rather do business with Russia than support the Ukie goons.
So here we are 28 months into the war and Moscow still occupies 16% of Ukrainian territory, which corresponds to the Russian speaking provinces of Ukraine, and seems intent only on holding its gains rather that conquering the entire nation and marching on through the whole of Europe to The Atlantic Coast as many warmongers in Western politics and media have alleged in their efforts to urge direct military involement by NATO - an escalation which would certainly become global war very quickly.
Meanwhile a negotiated peace along the lines of the one poposed by Turkey's President Erdogan in April 2022 and vetoed by US President 'Dementia Joe' Biden seems as far away as ever, with Biden, in a recent speech, stating “A lasting peace for Ukraine must be underwritten by Ukraine’s own ability to defend itself now, and to deter future aggression anytime in the future.” Dememtia Joe then gave another boost to the forever war camp by pledging that the U.S. is going to help ensure Ukraine can do both.
The big quesion is how can the damage done to the region be repaired when the war eventually does end with the inevitable defeat and collapse of Ukraine. First of all Ukraine will need to institute a major repopulation program as those men who didn’t manage to escape their country are being decimated and maimed.
Millions of Ukrainian women who have settled across Europe would somehow need to be enticed back and given incentives to have large families. It is difficult to see how this could be accomplished when so many of those women have found husbands and partners, and better lifestyles, in the west.
The energy infrastructure will need to be totally reconstructed before the country can begin to rebuild its industrial base. And don’t forget the 16% that is Russian territory again is the most valuable land in terms of natural resources and compromises much of Ukraine’s industrial base, is growing by the day.
It is also expected that the country will default on its international debts when they become due next month.
If only they had gone along with the very faourable settlement that was on the table 2 years ago, and even better if they had not succumbed to the political interference from USA in 2014, prior to which they were a true, if imperfect, democracy rather than the US designed dictatorship that they are today.
NATO (“committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes”) has now been blessed with an uptake in members, before which its justification as a relic of WWII could/should have been called into question, especially since the fall of USSR. However, many countries simply view NATO as a cheap alternative to financing national military forces.
Now NATO wants to massively expand despite, or because of, its total failure alongside USA in the proxy war against Russia, but as the full name of the bloc is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the reasons offtered for trying to recruit to membership central Asian nations like Kazakhstan which is over 2000 miles from the Atlantic ocean are lacking credibility and it is understandable that Moscow sees such moves as hostile.
Many of us are tired of hearing how Russia is the enemy when Russia has clearly demonstrated that it has neither any desire nor any intention to attack European countries, despite the ongoing provocation from all our ruling politicians.
Ukraine had the choice to remain neutral and quite simply not to apply for NATO membership. Just what is so wrong about remaining a neutral country? And Zelensky promised peace, which was why he was elected President. Now he is no longer a legitimate president and continues as a dictator having canceled the elections due at the end of his legitimate term in office, and even recently outlawing another Ukrainian political party. All of which makes attempts to brand Putin a dictator seem like a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Will Commodities Be The New Reserve Currency As The Death Knell Of The Dollar Sounds?
Many respected economists and market analysts who favour the free markets approach concur that we are heading towards a new economic reality that will see the collapse of the US$ as the default reserve currency, to be replaced not by any other fiat currency such as the Euro or the Renminbi, but by a system in which commodities are the
primary denominator of value. Should this turn out to be the case we can expect an acceleration of the shift in geopolitical power from west to East.
We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.
Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...
Russia Just Sent out a Message NATO Should Better Listen To
The key paragraph from the latest official Russian naval doctrine is that Putin and his military advisers have sent a clear message that NATO encroachment is unacceptable. To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this, The Daily Stirrer and many other alternative media news and analysis sites have been warning for about two years that Obama's foreign policy was making conflict inevitable.
What Putin Wants
China Warns U.S. to Stop Its Ukrainian Proxy War Against Russia
The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela
India's Ruling BJP Party Crushed In Regional Poll
Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Oil Collapse Is All About Obama's Proxy War With Russia.
G77 Nations vow to destroy petrodollar and America’s New World Order
American Dollar Dumped
Iran's Oil and the US Dollar
Money From Rock Better Than Money From Air
Currency Wars
Will Commodities Be The New Reserve Currency As The Death Knell Of The Dollar Sounds?
Many respected economists and market analysts who favour the free markets approach concur that we are heading towards a new economic reality that will see the collapse of the US$ as the default reserve currency, to be replaced not by any other fiat currency such as the Euro or the Renminbi, but by a system in which commodities are the
primary denominator of value. Should this turn out to be the case we can expect an acceleration of the shift in geopolitical power from west to East.
We The Good Guys Versus They The Bad Guys Reporting Does Not Make Sense For The Ukraine Crisis
Mainstream media reporting of the conflict in Ukraine has disappointed. Perhaps I was naive to suppose that lessons might have been learned from the hits their print sales and online traffic rates took as a result of their handling the COVID pandemic But instead of focusing on the most obviously newsworthy aspect of the build up to and escalation of the war, Russia’s view of NATO expansion into Ukraine and even further to Georgia and Kazakhstan, news reports have simply demonised Russia and portrayed Ukraine as the good guys.
Europe's Depleted Gas Storage Might Not Get Refilled Ahead Of Next Winter
While mainstream news reporting of the conflict in Ukraine continues to pump out a torrent of anri - Russia, pro - war propaganda the catastropic effects of this war that could so easily have been avoided are not mentioned. Well why would warmongering governments admit they have inflicted an energy crisis, food shortages and soaring living costs on their people for no good reason ...
Russia Just Sent out a Message NATO Should Better Listen To
The key paragraph from the latest official Russian naval doctrine is that Putin and his military advisers have sent a clear message that NATO encroachment is unacceptable. To be honest, there is nothing earth shattering in this, The Daily Stirrer and many other alternative media news and analysis sites have been warning for about two years that Obama's foreign policy was making conflict inevitable.
What Putin Wants
China Warns U.S. to Stop Its Ukrainian Proxy War Against Russia
The World Rejects USA Attempt To Manipulate Venezuela
India's Ruling BJP Party Crushed In Regional Poll
Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Fact: Oil Collapse Is All About Obama's Proxy War With Russia.
G77 Nations vow to destroy petrodollar and America’s New World Order
American Dollar Dumped
Iran's Oil and the US Dollar
Money From Rock Better Than Money From Air
Currency Wars
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The only surprisingly sensible policy proposed by Starmer is to accelerate repairs to our roads. Yet how a Labour Government would fund such a project is not clear. Promises, promises!!
According to their campaign [ropaganda all the main Parties want to do is to further bankupt us and destroy our businesses with their groupthink obsession of achieving Net Zero and hang the economic consequences; never mind that it will make not the slightest difference to the world’s climate.
Nor do we want them to increasingly oversee our personal health and safety. We can look after ourselves thank you very much without resorting to the banning of smoking, drinking, vaping or any other occupation or activity which the self-appointed rulers (closet tyrants) deem to be an unacceptable danger.
We need a government that promises to get off our backs yet Conservatives and Labour can only promise more and more laws, more regulatory bodies and more obstacles put in the way of actually getting things done.
This is not a new problem of course. 2000byears ago this was being written:“The worse the state, the more laws it has”. ( Cornelius Tacticus cAD55-116.)
And as the two main parties, lacking ideas about how to actually solve ourproblems, attempt to scare people into voting for them by demonising the opposition, I am often reminded of a comment made by the American political commentator, H L Mencken, in the 1930s:“The fundamental art of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”.
We in the UK have seen chip on the shoulder socialism big time from the devolved governments in Scotland and Wales,beautiful areas of the country where the so called "rich" reside, are searched out by the lefties in our wonderful Parliament to be devastated by grotesque housing estates portable buildings hair brained "improvement scheme's"that improve nothing except the salaries of bureaucrats whp administer the mess.
( Wasn't it Abraham Lincoln who said that we can't make the poor richer by making the rich poorer? )